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tv   The Real Story  FOX News  July 12, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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our national anthem. ♪ o say, can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ o'er the ramparts
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we watched were so gallantly streaming? ♪ ♪ and the rockets' red glare the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave? ♪
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>> to begin the program, please welcome the mayor of dallas, mike rawlings. [ applause ] >> please be seated. good afternoon. welcome. at 8:58 p.m., five days ago, the soul of our city was pierced when police officers were ambushed in a cowardly attack. in the days that followed, we have searched a massive crime scene. we've sobbed and paid tribute at a growing memorial at the police headquarters. we prayed together at
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thanksgiving square. we lit candles to honor the lives of our five heroes. today, we open our city's doors to our friends and to our neighbors. we realize that our pain is your pain. you want to do what we want to do: honor the lives of these five officers. lorne ahrens, michael krol, michael smith, brent thompson, patrick zamarripa. on behalf of the dallas citizens and our great dallas city council, we want to say thank you. and thank you for accepting our invitation. some of you have traveled from across our state and some from across our country. i want to recognize my fellow mayors from out of state for
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being here on such short notice. oklahoma city mayor mick cornett. new orleans mayor mitch landrieu. columbia mayor steven benjamin. louisville mayor gregg fisher. thank you. thank you also to my friend, ft. worth mayor betsy price, to our state's first lady, cecilia abbott, and daughter, audrey abbott, who are here on behalf of governor gregg abbott. the governor jay nixon of missouriernor susannah martinez of new mexico. and to our congress men and women. you represent elected officials and your citizens across the country who have reached out to me in recent days and who weren't able to make it here today, whose cities and states have also been scarred by
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violence. congresswoman johnson, senator co cornyn, senator cruz, these men and women are here with us because they know we have a common disease, this absurd violence on our streets. those that will help us fight it are men and women in blue. our peacemakers in blue. they have died for that cause. that is why today we reserve five seats for the men we lost on thursday night. we offer our gratitude to you, our cops, including those who have traveled here to support your brothers and sisters in the dallas police department, the dallas area rapid transit police, and the el centro college police force.
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ladies and gentlemen, thank you. thank you for coming. [ applause ] most importantly, it is our purpose today to bring comfort to you, the families who are represented by those empty seats. we love you. we will never forget you. we also honor those who came close to death that night and who were wounded not only in the body but in the soul. may you never be forgotten as well. we understand that dallas's pain is a national pain. that is why i want to say thank you to president obama and first
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lady mrs. obama, vice president biden and dr. biden, and to two of our most distinguished citizens of dallas, president bush and laura bush, for coming to help us heal these wounds. to wage this battle against violence and separatism, today must be about unity. unity among faiths. unity among police and citizens. and yes, unity among politicians. in recent days, i've seen unity, even before that tragedy, when police and protesters in my opinion mingle peacefully. i've seen unity when protesters came out in support of the police after the days of this tragedy. i see unity today when the arlington police and the texas dps officers step up to relieve
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our exhausted police officers. this interfaith choir behind me symbolizes that unity, coming from six churches across our city. these three religious leaders, imam omar suliman, rabbi mark paley and dr. sharon paterson will pray in a few minutes in a show of unity. i believe you'll hear words of unity from other speakers. the senior senator from texas, john cornyn, president bush, police chief david brown, and president obama. the past few days have been some of the darkest in our city's histories. there's no question about that. as we bury these men in the coming days, it will not get easier, i know. but there is nothing like a
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crisis that forces one to take pause of your life and your city's life. and if you're from out of town, i hope you'll forgive me for a moment. i want to speak to my fellow dallasites. i've searched hard in my soul of late to discover what mistakes we have made. i've asked, why us? and in my moments of self-doubt i discovered the truth. that we did nothing wrong. in fact, dallas is very, very good. our police are among the best in the country. i am in awe of our dallas police officers. [ applause ]
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we set the standard where policing can both be strong and smart, where men die for the rights that this country was built on. in short, i have never been more proud of my city, our city. while we did nothing wrong, there is a reason this happened here, this place, this time in american history. this is our chance to lead and
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build a new model for a community, for a city, for our country. to do that, there will be tough times ahead. we will mourn together. and "together" is the keyword here. we may be sad but we will not dwell in self-pity. we may weep but we will never whine. for we have too much work to be done. we have too many bridges to build that we will cross together. this i know. this i know will happen. thank you. [ applause ]
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>> let every head be bowed, every eye be closed, as we go to god in prayer. god of our weary years, god of our silent tears, thou who has brought us thus far on the way. lord, our hearts are heavy. our spirits are torn asunder. and tears flow from our eyes. and we come to you, oh, god, because you are the rock in the weary land. you are the shelter in the time of storm. god, you are uniquely qualified to come see about your people. from genesis to revelations, you have helped and healed and mended and molded. right now, oh, god, we salute the five slain dallas police officers who died protecting and serving this community. we honor their sacrifice and commitment, surround their families and loved ones with your holy ghost power. cover the entire dallas police
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department with your grace and your mercy. and lord, keep your hands of he everlasting love on our chief david brown as he leads with dignity and determination. god, your word says all things work together for good. we can't see that right now. but we'll trust you when we can't trace you. lord, your word says joy comes in the morning. right now it's still dark, but we're going to hold on to your unchanging hands. yes, there will be lingering effects from thursday's ambush. there is terror, anxiety, and despair. but in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ, we will keep on. we will press on. we will love on. we will live on. shadow beneath thy hand, may we forever stand.
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true to our god and true to america. let the church say amen. >> in the name of god, the most compassionate, the most merciful. may his peace be honor his prophets and messengers. today our city is heartbroken. our country is soul searching. and we as individuals are forever in need of your guidance and protection. we ask you to look upon us today, to guide us to live our lives in ways that are most pleasing to you. we ask you to put peace in our hearts that we may spread it to all of those around us. we ask you to protect us from being people of injustice, that we may purify the world of it. and as we ask you, we recognize that it is up to us to say, you did not create us for bigotry or
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vengeance. you did not create us to dominate or oppress one another. you did not create us for war. we are not the ones to judge who should live and who should die. so today, we stand before you in humility and in determination, ready to pursue the peace, justice, and equality that you demand of us. ready to stand up against all of the evil that threatens to destroy the goodness in your creation, ready to stand up against any oppression, in any name, for any cause, from any position, and against any of your creation. we ask that your love would comfort those who mourn their loved ones today, that their memory would flood their families with joy, that the children of our fallen officers and all of those who have lost their lives to senseless violence, are molded in the love that we express today, not in the hatred that claimed the lives of their fathers. we ask that the voices of racism
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and xenophobia that seek to divide us are drowned out by the chorus of voices that say you will not pit us against one another. we choose today to live by the hope that you have instilled within us, not the fears that others manufacture amongst us. with that, we pray to you, the one god of noah, abraham, moses, jesus, mohammed, and us all for one dallas, one america, and one world. amen. [ applause ] >> dear friends, together we are here, opening our hearts and our souls to the god of compassion. as the simple human beings that we are, as mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, all children of the heavenly parent, all created in the divine image,
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and all here today to pray for healing, for wisdom, for strength, and for peace. in this moment of sadness and pain, we look to the heavens knowing, as a poet once said, there are stars up above, so far away we only see their light long after the star itself is gone. and so it is with the people that we love. their memories keep shining he ever brightly, though the time with us is done. but the stars that light up the darkest night, these are the stars that guide us. as we live our days, these are the ways we remember. as we live our days, we remember brent thompson, patrick zamarripa, michael krol, lorne ahrens, and michael smith. they will be remembered as
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shining lights of bravery, dedication to our city, kindness, and compassion. as we live our days, we will never forget their sacrifice. as our city is still reeling from the violence of only a few short days ago, we beseech you, oh, god, healer of the broken hearted, with the words of moses as he prayed for healing for his sister miriam. please god, heal her. and so we pray to the families of our fallen dallas police officers and dallas area regional transit police officer, we pray, please god, heal them, as we ask for your healing power to surround them and their loved ones in this, their time of need, with hope, with strength, and with love. to those who survived the violence but will always bear
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the burden of scars and memory, we pray, please, god, heal them and bring to their bodies and souls the wholeness and completeness they seek. to our elected officials and police and first responders, into whose hands we place our lives, we pray, please god, heal them as we know they hurt along with us, and bring to them, oh, god, the wisdom and the courage necessary to make the permanent peace we seek. and to those of us who are scared and afraid, angry and confused, in our city and in our country, we pray, please god, heal us as we ask for your healing power to heal us once and for all, from the illness of violence, of hatred, xenophobia, and indifference that plagues us
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every single day. god, you who must work daily to make peace throughout the heavens, we ask you this day to give us the courage and strength to help us make peace here on earth for everyone, every single day, and together we say amen. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ knowing my help is coming from you ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ source of my strength ♪ strength of my life ♪ pray to you ♪ lord, i will live my life
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♪ knowing my help comes from you ♪ ♪ you carry me ♪ you are the source of my strength ♪ ♪ you are the strength of my life ♪
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♪ hallelujah, i pray to you ♪ you are the source of my strength ♪ ♪ lord, lord, you are the strength of my life ♪ ♪ hallelujah, hallelujah to the lamb ♪ ♪ i pray, hallelujah to the king of kings, to the lord of lords ♪
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♪ we say amen ♪ we love you lord ♪ amen ♪ hallelujah [ applause ]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome senator john cornyn. [ applause ] >> i know i speak for everyone here and around the country expressing my profound gratitude to mayor rawlings, chief brown, and the entire dallas and d.a.r.t. police departments. [ applause ] >> we thank you for your strength and the grace you've shown in these trying hours. chief, i particularly like the way you put it yesterday when you said simply that dallas
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lov loves. it's my solemn privilege to join the people of dallas, all across the state of texas and the entire country, and honoring these men of uncommon courage. several years ago, in the aftermath of another tragedy, the shocking explosion in west texas, a local official told me something that sticks with me even to this day. he said, being a texan doesn't describe where you're from. it describes who your family is. so today, our family and this great nation shares the grief of dallas. i want to especially thank president obama, first lady michelle obama, vice president biden and dr. jill biden for honoring us by your presence
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here today. [ applause ] in times of darkness, when it's hard to hold on to hope, we must remember that these men, long with their fellow officers, were not ultimately overcome by evil. no, as scripture directs us, i believe they chose to confront evil and overcome it with good. they overcame evil by running toward the sound of the gunfire. they overcame evil by shielding their fellow citizens from the spray of bullets. they overcame evil by sacrificing their own lives so
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that others could live. and i believe that because of their example to all of us, the city of dallas shall overcome the evil from that day. amidst our profound sadness, we honor and remember these officers for putting the people of dallas before themselves. and in their final moments, serving others, protecting this city, and loving this community as they did. today we join millions across our state and country who continue to lift up these families, friends, and fellow officers in our prayers, as well as those recovering from their wounds. in the aftermath of another lif life-altering event on september 11th, 2001, president george w.
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bush inspired all of us in speaking of how this nation has always responded to evil with powerful courage and deep concern for one another. and so once again, we gather as one nation under god, yes, to grieve, but then to rise up and continue to fight the good fight, to finish the race, and to keep the faith. ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor to welcome to the podium the 43th president of the united states, part of our texas family, and a man who along with his bride laura proudly call this community their home. president george w. bush. [ applause ] >> thank you.
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thank you, senator. i too am really pleased that president obama and mrs. obama have come down to dallas. i also want to welcome vice president and mrs. biden. mr. mayor, chief brown, elected officials, members of the law enforcement community, today the nation grieves. but those of us who love dallas and call it home have had five deaths in the family. laura and i see members of law enforcement every day. we count them as our friends. and we know, like for every other american, that their courage is our protection and shield. we're proud of the men we mourn and the community that has rallied to honor them and
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support the wounded. our mayor and police chief and our police department have been mighty inspirations for the rest of the nation. applaud applaud [ applause ] these slain officers were the best among us. lorne ahrens, beloved husband to detective trina ahrens, father of two. michael krol, caring son, brother, nephew and friend. michael smith, u.s. army veteran, devoted husband and father of two. brent thompson, marine corps vet, recently married. patrick zamarripa, u.s. navy reserve combat veteran, proud father and loyal texas rangers fan. [ applause ]
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with their deaths, we have lost so much. we are grief stricken, heartbroken, and forever grateful. every officer has accepted a calling that sets them apart. most of us imagine if the moment called for that we would risk our lives to protect a spouse or a child. those wearing the uniform assume that risk for the safety of strangers. they and their families share the unspoken knowledge that each new day can bring new dangers. but none of us were prepared or could be prepared for an ambush by hatred and malice. the shock of this evil still has not faded. at times it seems like the
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forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. argument turns too allies into animosity. disagreement escalates too quickly into dehumanization. too often we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions. and this is -- [ applause ] and this has strained our bonds of understanding and common purpose. but americans i think have a great advantage. to renew our unity we only need to remember our values. we have never been held together by blood or background. we are bound by things of the spirit, by shared commitments to common ideals.
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at our best, we practice empathy, imagining ourselves in the lives and circumstances of others. this is a bridge across our nation's deepest divisions. it's not merely a matter of tolerance but of learning from the stories of our fellow citizens and findings ourselves in the process. at our best, we honor the image of god we see in one another. we recognize that we are brothers and sisters, sharing the same brief moment on earth and owing each other the loyalty of our shared humanity. at our best, we know we have one country, one future, one destiny. we do not want the unity of grief nor do we want the unity of fear. we want the unity of hope, affection, and high purpose. we know that the kind of just, humane country we want to build, that we have seen in our best
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dreams, is made possible when men and women in uniform stand guard. at their best, when they're trained and trusted and accountable, they free us from fear. the apostle paul said, for god gave us the spirit not of fear but of strength and love and self-control. those are the best responses to fear in the life of our country. and they're the code of the peace officer. today, all of us feel a sense of loss but not equally. i would like to conclude with the word of the families, the spouses, and especially the children of the fallen. your loved one's time with you was too short. they did not get a chance to properly say goodbye. but they went where duty called. they defended us even to the end. they finished well. we will not forget what they did
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for us. your loss is unfair. we cannot explain it. we can stand beside you and share your grief. and we can pray that god will comfort you with a hope deeper than sorrow and stronger than death. may god bless you. [ applause ] >> leadership is hard. great leadership is very unique. we experienced that leadership
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this week, with the chiefs of our d.a.r.t. and dpd offices. i want to say thanks to d.a.r.t. chief james speller for what you have done. [ applause ] and i want to also introduce a man who has given his life to the city of dallas, the 28th
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chief of police. over 30 years on the force. a native of south oak cliff. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] a man that i call a friend. but more importantly, he is my rock. he represents not only dallas but police officers, police
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chie chiefs, this higher calling across the united states of america. ladies and gentlemen, chief david brown. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you so much. thank you so much. when i was a teenagernd
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started liking girls, i could never find the right words to express myself. after a couple of words, they would just walk away, leaving me figuring out what do i need to do to it a date. and so being a music fan of 1970s rhythm and blues love songs, i put together a strategy to recite the lyrics to get a date. so for girls i liked, i would pull out some al green or some teddy pendergas or some eisly
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brothers. but if i fell in love with a girl, oh, i had to dig down deep to get some stevie wonder. [ applause ] to fully express the love i had for the girl. so today, i'm going to pull out some stevie wonder for these families. [ applause ] so families, close your eyes and just imagine me back in 1974, with an afro and some bellbottoms and wide collar. we all know sometimes life's hate and troubles can make you wish you were born in another time and place.
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but you can bet your lifetime that, and twice is double, that god knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed. so make sure, when you say you're not in it but not of it, you're not helping to make this earth a place sometimes called hell. change your words into truth and then change that truth into love. and maybe your children's grandchildren and their great great grandchildren will tell them i'll be loving you. until the rainbow burns the stars out of the sky, i'll be loving you. until the ocean covers every mountain high, i'll be loving you. until the dolphin flies and the parrots live at the sea, i'll be
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loving you. until we dream of life and life becomes a dream, i'll be loving you. until the day is night and night becomes the day, i'll be loving you. until the trees and seas up, up, and fly away, i'll be loving you. until the day that eight times eight times eight times eight is four, i'll be loving of had you until the day that is the day they are no more, i'll be loving you. until the day the earth starts turning right to left, i'll be loving you. until the earth, just for the sun, denies itself, i'll be loving you. until mother nature says her work is through, i'll be loving you. until the day that you are me and i am you. now, ain't that loving you? [ applause ]
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until the rainbow burns the stars out of the sky. ain't that loving you? until the ocean covers every mountain high. and i've got to say always, i'll be loving you always. and there's no greater love than this, that these five men gave their lives for all of us. it is my honor to introduce to you the president of the united states of america, president barack obama. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> thank you. thank you very much. mr. president and mrs. bush, my friend, the vice president, and dr. biden, mayor rawlings, chief spiller, clergy, members of congress, chief brown. i'm so glad i met michelle first, because she loves stevie wonder.
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[ applause ] [ laughter ] most of all, the families and friends and colleagues and fellow officers. scripture tells us that in our sufferings, there is glory. because we know that suffering produces perseverance. perseverance, character.
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and character, hope. sometimes the truths of these words are hard to see. right now those words test us. because the people of dallas, people across the country, are suffering. we're here to honor the memory and mourn the loss of five fellow americans. to grieve with their loved ones. to support this community. to pray for the wounded and to try and find some meaning amidst
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our sorrow. for the men and women who protect and serve the people of dall dallas, thursday began like any other day. like most americans each day, you get up, probably have too quick a breakfast, kiss your family goodbye, and you head to work. but your work and the work of police officers across the country is like no other. for the moment you put on that uniform, you have answered a call that at any moment, even in the briefest interaction, may put your life in harm's way.
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lorne ahrens, he answered that call. so did his wife, katrina. not only because she was the spouse of a police officer, but because she is a detective on the force. they have two kids. and lorne took them fishing and used to proudly go to their school in uniform. on the night before he died, he bought dinner for a homeless man. and the next night, katrina had to tell their children that their dad was gone. they don't get it yet, their grandma said. they don't know what to do quite yet. michael krol answered that call.
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his mother said he knew the dangers of the job but he never shied away from his duty. he came a thousand miles from his home state of michigan to be a cop in dallas, telling his family, "this is wanted to do. last year he brought his girlfriend back to detroit for thanksgiving and it was the last time he would see his family. michael smith answered that call in the army and over almost 30 years working for the dallas police association, which gave him the appropriately named cops top award. a man of deep faith when he was offduty he could be found at church or playing softball with his two girls.
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today his girls have lost their dad, for god has called michael home. patrick zamarripa, he answered that call, just 32, former altar boy who served in the navy and dreamed of being a cop. he liked to post videos of himself and his kids on social media. on thursday night while patrick went to work, his partner christy showed a picture of the daughter at the rangers game and tagged him so he could see it while on duty. brent thompson answered that call. he served his country as a marine. and years later as a contractor, he spent time in some of the most dangerous parts of iraq and
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afghanistan and then a few years ago i settled down here in dallas for a new life of service as a transit cop. just about two weeks ago he married a fellow officer. their whole life together waiting before them. like police officers across the country, these men and their families shared a commitment to something larger than themselves. they weren't looking for their names to be up in lights. they would tell you the pay was decent but wouldn't make you rich. they could have about you the stress and long shifts and probably would agree with chief brown when he said that cop don't expect to hear the words
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thank you very often. especially from those who need them the most. the reward comes in knowing that our entire way of life in america depends on the rule of law. that the maintenance of that law is a hard and daily labor. that in this country we don't have soldiers in the streets or militias setting the rules. instead we have public servants. police officers, like the men who were taken away from us. and that's what these five were doing last thursday. when they were assigned to protect and keep orderly a peaceful protest in response to the killing of alton sterling of
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baton rouge and philando castile of minnesota. there were upholding the constitutional rights of this country. for a while the protests went on without incident. and despite the fact that police conduct was the subject of the protest, despite the fact that there must have been signs or slogans or chants with which they profoundly disagreed, these men and this department did their jobs like the professionals that they were. in fact, the police had been part of the protest plan. dallas pd even posted photos on their twitter feeds of their own officers standing among the
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protesters. two officers black and white smiled next to a man with a sign that read, no justice, no peace. then around 9:00, the gunfire came. another community torn apart, more hearts broken, more questions about what caused and what might prevent another such tragedy. i know that americans are struggling right now with what we've witnessed over the past week. first the shootings in minnesota and baton rouge, the protests and the targeting of police by
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the shooter here. an act not just of demeanted violence but racial hatred. all of it has left us wounded and angry and hurt. it's the deepest fault lines of our democracy have suddenly been exposed, perhaps even widened and although we know that such divisions are not new, though they've surely been worse than even the recent past, that offers us a little comfort. faced with this violence we wonder if the divides of race in america can ever be bridged. we wonder if an african-american community that feels unfairly targeted by police and police departments that feel unfairly maligned for doing their jobs
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consid can never understand each other's experiences. we turf on the tv or surf the internet we can watch positions harden and lines drawn and people retreat to their respective corners. and politicians calculate how to grab attention or avoid the fallout we see all of this and it's hard not to think sometimes that the center won't hold and things might get worse. i understand. i understand how americans are feeling but dallas, i'm here to say, we mustry jekt such despair. i'm here to insist we are not as divided as we seem. i know that because i know
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america. i know how far we've come against impossible odds. [ applause ] i know we'll make it because of what i've experienced in my own life, what i've seen of this country and the people, their goodness and decency as president of the united states. and i know it because of what we have seen here in dallas, how all of you out of great suffer have shown us the meaning of perseverance and character. and hope. when the bullets started flying, the men and women of the dallas
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police did not flinch and react recklessly. they showed incredible restraint. helped in some cases by protesters they evacuated the injured and isolated the shooter and saved more lives than we will ever know. [ applause ] we mourn fewer people today because of your brave actions. [ applause ] everyone was helping each other one witness said. it wasn't about black or white. everyone was picking each other up and moving them away. see that's the


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