tv Hannity FOX News July 8, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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among the fall 911 dallas, a newlywed, father, a veteran. we thank them for their service. we mourn them. thank you for watching, everyone. i'm megyn kelly. our coverage continues now with sean hannity. thanks, megyn, this is a fox news alert. new details about the gunman who brutally killed five police officers and wounded seven others last night in dallas. more on that in just a few minutes. first protesters are facing off with police in baton rouge, louisiana. tensions are high after a man was killed by police on tuesday. tonight, on the ground with the very latest, is our own jonathan sayrery. jonathan. >> reporter: hi, sean. right now i'm standing on airline highway which is closed down because of the protest you see going on behind me. the protesters moved to this area because this is the location of police headquarters here in baton rouge. they wanted to confront the police directly. now, there is a division among the protesters, those who want
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to remain orderly and just make their point, and others who actually want to -- who want -- and others who are unafraid of risking arrest. so several times protesters would walk out into the highway, shutting down traffic. police would come in. they would create a phalanx and then push them back to the curb. well, shortly after sunset, they made another attempt to shut down the highway. the highway was closed down for a while. police came back in, and then they issued a warning that they are about to reopen the highway to traffic, and anyone who steps out on the highway, any of the protesters, are being threatened with arrest. now, based on the two divisions that we're seeing within this group of protesters, it could go either way. whether people are going to go out on the highway and provoke
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police and potentially we'll see more arrests tonight, or whether they're going to follow the voices calling for calm and remain on the curb and continue the peaceful protest that they began earlier this week, sean. >> jonathan, we're going to watch this very closely all throughout the night. is there any chance you can talk to them and maybe ask them what side are they on in terms of peaceful, or are they going to defy the police order? >> reporter: yeah, let me go over and talk to some of the protesters here. i'm jonathan sayrery with fox news. i know that there are sort of two attitudes that i'm seeing tonight. some who are unafraid of arrest and would like to shut down the highway to make a point. and then others who are calling for calm and saying, let's obey the law but not provoke the police, but make our point. which side do you think the group will follow? >> hopefully -- >> they don't bring us know
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peace so -- the police. >> i'm also a community organizer, and first of all, we've been shooting live and pounding the pavement. we do this all the time. but right now these -- this is now a new age. they have taken the streets over. obviously law enforcement has taken notice. they've already made an impact with statement today. >> jonathan -- >> there needs to be more police reform, and the police brutality reform laws, and right now this protest, what we're trying to get is that the blue lives matter reform bill is reformed so that police doesn't seem as though that they have more control or more power than average citizens. and right now this is a peaceful protest. what we would like to do, if anything else, we want people to know all across the united states of america that baton rouge only advocated their first amendment right. they wanted individuals to hear them. they're tired of not being
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listened to. and for the community to organize as well. we're tired of seeing people talk on the microphone, politicians talk on the microphone. so right now these young millenniums have taken a stand. they're saying we're tired of politicians coming in only when mikes are here. we want people to hear us. >> hey, jonathan -- >> you say they've advocated their first amendment rights. >> jonathan, can you hear me? >> they've asked them to get off the street. they're complying with that demand. that's all we're asking is that people in the united states know that baton rouge is peaceful. >> jonathan, i have a question for this guy. do police deserve the presumption of innocence, jonathan? ask him if police deserve thees. everyone else has that right, right? >> and our -- >> if he comes back. >> final question. >> yes, sir. >> others argue -- i know that many of the protesters are calling -- they're impatient with the wheels of justice, how fast the investigation is going, and they want murder charges
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immediately filed against the officers involved with the shooting earlier this week. others are saying that the wheels of justice, they must roll, that there must be a complete investigation, that the police are american citizens too, and they have rights to due process. >> right. >> would you agree with that? >> well, yes. one thing i wanted to do is inform my community. obviously the police are protected by a police union, and there cannot be an arrest or immediate anything before they have an investigation. we have informed our people and informed or community on how the process goes. but what they are very adamant about that we have not seen, our city of baton rouge come out to make an official release or official report saying what has happened. and therefore you've seen law enforcement obviously come into make a presence in this community, and we're doing what we have to do to show them that all lives matter. black lives and all lives matter. no matter how old you are, they're going to make a presence. they're going to make a difference.
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that's what we're doing. that's what we came out here to do. and those police are steady, getting on the crowd. they have snipers on the road. i'm not sure if it's an intimidation factor. i want, again, united states to know that baton rouge is doing what they feel is right in a peaceful way. that's all i want to do. >> jonathan, i got his point. let me move on to another person if you can. can you hear me? >> -- walking down the base line, ensuring those individuals are safe. >> sean has another -- >> jonathan, i saw people over there that have black lives matters t-shirts on. can you go over to them? i have a question for those that have that t-shirt on because there's members of the group black lives matter that we all know that were out there protesting, pigs in a blanket. fry 'em like bacon. and i want you to ask them if they support comments made by the people whose t-shirt they're wearing. >> reporter: ma'am, i wanted to talk to you if we can. we know there's been a lot of
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protesters have black lives matter posters, t-shirts and whatever. tell me about your thoughts, what brings you out here, and how the police are handling the situation. >> my black lives matter shirt represented our church. when this happened, when this happened, our church got these t-shirts made for our church. to me today, all lives matter. it's not just black lives matter. all lives matter because regardless of who it was that got killed, somebody lost their husband. somebody lost their father. somebody lost their friend. it does not matter. you know, it does not matter. but the people are here today because they want to be heard. you know, they're tired of we getting executed as a people, and nobody does anything about it. you know, this is why -- >> what about the comments of black lives matter people that said pigs in a blanket? >> you know, everybody is mad right now. everybody is mad because the thing is nobody said anything.
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nobody came out and said, well, this is what happened or this is why it happened. you know, so this is why everybody is mad and upset right now. it's not because they want to cause problems because the thing is when stuff is happening in other states, by this time right now, we had burning buildings. baton rouge has not had one thing to burn yet. so i think baton rouge did a wonderful job displaying their protest right now, and that's all i have to say. thank you. . >> reporter: thank you, ma'am. appreciate it. and my producer tells me that there are now reports that the new black panther party is heading to baton rouge to protest the police department. so we have additional groups coming in from outside here. also, sean, i wanted to share with you that judicial watch has obtained documents from the fbi's new orleans division, which apparently issued a situational information report to its first responders, or two
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first responders in the region about potential threats to law enforcement. according to these documents obtained by judicial watch, several groups have posted online threats calling for riots or violence against law enforcement in baton rouge and shreveport throughout the weekend. the warning states these threats stem from tuesday morning's police-involved shooting of alton sterling, an african-american sidewalk vendor who was fatal alley shot during an arrest outside a convenience store here in baton rouge. the protest earlier in this week had been taking place in front of that convenience store but now have moved here in front of the police department. sean, back to you. >> jonathan, let me ask you. maybe you can go through and just ask people very quickly. do black lives matter, or do all lives matter? maybe just take a survey, a quick survey of people. i see the police now are getting a little closer to where the protesters are.
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it seems like maybe they are moving to clear the road. but, you know, this became a big issue in the presidential campaign. do black lives matter, or do all lives matter? >> reporter: okay. are you still up, tom? okay. >> what do you want? >> reporter: a quick survey. >> go ahead, jonathan. >> reporter: okay. everyone, a quick question because a lot of people watching across america, many support black lives matter movement. other people see the same slogan, and they get offended. they say, well, what about white lives? what about other lives? what about the lives of police officers? could i do a -- >> black lives matter doesn't mean all lives doesn't matter. >> tell me this. all the houses that are burning
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on the whole street, if one house is burning on the whole street, is the fire department coming to spray all the houses or the houses that are burning? people's lives matter, but right now the black community is hurting. that's what we need fixes. that's what we're protesting right now. >> our lives ain't under attack. white lives, asian lives, they're not being shot in the street and having law enforcement officers get ago way with it. black lives, however, we are getting shot in the streets. we are getting killed and murdered on camera, and nobody cares. >> jonathan, ip have a question for that guy. >> i want to let you all know that our lives matter too. if your brother was shot on the street like that man alton sterling was, wouldn't you be pissed off by somebody that's supposed to be protecting you? >> does the cop deserve the presumption of innocence? >> what my brother is saying is -- if a house on the street on the west end is burning down,
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do they come spray a house on the east end? no. their lives matter if their lives is on fire. but our lives are on fire, so that's why black lives matter is so important because y'all -- maybe not you, but your race hasn't understood that since i all brought us to this country. we've been second-class citizens since we came here. >> quick follow-up question. all of you are rallying for the rights of alton sterling. but what about the police officers? do they have the right to due process as the investigation into the shooting goes on? >> yeah, they have a right to due process. but the fact of the matter is you have evidence of them committing a murder. what more process do you need? what more process do you need when you have physical video evidence of them assassinating this man, laying on his back? what more process do we need? >> i got something i want to say. when they killed that guy and his little baby in new rose, they ain't lose no time
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arresting them two black guys and took them to jail. all we want is justice, and we'll shut it down. >> when has it ever been illegal for a black man to get killed in the united states? they throwed us off of ships. they hung us from trees. now they're shooting us whenever they want. if a black cop started randomly killing white people, there would not be any more black officers on law enforcement. white cops can kill black people whenever they want to, but they need to answer for this. >> jonathan, i have another question you can ask these people. >> what are you hoping comes out of this? do you think there will be a change, or will this -- >> we want a conviction. we want a conviction! we want a conviction all across the -- they need to write a law. see, what's wrong with them, they think we stupid. there has never been a law passed to say that a white man can't kill a black man. now, you all hung us from trees, but they never passed a law.
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you all hung us from trees, but you never passed a law. >> jonathan, ask this guy a question. >> we want a law saying that a black man is innocent until proven guilty. >> reporter: thank you very much. >> jonathan, the group black lives matter said controversial things like, pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. ask them if they denounce that. >> reporter: can we speak with you as well? i know that there have been a lot of questions about the black lives matter movement. some have taken offense to some of the more incendiary things that have been said against police, terms like pigs in a blanket. does this group denounce that? >> you got to elaborate on that.
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i'm not hearing the pigs in a blanket. i haven't heard that. >> reporter: you have not heard that among these protesters? >> the pigs -- no, i haven't heard that. i haven't heard it. what was -- you let me know. >> reporter: okay. well, i have not heard it in this group. but in -- >> some people have heard it. >> reporter: because others have heard it, and they're asking about it. and they want to know if this group denounces statements such as that. in fact, we have an announcement from the new black panther party says heading to baton rouge to protest pig department. now, granted the new black panther party is not necessarily affiliated with the black lives matter movement. so let's broaden it out to other groups that are wanting to join
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this protest. do you or others in this group denounce statements such as that? >> it says the black panthers is coming to participate? >> no. the new black panthers is saying they're going to protest the pig department. >> no. we feel an anger. and if those words are said, it's out of anger. it's out of the situation that we have been put in. like i said, what's going on in dallas, there's nothing to justify that. we can't sit there and say, that was right, okay, because then we're playing -- we're sitting here and basically two wrongs can't make a right, okay? if they kill us, we kill them, and it's not going to help. we have to sit here and come together and figure out ways to make this situation better. so when it comes down to people saying pigs and everything,
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yeah, we do agree that is a saying. we believe that police officers are pigs. but not all of them are. so the ones that are, we need to be able to come together and get those that kill alton sterling convicted because those are the pigs. that's the pigs that we're talking about. >> how about the presumption of innocence? this is america. these cops fight for the presumption of innocence for everybody. >> reporter: how do you bring this community back together? >> it starts one -- like i said, it's a process. one, it starts with being able to get justice for alton sterling. then it comes after, what happens after. does it blow over like baltimore? does it blow over like new york? does it blow over like l.a. and florida? it can't. so what we have to do is start building our community. we have to be able to contribute to our own community. when we're able to speak to our own people, then that's when we'll start seeing improvement. we're not seeing improvement because we depend on the white dollar.
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we depend on the white dollar for everything. in the state of louisiana where i'm from, a black woman only makes 50 cents on the dollar whereas a black man makes only 58 cents on the dollar. that's a full-time working black man. that's a full-time working black woman. put it like this. i'm going to break it down further. to live in the state of louisiana, it costs $50,000 a year. black families are only making $15,000. we have to start bringing the black dollar back into our community, start building our own schools, start building our own stores, our own banks, things that we've always had. we've had our banks. we had the black market before. we've had the black stores before. it's time for us to start fighting for something that we need to do for ourselves. >> jonathan, i have a question. can you relay this question to this guy. >> to say if i wanted to boycott walmart, wendy's, albertson's, where would i go? i could only name a few. they couldn't supply me with all the same goods that walmart does. we have to take the sacrifice to move forward. we have to take the sacrifice to start building our community.
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when we start taking care of our communities, it's not going to say that they're going to start -- they're going to start caring, but it's going to say we're controlling our communities. like in new orleans where they've implemented neighborhood patrols. we need to be implementing the same things in our neighborhoods. >> reporter: sean, you have a question for this jantd. >> i do have a question. since obama has been president, the number of black americans on food stamps is up 58%. the number of black americans not in the labor force is up 20%. homeownership is down 6%. actual real income is down dramatically, $2,400. ask him does he think black america is better under america's first black president. >> reporter: okay, sean hannity as a question about the quality of life of black america during the obama years, whether it has improved, whether it has gotten worse, and he cited some employment statistics, economic
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figures. what are your thoughts on that? >> like i stated, i'm not going to sit here and bash my president. i am a black african-american american. i condemn -- i commend him because he was the first, you know, african-american president. but what i will say is that we're still dealing with problems. the numbers that they're showing, i don't think we're seeing it in louisiana. we're not seeing it here. >> reporter: thank you very much for your time, sir. i really appreciate your comments. stay safe. sean, back to you. >> on the ground in baton rouge. we'll get back to that in a few minutes. we'll also have reaction to what you see going on on the ground in louisiana tonight. larry elder and daryl parks will weigh in next as we continue. constipated?
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welcome back to "hannity." so in the wake of the horrific tragedy in dallas last night, america's leaders are calling for people to come together. but president obama and the left, well, like him, they've been doing the exact opposite now for years. they've been sowing the seeds of racial divide and making police officers out to be the bad guys. don't believe me? let's take a look at some of obama's comments about cops over the years. apparently we don't have that. this type of rhetoric from the president and the left has made a major impact on race relations. look at these statistics that show that black americans are worse off in most kae measures under president obama. for example, african-americans on food stamps, if you look at the actual numbers, it aabsolutely astounding. it is up 58% under president obama. according to a recent gallup poll, 35% of americans now believe that they're worried a great deal about race relations. you have, you know, further statistics that go on and on.
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the labor force participation rate, that's down by almost 20%. homeownership rate of african-americans is down 4.6%. median income is lower for african-americans under president obama's leadership, and if you look at the number that really scares me, african-americans on food stamps is up by 58%. and joining us now, we have salem radio nationally syndicated talk show host larry elder. defense attorney daryl parks. darryl, we just heard people refer to cops as pigs. we just heard people say, we don't need a judge, a trial, a jury. we don't need due process. we don't believe in the presumption of innocence. they're guilty. when you talk about black lives matter, some people, you know, here's a group that said, pigs in a blanket. fry 'em like bacon. and they stand by that group. and the president of the united states of america invited them to the white house. and hillary clinton is seeking their endorsement. tell me what's wrong with that, a president who got it wrong on
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trayvon martin. he got it wrong in fergson. he got it wrong in the cambridge police, and he has fueled this fire three hours before what happened, he's out there jumping to conclusions, and he's supposed to be a constitutional attorney. doesn't he have an obligation to wait till the facts are in? >> sean, i think without question the president, like most of us this morning, really cried out for those officers who lost their lives at dallas. so i think he joined the rest of us in really mourning what happened to those officers. now, that's totally different from him sharing his experience as a black man and trying to help this country understand that the experience of a black man is totally different from the experience that most white americans enjoy. >> let's say you're right. let's say the president's trying to share that experience. how come he only speaks out in high-profile race cases when, in his own city of chicago, his own hometown, since he's been president, 3,459 murders have
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taken place. how many times do you think he's spoken out about the murders in chicago? do you know? >> well, let me say this, sean. >> he's only spoken out nine times. why, larry elder? why only nine times? >> i think you know the answer to that. this is his adopted hometown, and the fact is that chicago is on track for its 700th homicide. a third of the city is black. a third of the city is white. a third of the city is hispanic, but 70% of the murders are black on black. and this is a huge problem. and obama is not talking about that because he has no answers for it. and one more thing real quickly. part of the problem here is lack of information. the gentleman that you interviewed a little while ago said that people think we're stupid. it's not that we think they're stupid. they are ill informed. i bet you anything he has no idea that police shootings against blacks are down 75% in the last 45 years. twice as many whites are killed by the police versus cops, and of the people that were killed last year by the cops, 965
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according to "the washington post." less than 4% of them were blacked who were unarmed. >> we have these protests now that are emerging all across cities in america. this one is in atlanta. it looks like from my years of experience, it looks like peach tree state. i can't say for sure. but that is atlanta. we'll go to the ground in a few minutes. i go back to daryl parks. he said the cambridge police acted stupidly before he had any facts or information. he said that trayvon martin could have been my son, or that could have been me 35 years ago. he made comments about ferguson. in every case, daryl, without any evidence presentepresented, any facts given. and when the facts came in, in the case of ferguson, you had black eyewitnesses that saw michael brown fight a cop for his gun and charge a police officer, and that officer's career was ruined. why does this president rush to judgment in those cases, and he's utterly silent about 3,459 murders in his own hometown of
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chicago, and he's virtually silent on those? >> i don't think he's silent on them, sean. i think -- >> nine times he's spoken out in eight years. 3,459 murders, mostly black on black crime, and he's been virtually silent. why? >> well, i think part of what you have to look at, sean is although he's the president, he has a congress that continues to defy him every day that they can. >> that doesn't fit his racial narrative and agenda, larry? >> congress is stopping him from doing what he wants to do? that is absurd. the number one problem in the african-american community is the absence of fathers. i interviewed the head of the naacp several years ago. i said as between the presence of white racism, which is what black lives matter is all about, versus the absence of black fathers, which poses a bigger threat to the black community? without missing a beat, sean, he said the absence of black fathers. obama, in another time, said
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that a kid raised without a dad is five times more likely to be poor and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of school, 25 more likely to go to jail. that's the problem we ought to be talking about. >> you know what, larry, those statistics i gave, when you have 58% increase since obama has been president, black americans on food stamps, a 20% black americans not in the labor force. when you look at median income, real dollars, down $2,400 in the black family, which is already below other races in this country, he's not solved the problem. and then you add to that a 55% unemployment rate of black teenagers. he's not helping. >> he's got republicans he can blame. come on. >> no, listen, republicans, i blame them too to be honest. i really do. coming up, is there a war in america on police officers? we'll ask sheriff mike lewis. we'll check in with bo dietl. that's coming up next on this busy news night tonight on "hannity."
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working my canister off to clean and shine... and give proven protection... against fading and aging. he won't use those copycat wipes. hi...doing anything later? the quiet type. i like that. armor all original protectant. don't be dull. jen stops working, but her aleve doesn't. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours?
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welcome back to "hannity." so is the rhetoric that's coming from the black lives matter movement, is that creating a war on cops in this country? you may remember this. >> pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. >> what do we want? >> dead cops. >> when do we want it? >> now! >> and joining us now with reaction, maryland county sheriff mike lewis, form nypd detective bo dietl. you know, hillary black with black lives matters representatives twice, once in august of last year, once in october. she wants their endorsements. by the way, we're looking at images from atlanta, georgia. a street has been shut down
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there. we also have images of baton rouge. we'll go back to that in a second. so the president of the united states invites that group into the white house. >> the president of the united states invited -- it's the same rhetoric. as far as i'm concerned, what's going on, and you should have listened to bratton today with big bird de blasio. de blasio says, we're going to stop you from shutting down the streets. yeah, because he knows he's got the blood on his hands of those two new york city cops that were gunned down when he let them close the book lynn bridge. all these streets outside these black lives matter black lives matter, what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? now. all that rhetoric. this is the same nonsense going on right now. look it, i don't support -- >> wait a minute. >> one thing doesn't have anything to do with the other. >> remember that guy that got shot in the back? you and i said that was the wrong thing. >> not wrong. it was murder. >> it was murder. >> you and i both said it.
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in both these videos -- let's go, for example to the video of the minnesota shooting. this is remarkable in a couple of ways, tragic and sad in a lot of ways. you've got a 4-year-old little girl in the car. and for the life of me, after a guy's been shot four times, we didn't see the shooting on the tape. the woman is live tweeting or facebooking the images instaeds stead of helping her boyfriend. this makes no sense. watch this video. >> we got pulled over for a busted taillight in the back, and the police just -- he -- he's covers. he's killed my boyfriend. he's licensed -- he's licensed to carry. he was trying to get out his i.d. and his wallet out of his pocket, and he let the officer know that he was -- he had a firearm, and he was reaching for his wallet. and the officer just shot him in his arm. we're waiting for -- i will, sir. no worries. i will.
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[ bleep ] he just shot his arm off. we got pulled over. >> i told him not to reach for it. i told him to get his hand off it. >> you told him to get his i.d., sir, his driver's license. >> mike lewis, it's unbelievable to me that if a loved one is shot, instead of live streaming the incident with a person that's bleeding in frojtd of you, you would probably offer them medical aengsz it. we don't know the answer in that shooting. we didn't see the shooting in that video. apparently the guy said he had a gun. i don't know what happened, but that's why we have a justice system. >> that is, sean. that's why we have investigation in these particular cases. we don't jump to conclusions. we wait for these investigations to take place, run its coursement then we make a determination as to exactly what happened. it's difficult to do in these types of cases, but that's why we have a criminal justice system in place to serve the american people. >> all right. hang on. bo dietl, you can see some images we have, protests going on in atlanta georgia. we go back to jonathan serrie.
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he's in baton rouge, louisiana, tonight where there are apparently two groups of protesters, one that wants to peacefully protest, and another that wants to disrupt the bridge area of where jonathan is standing right now. jonathan, what have you got? >> reporter: well, i'm with rashard, jamie, and jimo, and they are organizers of this rally here, and they are also very young. the eldest of you is23. you're 19. >> 21. >> 21. >> reporter: and you're 19. okay. question for you. for the past couple hours, there's been sort of a standoff with police. the highway is shut down by the protest. police are urging protesters to clear the road, and it seems like there are two factions within this protest. those who don't want to back down and keep the highway closed at the risk of arrest, saying this is the best way to make a statement. and others -- it tends to be some of the older protesters --
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who are urging for calm, do what the police say. you can make your point over here on the curb. where do you stand? which way should this go? >> i mean what the police want, the police want us to go back to the hood. they want us to go back to where we came from so to say. but when we were over there for two days, we didn't see not one baton rouge police officer. we didn't see not one. so we sat down and we brainstormed. what can we do to make our voices heard? so we decided at 4:00 this morning that we were going to come and stand our ground right outside of their headquarters, and that's what we did. people came out in large numbers and now they're suited up in riot gear because we're holding signs. they want us off the street because we're holding signs. >> reporter: i can verify being at the convenience store earlier in the week, that there really was not a police presence there. do you think that's because the police were trying to give you space? >> no. >> reporter: to protest? >> they don't care. >> they didn't come over there because we were in our comfort zone. they over here in their comfort zone. now that we're over here in their comfort zone with them, they want to fight us.
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they mad. they mad. so we came to them. we came to them because protested two days. no officers. >> our plan was to come in their comfort zone and bring them out. and it got out, and it was -- it's good. like they came out in great numbers, and we didn't stand down. they came thinking we were going to be scared. and like he said, they want us to go back -- but for 48 hours, we're seeing no law enforcement. still right now we have no type of video investigation from the murder, from brpd period. but you all come out here because now we're in your comfort zone. we got what we wanted. we got to face them face to face and it's not going to stop until we get justice. >> reporter: all of these protests center on the police involved shooting that happened early tuesday morning of alton sterling, the vendor who was selling cds in front of that convenience store. and some people are saying you need to wait for the wheels of justice.
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you need to wait for the investigation. >> the presumption of innocence, john thang. >> when those videos was released, it shouldn't have been no doubt in the justice system. >> so you decent believe in the presumption of innocence? ask him. >> then we're going to -- >> do you believe in the presumption of innocence? >> instead they're at home getting paid, watching us, antagonizing us. >> reporter: is there a presumption of innocence? >> we have the fovideos. we got two videos and -- >> do they believe in that? >> reporter: thank you very much. >> all right, jonathan. thank you. coming up, what does donald trump make of this week's tragedies? we're going to hear from him coming up next and much more. stay with us. ♪
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force is an attack on our country and an attack on our families. we must stand in solidarity with law enforcement, which we must remember is the force between civilization and total chaos. >> all right. joining us now with reaction, former 2016 gop presidential candidate dr. ben carson, and the senior pastor of the new spirit revival center and ceo of the national diversity coalition for donald trump, reverend darryl scott. dr. carson, you see what is going on. you hear the rhetoric. some people don't want to even give cops any presumption of innocence. now we have 12 cops shot, five killed last night. your reaction? >> well, clearly we're going to need some leadership in this issue. we need people who can help facilitate communication between the two sides. we need understanding of what the other side thinks. we'll never solve the problem without that. but as an example, you know, i'm
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a surgeon. and, you know, there are a few bad apples in surgery. the vast majority of surgeons are wonderful. but what if we -- what if we always emphasized the horrible things that happened with those bad surgeons? everybody would be afraid to go to a surgeon. >> that's a really good analogy. most cops are great, and they put their lives on the line for us. and now we see, pastor, that, you know, in cities like baltimore where the cops in the freddie gray case, one after another are being found not guilty. we have the so-called ferguson effect. they don't want to do their job for fear the issue will be police sized and they'll be brought up on charges without any benefit of the doubt. >> well, you know, that works both ways, sean. you have the police walking on eggshells because they don't want -- they feel that they cannot, you know, properly do their job without fear of, you know, criminal charges. but then you have people that feel that we have to behave a certain way with police, that we
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can't behave -- you know, blacks feel as if we can't behave as normal citizens. we have to adopt a serve i'sle position. >> there needs to be mutual respect. pastor, every human being is made by god, right? >> you're right, yes. >> so if they're made by god, then there's got to be that respect. you know what? if you have case after case where a president politicizes high-profile cases and ignores 3,500 killed in his own city because it doesn't fit a narrative, what is your answer to that? >> well, the 3,500 --? >> in chicago. >> but that's not high-profile. those murders don't attract national attention. he addresses those. i don't want to throw president obama under the bus, but one thing we don't have, which is what a number of people thought he would be. we do not have that one black leader who is a unifying presence that commands not only respect but commands obedience. >> i hate to do this to both of
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. joining us is texas lieutenant governor. you said they're hypocrisy. i want you to go on, explain what you mean. >> i did a lengthy interview with fox and stand by everything i said. here is the point, sean, is that last night, we saw what every american should see and understand. that is that police officers, men, women, black white and brown serve and protect every citizen. when the gunfire broke out there was a peaceful protest in dallas. when the shots rang out and people fled, those police officers, 11 shot, five died and i was at the hospital when they were taken out on the gurneys. i saw the heart break of the
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families and police officers lined up as the gurneys went down the hall at parkland and baylor hospital, i saw and felt the pain. they died serving every citizen in dallas. the people of america will step back and let the police do their job, they will do their job and they will serve and protect everyone. they gave their lives last night to protect others. were there bad actors let them have due process as you have talked about tonight. >> we can't ignore -- >> sean -- >> supporting every person. >> every person. >> can't ignore the rhetoric. the embracing by democrats of this group. >> i come out of the early 70s and then, all of a sudden, i have never seen a racial divide in this country as it is now from the times of the late 60s until now. and it's all because of the leadership and that is the end of it. >> bo, thank you.
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lieutenant governor, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of texas. that is all the time we have left. thank you for being here. we'll have more on monday. have a good weekend. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed.
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and the water filter that's proven to reduce lead look for zerowater. get more out of your water. >> "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: [gunfire] >> shots fired. officer down. >> we got a guy with a long rifle. we don't know where the hell he is at. [siren] >> a domestic terror incident in dallas leaves five police officers dead, seven badly hurt. what was behind this atrocity? we will tell you. >> the suspect said he was upset at white people. the suspect stated he wanted to kill white people. >> the issue of racism now center stage again. but this time it's black generated. we will talk with the naacp. [chanting]
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