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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  June 29, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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a 3 foot alligator. thank you so much for joining us this morning. of course, more on the developments from turkey throughout the day. stay with us. >> "fox & friends" starts now. good wednesday morning to you and your family. it's june 29th. i'm ainsley earhardt. breaking news inside the terror attack in istanbul. >> we are, and then despite the carnage, our secretary of state, john kerry, continues to push the narrative that isis is actually losing. >> and if you're desperate and if you know you're losing and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously you do some harm. >> desperate and losing. should we expect more attacks because the terrorists are on
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the downswing. talk about it? >> what do they do if they're winning. in the wake of the attack, donald trump says we have to be stronger. >> you have to fight fire with fire. we have to fight so viciously and violently because we're dealing with violent people. >> well, you just heard it. is that the kind of leadership we need. think about that for a second. "fox & friends" starts right now. thanks, everybody, for joining us on this very busy wednesday. we're going to start with that fox news alert on this wednesday morning. breaking news this morning. pointing to another isis inspired attack at the airport in istanbul, turkey. it is europe's third busiest airport. the carnage playing out in real time. the video captures the moment two of the bomb vests were detonated by the people wearing them. >> as you look at it from a
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different angle, you can see the people there running for their lives. before that bomb went off three suspect the terrorists reportedly arriving at the istanbul airport storming the security gates with assault rifles and then detonating those bombs. 36 are dead. more than 140 are injured. originally starting the departures area but stopped at security. >> this is the most vivid video we've seen. here you see one of the terrorists walking around firing his rifle. a security officer appears to shoot him. you see him fall to the floor. he drops the gun. that officer walking over to apprehend the terrorist quickly running for cover before the terrorist can detonate his vest and that vest explodes. watch. meanwhile, here at home airports ramping up security. new york, new jersey, washington d.c. and los angeles to name a few. the attacks come amid chilling
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warnings that more could be on the horizon. >> let's go to john honey who is on the road to the airport in istanbul. john, what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, steve, ainsley, we are on the road. to set the scene for you. we arrived at the asian side of istanbul. we're headings to the european side. that is where the attack happened last night. it's been slow going. we've been on the road about an hour and a half. we got in about 7:45. the flight was delayed an hour and we took it out of ben gurion. limited flights, i believe. i'm waiting for more information as far as that goes, but we are on our way there. you guys really went through it. you mentioned it, 36 dead. more than 140 others wounded in
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last night's attack. three attackers opening fire at police trying to get into the international terminal there at attaturk and then detonating their explosive belts, vests, whatever they were wearing and of course the dramatic video. you first see one of the explosions. it appears to be outside. according to police it was outside the terminal near the parking lot and then you see that incredible video from inside the terminal where one of the attackers is opening fire. he's shot by police and then about 20 seconds later he detonates that explosive belt. quickly, you guys, turkish officials, no group has claimed responsibility but they do believe this was the work of isis. isis has launched other attacks in istanbul including two recent suicide attacks along with kurdish militants. they believe this was the work of isis. >> john, as you get closer we'll continue to look at what you have as you get closer to the
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airport. meanwhile, giraldo rivera is in jerusalem. you think there's some type of connection between what's going on between israel and turkey? >> reporter: i do, brian. good morning to you, steve and to ainsley. it is to me hard to overlook the coincidence that just earlier this week, maybe 48 hours ago, turkey and israel announced that they were restoring diplomatic relations, relations that had been severed following an israeli commando raid on a turkish relief vessel attempting to go into the gaza strip. so after six bitter years, the prime ministers announced that israel was restoring diplomatic relations and as part of that deal restoring direct flights between israel and turkey. also as turkey, a very uncertain partner in our war against isis,
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was trying to reach out to israel, turkey also was reaching out to russia, another enemy of isis saying that they were sorry for shooting down that russian jet you might recall just about 6, 7 months ago. so president erdogan has allowed his country to be a superhighway for isis recruits going from europe to the rest of the world and into syria and also allowing that tidal wave of migrants to go from syria to turkey. many stayed right in turkey. turkey now has become -- they've had something like nine attacks in the last 12 months so they now are a hot bed of isis activity and isis cells. so i think it is entirely possible that erdogan's
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looseness had prompted this attack. they've just reported that attack has resulted in 36 people dead, 13 of them foreigners, scores of others injured. god knows how many of those severely, how many of those will pass away. but i think turkey is in for a rough period and really as long as the isis viper's nest continues in syria and iraq, you can expect many, many more of these horrifying attacks. >> you mentioned the refugees. a lot of these have been concerned. if we allow them in, this type of thing could be happening more and more in the u.s. let's talk about the response of secretary of state john kerry. he was speaking in aspen in colorado commenting on what happened and he's continuing that narrative that he's continued to spread that isis is desperate and that isis is
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losing. many people disagree with that. let's listen to what he said first yesterday and then we're going to pop this together with sound bites he said back in march. take a listen. >> yes, you can bomb an airport, you can blow yourself up. and if you're desperate and if you know you're losing and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously do some harm. as the drag net begins to close in in various places around the world, unfortunately we may see some more attacks, but as a whole daesh is being decimated. their leadership is being eliminated from the battlefield. and the very reason that daesh is resorting to actions outside the middle east is that its fantasy of a caliphate is collapsing, its revenue sources are dwindling and its fighters are fleeing.
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>> giraldo, daesh is isis in arabic. >> reporter: they hate that term. >> in their minds they're winning. they think if we go in and we blow them up then we have succeeded? >> reporter: i think first of all, ainsley, secretary kerry is trying to make a silk purse out of a osusow's ear. it seems to me if you don't eliminate the isis base where they can plan and plot and equip and support the cells that are in turkey, if you don't wipe out the queen bee and their source of all their support, then you're going to have many, many more of these. and to in some contorted way say that the worse the news, the better the news, reminds me a lot of vietnam in how they used
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to say these are desperate acts of a failing enemy. we all know how that one turned out. i think that -- a lot of things. i think that president obama's confession that the libyan mess is something he did not think out is something that is profoundly important to me as is the tepid and only now barely escalating fight against isis in syria and iraq. why we didn't use massive military power when they were cutting our people's heads off and drowning and putting people on fire i have no earthly idea. it seems to me like secretary kerry is being way, way drunk generally optimistic. >> right. he put 100 special ops to assist taking out an enemy that is our enemy, not turkey's enemy, not russia's enemy, it's not even assad's enemy. isis is our enemy yet we don't
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fight them. >> reporter: well, i believe, brian, that donald trump is right. if russia wants to kill isis, let russia kill isis. >> but they're not bombing isis. they're not bombing isis. they're bombing rebels to help assad. >> reporter: i think that -- while some of that is true, what is also true is that the turkish army has not been employed against any of these sunni islamic extremist groups. now erdogan will use the turkish army to seal his damn border. the curkurds is a whole other problem that has resulted in plenty of violence.
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>> giraldo, reportedly erdogan's son is buying the oil from isis to sustain the treasury. >> reporter: brian, i have been extremely critical of erdogan when president obama was in paris for the climate summit and he had just spoke to erdogan and talked about an 80 mile gap back in november after following the paris terrorist attacks. turkey has been -- with friends like this, who needs enemies. now this shock. this is a horrible, horrible act and airports around the world have to be vigilant and no security is going to stop this. this is a very formidable existential enemy. if you have people, you saw it in the graphic video you opened the program with, where you have a guy who shoth and is writhing in pain and he still has the presence of mind to detonate his explosive device taking innocent
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lives with him, when you have that kind of commitment you have to be ruth lgs in your fight against them. >> this is just another sobering environment that the tempo of these attacks is not diminishing. >> happy ramadan. >> how many more do we have to see before we get the message. >> that's right. a little different mess san than what john kerry is putting out there. giraldo rivera joining us. thank you. meanwhile, how are the presidential candidates reacting? donald trump as we heard giraldo reveal coming out strong. >> you have to fight fire with fire. we have to fight so viciously and violently because we're dealing with violent people. >> that's an accurate message. now trump's own republican party is taking the opportunity in 1078 cases to attack him once again.
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a trump surrogate to respond to the latest anti-trump stance next. we told you about this parrot being called in a murder trial because he keeps saying this. >> don't [ bleep ]. >> this morning that parrot joins ainsley. ...but real joyful moments are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. ♪ reddi-wip. share the joy.
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you have to fight fire with fire. we have to fight so viciously
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and violently because we're dealing with violent people. >> fox news alert, donald trump reacting strongly to the terror in istanbul, turkey. is that the kind of response we need from a leader. here is john doral. he's a trump surrogate. good morning. >> good morning. >> we heard john kerry say they're desperate and losing, isis. in the meantime you have donald trump saying we've got to be tough. who's right? >> donald trump. i mean, we have to be tough. you have to fight fire with fire. would he need a strong leader. we need a strong president. that's exactly who donald trump is going to be. >> here's what hillary clinton said. she issued a statement about today's terror attack in istanbul only strengthens our resolve to defeat the forces of terrorism and radical jihadism around the world. do you think if she was elected president we'd wind up with a
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president clinton much in the same form as president obama who refuses to accept that it's radical islam? >> absolutely. and, you know, the reality is when the phone rings at 3:00 a.m., donald trump is going to answer that phone. hillary clinton won't be there. we need a strong leader. that's what we need. >> why do you say she wouldn't answer the phone? >> because she didn't in the past. you know, history is history and hillary clinton likes to say a lot of things, whether it's about our, you know, foreign policy, about terrorism, about our domestic economy. she has a track record and it's a track record of failure. we need someone who is going to put americans first, put american workers first, put americans back to work, someone who is going to stand up for america, someone who is going to put us in a place again where we have the respect of the world. only when the united states has been strong has there been world order and that's what we need. we need to make america strong again. we need to put americans back to work and then we can take our
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place as, you know, we were the world's police. that's when the world was safest. we're not even safe at home anymore. this is concerning. we need to do something about this. it's time for action. >> let's see. john jay lavalle, supporter of donald trump. >> big time. >> thank you. >> thank you. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. check out this sign. welcome to hell police and firefighters. don't get paid. whoever comes to rio will not be safe. the story behind this olympic welcome committee coming up. plus, america's favorite drill sergeant is back. >> you will not laugh. you will not cry. you will learn by the numbers. i will teach you. now get up. get on your feet. >> we are locked and loaded for a brand-new season for "gunnytime." he's reporting for duty next.
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good morning to you. 24 minutes after the hour and some headlines to bring you. an urgent search intensifying this hour for crew members missing after a head-on collision between two trains. black smoke filling the air for miles and miles forcing people in homes near panhandle, texas, to now evacuate. the video capturing the moments after impact. box cars falling like dominos erupting into a blazing inferno. authorities believe that three missing crew members are trapped underneath the rubble there. a fourth person jumping for his life is now in the hospital. for the first time in decades the eu is meeting without brittain thanks to the controversial brexit vote. this at the same time as president obama is heading to
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canada for the so-called three a amigos visit. those are your headlines. you know him as a tough as nails drill sergeant from the movie "full medal jacket." >> if you ladies leave my island, if you survive you will be a weapon. you will be a minister of death praying for war, but until that day you are pukes. you are the lowest form of life on earth. >> that was a motivational speech. now arley ermy is back with a brand-new season of "gunnytime" with more fire power. >> it's gunnytime. get some! >> here with us now is former marine and show host arely ermy. better known as gunny. >> semper fi, guys.
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we have to stop with this. >> you have to stop with the new channels and shows. >> as long as i'm healthy, i'm going to march. the new show is great. last year we won the golden moose award which was for best new show. >> right. >> so anyway, we were pretty proud of that. we went full speed into it this year. this year is better. we've had the show eight, nine years, this is the tenth year. >> whenever it is on i'll stop and watch it. gunny, what you see other than you shooting stuff? >> oh, well we blow stuff up, too, you know? i mean, we don't just narrow it right down. we fly the airplanes, we shoot the guns, we drive the tanks and if we can't fly it, drive it or shoot it, hell, we blow it up. >> the key is, on some of the shows you actually know what you're doing and you've got
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people around you that -- >> i retired from the marine corps. you have to understand, you can't just loly gag your lull butt with cameras and start shooting stuff. they get upset with you. i always when we want to do an m 1 marine battle tank, the first call i make is to the marine corps because those are my roots. >> bring in the experts? >> sure. those are my roots and i'll always offer it up to the marine corps first and if the marine corps can't work it into their schedule then i'll go to the army and then i'll go to the navy. >> sure. >> we just were on this vessel right here, macon island, "u.s.s.macon island." when was the last time you spent four or five days on a vessel? >> i want to read for people at home, you have quite a resume. marine vet. you've been in 16 movies, nominated for the golden globe
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for "full medal jacket." a board member of the nra and you're the spokesperson for glock. we've talked about gun control. we had a guest on, brian interviewed her yesterday, it was excellent. she said when they change these laws and they make it tighter, it prevents average folks who are trying to protect their families from getting the guns. the criminals are going to get the guns anyway. >> criminals don't go to the gun shop to buy the guns. let's get this straight right now. the criminals buy their guns off the street and they're guns that are not legal. you can't go into a doggone gun store and walk out with an ak-47, you can't do it. it's against the law in most states.
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look at arizona. you can own a bazooka if you want to. they have signs in arizona driving down the road. you see signs saying, do you have your home protection client in place. >> right. >> if i'm a crook, if i'm a bad guy, where am i going to commit this crime? i'm going to see a gun free zone store before i rob another one that says we don't call 911. you understand that. i mean, people -- these thieves and robbers, they go into a place because they want to rob you. they don't go into a place because they want a gun fight. right? i think everybody should be armed. every normal, logical, level-headed individual should be armed. >> that's what we expect from somebody whose tv show is "gunnytime." >> 7:30 and 11:30. >> twofer. >> thank you very much. >> god bless you.
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>> god bless you. still ahead, hillary clinton says it's time to move on from the benghazi report. what does that say about her character, by the way? judge napolitano with a warning next. and we told you about this parrot called in as a witness in a murder trial because he keeps saying this. >> don't [ bleep ] shoot. >> this morning you're going to get to meet the witness, that parrot, right here live. >> oh, boy.
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>> brian, i share all of your anxiety and i think that the american public has anxiety about the absence of leadership. the last statement was from the attorney general of the united states, we're going to fight terrorism with love. how does that demoralize the men and women, fbi, cia, men and women who are on the front lines. >> secretary of state also said that we as law enforcement officers have to protect 24/7, 365 days a year. all it takes for these terrorists is ten minutes. i'm thinking, we can't afford
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ten minutes because lives are lost. they do need to be protecting 24/7, 365 days. what's scary is this is happening before they get through security. >> yes. which is now a new and dangerous place. three people involved. that probably means that 23 people were involved in the planning. >> hillary clinton put out essentially the same kind of statement she put out in the past not really calling it islamic terror. kind of a generic statement almost discounting it, some have said, on some of the blogs. the way she did with benghazi and yesterday the benghazi report came out from the house republicans and it made it very clear that after four americans died the administration lied. >> you know, "the new york times" this morning and your tweet was fantastic which basically said that hillary was exonerated. i paid for this ad. >> i approved this message. >> i approved this message. >> tongue in cheek.
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>> really points out the ardent wish by the democrats that this go away. it is not going to go away. what was revealed yesterday -- there's two dynamics here, the one that's obvious from the report is that mrs. clinton knew the truth and lied about it, told the truth to her daughter, told the truth to the egyptian foreign minister, lied to the public, lied to the families of the victims as their bodies were being removed in flag draped caskets. >> and is now telling them to move on. >> correct. correct. we also know that the meeting in the white house presided over by mrs. clinton while this was still going on was more about pr -- >> the video? >> -- right than about saving these people. and we also know that the cia warned mrs. clinton about distributing arms to rebel groups in libya because many of those groups were masquerading as rebels, they were really
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terrorists. how could this woman be the commander in chief? how could she be the president? who in the intelligence community would want to work for her after this botched disaster of the war in libya? >> just ask you a question. if you want to make a choice for president, how do they act under pressure? how do they take the 3:00 a.m. call? you see what hillary clinton did, it's 300 pages long. highlight her actions. >> you're going to have congressman jim jordan and mike pompio on in an hour and a half. ask them. they know about this. ask them about hillary's secret war and how she was warned about the dangers of fighting a secret war by giving weapons to monsters. >> all right. judge napolitano, thank you, judge. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. heather joins us with other news. >> good morning, judge. great to have you here as well. remember when the house democrats held a protest refusing to leave the floor acting like a lot of college kids. well, their sit-in didn't sit
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well with some people. now they've been slapped with an ethics complaint. a watchdog group said they violated the ethics rules. the group said lawmakers fund raised around specific legislation by using house resources for political purposes, including sending e-mails. well, one representative even wrote, quote, i'm asking you while sitting here on the house floor. and welcome to hell? that's the sign that brazilian police officers are holding greeting tourists arriving at rio's international airport. the sign going on to say police and firefighters don't get paid. whoever comes to rio will not get paid. the olympics could be a big failure because of the financial crisis and other things going on down there. wrestling fans want to know who is ashleigh lynn and what did she lie about? the strange sign quickly went viral on twitter. we had to help get to the bottom of it. one of the family members
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talking about the ashleigh lynn lied sign from raw tampa, #family dms comesfirst. it's a complicated dispute about money from ashleigh's father that was public. >> very public. >> bizarre. >> thanks, heather. coming up, elizabeth warren claimed she would not get nasty on the campaign trail and then she said this. >> you want to see goofy? look at him in that hat. >> how is that kind of talk playing with the voters? the brand-new dials are off the charts goofy style. and we told you about this parrot called in a murder trial because he keeps saying this. >> don't [ bleep ] shoot. >> this morning you'll get to meet that witness. the parrot that repeats everything he hears. join us live.
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bp drilling teams train in virtual reality simulators in here, so we're better prepared for any situation out there. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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from calling donald trump goofy to laying out hillary clinton's record for dishonesty, the attacks are heating up. by the way, i like to focus on what's working. lee carr does, too. she puts some of these better lines to the dials or more prolific lines. lee, welcome. >> great to be here. >> first to stop will be newt gingrich, our show yesterday. >> hillary clinton lies. hillary clinton lies all the time. she lies about e-mail. she lies about the clinton foundation. she lies about secret meetings in the state department with donors. she lies about deals that are cut. she lies about her speeches to goldman sachs and by the way, she lies about benghazi. this is who she is. if the american people are comfortable with a person that
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dishonest in the white house, she's a formidable candidate. >> he delivers the message crisply. >> republicans, a plus, democrats, f. watch the independence who are more and more tracking with republicans. they gave it a b minus. they don't love attacks but this one is sticking. the fact that she's a liar. the trustworthy issue is a big one for her. continues to be. it's one that we see in the polls. it will be a battle of who is the most untrustworthy. >> also, republicans like newt that much with an a plus they might keep him on. >> elizabeth warren spoke. she goes on attack and couches herself as an attack dog. listen. >> donald trump says he'll make america great again. it's right there. no, it's stamped on the front of his goofy hat. you want to see goofy? look at him in that hat. >> so there you can see democrats gave it a c.
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independents a d and an f. when you cannot attack and get your base excited, that's what happened here. it was a silly attack. everybody said it was childish, wasn't appropriate, it didn't work for her. she needs to be going more at the core which she's also done. she can do better. >> she's channelling her best donald trump and donald trump can only do that. marco rubio tried that, too, it didn't work. >> meanwhile, hillary clinton liking what elizabeth warren is saying said this about what she thinks does to donald trump. >> i do just love to see how she gets under donald trump's skin. and as elizabeth made clear, donald trump proves every day he's not in it for the american people, he's in it only for himself. and elizabeth reminds us of that every chance she gets. >> what i think is most interesting here is, again, to watch the independents who gave
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it a d. hillary has got to get the independents on her side if she wants to get there to the general. it's really important. it's also important to note that elizabeth warren did not poll the independents. as she's looking at the running mates she has to look at it. >> she did not poll strongly with democrats. if you're looking at a ticket, maybe that might not be your ticket as everyone has been trumpeting. the que poll on a national look, trump against hillary clinton, it is a two-point lead for hillary clinton. 42-40. it was four points on june 1st. >> it's tightening. >> lee, thank you so much. we'll see you in an hour with more polls. >> meanwhile, the death toll rising in the coordinated terror attacks in istanbul, turkey. experts analyzing how it was pulled off. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani knows all about fighting terror and he weighs in the next hour. and, we told you about this parrot called as a witness in a murder trial because he keeps saying this.
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>> don't [ bleep ] shoot. >> remember, he just repeats what he hears. this morning you're going to get to meet the witness. that parrot joins us live. ♪ so nice, so nice. ♪ sweet, sweet st. thomas nice. ♪ so nice, so nice st. croix full of pure vibes. ♪ so nice, so nice. ♪ st. john a real paradise. this summer experience us virgin islands nice. book 4 nights at before july 16th to receive the 4th night free, plus $350 in spending credits. squuuuack, let's feed him let's feto the sharks!sharks! yay! and take all of his gold! and take all of his gold! ya! and hide it from the crew! ya...? squuuuack, they're all morons anyway! i never said that. they all smell bad too. no! you all smell wonderful! i smell bad!
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if you're a parrot, you repeat things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. squuuuack, it's what you do.
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well, it's a story that everybody is talking about. can a parent's words be used in his owner's murder's trial. >> [ bleep ]. >> well, that parrot shouts the phrase -- don't shoot ever since the death of his owner, marty durham. durham's wife is charged on his murder. >> joining us right now bud the parrot and marty durham's ex-wife christina keller because bud now lives with christina. good morning to you, christina.
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>> good morning. >> good morning. >> okay. when bud, the parrot, says don't blanking shoot, who do you think he's impersonating? >> i know he is saying marty's words. >> why? why do you know that? >> because it's marty's voice and it's a full two-minute argument before he says don't fing shoot. >> so the parrot repeats a two-minute argument and then says that? >> yes. >> wow. it's a woman and a man's voice. >> when did he start saying this? >> i want to say probably -- i want to give or take two weeks it started. >> so did -- >> and it never stopped. >> wow. what have you done with this information? >> i kept it to myself for a long time and the video i had given to one of marty's family
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members and she chose to show it to the news. now it's this. >> are investigators going to use this information in court? >> i didn't think so in the beginning, but the prosecutor did make a comment thursday that it was something that they were looking into. >> yeah. >> okay. so, christina, you believe with your heart that bud is repeating the final words of your ex-husband. >> i am. i do. >> you know, in a court of law, you can only present things that are provable, you know. and when was the last time you had a bird come in to a court case like this? >> probably never. >> i know. >> i'm so sorry for you and your three children. i know you have three children together with marty. a 23-year-old, a 24-year-old and a 26-year-old. my heart -- all of our hearts go out to you. >> correct. thank you. >> you're welcome. what's their reaction to all of
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this? i'm sure they're going through so much, but what are they saying? >> in the beginning it was somewhat upsetting because they don't like to hear it. i mean, it's an intense conversation between his dad and their step mom and -- but now they appreciate the attention because it's getting their dad's name out there and it's kind of helped in her rest. >> christina, they keep hearing something over and over again. is that not the way your bird acts? and is it unusual to repeat a phrase they haven't heard in a while over and over again? >> bud is a little different. bud does not need to hear anything over and over again to say it. he -- i think because he literally witnessed -- he was in the middle of this. he's seen this. he heard this. he felt it and it traumatized him. i don't think he had a choice
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but to remember it honestly. >> and just going back -- >> it's intense. >> christina, when you heard bud repeat this two-minute conversation the first time, what did you think? >> i cried. i felt it. i felt what was going on that day. >> and so you just immediately knew that was the end of your ex-husband's life right there? that was the conversation played back through the voice of a parrot? >> yes. >> wow. >> yes. i believe that with all my heart. >> does it surprise you at all that she was charged with your husband's death? >> no. no. >> why? >> not at all. from the beginning we have been told of a lot of evidence that had came out. we had known as a family known a lot of things that the public don't know about the situation. >> well, let's see if the prosecutor decides to go ahead and admit the evidence of bud
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the parrot. christina keller joining us from your home in michigan. christina, thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you. have a good day. >> thanks, you too. god bless. >> that is quite a story. the very latest on the terror attack in istanbul with rudy giuliani next. and so many businesses rely on the us postal service to get it there. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the us postal service. priority: you awwhawhwhawh ... this! this is why i love it here. that fresh air all up in your face. my cousin wilbur in the city has to wear a leash just to go for a stroll. i'm sorry, but with propane, you can live where you want and how you want. and since it's both clean and reliable,
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it's wednesday, june 29th, breaking news in that deadly terror attack. the death toll rising once again at one of the world's busiest airports as we're getting the chilling videos in taking us inside all of that terror and all of the signs are pointing to isis. we are live from istanbul. meanwhile, donald trump coming out strong after the attacks -- >> you have to fight fire with fire. we have to fight so viciously and violently because we're dealing with violent people. >> is that the kind of leadership we need? we're going to talk to rudy giuliani about that in 20 seconds. but if you asked secretary of state john kerry, he will say
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isis is losing -- >> and if you're desperate and if you know you're losing and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously you could do some harm. >> right. so, we should expect more attacks because the terrorists are losing. rudy giuliani here to find out when we could start winning and what that would look like. let me just remind you, mornings, even morning after a terror attack are still better with friends. ♪ all right. on this wednesday morning we start with that fox news alert -- breaking this morning, all indications pointing to another isis-inspired attack in the country of turkey. this time at one of the world's busiest airports. the carnage playing out in realtime as video captured the moment two of the three explosions were detonated. >> and as you look at it from a different angle right there, you can see all those folks running for their lives. can you imagine the fear before
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that bomb went off? three suspected terrorists reportedly arriving to istanbul out ataturk airport. then detonating those bombs. 41 are dead now, more than 239 are injured. originally targeting the departures area, but stopped at security. >> now, here you see one of the terrorists walking around, firing his rifle. a security officer appears to shoot him in the hip. you'll see him fall to the floor, drop his gun then you can see the gun sliding across the floor. that officer walk over to apprehend the suspected terrorist and i think seized the vest. quickly running for cover before the terrorist detonates that vest and explodes. watch. >> sadly i think a couple of the police officers are casualties of it. let's bring in rudy giuliani. >> let's stay on it for a second. that was the explosion. thankfully doesn't look like anybody was caught up in that. >> all right, rudy giuliani joins us. rudy? >> i mean, this is now getting
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to be an epidemic, right? i probably can't count them all but since san bern dee noerks less than a year ago, we've had that, paris, brussels, orlando and this. and a lot more. >> but orlando isn't just about guns. >> a person inspired by islamic extremism who dedicated his killing to isis, the islamic state. they do it different ways. they have a plan. this is following their plan. their plan is to attack turkey, to attack the way they did in san bernardino and orlando with self-inspired jihadists. this isn't accidental. they've written it out. they've talked about it. and if they're losing and we're winning, there's something really wrong with the secretary of state. something is wrong with his analysis of what's going on. >> the outer ring of the airport as well. this is not through the security gates. you have to wonder what we're going to do about that. we also understand area airports
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in the major cities have been bulked up with security in response. do you think this is a natural response? >> i think this is a response to what they've been saying for a couple months now which they want to step up the attacks on the countries that's opposing them. turkey, us, france, england, germany. the reality is the only time we're safe is when they are on defense and we're on offense. >> uh-huh. >> i said this for years and i think president bush saved this city and saved this country by putting them on defense immediately after september 11. >> you mentioned -- >> within two weeks we went to war in afghanistan and they were sitting in caves. when you're sitting in caves, you can't plan attacks like that. >> you mentioned secretary of state john kerry, he was commenting on this yesterday. he is in colorado for a summit. and they asked him about this and he said like you said, isis is losing and isis is desperate. that's why they're doing things
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like this. he continues with that same narrative, yet isis continues to have these suicide attacks. listen to what he said yesterday and then we have that sound bite up against the sound bites he said in march, just to show you that this is continuous narrative. listen. >> yes, you can bomb an airport. you can blow yourself up. if you're desperate and you know you're losing and you know you wanto give up your life, then obviously you can do some harm. >> as the dragnet begins to close in in various places around the world, unfortunately we may see some lone wolf attacks. but as a whole, daesh is being decimated. their leadership is being eliminated from the battlefield. >> and the very reason that daesh is resorting to actions outside of the middle east is that it's fantasy of a caliphate
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is collapsing, its fighters are fleeing. >> he makes it sound like they're just toast. >> i mean, the reality is that the reason that they have this ability to do this is because we are not winning. we are not putting enough pressure on them and we don't have any troops there. every other word out of the president's mouth is no boots on the ground. the best way to deal with islamic terrorism is to destroy them before they destroy you. >> you know what rudy, you are essentially saying what donald trump said yesterday. listen to this. >> can you imagine them sitting around the table or wherever they're eating their dinner talking about the americans don't do water boarding and yet we chop off heads. they probably think we're weak, we're stupid, we don't know what we're doing, we have no leadership. you know, you have to fight fire with fire. >> then you have hillary clinton, she issued this
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statement. today's attack in istanbul only strengthens our resolve to defeat the forces of terrorism instead of saying radical islam, she says radical jihadism around the world and it reminds us that the united states cannot retreat. you've got contrast there. >> you do. there's yuf mism, not trying to make us appear to be a religious war. now, it's not a war against all members of islam. everyone knows that. you would have to be stupid to think that. no one is saying that. but there is a brand of islam that is very distinct that has a philosophy, literature behind it and they're at war with us. it doesn't matter what hillary clinton thinks, kerry or president obama. they are at war with us. when somebody is at war with you, you either respond to that war and you're at war with them or you sit back and you take the blows the way we are and we're inviting more attacks by doing
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that. again, before september is 11th we were attacked in east africa twice. we did little. uss cole attacked. i believe that emboldened bin laden to strike. i've said that many times. i know going back to the '70s. you step back, they take a step forward. you take two steps forward and they go back in the caves where they belong. >> lindsey graham came out yesterday and says, that caliphate attack -- >> massive attack. massive attack. >> but it has to be by us because nobody else is going to do it. nobody else is committing any troops. >> you can't do these surgical bombings and worry are you going to kill civil yians twice. no american president has probably killed more civilians than harry truman. he also made it possible for a lot of children to be alive today that wouldn't have been alived if 1 million people died in the invasion of japan.
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you have to have that kind of courage. >> it's us or them. >> many americans were predicted to die if we were going to invade japan. good chance i wouldn't have my children if he hadn't done that because of my grandfather being in the war. >> let's talk about the report that came out yesterday about benghazi. hillary clinton feels she is exonerated. she wants to move on. >> i understand that after more than two years and $7 million spent by the benghazi committee out of taxpayer funds it had to today report it had found nothing. >> i don't know how she comes away with that. first of all, i still don't know where the president was that night. i can't figure out why they weren't in the situation room. they were in the situation room to watch bin laden get captured. they weren't in the situation to try to save an ambassador. >> he had an upcoming fundraiser. >> i was talking with one of my police officers this morning and i said, suppose one of my precincts is attacked four or five times and i didn't give
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them extra protection. then four people are killed there. do you think maybe i would get impeached? >> i think so. that facility had been attacked dozens of times. a big bomb was put through the middle of it and she wouldn't give it more attention, she wouldn't give it more protection. then when our ambassador finally gets captured, she and the president are nowhere to be found to make the right decisions about it. >> she said we should move on. >> of course. >> just an american ambassador, number two person and two very, very brave american patriots. that's it. don't matter. >> rudy, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> great to see you. >> time for more news. heather? >> good morning to all of you. there's urgent search now intensifying at this hour for crew members missing in a lisio trains. black smoke filling the air for miles and miles, forcing people in their homes near panhandle, texas, to now evacuate. the video captures the moments after impact.
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boxcars just tipping over, sort of like dominos and then erupting into a blazing inferno. authorities believe that three missing crew members may be trapped underneath all the equipment there. crews wking into the night to put out those flames and to find those people. we'll watch that story and bring you the latest. a warning this morning, a massive recall taking place overnight for more than a million defective air bags. toyota issuing an urgent recall trying to prevent anyone from getting hurt. it affects the hybrid, the prius plug-in and the lexus ct200. it could have small cracks in some inflaters in the air bags and that could cause them to only partially inflate. the air bags, by the way, are not made byty cat ta, that's the company at accidenter of millions of air bag recalls. give your dealership a call if you have one of those cars. looks like the rnc could get
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champion speakers. donald trump is inviting sports legends mike tyson, mike ditka and bobby knight to cleveland. all three supported him. knight campaigning with him back in april. he was here to talk to us about that. trump is knocking out part of the bloomburg report, twiegting iron mike tyson was not asked to speak at the convention, though i'm sure he would do a good job if he did. the media makes everything up. two tennis players from opposite ends of life meeting up at wimbledon today. roger federer is up against number 23, marcus willis. their stats couldn't be more opposite. federer has 17 grand slams while marcus willis doesn't have any. he has the slight advantage being 25, still turning professional. federer is 34. they're both still young. he makes more than 1,000 times more than williss, who still lives at home with his parents. those are your headlines.
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>> live in basement and go to wimbledon. >> it's not so bad living with mom and dad. >> i'm shocked by that. >> what gets old about that? >> exactly. >> thanks, heather. coming up, we all know hillary clinton likes to keep the press at rope's length away from her. but it turns out she is a lot closer than we thought. brand new linked e-mails showing how her staff keeps members of the press in line, literally, and that's coming up next. >> and a florida man comes forward claiming he's been robbed by -- they didn't invent the iphone. it was his idea and they stole it. >> exactly. >> and he can prove it? >> yes, that would be great. ♪
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where the press is lassoed with a rope. we'll see that in a moment. sharing top secret information, government information or charging millions of dollars in fees for speeches wasn't enough, now it appears hillary clinton's staff kept tabs on specific members of the media to keep them from asking any unwanted questions. the hacker known as gust fer 2.0 broke into the computer system now releasing new e-mails to the smoking gun taken from clinton volunteer's g mail account. one shows staffers doing surveillance on a chicago reporter lynn sweet assigned to clinton's campaign. quote, let's keep an eye on her. yes, i'm sitting next to her on the bus. then tracking every move of a cnn reporter while at a campaign speech, quote, watch out for dan merica, center right. french journos and dan merica heading stage right. independence day parade last year in new hampshire, her campaign literally roped off
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members of the media as she moved down the street, prohibiting them from getting close enough to ask any unwanted questions. while the actions of her staff certainly are not illegal, it does raise questions about how transparent her administration intends to be if she wins the white house in november. remember, it has been more than 200 days since she's given an official press conference. >> keep in mind as we just heard in the last couple of days, she has had the most -- she was the most transparent secretary of state -- >> for the e-mails she wants you to see. >> right. you can't get fined for lassoing the press? literally putting a rope around them? that's fantastic. >> thank you. >> thank you. all right, meanwhile a gas station robbed twice and now the owner is arming himself with customers? how he's using this sign to get the protection he needs. that's straight ahead. and the younger generation gets tagged as entitled. but you can make sure your kids
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♪ now to some quick headlines for you. this might be the most ambitious lout ever. listen to this. the man says he invented the iphone and he wants apple to pay his billions of dollars. where have we heard that before? >> $100 billion. >> billion dollars. a man in florida is asking for much less than that, though. he only wants 10 billion to be exact. he says his sketches from 1992 -- look at those sketches. he says they look just like the
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iphone. what do you think? and busted a principal accused of plajerizing his resume. that guy right there, hired to head pittsburgh's public schools. ne questions are being asked down in florida. but several board members say they just don't care. and they are leaning to keep him any way. >> brian? >> best principal picture i've ever seen. we live in a culture where people often seem to think everything is owed to them, right? raising children in this entitlement nation can be a challenge. here with the tools you need to keep your kids from becoming too sfwietled, dr. keith ablo, on an advisory board of a brand new app that attacks this issue. tell me, are we an entitled generation and is there a way to have our iphone battle against it? >> there is. listen, we're in an entitlement generation, kids unfortunately are being groomed with technology that tells them you can remake your life story with
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facebook. you can instantly communicate and say anything you want via instagram or snap chat. i think we've got to fight back, partly through technology. i joined up as an adviser to this app. if you want an allowance, you have to work for it. it makes it possible to out mate their allowances, give them chores, only pay them when a before and after photo arrives on your iphone. >> for example, in one of your prototypes there, you have a kid maybe donating some of the money to wounded warriors. another kid saying, hey, i got to rush home and take care of the patio furniture, it's $10. >> here is the thing, right? the founder of this company approached me. said, you say you care about the next generation. try this out with your kid cole. cole is 14, my son. i said, look, i'll put chores on hourly. number one, cole is saying, i
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have to put teak oil on the deck furniture. you said $10. we're out at a restaurant and he's got to get home to do his work. that's a big deal. i also noted since every kid who does hourly has to donate to a charity of that kid's choice, cole put up 20% to wounded warrior project. now, that's a nice thing to know about my son that he cares about that but also that every time he earns a dollar, 20 cents goes to a charity he cares about. teaches him to work for your money. don't ask me for it all the time just because. you know what i noticed, he cares much more because he earned it. he is asking me money far less. he wants me to put the chores up. >> that's so interesting. couple things that stand out, number one, it shows a balance. it shows every kid wants to balance. they don't know how to get that balance. instead of saying put that iphone away that you like so much, you went to his game. i'm going to put something on the iphone to do something that i want you be so much. >> i'm talking his language.
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i said to him, are you going to tell buddies about this, you want to keep it kwie zblet what do you think? he said, dad, it's cool. why is it cool? it wouldn't be cool, hey, by the way, guys, i put oil on the deck furniture from my dad. he gave me a $10 bill. he's working. he is getting a sense of self esteem and autonomy. at 14 he is going to work. this is the way to battle the downside of technology. >> wow. i agree, too, also. there are no lazy kids. don't sit there and listen my kid is lazy. >> he has so much more hair. i think he is going to keep it. i really do. >> can i say that nearly is cute. dr. keith ablow, thank you for joining us. >> take it easy, brother. >> congratulations. that's a great kid you have. i met him. coming up straight ahead, it's not grand theft auto. it's a real-life chase involving a police chopper. the guy learned the hard way, you cannot outrun a helicopter. and dangerous abuse -- that's how our next guest describes hillary clinton the
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first time she lived in the white house. the former secret service agent gary burn giving an incredible up close insider view of the clintons, eight years in office. ♪ ♪ just another regret ♪ if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults.
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fox news alert, breaking right now, the death toll has sadly risen in istanbul, 41 people now confirmed dead after a terror attack on one of the world's busiest airports. yep, people running for their lives as three armed terrorists stormed the security gates at istanbul's ataturk airport and they blew themselves up. travelers all over the world, we are all on edge now. security has been ramped up at airports across the united states amid warnings that other attacks are on the horizon. that's pretty scary. fox news's john huddi is live. what's the latest, john?
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>> reporter: well, just to set the scene for you. you can see this is presumably where one of the explosions went off, but you can see the ceiling roof is blown out, all the windows, the plate glass blown out. they're actually already starting to do repairs. but you can see the immensity of the damage. it is quite incredible to be here. not only do you see the shattered glass and where the police tape is, but if you follow me this way, there's also -- this is the departures hall. pretty heavy security. people going through check points. there's a great deal of police personnel if you just pan to the left there, duty, you'll see some of the officers with their sub machine guns. and as far as the shooting, remember, three attackers. they opened fire and then three blasts. we saw that graphic video, one of the blasts going off just out here. and then you also see the video
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of one of the attackers with what is believed to be a ka lish that cough according to officials. he opened fire but then he was shot by a police officer before detona detonating. as far as the shooting, they really unloaded. you see bullet holes in the glass, shattered glass just about everywhere all over the walls and basically across the street here at some of the areas up there. just -- i mean, the destruction is just enormous. it's incredible to see this, you guys. >> john huddy live at the airport there in istanbul. joining us now is former secret service agent and the guy who wrote a new book kwauled "crisis of error" regarding hillary clinton and his time watching bill clinton as he worked outside the oval office. gary burn. before we talk about your new book, which is a run away best seller, you were posted in turkey. are you surprised that john huddy is able to get that close?
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they've already opened up the airport? live images right there. there's one of the bullet holes right there in the glass. >> actually, what you're seeing there is something i actually experienced years ago in early 1980s when i went to the airport, there had been an attack in the '70s, it's still there. >> they do the same thing in israel, too, open up the cafe hours after the attack took place. >> yeah. turkish mentality is tough. they're strong people. i wish them the best. >> gary, let's talk about some of the what you saw your years as secret service agent with hillary clinton. your book chronicaled in your book "crisis of character" you opened up about talking with bush 41. solid class. you expected to see the same thing in the transition to the clintons. >> yes. >> who were the clintons? how was it different? >> when i first started working protecting the clintons actually they were running for office. and we heard all these rumors from arkansas and -- >> what rumors? >> rumors about president
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affairs and about the state police that protected him being forced to help him facilitate -- >> troopergate? >> yeah, that kind of thing. we heard these stories about their behavior with each other. >> volcanic. >> volcanic, dangerous. and actually i talked to this sheriff down there one time and we were -- i was joking with him. i said, there's no way this guy could ever get elected. he looked at me like he was looking right through me. believe everything you hear. they will get elected. they'll stay there for eight years. he said, it is unbelievable. they can spin manure into gold. >> the first chapter is called the vase. what's the vase story. >> yeah. so i came to work one morning as a secret service uniform division officer. before i went to my post i went over to see a buddy on the ground floor of the white house. he said there had been a huge fight the first family, mr. and mrs. clinton had a huge fight
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upstairs. i know this sounds like silly like you're eavesdropping. you have to put yourself in that position, the white house is huge, it's old. the sound travels right down the stairwells and the elevator shafts. so any way, he said during the fight there was a crash. when it was investigated they found a blue vase. now, this has been reported before as a lamp, but i say the vase. after they told the story, i walked right down to the office which was a couple doors down, opened the door and looked in and i saw a crushed broken blue vase in a card board box. >> in the archives room. >> in the cureator's office. >> later on the next time i saw the president over at the oval office, he had a mark under his eye, it was a black eye. you could see they were trying to conceal it with makeup. i said to his assistant, what's that mark on the president's eye? and they said nancy said oh, he's allergic to coffee. >> i said, under one eye?
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so as nancy walked in her little part of the office and i started to walk out, i said, i'm allergic to the back of somebody's hands. >> no kidding. >> i was trying to spark a reaction to figure out what was going on. >> yeah. they weren't going to spill the beans. but, gary, given the fact you describe -- it has been described the relationship between hillary and bill clinton volcan volcanic, very loud. at some point you had conversations with other secret service agents and what do we do? we're here to protect the president of the united states. what happens if his wife is the trouble maker? >> right. that was a topic of discussion. it kind of started out one day in particular i remember like we were joking about it. then all of a sudden the agent i was talking with, what would you do? you have to protect the president. she walks in when he's doing something he shouldn't be and you have to protect the president. you have to protect her. and whoever the poor person is that's there, they're kind of on their own. >> the scenario was if she walked in on the president with
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one of the women -- >> right. right. >> it was a concern. when you take what i experienced with other people experienced about her dangerous, angry behavior and put that together, it's a recipe for domestic violence. >> she hated to see you guys. she would like to jump into a closet to stay out of your eyesight. >> we were supposed to. i would tell you i never did. it got me in a couple jams once in a while like on the road, but, yes, there was this goal line she didn't want to see people. >> here is an example, check out this quote from your book, she said once threw a bible at an agent on her detail, hitting him in the back of the head. assignment handed down by passive, aggressive middle management. when her detail passed mrs. clinton expected everyone to disappear. she didn't want to see anyone in the white house at all. if the whole place were the personal executive mansion, it was insulting. she hated uniforms. >> you were giving up your life or could be giving up your life to protect her. >> right. my experience with them, they
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don't like the military and they don't like law enforcement. my personal feeling based on what i saw is she does not like men. >> also, what about the lewinsky affair and she overcame it and they were unbelievably sloppy about it. >> i tried to help them when they could. when it was clear to me that monica lewinsky was trying to put herself in the president's path all the time. i asked ellen to take steps to have her removed. i said, look, if i'm overstepping my bounds, then file a complaint. i think it's that important. and monica got removed for about a week and then magically she came back, not as an intern now, but with a hard white house pass that allows her to go most anywhere but the private living quarters. >> tell us the following story. >> one damon ka manipulated herself into the oval office area and walked by my post. president clinton was in george stephanopoulos's office which was just past his dining room and he was conferring with george. and he stepped out in the
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hallway when he saw monica coming down the hallway and they had a few words, hi, how are you, pleasantries and i was standing there. by this time i had been trying to usher monica out. so any way, they were talking, i closed the gap a little bit. you could see -- she could see me coming so she started walking away. as she walked past, she had this dress on. she looked back and made sure the president was looking at her and showed him her -- i felt like -- it was just bizarre. like at a nightclub. >> like you were in cancun or something. >> people are asking why are you doing this? >> i'm telling my story because i want the truth to come out. i have to look my kids in the face like everybody else. when you experience the things i did, two years -- three years ago i had to sit on the couch with my kids and i had them search on google my name, bill clinton's name and monica lewinsky's name. i wanted to tell them what happened. some of the things that are now history are r-rated.
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>> and you're in it. >> i wanted my kids to know from their father what had happened. i want people to know this image -- i realize all politics has a little bit of over the top about their candidates, but this image of mrs. clinton that she's a leader is completely wrong. >> mrs. clinton is trying to unbook you. cnn unbooked you. none of the networks will touch you. george stephanopoulos. >> no. when people come out like retired secret service association said i never had access. ask george stephanopoulos, i was friends with his assistants. everybody knows who i am. >> gary burn, we all know who you are. gary byrne wrote the book, called "crisis of character" if you want to pick it up with. >> heather has more breaking news. this involves the orlando attack. new information coming in this morning. could the orlando attack have had fewer victims? there is new report out today that claims that some of the
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victims inside the pulse nightclub may have been blocked from escaping that club because allegedly there was a soda machine blocking that exit. the fire department, though, says that's not true. they say an inspector simply found a broken lightbulb on the door and then wrote down the wrong code and that the machine did not block the exit, but we'll look into that story further. well, cover your screen right now because this video is simply incredible and no it is not a scene from grand theft auto. this police officer leaps out of a helicopter and tackles a burglary suspect in houston. wow. it started as a wild chase. a police car clipping one of the suspects who had run into -- off into a field and then one of the officers in the chopper jumps out, wrestles him to the ground and holds him there until other officers can cuff him. gas station owner sick and tired of being pushed around says he is doing something about it. after getting robbed twice, there's now a sign that's
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catching quite a few eyes. the shell owner offering gas for 10 cents to police officers or anyone with a concealed to carry permit after 7:00 p.m. his master plan of adding more customers so his employees wouldn't be alone, well, that worked. business is booming and those are your headlines. that is a great idea. >> pretty good idea, huh? >> indeed. heather, thank you. the attack in istanbul, turkey shows terrorists are evolving to beat airport security. are you flying today? what you can expect and a live report coming up next. elizabeth warren claimed she was not going to get nasty on the complain trail -- >> she did. >> then she said this -- >> oops. >> you want to see goofy, look at him in that hat. >> how is that talk playing out with the voters? the brand new dials are off the charts. >> also the people. ♪ nexium 24 hour
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fox news alert now. travelers on edge this morning at the istanbul airport after the attacks yesterday. airports now around the country, this country, now stepping up security. >> good. we are live at jfk airport. theresa, how is the security? >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys. security here stepped up, heightened in the wake of this attack. we've seen officers walking around in some tactical gear. we've seen an increase in a police presence of not only port authority police which runs our local airports but also nypd. in the other terminal, terminal 1 that services turkish airlines, a much more police officers and heightened security presence there. of course, all in the wake of what occurred in istanbul, turkey. it's hard to, you know, think about what happened there and if that's on the minds of flyers here, especially because they find themselves in the same place, they're just trying to get out of town like all those people that were wounded and killed in istanbul.
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we can tell you that at least as far as this airport is concerned there are usually three flights a day going to turkey, three flights coming home. they are scheduled to go off, although some of them are delayed. that is the latest from outside of jfk airport this morning. send things back to you in the studio. >> that's extraordinary about that tank out there. >> yeah. >> just goes to show you how serious they are about the security. there it is right there, not a tank, it's an armored personnel carrier. >> lot of these are happening before you get to security right there outside. very scary. meanwhile, straight ahead, hillary clinton has a trust problem and speaker newt gingrich has a warning -- >> if the american people come to know the person that dishonest in the white house, she is a pretty formidable candidate. >> are the voters catching on to that message? the brand new dials are next. but first, on this day in history, 1976, wings, that group that he was in the before the
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brand new poll just released this morning, in fact, within an hour ago, a general election matchup between hillary clinton and donald trump, according to the quinnipiac people is now too close to call with clinton leading by just two points. so, it was four last time. that was on june 1st. the race so tight the attacks against the president's counterpresidential candidates are indeed heating up, but which
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are working? the first one we talk about is newt gingrich, talking about hillary clinton and her lies. >> hillary clinton lies. hillary clinton lies all the time. she lies about e-mails, the clinton foundation, lies about secret meetings in the state department with donors. she lies about deals that are cut. she lies about her speeches to goldman sachs. by the way, she lies about benghazi. what's new? think who she is. people want someone who is that dishonest in the white house, she is a pretty formidable candidate. >> if you look at this, it's not surprising. what's most important to me is this issue of trustworthiness, of lying, of the crookedness really sticks to hillary and makes people think. newt had a really good attack here. >> interesting, too, because republicans you are wondering what republicans think of a
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would be vice presidential candidate and newt got an a-plus. now, elizabeth warren appearing with hillary clinton attacking donald trump. >> when donald trump says he'll make america great, he means make it even greater for rich guys just like donald trump. he will crush you into the dirt to get whatever he wants. that's who he is. >> well, let's take a look at the grades. >> so, elizabeth warren is great at attacking. here democrats gave her an a. independents, though, a d. what i really think is important here is she is not polling convincing independents to come to her side. >> hillary clinton said, wow, i wonder if she would be a good vice presidential candidate she followed up and said this about elizabeth. >> i do just love to see how she gets under donald trump's thin
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skin. and elizabeth made clear, donald trump proves everyday he's not in it for the american people. he's in it only for himself. and elizabeth reminds us of that every chance she gets. >> and so here you can see democrats gave it a b, ind dpens a d, republicans an f. what's most important to me is that she is not pulling the independents with these arguments. what you're saying act donald trump, you could say about yourself and that's not good. >> interesting. talk about attacking, that's what she did again on donald trump and his hats. listen. >> donald trump says he'll make america great again. it's right there. no. it's stamped on the front of his goofy hat. you want to see goofy, look at him in that hat. >> and what's important about this one is this didn't work with democrats. you can see that was a flat line at c, independents d. republicans f.
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it was childish and didn't do anything to make people question donald trump. >> is she getting the nomination, june first didn't look that strong. why do you think the gap got closed here closing out june? >> i think that donald trump has gone back on the offensive. he had a really rough three weeks and i think that's really important that hillary's polls have dropped. that's not good for her. >> interesting because he just hired ted cruz's ground game guy and rand paul's digital guy. we'll see how that goes. thanks so much, leigh. >> any time. coming up, just hours apheter rorist attacks in the airplane in istanbul, we're getting our up close look inside as passengers returned from their flights. we'll take you there live at the top of the hour when chairman of the house homeland security committee joins us with some insight. you know we said we'd take a look
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family. it's wednesday, june 29th. we start with the fox news alert. we have some brand new information after three people blew themselves up at one of the world's busiest airports. chilling new video as you're seeing here showing the very moment the bombs detonated inside the terminals. we are taking you live inside the airport or live at the airport with a look at all the damage in the aftermath. >> because they have just reopened. and we haven't heard from the president yet, but the candidates are responding to the terror attacks -- >> you have to fight fire with fire. we have to fight so viciously and violently because we're dealing with violent people. >> trump is saying get tough. hillary responding this morning but with a very different tone. who has the right approach you feel? we're going to report and you're going to decide. don't worry, we're winning. secretary of state john kerry says it showings that isis, in fact, is losing. >> and if you're desperate and if you know you're losing and
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you know you want to give up your life, then obviously do some harm. >> okay. we're getting the latest intel from the head of houses homeland security committee, congressman michael mccaul also feel like isis is losing? because it doesn't feel that way to us. let me remind you, mornings are better with friends. ♪ we start this hour with the fox news alert. look at that video right there. this morning the death toll rising after the terror attack caught on camera at istanbul's ataturk airport, 41 now dead, more than 200 hurt after three expected terrorists stormed the security gates with assault rifles and then eventually blew up their bomb vests. they were originally targeting the departures area but were stopped at security. >> wow. >> and that's where the carnage happened. >> that's exactly right.
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the carnage is playing out in realtime before security cameras. stunning video showing people running for their lives, literally, before one of those bombs goes off. >> you see one of the terrorists is walking around, right. one shoots him, he gets shot in the hip. he had a rifle, it dropped. goes flying across the floor. the gun drops. you can see it sliding there. that officer, though, walking over to apprehend the suspected terrorist, quickly running for cover. why? he must have spotted the suicide vest. it detonates and explodes. as you saw that -- you can see it now. >> meanwhile here in the united states, airports are ramping up security -- new york, new jersey, washington, l.a. to name a few, all indications pointing to this being another isis-inspired attack which comes amid chilling warnings that more could be on the horizon. >> fox news's john huddy is live at the scene of the deadly attack in istanbul. very eerie to know you're
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standing where all this went down yesterday. >> reporter: well, it is. you see the video, of course, that we saw last night as it was coming out. we've been showing that graphic dramatic video. you see one of the blasts and then as you were tauging about it, as you guys were talking about the one attacker getting shot on the ground and then seconds later detonating the suicide vests or bill, which ever he was wearing. then, yes, standing here and seeing this scene inside where one of the blasts happened and i want to show you this again. we showed you this before, but you can see the damage and the destruction. incredibly the guys are already at work repairing everything. but the glass, windows that were shattered, blown out, the roof that was blown out as well and of course the 41 people now confirmed that were killed, more than or close to 240 that were injured in this attack. and i want to kind of show you again and just walk you through obviously there's a heavy media contingent and they close off a good deal of this area, but as
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we talked about the three attackers, they were armed and opened fire at police before designating their suicide vests, suicide belts. again, you can see some of the officers here heavily armed. hello. and of course, you know, the airport is open. it was shut down last night obviously, understandably after this. yeah, but it's reopened today. it took us a while to get here because we arrived at an airport on the asian side of istanbul, three-hour drive just to get here and that's generally not the case. but as far as the gunfight, it was intense and you can see the results of that bullet holes from the ka lish that kofs in the windows there. let me tell you something here. we initially arrived here on the upper level just above us. there were bullet holes up there. some of the walking areas, some of the paths -- watch your back there, judy. there was damage. so this -- i mean, it wasn't
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limited to this area, but obviously the concussion of it and the overall spray of those guns and then of course the shrapnel from the blasts stretch well away from here. so, that said, security is very high but the airport is now open. flights resumed both in and out of ataturk airport, guys. >> john huddy, we opened up the show and you were riding there and now you got all there. thank you so much for joining us. good relevance to this, because he covered the brussels attack. >> could you imagine if you were flaying out of that airport today and you know they're trying to get it open as quickly as they can, there are bullet holes in the window. you have ceiling tiles missing. there are all sorts of things blown out, are you going to feel safe? >> that's a good point, but you feel resolute, you have to live your life. joinings nous is a guy who gets a lot of intelligence that we don't. congressman michael mccaul, chairman of the homeland security. we want to know if you feel like the secretary of state that isis is desperate and they're losing,
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that's why they're doing things like this. >> you know, they've said they're on the run for many years. they're not, brian. that's the fact of the matter. i think the air strikes have ramped up external operations, which is what you're seeing now, both in turkey and you saw them in europe. you're seeing them in the united states. this is not impressed the pace of terror in modern times. to say they're on the run is absolutely -- defies reality. i was just in cairo in egypt up in the sigh nigh province where isis is very heavy. tunisia, libya, they are expanding beyond the caliphate now into northern africa. so they are not on the run. they're on the rise. >> sure. and of course turkey, one of our allies in the fight against isis, they give us the access to some of their air space and some air base as well. chairman, i know that you probably gotten a briefing. is there anything new you can
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tell us about what happened in turkey yesterday? >> well, i think the intel reports indicate that the caliphate sent operatives into turkey and to europe to conduct terrorist attacks during the season of ramadan. it's a holy season. i think this has all the hallmarks of an isis-related attack. it involved an airport, just like brussels. it's like the sequel to brussels. it's second anniversary of the caliphate, unlike the pkk which strikes military, they often strike civilian targets as well. so, it's really -- very deadly attack, but you know, steve, we're seeing these attacks all too common. >> yeah. we wonder unfortunately where the next one is going to be. i hate to wake up and think that way, but these just keep happening. >> they're everywhere. >> they are. for our viewers that are watching, chairman, because of your connections, your the house homeland security committee chairman, tell our viewers what
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they need to know? do they need to be traveling to europe? how do we keep our families safe? >> well, i would not let the terrorists defeat our ability to travel, but you have to be careful. there's a current threat against the euro cup in france that i would be cautious about. last point departure airports like turkey, there are 70 flights per week into the united states, we have ramped up security at these last point of departure airports but also our airports in the united states, but you know, i would never tell someone not to travel. people ask me that question all the time. and i think if you don't travel, they win. i don't want them to win. >> chairman, couple of things -- number one, we had the governor of florida calling on more aggressive of isis because he watched an isis attack happen in his club. we're watching the security fan out in area airports, jchk, laguardia and out of l.a.x.
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so are you saying -- are you strongly urging us to take some legitimate action on isis quickly because the longer they establish their caliphate and their headquarters, the more trouble we're in. >> right. i know john kerry boasts about all the success we've been having over there. the fact is they've waited three and a half years to do anything to take any sort of military action other than the persian gulf on the aircraft carriers going into syria. we have to ramp this up. i remember when president was asked, whatever you recommend, double that because i want to win and get out. the fact is we haven't done that here. we waited. delay is not our friend. delay is our enemy. and this president and john kerry and the administration have delayed far too much. >> well, donald trump would like to be the next commander in chief, as would hillary clinton. we've got their reaction. first up, trump.
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>> imagine them sitting around the table or wherefore they're eating their dinner talking about the americans don't do water boarding and yet we chop off heads. they probably think we're weak, we're stupid, we don't know what we're doing, we have no leadership. you know, you have to fight fire with fire. >> meanwhile, we've got a statement from hillary clinton. she said -- this was issued yesterday, today's attack in istanbul only strengthens our resolve to defeat the forces of terrorism and radicals jihadism around the world. and it reminds us that the united states cannot retreat. so, i know you're republican and trump is going to be the guy running on the republican side, but which approach is right? fight fire with fire or strengthen our resolve? >> i think fire is fire. that's the first i've heard mrs. clinton say radical jihad, which is sort of interesting. >> that's closer. >> that is the enemy. you have to define it to defeat
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it. i think that we haven't had the proper response. and i think that mr. trump is correct saying that we have to hit this head on to defeat the enemy where it exists so they cannot hit us in the homeland. >> you know, chairman, real quick, i always hear you guys come back and they say, where is america? what are you hearing as you travel? are they happy with the role america is playing? >> well, they're unclear about who our allies are and who our friends are. they know we embrace iran, that troubles our allies and partners in the middle east. i think there's a lot of uncertainty with our foreign policy. and with respect to mrs. clinton in that statement, she's the architect of this foreign policy. >> of course. >> that led to the creation of isis. i think that's a very important point to make. it led to this air of spring that became a winter where benghazi occurred and northern africa is now taking over. she only we haven't to baghdad one time for three hours to meet
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with the prime minister. they pulled out all of our forces out of iraq with no status of forces agreement. those in combination led to the implosion of iraq and the ascension of al qaeda in iraq. >> we have a terror problem mike mccaul joining us from texas. thank you. >> thank you. >> let's go to heather with the headlines. couple stories we're following today. there's an urgent search that's intensifying right now for crew members missing after a head-on collision between two trains. black smoke -- take a look at this in texas, filling the air for miles and miles, forcing people in their homes near panhandle, texas, to evacuate. this video captures the moments just after impact. you can see the boxcars just tipping over to the side and falling down, sort of like dominos. authorities believe that three missing crew members may be trapped underneath all of that equipment. crews working overnight and into
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the morning to put out those flames and try to find those people. we'll keep working on this story. welcome to hell. that is the sign greeted tourists who are arriving at rio's international airport ahead of the summer olympics. the sign held by brazilian police officers reads this -- cops and firefighters don't get paid and whoever comes to rio will not be safe. well, that coming as top-ranked golfer jason day drops out of the olympics over zika concerns. he said it's not worth the risk. inclu including, steph curry and rory mcilroy have withdrawn over zika worries. lot of people concerned. >> they are. >> just don't know. meanwhile, hillary clinton says it's time to move on from benghazi and the mainstream media agrees. >> long-awaited benghazi report found no huh -- >> no bomb shells about hillary clinton.
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>> no new evidence of blame for hillary clinton. >> of course not. but we know one journalist who says, wait a minute, cheryl atkinson joins us live coming up next. she was fired for covering that story. >> nice to see you. on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse.
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♪ flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! she slimed me. which i probably should've seen coming. [ laughs ] regarding the benghazi finding yesterday, hillary
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clinton says there's nothing to see there in the latest report from the republicans on the box eresponse to the libyan attack. the mainstream media agrees with mrs. clinton. >> the republicans-long awaited benghazi report found no new evidence of wrong doing by hillary clinton. >> no bomb shells about hillary clinton. >> no new evidence of blame for hillary clinton. >> our next guest cheryl atkinson used to work for cbs and says she was fired for telling the truth about benghazi. she joins us life. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> what do you think of that? >> that's the continuing narrative that's been put forth i would saban ga si is one of the most successful propaganda campaigns ever in modern times how the story had been managed and how the narratives are repeated in media. >> you call this propaganda because this happened seven weeks before barack obama's re-election, election day. it was all about getting him the job for another four years, wasn't it? >> we didn't know it at the time, but, yes, the witnesses that have come forward since then the documents that have
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been exposed in the last couple years clearly point to their concern seven, eight weeks before an election where he had campaigned largely on the notion that terrorism was on the run and that he had done a lot to defeat it and seems like they really thought they could not have this rise right before the election. >> and this administration, this white house press operation has been expert at slow rolling information, people would ask for stuff, oh, yeah, we'll get it to you. they never got it to you and stone walling. >> it's an art form. and not only them, there are a lot of people that are good at this that do it now as a matter of it's cottage industry in washington how to manipulate the press and the narratives. i blame us in the news media more than i blame them. of course they would try to cast themselves in the best light, but we're not doing a very good job at digging in and making sure we expose the facts. >> mainstream media says it costs 7 or 8 million bucks, we didn't get any new information. would you agree with that? >> a lot of it leaked out over
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time. some of it confirms wa my investigations said early on and other reporters who had done similar reporting. we wouldn't know anything about a lot of the e-mails or that hillary clinton had this private server arrangement if it had not been for the committee digging into this. that all had not been unearthed. we wouldn't know that she told her daughters during the attacks that the islamic extremists were to blame and telling the public and victim families opposed to that. >> of course it was all act getting him re-elected and now it's about her getting elected. >> in the end we still don't know what the commander in chief was doing while americans were under attack on american soil. that's stunning. >> it looks like we might not. her tv show on sunday morning is terrific. check it out. thank you. ikea dealing with a massive recall of three children have died. oh my goodness. crushed by furniture like that. but it's not just ikea furniture causing problems.
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an expert with advice that every parent needs to hear on how to baby proof your house coming up. democrats broke congressional rules to protest gun rights. will they get away with it? wait until you hear this. 4 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here.
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time now for your news by the numbers. you ready? first, $1.43 million, that's how many cars toyota is recalling because of faulty air bags. the prius hybrid, prius plug-in and lexus ct200 are impacted. toyota says small cracks in some inflaters in the air bags cause them to only partially inflate. keep your fingers crossed it's not your car. next 11,370 got into vital
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government computer systems leading to data leaks in 2015. it doesn't say which agency as it. >> finally two world records -- twingky is the second dog in her family to hold a world record for popping balloons. she popped 100 red balloons in just 39 seconds. that is something special. >> that is the cutest video. thanks for sharing that, brian. parents, you do not want to miss this segment. this is very important. you saw yesterday we were talking about this. look at this. ikea recalling 29 million dressers that look like after that happened. six children were killed after that piece of furniture fell on top of them. three of those deaths in just the last two years. but it isn't just ikea, a child dies every two weeks because of falling furniture or falling tvs. so what do parents need to know
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to protect their children? joining me now is thomas trainer, advanced certified professional child proofer. this is extremely important. we all watched that video. parents in here, we were all gasping, going home and talking to our spouses about this. what do we need to do first to secure our tvs? >> first to secure the tvs which most of the time are residing on top of furniture. secure the tv to the furniture and then the furniture to the wall to be perfectly safe. >> how do you do that? >> tv straps or wall mount brackets for the tv. these would be professional grade tv straps. they're from safe beginnings. >> okay. >> these will screw into the back of the tv. comes with the kit, hardware so you can adapt to the wall mount, brackets for the tv and screw it to either the base of the furniture or to the wall. now, make sure you find a -- >> we saw that chest of drawers falling on top of the child. >> it's not just ikea furniture, it's a problem across the board with all furniture, specifically taller furniture or with drawers
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that open. so once a child opens the drawers and tries to climb on the furniture as you saw in the video, you're going to get falling furniture every single time. very rarely do we ever go into a home and not see a piece of furniture that will not tip from the drawers being extended and refocussing the center of gravity. what's most important and you could use these straps just as well -- >> okay. >> just attach them to the back of the furniture. >> how do you attach a piece of furniture to the wall? how do you do that? >> can we show you. >> yes, please. >> okay. great. >> you're going to need the drill. >> okay. >> i don't want you to touch it. first i want to show you how easy small piece of furniture -- >> okay. >> now, the ikea furniture was 24 inches tall, that's only two feet that they recalled. child puts his weight on it -- >> right. that tips. >> that's scary. >> do you drill it from inside the drawer? >> nope. >> show us how.
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>> simply come around the back -- >> you put this thing on it first? >> no. that is not part. that is the original part of the furniture. >> okay. so now you just place it there. we get the idea. you put the nails in here. >> screws in the back and then that into the wall. >> because we're running out of time, let's move on to safety gates. put these at the top and bottom of stairs, where? >> do not use pressure gates at tocht stairs. they have a trip hazard at the top bar, swing both ways. >> windows? >> windows, summertime, everybody is opening up their windows. make sure that children don't fall out the windows. use window bars -- >> live in an apartment building in new york -- >> people are watching and want to child proof their house, what's the website? >> best website to go to is international association for child safety. find a local child proofer in
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your neighborhood to take care of it. >> thank you. i appreciate it. you're keeping kids safe. we thank you for that. you want to get to the bottom of benghazi, we know exactly what to do. >> ask them about hillary's secret war and how she was warned about the dangers of fighting a secret war by giving weapons to monsters. >> that's what we're going to ask our next guest, three members of the benghazi committee are going to join us live. there are their faces and caitlyn jenner appearing in sports illustrated for the first time as a woman, but already another female celebrity starring in the new ghost busters movie is calling her out.
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we have got a fox news alert
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for you right now. breaking this morning, the death toll rising after that terrorist attack in istanbul's ataturk airport. 41 now dead. more than 200 hurt after three suspected terrorists stormed the security gates with assault rifles and bomb belts and eventually blew themselves up. they were originally targeting the departures area but they were stopped at security. one blew himself up in the parking lot. >> that's right. the carnage playing out in realtime before security cameras, stunning video showing those folks right there running for their lives before one of those bombs went off. >> here to see one of the terrorists walk around, firing his rifle, a security officer appears to hit him. you can see him fall to the floor, drop his gun, slides across the floor. that officer walking over to apprehend the suspected terrorist, he ran for his life before the terrorist detonated his best and explodes. >> here at home airports are
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ramping up security in new york, new jersey, d.c., l.a. just to name a few. all indications pointing to another isis attack in istanbul. more could be on the horizon. >> wow. one major story to another, a bomb shell report claims that hillary clinton's failure to act that claimed the lives of four americans what clinton called the report a sham, three benghazi committee members, jim jordan, mike pompeo and lynn westmoreland. thank you for joining us. you put together a 42 page summary of the 800 page report, but i want you first to respond to the way your 800-page report that took two years to put together is being summarized. listen -- >> no smoking gun -- >> no new evidence of blame for hillary clinton -- >> finds no bomb shells about hillary clinton -- >> no new evidence of wrong
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doing by hillary clinton -- >> no new evidence of wrong doing -- >> no evidence of clinton's role -- >> the report does not shed significant new light on clinton's handling of the crisis. >> congressman jordan, is that true? >> no. look, brian, we learned that no military assets were even -- that had taken off before the attack was over. but as i said yesterday what did start before the attack was over was the political spin. at 10:08 that night when tyronn woods is fighting for his life and his fellow citizens lives, she is making a statement that points to the video of the catalyst for the attack which we all know is false. we know that was misleading and false because an hour later she tells her daughter terrorists killed our people and the next day she tells the egyptian prime minister that the film had nothing to do with it, it was a planned attack, not a protest. the spin started right away before the attack is over, but help getting to our folks did
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it. that's why mike and i wrote our report where we talked about politics drove this from the get-go for this administration and that's something that shouldn't happen in our country. >> congressman, we found out about a meeting that took place about 5:30 where there was already being brought up, right, congressman pompeo? >> that's right. they were talking about politics just several hours after the attacks. they were worried about the sensitivities of the libyan government. can we send our soldiers in in uniform? do we need permission? that's crazy. you had an ambassador missing. 30 plus people in harms way fighting fir their lives and we had our secretary of state with a bunch of deputies from all across government debating whether or not we can send forces in rather than what secretary panetta did, do everything you can to get these people back. >> you put together this entire thing, people want to say that hillary clinton was exonerated through this whole thing, but the question is did she step up and take leadership role? it's her state department and
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her hand picked ambassador and her friend that was missing and later found dead. >> well, you know, brian, the fact of it is she wanted to be the hero going into libya, but after this happened she wanted to wash her hands of it and blame it on somebody else. you know, if you can't fix the problem, fix the blame. that's certainly what their intention was, i believe, and especially during the sit-in was i think there were 11 action items and 5 of them were about the video. none of them were about, hey, how quick can we get somebody in there to rescue our people? >> here is the thing i don't understand, congressman jordan, order was given to pa net ta to take action. what stopped the action, some type of rescue effort to stop the carnage? >> all the facts seem to point to i think rather strongly frankly to political concerns dominating everything else. mike talked about having people change out of the uniform.
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we couldn't send people in in military uniform because we're concerned about politics and political issues. we had to stay there, even though after ga dadfy's ousted we stayed even though most other countries left and security situation was so bad you had one diplomatic security agent call it a suicide mission, another said everyone in benghazi is going to die. that's how bad the situation was. but because of politics, because this was supposed to be their crown jewel of foreign policy success, they stayed and then when it all happened, when the terrorist attack happened on 911 they had to mislead the american people because it was 56 days before an election the legacy was on the line and the political narrative is gm is alive, bin laiden is dead and question read qaeda is on the run. >> here is the judge -- >> they are going to have
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congressman jim jordan and congressman mike pompeo on in an hour and a half, ask them, they know about this. ask them about hillary's secret war and how she was warned about the dangers of fighting a secret war by giving weapons to monsters. >> congressman westmoreland, you know anything about that? >> well, we can't get the information. i mean, we can't get the information from the white house and he would be the one to know of any covert action over there that involved giving arms to the libyan people. i don't doubt that it happened, but as far as what the annex was doing there, we've asked all the people that were on the ground there if they saw any weapons, hostages and they all said no. and they had access to every part of that annex. >> elijah kumings said this -- i want you to hear it and respond. >> he came out and said this
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whole thing has been a sad experience. congressman pompeo, do you believe this whole thing has been a sad experience and an example of partisanship? >> i'm proud of what we established. there's a whole new understanding that secretary clinton put politics ahead of the people on the ground. edidn't have that before this existed. we didn't have her e-mails. elijah can answer to the families of the four dead americans that he seems to be happy never to known that america didn't try to go rescue these heroes on the ground. he'll have to live with that and explain to the american people why he thought this committee shouldn't have asked those questions on the set of incredibly important issues. >> they needed the help to come. the help was never scrambled. there was no attempt. unbelievable this america -- congressman pompeo, jordan and westmoreland, thank you so much. mean while, heather has the other news. >> i certainly do.
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good morning to all of you. do you remember when the house democrats held a protest and they refused to leave the house floor earlier this week? well, that 25-hour gun control sit-in may get them in some serious trouble. the foundation for accountability and civic trust a watchdog group, filed a complaint saying that those democrats violated ethics rules. the group says that they used house resources for political purposes, including spending fund raising e-mails. one democrat asking for donations in an e-mail, writing, quote, i'm writing you while sitting on the house floor. we'll keep looking into that story. cleveland is already title town after the cavs' championship, but now the rnc could get some champion speakers. blookberg reporting today that donald trump is inviting sports legends to join him, mike tyson, mike ditka and bobby knight all to cleveland, all three have his campaign. knight even campaigned with him back in april. you saw him here on fox and friends. but trump is knocking out one
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part of the report, tweeting that iron mike tyson was not actually asked to speak at the convention. he said, though, i'm sure he would do a good job if he was. the media makes everything up says donald trump. caitlyn jenner back in the spotlight gracing the cover of sports illustrated next month. for the first time since 1976. known as bruce jenner back then when bruce represented the u.s. and won a gold medal 40 years ago, this new one will be released in july. little heads-up on that. those are your headlines. brian? >> yeah. it's where are we now? but we never lost sight of caitlyn jenner. >> i guess not. >> and really every time you blooing. straight ahead, america suffered a terrorist attack every year on average under president obama's leadership. how is he responding this morning? we're live at the white house that will be next. and we told you about this parrot called in as a witness perhaps in a murder trial because he keeps saying this -- >> don't [ bleep ] shoot --
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>> can a parrot's testimony actually hold up in court? a legal look at the implications next. ♪ what my secrets are, secrets are ♪ ♪ i don't care if after a long day, jen stops working, but her aleve doesn't. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours?
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leslie jones calls it body shaming. interesting story. meanwhile, you talk about a car for a movie, we have something out there -- >> look at that. >> take a look. >> ghost busters car. >> it is. it reminds you of the car -- who are you going to call? >> ghost busters. coming up, we'll tell you how if you use the ride sharing app lyft in certain cities -- >> the cities are san francisco, l.a., boston, d.c. and new york city -- >> you can actually go into ghost mode and request this and it might show up to take you all over town. >> how fun would that be. >> it's all about the new ghost busters movie and the promotion. >> we'll talk about it live on facebook right after this show. stay tuned for that. in the meantime, brian, what's coming up? >> president obama to report on air for a trade meeting in canada, but that meeting may
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change after the airport bombing, i think. on average, america suffered a terror attack, by the way, every year under his leadership, that's seven in a row. is the president responding this morning in kind? we're at the white house with the details. hey, kristen. >> reporter: hey, brooip. well, president obama just left the white house for canada without talking about what happened in turkey. so, for now, the only official word from the white house is a statement that was put out last night condemning the attacks. it reads in part, quote, ataturk airport international airport like brussels is a symbol of international connections and the ties that bind us together. we remain steadfast in our support for turkey as we continue to confront the threat of terrorism. now, that topic will likely come up when president obama meets today with the president of mexico and the prime minister of canada for this summit of north american leaders. but terror is not the focus. the focus is trade, energy, climate change. another topic that will come up is britain's vote to leave the
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european union. >> the brexit vote has had an impact on global financial markets, including financial markets here in north america, so i would anticipate something that the leaders will discuss. i don't anticipate it will be the focus of their conversation but i'm confident it will come up. today, president obama will also address the canadian parliament. he will be the first u.s. president to do it since bill clinton in 1995. there's plenty of opportunities today for president obama to address the terror attack in turkey. we'll see if he chooses to do so. brian? >> i imagine it's going to come up and i imagine they have a very full plate. kristin fisher, thanks so much. earlier on fox and friends, you met this parrot called in as a witness in a murder trial because he may -- because he may keep saying this -- >> don't [ bleep ] shoot! >> that's next. but can a parrot's testimony actually hold up in court. a look at the legal implications
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next. first, check in with mike, who is the real deal and single handedly put together a two-hour show coming up in 11 minutes. >> brian, good morning. thank you very much. we do have a very busy show today. we've got breaking news out of turkey as the world reacts to yet another attack. senator marco rubio will join us on that. congressman trey gowdy and also chris tonto fought on the rooftop during 13 hours of hell in benghazi. new polls show there are changes that happened in the trump campaign that may be working. eric trump joins us with what they are doing differently now when we see you at the top of the hour. we'll see you soon.
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♪ it is the story everybody is talking about, can this
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foul-mouthed parrot named bud be called as a witness in his owner's murder trial for saying these words -- >> don't [ bleep ] shoot! >> according to the bird's owner, those were her ex-husband's final words before he was killed by his wife. >> bud does not need to hear anything over and over again to say it. he -- i think because he literally witnessed -- he was in the middle of this. he's seen this. he heard this. he felt it. and it traumatized him. i don't think he had a choice but to remember it. that's marty's voice and it's a full two-minute argument before he says, don't f'ing shoot. >> but will it hold up in a court of law? here to discuss peter johnson jr. and dr. laurie katz. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> apparently a target -- this is target, much like bud, the
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bird that reportedly, according to the ex-wife, witnessed the murder. as birds go, this is the best talking bird in the wild. >> yes, the best species of talker, definitely. >> okay. but peter, the big question is will the prosecutor -- should the prosecutor include the testimony of a bird in a court of law? >> i understand the family is upset and they want to get every piece of evidence they can, but based on the laws that exist today, there's a couple of issues. once, availability. will this bird be sworn in, not this bird target but bud. credibility. reliability. is he going to confuse the jury. as you were talking about me earlier and rudy giuliani, the sixth amendment, the right to confrontation. can bud, the african parrot, be cross-examined? we've seen things where there was dog and cat evidence and hair and pointing to a suspects and like that. but this is a tough, tough call. as smart as bud is and as target is. >> laurie, as smart as this kind of parrot is, they repeat
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things, but can you carry on a conversation with them? >> you can. they repeat things and they mimic things, but interestingly, they do it within a context. so, they listen to the owner or the person speaking and they learn that in the owner's voice. they mimic the person's voice. >> right. that's what the ex-wife said. peter, what do you think? >> there's a lot going on. testify that it sounds exactly of who was killed. maybe the person who was killed had said those words at some time in the past. there's an issue with regard to african parrots and i am sitting next to one of the experts in the world and conditioning and wrote learning and chain of custody. who had the african parrot? was the parrot trained after the death to say those things in order to provide evidence? don't know. lot of things. interesting, though. really makes you think. >> we'll see if the prosecutor does it. laurie, peter, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> target, thank you. we'll be right back.
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>> say something, target. say something ♪ just how we used to be lighter on your skin, but still protects and stays on strong. new coppertone sport. hello sunshine.
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and always working to be better. about caitlyn jenner and ghost busters. just so you know two separate stories. >> live on facebook is that true? >> that's right. terror abroad again as the death toll is rising. terror strikes at one of the martha: the death toll is rising. three armed attackers stormed the international airport in istanbul. look at these images as people lose hire lives. opening fire and blowing themselves up. 239 are believed to have been injured in this horrific and vicious attack. no responsibility taken for it yet. good morning. i'm martha maccallum live in america's


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