tv Hannity FOX News July 6, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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what did you make of the reverend jesse jackson's statements right now? go to facebook, let me know what you think. thanks, everyone, for watching. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." see you tomorrow night at 9:00. welcome to "hannity." the massive scandal over hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server during her time as secretary of state. rudy giuliani and roberto gonzalez will be here later with reaction, but first, republicans in congress are now demanding answers after the fbi decided not to recommend criminal charges against hillary clinton despite evidence of wrong both fbi director james comey and attorney general loretta lynch are expected to appear on capitol hill to answer questions about the investigation. director comey will testify
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tomorrow before the house oversight and government reform committee a committee. joining us now are the chairman of those committees, utah congressman jason chaffetz. congressman chaffetz, let's start with you, for comey, what's your first question, what's your most pressing question? >> i'm not giving you the first question, but it should be a good hearing. we want to understand the difference in his mind between gross negligence and extremely careless. we have questions about his findings. obviously, what secretary clinton said time and time again, both under oath, by the way, and in the public, turned out to be not true, so there was a lot of misleading information. we are trying to get to the truth. >> congressman, i'm thinking what would i ask the fbi director, and the first thing i would say is if you laid out ten or 15 minutes of why you should
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indict and you decided not to indict, what were you looking for that would be the trigger to say indict this woman? >> i do hope by the end of the hearing we have more clarity on that, because if you listen to the fact pattern laid out by the fbi director, you would be led to the conclusion she did violate the law and should be prosecuted. certainly the department of justice has prosecuted people for far less, and so that does beg the question, is there something wrong with the statute, or do a lot of us have suspicion about do the clintons skate at a different plane, different set of rules than your average joe working for the government trying to collect a paycheck every week. >> you're going to speak to attorney general loretta lynch. here's what i would want to know, did she really think meeting with bill clinton just days before this decision was coming down would be a good idea and wouldn't be perceived as a conflict of interest? >> we want to know the answer to that, also the questions i posed
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to director comey today and will pose the same ones to attorney general lynch, and we put those into a letter so he can look at them. in fact, i asked him yesterday, he said those were all important questions, some of the ones you just discussed with chairman chaffetz, and he said we deserve answers to them, so we're looking forward to both of these hearings and getting answers to these questions. >> congressman -- >> particularly the question whether or not the average government worker in this country believes that they should be held to a standard if the secretary of state and presidential candidate is not held to a standard. >> great questions, gentlemen, thank you very much. you have two important meetings coming up on the hill, thank you very much, congressman chaffetz, thank you. here with reaction, former doj employee and president of the public interest legal foundation jay christian adams. fellow co-host of the five, and host of "justice judge" jeanine. start with you, listening to that, two gentlemen have loretta
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lynch and james comey, they are going to raise the right hand and i believe they'll be sworn in, if i'm not mistaken. what do you expect to hear from them, do you think we'll hear nothing but the truth? >> i think we'll hear nothing but the truth, but carefully crafted and probably not tell us very much about what happened. i expect comey will assert all of those familiar privileges against revealing any information that the justice department has asserted for decades. i don't expect much to come out of these congressional hearings. >> how about this, control room, can we hear donald trump on clinton whether or not there's a bribe involved. react to this, please. >> she said today that we may consider the attorney general, that's like a bribe, isn't it? isn't that sort of a bribe? i think it's a bribe. i mean, that if she wins she's going to consider extending the attorney general. and you know what, i'm not saying -- i'm not knocking the
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attorney general. what i'm saying is, how can you say that? it's a bribe! i mean, the attorney general sitting there saying, if i get hillary off the hook, i'm going to have four more years or eight more years. but if she loses, i'm out of a job. it's bribe. >> what say you, is he right? >> he thinks the system is rigged, he also brought up the fact they met on a plane, loretta lynch and bill clinton, he appointed her before in a position, so it really is quite a cozy relationship. it really strikes me it's a conflict of interest and, again, just to go back to the other comment, director comey saying no reasonable prosecutor would bring this forward, sounds like he's asserting himself as judge, jury, and investigator all at once and i don't think that's proper at all. especially since he just laid out the standard why the case
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should be brought forward and why it did meet the statutory requirements. >> you know what strikes me, after these conventions, republican and democratic national conventions and the two nominees will now be presumed -- a transition period, one of them will be president, right? they are given, they have access to classified information. should we hold that back from the one who's clearly keep it together, keep it a secret? >> you know what, eric, if you follow jim comey's suggestion that he doesn't recommend hillary be prosecuted but there are consequences for people who violate these standards of conduct, then that would automatically mean hillary clinton is not one we could be comfortable giving any kind of, you know, special access information to. she is not a woman who is entitled to have or can be trusted with this kind of information. let me say one more thing, jim comey is the head of the fbi, right now he's the cop.
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bringing to the d.a. the evidence that he has gathered, i'm the d.a., a cop comes to me and says to me, look, i don't think you should prosecute this case, i would say to him, stay out of it, i'm the d.a., i'm the one with access to the grand jury. >> should jim comey have made that decision? i would like to see the jury make that decision. >> of course the judge is right in an ideal world, but this is the obama justice department we are talking about and whether it's election law or criminal law involving an election, this administration is incapable from the top to the bottom it seems from enforcing the law fairly. politics seems to drive decisions both from loretta lynch, but the career prosecutors might have been adverse to an indictment also. don't forget, these career prosecutors are donating to hillary at a rate of, like, 20-1 compared to trump, so the entire department from top to bottom has an inertia against republicans. >> can you imagine the fbi reports the d.o.j., but so does
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the irs. can you imagine if the irs is asking for some of your records, i only have half of them, i got rid of the other half. what would happen to the average joe? >> big trouble and get some silver bracelets. that's the problem. the american people are showing a distrust of d.c., politics as usual, eight years of president obama. two seconds after that announcement, together on the tarmac campaigning, she's on the podium with the presidential seal on air force one on the taxpayer dime. if that doesn't reek of a rigged system, what does, and then the optics of loretta lynch with bill clinton on the plane, as well, and the decision not to prosecute, it's outrageous. >> what are they saying, judge, to the american public, don't look this way, do they think we're stupid, we're dumb? >> i said this yesterday, this is a dark day for the american criminal justice system.
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the politicization of the department of justice, of the fbi, j. edgar hoover is spinning in his grave. this is, and kimberly is right, the optics are so clear, you have somebody who owes bill clinton, he meets her when he knows he shouldn't meet her, fbi meets her on a day they don't normally meet her. she said i'm going to keep this person who has my career in her hands if they become president, next day they are on air force one. one way to handle this, congratulations we're having hearings tomorrow, this is a november decision and it's up to the american public. >> i only have a few more seconds, mr. adams, what happens -- for months we've heard you don't need to have intent if you're grossly negligent, that's still indictable. apparently now you have to have intent. when did it change? >> apparently it changed on the way to the press podium. you notice he avoided that entirely. a county d.a. could have prosecuted this case successfully.
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apparently, we're not going to see whether our justice department can. >> thank you so much. coming up next right here on "hannity" -- >> as associate attorney general and as jim comey's boss for two or three years, i was very disappointed in him. >> rudy giuliani calls out the fbi director. he's here next, as well as alberto gonzalez. and then later -- >> i thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal e-mails instead of two. >> secretary clinton used several different servers. >> a new rnc ad eviscerates clinton for her web of lies. we weigh in. that and more as "hannity" continues. i take prilosec otc eg for my frequent heartburn because you can't beat zero heartburn!
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live from american news headquarters, there's more heated debate tonight stemming from the hillary clinton e-mail probe. this time it was sparked by attorney general loretta lynch. the justice department chief says she is closing the case with no criminal charges. lynch made that decision after meeting with fbi director james comey. comey is scheduled to appear before a congressional committee tomorrow to explain why. the justice department is launching an investigation into the killing of a black man in baton rouge, louisiana. alton sterling was shot while pinned to the pavement by two cops. he was selling homemade cds at the time. the incident was captured by an eyewitness on this cell phone video. the city's police chief says sterling was armed and concedes there are questions about what happened. i'm jackie ibanez, now back to
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"hannity." for all of your headlines remember to log on to welcome back to "hannity." yesterday during his statement fbi director james comey delivered a harsh critique of hillary clinton's, quote, extremely careless actions when it came to her using private e-mail server and the trump campaign is capitalizing on the agency's scathing rebuke. watch this. >> i did not send or receive any information that was marked classified at the time. >> from the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the state department in 2014, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. >> at the time. >> at the time they were sent or received. >> any information that was marked classified. >> to contain classified information. >> i did not send or rereceive
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any information that was marked classified at the time. >> eight of those chains contained information that was top secret at the time they were sent. >> any information that was marked classified. >> 36 of those chains contained secret information at the time. >> i did not send or receive any information that was marked classified at the time. >> and eight contained confidential information at the time. >> at the time. >> joining us now with reaction is former u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york, rudy giuliani. mayor, you watch that, wow, you put them next to each other and you really see how many times she misled the public or lied. >> that's what you call evidence of guilt. evidence of intent. consciousness of guilt. that's the way we prove it as prosecutors. this whole analysis that james comey did of intent is totally erroneous. we don't prove intent because somebody writes down i'm going to go do an insider trade.
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we prove intent by the act and then the person destroys records, the person conceals records, the person has two sets of books. that's all the circumstantial evidence from which the judge charges the jury, you can infer that the person had the intent to commit the crime. there are at least 16 pieces of evidence from which i could argue to a jury that she intended to commit that crime. >> how does it make you feel when james comey says no good prosecutor would bring a case like this? you were a prosecutor, would you have brought this case? >> no good prosecutor would not bring this case, particularly the one that is a slam dunk, 18 usc section 793 subparagraph f, which makes it a crime punishable by ten years in jail to be grossly negligent in the distribution of this material. he concluded she was extremely careless. you know what the definition of
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grossly negligent is? extremely careless. >> why do you think james comey didn't reference the clinton foundation at all? some of those e-mails that he was investigating had to have a link to the clinton foundation, didn't they? >> well, they did, as far as i know, more than one. a group of them. maybe they continue to investigate that. >> is that possible? is this investigation ongoing with regard to maybe the clinton foundation? >> i would assume it is. he didn't say it was concluded and the clinton foundation has ten, 12 major incidents in which she received -- i'm sorry, bill clinton received a great deal of money, the foundation received a great deal of money, and she took action to help the organization, the government, the russian a gark, ubs, all of them linked by time and circumstance in a way in which any good prosecutor would argue that there's no coincidence here. i don't know how many times i've argued that. >> what do you do?
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you have investigators looking into these e-mails. they've done their due diligence on this. boss says we're not recommending an indictment or grand jury convene. what do you do from there? continue to deport the strings on the sweater, see if something unravels? >> i would. probably if i was an fbi agent, i'd probably resign, because i would feel that my agency has been really hurt by what jim comey did. look, he laid out an overwhelming case for prosecution under a number of statutes, a couple of them almost automatic. i thought for sure he was going to conclude -- >> why didn't he? a lot of people saying he's reproach, but i'm looking what you just said, laid out ten, 15 minutes of why she should be prosecuted, but didn't. why not? >> well, above reproach doesn't mean you necessarily always have good judgment. a lot of people are above reproach and have bad judgment.
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>> did he fail here? >> darn right he no way around the extremely careless equaling gross negligence. no way around it. not even room for argument. she should be indicted under that statute. the felony version of it or the demeanor version of it, which is the one petraeus was prosecuted under. the idea nobody has prosecuted under, wrong, at least ten, 12 cases where people have been prosecuted for it. >> i have to leave it there, but you think he blew it, huh? >> i have no doubt that he did, and this is a miscarriage of justice. >> very good. mayor, thank you very much. >> thank you. joining me now with more reaction to the fbi decision not to recommend charges against hillary clinton is former attorney general and dean at the belmont university college of law, alberto gonzalez. attorney general, thank you for joining us. what do you think, rudy giuliani says he would have brought that. would you have brought that if
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your fbi chief brought it to you as attorney general, would you say we're going to indict, we're going to convene a grand jury? >> i think the evidence is pretty strong. obviously, fairness to the director, i would like to take a harder look at the evidence and not make a decision based solely on a 15-minute press conference. >> attorney general gonzalez and rudy giuliani, thank you for joining us. coming up next right here on "hannity" -- >> i thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal e-mails instead of two. >> secretary clinton used several different servers. >> the rnc releases a scathing new ad attacking hillary clinton and the lies she told about her private e-mail server. austan goolsbee and doug shaun react next. plus, a report by the associated press reveals 350 people were killed by radical islamists during the holiday of ramadan. daniel silva weigh in. that and more as "hannity" continues. fall in love with a new daily fiber.
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i thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal e-mails instead of two. >> secretary clinton used several different servers and administrators of those servers during her four years at the state department. she also used numerous mobile devices to send and to read e-mail on that personal domain. >> we went through a thorough process to identify all of my work-related e-mails and deliver them to the state department and provided all my e-mails that could possibly be work related. >> the fbi also discovered several thousand work-related e-mails that were not among the group of 30,000 e-mails returned by secretary clinton. >> well, that was the new rnc ad exposing hillary clinton's lies to the american people about her private e-mail server.
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another blow to the democratic candidate, a headline reads "ap fact check: clinton e-mail claims collapse under fbi probe." what will the political fallout be, though? joining me now is former obama economic adviser austan goolsbee and former clinton pollster doug schoen. austan, you must be shaking your head, saying how could this possibly happen, the fbi director puts a road map of all the lies hillary clinton has been giving the american people all in one 15-minute speech. how are you going to handle that one? >> i was shaking my head and i was laughing and perplexing how you were able to turn the fbi director announcing that there will be no charges and that the dark cloud that had been hanging over the clinton campaign done, how you turned that into this was a severe blow. >> the last line, three things, here's what we did, here's what
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we found, here's what we recommend. here's what we found was really wrong, and the recommendation was don't indict. doug, let me bring you in, how bad is this for her? >> look, this is going to hurt her in the court of public opinion. the honest and truthful recommendation is one she's been challenged on 50%, 60% saying she's not honest and truthful. that's only going to get worst, not a good headline. i believe ultimately she will be elected and i believe the fact that she's cleared is most important, but in the short term, look, let's be honest, let's be real with the audience, there have been significant reports in the fbi testimony by director comey that directly contradict the submissions and the statements of the former secretary. >> austan, you're okay with that? you're okay with his complete fabrication of what he said
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versus what the fbi found? >> i will say again now what i've been saying for months. eric, we've talked about this, and that is so long as the critics of hillary clinton remain the same hardened anticlinton, antiobama, antibill clinton group that amped up benghazi, that amped up the birth certificate, that said obama should be impeached because of his immigration issues -- >> i think she was the one who screamed the birth certificate -- but you have to ask, i think this is the best outcome for donald trump. this is the best. >> clearly not true. donald trump himself has said that's not true. donald trump is outraged. he is now trying to say that the republican fbi director is in on a rigged system conspiracy. i'm telling you, as this is concentrated among this group of
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people who are out to get clinton, it remains a partisan food fight. >> supporter of secretary clinton will vote for her, have worked for her, worked for bill clinton enthusiastically, but i'm an honest man, as well, and while i will vote for her, it is hard to look at what director comey said -- >> stop, stop. i'm an honest man, she's lied, and you will vote for her? >> i think she'll be a better president than donald trump. i just think that. >> willing to lie to the american president is a better president? >> if i can finish. if i can finish -- you talked a lot but not letting me talk. you're doing a good job talking over me. there were falses about classified information she said wasn't sent that he said was sent and received. you can't ignore that. notwithstanding what your political views are. i'm not a hater, i'm a clinton supporter, but i have problems with this.
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>> but you're going to still vote for her. aust austan, let's take a listen to donald trump saying maybe there's something more involved. listen. >> she routinely sent classified e-mails on an insecure private server that could be easily hacked by hostile foreign agents. and we learned that people she e-mailed were hacked and probably, i think maybe, definitely, were hacked. by these hostile actors. our enemies may have a blackmail file on crooked hillary, and this alone means that she should not be allowed to serve as president of the united states. >> so what do you say, austan, he makes a good point. >> he's delusional. he has portrayed that director comey is part of a conspiracy of
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rigging the system, just as he accused the secretary of state of the state of hawaii of faking the birth certificate. >> let's talk about this for a second. maybe some foreign enemies of ours hacked the system, hacked her e-mail server, comey admitted that may have happened. doesn't that concern you? >> it does concern me. i think director comey was correct, this was careless, it was a mistake, she should not have done that. she herself had said that. >> there are still 30,000 e-mails. eric, we don't know where they are. what i worry about profoundly and really with as much concern as i can is whether the russians or the chinese have those extra 30,000. i worry about what director comey said, but eric, i remain a supporter of secretary clinton. i'm not a clinton hater. >> i just find it so hard to believe. >> because i believe she's better qualified to be president than donald trump.
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>> quick thought, austan, if you're not going to look at the things that donald trump says, including on the very day this happened donald trump praising saddam hussein for being a terrorist fighter. >> someone who's 70% and sliding disapproval, untrustworthy. >> yet she is a higher approval rating than donald trump. >> i have to leave it right there. doug and austan, thank you so much. coming up, according to a new report from the associated press, radical islamists killed 350 people during the muslim holy month of ramadan. sebastian gorka and daniel silva will have reaction. and later -- >> newt has been my friend for a long time. and i'm not saying anything, and i'm not telling anything, but i can tell you, in one form or another, newt gingrich is going to be involved with our government. that i can tell you. okay?
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welcome back to "hannity." the terror threat is not going away as a new report on islamic extremism highlights, according to the associated press, 350 people were killed during the muslim holy month of ramadan, which just ended, but does president obama understand the threat we face? joining me now with reaction, author of the winnable war, dr. sebastian gorka and author of the new book "the black widow," daniel silva. start with you, dr. gorka. does president obama understand the threat, yes or no? >> clearly, his whole administration has no idea about who the enemy is and what they
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wish to achieve. all we have is a bubble that wraps this administration in the cocoon that separates them from reality. remember, this is the administration whose deputy spokesperson for the stadepartm need are jobs. that's maria hart, we will be safe if there are jobs for jihadis. this is the administration that said love is our best weapon against people who slaughter americans in nightclubs in orlando. no, there's a reality that you and i live in, eric, and every american, and then there's the alice in wonderland fantasy that the administration lives in. >> mr. silva, during the month of ramadan, i guess devout muslims that kill gee ha diss, nonbelievers, get extra blessings from islam, is that right? >> that's my understanding of it. can you imagine, the islamic world has gone so badly off the
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rails that this is the situation we're in. can you imagine, it's the second night of passover, look out for the jews, or it's good friday, here come those terrible christians. it's an unbelievable month of terrorism that isis pulled off. i guess that would differentiate from the learned dr. gorka on one aspect of what he said. i think that obama and his administration understand the threat very, very well. they just have a different approach to it. telegraph that time and time again, i mean, if you go back and look at his words, he says that isis can't destroy us, they can't defeat us, they can't produce anything. he told bob woodward early in his administration that we could absorb another 9/11. i'm a resident of the tri-state area and washington, d.c., we cannot absorb another 9/11. then after the first paris attacks, he referred to the four jews who were killed in the
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kosher supermarket as a bunch of folks who were killed in a deli. >> how is that understanding jihad and terror if he makes these statements? clearly, he has no idea the threat level. >> he chooses at every opportunity to play down the threat, to redefine what happened. >> that's dangerous. >> i'm not defending it. >> i know you're not. dr. gorka, what about the moderate muslim community, why aren't they speaking up? what is it in the religion that prevents them from saying something? >> great question. we don't have time for a theological discourse here, but one of the greatest sins in islam is the sin of fitna, and fitna is giving the appearance that the islamic world is not unified and you are so in discord, so the idea one muslim stands up and says what abu bakr is doing is wrong is actually potentially a great sin for the individual doing the criticism
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because they are telegraphing to the world that muslims aren't united, so this is a pre-islamic issue, it's about tribal cohesion, ancient pressure, and it really stops a lot of muslims who would like to say something, from saying something, because they will be cast out as unislamic. this is a huge problem, eric. >> mr. silva, under president obama, has the united states become more safe from terror or more -- under more risk from terror in the last seven and a half years? >> i think that any objective observer of the region would say that the situation is worse now than it was seven or eight years ago. from end to end, the middle east is in chaos, isis has spread into several different countries. does isis have the ability to carry out a directed mass causality event in the united states? we don't know, but we don't know what we don't know, and it might be a distinction without a
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difference. this gentleman killed 50 people in orlando. that is more than three suicide attackers -- >> we don't know, mr. silva, but we do know he did take credit and did it for al baghdadi and isis. thank you very much. coming up next right here on "hannity" -- >> when you look at her decisions, when you look at the fact that she has got such bad decision making ability, when you look at what's gone on during obama's years, look at what's going on with radical islamic terrorism. we have a president and her, except i sort of shamed her into it, okay, just like i shamed her into not approving tpp, but she wants to approve that so fast. that will do to you worse than what nafta did to you, okay? but she has got bad judgment, and you know who said that? bernie sanders, that hillary clinton has bad judgment. >> donald trump continues to
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hammer hillary clinton on the campaign trail. we'll have highlights from his rally earlier tonight and get reaction from larry elder and lisa booth. that and more straight ahead on "hannity". with advil, you'll ask what muscle pain? what headache? what arthritis pain? >> test test. >> test test it's the world's #1 choice what pain? advil. with toothpaste or plain their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope,
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problem. no problem. no problem. you know, i wrote out a couple of things about hillary, crooked hillary, crooked, so crooked. she made so many false statements. is she going to be brought before congress or something? is something going to happen? is something going to happen? because it's a disgrace. hillary clinton claimed that the reason for her illegal use of a private, insecure e-mail, right, she claimed this, was that it was more convenient to use just one device. oh. the fact is, the fbi director said hillary used several different servers, even though she said it was one, and numerous mobile devices to send and read e-mails. in other words, hillary's secret e-mail server existed for the reason we all know, to keep her e-mails from ever being read by the public, had nothing to do
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with just wanting to use one device. okay. we understand that. but that's not what she said. she said something very different under oath. she said something very different to everybody. by the way, how about the 33,000 e-mails that were wiped out? 33,000. how can you do 33,000 e-mails? it was wiped out. all right. in a testimony to congress, hillary clinton said she turned over all of her related e-mails, right, she said that. i saw that. the fbi director said hillary failed to turn over several thousand work-related e-mails, including e-mails that were classified. right? rigged system, folks. remember i used to say it, i'm the one that brought that word up. now everybody's using it, bernie sanders is rightfully using it. because honestly what they did with him was not good, not good.
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now we have false statement number three, and there are many, i just don't want to bore you with too many of these, because, you know, one of those things. in her testimony to congress, hillary clinton said there was nothing more classified on my e-mails, either sent or received. right? she said that. i heard it. you heard it. we all heard it. the fbi director said hillary had sent or received more than 100 e-mails with classified information. including e-mails with confidential information. that's what they said. but she didn't say that. hillary said fact number four, these are all lies. we say lies, lie, lie, lie. lie! dirty rotten liar. >> that was donald trump earlier tonight the a rally in ohio. trump continues to hammer hillary clinton on the campaign trail with so much at stake come november, who will voters
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choose? joining us now, salem radio nationally syndicated host larry elder and lisa booth. let's start with you, larry. what do you think, donald trump, he's got this thing now, loretta lynch thing that he could actually use against hillary clinton if he wants to. >> absolutely, he ought to hammer, hammer, hammer. her defenders and the media. i'm old enough to remember richard nixon. like hillary, he lied to the public, unlike nixon she was under oath when she told the benghazi committee she turned over all relevant information. the media is not going off her as opposed to talking about the rule of law and the fact she subjected our country to the risk of terrorists getting into her e-mail. comey says there is no proof she
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was hacked but there is evidence this e-mails had been had. so methods, secrets, individuals could have been in the hands of the bad guys and people could have died. >> what about -- so hillary clinton has a 70% untrust worthy rating so it's hard to go down from that, but trump needs women to come back and hispanics to come back. how does he use this scandal to get groups to come to him? >> well, i think continuing to talk about this rigged system that many americans feel. i think that there is this under current of anger with american voters now that the main stream media is missing, that the hillary clinton campaign is missing and donald trump speaks to that. whether the fbi failure to bring charges against hillary clinton, or the fact that the rich have gotten richer under president
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obama and middle class families are falling further behind. and the mid quell class families, every day voter is falling farther behind. >> the other thing donald trump resonated these organic following started from him being the outsider. he portrayed himself, i'm not on the inside. you look at an fbi director, that is about as inside as you can get. >> i agree. i haven't seen this amount of evidence pointing to guilt since the o.j. simpson case. you're talking about a woman what lied to the committee, the public, the fbi director says that her e-mailed and information and she's outraged. >> are you saying if the e-mail servers don't fit you must
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acquit? >> something like that. >> so you get back to the questions i asked you prior. don't they also. >> they do, eric. they care about jobs and the economy. the reality is that we've seen a lot of loss of jobs and the rich have gotten richer and middle class is falling behind. looking at obamacare, guess who is ahead? it's crony capitalism, and it's middle class families that are paying double, triple and dujit digit insurance premiums. so these are issues american voters care about, that hispanics care about as well.
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>> i think they'll continue to hammer her on this untrust worthy, corrupt hillary clinton. coming up, we need your help with tonight's question of the day. stay with us. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief
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quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet? welcome back to "lanitty". it's time for tonight's question of the day. does hillary clinton owe the american people an aapology for lying about her server scandal? don't forget to check out my new book. with election day, fast approaching this is a great read for you and your family. and finally, a last note tonight. we'd like to wish a happy 70th birthday to george w. bush.
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