tv The Kelly File FOX News July 1, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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as always we thank you for watching. i'm bill o'reilly, please always remember that the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight a country on alert as we hear new warnings from the director of the cia about the risk of an attack on the homeland. just weeks after the horror of orlando. welcome to a kelly file special. terror in america. i'm megyn kelly. less than one day after terrorists killed 42 and wounded more than 200 others at one of the world's busiest airports the cia director answered questions on the record and basically said he would not be surprised if something similar happened here and soon. while the attack in turkey involved sophisticated coordination and planning, america just experienced a terror attack of its own in orlando, florida, and saw the kind of horror that can be unleashed when one man, inspired
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by terror teachings, goes after a soft target like a nightclub, where no one saw it coming. that was just the latest reminder, that from boston to san bernardino, from fort hood to the pulse nightclub in florida, this threat is evolving. the methods are changing and the only constant is the hatred for the american way of life. so is this our new normal? do we have to just live with it? we wanted to have a serious conversation. so we put together one of the most powerful line juneup of guests ever, including people who literally came face to face with some of these terrorists. and you'll meet them in a moment. but first tonight, trace gallagher gets us up to speed on the threat. trace? >> reporter: megyn in may, an audio recording thought to be from isis surfaced online calling for attacks on the west during the muslim holy month of ramadan, which began in early june and ends july 5th. the suicide bombing attack on istanbul's airport certainly has the hallmarks of isis.
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and on june 12th when omar mateen opened fire on the pulse nightclub in orlando killing 49, mateen called 911 and pledged allegiance to isis. some witnesses have come forward claiming they had gay relationships with mateen, but the fbi now says there is no evidence to support that. there is also no sign the fbi has immediate plans to arrest mateen's wife in connection to the shooting. in fact, attorney general loretta lynch acknowledged last week that she does not know noor salman's current location. but orlando marks the seventh terror attack on u.s. soil since president obama took office. in 2009, abdul hakeem mohammed opened fire on an army recruiting office in little rock, arkansas, killing one soldier, wounding another. mohammed converted to islam as a teen claimed he was affiliated with al qaeda and called the shooting a jihadi attack. also in 2009, former army
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psychiatrist opened fire at fort hood, killing 13. during his trial hasan claimed allegiance to the taliban but later said he wanted to become a member of the islamic state. in april 2013, joe car and tamerlan tsarnaev bombed the boston marathon. two police officers also died during the subsequent man hunt. joe car told police they were motivated by extremist islamic beliefs and learned how to build bombs from an al qaeda magazine. in may of 2015 two men opened fire outside a prophet mohammed cartoon contest in garland texas. the suspects were quickly shot and killed by police, but isis claimed responsibility. in july 2015, al qaeda follower mohammod abdulazeez went on a shooting rampage in chat nug ga, killing five military members. and last december, husband and
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wife killed 14 at the inland regional center in san bernardino. isis immediately claimed responsibility. megyn. >> trace thank you. well, with terror again dominating the daily headlines, we wanted to discuss the threat and the answers with a group of people who could bring a unique perspective to the issue. this time, however, we wanted to not only talk with intel pros and folks from muslim communities. we decided to reach out to some folks who have actually lived it. joining us on our special panel tonight, we are honored to have with us kimberly munley the hero of fort hood. she's a civilian police officer who ended the killing spree by major nadal hasan when she shot him four times and was injured herself in the process. also with us from the attack at fort hood, staff sargent alonzo lunsford, shot seven times including once in the head, along with sargent sean manning, who was also shot multiple times and went on to be a vocal critic
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of the obama administration for describing this attack as workplace violence. rosa lee oh nettie is with us tonight. she lost her brother irin law on nine. also with us joe conner he lost his father to terrorists in the 1970s, then watched in horror from across the street as his own cousin died in the trade towers. some of you may recognize patience carter. she spent three hours as a hostage during the pulse nightclub terror attack in orlando just a couple weeks ago. shot twice her friend died next to her on the bathroom floor during the standoff. also with patience during that three-hour nightmare in pulse nightclub was tiara parker. she was shot once by omar mateen. it was her cousin who died on the bathroom floor next to her during the standoff. sargent robert bartlett is with us tonight. he was severely injured by iranian made ieds while on duty in iraq. as is carl higby, a navy s.e.a.l. who watched three of his buddies die also thanks
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toageto an ied in iraq. we have this individual who argues that radical islamists do not practice the truth faith. theresa hubble is here from new jersey. they represents the group we like to call security moms. bridget gabe release survived an attack. she's now an anti-terror activity. sa laum body is an islamic attorney. bernie carrick is with us tonight. he's the former nyc police commissioner who oversaw the new york law enforcement response to 9/11. mohammed shoery is communications director for the muslim community. cairn greenberg is a civil rights attorney and noted expert on national security. zee hahn hamid is president of the council on pakistan u.s. relations. bill dailey here tonight former agent with the fbi. ca psalm ra shid is a harvard fellow. bo deetle is here as well a
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former nypd detective. sue hey kahn is a republican muslim who worked with the bush administration and with the rnc. courtney emerson is a writer and activist who studied women's rights in the arab world while at princeton. sa waub ajuan is a muslim writer, and chris johnny is a muslim convert. that is our panel with us tonight. thank you all so much for being here. very grateful to have you. let's just start with the status of terror today in america. and for that, i'm going to start with our two guests who were in the pulse nightclub and ask you something that so many people have said to me anecdotally over the past couple of weeks, which is can you believe how quickly it has faded from the national conversation? >> i think something like this shouldn't be tooken as a trend. it's not a trend. this is an actual issue that america is facing. there's actual people who are out here who want to kill americans and we have to deal with that issue. and because people are afraid to deal with that issue, they
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quickly brush over it because people are scared. we have to face this issue. if not, more things like this are going to happen. >> kimberly, you shot the terrorist in fort hood, nadal hasan. what is your take on somebody who has stood face to face with a terrorist and taken him down? >> i think all the terrorist attacks do not need to go in the back door and in the back page of any headline whatsoever, whether it happened two weeks ago two years ago or almost seven years ago for us. i think the community needs to continue to be educated on the threat that will not go away. as soon as we let our guard down, it's going to continue to happen, and even possibly worse. i also think now we're forging into a new mentality of how do we respond as victims of a potential terrorist attack? you know what do you do? you know we've always kind of juggled with in our school
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systems, how do we teach our children instead of staying there and being a target, to actually fight if it needs to be. and all the terrorist attacks have taken place and if it's on a military post, those soldiers are trained to react. if it's in a club where you're just trying to enjoy yourself, they are not. >> i want to ask you, sergeant lunsford, because i know thaw have suffered greatly, physically, and you spoke with me a couple years ago about some ptsd and just what that had done to you having been shot so many times. when you see something like this happen in orlando or what we saw in istanbul does it bring that back for you? what does it do? >> oh it does. it brings back the actual event that happened that day to us in 2009. but also it makes one wonder what are we going to do to minimize the blow that these terrorists are doing to us on our own soil? and years ago we had talked about soft targets, hard targets or soft targets. what they're trying to do is they're identifying soft targets
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because of the psychological effect that it has on americans. so what we need to do in my opinion, is that we need to work more closely together between military and law enforcement so we're all speaking the same language. we also need to practice response times. but we don't need to necessarily identify large cities. we need to look at small-town america as well because that's where the soft targets are. >> you feel like they've given up on that? i mean the messaging we've gotten in recent days has been, you know this is something that in modern-day america we may have to learn to live with because we can't find all of the threats. >> well, we can find the threats. but i think that a lot of censorship has been going on whereas americans, they see it, they hear it, but they don't really know exactly what it feels like. and this panel that we're having today is going to answer a lot of those questions because they're getting it from all of us who have been there, who know what it feels like, who have actually been on the front line so that they can understand what
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we need to do to strengthen our nation as a whole. >> and i know, sergeant manning, you've been saying the first thing we need to do is call it what it is, which is nat workplace violence in the case of fort hood. when you see that, when we run the video of fort hood as we go through the terror attacks that have happened in the united states, what does that make you feel? you lived it. for us, it's just b roll we put on a screen. it's like fort hood, that was terrible and then we move on. >> i mean it's sickness. i mean it's become so common place that we just kind of accepted it. that's not good for me. i think we need to try to do something about it rather than just gloss over it and move on to the next thing and think this is normal. or focus on things that we shouldn't be focused on to misfocus from the problems. >> how frustrating is that to you, for so long to have had the attack on your life misidentified? >> extremely frustrating. i mean it took them five years to actually say fort hood was a domestic terrorist attack. i mean that's ridiculous based
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on the facts. they knew from day one it was a terrorist attack and they refused to acknowledge it. it seems like all thee attacks, they try to reframe it into another narrative to try to avoid talking about the difficult things. >> what did you think when we saw that in orlando when they scrubbed the reports of this terrorist's pledging allegiance to a la. they changed the word allah to god. they scrubbed out islamic state references. >> exactly the same thing. again, they're trying to misfocus the public at large and trying to create a narrative that isn't factual. >> rosa, you suffered a loss on 9/11, and of course that was the terror attack of them all here in the united states. >> you know, my niece just graduated from high school here in manhattan and is going to boston college. and when i look around and i don't see her father and i see my sister sitting there crying, 15 years later, i'm -- i -- i'm so angry, angry. we've given -- we'd rather be politically correct at this
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point than call it what it is and pander to -- pander to, you know, the political correctness just for votes, just for power. 15 years later, we have learned absolutely nothing. >> joe, you've been involved -- you've been the victim of and had somebody you love in two terrorist attacks. >> yep. >> in the united states. >> yes. >> have we made any progress? i mean when you look at how we're handling it now? >> you know it's an interesting point. i'd say we do talk about political correctness and it used to be sort of a nuisance in our lives. now it's a noose and it's killing us. it's choking us. it's around our necks. i think that's one thing that i think most americans have learned. i'm not sure our government has learned it. i think we have to understand that. when my father was murdered in 1975, it was a puerto rican terrorist group. they went to prison for a long time. until 1999 when politically it was expedient for the clintons to release these terrorists, so they did. so hillary clinton was involved
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in their release when she was running for senator for new york. we're still seeing some of that now. i mean you look at what happened with benghazi. you look how terrorism has been used for politics and what you said is in a lot of ways, we've learned nothing. and it's very frustrating to me, i mean, as a 9/11 family member and i witnessed the attacks. my poor cousin, steve was murdered. and my father who was his godfather was murdered a generation before. i see we did come together for a while after 9/11, and we went to war to avenge that attack. and then i look what happened with my father, and we released those terrorists and it was all for political reasons. so i still struggle with this dichotomy between how we have fought a war on one hand, but how we pander and give in to the politics on the other. and it's -- it's disgraceful. we should be way further along
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in our war against terrorists now than we are. >> the question is whether anything can be done now about the met asastasis of isis that happened in particular since 2014, and we're going to talk about that next. we're going to talk about the obama administration's response and what can be done as this group has popped in so many cities and so many countries abroad because this terror threat is clearly evolved. and the critics say that president obama's response has not. up next, we'll investigate that. don't go away. >> we will not rest until we have dismantled these networks of hate that have an impact on the entire civilized world. [ screaming ] rate suckers! [ bell dinging ] your car insurance goes up because of their bad driving. people try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. [ driver panting ]
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welcome back. when omar mateen killed or injured almost 100 people at the pulse nightclub, there was a range of reaction from the obama administration. while the president and his team initially acknowledged that this was clearly a terror attack, they went on in the coming days to focus on a range of issues that had little to do with identifying terrorists. listen. >> the shooter was apparently armed with a handgun and a powerful assault rifle. this massacre is therefore a further reminder of how easy it
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is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school or in a house of worship, or a movie theater, or in a nightclub. and we have to decide if that's the kind of country we want to be. >> we stand with you to say that the good in this world far outweighs the evil, that our common humanity transcends our differences and that our most effective response to terror and to hatred is compassion, unity and it's love. >> i want to bring back our panel. let's just pick up with what loretta lynch said there at the end. anybody have any thoughts on that? go ahead, carl higby. >> i mean passion and love they're talking about you know loving the very people that are trying to tear us down. we need to look at this on multiple fronts and one of the fronts is we have to be willing to fight this enemy head-on with force. but also we have to wage a social war too. i mean you have let's say 10% of muslims are radicalized and willing to do harm.
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20% are perfectly willing to live within our customs and our ideology. but then you have that 70% in the middle that's unwilling to support the suicide vests that they see from their friend or report the radicalization of anybody they know. you also have america that is afraid to speak out. we need to fight this on all these fronts and it's not going to be done through love. >> anybody else? >> well it's interesting hearing these made-up statistics. 10% of muslims are radicalized. i assume that was just invented because it sounds like a good number. 20% aren't willing to report. you can talk about criticizing political correctness, but that's a bumper sticker. that's a slogan. that's not a strategy. that's not a plan. and the notion that -- take omar mateen. okay? this was a racist, homophobic, misogynist domestic abuser with serious mental health issues. >> that's describes by the way most of these terrorists. most of these radical -- they're all the things you just said. >> okay. that's fine. but where does he end up? he ends up as a juvenile intake
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officer in the florida department of corrections. were they too politically correct? then he ends up working for one of the world's largest private security agencies. were they too politically correct? this is not a single dimensional problem where you attack muslims or political correctness or demand a whole community come out in a daily denunciation to no other community in this country is asked to do. >> one of the conversations that's been lost here is that mateen was an abuser and there's ample data that indicates that those who are abusers will become further violent and commit mass violence. the fbi released a report on this. >> are you drawing a line between the fact that he was a radical islamic terrorist and the fact that he was a man who abused his wife? are you trying to say this is the extreme act of a female abuser? >> i'm saying that what we have in america is a country where the leading cause of injury to women is domestic violence. >> let me get one of the victims of his attack to respond to you.
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go ahead, tiara. >> it doesn't matter whether you show a person love or not. you can show somebody all the love in the world, but that doesn't change his actions and some of the things he's done. what he's done was a terrorist attack. now, i'm not saying that it's something against muslims or anything like that. however, he still showed -- he still acted as a terrorist. that's what he did. >> he was a terrorist, and there's no one doubting that. i think if you doubt that, you're duluthelusiondelusional. my point is to the comment on what love and compassion and education can do. if we use those to train our youth and focus on our youth, you know, when we're talking about how to end terrorism, it doesn't happen with more bombs and guns. it happens by getting to our youth sooner and younger and creating a narrative for tolerance early on. >> mohammed, go ahead. >> one terrorist who claims to be muslim is one too many. whatever the percentages to me are irrelevant. i think the solution here is to look at a proven model versus shallow theories. >> how is this practically going
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to be applied? are you telling all the other muslims they need to become this kind of muslim? that doesn't sound very productive. >> what we're doing, two things. one is we've lost a true i laum campaign where we've looked at 11 points the extremists are using to radicalize these terrorists and we're saying here's the counternarratives. >> you need to go to the mosques and get them to repeat that. >> and the problem is inconsistent muslim leadership. >> and i bet probably they have not responded. the problem is you are the minority. what we have right now is muslim mosques in america radicalized harboring terrorists knowing there are radicals within the mosques and they're not reporting about it. and when you talk about the issue of terrorism you have the gentleman in the back, the perfect excuse of how he can hijack a conversation about terrorism to make it about women and the guy was an abuser, and therefore that's why he did what he did. >> let me tell you what we have is the largest muslim community. we have over 100 cites, seven mosques in america where they're wide open. police, law enforcement, we're open. >> the majority of mosques in
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america are not listening to moderates like you and moderates like the -- >> we're going to pick it up right there right after this break. don't go away. life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. after a long day dave stops working but his aleve doesn't. because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your
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bangladesh. isis is claiming responsibility for the attack on a popular restaurant, which left at least two policemen dead. at least two dozen people are being treated for injuries. the exact number of hostages is not known but is believed to be around 20. state department spokesman john kirby says all american citizens assigned to the u.s. diplomatic mission are accounted for. other americans are being told to shelter in place. meantime, in israel, a deadly attack by a palestinian gunman on an israeli family in the west bank. investigators say the suspect opened fire on a couple and two teenagers riding in a car. they say the father died. the mother and the teens were wounded. it's just the latest in a nine-month wave of palestinian attacks against israelis. i'm patricia stark. now back to a kelly file special. we're back now with our panel. bow deetle you wanted to weigh in. >> i listened to the gentleman
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next to me. we talked about sharia law where you can whack your wife aunder roe. that's abuse of women. then you get the president of the united states talking about gun control. the guys in boston didn't use guns. they used pressure cookers. it's an idealistic value that they want americans dead. what we have to do is educate the younger muslims that this is not the way to go. >> bill daily, go ahead. >> ult natally you have to stay stripping all this conversation away, what is driving this people to do it? they're being influenced, inspired by active participation, by al kie do to draw them in. isis and al qaeda don't care whether these people have other aggression issues. they just want them to act out in their behalf. they inspire them to do it. that ultimately is the issue. we have people out there in isis and al qaeda with very slick markets mek niz manies.
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>> they pull up these anwar al walky where he's dead. >> we have to get the crux of this serpent which are the people that are doing it from afar and stop it. >> these people that are gunning people down, they're not followingfollow following islam. that's for sure. what's the problem? the problem is that the true message of islam is not getting to them either. i think it's challenged with the media is what happens is the media, all they portray is isis, taliban, all this and that. they don't portray what muslims are really doing in america, what muslims really are doing around the world. >> i want to ask you sergeant bartlett. you were wounded in iraq, fighting, by an iranian ie derks. you actually put your life on the line to fight terrorism for this country. your thoughts on the dialogue we're having right now? >> i think some great points were made. they were talking about education. we need to educate. well, the problem is the education that we're fighting is if you look at iran or any of these countries where these radical regimes are pushing the message out they're saying, you know, death to america. death to israel.
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death to jews. death to christians. death to anybody who isn't following islam and who isn't following their version of islam. so they've killed their own people, and they do it often, right? but now they're killing us too. so how do you combat that? we have to combat entire regimes that are pushing out that message. it's not just a small band of isis members. it's a very large regime that are pushing these things out. >> these are nice ideas that we want to fight it through education and things like that and domestic abuse. that's fine and dandy, but the fact is right now we know that 100% of the terrorists i shot in the face didn't get back up and commit terrorist attacks. if we have to go to their country and do that to protect the homeland, i'm willing to sign back up and go. >> i'd do it. >> probably more than half of the people here started out with the problem is. all right? the biggest problem is that we don't have a long-term strategy. we know -- we know exactly what the problems are.
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this administration has no long-term strategy. >> stand by. much more after the break. while many influential muslims issued a statement condemning the attacks in orlando, and one muslim actually did report omar mateen as a suspected problem it did not satisfy all the critics. we discuss that with our panel next. ♪ share the joy of real cream... ...with reddi-wip. at carrabba's, we've never celebrated our grill like this. for a short time choose two or three grilled favorites on one plate - like chicken bryan and linguine positano starting at just $15.99. carrabba's. this is how you do italian. you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there w ill still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to
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whether these beliefs are baked into the islamic faith. >> i've studied the quran for seven years and nowhere in the quran does it condone killing of an innocent human being. it actually says killing one person is equal to killing all of humanity. >> the question is how can we expand this brand beyond this community? >> that's exactly what we need do. american non-muslims need to understand what the quran actually says so when these extremists use the quran -- so it's not about muslim versus christian versus jews. it's about extremists killing for their own ideology. and the counterideology that if we all come together and present -- >> but all the extremists we saw in those seven attacks were muslim extremists. >> they were. >> i mean you don't deny -- because this is where people get upset. if you deny that that is a real problem in the country. we saw -- these people in the front row, their relatives died in the twin towers that were
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knocked down by radical muslims. >> lots of muslims have family members die from this too. it's a terrible thing, and i can empathize. but what i can also tell you is unless you separate out -- what i would tell the administration today is until you separate the extremists from the religion and what i would -- >> this administration is doing that. go ahead. >> i'm saying when someone is killing someone al law akbar, he's doing it in the name of his god. that's extreme islam. that's the fact and when we start covering it up, there are good people but the point is we have to try to get the good people to turn the bad people. >> go ahead ma'am. >> so when the interpretation of groups like isis are effective at recruiting people, they're also effective because these people are excluded politically, socially, economically. we know that that has to be part of the conversation. and so when presidential candidates say we should ban entire communities from entering the united states we are feeding into that fear. we are feeding into that process, which is equally a problem. >> what about that because the
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studies have shown as we saw in orlando that too often it's second-generation americans whose parents emigrated, who the parents do fine because they still have their culture of origin. but the second generation, like omar mateen do not do that well because they -- for many reasons, one of which is they feel ostracized and disliked. >> i can tell you i grew up in the south, and i know plenty of christians that i grew up with, people that claimed you know, jesus is the greatest and they're sitting there and saying that they are christians and they live by that standard that's in the bible. and yet we see people in those areas -- i grew up watching people beat somebody of a different color. i saw somebody beat somebody because of their sexual preference. and in that case, they're saying you're against what god says and you're against this, and it's still coming out with a christian ideology in that case. and i personally grew up with those things. so i saw that and i look at it and i'd say -- >> there's an entire group of people -- go ahead, joe in the front. >> that doesn't make sense. we see states -- islamic states murdering homosexuals and
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stoning people who have affairs and that. so it's part of the state culture. whether it's -- >> is this a fall equivalence? >> it's ridiculous. i mean one guy going out and beating somebody is a terrible thing. but the state making it the policy that we're going to stone adulterers, or we're going to throw homosexuals off of buildings. that's a different -- >> why can't you have both ideas in your head, that islam is a peace-loving religion, but that it can be corrupted to a place where it's political and radical and dangerous? >> go ahead. >> you know, when the tea party was up and coming they had no problem throwing out, you know, throwing the tea party under the bus and calling them racist. why can't they call it what it is? how do you fight something that you can't call out? you need to call it out. you need to stop thinking about these kumbaya and your bumper sticker is bleeding all over the place. >> kimberly, go ahead. >> so spare me.
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>> i completely agree with you because we tosz out the word political correctness. i'm sorry, that's the problem because we exclude his pledge to isis during the attack. we exclude hasan being able to go up in his own free will and announce his pledge to what at the time was the taliban and then he switched over to isis whatever is the going factor at the time. and we suppressed that information. that information is not put out to the public because it's politically sensitive. >> what do you think of the push on guns? i'm curious. >> the push on guns is a whole different story. they can throw out there on every serious terror attack out there. that's not the problem. he was on a watch list. he shouldn't have been able to buy a weapon. that's plain and simple. but that's not the solution because they're going to get the weapons. they're going to get the -- whatever, the pressure cookers. they're going to get whatever they want to get to accomplish the goal. >> go ahead. i've got to go but you go
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ahead, sir. >> where the problem lies is that you look at our young future leaders. just like they were saying that these kids don't have anything to look up to because our administration has failed, because of economics because of how they're teaching our kids. they are spending more time teaching our kids to pass tests than they are about teaching the values that make this country great. then when someone said that the islamics, when they're going to kill people, they're only looking for muslims. when we got to, ask those 14 people that died that day if you were christian, if you were jewish. he just started shooting and said allahu akhbar. we've got to call it what it is because you've got to grab the stink by the head and you've got to kill it. you you cannot do it nice. you've got to change the rules of engagement because as military personnel here we've been there. we've done that. it's hard when you see somebody
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making an ied and you can't take the person out because you've got to get permission from the higher ups. that's the snake right there. as far as guns is concerned, i'm a dad and i'm a schoolteacher. when i went down my son -- i was a single father, therefore, my son came into my hospital room, and he said down from now on, if you should fall i will step up. he knows how to operate everything in my arsenal and that's how it's going to be. yes you have to fight fire with fire. [ applause ] >> sergeant, thank you. we'll be right back. america, they don't call it travel season for nothing. ♪ this summer at choice hotels the more you go the better. now get a free $50 gift card for staying just two times. so go. book now at
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well we mentioned earlier that there has now been seven successful terror attacks carried out in the u.s. since president obama took office. we're about one per year. but here are a couple of other numbers to think about. omar mateen, in thes the 103rd isis supporter to be killed or arrested on u.s. soil. that's 50 a year. and a recent report by the homeland security committee listed some 800 isis-linked investigations under way in all 50 states. our panel is back with us now. i mean that's chilling. i want to get to karen just because she's been raising her hand. your thoughts on it. >> what we should also mention
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in this, newtown. we should talk about aurora. we should talk about the fact that the united states is in the middle of a wave of violence by young mostly men some of whom are in the name of isis and some of whom aren't. and if we keep focusing on how isis in the middle east and isis in the united states is the same thing which i think it's quite different in the ways it's behaving, then we are missing the point. >> gun control has been mentioned, newtown and aurora and orlando were all target-rich environments because people were not armed. and this push from the left to disarm the innocent, the law-abiding like myself i am my own security. i do not have a security force. the government cannot protect us at all times. we need to accept this. we need to take personal responsibility for our own safety and security. >> i want to get to patience carter. go ahead. >> we're losing sight even right now of what the -- he said what he said.
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>> omar mateen? >> as he was shooting people in the back. we need to deal with that part as far as prevention, as far as security. what are we doing as americans as far as the administration to make sure we're protecting our american people on our soil? what are we doing? if you met this man or you interviewed this person by the fbi multiple times before this even happened how did he get access to guns? >> just quickly in the back. >> i understand that this is an ideological battle for those that are being radicalized in the united states. we need to establish the peaceful narrative of islam. if we're going to save these people from being radicalized. >> how? >> first of all, the problem that i see is we keep fighting the media. we keep fighting the rhetoric against islam that continues to demonize muslims. when you demonize muslims, you put youth like me -- you put them aside and say that your religion is going to you know, promotes this. then that's what they're going to accept.
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>> we have to united as americans defeat isis. we have to defeat boko haram. we have to defeat al qaeda and anybody else who in any way wants to harm innocent people whether they're american or otherwise. we need to do that united as americans. and that means all americans whether they're muslim, christian, jewish, or other faith, and you join together. we don't need to divide ourselves. muslims should be on the front line. they are on the front line, especially on the local level. they need to partner with local law enforcement. if they see something, if they see somebody radicalizing, they need to work with law enforcement to stop that before they become violent. if they're getting close to violence, they need to work request law enforcement. that also means not trying to scare the community. that's why this whole idea of surveillance or deporting or locking up people before they're done anything we need to stay with the constitution as well and adhere to the constitutional principle that made us great as a country. >> i'm going to give sergeant bartlett the last word. >> i think america just needs to make peace with, hey, we're in a 100-year war. that's the reality.
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the other reality is you know what, i've been on your show a couple times. muslims give me a lift to your show, right? they say, i wish the fbi would vet us so they know who we are and that we're not terrorists. so that's saying that a muslim is telling me hey, we want the fbi to investigate me so that they know i'm a good person. so why aren't we doing that? >> including the mosques. >> it's so hard for some muslims in this country right now, who see the attack in orlando and they say oh, god, now it's going to come. you know, peace-loving men in particular who say because of the act of this man, now i'm going to be treated like a terrorist. now my son is going to be treated like a terrorist. people who are peace-loving. >> that's where these muslims come in. >> there has to be an understanding on this part that just because you're muslim doesn't mean you want to kill americans. >> go ahead. >> we are speaking up. we're muslim scholars several
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on this stage speaking up and saying nobody defends terrorism. nobody here defends isis. but when we give the logic and rationale of how we can win this war, we have people who don't have a shred of academic integrity that are saying you're lying. we need you on our side to win this war. we can definitely win it. >> maybe if we kill another 2 million iraqis because starting in 1991 with all due respect to my friends in the military, we have been killing iraqis since 1991. we've killed them by the millions, and i hear here they're ready to go skill some more. i don't think that's made us any safer. maybe i'm wrong. maybe if we just kill another 2 million, we'll be a lot safer. >> with all due respect, we have a lot of veterans here today who have served our country honorably and to dismiss their service as wanting to kill iraqis is diminishing and i would ask you to keep it high level. >> after all of the wars that we
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fought, after all the iraqis that have been killed in the name of the united states of america since 1991, all the blood that's been spilled -- no doubt heroically, we are still no safer. so maybe we should start to think of ways of dealing with this that does not directly involve killing more people or having more wars. crazy liberal idea, i know. >> okay. i have to let a veteran respond to that, and then we are going to go. >> the problem is isis sprung up when we stopped going in the area and we stopped killing bad guys in the area. so you can go love them and stick your head in the sand. when they come back to kill your family, i'll be there to back you up. >> obviously it's tough. i mean this is a passionate issue for everyone for obvious reasons. but you guys have been respectful, and i thank you for that. thank you all so much. we'll be right back.
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an important one. and we thank you for watching as well. go to file. let me know what your thoughts are. thank you very much for watching. i'm megyn kelly, and this is "the kelly file." welcome to a special edition "hannity." i'm eric volume in for sean tonight. after igniting a political firestorm by meeting with bill clinton while the fbi investigates hillary clinton a e-mail server scandal, attorney general loretta lynch is now trying to assure americans that the criminal probe will be fair and impartial. take a look. >> as i've always indicated, the matter is being handled by career agents and investigators with the department of justice. they will make recommendations as to how to resolve what those facts lead to. the recommendations will be
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