tv The Five FOX News July 11, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hello, everyone. i'm eric bolling. this is a fox news alert. we're keeping a close eye on a deadly shooting at a courthouse. two bailiffs have been killed and one deputy sheriff and a civilian has been shot. the suspect is dead. state police have secured the scene. we'll bring you more as soon as developments now come in. but we now turn to the tensions involving recent police shootings in america. former philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey warns the country is in a very volatile state. >> we are sitting on a powder keg. you can call it a powder keg. you can say that we're handling nitroglycerin. but obviously when you just look at what's going on, we're in a
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very, very critical point in the history of this country. and i think you got two conventions coming up that are going to be very, very challenging to handle. and i don't think they're going to go without some incident takes place. it's unfortunate, but that's what i personally think. >> dallas police chief david brown has an interesting solution how to make things better. here's what his message was to black lives matter protesters earlier. >> i'm the kind of person if i probably wouldn't protest or complain. i'd get involved and do something about it by becoming part of the solution. serve your community. don't be a part of the problem. we're hiring. we're hiring. get off that protest line and put an application in. and we'll put you in your neighborhood and we will help you resolve some of the problems you are protesting about.
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>> great message, right? get on board and help out. >> i think it's a great message. the only challenge is can the folks that he's talking to match the application requirements? they might have to change that. for example, if you have a certain thing in your background that might keep you from becoming a police officer, you might have to change that. but i want to address the powder keg question. if that's indeed real, if we are living on a powder keg and why, i think it's because it's based on leisure. we have a bored society. if you look over the long term violence is going down. we've become generally more peaceful. the necessities of life have been met. you have a cell phone, you have tvs, cheap food, nice clothes, easy relationships. so what's next? faced with the challenges of leisure, you turn to conflict instead of contemplation because you don't know what else to do. people from other countries, like rwanda and somalia came here and saw what we were protesting, they would be, are
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you out of your mind? i would give like to have one-tenth of what you have. but we got so much. >> we talked about it, we briefly touched the on it in the beginning of the show. another shooting in michigan, two bailiffs killed. are we dealing with some sort of national epidemic. >> i hesitate to call it that. but ramsey said there are tensions are high, things are volatile right now. we're dealing with a country that is in flux. we're dealing with a country that has had a tremendous amount of vitriol and incendiary rhetoric blaming the police department which i totally oppose. and it's very sad to see now officers to have a target on their back because, believe me, the majority of the people in this country appreciate that you protect and serve and you help make our communities safe. having worked for years as a prosecutor in, you know, very serious cases including death penalty, obviously security in the courtroom is of paramount
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concern. and you have individuals that sometime like this think they have nothing to lose and try to pull a weapon off an officer and one of the courtroom deputies like we saw happened here, and my heart goes out to the families and to the victims in this. >> you think this is copycat? is this a -- i don't know, a movement that's happening, kill cops? >> when you look back over time you can say hindsight's 20/20 and either it was or wasn't coordinated. i think it's a little bit too early to say. it's the heat of summer. people have leisure time. right? so i think there's that. but i also think that something that david french of the national review wrote today was really interesting. of course i'd love everybody's thoughts and juan's in particular about it. the grievances about black lives matter are concerned about are real to them. and some of them, i think, are legitimate questions that society has to deal with. but within the element of the
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blm, you have this radicalized or extremist type violence that is basically coloring the entire movement as to be something that maybe it perhaps didn't intend to be initially. and i don't know at this point how do they separate those two things out because the attacks on cops obviously is very highly charged, and then you see somebody like the police chief, david brown of dallas, i'm so glad that america has had a chance to meet somebody like that. what a leader at a time when we really could use one. >> juan? >> i think it's very important to understand that the impression that was left by the social media of last week before the dallas shootings, the shootings of those two black men, one in baton rouge and the other in minnesota. i think that's spread in the social media environment like a wildfire. so to my mind, black lives matter had actually been in decline especially after the politics. remember, you know, they tried to, you know, confront hillary
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clinton, shush bernie sanders and all the rest, and it really had not amounted to much. you didn't have much support coming to them from the congressional black caucus, from local elected officials or even president obama. but now you have people who are back on their heels in the aftermath of the dallas shooting, people who feel on the defense as if their issue is being obscured and they feel like, well, gee, we understand. if they don't feel responsible for the one maniac -- we always have extremists and maniacs in every movement, but they don't feel responsible for the man who pulled the trigger perpetrating those horrific things in dallas. >> before he knew any of the circumstances regarding the two incidents you're talking about, minnesota and baton rouge, he took to the podium and basically said, this has to stop. he didn't know what had to stop yet. but he went ahead and did it. i'm not sure that didn't charge up the black lives matter. >> that's not a responsible statement to make, he didn't
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know. what he knew is there are people in our society -- and this is what i think you're not picking up on. there are people in our society who feel they do not have equal treatment from the police. you can say you're wrong, but you have to point them. you have to make sure that the society is listening in response. >> all i'm saying is he should have waited to find out what the facts of the case were and if it appeared as he thought it was, then go ahead. my problem is the timing. two hours after he goes to the podium, five cops are dead. >> oh, my gosh, that association is out of line. come on, eric. >> the shooter clearly said he used the black lives matter protest to speed up whatever he was planning on doing. >> no, no, no. first of all, what we know is he had amassed a lot of ammunition and explosives. >> he was going to do something, no doubt. >> you had these incidents take place in louisiana and minnesota and you had a peaceful march. everybody says it was a peaceful march and he takes advantage of that moment. why do you want to blame black hives matter?
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>> president obama spend time overseas defending the black lives matter movement. >> the abolition movement was contentious. the effort for women to get the right to vote was contentious and messy. the same was true with the civil rights movement and the union movement and the environmental movement and the anti-war movement during vietnam. and i think what you're seeing now is part of that longstanding tradition. >> let's bring it around this way. juan, i want to hear what you have to say, but the women's right to vote, civil rights movement, abolition, anti-war and blm, all on equal footing. >> yeah, i mean, he just seems so out of touch. to me, this is such irresponsible rhetoric. i don't think there's any fair comparison between those movements like he said women trying to fight for the right to vote and black lives matter and people that support black lives matter calling for the death of
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police officers to kill cops like the guy that supported them that committed these heinous cold-blooded murders of officers in dallas, just like the shooting in michigan. horrible situations that we see happening now against law enforcement and, you know, unfortunately, the dna of black lives matter is associated with this. >> juan, do you put black lives matter on the same level that president obama does on the women's right to vote, the civil rights movement, the abolition moveme movement? >> yeah, what you're seeing is conschenn ten shush movements. we didn't like the idea of the british military and their guns who were coming in and telling us what to do and imposing taxes and even staying in our houses without our volition. so we fought back. i think what you see is in all these cases you have people who say, oh, they're extremists among you involved in the movement. so therefore you're responsible for the very worst elements. those are people who really don't want to change, don't want to hear the grievance. >> dana, your thoughts on that equal footing for them?
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>> i think that whether i agree with president obama or not, it is incumbent on the rest of us to realize that there are a lot of people in america who do agree with him. from a leadership standpoint, what do we need to do? i think that these things sort of ebb and flow over time. it's built up over a feeling by african-americans that they are unfairly targeted by police. there's a study in "the new york times" from somebody from harvard, let's look at the evidence. and the lethality argument is actually not there. it does not hold up. but again, from social media and the perception, president obama is giving voice to people that he thinks have a grievance and he's trying to find a way, i guess, to channel it. i don't necessarily agree with it, but i think we have to recognize that there are a lot of people who do feel that way. >> legitimate protest group, should be recognized? >> this is the topic of my monologue in the next segment. so i'm trying to think of
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something other than what i'm going to say next. i will say this. if you took a civil rights movement or if you actually took a time travel machine and brought them forward and saw some of the grievances -- i'm not talking black lives matter, but all the progressive movement grievances on the campuses, the cry for safe spaces, their heads would explode. any civil rights activist from the '60s, if they went on to harvard campuses and saw that they were divesting over coal or saying climate change causes terror, every commonsense civil rights leader or hero or women's right would go like i can't believe you guys. you're making a mockery of everything we fought for. >> let's take a listen to donald trump and hillary clinton on this exactly topic. listen. >> i want our nation's police to know that we thank you from the bottom of our heart. america's police and law enforcement personnel are what
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separates civilization from total chaos. and the destruction of our country as we know it. it's time for our hostility against our police and against all members of law enforcement to end and end immediately right now. i am the law and order candidate. >> i will call for white people like myself to put ourselves in the shoes of those african-american families who fear every time their children go somewhere. i'm going to be talking to white people. i think we're the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from our african-american fellow citizens. >> you want to go? >> no, i was almost throwing up listening to her. but go ahead. >> this is your choice, america.
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and the important thing in an election is where you can draw a contrast between two candidates and the approach and so there you have it. there are two distinct choices. what i think is very interesting is whoever wins out of those two, they're going to have to deal with this problem and how they decide to deal with it will be really important for all of our futures. >> we were talking about this on friday. the idea that, like, how these huge conflicts, these horrible events we experience them, then we completely move on to another one. and i keep going back to the point that i made on friday that since sunday has become another saturday, there is no period to the end of our sentences. so we don't actually end the week contemplating what happened monday through friday when a community comes together at church and they sit and they talk about it, and they de-escalate the emotions and they start talking about the facts, but we don't have that period anymore. so the sentence keeps going on and on and on. so no one ever actually comes to
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any conclusions, they just get angrier. >> it's a run-on sentence. >> yes. and? >> and i think that trump really nailed it there in terms of his messaging and getting out a message to people saying i am the law and order candidate. that's what people want to hear right now, that you're going to restore order, you're going to restore public safety because people feel unsafe in america because the people that are supposed to be protecting us are now under siege. >> hillary has a different approach. talk to the white people. >> let's talk to everybody. what we need is healing. i don't think we need that incendiary rhetoric. to me it's incredible. trump has engaged in bigoted language, xenophobia, he's put down women in a really excorible way. we're all for law and order here. nobody's for anarchy, let's just be clear. so this is a false divide. and the reality is people want to ignore what trump has been running on. >> we have to leave it there.
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at 9:00 p.m. megyn kelly be joined with members from some of the largest police groups along with leaders from the black lives matter group. you don't want to miss that. next, how the mainstream media has been covering the black lives matter movement. and ahead, a big day for us. not only our fifth anniversary but the bus we're going to take on the road trip to the presidential conventions has arrived in new york city. there's the bus in times square. later we'll take you inside as we see it for first time ourselves. you don't want to miss that one. r a dvt blood clot. what about my wife... ...what we're building together... ...and could this happen again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? i spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than
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so the sunday "new york times" just whined how sniper fire halted the strides of black lives matter. sorry. it halted the strides of five policemen permanently. the paper also added that blm, not the police or our country, faces its biggest crisis yet. that's their default response. grievance always trumps grieving. it must have been hard then for the paper to report on a new study that finds absolutely no racial bias in police shootings, which undermines the whole narrative. but facts lose the feelings for
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identity politics always culminates in emotional tribalism because such division has guarantees attention. but the times shouldn't fret, the victories of victimhood remain intact. here the media slobbers over this photo. how powerful? a lone woman stands against the evil militarized police. so even after five good men are murdered, the stereotype must be maintained. the brutal force against the bravely peaceful. how touching, how fake. seriously, what happened to the rage? when the issue was police brutality, it was no justice, no peace. now the issue's murdered police and it's let's sing kumbaya. no thanks. ice cube's band did a song called "f the police." recently he got paid millions to play a police officer in "ride along." and ice t's band did a song
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called "cop killer." he's been playing a cop on tv for 16 years. maybe targeting and trashing the police is a movement, career wise, anyway. anyway. rudy. rudy had this to say about black lives matter. he's not moving away from it. >> i believe i saved a lot more black lives than black lives matter. i don't see what black lives matter is doing for blacks other than isolating them. all it cares about is the police shooting of blacks. it doesn't care about the 90% of blacks that are killed by other blacks. that's just a simple fact. >> the thing is, kimberly -- >> yeah. >> there are statistics that when he became mayor the death of blacks declined dramatically under his watch. so his argument -- people may laugh at it. >> why would they laugh? if they had any experience working as a prosecutor, as a mayor and understanding how you govern and protect public safety and communities, then you would
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know and have great appreciation for the service that rudy giuliani has given this country and this city. i'm specifically about stop and frisk, about community policing, making sure that violent criminals and repeat offenders are no longer on the streets makes us all safer. and i hear what he's saying. he was trying to do something, yes, because he cares about black lives and he cares about black on black crime and doing something in the communities to make it safe for everyone to go to the store, to take their kids to school, to come home in the evening and have dinner and be able to play in their neighborhoods and not hide in their homes for fear of catching a stray bullet. so i stand with rudy on that. i understand where he is coming from. >> the neighborhoods changed after rudy came in. he has a right to defend himself against the stereotypes. >> black lives matter, the group is founded on a lie. hands up, don't shoot is when black lives matter was born. and the group has gone through the iterations, what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them,
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we want them now. and pigs in a blanket. and now to protest this dallas shooting. a group that's founded in a lie and rooted in evil, death, racism shouldn't even be recognized in my opinion. i disagree with juan vehemently this is a group that maybe had at its root some sort of ideology that may be admirable, but the way they're carrying out their ideology is despicable. >> you're wrong on so many counts, i cannot begin. they did not begin with michael brown in ferguson. they began with trayvon martin in florida. and second thing to say is when you look at this group, yes, there are people in the group that make mistakes. they lack an agenda. i've been openly critical. but you can't ignore so many cases. it's not only michael brown, la kwan mcdonald, tamir rice. you go and see the guy that gets shot right in his back. >> you're right about that. >> i can go on and on. >> you can't go on and on. >> yes, i can.
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there is a bias. as i said to you last week, "the washington post" reported there's 6% of the population in this country is black men but 40% of the people killed unarmed by police, black men. >> do you know the correlation to the statistics are also on crime. >> you went on and on about those statistics. i want to tell you it's clear including from "the new york times" report that you cited that the incidents of people being pushed to the ground, beaten -- >> right. >> -- all of that, handcuffed, disproportionate. it's when it comes to the shootings again that this fellow who had limited data mostly focused on houston could find no racial correlation. >> and that's an important fact because this movement is based on the shootings. dana. >> well, will "the new york times" be against science when it comes to reporting about this? but i do think that so what juan is saying is true. in this study, the professor did, he said that they are more likely to be touched, handcuffed, pushed to the ground or pepper sprayed by a police officer, but he said in the most surprising result of his career,
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when it comes to the most lethal form of force like a shooting, there was no racial bias. so i think that actually there is a reason to be concerned about how african-americans feel about interactions with police, but the ironic thing is, the police chief in dallas, david brown, was addressing that. >> right. >> and he had actually done a really good job of it. and this micah johnson who de commit this horrible crime, ended up -- up-ended all of that effort and basically shot himself, literally. >> up next, some trump running mate news, and still to come, yes, our bus is here. our ride to the conventions in cleveland and philadelphia has arrived in new york city. we're going to go out there and see it later and you're going to see the inside of it, ahead. ♪
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the republican national convention is now just one week away. we could know who donald trump will pick as his running mate even before then. "the washington post" reports the presumptive nominee could decide on his selection by the end of this week. trump appeared on the trail with one possible contender today -- chris christie. also on the short list, mike pence, jeff sessions, newt gingrich and lieutenant general mike flynn. here's flynn addressing the possibility of being selected yesterday. >> would you like to be donald trump's vice president? >> i have said that service to this country is an honor. i am honored to be even in this discussion. it's a pretty big deal, and i take it very seriously. if people are serious about it, you know, i have to be serious about it. i grew up as a democrat in a very strong democratic family, but i will tell you that the democratic party that exists in this country is not the democratic party that i grew up around. i vote for leadership. that's what i vote for. and i vote for america. >> so beefsteaks, nbc news is
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reporting that it's actually down to two, christie and governor pence of indiana. we really don't know. governor pence has a deadline of, i think, later this week because he's also planning to run for re-election as governor, but under indiana law you cannot do both. so that might be why we might find out before next week. >> yeah, that's definitely tough timing and that's why people will say that maybe in the next three days a decision has to be made so a little bit of a push is there. obviously, these are all faskt people to be considered. pence would be a great choice. a lot of people still like him. but i still hear a tremendous amount of support for newt gingrich. you heard biden even saying how formidable he would be, even alan combs was saying how newt is so intelligent. >> one heck of a debate. >> good point. >> is that still in the mix? >> i can't imagine that. by the way, it wasn't brian
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williams who broke that news, was it? >> i don't know. >> i'm kidding. some big news, paul ryan will speak at the convention. that's unity behind donald trump and ted cruz is going to speak. so the convention looks like it's firming up for donald trump. i'd also love to see newt. i know this whole path to the white house, you have to go through florida and ohio really important. but if you're not going to go with one of those two guys, rubio or kasich, newt's amazing. newt's a unifier. i love the guy. >> i have a theory that it might not be any of the people that they're floating, that trump will want to surprise people. what do you think? >> the sus-pence is killing me. ha, ha, ha. terrible. pence seems like a good guy, level headed. very religious. so that might help with trump. but then you got flynn who addresses the primary concern, which is national security. it's about terrorism and not tuition. the big question is who will trump listen to? or does it matter?
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because trump only listens to his family and his accountant. you know. so maybe he will listen to a retired general because, you know, he admires might. >> but homeland security or nsa. >> let me ask you something. because chris steigerwald said that pence was not a good choice for trump because it would repel the moderates and the liberals who are so disgusted with hillary they might vote for trump. >> the good about pence is that pence has connections to the evangelical community in a strong way. he also has connections to the koch brothers, so they might get more support financially of donald trump. but the negative is that pence went through a big struggle about gay rights and religious freedom act in indiana and he had to back off and he lost that. so the people that steigerwald is talking about would be, two white guys, again, you know, it's just like this convention were coming up, i just wrote a
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piece, even the republican women that romney got to stand up for him are not willing to stand up for trump. >> it will be interesting, that's for sure. tune in to "hannity" tonight because sean is going to interview mike flynn and newt gingrich. but next on "the five," it's finally here. our bus. we're taking it for a road trip to the conventions. we'll head out to see it right now. we haven't seen it yet. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle?
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causing him to stop, drop and roll. test. test. test. and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. visit and see how affordable renters insurance can be. ♪ ♪ jump ♪ might as well jump ♪ go ahead and jump ♪ jump >> welcome back to "the five." as you can see, we're outside of our building. we are superexcited because today is the day that our road trip bus has arrived. feast your eyes on that.
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all right. so we are setting up this friday for our big journey to cleveland and to philadelphia for the conventions. we're going to go inside in just a few moments. but let's chat out here for a little bit before we go inside. greg, are you so excited about this? >> i am. i haven't slept for days. i love bus trips. ever since i saw the movie "midnight cowboy." there's nothing better than a bus station, a long bus ride. everything you need in there but you can't use the toilet. you can use the toilet for one but not for two. >> why in. >> it's just not polite. >> you haven't slept, will you snore the whole trip? >> yes. when you hear the engine go. baby falls asleep when it hears an engine. i just go to sleep and i drool. >> you can attest to that. >> i can attest to that because somehow dana got out of sitting next to greg the last time we flew. and let's just say i've never recovered. you took off your sock and your
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toe was like -- >> we'll get to know each other real well. >> medication, whatever. dana. >> i love a road trip. i grew up going on road trips. we grew up in wyoming and colorado. so we always would drive seven, eight hours anywhere. my dad would have the windows rolled down. we had no air conditioning. we had just regular radio. so this is like a superupgrade to the road trip for me. >> so who gets to pick the temperature of the bus? >> true. we do. the ladies. >> and the music. >> oh, i'll have on a sweater. >> i want the temperature. i can listen to any music. >> if it's really, really, really cold, you know what this will remind me of, "cool runnings" where they have the five bobsled guys from jamaica packed in. we're packed in and we're cold because you're setting the temperature. >> yes. okay, maybe then we can just cuddle. who will warm me up? >> i'm married.
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>> dana will do it. i love it. >> the other thing is -- i'm excited to go to visit some of these places in pennsylvania we haven't been. >> hershey park. >> did you hear we're going to see the biggest cheese wheel in america? >> no. >> yes. one of the stops. >> oh, my god. >> yes, i love it. >> you're going to like the cheese. >> the five loves the cheddar in the green room. so prewreck wis et for the trip. and maybe kiss a pig contest. puckering up, bringing in delicious bacon-flavored lip gloss. >> that's actually not a bad idea. >> what about salami? >> and lots of salami. i got some today from wendy aikens, my neighbor. >> if you see the bus and you want to give us anything that might have any kind of alcohol content, it's not like we're allowed to take it. but it's not like we're not not
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allowed to take it. so just leave it in front of the bus. there might be a little drinking elf that takes it. >> we'll do a disclaimer on that. don't leave greg any booze. but don't move. because up next, it's the moment that we've been waiting for. so please keep it right here so you can join us as we get our first look at the inside of this absolutely beautiful bus. back in a moment. ♪ you got the kind of loving that can be so smooth ♪ i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn
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♪ ♪ start me up ♪ you can start me up ♪ i'll never stop >> we're back. it's time. time because we're about to board the bus. we're taking our road trip to conventions. party time, convention time, our time. and dana is going to lead the way. >> okay. i'll do it. are you guys ready? >> the first time we see it. >> whose idea was this? anyway, here we go. >> this is actually really cool. >> wait. there's not enough fox news memorabilia. they need more fox news
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memorabilia. >> they have your -- >> picture. >> flag pillows. flag pillows. >> home, sweet, home. >> this doubles for something else. i won't say what. >> what? >> a seat cushion. >> thank god for saving me on that one. >> it is furry. >> and the pillow right here. >> we can put the audio book on. >> oh, my god. >> look at the floor, the floor is like marble. that's unbelievable. look at the floors, folks. this is not your -- this is no carpet, grungy carpet. >> juan do you have a -- >> i don't know. >> open the top, dana. >> see that? "the new york times," baby. >> it's 5:00 somewhere. >> where's the wine? where is the wine? >> where is the wine? >> i found the starbursts. >> look at this. >> where's my salami. >> this is unbelievable.
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>> the best reading and thinking done. >> i love it, yeah. look, a picture of jasper. >> of course. >> so he'll always be here. that's a pretty grim -- >> i love it. >> skinny pup. that was on our list. diva, j. lo. >> i think i'm calling this seat right here. because i'm the smallest, and i can curl up in here. >> shush. >> maybe i want the hang out here in the back of the bus, right? >> this is nice. i love it. it's very cool in here. i can take a nice nap. >> you know what i noticed? they got pictures of you over here and they got jasper in here. i think this is all about dana. i think this is dana's bus. >> no pictures of juan, though. >> don't worry about it. if it was up to you, i'd be sitting at the back of the bus. >> oh! i try my best, juan. >> i know, i know, i know. >> i love it. i just want to sit close to
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wherever the salami is. does that make sense? >> that makes sense. >> here's the bathroom. >> greg, in case you need it, here's the rest room. >> look. here we are. >> by the way, okay, i just went into the bathroom. it's the same bath towel from my book tour. they used the same bath -- they used the same bath towel as my book tour. they had not cleaned that towel. >> this is too much. >> they have not clean this towel. >> we're having fun already on this great tour. you know, this bus actually -- >> this is the towel! >> this is first class all the way. >> i agree with that. >> not like this. this is all about us. so this is just too much fun. >> i'm going in here with him. >> because we'll go back inside and we'll have a whole lot more fun. we'll have a celebration for our fifth anniversary of "the five." >> help me! i'm trapped in the bathroom. >> there we go.
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all right. >> i just came out of the bathroom with gutfeld and established some rules. >> pringles. look at this chair. >> by the way -- it's kind of already starting. so i might as well eat. >> tv right to sit, with the nice blankets. to wrap me, right? >> gregory, look at this. >> where's the booze? >> may i take your order? >> here's the real gregory and here's my gregory. >> may i take your order? >> all right -- >> i need a foot massage. >> here we go. hey, listen, now i'm really serious. we're going to go eat cake, and delicious cake. in fact, i think it's your favorite cake. stay with us, because the five is back for the fifth anniversary celebration. our birthday, today.
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it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but i really love it. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®.
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welcome back. we're still on the bus. we're going to be taking on the road trip. we have something to celebrate right now. today, our five-year anniversary, and we've got our favorite cake right here. lemon cake from del frisco's delicious lemon cake. happy five-year anniversary. >> happy anniversary!
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>> you want to start cutting here? >> we should blow out the candle. >> why don't we have the ladies blow out the candle. make a wish. >> one, two, three. >> why can't a man do it? >> all right. here we go. >> can we talk about some of our favorite memories? >> my favorite memory i was thinking about this, was the royalty segment with martha maccallum and when i -- because i can't stand royalty stories. i said that coming up we had an interview with the baby's umbilical cord. i don't think we ever did another royalty segment and i had to apologize to martha. she accepted my apology, but still looks at me as the evil little man i am. >> i feel like with all our anniversaries i have eaten this entire cake. i have never stayed in a job this long, and i love it.
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and -- because every couple years, you move up. but the time has gone fast. actually, when we started, eric's son was in middle school. and now he's going to college. that makes me feel old. >> that's not true. >> that's true. >> can you pass me a fork, please? this is the subject of one of my kimberly's food court, the yellow cake at del frisco's. >> when we started out, you were also in middle school. >> hilarious. >> in mentality? >> what about when sheperd cut across the back. >> we were on live in a different studio because there was a christmas celebration. he didn't know we were on. >> he knew. he knew. >> he picked up -- >> by the way, guys, on a
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serious note, our five-year anniversary, and also, we would like to thank our chairman, roger ailes, who created this show, put us all together. >> and also gave us room to run. this show is so fun, in a lot of ways. we prepare, but we don't script it. >> what they do with everything. they don't meddle, they leave you alone and let you be yourself and then it happens. >> and hopefully we won't get a call. >> i get two kinds of people who watch fox. people who say it's 5 look, i want to have fun, i tune in and that's my party. the second group is people who tell me they're on treadmills. >> a lot of exercisers. >> a lot of moms who are getting dinner prepared, and they put the kids around the kitchen island. everybody watches, it becomes a family affair. >> lots of inmates who watch in
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prison. >> i want bolling to eat more cake. >> you only need this space to do pilates. >> could you run a little? >> yeah, eric. get off the bus and -- we won't leave you, don't worry. >> i can't believe this floor. look at this. that's unbelievable. >> you mean the floor you just put cake all over? >> we'll have to see how it rides. >> we have eight cases of wine. >> don't say that. >> why are you telling that? >> why wouldn't i. >> we don't actually. >> i'm going to bring some detox tea. >> oh, no. >> you know what goes good with that? vodka. >> notice there aren't any disgusting potato chips on here. thank god. >> i'll bring you some. >> detox tea. and we should end this thanking our producers. they put up with a lot. >> and vice versa. >> especially from greg.
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>> what are you talking about? >> thank you to "the 5" producers. >> everyone. >> how about the lighting, sound, camera? >> allison, jack. >> who's driving the bus? everyone wants to know who's driving the bus? >> we have a bus driver. should we have special bus drivers who can drive a mile? >> maybe. i don't think insurance would cover that. >> it would be cool, get like hannity on to drive the bus. what else? >> i don't think the people who own this bus would allow anybody but their bus driver to drive it. >> all of a sudden, you follow the rules. >> he can declare himself bus driver for a mile, right? >> yeah, why not? >> i think steve -- >> for a mile. >> you know that guy, speed racer. he's going to take the wheel, buddy. >> eric, take us out. they're telling us we have to go. >> thank you, everybody.
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>> happy fifth anniversary. make sure to tune in friday when we head off on the road trip. we'll see you tomorrow. >> and they don't have a bus. >> i don't know how they're going to do it. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier. in new york tonight, three people are dead after a shooting in a southwestern michigan courthouse this afternoon. it happened in the city of st. joseph. authorities say two bailiffs and the gunman were killed. the shootings come just days after five police officers were ambushed in dallas, and as protests against police continue in several cities. we have fox team coverage tonight. at the white house, a preview of president obama's appearance at a memorial service in dallas tomorrow. brett hume with an analysis of
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