tv Outnumbered FOX News July 4, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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across europe in general. >> we will continue to follow that story. we'll give you updates throughout the rest of today. we will be back here in one hour. >> bo get a little bit of barbecue. see if there is anything evident from the top show. "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ harris: this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, sandra smith, host of "kennedy" on the fox business network, kennedy herself, co-host of "after the bell" on fbn. >> i can't -- harris: our #oneluckyguy, money, charles payne is outnumbered. >> outnumbered absolutely. harris: happy independence day, my friend. >> great day to be here. this is great, last week was a great week to make money.
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kennedy: love hearing that, charles. sandra: get the pleasure of your presence. >> i get to let my hair down. kennedy: he is a puns sell. harris: the speaking of rapunzel, two weeks the republicans gather in cleveland to choose their nominee for president of the united states and two weeks later so will the democrats in philadelphia. we should learn who each presumptive donald trump and hillary clinton choose as running mate. of nine people most oftenned trump's list, four are women. clinton, eight women and several people of color. charles payne, your thoughts. >> it is interesting, donald trump need as balancing act and someone with experience who can -- his weak areas in polling are non-white and women.
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on hillary side they she needs someone who would be crazy. harris: that's not what they say. [laughter] >> okay. someone bringing that bernie sanders enthusiasm if you will. harris: oh, i see. >> that is kind of leads us -- >> someone illogical. >> illogical but fun. we want crazy uncle on thanks giving. maybe he or she, you know, has the nuclear codes. sandra: would you rule out elizabeth warren as her running mate? >> i will not. elizabeth warren is most effective attack dog on donald trump either side of the aisle. she is fearless. she wholeheartedly believes in what she believes in despite the fact it goes against all economic norms and everything else but you wonder about that combination. harris: maybe we knew her fearlessness -- sandra: what part of it? harsh against wall street and hillary clinton where she gets campaign donations from?
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>> she is more importantly anti-business in general. don't limit my anti-businessness just to wall street. and i do worry about that. we need a jump-start in our economy. harris: i was going to say, elizabeth warren also brandishing her fearlessness showed up wearing same color pantsuit as hillary clinton. >> i thought it was only one color -- sandra: donald trump short list. corey lewandoski says it is no more than four on the short list and he was saying that the person that he picks is going to be ready and able to serve. harris: that's good. sandra: whoever is on the short list there. is no on the job training would be necessary, indicating somebody -- kennedy: sorry ben carson and carly fiorina, you will not be next vice president of the united states. harris: why do you say that? >> corey lewandoski who has been campaign manager of the donald trump campaign being cooing what donald trump said, whoever my vice president will be they will have political experience to make up for what donald trump lacks, it will not be carly fiorina.
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harris: we have seen donald trump in the past few weeks do some things. he talked foreign policy, economics. he is kind of, has a crispness to his message less about the personal attacks and more about exactly what he thinks he want to do in those topics and others. so, going forward what is his real area that he needs shoring up? because he already has shown he has people on his team now that can help him in some of those areas he had previously been criticized for. melissa: people are too sophisticated, too insulting you pick someone of color or women, that they immediately -- harris: except for the fact it worked. president obama and how many people of color voted for him. melissa: is a little different. that is not putting voice president on. so many people says he needs to pick a hispanic that will -- harris: i see what you are i sag. melissa: there is logic to he
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have picking somebody who knows how to operate in government and would make voters nervous to see two wildcard candidates who have no government experience. that makes a lot of sense. too bad condoleeza rice has taken herself out of the running. there is somebody who has got experience and military understanding so many things he is lacking. you would like somebody -- harris: very likeable. different type of woman than hillary clinton. kennedy: can i make one point about this very quickly? we've seen three pretty spry presidents in a row, clinton, george w. bush and president obama, they were certainly on younger side of some of their predecessors. now you have people who are going to be close to 70. so actually, a vice president is really important pick because if you follow insurance company actuaries they're heading down the -- melissa: donald trump didn't make that secret. sandra: he is interested in somebody who is served in public
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office. kennedy: real consideration that the vice president might have to step in. harris: i have a four-letter word in terms of what you were saying with donald trump and his messaging going forward where he might shore himself up with the vp, just thinking about jobs. sandra: couple people on the couch won't disagree with that he may not be bernie sanders but when it comes to winning over young people looks like donald trump is not doing so bad. presumptive republican nominee winning more support for younger voters than last two gop candidates. according to a new analysis out of tufts university. before the other candidates suspended their campaigns, trump was receiving 33% of the youth vote per state. compare that to john mccain's average of 29% and mitt romney's 28% when they were running. trump getting more youth votes during the primaries than hillary clinton but far fewer than sanders. trump winning more support from
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younger voters. are you surprised by that? >> to a degree i am because headlines were always about bernie sanders who overwhelmingly -- listen we would see 50,000 young voters show up at these bernie sanders events. he definitely won them over. that is why to a degree the king-maker right now. every time donald trump speaks these days he mentions bernie sanders. obviously behind the scenes hillary is going for those votes as well. sandra: melissa, we talked about it last week, we'll see who comes to vote in november. melissa: it is so true. i last heartily people arguing, celebrities or hear people on subways i would think i wonder if you're really going to vote when the day comes. so many people are lazy on the day -- >> snowing or raining. melissa: for the young people, i don't think any young people like hillary clinton. we've seen that in poll after poll. whether they stay home or go outed vote for donald trump maybe he can win some of them
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over. but that is the category where she seems like she is hurting the most. kennedy: comes off like a cranky grandma. what is attractive to young people, donald trump he is a little bit of swag and anti-authoritarian. those are similar, especially anti-authoritarian, anti-establishment thing that bernie sanders had going on, stoking that passion. i think donald trump had that as well. and although it may be in vogue, may be popular to poo-poo the presumptive republican presidential nominee i think there are a lot of young people with whom his message and his delivery more importantly resonates. sandra: we know his daughter was integral part of letting go of corey lewandoski. >> ivanka trump. sandra: how much of the family is playing a part attracting youth vote? he has beautiful successful family, brings them out on every stage. harris: you just said the words yourself. they don't even have to try. the optics coming out on stage, remember he did the sit-downtown
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hall and i said ivanka's name because he has two daughters they were both on stage, younger one. sandra: tiffany. harris: the whole family and their children off stage coming on and scampering on, optics are enough to say this man is well-rounded. isn't that what we kind of look at? it is not just the age thing for young people they kind of look, who looks more like the family up there? because exit polling has shown people have aspirational. sandra: helps he had early name recognition from "the apprentice," his reality show. >> kennedy hit it. my son liked trumps because of swagger. a lot of kids do and they aspire to be billionaire themselves. it's a natural fit for them. sandra: finally a politician saying it is okay to be rich. >> mitt ran from that. huge mistake. kennedy: to harris's point, it
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is like a portait of camelot. if you take his family and just the way that looks, it is very kennedyesque. generations -- harris: with the exception of the fact what he talks about is every person can do what he did in terms of finances and moving forward. he created jobs, so on, so forth. not to put the kennedys aside but that was not really there. they were, like, national royalty at one point. i mean that is how they were looked. melissa: inherited wealth, versus wealth that was created. harris: he was given a little bit too. but not like the kennedys. melissa: when you look at the kids, a lot of people judge you by your kids and your relationship with your kids, if you have your kids turned out well still like you, says a lot about you. harris: optics kennedy points too, people kind of yearn for that. sandra: tomorrow president obama will join hillary clinton on campaign trail for first time. there is growing concern that the former secretary of state is still struggling to generate excitement. can the president help her charm voters?
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and more than a year after an illegal immigrant killed a woman on a san francisco pier, a new report finds the obama administration misrepresented the number of crimes committed by illegals. is our safety being compromised to give them sanctuary? ♪ i'm terrible at golf. he is. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. your but, during the day, fine when yothey can move!em on. in the morning...
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♪ ♪ [laughter]. kennedy: welcome back to "outnumbered" on this beautiful 4th of july. new concerns the obama administration may be misleading americans on the crimes committed by illegal immigrants. according to american federation for immigration reform records show more than 30,000 illegal immigrants after doing time in 2014 committed more than 13,000 additional crimes but immigration and customs enforcement told a house committee last july there were only a bit more than 1400 additional offenses committed by those released.
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congress is looking to sanctuaries provided to illegal immigrants after kate steinle was shot last summer walking on a pier. he was released from a san francisco jail despite a request he be kept in custody for possible deportation. all right, charles, i will go to you first. obviously people who come into this country by and large add to the economy. they want to work but those who commit crimes, they really don't deserve to be shielded especially when they are crimes like sexual assault and homicide and armed robbery. >> more than, we've got these big signs saying welcome, come, red carpet. san francisco is actually putting out an advertisement any would-be criminal wants to illegally enter this country. not only can you come here, run roughshod over the entire system, we have a safe haven for you. so despicable they would cover this up. so dishonest. i don't get it, so many of these sanctuary cities.
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i don't even know how the people in charge look themselves in the mirror, i really don't. sandra: you wonder why the average american doesn't trust government. you wonder why what we're seeing happening with the election happening. people don't trust government right now, when you see the obama administration grossly misrepresented the number of crimes that were committed there. kennedy, to your point, we're not just talking about misdemeanor charges. we're talking about homicide, kidnapping, assault, sexual assault, drunk driving. horrendous offenses. kennedy: if you were committing crimes and you were born in this country, the rate of recidivism is high enough, it is so problematic you would be sent to jail for a long time. san francisco and places like sanctuary cities like that, may have the best intentions and certainly we have enough broken immigration policies in this country that to get in here legally is so prohibitive, that is why people come across the border. >> i push back on that a little bit. maybe when they drafted this stuff sometime back, someone thought it was -- kennedy: i was going to finish, that these cities, think they're
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protecting essentially law-abiding, hard-working immigrants are actually hurting other people by also protecting the violent and dangerous ones. >> right. melissa: i was riding in a cab? new york city and they were showing an ad, de blasio was bragging about new york being a sanctuary city and how in the ad, presumably we were all paying for this ad, he was saying that they ignore federal law and shield people here in the city. it is outrageous. i don't know why we would pay to have someone in a jail. why wouldn't we immediately deport them? all costs money, right, harris. harris: everything costs money. so now i think this kind of highlights the importance of the recent tie we saw at the u.s. supreme court on the issue of president obama wanting to shield four or five million illegal immigrants in this country. if the administration is willing, to, i don't know, fudge the numbers a bit with congress, maybe scrub the intel, that seems to be a trend, he had it the tapes if you will on the administrations details of how
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much crime and recidivism there are among the people in this country, it should be no surprise that the president was trying to also shield. that would be part of a trend. now he has been blocked. so now the question is, all these people who are here illegally, committing crimes, will they now actually be put to the top to be deported? what will that look like? >> no, they won't be. president obama came out after the decision, that will not be our priority. harris: what is the priority then? kennedy: certainly was first half of the administration. >> stop them at the border as much as they can and drag their feet getting rid of anyone already here. harris: to kennedy's point we saw first half of his administration, we saw the raids and what changed? >> it was politically problem for him and democratic party was starting to suffer. harris: those people were tossed out. kennedy: there is so much dishonesty in government. one thing to try to change the immigration system in this
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country and reward people working hard and that is one thing and make practice easier for them, majority of people, polls show this, that is how you're going to do it. if you lie to protect people getting in here or staying here or coming back over going to hurt innocent people that is not okay. >> they can leave and never have to come back over. sanctuary cities. kennedy: when they do deport they're not sent back to the place once they came. sent essentially to tijuana. >> ridiculous. harris: speak so many languages. so much many. look at me. i don't even speak english. i don't know what is going on with me. kennedy: it is 4th of july we're celebrating america and our president. president obama set to make his first appearance on 2016 campaign trail. he will join hillary clinton tomorrow in major battleground state. amid reports that clinton is struggling to excite democratic voters but can the president change any or all of that?
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and, hundreds of millions of your tax dollars on a program to train syrian rebels to fight isis. u.s. officials say fewer than 100 rebels have been trained since december. how your money and lots of it is being spent and whether or not that is the right approach. ♪ deploying in 2008, i celebrated my grandmother's birthday in florida and my father tooked me to the airport and hugged me and kissed me and told me wanted me to come home safe and how proud he was of me. i walked up to the security line and i turned around to glance at him, just to give him a wave good-bye, not even expecting him to still be there and my dad was standing there saluting me. the man who had created an amazing childhood for me, who
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and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. ♪ melissa: it's a 2016 first. tomorrow president obama and hillary clinton are expected to campaign together for the first time in charlotte, north carolina. their joint appearance comes amid growing concerns in democratic circles that hillary is still struggling to generate excitement especially among bernie sanders supporters. the hope is that president obama can help stir up some passion for the presumptive democratic nominee. mr. obama's former campaign chair, david plouffe saying quote, you want people to feel as passion about hillary clinton being president as they do about stopping donald trump. if this isn't a close race it is
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still going to matter a great deal for her presidency. that is one place where we need to see some improvement on the intensity side of the clinton question. that is an interesting way of saying it, charles. the last time that they got president obama out there, like you know, he kind of puts his foot in his mouth to go out there to help hillary clinton. he says her strengths are also her weaknesses and he acknowledges that she has an es enthusiasm problem. >> i think she needs, although i find it interesting plouffe is saying we're going to win this. just a matter by how much. but she does have a serious problem, a serious enthusiasm problem. i think one thing she has gotten better at, someone had to talk to her about the screech at the end. speech. harris: melissa can do it. melissa: i think kennedy is bert at it. >> she kind of stopped that. that helped her a lot to be quite frank with her. kennedy: yeah!
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there are so many men that she has to contend with on campaign trail. she has her husband who she will put in charge of the economy. president is on the stump essentially running for his third term because he is trying to preserve his legacy. the president also is obsessed with donald trump. there are three men she is running against. harris: sandra was talking about why people don't trust government. i think this is why people hate politicians right here. really? running on legacy of now another person for president obama? now bill clinton's legacy? how much legacy do we need? how forward to we go from all of that. >> is that sexist. sandra: to harris's point i know how -- harris: it is all about him. what does that mean actually? sandra: evidence that if you vote for hillary clinton you will get what we've had past seven 1/2 years. i know four fbneers on this couch --
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harris: i'm "outnumbered." sandra: you are outnumbered, harris. when the question is polled do you feel better off than you were eight years ago -- >> answer is obviously no. the answer's obviously no. what president obama will say because of obstruct obstructionist. because the republicans wouldn't allow his policies so go in through. if you get hillary in and we retake congress, see what happens. that is the pitch. you can't go with the facts. sandra: let me point something out. isn't it good strategy, if we're just talking about the clinton campaign, isn't it good strategy to stop talking about donald trump here? every speech from hillary clinton and him is focused on donald trump. they will start talking about the issues. can we be fair at least say this is good time to start doing that? melissa: you think that only way they get people excited when they're against donald trump. can't get anyone excited for hillary. against donald trump works really well. the problem when president obama
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gets out there and endorsing something is loses. he is only good promoting himself. when he went over to lecture everyone in england about "brexit" look what happened? harris: interesting. >> don't underestimate his influence in some swing states honestly. pennsylvania there is a lot of black voters. don't underestimate he could be the thing that gets her through. he endorsed on democratic primary who was 20 points behind. he endorsed her and she won and within a couple months. so he could be critical. harris: something else was at play there that is also at play now. that is the advertising going on coupled with president obama's message for that particular candidate. hillary clinton it is no accident, spending $43 million in the battleground states not only because they're contentious but also because president obama tends to do well on the stump in them. kennedy: he has higher approval ratings than any of his recent predecessors. he will try to use that again to
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his advantage for his legacy. harris: did you say legacy? >> do you vote for someone or against someone? historically we voted for some one. it will be interesting. kennedy: unfavorables on both sides. that makes this race again another compounding issue that is so strange. harris: let's count. fewer than 100, according to u.s. officials that is number of syrian rebels trained to fight the islamic state savages since september under a revamped program. the new plan was it in place after a previous training program ended up costing, well, everything. it was a failure. you remember the head of u.s. central command admitted only four or five rebels remained in the fight from the previous program which had cost $500 million. the new approach moves away from training entire units. instead, rebel leaders are trained and are expected to go back to their units and then push that training down the ranks. we're told $416 million are budgeted for the new program this year. so we're going to save a little
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money i guess. meanwhile a new report says u.s. backed syrian rebels recently fled battlefield in iraq leaving behind a cache of weapons and vehicles promptly seized by isis. not the first time that has happened. charles? >> this is really a shame. it is, of course these guys as soon as they see the black flags of isis come over the hills they taking uniforms off and running and changing clothes and it is despicable. i can't believe the amounts of money. where did it go? someone is stealing that money. gets us to the point we do have to as a nation whether or not it will take american soldiers to go in there. harris: you're surprised to know we put hundreds of millions of dollars within reach via training and materials that those things would be confiscated? >> it does bring us to the reality if we defeat isis we have to cut off its head. we need a ground force to go into raqqa and other places. harris: is there stomach for
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that from the american people? >> ever since the vietnam war where war was in our living rooms, every single engagement the stomach gone down more and more. magical number, 1000 troops dead, that is the number that tilts public opinion. with all the recent bombings that could change. harris: talk legacy on the jv team. kennedy, you want to take that? kennedy: middle east filled with various jv squads. unfortunately it is almost impossible for us to vet who is really on our side. how can you know a person's heart which is so critical in this fight? that's why you have so many people dropping out. you also have to think to yourself, man, someone pays me $100 million to go fight, that ratio some of these case, spending $400 million, four or five people remaining you're spending $100 million per person. that is a dismal, dismal failure. harris: not handing them the cash but i imagine somewhere down the road they're feeling
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it. melissa: seems like it doesn't work when we do these things. when you ask american public has stomach for it, we can't judge things that way. we can't make our decisions in that fashion. something needs to be done before the terror continues to come home to us and everywhere else. kennedy: we've been doing this a while. this is not a new phenomenon of the united states. with good intentions training people to fight a fight in their backyard. then they drop their weapons. the enemy picks them up. that is how they're so well-armed and using our weapons against us. sandra: charles back to your point is this the best we're putting forward to fight isis especially now? >> from what happened was i was told initially going back to the iraq wars, saddam hussein had beaten spirit out of these people so badly they never had the heart to do it. these are people that have been beaten down. they don't have the gumption. they may follow our troops into battle. we give them training and weapons -- kennedy: kurds have the gumption. >> kurds do.
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that is different. what they have done in kobani and other places is phenomenal. we need a force. kennedy: we tried arming the kurds but our ally turkey keeps trying to annihilate them. harris: they would rather fight the pkk and kurds than isis. up to this point, maybe recent round of terrorism via isis, potentially isis will change things. free speech becoming a hostile act at some of our colleges. a major university says telling a woman you love their shoes is microaggression and offensive. you won't believe what other speech is off limits. pc all pumped up! i love your shoes, charles. >> thank you. i love yours too. ♪ caring for someone with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am his guardian. i am his voice.
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♪ ♪ quote the land i love and home of the free and the brave ♪ i love 4th of july and i love prespeech. attack on free speech courtesy of taxpayer money, a two-fer. university of north carolina issuing new guidelines for employees to avoid uttering so-called, you will despise this term, microaggressions. first reported by campus reform, here are some of the terms considered offensive. we're not making any of this up. you can not say christmas vacation, because it quote, minimizes non-christian rituals like fest at this. like husband or boyfriend.
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you can not say wife or girlfriend of the because those are microaggressions against people's sexual orientation. round of golf is considered offensive because it assumes employees have quote, the financial resources to play the game of golf as they call it in scotland. telling a woman, i love your shoes, that is also banned because it places looks and appearances over a woman's intellectual -- sandra: kennedy kennedy, that is microaggression. did you see that interrupting a woman speaking. kennedy: i thought you were so excited for me to compliment your shoes. which are fantastic by the way. harris: they are. sandra: honestly the first one i read was christmas vacation. kennedy: so goofy and absurd. i thought we got christmas back. i couldn't say merry christmas again and finally say christmas vacation. harris: explain round of golf to me. i don't get that. >> if you invite someone to play a round of golf, you're saying obviously you can afford to burn
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money and flush it down the toilet because golf is so expensive. harris: that is ridiculous! every municipality has public courses. i don't get it. melissa: i got to the place complimenting people's shoes because of all the other stuff you can't say. standing with a group of women at pick up -- harris: kid pick up. not man pick up. melissa: where do you work, if they are slaving at home as a stay-at-home mom, then you have offended them, you implied -- there are some things you can't say i find myself in the place where i like your shoes. trying to make conversation and always sincere now i can't say that either? harris: is it women to women or only man to woman can't say these things? the way i read it -- kennedy: what it says i don't value your brain if you love your footwear. plato expressly taught us in the symposium how important it is to have an aesthetic and how having
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an aesthetic makes you well-rounded person. harris: good-looking, tall people, are statistically more successful! sandra: two people put this together. dorm coordinator and someone head of multicultural affairs. they tell the students how to respond when someone use as microaggression on campus. melissa: oh good. harris: i like your shoes. what should you do. sandra: you should interrupt the person aggressively. harris: i thought interrapt something microaggression. >> there is asterisk after it. sandra: what did you mean by that? >> let's try it. those are fantastic shoes! sandra: they are though. >> you're supposed to interrupt me. harris: charles, what did you mean by that? >> great point. harris: i'll play it with you. charles, would i like to go out for a round of golf? >> absolutely. [laughter] harris: this is not working.
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>> how dare you insult me! kennedy: don't take me to one of those shoddy muni courses. >> don't take me to one of those shoddy muni courses. so hard for a man to give a woman compliment these days. harris: what did you mean by that? [laughter] kennedy: they're assuming that people in place of higher learning are so dumb they have to be instructed how to respond to microaggression. melissa: i feel left out. no one is insulting me. >> that is beautiful dress. and your brain forget it. harris: i like the one, you look so young for your age. what did you mean by that!? kennedy: that is hot. >> people tell me done in person in tv. i take that as compliment. don't stop, guys. kennedy: a lot of people say i should be a model. making charles laughing. helicopter parents, you better listen up.
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♪ sandra: warning to intrusive parents. push your kids too hard you could end up doing more harm than good. according to a study that found kids were at increased risk of being overly self-critical if their parents acted intrusively, for instance, if they pushed too hard for good grades, or overreacted when the child made a mistake. the researchers also found children who were highly self-critical also had higher levels of anxiety and depression. though the study did not prove parental pressure caused depression. there is lot to figure out when you're a parent. i think we can all agree on that. we're all parents on the couch. i don't know, it's hard not to feel like you need to be over your kid. i mean you and your son, you're always telling stories how you're parenting. it is hard.
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>> it is hard. you know, seems like to be push back against the tiger mom phenomenon to a degree but i bottom to tell you, i think if i had i would be on top of them. would i try to let them be their own person and make sure i shepard them in a certain way. it is interesting, my father was sort of less more or less indifferent getting great grades, my mother, kept every single certificate i ever got in my life for everything, whether it was attendance, you know, i kind of felt like her praising me -- sandra: attendance award. >> for years. one day i went to school, always told me to story, my mom passed away three, four weeks ago, she used to tell me, so proud, one days was in 7th grade, it snow. there is no school. got to make sure. foot of snow. i walked all the way to the school and came back and she was so proud of me. sandra: that is beautiful story. we're sorry for your loss.
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>> you know what, be involved personally. be involved. sandra: can you push your kids too hard, kennedy? kennedy: you absolutely can. there is level of overcompensating it is really interesting because there are some parents who are drawn to the overcompensation. maybe to make up for what they lacked. it's a different generation. there is so much accessibility kids have that you want to protect them. there is a fine line between giving your kids boundaries and giving them love and, cutting them off so they don't have any independence. i think one of the best things we can do as parent and it's scary in this day and age, especially when you live in big cities and even smaller cities, is, you know, sending your kids out into the world with that sort of independence when you know you fear that it will be innocence lost. sandra: harris, you have got two daughters. i know you used this as example one now, i'm going through it, 17-month-old son, i have to let them fail.
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once he falls he learns. that is kind of part of the process. harris: what you and i talked about, it is a lot different letting them fall on their own. not like you're pushing them down. my mom used to put it this way, you heard the political term, leading from behind. you remember toddlers, you're going like this, leading from behind. when politicians say that. some politician with press secretary leading them from behind. that is what we do as parents. i guess the question when do you let go of their two fingers and let them let go of your two fingers? that is a hard spot to guess for any one parent. sandra: the option of device, right, melissa? parents don't know what their kids are doing. your friend don't have to call the house phone. harris: we have firm rules. >> no electronics in the bedroom. has to be in living room so i see exactly what everyone is doing. we started idea of pressuring kids about good grades.
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making them feel anxious. my kids respond completely differently to different types of pressure. there is no one sides fits all model. one of them responds, come on you have to get 100. the other one that makes him very nervous. you have to do what is right for each kid. meanwhile, speaking of kids, smores, sing a longs, first kisses, summer camp is upon us. why let the kids have all the fun! camps for adults are becoming a booming business as older set seeks to destress and up leash their inner child. one place is 500 bucks, three nights, kick ball games, arts and crafts and open bar. is this a good thing? sandra, sounds like you signed up already. i'm so excited, you didn't invite me? sandra: i think every adult wants to go back to summer camp to sit around on a campfire.
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melissa: i want to go to the beach and have a cocktail. i went the parties were too lame. that is the point i was trying to make before. sandra: tadpoles and butterflies are big in my house. i wonder how much is the entitlement culture and millenial generation who, they didn't get to go or at the want to go back because it was -- >> might be direct offshoot of the previous segment we were just talking about. sandra: yeah, right. >> i never went to summer camp in my life. i guess my house is a summer camp because all my friends come over. when the fights are on, we have fun at my house. i guess my house is the free summer camp. sandra: you are the american dream right there, charles payne. >> my boys come over. kennedy: the camps my girls go to are so much fun. i think, i want to go to the beach and learn to surf and play volleyball and kayak. i completely understand this. the simple pleasures in life are the best. making smores and fishing and
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getting in a can knew all that stuff much fun as you were kid, why shouldn't you experience it as as an adult. parents that is one of the fun things to do. sandra: if go with your spouse you're not experiencing this. harris: can we go without our spouses? sandra: that is what it is about. harris: can we takeout numbered about. melissa: i think it is about going without your spouse if you read between the lines. harris: my parents have been married 55 years. i love it when they spend time with the grandkids apart. they come back, and like catch up. i love to catch up what we both have done or learned whatever. it is great to do stuff with tony. i also love it when -- sandra: tony getting the shaft on 4th of july. melissa: only one doesn't want to go to the camp. harris: i'm too cheap. but that is just me. melissa: can't bring any electronics or devices. i don't want to be told what to do, when to do it. not that i've been i was
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thinking that. sounds like promises or something. i don't know. kennedy: probably what they do at promises. harris: i can come up with water balloon fight when the kids go to bed without spending 500 bucks. melissa: i will not read between the lines. harris: i will be scheduling a debate after this. i got in trouble saying i would rather be with my girls. >> it is a lot of fun. you guys have great shoes. i don't care what everybody says. i love them. harris: blessings to you and your family. >> appreciate it, thanks. harris: we're back here at noon eastern tomorrow. we wish you and your family wonderful 4th of july. let's play the music. ♪
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decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. being a non-smoker feels great. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. on this july 4th. hillary clinton's campaign in full damage mode managing the fallout from the fbi intruchlt happy july 4th to you and yours. >> thankses for celebrating. >> i am leland vitter in for jon scott. and i am heather childers in for jenna lee. clinton supporters are defending the presumptive democratic nominee after the three and half-hour sit down with the fbi. as the fallout from the e-mail and other scandal
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