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tv   Fox Report Saturday  FOX News  July 10, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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i'm shannon breen in for chris wallace. three riots have had the country looking for the way forward. >> this is not who we want to be as americans. >> do not let this week precipitate a new normal in this country. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> protests in cities across the country after two incidents involving black men shot and killed by police. then -- a sniper takes deadly aim on law enforcement in dallas. >> he expressed killing white officers. he expressed anger for black
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lives matter. >> we will ask former police commissioner charlsz ramsay about the relationship between police and minority communities and discuss the president's response with homeland security jeh johnson and new york police commissioner bill bratton and talk to the reverend jesse jackson about the racial divide in america. then -- >> there is too much violence, too much hate. >> a brutal attack on our police force is an attack on our country. >> the presidential candidates respond. we'll speak to key supporters on both sides about the impact on 2016. plus, we'll ask our sunday panel about the clinton e-mail fallout, all right now on fox news sunday. >> hello again from fox news in washington. a weekend of protests across the country as tensions remain high following the shooting ambush that killed five police officers in dallas and the aftermath of
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the police involved shootings of black men. and crowds blocking a section of i-94 protesting the death of philandro castile and 30 deaths over the shooting of alton sterling including black lives matter activist, deray mckesson. the president returns after his first visit to spain and will return early in response to the crisis. we will talk to law enforcement and civil rights leaders how the country can heal. we begin with william long neaje in dallas. william. >> let me show you video how on edge police are here and around the country. around 6:00 p.m., police received information a man had breached a secure police parking garage. dpd responded with two s.w.a.t. team s, sniper and they locked down headquarters and cleared several blocks although the search of that structure came up empty also last night.
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shots were fired at police headquarters in san antonio. in st. louis on friday, georgia and tennessee, african-american allegedly fired at officers in retaliation for those controversial shootings in minnesota and baton rouge. as for the shootings here police believe 25-year-old micah johnson acted alone, formerly with the army reserve, d discharged last year after a complaint of sexual harassment. police found a ballistic vest, ammunition and manual on combat tactics he did use here. while not affiliated with any organizations he did attend meetings of the new black panther party experts say is a racist hate group. people are defending their innovative use of a robot to kill johnson, blowing him up with a pound of c-4 explosives. a candlelight memorial is pl planned tomorrow night at city hall. two officers released yesterday from the hospital. officer misty mcbride remains
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hospitalized but she will recover. shannon. >> william in dallas, thank you. joining me now, charles ramsey former police commissioner in philadelphia. welcome back to "fox news sunday". >> thank you. >> following the shooting death of michael brown in ferguson, you were named to co-chair the president's task force on 21st century policing. have we made progress in the interim? >> i think we've made a lot of progress. we did publish a report and gave to it the president and he accepted it. it was publish and we have close to 60 recommendations and almost 90 action steps. it is a solid road map to cre e creating the kind of change we need in policing in order to bridge the gap that currently exists. >> do you see that closing or do you feel that we're more divided than ever right now? >> certainly there is a gap, there's no question about that.
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whether or not it's motorcycles remains to be seen. this is all fixable. as long as we continue to listen to extremes on both sides and we don't engage in serious thoug thoughtful discussion that really results in solutions to our problems so there's not two sides to the issue, there's only one and that is safe neighborhoods in which there's also a sense of justice and f r fairness for the people who reside in those neighborhoods and for the police officers that work in those neighborhoods. that's the goal. i think we're working toward it but unfortunately we continue to have some issues arise. >> in reacting to the shooting deaths of those five officers in dallas, the president had this to say on his travels in poland. >> part of what's creating tensions between communities and the police is the fact that police have a really difficult
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time in communities where they know guns are everywhere. so if you care about the safety of our police officers, then you can't set aside the gun issue and pretend that that's irrelevant. >> and that issue is one that continues to percolate here in washington on capitol hill across the country. i know that you have been heavily involved in chicago, you've been most recently and advisor formally an informally with the police there and you know it has the most toughest gun laws in the country and more than 300 have died. are more gun control laws the answer? will they solve these problems? >> listen. this is a complicated issue. there's no one thing that's going to be the magic bullet to fix the problem. we need to be able to take a comprehensive look at what's going on in our communities, a
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comprehensive look at our criminal justice system. there hasn't been a review of the entire system since 1965. obviously, things have changed. we need to look at not only the criminal justice system but communities where we have problems with crime and violence and unfortunately a lot of gun crime. sensible laws will help but that itself will not solve the problem. we have to take a more comprehensive approach if we want to solve these problems. >> you recently retired and the dnc will be there in a few weeks and i'm sure there has been months and years in preparation and i'm wondering what the security for the rnc said. we have got to make some changes without a doubt. how concerned are you about these two cities being targets for bad actors whether domestic actors or those inspired by a group like isis? >> listen, hopefully we don't have any problems at the rnc or
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dnc, obviously, right now, everyone is on edge. i'm certain departments across the country, not just those hosting these conventions are looking at all their protocols and procedures to make sure officers remain safe and citi n citizens we protect can remain safe. this is a very volatile time right now. we have to be very cautious, very careful and take whatever precautions we need to be able to take. i also think we don't need to exaggerate the situation to a point we further alienate ourselves from the people we serve. there are always threats out there. police officers face those threats every single day. i think it's a good move to take whatever add eed precautions yo take and everyone is not out to harm police and we need to keep that in mind. >> mr. ramsey, thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you. joining me now is new york city police commissioner bill
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bratton and homeland security secretary jeh johnson. welcome to "fox news sunday." >> thank you. >> i want to ask you how the men and women serving on the streets for the nypd, what's the mood? how are they feeling? >> i think like the rest of america policing, the rest of america, thoughts and prayers go out to our colleagues in dallas all they've dealt with and continuing to deal with. we had two detectives murdered in december of 2014. i remember the pain of that. so what dallas is dealing with is almost impossible to imagine, competent it happened, we don't have to imagine, it happened. >> now, the investigation to learn more about the shooter contin continues. mr. secretary, you'd said micah johnson didn't appear to be aligned with any particular group. it appears his facebook page may have had like force certain
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groups. there's a conversation he had some link to a black panthers group in houston briefly. that did not end well. can you tell us any more about his investigations or what you've learned? >> the investigation is ongoing. it's still relatively early. everything we know about this individual is being investigated, uncovered. i suspect we will know a lot more in a couple of days. it does appear he was a single shooter, the lone shooter. we do not see any affiliation with any international terror organization like isil or al qaeda. we do know what he told the hostage snoerkt just befonegoto he was killed, he wanted to kill white people and white police officer s, i think that's almost a quote coming from chief brown. we will know a lot more about this individual in the coming days. the other thing i'd like to say, within federal law enforcement i have literally tens of thousands
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of law enforcement officers working for us in the department of homeland security. in times like this, we all stand together, we all mourn, we all grieve for these five fallen heroes in dallas, just as we do every time a law enforcement officer es is killed in the line of duty, whether at the local level or federal level. >> certainly, there can be great unity in that time and connections. clearly, there is a lot of pain and divide. that's the practicalities and realities we're dealing with. what are the best is a way you are endeavoring and recommend law enforcement endeavor to close this gap between law enforcement officers and minority groups who feel, you know, mistreated, misunderstood? they don't trust officer, in fact, they often view them as the enemy. >> going back to the experience of december 2014, that horrific murder of two of my detectives,
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bridging the gap, trying to close the gap, doing a lot of work in new york over has theset two years of officer and training techniques, hundreds of meetings i had with community leaders and groups, the idea of seeing each other, the idea of hearing each other, not talking past each other with rhetoric but meaningful conversation. there is a place for demonstrati demonstrations, certainly, but there is also much more of a need for dialogue, collaboration. i applaud the knapp honcaap an k detective calling his members for dialogue and going out to the community as black officers and as blacks. they have that dual burden, if you will, in today's society. we can close it. i think we've had, in new york, a relatively quiet period of
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time since those murders, not without controversy certain incidents. but we can close it and must close it and we close it by collaboration, seeing this as a shared responsibility, not us against them, police against the community. in a democracy, police are the community. they come from the community nchl. in "new york times," the majority of my-in new york city the majority of my officers come from the city and have a minority majority in this new york city. >> and talking to each other in a time like this is critical i think people across the board can agree on. commissioner and mr. secretary, we thank you both. up next, mr. jesse jackson join us to discuss the racial divide and we discuss the aftermath. what would you like to ask the
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panel how to help the divide in the community and law
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when people are armed with powerful weapons northerly it makes attacks like these more deadly and tragic. >> now is not the time to get political, now this is entitlement to use logic and ask ourselves why do we have a constitution or second amendment? >> ben carson calling out prob f prob for his push on gun control. joining me now the founder of the rainbow/push coalition.
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reverend jesse jackson. >> good to talk to you today. there's lots of pain in the country. i've been in touch the last few days with the people and a woman who witnessed the killing of her boyfriend and the family in baton rouge and texas, we offer condolences and hope we choose reconciliation over retaliation and revenge. >> reverend, are you confident having talked to some of those people and then officials as well the investigations they announced are going to be thorough and transparent and give us some answers? >> immediately the governors in louisiana and minnesota moved quickly and the department of justice and the fbi. that has not been the case -- there's such a backlog of these killings of blacks without any consequen consequences. rodney king was beaten and was on camera and the full police walked away. shot in new york in the back 41
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times by police and they walked away. trayvon martin, the killer wa walked away. there is a backlog of pain and somehow we must look at the issue of violence on the one hand almost a diversion of the issue of poverty and racial disparity. not just focus on the police issue, poverty. figure out in this tough season how to choose reconciliation over retaliation and revenge. >> reverend you mentioned several high profile cases and we want to mention some of those cases were thoroughly investigated by state and authorities and some of those officers were cleared and others indicted and facing charges in pending cases or have been convicted. there are investigated. not as though they have been investigated at all? >> in the mcdonald case one man was indicted. seven, eight police saw it and filed false reports. in this police department that's a standard pattern.
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that is a breakdown. i hope there will be conference on racial division and poverty. the police are the gate keepers and the healthcare and housing and jobs, that agenda gets lost arguing about good and bad police. we certainly hope this killing and violence will stop. >> you have said you think donald trump at least in part has contributed to a very divisive mood in this country. you call part of that an anti-black mood. i want to play a little bit what he said in response to the shootings in the last few days and get your reaction. >> a brutal attack on our police force is an attack on our country and an attack on our families. the deaths of alton sterling in louisiana and philandro castile in minnesota also make clear how much more work we have to do to make every american feel that their safety is protected. >> reverend, what do you make of
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his remarks? >> those circuremarks i submit u when you do the birther movement on the president, an anti-black, anti-mexican and deportation of 15 million people families, disruption, anti-muslim, that kind of rhetoric has helped to seed this. i hope mr. trump will maintain the rhetoric we just now heard. >> the president yesterday sp k speaking in poland said he doesn't think the country is as deeply divided as some people do. there are some on the right who say he could have done more as the first black president to further racial reconciliation. here's a bit of what former house speaker newt gingrich and possible vp pick had to say. >> we're in the eighth year of a president who could have brought us together, a president who could have worked in the african-american community to make people feel better about themselves and could have offered visionary challenges in
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policy that failed for the last 50 years and he didn't do any of that. >> reverend, has the president missed a golden opportunity on this issue? >> every time he made a move to have reconciliation in boston he is met with great rejection. now, they're saying he should have done more. in chicago, unemployment 20% for adifficulties -- adultses, 85% for youth and public schools and those shot so it is a deep divide. we need a plan for reconstruction and redevelopment. i hope we will note police are the gate keepers, behind the gate are these problems of disparity and injustice. >> in mentioning those, the president has been the president for almost eight years now. these have happened under his administration, some cumulative under previous administrations. with him in the white house 7 1/2 years, where do you point
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the finger for problems you blame for unemployment and other issues. >> when he first came to office we were behind 1,000 jobs and been a net gain of jobs every month since he became president. 20 million have health insurance than before and millions would have more if it weren't blocked to help black-and-white alike. fast rail was blocked by the congress. i think we would do better if all of us see this as humanity issue and not make it ideological. i think all of us can do more and at this stage must do more. with these military style weapons on the streets, this thing could get much uglier. there is fear. police are in fear, children are in fear. fear and hate mutt nst not drivr agenda. love and hope must drive our agenda. >> i agree but military style
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weapons, if you're talking about machine guns, is illegal for the most part and a distinction we should make. >> but in texas, not only can they shoot up theaters and churches, they can bring down airpla airplanes. it is irrational to me to have military style weapons that can shoot -- the defense against him, this guy training in this military unleashes with his training these gun, he could not be stopped. that could happen in front of a ballgame or church or theater. we must know more guns make us less safe and not more secure. >> reverend with all respect reports are he was using a an ak 15 and it was not an automatic weapon and couldn't shoot down an airplane. >> i submit if one is sitting near an airport, there are pl e planes taking off and landing that could be hit and taken down. as we fight for reweapons of ma
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destruction to be eliminated we must eliminate them ourselves. reverend jackson, we appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. fox news senior analyst britt hume and susan page from "usa today" and gop strategist karl rove and fox news political strategist, juan williams. juan, where are we right now. have things gotten better or worse? >> i think the fact i'm sitting here as part of this panel, i don't think my dad would be here, we're talking over 50 years. depends where you want to judge it. at this moment i feel so sad. i think the whole country is grieving after dallas and especially watching those two videos from minnesota and louisiana because the social media takes you right into it. even in dallas, the social media wat watching, the police have to deal, a man standing over a policeman and shooting repeat
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repeatedly in that manner. that kind of hatred, it just shocks the system and makes you think, race in this country, as you suggested by your question, we're in a bad place. the question is how do you stop this cycle of violence and hate? how do we get out of it? i think we had -- i want to say from my impressive, to hear paul ryan, the speaker of the house say, we can do better than this and we cannot just step into the predictable script of saying, hatred and pointing fingers. i thought that was so important. i thought it was so important for newt gingrich to come out and say, so many white people don't understand the added risk that comes with being black and stopped by police in this country. i was very appreciative and to hear that and move away even by donald trump from the idea i will blame the other side and make this into a racial situation. >> we asked folks to write in, to be part of this discussion today. on twitter, richard hurd said why are race relations at an all
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time low, after electing our fist black president seems like they would be better. >> and seems like we would have a better healing of the racial divide and how do you get black males to trust police and vice-versa. where do we go from here, karl? >> i'm not sure. one thing is we should not take this into a debate about gun control. i was surprised the head of the black caucus after castile and sterling lost their lives. his immediate response was if we fail to act and have a full debate on gun control this will be a long hot summer. the only kind of gun control issue involved in the deaths of castile and sterling was the guns in the hands of the police, unless the argument is we ought to disarm the police, this is not connected with gun control. there's no gun measure, nobody is saying, let's take away everybody's gun. there's no gun measure proposed
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that would have kept these incidents from happening. i would say this, first of all, i agree with juan about newt gingrich and particularly paul ryan. i also want to thank you for what you said. i happened to catch what you said, something i think every american needs to understand, you having to have a conversation with your two sons about what to do if they came into contact with police offi r officers. i don't want to be overall critical of the president. when he said it's very hard to untangle the motive office the shooter. i'll leave that to psychologists and people who study these kinds of incidents. it would have been far better if he said a man who declares his intention to kill white people especially white police officers is a man engaged in evil. you cannot confront something unless you're willing to call it by its name. >> we will have much more to discuss. we will take a quick break and when we come back, we'll talk about the impact on this whole campaign illustration and hillary clinton talking about
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what she would do to end the violence and hate across the country. as clinton's vp choices narrow, we will talk about the possible pick she faces heading to the general election. stick ar
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we do need police and criminal justice reforms to save lives and make sure all
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americans are treated equally in rights and dignity. >> we must stand in solidarity with law enforcement which we must remember is the force between civilization and total chaos. >> hillary clinton and donald trump with measured tones in response to this week's tragic events. both candidates canceling political events friday as it weighs on the campaign trails. s possible vp picks. the labor press secretary. and here strictly as a surrogate, not official capacity. >> great to be here. >> let's look at what a president hillary clinton would tackle these issues we're dealing with, mistrust in the community and violence, how do you go about that?
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>> i spent more than a decade at the justice department administration on these issues. hillary clinton, i think has learned so many lessons criti l critically important. number one, the most important kaurns a police officer has is the trust of the minute. if you don't have trust you can't police. everything she is doing is focused around making sure we don't ask the wrong questions. the wrong question is this. whose side are you on? police side or community side? that's a false choice. we're all in this together. her entire campaign has been about the fact we marshall the power of "we" and come together as a community, the reality we have racial disparities in our criminal justice system and we also have very very challenging times for police officers. when we're all in this together, when we marshall that trust, when we engage the community, you had chief bratton on earlier
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today. i prosecuted an l.a. pd officer, pre-rodney king when i was working in the bush one administrati administration, that had specific challenges the engagement of the community and involvement of the department of justice, things change for the better. the good news here, i understand the fear so many people have and mistrust and secretary clinton understands when we bring people together, when we learn about how we can do things like de escalation training, when we understand and not talk past each other but together with each other, i think you can build trust. i saw it in los angeles and saw it in seattle, washington. i worked a lot with the police department there. secretary clinton understands we can do this as long as we marshall the collective power of we and don't talk past each other and don't create false choices. >> yesterday, the formal announcement mrs. clinton will
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pursue a public option for government healthcare, one she's associated with in the past. senator bernie sanders issued a statement congratulating her and conservatives not the tame. desperate to win over the warren-sanders crew that deeply distrusts her, secretary clinton is willing to adopt even the most extreme left wing views as her own. there is quite literally flog she won't do or say to fit into today's modern socialist party. has the party pulled her so far left she will have trouble in the general election? >> i think hillary clinton will do well in the general election for the simple reason she has been fighting for the healthcare industry her whole life. as first lady. and when that didn't succeed she helped get the children's historians program passed. she wants to make sure healthcare is a right not a privilege in this country.
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the work done under this president has brought us a tremendously far way but she is trying to continue that progress. this week the conclusion of the e-mail investigation, director comey sayi ining she a her staff were negligent but did not recommend criminal prosecution. >> i think there is a delegate mat concern there is a double standard. if your name isn't clinton or you're not part of the powerful elite, that lady justice will act differently. >> so how do you deal with the perception among some that mrs. clinton got away with something? >> it was interesting about this, when the investigation was under way, i heard republicans praise director comey, as you know, was the number two person at doj under the administration
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of george w. bush and when they reached their conclusion vigilant and independent, they have a different tune. that hearing was rather interesting this week because what it really illustrated is exactly what we know, there is no criminal wrongdoing on secretary clinton's part. she made a mistake, she's acknowledged that and now they're continuing to hold those hearings and, frankly, those hearings really clarified what we know, which is that again there was no criminal wrongdoing and she shouldn't have done that and she acknowledged it was a mistake to do this. she acknowledges that she has to earn the trust back of many people who are wondering. this is not the first time she has worked hard to earn trust. when she ran for governor of new york, i grew up in upstate new york, there are a lot of skep c skeptics about hillary clinton. when she ran for senate, sorry. there are a lot of skeptics in
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new york. she earned their trust and then she got re-elected. and folks in upstate new york where i grew up, she won them over because she was a workhorse, not a show horse. she worked with a lot of people in the senate who she had been in an adversarial relationship with when she was first lady and she was able to work bipartisan, whether lindsey graham or john mccain on immigration and president obama, tough campaign and she earned his trust as well. she looks forward to earning the trust of the american people. >> there are several contradictions and inconsistencies betweens whether she said and the director james comey said, there were classified e-mails on her server and didn't turn all of the e-mails, as she said. these were marked at the time that she sent them, she did use multiple devices during her time as secretary, which she denied. what do you do with those
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inconsisten inconsistencies. >> the hearing actually a partisan hearing, i'm glad it took place because it cleared up a lot of those things. let me take one quick example what you just said. the issue whether she had documents in fact classified. during that hearing, director comey clarified that in fact there were three documents that had markings but they didn't have the proper markings. he said it would be a reasonable interference for any to draw that those were not classified docume documents. >> he did also say there was so much material someone as sophisticated as a former secretary of state should have known better. >> secretary clinton does not deny the fact she made a mistake. she was getting materials from career officials at the justice department, the state department. people who know what they're doing. so she didn't second-guess that. again, the hearing clarified a lot of this. thanks to the republicans for that. the reality is we're now in a
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campaign cycle and she understands that she has to again earn the trust of people and, you know, i've seen hillary clinton up close and personal > and the voters of new york saw her up close and personal. i often judge a person by what they did when they weren't in the spotlight. hillary clinton has spent her entire life breaking down barri barriers, whether people with disabilities and education act is part of the work she did in her 20s. the work she has done to break down barriers in education, all those things i think cast an important light on who she is. >> as somebody who sounds like a great advocate for her, could you be her vp pick? >> i'll leave that to other people. i'm working on my day job right now. i love my day job, about making sure we expand opportunity for everyone, we break down barri barriers, we've done a lot of work for this president and i've been out on the stump for
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secretary clinton because i think she has remarkable experience and temperament, as we've seen the last few weeks. these are turbulent times and they call for somebody who has a steady hand, who can bring people together. that's what she's done all her life. she understands mexico is an ally and not adversary. >> we'll leave it there and we'll see if you're a formal addition to the ticket. >> always a pleasure. up next, donald trump has a tense meeting with republicans on capitol hill and meets with former rival, ted cruz. we'll discuss it with a key we'll discuss it with a key advisor, senator jeff s relook.
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policy advisor and possible running mate. thank you and welcome to "fox news sunday." >> thanks. >> i want to start with getting your reaction to the last several days? >> so disheartening and dispara disparaging. we have great police officers across the country, almost a million and everyday out there in dangerous situations. sometimes they make mistakes, but i'll tell you, there is nothing more needed in this country than to make sure our poorer neighborhoods of minority citizens of police protection and able to walk on their streets and their children can play outside without fear and da danger. in all of this, we need to understand the true value of a police officer and the risks that they undertake. >> every single day. let's talk police, now. donald trump had a meeting with the gop senators this week, obviously, you know all about that. you were there. there were heated moments, i hear, pretty tense and part of the conversation about
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controversial comments he made over the last year and there was a comment mr. sasse continues to believe that our country is in a bad place and with these two candidates this election has remained a dumpster fire, nothing has changed. and in this poll, 89% think h s a's hot headed and 83% obnoxious. how do you think it well? >> i think it went very well. he speak before mr. sasse. and trump said something funny about him and they had a difference of opinion and was a nice guy. i thought that was all right and the kind of frank exchange you would look for. i believe it came out with another positive spin or feeling. the people, this is a series of meetings he's been having and i think it's been working for him. >> he has obviously run on the
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track record -- >> let me say one thing about his frankness and directness. this is a strong man, not a timid wallflower. the american people are seeing a refinement in his messaging, most substantive messaging and they see the strength they know needs to be shown in washington to break the cycle we're on, turn this economy around and help poor people get better w e wages instead of declining wages which is what we're seeing. that's going to be what this election is about, who can fix this economy and who can put us on the right track. does it help poor african-americans to bring in more labor than we have and help them to have bad trade deals so the manufacturing plants are closed and wages aren't there? we have the highest almost double the unemployment rate among young african-americans that we do among others. so we need to protect this
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economy, have a strong leader who can break up this logjam in washington. >> there's certainly so many people who that message reson e resonates with, that very frank talk and those promises on those very hot issues. it's clearly connecting with a lot of americans, not all of them, including mrs. clinton. this week, she took on mr. trump's business record because it is something he has emphasized in his run for the white house. here is a bit of what she said in atlanta this week. >> he makes over the top prom e promises and says, if people trust him, put their faith in him, he'll deliver for them. he's make them wildly successful. then everything falls apart, people get hurt and donald gets paid. >> how will he respond to that on the campaign trail? >> he's a highly successful businessman but he's invested in hundreds of businesses and some of home to haven't been successful, most of them have.
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atlantic sank and went under basically. no doubt, donald trump is a successful businessman, traveled around the world, invested around the world and sophisticated in ways hillary clinton has no idea on. she does not understand really how jobs are created. she's not created jobs in manufacturing and hotels and things around the world. >> you're on just about every short list out there. there's also an article that y says you're pushing mr. trump to consider a general michael flynn has come up quite a bit. what can you tell us about the veep stakes? >> i have not pushed him to have a general. i said something nice about general flynn, intelligence commander, three star general and knows the secret world what's going on around the world
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military. i'm a high friend of his and appreciate what he does. they'll make their own decision about vice president. >> what about a vice president sessi sessions? >> i -- that will be decided by donald trump. he's going to decide it on who he thinks would be a good president, who he can work with, who can help him be a president. i said, if he asked me to do that, i would consider it and would be honored to be considered. >> some people who don't know your bio-or background don't know you were a prosecutor for a long time. i want to ask you about this hillary clinton e-mail case and play a little bit about what the fbi director, jim comey said about testifying before the house this week. >> she should have known not to sendation. that's the definition of negligence. i think she was extremely careless, negligent. that, i could establish. what we couldn't establish is she acted with the necessary criminal intent. >> is intent necessary? there's been a big debate about
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that with the potential statutory violations she's been accused of in the court of public opinion? >> i've not studied the facts but it does appear to me she was aware she should not use this system for classified information and the director y says she was extremely careless. that's very close to criminal intent. there's a misdemeanor charge that requires less intent, he could have brought that perhaps. they did not use the grand jury where the witnesses are brought before the grand jury and asked on questions under oath on the record, that can make a -- strengthen a case, too. really, the problem is hillary clinton and she's the one that pushed this for her own convenience. as the director said, this information could vel well be in the hands of our adversaries right now because that system was not secure and easily penetratable and we have evidence some systems were penetrated. >> senator sessions, we'll leave it there.
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thank you for coming into "f
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vaerz we are back now with the panel. britt, let's talk about the political fallout, hillary clinton has been cleared by the fbi, essentially saying, extreme carele carelessness, no criminal intent or criminal charged. she's relieved.
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>> i'm not sure i'd used the word "cleared" after all the picture by director comey was devastating. if you posit any normal year or circumstances and determine one of the candidates has been extremely careless in the han e handling of classified information, that by itself would be a disqualifier. but in this year and this moment it's not for her so she remains the favorite to become president. it is a striking situation. moreover, there is the clear fact that the law that comey was talking about or the laws that he was citing in his decision to recommend no prosecution didn't quite support his claim which involved the question of intent. he said it was absent. normally, that is in decisions to prosecute and a section we heard all week which says gross
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negligence, pretty close to extreme carelessness if you think about it and i suspect he chose the words "extreme carele carelessness" very carefully i don't think the law recognizes and i think a prosecution would have been a perfectly reasonable decision though he said no reasonable prosecutor would do it. i think it's damaging to her and i don't think it's over and on we go with southeast choices most americans find for president unsatisfactory. >> there are so many things going on. the head of the house oversight committee says earlier next week he will make a referral to the fbi whether she lied to congress and investigation into the clinton foundation going on and the state department is re-opening its look into this thing. there are shoes potentially left to drop. >> this controversy isn't over. i agree with britt not prosec e prosecutable isn't not the most strong slogan you can run on.
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think about the alternative if he said it was prosecutable he will recommend criminal indictment for secretary clinton, we would be in a totally different place and democrats would be deciding whether to go ahead with her nomination. she has averted catastrophe and thoughts about her character and honesty and transparenciness her biggest single problem and made it more difficult, from the beginning of your show, the discussion of these terrible shootings, you get the sense that americans feel so fractured and would really like to be drawn together. i think it is quite difficult for either hillary clinton or donald trump to be the figures in a position to do that. >> how much will the vp pick matter on each side or won't it? >> it doesn't matter much. they have very little impact competent in their home state. it will say something about the decision-making process of the candidate, what do they consider to be important in a running mate. let me add to what susan and
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britt said. not only does it reinforce she is not only dishonest and not trustworthy, she lied to us about every one of the major claims she made about this. it also leaves the stench the rules don't apply to her. if the next secretary of state came in and said, i will set up my own private server in my home and do exactly what hillary clinton did, do you think the official washington line would say, go ahead and do it because that's your right as hillary clinton? ordinary americans said, bill went and met with the attorney general, the fix is in, clinton's been endorsed by president obama, even the attorney general admits it was bad thing to have happen. a lot of ordinary americans are looking at this saying there are two sets of rules, one for the clintons and one for everybody else. >> i want you to react to numbers when asked whether she was honest and trustworthy, 66% said no and if she was corrupt, 58% said yes. what does she do with that?
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>> she has to overcome by i think speaking directly with the american people. this week, you will have bernie sanders endorse her and president obama last week and vice president biden's endorsement was put in abeyance given the events in dallas. all the democrats will rally around her and president obama's ratings are plus 50 and he's in good shape to say, yes, i trust her. he said to the astonishment of republicans she's the most qualified person to ever run for president. and that's what's needed by independent voters that she is a reliable choice. >> won't matter. she won't be established as reliable or trustworthy but that doesn't mean she won't win because of who her opponent is. it's a very strange elections cycle in which each candidate this is other's best hope. >> thank you, panel. that's all the time we have. that's it for "fox news sunday." chris will be here next week when we travel to ohio for the
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quicken loans arena for what's certain to be an interesting time. have a good week. we will see >> previously on "legends and lies: the patriots"... >> the liberties of our country have been purchased at the expense of our treasure and our blood. >> life, liberty, property. i am not prepared to cede these rights to any man, no matter how noble his title! >> the british have taken bunker hill. >> sounds as though we have work to do. >> we are in want of weapons, of


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