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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 12, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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benjamin watson. this is his book, under our skin. you can check it out. it's about -- listen to this. appeals to the power and possibility of faith as a step toward healing. we could use a little of that right now. good night, everybody. i'm megyn kelly. tonight. >> i'm dealing with a bit of guilt because i don't feel sad for the officers that lost their lives, but i can't help but feeling like the shooter was a martyr. >> a former miss alabama under fire for calling the dallas police shooter a martyr. she's here tonight to explain her controversial comments. then president obama goes to dallas in the wake of the police ambush. >> scripture tells us that in our sufferings, there is glory. >> we need to abolish the
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police, period. and the left continues to trash police and praise black lives matter. >> saying the black lives matter movement is racist is bizarre to me. >> sheriff david clark is here and will react to it all. plus bernie sanders now endorses hillary clinton. >> i intend to do everything i can to make certain she will be the next president of the united states. >> but their past relationship has been far from friendly. >> i don't think that you are qualified if you get $15 million from wall street through your super pac. >> all of that plus laura ingraham and herman cain will be here. "hannity" starts right here, right now. welcome to "hannity." tonight president obama focuses on race while speaking at the memorial service for the five police officers who were ambushed and killed in dallas last week. let's take a look. >> race relations have improved dramatically in my lifetime. those who deny it are
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dishonoring the struggles that helped us achieve that progress. but we know -- [ applause ] but, america, we know that bias remains. we know it. whether you are black or white or hispanic or asian orna native-american or of middle eastern descent, we have all seen this bigotry in our lives at some point. we've heard it at times in our own homes. if we're honest, perhaps we've heard prejudice in our own heads and felt it in our own hearts. although most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better.
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none of us is entirely innocent. no institution is entirely immune. and that includes our police departments. we know this. >> now ahead of today's memorial, president obama reportedly met with law enforcement groups at the white house yesterday. now, the meeting produced this shocking headline from "the washington post." quote, obama tells police, i'm your best hope for relations with communities of color. really? here with reaction, milwaukee county sheriff david clark and the author of "liberalism or how to turn good men into whiners, weenies and wimps." former super bowl champion burgess owens and eric guster. sliv since obama has been president, 3,470 murders have taken place in his home city. he has mentioned chicago nine
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times as president of the united states while those murders take place. thousands more also killed. but he has been outspoken about trayvon martin. it would look like my son. that could have been me 35 years ago, or what he said about ferguson, or what he said about freddie gray in baltimore. cambridge police acting stupidly. why does the president weigh in without any facts or evidence, due process, on high-profile racial cases and ignore that many deaths in his hometown? >> well, because, sean, it's his only default. it's his automatic default. he really can't engage in a conversation, a legitimate conversation about what's going on. and, you know, i heard in that thing that he did down in dallas today, and i haven't heard the whole thing, but i heard the beginning of it. then i heard what you played here. you know, he does this all the time. he goes and he says race relations have improved. and i was saying to myself, here it comes.
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here it comes. but. and sure as heck, about two sentences in, he goes to "but" and he pivots and starts to lecture us about how we're all racist, we're all discriminatory. then he talks about our police departments are, on and on and on. i'll tell you right now, sean, if he's our best hope in improving relations between law enforcement agencies and the communities we serve, then we're finished. >> let me go to eric guster. one of the things that most appalls me is the president has embraced the black lives matter matter movement. by the way, there was a facebook post by black lives matter in texas, and they said they have no sympathy. these killer cops have been killing our black men and women every day and getting away with it. i have no sympathy whatsoever for those cops nor their families. you don't give a damn when our our black men and women that they're slaughtering. now, i want to play something for you because the president invited black lives matter representatives to the white house. this is the same group that has said this.
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>> pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. >> what do we want? >> dead cops. >> when do we want them? >> now! >> and then at the meeting at the white house with black lives matter representatives, this is the president praising that group that also had members chanting what you just heard. >> overall what i am most encouraged by is the degree of focus and seriousness and constructiveness that exists not only with existing civil rights organizations, but this new generation. they are some serious young
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people. i told them that they're much better organizers than i was when i was their age, and i'm confident that they're going to take america to new heights. >> is it appropriate to meet with a group that has members that chant that, or the black lives matter dallas chapter saying these things after the death of five officers? >> george bush, president george bush today said a quote that i'm going to give you to battle that. we judge other groups by their worst examples and ourselves by our best intentions. that's george bush at today's -- >> what does that have to do with my question? >> it has a lot to do wyour question. >> let me go to you, burgess. let's go to obama talking about police over the years. and i ask you why doesn't he talk about chicago? why does he always rush to judgment without any facts or due process in high-profile race cases and say things like this? >> the cambridge police acted stupidly. there is a long history in this
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country of african-americans and latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. that's just a fact. the african-american community is also knowledgeable that there is a history of racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws. we have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individu individuals, primarily african-american, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. >> last year, african-americans were shot by police at more than twice the rate of whites.
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african-americans are arrested at twice the rate of whites. there's a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same. >> burgess, he was wrong on trayvon martin. he was wrong on ferguson. he was wrong in cambridge. he rushes to judgment without any due process. he says all of these things about cops all the time, and yet he's only spoken out nine times about 3,470 people in chicago killed while he's president. why should i -- why does he only go to the high-profile cases where he can advance this narrative that i would argue is a rush to judgment against police? >> well, i'll tell you, sean, i think we need to have the country kind of step back a little bit and really do some reflection in terms of where the
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problem is. the old movie "the wizard of oz" when the curtain was pulled back and they found out this wizard was not who they thought it was, if we're going to -- the division we have right now, we have to go back to the original naacp, 1910, the original founders. it was not a black organization. 21 white socialist, wealthy, racist democrats, and that was the beginning of -- and by the way, this is a setting in wrihi the martin luther king -- >> why does the president before any facts are in speak out on these cases, blame police, attack police, rush to judgment, and then he ignores a tragedy of 3,470? how could you -- if you care about lives, why isn't he in chicago every other weekend? >> well, it's a narrative that has now come forward. when i talked about the wizard, this narrative has been going on for 15 years. b.e.t. is known for this -- by
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the way, b.e.t. is not a black organization either. they're white, liberal democrats. >> i understand, but you're not answering my question. sheriff clarke, can you answer that? >> well, president obama used jumping to conclusions as some sort of mental cal thennics. it's what he does best. some of these statistics he cited, those have been debunked. cops do not shoot black males at two times the rate of whites. as for arrest rates, when you include the participation in crime and in violence that black males are attributed to, that equals out why their numbers are higher in terms of arrest and imprisonments. so he's using faulty data. again, what we want from the president, sean, is we want him to calm the waters. but he's picked the side. he's picked the side of the criminals, of race huftlers and demagogues. this has been the most anti-police president i have ever seen. >> wow. we've got to take a break. we're going to have more of this
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panel right after the break. coming up next, tonight, you won't believe this right here on "hannity." >> i want to feel sad for them, but i can't help but feeling like the shooter was a martyr. >> a former miss alabama under fire for calling the dallas police killer a martyr. the woman behind that video is here next in a "hannity" exclusive. and then later donald trump back on the campaign trail. speculation is mounting as to who he will pick to be his running mate. we'll ask laura ingraham and herman cain. they are here to weigh in on that and more straight ahead.
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i'm jackie ibanez. police in baton rouge, louisiana, arresting three
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people for allegedly stealing guns in a quote, credible threat to harm officers. a fourth suspect is still on the run tonight. police unraveled the plot after responding to a pawnshop. the arrests come at a time of heightened tension after shooting in baton rouge and minnesota and the killing of five police officers in dallas last week. people are being urged to stay off the roads in storm ravaged northern wisconsin. the area has been hit with tornadoes and severe flooding, which is being blamed for the death of at least one person. according to the national weather service, more flooding is likely and rivers and creeks will continue to rise over the next two days. i'm jackie ibanez. now back to "hannity" for all of your headlines, remember to log onto you're watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. welcome back to "hannity." so in the wake of the horrific ambush in dallas, a former miss alabama is now facing severe backlash over this video that
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she posted on facebook where she called the dallas shooter a, quote, martyr. watch this. >> i'm dealing with a bit of guilt because -- because i don't feel -- i don't feel sad for the officers that lost their lives, and i know that that's really not my heart. i value -- i human life. and i want to feel sad for them, but i can't help but feeling like the shooter was a martyr, and i know it's not the right way to feel because nobody deserves to lose their lives. i'm so torn up in my heart about seeing these men, these black men being gunned down in our community. i can't help but feel like -- i
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wasn't surprised by what the shooter did to those cops. >> the fallout from this video has caused widespread outrage, and the former miss alabama has now been suspended from her job at a florida tv station. former miss alabama kay lynn chapman james. you say in that video, you value human life, but you don't feel bad for those officers. you can't value human life and say such a thing. you obviously don't value human life, do you? >> i do value human life, and that's the reason why i was there in church really praying and trying to deal with my emotions, because normally if i see any loss of life on tv, whether it's civilians, whether it's officers -- >> you said you don't feel bad for the officers. these officers were gunned down in cold blood and murdered. >> i do value human life. >> you said you don't feel bad
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for these officers, and they were gunned down in cold blood. their families will never see their loved ones again, and you said you don't feel bad for them. >> -- and sadness, and it was really dealing with my emotions that were in progress at that time. and i was really conflicted and very sad that i was finding it hard to go into my heart, to be true to my values of valuing human life at that time because i had just witnessed such atrocities against -- >> do you feel bad for them now? do you feel bad for the officers now? >> i absolutely do. in fact, i've had a wife of a dallas police officer who reached out to me on facebook with so much compassion, and she said she wasn't mad. she could understand how, as an african-american woman, i could feel -- i could feel conflicted. and, you know, martyr is -- >> i don't understand the conflict. i don't understand it. >> a martyr is a person who feels like they're dying for a cause. it's not my kaus. it doesn't mean it's a good cause, and it doesn't mean it's a just cause. and i think he told the police that he felt like he was dying for that cause.
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that's not my cause. >> the cause was to kill -- wait a minute. let's look at what the cause was. kay lynn, the cause was to kill -- >> his cause isn't my cause. >> he told the police -- >> now i've had a chance to reflect on my feelings and i'm really, really -- i feel so sad for those officers. i feel sad for their families. i feel sad also for the men who were shot that i viewed in the media. you know, i have a big heart, and i -- >> didn't sound like it in that video. didn't sound like a big-hearted person. >> you're entitled to your opinion. >> you called the shooter a martyr, a person that is a coward that shot these guys from whatever location in cold blood, except for the one that he shot point-blank with four bullets in the head. you know, you're smiling and you're acting like, oh, i'm a compassionate person, but that didn't -- that sounded like a person that really was happy that people were killed. and i don't know why -- maybe you want your job back. is that why you're -- >> the good thing about this country is all of us are
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entitled to their opinion. my ancestors died so that i can express my feelings, and i feel -- >> you can express them. you believe the shooter's a martyr. >> and people don't have to accept them. people want to hang on to that word because there are racist people out there who -- >> do you believe the shooter is a martder? i'm asking you a simple question. >> i'm honestly am so sad that those people lost their lives. i don't believe in any cause that takes innocent lives. >> do you believe -- do you believe that the shooter is a martyr like you said? >> do you? >> no, i do not. no, not in any way. i think the shooter was evil. i think he killed innocent people. >> i agree. he was evil i agree. >> he was a terrorist. but you called him a martder. why? >> well, a lot of people, the terrorists, that's how terrorism is born. you know, when you think about people in other countries who believe and religions use this rhetoric to convince them that going out and killing people is right for their cause. they say, you're going to be a
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martyr, and i believe that that's what micah johnson really thought, but he's not a martyr to me. he doesn't represent my feelings. he doesn't represent my cause. i would never, ever condone or support anyone who took the lives of innocent people whether they are officers -- >> you did condone it. you called him a martyr. that's condoning it. >> people -- >> we're going to let you go. thank you. >> they should really watch the video. thank you. we continue now more with sheriff clarke and burgess owens and eric guster. your reaction? >> well, sean -- >> i know kay lynn, and i -- >> i disagree with her video. >> hang on, sheriff. >> i disagree with what she said. >> do you know her? >> i do. >> are you friends with her? >> i'm not friends with herment i do know her from -- she's from alabama. i know a lot of people from alabama. but this is -- this man who did this shooting in dallas, he is the equivalent to dylann roof. he tried to start a race war just like dylann roof. so we have to be very careful
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when we're talking about even associating him with black lives matter because he was not a part of black lives matter. >> you bring up an ifnting point. sheriff, i want your reaction to what she said. but in the dylann roof case, the president identified it as a racist event, which it was. he went into a black church. in this case, he said we may never know why this man acted this way, but he did say why. he wanted to shoot white people, especially white cops. so we do know the reason. >>le wit well, right. and he said that the killer in dallas, in terms of a motive he said this is hard to untangle. it's not hard to untangle. as for that woman you were talking with, i'm trying to make some sense of something she said. i think a mental evaluation is in order. she mentioned her ancestors died so we could speak out our opinion. >> her ancestors, my ancestors would be appalled. they would roll over in their grave if they heard what she just said. i can't believe that she represents the state of alabama.
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i'm not going to hold this against the good people of alabama. i have met many of them. they're good people, but they're not like her. this is the kind of vile, the kind of vitriol, and the kind of vulgar filth we hear at times like this, and these are the ones i'd like for people to run to president obama and say, why don't you comment on what she said? why don't you comment on some of these other -- some of this other filth that comes out of the mouths of these people at a time like this? that's why i said his job is not to poison the well. it's to calm the waters, but that woman is an embarrassment not just to the state of alabama but i think to the entire united states. >> burgess owens -- >> can i make a point? >> yes, sir. >> i think what we're seeing is we're seeing our race, my proud race being turned into a racist, and it's done on purpose. you have to understand, there is an election coming up real soon, and the democrats have done a good job over the years, 15 years with b.e.t. in terms of utilizing the misery as a
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political strategy. you get people upset, get them ignorant, not educating them, not giving them hope, they're going to turn into people who hate other people. and it's not an accident the naacp president just came out three days ago and said, we need to make sure all activists are voting in november. that's the strategy of democrats. >> let me put up on the screen. i have numbers. since obama's been president -- let's put it up on the screen so our audience knows because 90% of black america votes democratic. well, since he's been president, the number of african-americans on food stamps is up 58%. the number of african-americans in poverty is up more than 8%. the number of african-americans not in the labor force is up almost 20% under obama. home enership for african-americans is down 4.6%. and median household income is now in real dollars lower under obama by about $2,400 a year. so, burgess, has liberalism worked for black america?
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>> it has not worked, and one of the really important points, 83% of black young teenagers, male teenagers, are unemployed. 93% in -- think about these young men who have not had experience -- and it's the anti-black policies of democrats for the last seven years, kicking 2,000 kids per year out of private schools, which president obama did the first -- the first act he did. th >> i've got to break. you know something, burgess, and you're one of the greats of all time. i love about football, black, white, one team, another team, end of the game they get in a circle, and how many days pray together? that's where america needs to go. good to see you, sir. >> thank you. >> eric, thank you. coming up, donald trump back on the campaign trail. new polls show he is rising very quickly. mr. trump is also getting ready to name his v.p. who should he pick?
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later tonight. >> i don't think you are qualified. >> i do not know any progressive who has a super pac and takes $15 million from wall street. >> right after bernie sanders endorsed hillary clinton today, donald trump, he released that ad showing sanders literally slamming clinton as unqualified to be president. that and more straight ahead. i just saved thousands on my loan at in less than a minute i found out how much home i can afford. i like how you shop for loans the same way you shop for flights online. and it's all free. go to lendingtree right now and start saving.
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we want to be upbeat. we want to be positive. we want to be strong. and we're going to be strong. we're going to be stronger than ever before. we're going to be greater than ever before. we're going to bring our jobs back. we're going to bring our military back. it's being depleted so badly. we're going to take care of our veterans, which we have to take care of. we're going to get rid of obamacare, which is a disaster, and replace it with something terrific. >> that was donald trump earlier tonight campaigning in indiana with governor mike pence. we are now six days away from the start of the rnc convention, and according to a brand-new nbc news survey monkey poll, clinton's lead over trump is shrinking, now only three percentage points. according to a monday muthd university poll, trump has a two-point over clinton in iowa and he's leading in a new poll that came out in florida today.
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here with reaction, laura ingraham and fox news contributor herman cain. good to see you both. herman, who should donald trump pick to be his v.p.? >> you didn't say that was going to be the first question. but since you asked -- >> i don't give you the questions ahead of time. i believe in your ability to speak off the cuff. >> i believe it should be newt gingrich for the following reasons. number one, newt represents both insider and outsider experience, and that's unique. i know some people want to make age a factor. i don't think that's the most important thing. i think that newt would bring to donald trump as president insider and outsider experience, and i think that would be valuable not just relative to what's going on domestically, but also what's happening around the world. i think it would be an ideal republican ticket. >> you know, laura, i think the age argument is irrelevant also because i think even people that maybe don't know newt, maybe the
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millennials, when they hear him talk, they will be impressed. there's nobody that is more intelligent and articulate. >> i don't think he thinks he's going to get it. you know, we were chatting earlier, and maybe it's just humility, but i think both he and general flynn -- i mean they were just giving off the sense that they're not going to be selected. and, you know, the conventional wisdom buzzing around washington, sean and herman, is that mike pence is who the presumptive republican nominee has settled on. and, you know, we've all known mike pence for a long time. i think he's a great guy. i think he's really smart, a former radio talk show host, sean. and governor of indiana, of course. so, you know, i don't know. i think trump's going to win this on his own. i've said this from the beginning. >> that's an interesting point you make. but isn't it an important role that the vice president
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prosecute the case against, in this case, hillary clinton? >> yeah. >> and also somebody that can champion the candidate himself in a really powerful way? >> robust way. yeah, i agree with you. i think newt, christie -- i think actually rick santorum, who i know is not on the short list, i think rick santorum on the issues that trump cares about, he's been there for years. he's been through the media fire. he never backs down from a fight. he's not going to wilt to public criticism. so, look, i think they know -- they know who they're going to choose now. it doesn't matter what we really say on this. >> all right. god forbid -- i pray it never happens, but probably something is going to happen. if there's a pearl harbor, a 9/11, a financial crisis, a depression, who do you want in the room, laura? i'll ask you first. who do you want by your side to navigate through those very tough and troubling times? >> i think gingrich, you make a great point. i think gingrich, i think
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christie. i think -- i mean almost everybody on the short list has something to offer. i think mike flynn obviously has more of the national security strategic view of things. but as we saw with some of the -- you know, the little bit of difficulty on the abortion question. i don't think he -- you know, he's not used to that type of mine field of political discourse. so that would be harder for him. >> herman, on that day when it hits the fan, who would you want to be around trump to help him, support him, advise him, help him navigate through troubled times? >> newt gingrich, general flynn, a couple of other generals that he has talked about that he's communicated with. i think that strategically relative to world issues, they would be absolutely fantastic. and -- >> herman cain? >> i would be happy to be at the
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table if that were the case. >> put laura in there just for pure entertainment. she'd keep everyone up and happy. >> thanks, sean. >> here's the thing. if you look at the 16 people that donald trump defeated, i would also say that some of those people should be in the room when you're making those kind of strategic decisions. >> i agree. >> but i would start with newt gingrich, general flynn, and some of the other high-profile people who understand the challenges we face. >> hey, sean? at the convention, you had mentioned this before. if we've already chosen the vice president, wouldn't it be nice if team trump announced a few of the key cabinet positions as well? >> stay right there with that. i call it the teamthat's a grea. we'll pick it up after this quick break. also later tonight. >> i don't think you are qualified. >> i do not know any progressive who has a super pac and takes $15 million from wall street.
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>> so after bernie sanders endorsed hillary clinton earlier today, donald trump released that ad showing how many times sanders has said clinton's not qualified to be president. we'll check in with the one and only austin goolsbee. by the way, the architect of this horrible economy. straight ahead. 80% of women say a healthy lifestyle is a priority.
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hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. same here. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. double means double. welcome back to "hannity." and we continue with laura ingraham and herman cain. all right, laura, when we were going gone a break, you brought up something we've discussed in the past, which is this so-called team of rivals. and that is maybe not just announce the v.p. but maybe attorney general christie or attorney general giuliani or department of homeland security secretary giuliani, health and human services secretary ben carson, bobby jindal, education. pam bondi an important position. general flynn for defense, joint chiefs. tell me some of the ideas you like. >> i think, sean, all of that is a good idea. i think at least a few of the
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key positions. again, the goal here is to bring more people into the fold, and if people are still having lingering doubts about trump, okay, i understand. i get it. i don't agree with it, but i get it. give people a reason to come to the ticket, a bigger reason. so it allows them, with all their doubts to say, okay, but he has this group of people around him. i think all the names you mentioned are great. again, secretary of state, secretary of defense, attorney general, homeland security, and maybe for good measure like -- >> how about press secretary? i think you'd be great at that podium? >> i'll take that for at least a couple of weeks, sean. >> it would be the most entertaining weeks we'd ever have in washington. >> it would be fun, i promise. >> herman, i wouldn't mind seeing you on that list either. thoughts? >> thank you. i consider that a compliment, and i would be honored in i were on that list. but i would go one step further. i agree with laura 100%. he doesn't have to name the individual. if he were to name one or two people for each one of those critical posts, i believe it
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would have the same effect that the list he put together for potential supreme court justices would be similar. i believe that that should send a very strong message. when rick santorum, who laura mentioned earlier -- a rick santorum, a staunch conservative, endorsed donald trump because of that list, that said that that goes a long way in telling people the kind of people he will surround himself with. >> name names. who would you like on the list? i mentioned christie, rudy, bondi. who else would you like? maybe you? >> i think for attorney general, you have a couple of great choices. rudy giuliani, chris christie. you also -- you have a number of other people. for defense, i was impressed with general flynn. i'm impressed with some of the other generals that he's talked to relati to. relative to department of health and human services, dr. ben carson would be an excellent pick. he would also be an excellent
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pick for surgeon general. in terms of some of the people that could be very good in terms of the treasury, he's surrounded himself with people like stephen moore. he's surrounded himself with some other very good thinkers who are economists. >> larry custody ltt low would another great choice. >> don't you agree with me laura ingraham should be on that list? >> yes, laura should be on that list. i would like to see her -- >> that's the first time laura has ever blushed. >> -- before we sheshe went bac her day job. >> thanks. first of all, anything is possible. we don't know. but i will say this, guys. think about all the talent that's been on the sidelines over the last eight years, people who wanted to work in administrations, people who have enormous legal talent. there are a wonderful bench of young lawyers in washington who were young in the 90s and early
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2000s. now they're in their late 40s and early 50s. great people. you know, rick santorum, we mentioned him earlier. we have all the people who ran against trump, a lot of people. >> i agree. good to see you both. we'll see you both at the convention. coming up tonight on "hannity." >> i don't think you are qualified -- >> i do not know any progressive who has a super pac and takes $15 million from wall street. >> so after bernie sanders endorsed hillary clinton earlier today, donald trump released that blistering ad showing sanders bashing clinton as being unqualified to be president. austin goolsbee will have reaction. that's coming up next. you both have a perfect driving record. perfect. no tickets, no accidents... that is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right?
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welcome back to "hannity." earlier today, senator bernie sanders finally accepted defeat and threw his support behind hillary clinton. but remember just a few months ago the 74-year-old self-proclaimed socialist curmudgeon, he said that clinton wasn't qualified to be president. earlier today, the trump campaign put out this ad. >> i don't think you are qualified. >> i do not know anybody progressive who has a super pac and takes $15 million from wall street. >> i don't think you are
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qualified if you've supported virtually every disastrous trade agreement which has cost us millions of decent-paying jobs. >> i do question her judgment. i question a judgment which voted for the war in iraq. >> i don't think you are qualified. >> i have shown a lot better judgment than she has on foreign policy. >> i don't think you are qualified. >> you know -- >> excuse me. i'm talking. >> all right. joining us now with reaction, former obama adviser austin goolsbee. i agree with bernie. can you believe that? i don't think she's qualified. my favorite curmudgeon socialist. >> look, it's a perfectly fair point that there's a little awkwardness, you know, when the primary ends and people have been sort of mad at each other. i think it's worth remembering the context that, i mean, donald trump's opponents in the republican primaries literally called him a con man, a
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pathological liar. lindsey graham said he was a race-baiting zexenophobic religious bigot. so i don't think the democrat -- >> look, i'll concede your point. it's very awkward on both sides. it's going to be played by both sides. i got all of that. but there's something that i think that most people aren't paying attention to. bernie sanders drove hillary hard left. she's taken on positions that she never planned on taking on, and i think it speaks volumes that here was the, you know, coronation again, and it took till the last day for hillary clinton to beat a 74-year-old angry curmudgeon socialist that wants to give everything away for free. >> you love saying that. i know you love saying that. i think -- >> i don't think you're a curmudgeon. you're a nice guy for a liberal. >> the trump people have been of
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two minds, and you saw it today. on one hand, they'd love to be able to get in and take some of the sanders' voters, whoever was the most mad at hillary clinton. and they ran this ad. and yet then you saw the trump aides saying that bernie sanders' endorsement of hillary clinton and him saying he would do anything to prevent donald trump from getting elected was proof of a rigged system. and they basically did a hit job on bernie sanders and said he's a far-left maniac. i don't think that's how they're going to appeal to sanders' voters. >> i put up on the screen earlier today -- and you're the get economic adviser. let's see. the number of african-americans on food stamps since obama became president. >> you got this all mixed up. >> no. i'm actually giving you real numbers that actually are real. >> but you're getting them all mixed up. >> there's not like the phony employment numbers obama -- >> african-american food stamp participation up 58%. number of african-americans ipo.
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african-americans out of the labor force literally now up by almost 20%. median income down about $2,400 per family, to 35,000 a year. how does obama help black america? >> because you're getting the numbers confused in the following sense. >> you mean the ones from the government? >> if you take any one of those numbers, take the poverty numbers. poverty is up from when obama took office, but it went way up in the first year and a half he was in office in the recession, and it has been coming down since then. so people look at it and say, hey, we've been getting better on all of those measures for the last six years. that's the right trajectory to be on. that's the sense in which a lot of people are looking back and saying, hey, maybe the president did okay. it's a lot better than it was --
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sad for america. austin, tell your wife hello and i feel sorry for her. >> okay. i will, she's a saint, sean. >> we agree. we agree on something. coming up, our question of the day, next.
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go to facebook and let us know what you think. we'll see you back here on trump vp watch list tomorrow might. thanks for being with us. >> "the o'reilly factor" is on, tonight: >> i'm here continue to cyst that we are not as divided as we seem. i know that because i know america. >> president obama speaking in dallas today, trying to calm racial animus. did he succeed? i will analyze and donald trump will give us his vision of race in america. >> can i ask you why are you -- police. >> police [bleep] too, man. >> the press is just as bad as the police. >> a fox news correspondent besieged by black lives matter protesters. it was an ugly scene. we will tell you what happened. >> again, i would have to refer to you direct comey's statement for the basis for his recommendation. >> again, i would refer to you director c