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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 4, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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available only inrestaurants but now they are at shoprite so pat, thanks for being here, we appreciate it . this is wonderful. martha: "happening now" about to start, it's getting ready, heather and leyland. eric: happy fourth of july. martha: happy fourth of july. heather: that is so not fair. where are the burgers? leland: i'm hungry, i don't know about you. heather: maybe they'll deliver. happy fourth of july. i'm heather childers the one nice to be with you as at home, i'm leyland vineyard. john and jenna are off today, barbecuing and hillary clinton is trying to turn things around after a very rough week that's put her trust issues squarely in the spotlight just weeks before the democratic convention. first she dealt with the fallout from the benghazi
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report and then over her presidents private meeting with attorney general loretta lynch as she wrapped up a meeting with the fbi about her email system over the weekend . >> were you given that indication today that no charges will be filed and are you confident no charges will be filed? >> i am not going to comment on the process. i have no knowledge of any timeline. this is entirely up to the department. heather: meanwhile, donald trump firing off on twitter himself, including this quote. crooked hillary clinton knew that her husband wanted to meet with the us ag to work out a deal.the system is totally rigged and corrupt. joining us now, susan crabtree, white house correspondent at the washington examiner, thank you for joining us this independence day.
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>> thanks for having me. heather: let's take a look at these numbers. we have the latest fox news poll we can bring up for people and it shows clinton's honest and trustworthy numbers are at a record low, look at that. just 30 percent say that she's honest and trustworthy compared to 66 percent who say no way, she's not so how can she turn those numbers around? >> this is really a pivotal time for her. she needs to find a way to humanize herself. we don't need to see hillary clinton as usual right now. she's supposed to be going out tomorrow on the campaign trail with president obama for the first time, it was put off because of the orlando attack but we don't want to see scripted performance. you don't want to see a teleprompter speech. this might be time for hillary clinton to do an opus style interview, talk about herlife and challenges. when she talked about how historic or presidency would be, that's when she's on the ground. when it goes to the trust deficit this past week, it was horrible for her . heather: president obama will be campaigning with her along with joe biden.
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she did do a sit down and she has admitted that honesty, trustworthiness is an issue for her but she may blame on people that continue to bring up the scandals as if they are just creating them, listen to what she had to say about it . >> i personally know i have work to do on this front . a lot of people tell pollsters they don't trust me and i don't like hearing that and i thought a lot about what's behind it. and you know, you hear 25 years of wild accusations, anyone would start to wonder and it certainly is true, i've made mistakes. i don't know anyone who hasn't. heather: a couple things there. wild accusations and 25 years, admitting herself she's been in politics for a quarter of a century. what more can she do if she hasn't already established
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herself which she has not as an honest and trustworthy candidate so far, especially when you have that list of investigations and incidents that are still going on that leyland went through at the top of the segment. >> this is not just a vast right-wing conspiracy. this is a person who actually lied to prosecutors and that was in the travel gate scandal, her husband was not found guilty of anything in that scandal that she was found to have lied to prosecutors so these are just made up scandals but that being said, the only thing she can do right before the convention that might make a change, usually vice presidential picks don't have much of an impact. you think dan quayle with george bush senior but in her case, she needs to find someone who's unimpeachable in terms of ethics, someone like xavier becerra was the chairman of the house democratic caucus or share brown, also a good family man, a popular man in the state of ohio this can help turn things around, so that she has a different side .
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heather: i'm sorry to cut you off but we are running out of time and i did want to get your response to this as well, how donald trump could actually capitalize on the low numbers. >> he pretty much sees this as a gift, this lynch meeting with bill clinton which is a gift served up on a silver platter for donald trump. no matter whether she's indicted or not, if she's indicted which is what the news has said in the past week which she is most likely not to be indicted which is what i thought would happen all along, donald trump, that is going to make his supporters go crazy. it's going to say this is going to have a field day with this. petronius, david petronius, double standard and i have no doubt he will continue to hammer the crooked hillary label called. i really think he's already
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doing it. you see it in his tweets. idon't expect them to change strategy anytime soon. heather: you definitely see it in his tweets. susan crabtree joining us on this independence day, thank you for coming in . >> my pleasure to be on the republican convention kicks off two weeks from today, meaning the clock is ticking for donald trump to choose a running mate . his meeting with mike pence this weekend, speculation is rampant. peter ducey live in washington, any mornings you can add to that list question mark. >> trump is going to meet with iowa senator joni herbst. yesterday he was with indiana governor pence and trump told us how that meeting with pence went. he tweeted that quote, spent time with indiana governor mike pence his family yesterday, very impressed, great people and the businessman and governor hung out at one of trump's clubs in new jersey and the pence perspective is justice sherry, he now says that quote, what i could tell you was that this was a very enjoyable, personal time between two families and we
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got to know each other a lot better. nothing was offered, nothing was accepted. former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski is talking about what pence would bring to the ticket. >> when you look at governor pence, is the type of person that can help unite the party. as you mentioned, he has a number of years of washington dc experience, he was part of the leadership there. he's served as chief executive of a very important state, on state trump is going to need to win in order to be successful. >> there are conflicting reports about when the trump team plans to roll out running mate but if it's going to be pence, it would probably have to be before the conventi because he can't be on the november ballot as governor and vp in indiana so he would have to take his name out of the ring for reelection by the 15th of this month. trump is also now reacting to hillary clinton's claim that she didn't know her husband would meet privately with the attorney general loretta lynch, the presumptive
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nominee tweeted out this, quote, only a fool would believe the meeting between bill clinton and the us ag was not arranged or that crooked hillary did not know. tomorrow, trump kicks off a swing through battleground states with a rally in north carolina. leyland? leland: peter live in washington, thanks. heather: switching gears, the death toll rising in that horrific bombing in baghdad, at least 149 people were killed when a truck packed with explosives blew up on a crowded street, and attack isis says they carried out. john following the latest on this from our mideast bureau with more. these pictures coming in, specifically the children, just horrible. reporter: it absolutely is and speaking of which, at this point as far as the death toll, you mentioned 149. now according to the ap and among the victims, children at least 25 children, at least because that death toll
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heather continued to rise since the attack late saturday night in baghdad. let me walk you through. the attack happened in the busy shopping district of parada in central baghdad where iraqi officials say a truck loaded with explosives rammed into a building with a shopping center and restaurants and cafcs inside. the blast was so intense that bodies were basically incinerated and now require dna testing and that said, bodies are still being pulled from the rubble, getting a solid, hard number, making it difficult to get a solid number. that's why the death toll at this point is so fluid and not only were the victims children but we are hearing entire families were wiped out. others, mothers, children as well and this was the deadliest attack not only in the last year but one of the single worst bombings in baghdad and iraq since 2007. as we know, isis has claimed
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responsibility. why this particular area is mostly shiite district, there is a high christian population as well.isis has been attacking shiite locations in and around baghdad area and not only that, this is a busy shopping area and people were doing their shopping last weekend during ramadan before the feast? end of ramadan this week so again, it was packed with people, very high and valuable target and an appealing target for isis and the fear now is that not only is this the end many more or two, erie it back to you. heather: john hardy life for us, thank you. leland: one of the attack that has happened during ramadan, a nightmare attack inside of bangladesh cafc and these rising fears of attacks at home, troubling new questions about the reach of isis despite big gains against the terror group inside rack. we talked to former homeland security adviser ethan how
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with attacks inside the us july 4. major league baseball bringing the sport to the troops by building a custom stadium all from scratch. speaking of july 4, it is america's 240th birthday, time to celebrate with cool glasses down in nashville. reporter: we are having too much fun downtown in nashville for 4 july. we're here because citizens love nashville but they have the best fireworks show in the entire country and i'm talking to the man behind what makes this showso amazing so you're not going to want to miss this in just a few minutes . [singing] nashville wouldn't be nashville without you . >>
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heather: welcome back, major league baseball with a special salute to the military on this fourth of july. the atlanta braves hosting the miami marlins in a special for the troops game in fort bragg, north carolina. the first time a regular-season major league game has been played an active military installation. crews arrived days before the game to turn a golf course into a ballpark complete with seating for 12,000 base personnel and their families area the marlins by the way on the game. one braves fan stationed at fort bragg says it was still an amazing experience. >> i went to fulton county stadium before they tore that down. i went to turner field back when i was in high school and for them to come out here, not only to build this but to come out and play and interact with us as soldiers, it does not get any better than this. heather: major league
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baseball says the part to be converted into a new multipurpose recreation facility after the game and that will be givento the base as a gift . leland: very nice. proud american hashtag on instagram and twitter, some of your pictures later as americans had to festivals and barbecues all across the country to mark the y fourth, one of the biggest events going on is in nashville at the music city july 4 elevation that combines everything: music, barbecue, fireworks, abby huntsman, it's fabulous.reporter: and it's a little windy here the leyland which is good because it's really hot in nashville but you are right. nashville has one of the best shows for the fourth of july. sheryl crow performing tonight and the man behind it all joining me right now to tell us was makes it so special. you said before you started running the show you said it was like torture to come see the show it was kind of like
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bees quilting bee. it was small,hometown, uneventful . now it's big, packed with music and a destination event celebrating america's birthday, as it should be. reporter: hundreds of thousands of people show up and what's so cool about the fireworks and i think we should some video of this, this is the only place this happens, the symphony plays at the same time as the fireworks . >> the only place where the show is literally choreographed, while the symphony plays live. it's computerized but it's still hand computerized but representative of music city b6 you changed the town when it comes to fourth of july, it's amazing. >> thank you. we said if were going to do it, we want to have fun so the music got to be good, the fireworks have to be better bigger and better every year. 59,000 shells.
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reporter: i wish you guys could see the parties that have already started. there was a 5k this morning and music is already playing. it's been on gigantic party and when you think about nashville, you think about country music and our military and veterans. >> absolutely. we wouldn't do this if we didn't celebrate themilitary as well. we honor some of the wounded warriors, this years purple heart recipients will be on stage for the national anthem. we have a viewing area so they come in as our guests . drpepper partnering with us, it makes the event that much more special and reminds you why you do it . reporter: do i get backstage passes tonight? >> if i get sunglasses. reporter: hashtag proud americans, back to you. leland: you even got some glasses to wear. heather and i are still searching for them.
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heather: no sunglasses, no hamburgers. leland: no barbecue. it's tough. heather: an american college student is missing in italy. the clues that his family worried about his safety. plus, isis claims responsibility for a deadly attack in bangladesh, the terror group trying to expand its reach as it loses territory in iraq butfirst, a message from our proud americans . >> undergraduate of west point class of 1966. we suffered more casualties thanany other class in the history of west point and one of my dear friends and classmates was mike snell . i didn't see him after graduation until we were together on the firebase in 1969. he came by my foxhole with a can of beer and at about two in the morning that night, we were overrun by the north vietnamese 29th regiment. a young soldier came running up to me and he said sir, do you know captain snell? he said yes.
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he says i think he's in bad trouble. we were in terms of personality entirely different but in that one moment on that morning of 13 june, 1969, i realized as i held him in my arms that mike and i shared a bond in both life and death that no one will ever understand who has lived in. >> share your pride on facebook, twitter and instagram, hashtag proud americans . before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free.
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at the university of wisconsin madison. he was in rome to study at a university there. solomon last seen thursday night at the club. his roommate reported him missing next morning. he didn't show up for orientation. family members reported check of credit card use after he disappeared, showed thousands of dollars had been charged to his account. we are following that developing story out of rome but you hope they confirm his body was found in that river. heather? heather: thank you linda. investigators in bangladesh questioning some of the survivors of the terror attack on a cafc that left 28 people dead. it's just the latest in a string of attacks inspired or directed by isis all around the world. so what does this tell us about the true reach of isis? even if they lose ground in iraq . michael balboni, he is a former homeland security advisor for new york state and joins us now with more insight it's just so troubling and this being independence day, the end of ramadan not coming until wednesday, everybody is on edge .
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we hear about isis losing ground in iraq and syria, it was about 22 percent of its territory in the past 15 months but they are moving beyond. >> let's take a look at the attacks in france last year in 2015, then into brussels, then everything from san bernardino to orlando. you see there trying to expand. now they get audacious and they go into turkey and decided it is airport and now in the middleof the night , in the middle of a very busy evening they go into a very foreign based facility. at the restaurant, a lot of foreigners are there and they go after folks who are not muslim in a veryhigh-profile way and of what's fascinating about this is who's doing these type of attacks, it's individuals would appear to
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be well-off, educated, they are clean shaven. not what you would normally suspect might be someone who would be willing to throw their lives away and that's part of the problem here . how is this message getting, how is it so effective? why are people willing to give up their lives and attack civilians? heather: the latest incident in bangladesh, 25 of themjohn huddy was telling us children, at least 25 . >> security forces here in the united states have been looking at the month of ramadan. if you martyr here, this is what isis and al qaeda publications have been saying, you get an enhanced reward when you get to heaven now they, and it's the end of ramadan, they pick the moment when people are celebrating the end of it and they take a van full of explosives and drive it into a supermarket. heather: and in bangladesh, the hostages were hacked to death so that was completely different. >> bangladesh has had this relatively recent history of folks going after commentators in the media that they believe are anti-message for what the islamic stateonce in bangladesh and they are doing so with axes and machetes . this was the first case that
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they use weapons, firearms . heather: taking hostages and putting the pictures out there on social media so they can get even more coverage, how do we fight this westmark how do you fight against people that are willing to die? >> it's really very hard if you pick a random, soft targets , it could be anywhere. very difficult and what it really comes down to is this whole thing was dead so many times and people tend to say i've heard enough about this but that see something, say something. the public has arole here, it really does to pay attention to what's going on around us. we shouldn't be paranoid, we should just be engaged . tell security officials. heather: regardless of whether or not you feel it is the politically correct thing . >> let somebody else make the decision. heather: happy independence day to you. hopefully we will all stay safe today . we went? the one on this july 4 after five years and nearly 2
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billion miles, a nasa spacecraft is about to orbit jupiter and give us some spectacular new pictures of the largest planet in our solar system. more on that and show you the pictures plus, as donald trump and hillary clinton of prepared to face on it in the general election, why on swing state will be a big focus for the next few months . our political pan panel joins us on ohio. >> i can now sleep worry free all night. the unique secure barrier system gives me triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture - so i can keep being a sweet dreamer. tena overnight underwear and pads. only tena lets you be you.
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leland: welcome back this july 4. looking ahead to november in the all-important electoral college, 270 votes needed to win the white house. a lot of ice will focus on ohio and its 18 votes. all i'll will be a key swing state in this election, the real clear politics average of the polls in ohio show a tight race there. hillary clinton just over 44 percent, donald trump 41.8. let's bring in our panel. chris wilson, former campaign poster for ted cruz, capri, porto, democratic ohio state senator. nice to see you both here, happy fourth of july. capri, to you. undoubtedly hillary clinton has had a rough week. some would say that might be generous to say. how is thisplaying in ohio, clearly a battleground ? >> it depends on who you talk to.
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democrats continue to defend hillary clinton and are looking forward to closure on the email issue. what's really down to where the swing voters are and frankly, this is such a unique election that even though hillary clinton has for example, for the democratic party, a strong democratic structure in the state of ohio, the great ground game and a ton of ads on tv, the question becomes how does donald trump appeal to the reagan democrats in november with his popular trade message? leland: speaking of his message, we have a message on just that point. >> i think were going to get a lot of the bernie sanders voters because one thing we had in common, not a lot but he knew that trade dealers were terrible .
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i know that trade dealsare terrible. the difference is, i can fix the trade deals and make them phenomenal. leland: do you think that plays with those he ohio swing voters? >> it does to a certain extent. i agree with most of what capri said but if you look back to turnout going back to 1960 with reagan democrats, i would say non-hispanic whites, working-class white , then down every year with one exception, 1992 and if you hold turnout steady among african americans, among hispanics and assume that trump's message can have the same level of motivation with those non-hispanic whites, it would amount for another 8.8 million votes that would occur that did not occur in 2012 . that's three states where that would matter and one of those happens to be ohio. leland: you're going back to 1992, that was an inherently unusual election because you had ross perot in there. where does frank go in, chris? is he the ross perot candidate? is he the bill clinton turnout candidate? >> the similarity between trump and perrault is where you got this ideological
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defying billionaire who is taking on trade and saying i'm going to make america great again and that's the similarities between the two, that's where they start and end but ifhe's able to activate 75 percent of those non-hispanic whites that did not turn out in 2012 , that could give him victory in ohio. >> that's what we saw in the primary. eastern ohio which is what i represent in the ohio senate, we saw a trump victory basically from the lake to the river in coal country and steel country, specifically for this reason and we saw democrats cross over into the republican primary. one quick thing about turnout: one thing i think people are not recognizing is the traditional turnout model, if you are looking to say x, y or z is going to the polls, i don't think it's necessarily as indicative as it has been in the past because we will see people that go to the polls and get
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the presidents, both democrats and republicans and vote senate down the line so just because you are looking at who showed up to the polls, i think the exit polls are actually going to be more important than seeing who shows up in raw numbers. >> worth pointing out chris, i'm going to give you the last word, let's take you back to 1992 with bill clinton who won the state of. he did but if you add bushes boat and perrault's boat, it exceeds bill clinton's boat and that's the thing trump has to do. it is not to capri!, 100 percent certain that those voters that voted for mitt romney will vote for donald trump but he's got to run the gauntlet. he's got to run the romney voters and get them to turnout may have been there since and that's a very difficult road to hold but again it's why it's a two point race today but again, it also makes sense that the exit polls and seeing who does vote, who cast the vote in the presidential election. ...
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leland: we could just have the resultant put this all to bed. >> that's not as much fun. leland: now we can talkabout it and we will also see if mike pence, if he becomes trump's running mate . >> that's not going to be a thing in ohio. leland: capri, chris, thank you guys. heather? heather: speaking of that, right now we are awaiting a briefing from nasa as juno's spacecraft gets ready to orbit jupiter for its closest encounter yet with the solar system's biggest planet. claudia callan is following that story from our los angeles bureau and she has more on that. >> it really is heather and right now juno is streaking toward jupiter at 200 times the speed of sound and there is no room for any kind of a mistake here. the spacecraft has one chance to slip into jupiter's orbit on a research mission designed to give scientists more information about how this planet came to be. later tonight at about 11:15 eastern time, juno will fire
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its rocketengine to slow down and once in orbit, it will spend the next 20 months helping scientists learn more about how jupiter formed . >> if indeed this was the first planet made, we are going to find outwhat that initial material was and how this planet came into being . >> this is the last part of juno's five-year, 1.7 billion mile journey. it had to use earth's gravity to slingshot around mars and make its way out to jupiter. scientists at the jet propulsion laboratory that he will be working late waiting to hear beeps indicating that radio signals are being transmitted andthat juno has achieved orbit . >> the rocket motor has to burn at just the right time in the right direction, at the right moment for the right amount of time for us to get into orbit and if that doesn't all go just right, we fly past jupiter. >> juno will.
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to jupiter's atmosphere and send back images of its pole, clouds and spectacular auroras and is an interactive mission. the public can vote on where to point the crafts camera, the so-called juno cam with color pictures coming later this summer and get this: three little legos depicting galileo and jupiter's wife are hitching a ride. the images are intended to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers but it is a one-way trip once its long mission is over. juno will burn up in jupiter's atmosphere to avoid adding on of the planets many moons so it's a fascinating research mission but you've got to love those legos. heather: it's going to burn up, right? >> oh well. leland: about it mission. heather: really interesting. leland: everybody getting ready for fireworks and barbecue this weekend but
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what is the true significance of the fourth of july? of course, to celebrate our independence our next guest will break it down but first fox news salutes our medal of honor recipients . >> we just made the decision and went in there and tried to get them out. don't leave anyone behind and there was no time that i ever thought they would all be dead when i got in there but it's just how it happens. i didn't think i was going to come out of there alive, i knew what i was going to die. it's a great honor getting medal of honor. not for me, is for those guys, the marine corps, guys were serving and the marines that will serve . ♪
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♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. . leland: four years ago today, israel stunned the world with a daring strike against terrorists that became known as the raid on antennae. two terrorists in the popular front liberation of palestine and two german terrorists
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commandeered air france flight 139 from tel aviv to paris in order to land at entebbe uganda. it was there in the old airport terminal they held more than 100 hostages. israeli commandos flew 2500 miles from israel to freedom, all four of the hostages were saved. the only israeli commandos killed that it was 30-year-old jonathan netanyahu, also known as johne. he's the older brother of israeli minister benjamin netanyahu. in your correspondent eric shawn sat down for an exclusive fox news interview with the prime minster. they talked about the raid and how it compares to current fights to defeat isis and you will not want to miss this tonight, 6 pm eastern on special report. heather: definitely looks good, we will watch that. from backyard barbecues to fireworks, americans have a lot of traditions, i'm sure you have some to celebrate independence day but there's a lot about july 4 you may not know. joining us now is kevin dental, he is the president,
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a presidential historian and the author of the president's first year thank you so much for joining us and happy independence day to you. >> same to you, thank you . heather: tell us what you think is the most unusual thing we would not know. it has something todo, i think, with presidential deaths . >> that's the fact that on our 50th anniversary of the declaration of independence, both president john adams and president thomas jefferson died on the same day, july 4, 1826. that's a fairly well-known fact but it was considered providential when it happened , the fact that they both died on that particular day. heather: so july 4th also though marks the birth of a president . >> yes, that was calvin coolidge in 1872. heather: and the primary author of the declaration of
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independence, thomas jefferson, he relied on someone else. >> he relied heavily on john locke, also on montague and russo. when you read the words life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, john locke wrote life, liberty and property. some said it was plagiarism, thomas jefferson himself said it wasn't anything original, he was taking a compilation of ideas that have come out of the age of enlightenment. heather: that's all right then. and the star-spangled banner, how did that come about? >> that's one of my favorites because what was going on is thomas jefferson was a francophile and his successor who had been his secretary of state was james madison who was also a francophile and they were supporters of france during the napoleonic wars. it turned out they were supporting the losing side and in 1812, napoleon invaded russia and was soundly defeated but at that same time when he invaded russia
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crossing the neiman river in the war of 1812, the same time madison declared war on great britain thinking great britain was going to be distracted with the napoleonic war, the british work fighting in russia but their troops were tied up taking on the french. but what happened of course is it all backfired and when it backfired, napoleon then retreated. he lost in 1813 and then the campaign difference in 1814 and when he did that, it freed the bullet british fleets up to attack us and they did and the british fleet, that's when they came in to chesapeake bay and they defeated the us forces at bladensburg and washington. they then went on to attack baltimore and that's when francis scott key wrote the star-spangled banner and what's interesting, the fascinating thing to me is that every fourth of july, we
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always hear the 1812 overture, tchaikovsky's famous composition. the problem is, that was written tocommemorate the defeat of napoleon in his invasion of russia in 1812 . and not the british forces to the dust and as a result we are celebrating with an anthem that was celebrating the other side. heather: very ironic. so many interesting facts, things you learn about. besides barbecue. thank you so much for joining us on this independence day x thank you. heather: for more on the revolutionary war and other events, continued this weekend for a brand-new edition of legends and lives starting at 8 pm eastern only on the fox news channel. we went? leland: all you really need is some six greater was just finished civics class and they know everything. heather: i was listening to, claudia palaces story about jupiter, i didn't know that was the oldest planet but i remembered learning it way back when. leland: i don't remember much. i applaud those who do.
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as we move on, police now looking for a bank robbing bandit with a very unusual disguise.check this guy out. they say he held up a bank this weekend and investigators don't think it was his first time area plus this. >> the heart stopping moment a skydiver loses his parachute midflight. he's now flying at 120 miles an hour before he pulls his reserve chute. he's here to tell us his tory and howwe got through it coming up next . >>
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wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife.
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leland: this was a terrifying
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midair mishap for an oklahoma skydiver. check out this video right afterhis parachute malfunctions. >> . [heavy breathing ] no, no. leland: daniel herndon's oprah camper camera captured the whole experience. he deployed his main parachute, the court is tangled up, herndon delivering a gameball for a professional soccer match when it happened. as you can tell, he landed safely byactivating his backup parachute. professional skydiver daniel herndon joins us, talking about this experience. wow. give us a sense of how long you had to think about what was happening from the time you jumped out of the plane to the time you had to cut your main chute loose . >> it's a matter of seconds . from the time i jumped out to the time i pulled my parachute was a matter of maybe five seconds and then from the time that took for
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the parachute to come out and twist and start spinning, it is a matter of a second or two before i had to decide to go to my reserve parachute. leland: we're watching this video of you spinning spinning around, what are you thinking or you are you trying to go back your training? >> at first i just in disbelief. i'm already a little nervous because i'mjumping into a stadium for the first time with the game ball and then when it came out spinning, i was nervous , and in disbelief that it's happening and then i just go back to my training and i activate my emergency procedures. leland: it seems like it worked. as i'm watching the video of you landing, you hit the target almost head on. you've done about 1600 jobs, eight of those you had to pull your reserve shirt. . that's a one and 200 ratio, is that about right? >> i'm a little bit above the average, actually. a lot of the time you don't really have emergency situations youencounter .
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i've been lucky in that aspect, i guess. leland: very lucky although i'm not sure either heather or i will take the one in 200 chance. give me a sense of what happened with your parachute. it's gone now, right? >> it is gone now, i haven't been able to find it. leland: so somewhere near tulsa oklahoma, there's a parachute. if you see the parachute somewhere, get hold of daniel on the internet and get his parachute back to him, you would like it right?>> yes, i would love to have it. leland: i appreciate you being here and i assure you that was much easier than jumping out of a plane, i assure you you were nervous but you did great. thank you sir, we will be right back. >>
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. . . . hey, honey?
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yes, dear? you're washing that baked-on alfredo by hand,right? yes, dear. dish issues? cascade platinum... powers... through... your toughest stuck-on food. so let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. this turned out great. cascade. >> fox news alert. john cabot university announcing that the body found in a river in rome is that of the missing american student, bowe solomon. the 20-year-old was in rome to study at john cabot university. he was last seen thursday night at a pub. his roommate reported him missing, when he didn't show up for orientation, a check of his
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credit card use after he disappeared, showing thousands of dollars were charged to his account, they were all concerned. the university statement reads this. john cabot university is deeply saddened to announce that the body of beau solomon, missing american student has been found in the tyber river. he express our heartfelt done condolences to entire family. >> what a smile on that man's face. heading to rome to enjoy life and you here charges of thousandsdollars and body found in the river makes you think foul play. >> the family arrived today. >> they arrived there. what a terrible end to clearly very happy life. now begins the rome police investigation. this also calls into a huge amount of question the crime wave going across italy and
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across europe in general. >> we will continue to follow that story. we'll give you updates throughout the rest of today. we will be back here in one hour. >> bo get a little bit of barbecue. see if there is anything evident from the top show. "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ harris: this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, sandra smith, host of "kennedy" on the fox business network, kennedy herself, co-host of "after the bell" on fbn. >> i can't -- harris: our #oneluckyguy, money, charles payne is outnumbered. >> outnumbered absolutely. harris: happy independence day, my friend. >> great day to be here. this is great, last week was a great week to make money.


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