tv The Kelly File FOX News June 25, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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the right place at the right time, while some say hillary clinton's response could have been sharper. we have fox team coverage. correspondent jennifer griffin reports on how brexit could be a problem for clinton. but senior national correspondent john roberts begins our coverage from scotland. where donald trump saw the vote as an endorsement of his policies. good evening, john. >> donald trump's trip to scotland was supposed to be all about business, but it quickly became all about politics, in a way that may give him a boost back home. it was a trip giving republican leaders fits. ill-timed and unnecessary, they said. in true fashion trump found himself in exactly the right place at the right time on the right side of the issue. >> i saw this happening. i could read what was happening here. >> whether it was blind luck, the brexit vote gave trump the opportunity to say he has his
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finger on the pulse against global populism and hillary clinton and barack obama completely misread what was going on. >> he came in and tried to convince people to stay. and i thought it was inappropriate and she doubled down and she did the same thing. and obviously for the 219th time, they were wrong. they're always wrong and that's the problem with them. >> the fears that stoked the brexit of open borders, and uncontrolled migration, fed into what trump has been selling for a year now. about the need for a massive overhaul of immigration policy and border security. >> you're taking your country back, you're going to let people that you want into your country and people that you don't want, or people that you don't think are going to be appropriate for your knt, our good for your country, you're not going to have to take. >> in neighboring ireland, vice president joe biden today warned that immigrants are being made convenient scapegoats for the anxiety that's gripped the world about terrorism, economic unease
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and other global ills. >> all this provides fertile terrain for reactionary politicians and demagogues, peddling xenophobia. >> trump acknowledged in the near-term the brexit could be difficult. the plunging pound, turmoil in the stock market. in the long run, he said people will be better served by shrugging off the status quo. >> my opinion is that what happened should have happened and i think they'll end up being stronger for it and they'll control their country and they'll control everything about their country. >> what trump is really say something that reward is rarely realized without taking some significant risk and that if nations continue to do the same thing again and again, nothing will ever change. it's a message he's going to take back to the united states, knowing he now has some powerful backing. chris? >> john roberts with the trump campaign in scotland. john thank you. on the democratic side, the vote
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in britain could be trouble for hillary clinton. but she's got bigger problems over the continuing issue of transparency. still. as correspondent jennifer griffin reports, democratic opponent bernie sanders gave clinton a boost today. >> hillary clinton aides downplayed comparisons to the populist anti-immigrant vote to leave the eu and suggestion it is may portend well here in the u.s. for donald trump. >> so it's important that we recognize that this american election is about what is happening here in america, not what's happening in yorkshire or in cardiff. >> arguing instead, the economic fallout from the british decision require as steady hand, that of clinton, not trump. >> rather than get the facts, he just makes things up or makes basic factual errors. he tweeted that scotland was quote going wild over the vote. even though scotland voted overwhelmingly against leaving the eu. donald trump's just not concerned with the facts of
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these cases. >> clinton released this measured statement nearly ten hours after the brexit results came in. quote we respect the choice the people of the united kingdom have made. our first task has to be to make sure that the economic uncertainty created by these events does not hurt workinging families here in america. a voter bloc that she's had a hard time winning over if her primary challenger, bernie sanders, who still hasn't endorsed clinton, but hinted he might. >> are you going to vote for hillary clinton in november? >> yes. yeah, i think the issue right here is i'm going to do everything i can to defeat donald trump. >> clinton continues to be dogged by questions about her private email server. and why she did not provide all of her emails to the state department. in a new report, the "associated press" found at least 75 meetings with political donors and long-time clinton foundation contributors, omitted from her official state department
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calendar. clinton's press secretary says the revelations are not new and the discrepancy of calendar notes merely reflected a more detailed schedule of the calendar it raises more questions about how she and her staff handled official government records. chris? house republicans laid out plans today for a simpler tax code. speaker paul ryan unveiled the final installment of the gop's agenda. the tax plan would slash rates by 20% for businesses, and 33% for individuals. one thing the plan doesn't do is line up totally with ideas from the gop's presumptive nominee, donald trump. entirely preventible, that's how one cdc official described flint's water crisis. according to a report from the center force disease control, blood levels in the city's children under the age of six rose significantly after the city switched from detroit's water system to the flint river. the cdc report comes a day after
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the gun debate in congress remains deadlocked two weeks after the shooting in orlando. the senate blocked five gun measures this week. and house democrats gave up after a 26-hour sit-in on the house floor. but while washington is gridlocked over guns, some states are voting on measures of their own. senior correspondent adam housley reports from los angeles. >> pushed by democratic lieutenant governor gavin newsom, the gun control initiative in california, called safety for all includes six provisions, which if passed
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would be among the toughest in the nation. background checks for all ammunition purchases, a ban on magazines for ten rounds and licensing of ammunition vendors. >> the gun in itself has never killed anyone. what about the initiative. >> the initiative would mandate the reporting of lost or stolen guns and force convicted felons and those with violent misdemeanors to relinquish guns after a conviction. >> the only guns we're taking are guns out of the hands of convicted felons. >> but opponents say newsom is using the gun debate to help his gubernatorial bid and new regulation was overwhelm law enforcement and courts. >> ask a judge how overburdened our courts are. how we have unfunded liabilities that are already lost. things that are supposed to be done and the courts can't get them done. >> california isn't the only state trying to tighten its gun laws, hawaii this week became the first state to add gun owners to an fbi database which
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will notify police if they are arrested elsewhere in the country. >> one of our hawaii gun owners is arrested, we want to know what that crime is. >> and then monitor it, if it's necessary. >> critics argue since gun ownership is a constitutional right, uncle sam shouldn't be keeping a database on those who follow the law. >> the wrap-back issue violates the 1986 regulation, the federal regulation of no database on firearms owners, we're very disappointed and the likelihood is quite high that it will require legal action. >> the statewide gun initiative here in the golden state qualified for the november ballot after supporters collected 600,000 signatures it needs a simple majority vote in order to pass. chris? >> adam, thank you. a second u.s. navy commander is out, as the navy doles out punishment over the capture of ten american sailors by iran. captain kyle moses was relieved
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of his duties and reassigned. he was responsible for the sailors who wandered into iranian territory in january. iran held them for 15 hours, subjecting them to humiliation on camera before releasing them back to the u.s. the squadron commander was already fired and disciplined for seven other sailors is still under review. families looking for summer fun in texas face a new danger -- ten beaches along the gulf coast are under a safety advisory, not over sharks or even jellyfish. as correspondent casey steagall reports, the very real threat there, is a flesh-eating bacteria. >> the beach is a summer staple. a place to soak up the sun and maybe catch a wave. but something is lurking in the water here that can lead to serious health concerns. >> the doctor in the emergency room said it was a flesh-eating virus. >> 50-year-old brian parrot went
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in the water off the coast of galveston for father's day weekend. days later, he wound up in the intensive care unit. his leg, looking like this -- >> i'm wanting to know if he's going to live. >> the married father of three had to have part of his leg amputated as doctors work to nail down the specific pathogen he picked up. >> the flesh-eating bacteria is common in salt and brackish water. it's more likely to occur if somebody with a preexisting health condition. >> aside from being diabetic, physicians believe parrot also had a cut on his leg. and that's how the bacteria entered his body. some 200 miles down the coast in port aransus, texas yet another man became infected this week. officials believe they'll be able to save his leg, but adrian ruiz remains in a local hospital. being pumped with iv antibiotics. >> we ask people to pray.
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because that's, they'll get him through. >> back in the galveston area near houston, elevated bacteria levels have been discovered at 10 of the city's 52 beaches, signs have gone up warning folks to enter the water at their own risk. doctors say the bacteria that causes flesh-eating diseases is actually quite common this time of year. however, it is rare for humans to become infected. chris? >> casey, thank you. the fallout from brexit. our panel weighs in, next.
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our history as our independence day! >> that was nigel faraj, one of the leaders of the brexit movement reacting very differently from the leaders of britain and the u.s. to the big vote. let's bring in our panel, steve hayes of the "weekly standard," david cottony, from "u.s. news and world report" and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. big picture, steve. what does this mean for britain, for europe and for the economy? >> well i think it's neither the case that the sky is falling now. in britain, but it's also not the case that the sun will shine 365 days a year over london. it's a little bit of both. there will no doubt be short-term economic implications, there's a real possibility that a recession could result. i think depending on how abrupt the changes are implemented. but over the long-term in ten
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years, it's hard to see how this will have a significant impact on britain and its economy when things stabilize and normalize, on what i think will likely be a difficult transition period. >> and what will the impact be for europe? >> well the impact for europe, i think is more troubling for, if you believe in the eu, this is a blow to the eu, no question about it. i mean britain is the fifth largest economy in the world. carried huge power, helped the eu reach its compacts, gave it sort of force that i think it will lack to a certain extent without britain as part of it. >> i want to talk about this, i've been setting the history. the idea of a unified europe, really sprang out of world war ii and the idea that in just a few years, a few decades we've had two world wars and the idea was that if had you a unified europe it would end some of
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those nationalistic divisions, it would end war, it would create more economic clout and the recovery in europe from the war that had torn it apart. what happens now? >> i think it was fascinating to see the difference between the interviews with some of the people in the rural areas, working-class people who complained about not being able to get a doctor appointment. you know, complaining about the effects of immigration in their local areas on crime, on education, mirrors a lot of what's going on in this country. i think the most pressing question is -- will this have a cascading effect across europe. you're seeing a lot of foreign ministers saying this isn't going to happen here, but does ireland go next, does scotland? do you see any other movements go on. think that, then, triggers a bigger problem for the eu. there's a question, if the eu can survive without the uk alone. i think if you get a cascading effect of other european
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countries saying hey, they did this, we can, too, that then, becomes a problem. >> charles a lot of people look at the populace revoltth and they say maybe that's what's, well to a certain degree it is, maybe that could cascade and grow here in the united states to the benefit of donald trump. what do you think? >> i think it's too easy a translation. this is a problem that began long before the immigration wave. this is a result of what you talked about, the origins of the eu and how the idea of a very utopian idea and successful for a while, was corrupted. the idea was after the two world wars, the worst in human history, they wanted to create something and they did, that would ultimately reconcile germany and france. that began as a european coal commission, it had to do with
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commerce, it grew to encompass 28 countries and succeeded in the sense that for the first time in 1,000 years, the idea of intraeuropean war was inconceivable. nobody could even imagine germany, france, italy going to war against each other. the problem is that the institution that was created to achieve that, and it is a great achievement, became a bureaucratic monstrosity, which tried to add onto the economic union, a political union that people were never asked for. when they had referendum, it was rejected and the eu would go around it. it created a supernationalist institution which suppressed nationalism. which you can only do for so long and this is the first exit. but the one thing i think that those who revel in this and i understand why the british wanted to do it, it's sort of suppressed and it supplant the their own democracy the most venerable in the world, is that
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i think it will lead to the break-up of the united kingdom. apart from the eu, which i think inevitably will not survive. as a result of this. but scotland wants out. because it wants to be in the european union. and think of northern ireland. it took decades to figure that out. to reconcile them. as of today, if you're in northern ireland. can you walk into the republic of ireland without a passport. it's essentially your country. the minute that britain leaves the eu, that becomes a frontier where you need a passport. the northern irish are going to want to secede and join ireland. i think in ten years you could have a britain that is only wales and england. >> so great britain is no longer great britain. >> i think those who revel in the recovery of the sovereignty of great britain, could discover that it doesn't exist in ten years. >> as we've said, donald trump happened to be in scotland today, a lot of people said it was a bad idea. it turned out to be interesting
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to be there at the time of the brexit vote. he was promoting two of his golf courses, that's the reason he went over. he had some interesting reactions to brexit. take a look. >> they want to be able to have a country again. soy think you're going to have this happen more and more. i really believe that. i think it's happening in the united states. if the pound goes down, a they're going to do more business, when the pound goes down, more people are coming to turnberry, frankly. >> how does this play into the trump campaign? >> i think he had a real opportunity here. to make a case about the perils -- and i think there are some parallels, to be sure. but he didn't take that opportunity. he spoke about brexit for less than a minute. he spoke about his golf courses for more than ten minutes. he talked about the benefits, potential benefits of turnberry, if the economy turns south. in britain. which is probably not the really the right argument to be making. at the same time he blamed the whole thing on barack obama having come out for britain remaining as part of the eu.
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it shows a tin ear. i don't think he took advantage of an opportunity that was gifted to him. >> briefly, david, the fact is there are some common themes here, populace movement, grassroots, anti-establishment, anti-immigration. the winners and losers as a result of globalism. that does track with donald trump's platform. >> the parallels are blairing and they're impossible to ignore today. but i think you know, given what charles said, i sort of agree with his point that, you know, our impulse as reporters is to make this the biggest event because it's happening today and there's all of these great parallels, but there's a lot of differences as far as an election, we've got an electoral college in this country that will determine trump's fate. the second thing is how does trump explain this, if this does tank our economy. and hit our 401(k)s for months on end? if this does become an american crisis, is he going to say he was taking credit for it,
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many, many people want to be vice president. it's very interesting. i get calls from people i want to be, i want to be. >> i'm looking at the most qualified people and that includes women, of course, because i want to be sure that whoever i pick could be president immediately if something were to happen. that's the most important qualification. >> donald trump and hillary clinton both playing the big parlor game in politics between now and their conventions and we're back now with our panel for the friday lightning round. well, as i say, it's friday and we like to go today. i love this when bret sets it to a place we call candidate casino. i screwed that up. didn't i? okay. you each get $100. i have never done this before, as you can tell. $100 in chips that you say who you are going to place
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it. let's start with the democrats, steve you talk so i can stop talking. >> we all get carried away. this is fun. i got $25 on senator tim kaine. is he my frontrunner. elizabeth warren gets 20. castro gets 10. petraeus gets 10 and 15 on the field. >> it's like you are betting on red and black. you are betting on everybody. >> of course. i should have spread it out further. the question for me is if hillary clinton goes with safe and stable choice or plays identity or interest group politic campaign. her campaign is projecting safe and stable. i think that's where she ends up. >> she goes safe and stable. she doesn't need identity politics. she is identity politics. i have $75 on tim kaine. checks all the boxes, governor, senator, mayor, speaks spanish and from virginia. how you can beat that $20 on julian castro still in the mix. hispanic thing is a box checking exercise, i think but takes away from her experience.
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senator elizabeth warren who is campaigning with her on monday. progressive dream but i don't think she would ever be chosen. >> charles? >> tim kaine and a couple of lefties. [ laughter ] >> what are you screwing with me today? okay. i have got to say i kind of agree with you on tim kaine. >> wow. that was really. >> the fact that we all have him as a lead means it almost certainly won't happen. >> let's do the republicans. >> we need bret. bret, come back. >> i have got $20 on bob corker. he is my front runner. then 10 on newt gingrich. jeff sessions. tim scott, john thune and $10 on mike flynn, the former head of the defense intelligence agency if trump wants to go with a national security candidate. >> there is somebody out in the newsroom you haven't put money on. in any case, david, give us clarity. >> a lot harder than hillary's. newt at the top at 40. sessions at $30. an advisor keeps floating
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sessions. he is -- trump mainly a son on capitol hill. michael flynn, attorney general. >> two michael flynns. >> i thought that was my long shot. >> he has set he wants generals on there. 20 on him and mary fall lynn $10 because a female from oklahoma although i think it's unlikely. >> i'm scared to say it but charles? >> gingrich out front as he should be. christie and brown second and third and then i'm back to drink. i'm back to wine, women, and song, but this time i pay $10 in sterling. >> sterling isn't worth as much as it used to be. you get more sterling. >> i'm putting less. >> you are going to go to turn bree and play trump at trump's golf course. >> if sterling crashes, bree will do really well. >> i'm happy for that one. winners and losers of the week. >> my winner is kim strofl
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of the "wall street journal" who is out this week with a fantastic new book called "the intimidation game." how the left, how progressives have sought to shut down debate when they can't win debate. it has the full story of the irs scandal it is a terrific book. too many people use the phrase must read. this is an actual must read. i would buy it i would already have it. >> if they hadn't given it to you, you would buy it. >> correct. >> your loser? >> my loser is elliot ingle democrat from new york said in the context of the gun debate i think the isis issue while alarm something basically irrelevant. >> david? >> my winner is corey lewandowski, freed from managing an unmanageable candidate. he has a katyushay -- cushy job paid half a million dollars for. and he gets credit for trump's primary win but not responsible for the loss. my loser is carlos bruef the
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remaining republican in the senate race against marco rubio. one poll showed him down 50 points in the primary. >> charles, can do you your winners and losers in 30 seconds? >> yes. loser marilyn mosby the baltimore prosecutor. she lost her third case in a row prosecuting the freddie gray case. she is disgracing herself and her job with unwinnable prosecutions with zero evidence. the winner of the week is vladimir putin. your honor is the beginning of the end of the eu. without eu resistance. without europe resisting, there will be little to stop him on his march to expand russia. >> that's it for the panel. but stay tuned to see how cleveland celebrated its victory in the nba championship. it's beyond wor
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finally tonight. we can't let this week pass without noting the cleveland cavalier's victory in the nba finals. folks were so excited about the win, well, some of them were speechless. ♪ >> everyone loves a parade. and that's never been more true than it is in cleveland today. tell us about the scene there what are you seeing? >> well, they haven't had a championship in 50 years. thank you for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special
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report." please join me this weekend for "fox news sunday." we have the latest on wrin's vote to leave the eu and talk possible trump running mate newtfinn-ish? thanks for watching, everyone. see you monday. welcome to "hannity." and tonight, britain breaks free of the european union, sending shockwaves all across the world. now, in a historic 52% to 48% vote, the people of the united kingdom chose to take back their national sovereignty in a strong rebuke against the global ruling elite. earlier today while visiting his golf course in scotland, donald trump praised the decision. let's take a look. >> people want to take their country back. they want to have independence, in a sense. and you see it with europe, all over europe. you're going to have more than just, in my
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