tv Watters World FOX News July 4, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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record" special around i will see you right here week nights for this "on the record" special. good night. "the o'reilly factor" is on, tonight. >> it's the "watters world" summer spectacular. >> boy. >> look sharp. >> rony. he acted with a lot of monkeys, remember? >> real ones? >> how much do americans really know about our nation's history? >> who did america fight in world warht ii? >> france? >> no, france was on our side, right? >> you really have this thing for the french, don't you. >> we all talk like marley -- >> jesse quizes the folks on u.s. presidents. >> who is this? >> john f. kennedy. >> what's the f stand for. [ buzzer ] >> francisco.
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>> guess. >> he was hispanic. >> historic wars and even the state of our union. >> how do you feel the president is doing on the economy. >> overseas. and economy is still doing really well. >> watters hits the beaches in malibu just in time for summer. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching this special edition of the factor, the "watters world" summer special. oh boy. in the next hour, jesse will hit all the beaches all over america to sample just what ourea fellow citizens know about current events, global affairs and u.s. history. god help us.
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>> who did america defeat in the revolutionary war? >> this someone of those things that's going to be on facebook, i yo. >> are you serious? >> oh god. >> this is going to be a history quiz? you didn't tell me this. >> too late. >> who did america fight in the revolutionary war? >> the french? >> no. >> that's a good question. i don't know. >> countries. >> countries? >> yes. >> china. >> china? >> wow, i feel really dumb. was it the french? [ buzzerer ] >> the french, right? [ buzzer ] >> japan? no. >> oh my god. >> who did america fight? i don't remember. >> d russia? >> russia. >> [ buzzer ] me another shot at it. >> who did america fight. >> revolutionary war?
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ourselves. [ buzzer ] >> north versus south. the confederate versus the union. >> that was the civil war. >> oh. >> they love tea. >> boston. [ buzzer ] >> british. >> yes. >> the british. >> actually i'm english. sorry. >> britain? >> britain. >> britain? >> woo! >> right across there? >> um. >>um that's great britain.>> >> really. >> what was george washington's job? >> george washington is one of presidents? >> which president? >> he was second president after lincoln? [ buzzer ] >> ohh my god. >> he was general or something. >> he was -- he didn't work with horses, did he? [ buzzer ] >> god bless you. >> thank you too. >> i always knew i was smart. >> who won the civil war?
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>> not the confederates. the. >> the northeastern. >> us. n >> who is us? >> great britain? [ buzzer ] >> no idea. n britain? >> boy. i feel like a horse's pa patoot. >> soviet union. >> [ buzzer ] >> thenc french? [ buzzer ] >> i will say france again. [ buzzer ]ra >> england. [ buzzer ] >> germany. [ buzzer ] >> it's just not good. >> who fought in the civil war? >> it was america and britain. [ buzzer ] >> and spain. >> oh, no. come on. >> who won the civil war? >> i don't remember any of these. >> you didn't say this was a history lesson. >> you lack concentration. >> the north versus the south. >> north america versus south america? [ buzzer ] >> no, it was the north versus the? >> south korea.
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[ buzzer ] >> who won the civil war. >> civil war that was us. it was europe,. [ buzzer ] >> france. [ buzzer ] and america. no, wrong. i am terrible at history. >> i agree. >> who won the civil war? >> the north? >> the north? >> are you sure? >> no, it was the south. [ buzzer ] >> that's not the same thing. >> i believe the north won the civil war. >> the north. >> the north won. >> the union, baby. >> the union, baby. >> i'm a civil war buff. >> i want to party with you, cowboy. >> what was the civil war about? >> couldn't be able to tell. >> you you have no idea. >> of course not. >> you should know. >> i know, right? >> whew. >> yeah. >> do you remember what the civil war was about? >> civilization. [ buzzer ] [ laughter ] >> land. [ buzzer ] >> you can be more specific? >> >> nice try. >> do you know what the civil war was about?
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>> i'm not much of a history guy. >> the battle of wits has about begun. >> do you know what the civil war wasil about. >> god, i haven't studied my history. >> kind of a big one. what was the civil war about? >> freedom. >> slavery. >> yes. >> do you know what the civil warar was about? >> not right now, no. >> when will then be now? soon. >> abraham lincoln, what did he do? was he in the north or the south? >> he was in the south. [ buzzer ] >> he was in the north. >> didn't he live south? >> south. >> the north. >> didn't he live in the south? >> you ask too many questions. >> when was the war of 1812? >> war of 1812? i don't know. can i ask him? he'll know. >> it was in the 1800s. >> 1800. ♪ >> when? ♪ >> 18th fall. what kind of question is that?
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>> world war ii. who did we fight there? >> wow. i just learned this, too. >> you did? >> my teacher watches this he'll be mad. >> allies versus the axis. >> china. >> the south. >> that was the last question. >> that is without a doubt the dumbest thing i've ever heard. >> china. >> france. >> no. france was on our side. said that right? >> you have a thing for the french, don't you? >> we'll talk like maurice! >> russia. >> choo that? >> the french. >> who did america fight in world war two? >> big war. like the whole world. i swear. >> we fought vietnam. >> that was the vietnam war. >> oh. vietnam war. right. so we fought -- we fought -- world war ii? would have been -- wasn't it like -- china?
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>> no. >> who did america fight in world war ii? >> the axis of powers. >> the nazis. >> and japan. >> high five. >> germany and japan. >> who bombed us in pearl harbor? >> that's a question. >> yes. >> china? >> china? >> i don't know. >> close. >> korea, right? >> no. not korea. >> not korea. >> no? >> russia? >> not russia. >> wow. >> was it the koreans? am i gets close? >> i'm sorry but all questions must be submitted in writing. >> who bombed us in pearl harbor? >> japanese. >> very good. >> japan. >> very, very good. ♪ >> who did america fight in the vietnam war? >> was it south korea? >> north korea? >> north yea? >> korea? >> where did you come up with that? >> i have no idea.
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>> france. >> is it france? >> oh. >> you're laughing at me. it is embarrassing. >> who did america fight in the vietnam war? >> vietnam. >> who did we fight in the vietnam war? >> nam until. >> vietcong. we still didn't win. >> no! >> who won the cold war? >> i'm not the best historian here but -- >> you don't say? >> russia did. >> no one. didn't we just like agree to disagree? >> america and russia came out together after world war ii and shaky and frenemies. >> frenemies? >> say one more hipster thing and i'm going to shove you in the vintage bassoon case. okay? >> who won the cold war? >> i do not know. >> was it the french? >> i feel bad. i'm blaming everything on the french. >> is it spain? japan? >> america. we're always at war. it is weird. >> france.
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they always bring us into it. i don't know why. we know it. they're impossible. >> you mean switzerland? >> yeah. sorry! >> who won the cold war? >> russia. >> france? >> united states? >> who did the united states fight in the cold war? >> the french. >> we fought the french it would have been a little bit easier. >> russia. >> do you know who fought in the cold war? >> the guys from the '70s. >> come folks got to learn the hard way. >> we won because our goal was to stop communism. >> go, america. >> who did we fight against? >> i'll say usr. >> u.s.s.r.? >> yeah, u.s.s.s.r. >> cold war? >> freeing the slaves. >> what? >> do you know why they called it the cold war? >> because it's cold. >> why did they call it the cold war? >> rush why's cold up there.
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you know? >> because, like, no one was making advances. there wasn't like actual fighting. ♪ >> which dictator did the u.s. topple in iraq? >> um -- what do you mean topple? >> ow! >> osama bin laden. >> bin laden. >> you know, we kill everybody. >> you mean we bring them to justice? >> yeah. we bring them to justice. >> saddam hussein. >> saddam hussein. >> got him. >> which president took him snout. >> that would be -- that wouldn't be barack obama. >> obama. >> obama. >> no, no. >> it was bush. >> george w. bush. >> george bush. >> which one? >> w. >> i feel stupid. >> this is terrible. >> anything you want to tell o'reilly any. >> i'm a premium member. >> do you know who i snam. >> i sadly do. >> i'm watters. this is my world. >> you're who?
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>> young man is a fine patriot. >> i'm watters. >> nice to meet you. >> and this is my world right here. >> [ bleep ]! >> it was warm out there. might have been the sun. possibly? >> brain cells a little best a cold in russia. >> that's right. >> makes sense to me. >> my favorite, who did we fight in world war ii? the south. >> yeah. southern germany there were u.s. troops. now, people always say that you go out and spotlight the dumbest people you can find. >> no. come on. i went out and looked for girls attractive, guys drinking. you know? average, typical guy at the beach. right? >> they weren't tox kated. >> i got them at 11:00. they weren't drinking that long. normal, average college kids. >> okay. we don't edit out the right answers. >> no. >> right? anybody smart? >> one of the girls, one of the girls 4 for 5.
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okay? she was a ringer. we ding ding ding dinged her a lot. the girl with the thong, 1 for 5. the brothers 0 for 5. they were in trouble. >> next time ask them where they went to college or high school. >> some told me. i don't want to name names right now. >> why? >> should i? >> yeah. >> maryland. university of maryland. >> tara pins. >> contingent. >> it is brutal out there. this is what -- you know, random. just selecting them random. don't have signs please if you're dumb talk to me. >> i attract dumb people but i don't have a sign. >> i know that. coming up, watters hits jones beach to ask the folks why we celebrate july fourth. >> i'm a teacher. we have an off -- >> independence. not being at work. >> independence day. >> thank you!
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♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. welcome back to this special edition of "the factor." this is a fox news alert. i'm jackie eban yes, sir. we are about to listen to a taped address from president obama from the white house.
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it's a taped address to the troops thanking them for their service. >> incredible group of men and women in their uniform and families look out for them. [cheers and applause] >> please give them a big round of applause. [cheers and applause] for those in our military, we just want to say how much we admire, respect, and appreciate everything do you to fight for our freedom every single day. [cheers and applause] fourth of july we enjoy hot dogs. we enjoy burgers, we enjoy barbecue. we enjoy the day off. [ laughter ] we enjoy the fireworks. but, it's important to remember what a miracle this
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country is. how incredible, how incredibly lucky we are that people, generations ago, were willing to take up arms and fight for our freedom and then people inside this country understand that we're willing to keep on fighting. all people not just some. [ applause ] and independence happens and then we just put away. it's something that we have to fight for every single day. it's something we have to nurture. and we have to spread the word and we have to work on and it involves us respecting each other. and it involves us recognizing that there is still people in this
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country. they are not free because of that. some people who can't find work. and have the ability to contribute to society and put a roof over their head and look after your family, that's not yet what we aim for. and so a day like this we celebrate. we have fun we marvel at everything that's been done before. reason in ourselves to make sure everybody in the country is free. that everybody has an opportunity. that everybody gets a fair shot. [cheers and applause] >> look after all our veterans when they come home. and look after our military families and give them a fair shake. that every child has a good education. now, that's what we strive for all over the country. for all of you who are here in this amazing gathering,
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we love you and we are grateful. to our incredible -- thank you. these two i have gotten the chance to know amazing and talented and popular and doing great things but also very conscious about their responsibilities and obligations. [inaudible] [cheers and applause] and, just because it's a job of the father to embarrass his daughters, i will give one last -- we celebrate our country on the same day that we celebrate my oldest daughter's birthday. so, just a quick happy birthday for maliyah ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you
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♪ happy birthday dear maliyah ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ good evening, everybody. god bless you. god bless, america. >> you have been listening to remarks made by president obama. his address to the u.s. troops, thanking them for their service on this july 4th holiday. i'm jackie ibañez happy july 4th to you and your family. you are watching fox news, the most popular news channel.
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>> what's the scene like right here in. >> right here? >> she's a very vigorous woman. >> are you disappointed in anything the president's done so par? >> absolutely. >> when reagan was president, the democrats controlled the house and the senate and the president got a lot done. >> president obama's black. >> can you feel the tension in the air right now? >> are you disappointed at all in president obama's performance? >> not at all. great president. >> boy, is this great. >> he's a little bit laid back but i think there is a method to his madness. >> it is alive! it is alive! it's alive! >> it's time to get a republican in to turn things around. >> he needs to realize that there are people in congress that don't have his best interest at heart and fight back
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harder. >> when he started he didn't have any gray hair. now he's almost like me, beautiful. >> excuse me? >> do you love obamacare? >> yes, no. it is not obamacare. it is affordable health care and, like -- >> how come it isn't so affordable? >> aha. >> why did the president lie and say if you like your health care plan you can keep it? >> maybe there's a misunderstanding. >> the only negative is that the co-pay sucks. >> pay the man. >> what? >> pay the man. >> the economy under the president's been rocky. >> yes. i have been laid off three times. >> pretty young for that, aren't you? ♪ >> on the border, major invasion taking place right now. president hasn't stopped this. >> are we talking about in israel? >> are you putting me on? >> maybe i'll put you on later. >> i think you said about enough. >> did you come here legally? >> yes, i did.
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>> do you think it's unfair if people come here illegally and jump the line? >> yes. i believe it's unaffair. >> why did the president allow them to come across the border? >> they're not aliens. >> what are they? >> humans. >> i'm an illegal alien. >> would you be okay if the president shipped them to mar that's vineyard? >> no. >> then why is it okay to ship them to other parts of the country? >> i don't agree with that. >> what about overseas? has the president be a strong commander in chief? >> i would say so. >> yeah? in what way? what has the president done well on the world stage do you think? >> i'm not sure. i guess world peace. but you know? >> have you looked the a newspaper recently? >> no way! >> if you have advice for the president, what would it be? >> just hang in there. >> do women know about shri shrinkage? >> what do you mean? like laundry? >> do you watch bill o'reilly?
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>> oh yeah. he's a son of a [ bleep ]. >> god bless you, brother. keep it up i. >> i love your suit. >> do you think bill o'reilly -- >> jesus. >> would be a better president than barack obama? >> absolutely not. >> hell no! >> no insult to bill but i think anybody would. >> slow down, colonel. >> what is this? fox? >> oh! >> i want to give that woman her own show. do you have her name? >> ruby. with her friend annette and having -- ruby factor. >> okay. i'm serious. >> i love that woman. >> we're going to get her. >> track her down. >> she is great. >> fantastic. >> topless -- >> i found -- >> what is that? >> there's a nude beach there. >> in massachusetts? >> you told me about it! >> i did not. that is a lie.
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that's a lie. you're fired. >> i go there every year. >> i tell you about it? >> tradition. >> come on! every here of salem? you can't do this in massachusetts. we'll take care of watters. he'll be here in about three weeks healing from the bruises. next, watters world, the cliche edition. >> did you ever hear annoying phrases that get your goat? >> i live over here on coney island. i don't even have a goat. >> aah! what's it like to be in good hands? man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm jackie ibañez. it's happy again. there has been another deadly attack by suicide bomber. this time the attack was saudi arabia's mosque where the prophet mohammed is buried. four people killed five other people hurt when the killer detonated vest outside of the site.
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thousands of worshipers were about to hold sun set prayers. the mosque is visited by millions of muslims around from the world. word from iraq that five convicted terrorists have been executed in baghdad. this comes a day after a massive truck bombing killed more than 150 people in the capital. isis has claimed responsibility. tough new security measures implemented throughout baghdad. i'm jackie ibañez. now back to "watters world." summer edition. for all your headlines remember to log on to words like cool, awesome at the end of the day. drive me nuts. we hear them over and over again. we sent watters out to see if other americans agree with me. ♪
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>> one of the most annoying cliches in my book is when someone does something wrong and say, my bad. >> that is really annoying. i don't go for it. >> it's not even a real apology. >> no, no. more of an excuse. >> just say, i'm sorry. >> sorry is like killed someone's cat. >> look what you did! >> if you sleep with someone's girlfriend, you don't say, my bad. >> no. i don't think you say anything. >> i say my bad. >> why don't you just step up and say, i'm sorry? >> i'm cooler than that. you know? >> congratulations. congratulations! >> egotistical thing. >> you have a big ego? >> sometimes. >> me, too. >> you're bad right now with a popped collar. >> my bad? >> yeah. >> all good? >> my bad. >> it's street lingo from being
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on the street. >> you're a white guy, though. >> i am. >> you can't say that. >> things you can get away with. >> started with the african-american community. it's slang. >> it's not gra mattically correct. >> you're right. >> i'm always right. >> you'd like to think, that wouldn't you? >> for me, not all good. i'd be lying if i told you that. you know what i mean? >> it's science. >> if a woman saying it's all good it's not all good. >> i believe you. ♪ >> people say, kick the can down the road, does that mean they're passing -- >> i'm coming to join you, honey. >> it is to leave your problems for smbl else. >> right. people in washington kick the can down the road? >> people did back in the day for fun. >> take a stick and run down the street. >> your juice or water and put it in the garbage. >> i think you're taking it too
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literally. at the end of the day -- >> i'm tired today. >> what did i yada yada? >> that's italians. they made that term up. >> forget about it. >> i thought it was yiddish. >> no. >> what did you say? >> are you being a [ bleep ] wise guy with me? >> bill says that a lot. >> at the end of the day -- >> i watch bill all the time. i'm at the beach in a speedo. give me a chance. >> i didn't notice that. >> whatever i done don't strike me blind. >> i just want to -- hold on. there we go. at the end of the day you look better now. right? >> almost too good looking. ♪ >> what about when people say i'm reaching out. >> that's [ bleep ]. how about you're going to do it? >> people are really watching this right now? >> shut up. >> do you ever hear annoying phrases that get your goat? >> i live over here in coney
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island. i don't even have a goat. >> aah! >> only one to think about which is played out is that's what she said. >> that's what she said. >> you know what i'm saying? >> you know what i'm saying? >> i know. >> i don't know what you're saying. please explain. >> yeah. ♪ >> you ever watch "watters' world"? >> i have. >> big fan? >> not a big fan. >> what was that you were saying? >> ever watch "watters' world"? >> yes. with kevin costner, oh yeah. so, so sexy. >> did you say something? ♪ >> i think costner has collar up in the back, too, on that windy. >> that was a great answer. i love costner. >> nailed me. >> no bleeping clue who you were. >> i love watters' world. are you sure? >> coney island, a good crowd. >> it was good people. >> and they use a clip of me saying at the end of the day and you want to explain?
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>> accusing you of deceptively editing you? your own producer? i think just for the reasons to put you on the spot. >> no. i was mocking it! and he cut out all the stuff around it. >> we'll put the full transcript on the internet tomorrow. >> that's the worst. at the end of the day. that's worst. on tv, they continue to say this. >> you nailed me coming on the show, i think i was trying to book a segment. you walked in and said, watters, you booked the b-block yet and i said i haven't heard back and you said did you fax him? reaching out? i never used it ever again. >> good. you have to learn one thing from the thing. ahead, who is your favorite president? watters goes to malibu, california, the find out. >> abraham lincoln. >> babes that like abe.
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>> who is your favorite president? >> john f. kennedy. >> just because he is attractive, right? >> yes. >> i don't know. reagan maybe? >> you're a reagan guy. >> lincoln. >> yeah. babes that like abe. >> i'm going to hold up a picture of presidents. you just tell me -- >> did go out. >> relight it? >> no. >> this is a choice. >> who is this? >> george washington. >> he was the biggest pot farmer in american history. >> sexy. >> what bill is he on? >> five? ten? >> not on the one. >> he is on the one. oh, he is on the one? >> you are looking at a man with a tremendous problem. >> who is that? >> john f. kennedy. >> what's the "f" stand for? >> franklin? >> francisco? >> he was hispanic. >> fitzgerald.
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>> nailed it. >> lincoln. >> do you remember when he was president? >> 1786? no. that's not right. >> do you remember who won the civil war? >> i think we won. >> when's we? california? >> stop kidding with me today. >> i don't know. america? >> north or the south? >> the south? ♪ >> your boy -- >> reagan. >> looks sharp. >> acted with a lot of monkeys, remember? >> real ones? >> could you let me keep him for a while? >> he was a father to the next president and -- >> what do you mean? >> right? >> wasn't he a brother or something? wasn't there two kennedys? >> another bush. >> what did you just say? >> reagan? >> i don't even understand what that means. >> roosevelt. >> yes! >> fdr. what did the "d" stand for? >> delaware.
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>> oh no! >> take a wild guess. >> not eisenhower. >> that was hoover. hoover guy? >> john adams. nope. >> who is that? >> who is this? >> that one's -- teddy roosevelt. >> oh my god! you nailed it! >> good job! >> yes! >> yo, adrian! >> speak softly and carry a -- >> heart. >> brain. >> hammer. >> circle? >> broccoli? >> oh [ bleep ]. >> carry a big -- >> stick. >> well done. >> knew that one. >> george w. bush. >> the older bush. >> listen to me you would have raised taxes. >> yeah. then i would have had one term. >> what did he hate? >> tomatoes? >> broccoli maybe? >> yes! >> you knew he hated broccoli
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but didn't know who won the civil war. >> oh my god, i'm totally bugging. >> that's peanut guy. right? >> oh, is it carter? >> you got it. >> i don't think that's a president. i would be really surprised. >> first name's jimmy. >> jimmy carter! >> yes. >> oh, that is a president. >> i'm kicking your ass right now! >> we had a hostage crisis with what country? >> south korea? >> switzerland? sweden? >> which country took hostages? >> germany? >> no. >> berlin? >> that's in germany. >> iran. >> excellent. ♪ >> who do you think will be the next president? >> hillary. girl power. >> girl power? >> the lady was splendid. she should have her picture on the cover of the ama journal. >> the economy, stupid. >> is it stupid? >> it's a famous line. >> is the economy stupid?
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>> never mind. do you ever watch "watters' world"? >> the movie? >> i'm watters. this is my -- this is my world. my world right here. >> you got me on that one. ♪ >> it was the second hand smoke from the reefer, right? totally out of control. >> he was in a winnebago and packing it right there. he was like the big lebowski. >> all year around. watters goes to panama city, florida, to ask how they feel about the state of our country. >> you can get out of it. >> actually, you can't.
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♪ i'm going to make this as simple as possible for you. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet?
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this time, heading to panama city, florida. to ask young folks about the state of our union. ♪ >> give obama a grade on the economy. >> he doesn't have that much to do with it. >> fine, a d-plus. >> a "d." >> a "d." >> why? >> excuse us, please. >> "c." my dad lost his job. >> personal. >> he said he created the jobs. >> he hasn't, especially for people our age. >> i'll give him a "d" on that.
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i feel like the jobs are going overseas and unemployment rate is low. >> how would you -- >> obama saved the economy. single handedly. buying out all of -- everything that was bad. >> you don't know what you're talking a the boeconomy. >> b-minus. >> c. >> that's a little harsh. >> he says he saved the economy, turned things around. >> we'll say it's afternoon. >> adam smith, he's an economist back in the 1800s. he said lez say fair. >> lay ez fair? >> ha ha ha ha ha. >> grade obama on the national debt. >> he tripled it or something. >> really bad, but it was strategic. >> strategery. >> the debt, you can get out of it. >> i wish we would have known
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that then. >> what would you give him on the debt? >> f that. >> you kiss your mother with that mouth? >> grade the president on the debt. >> we could all change currency to numbers so no one has cash value on hand. >> maybe our flopoliticians shouldn't get paid to sit around and make decisions. >> instead of having cash value as money, we'll still call it money. we'll give it a different definition, okay? >> if you get a bailout, i'm just going to put 10 million numbers money into the national -- because you have a federal reserve. it doesn't matter. everyone is like -- everyone is like -- just listen. >> at no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. ♪ >> overall, presidential leadership,? how would you grad the president? >> i think he gets bashed all the time for not -- for talking
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to people. >> you want to become friends with iran? >> i'm not say not become friends with them. i'm saying talk to them. >> are you out of your [ bleep ] mind. >> a c-minus. >> he hasn't done anything. he says change, but nothing has changed. >> he's a good spoeaker. >> can you name one signature phrase that obama has turned? >> no. >> this is going to end right here, right now. >> anything you guys want to say to bill? >> bill clinton? >> bill o'reilly. >> anything you want to say to bill? >> hi! >> hi. >> i love you, bill o'reilly. next up, a special edition of "watters' world." the war on women. >> in what way are men and women not' equal? [ crickets chirping ] >> look at that face. >> have you guys ever been water boarded? >> whoa, little fella.
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watters world, the war on women edition. it is a safe bet that the democrats will make the so-called war on women a big campaign issue. as most men know, there are plenty of ladies in miami beach. so we send watters to the front lines down there. ♪ >> i'm here to surrender. >> how come? >> the war on women. have you guys ever been waterboarded in the war on women? >> in the -- in what? >> do you think there's a war on women going on right now in this country? >> yeah, there is a big war. >> you think men are keeping you guys down? >> there's just not enough equality between men and women m this day and age.
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>> so if there is a war on women, does that mean we still have to keep paying for your dinner? >> if you want to go on a date with me. >> i will pay. >> do you don't always want equality. you want chivalry when it's a good deal. >> absolutely. >> if i bought you guys a drink, you'd refuse it then, right? >> stranger danger. >> in what way are men and women not equal? [ crickets chirping ] >> in the way they're treated. you can see how if girls are walking by, guys will just stare and them and whistle. >> do you guys get paid the same as men? do you get paid more? >> yeah. >> there's a reason for that. >> do you guys think you get paid the same as men do? >> of course not. >> so you think the wnba players should make the same as the nba players? >> of course. they're working just as hard doing the same thing. >> you guys don't believe in supply and demand? you think this country is male-dominated right now? >> yes. >> could you guys start dominating because we need a
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break? >> sure. i'd love to. >> i feel like we might be dominating you actually at this moment. >> oh, wow, i might like that. >> well, men can be ceos, and many women can't be ceos. >> what woman can't be a ceo? >> i woman with say, two kids and more two come. >> they can't afford a nanny? >> shall i show them in? >> do you think if a woman were president, there would be less war? >> we make our decisions on emotions. that's probably not a good idea. >> but hillary voted to authorize the iraq war? >> it's not just about that. >> are you excited that there's going to be the first female president? >> i love it. i love hillary. >> just like a dame. >> donald trump, does he have a problem with women? >> i think he loves beautiful women. >> he has a problem with everybody. >> have you ever listened to him talk? >> but he sponsored a beauty
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pageant? >> those are more focused on looks and not necessarily intellectual prowess. >> don't forget about the crown competition. >> what does trump need to do to get the women's vote? >> no one likes an arrogant president. >> so you must not like obama? >> i love obama. >> who do you think has done more for women, bill clinton or donald trump? >> with or for? >> it depends upon what the meaning of the word is. ♪ >> why do you guys scream so loud when you see a mouse? is that our fault? >> is he going to bite me? >> well, not really. >> am i pressing you right now? >> no. >> do you want me to a little bit? >> please do. >> i think your boyfriend is over there. >> wattei'm watters and this is world right here. >> i'm sorry. i didn't understand a word you said. ♪
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>> those two ladies at the end, what do they do for a living? >> bar tenders. >> and they make more than the male bar tenders. >> tips. >> obviously. that's what bar tenders get. >> they were actually from south america, and one of the ladies said my president in south america is a woman, and she's terrible. >> that's argentina or brazil. >> one of them. >> the lady that says the wnab basketball players should be paid as much as the nba, does she understand how many people go to the nba as opposed to the wnba? >> a simple economics's kwags. she wants to redistribute the wealth. they do the same job. they put the ball in the basket. >> that's right, the job is the same but the crowds are not. >> the crowds are much smaller. >> that's like saying the roller derby should be paid as much as the new england patriots. >> but you didn't get into microeconomics with the ladies? next time. >> next battle. >> all right. watters' world from miami beach. and that is it for this
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special edition of the factor. as always, we thank you for watching. i'm bill o'reilly, please always remember that the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, a country on alert as we hear new warnings from the director of the cia about the risk of an attack on the homeland just weeks after the horror of orlando. welcome to a "kelly file" special, "terror in america." i'm megyn kelly. less than one day after terrorists killed 42 and wounded more than 200 others at one of the world's busiest airports, the cia director answered questions on the record and basically said he would not be surprised if something similar happened here and soon. while the attack in turkey involved sophisticated coordination and planning, america just experienced a terror attack of its own in orlando, florida, and saw the kind of horror that can be unleashed when one man, inspired by terror teachi
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