tv The Five FOX News July 14, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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you do not want to miss it. and my show at noon will be live all week from the convention, as well. do not miss any of that coverage, so join us right here on the fox news channel. that's it for "your world." i'm sandra smith. "the five" is next. hello everyone, i'm kimberly guilfoyle. with juan williams, eric boling, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ >> we are 18 hours away from donald trump's long-awaited running mate announcement. we will know for sure at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. but all signs point to indiana governor mike pence. we hear the governor is prepared to drop out of his race for re-election. trump said today he hasn't made a decision yet, so who knows? anything can happen. the presumptive nominee has been seriously considering newt gingrich. he thinks a decision ultimately
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could come down to this. >> in many ways, donald trump is like a pirate. he's outside the normal system. he gets things done. he's bold. he's actually like a figure out of a movie. in a lot of ways, my entire career has been like a pirate. one of the really hard questions is do you really want a two-pirate ticket? >> did trump reveal any clues last night? >> i just want to pick somebody that's very good. i want to pick somebody who is solid, smart. i'm not looking for an attack dog. frankly, i'm looking for somebody that really understands what we're talking about, because i would rather have the whole thing on policy. i would rather be talking about policy. if we could take our campaign against hillary clinton and only talk about policy, not talking about crooked hillary and all the things we're talking about, i would be very happy.
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>> so sending some messages there, eric, talking about policy, but at other times he said he would want someone with experience governing. so what do you think? >> this is the worst kept secret in the history of secrets. there are people staking out private airports in indianapolis. mike pence has to file papers to pull out of the governor's race. i mean, look, donald trump last night said i don't need another street fighter. and that would tell me it's not going to be chris christie. it comes down to newt and pence. and newt said he's going to have some sort of announcement. he's going to do something later on tonight. so it feels like it's going to be mike pence. here's what i suggested earlier. if i were donald trump, i would put chris christie, pence, cruz, newt and general flynn up on the stage during the rnc and go, okay, this one is going to be my supreme court justice, this is going to be my attorney general, this one is going to be my
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secretary of defense and then you're hired, you're vice president. i think it's going to be pence. >> dana, we can't await anymore. >> it's exciting, but i find the whole public campaigning for the vice presidential nod to be distasteful. i don't understand it. i guess this is the modern era. i guess i'm old school. people have suggested that newt gingrich should be chief of staff. why would the former speaker of the house take that position? i think he'll be helpful to trump if he's the vp choice or not, but i can't imagine he's going to want to be the staffer that has to deal with handling all the cabinet affairs. you're not out front driving, you're actually behind the scenes managing. i just don't see that as a role that newt gingrich would agree. i wouldn't take it, no. >> do you think anything else might be attractive to him as a specific position this >> i was trying to think about that? no, i don't. i think the vice presidential
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spot, he's kind of perfect for it at this point in his life and career. if it doesn't happen for him, i don't know what else he would take. he might prove me wrong and be happy being chief of staff. but i think his talents are used elsewhere if he's not the vice presidential choice. and having known governor pence when he was in the house of representatives, one thing i think is a measure of a person is when their staff likes them so much. that is absolutely true with mike pence. people worked with him in washington and then went back with him to indiana to help him run for governor. >> you used the words "policy," that he's very good at policy. >> newt's good at policy, too. >> absolutely. and wildly respected by both sides. so this is a fantastic choice to be made. gregso som greg? >> we are 17 hours, 55 minutes away from donald trump making a decision.
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i'll be keeping you up to date on that throughout the show. would be no surprise if trump picks pence. he loves money. >> six pence. >> there you go. i'm not pleased with this choice. the trump/pence thing is bad cop/good cop. trump is like mel gibson, pence is like danny glover in "lethal weapon." i don't like trump/christie. i really like trump/newt. that's sherlock holmes and dr. watson. in comes dr. watson with the facts and the reason and says here you go. that's why i really thought and -- i thought the trump/newt combination was the most balanced and most interesting. but then that requires, again, like we always say will trump listen to that person at all? >> the other that
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trump/pence has going for it, five letters each, perfect for a bumper sticker. >> it's like the evangelical trophy head for the wall. >> remember gore/lieberman? too many letters. >> can you imagine you didn't get the vp, newt, because your name is too long? >> trump/newt? >> the reason you like newt is he can't be controlled and he's critical. >> he's so smart, too. >> i do know that trump's new vp will be interviewed by sean hannity tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. >> and that will be approximately how many hours from now? >> do the math. do the math, little one. juan, what do you think of these two choices and which one helps trump more against hillary? >> this is all about consolidating republican support and potentially conservative support and evangelical support.
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>> i think he's got evangelicals. >> i think he has some trouble -- i was surprised actually. but he hasn't been able to win over evangelicals. remember, pence challenged donald trump on immigration, right? especially the ban on muslims. he said it was unconstitutional. he's challenged trump on abortion, on trade. so there's some points of differentiation. but pence is a 57-year-old guy with white hair, newt is a 73-year-old guy with white hair. so comes to the debate, a little bit of a problem, because i don't think pence has been out there on the stage under that kind of intense heat. newt has. and newt's done well. the other part of this is money. newt was really being backed by a lot of the big money guys on the republican side. i think they're disappointed that newt didn't get the nod, because they're comfortable with
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newt. they're not as comfortable with pence. >> you might have just helped newt. >> i think the pick has already been made. when they look at pence, they say pence is like rubio, he was opening the door for a pathway to citizenship. then he backed off on the religious freedom act, because he got shot down by business interests in the state of indiana. when we talk about whether or not he's going to pull out of a governor's race in indiana, it's mainly because he didn't think he was going to win. >> supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg surprised a lot of people recently with a scathing public criticism of trump. she called him "a faker with an ego and said she couldn't imagine what the country would be like with him as our president." trump then calls for her to resign for making comments like that in her position.
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today, a new development. the justice said, on reflection any response to press inquiries were ill advised. judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office. in the future, i will be more circumspect. but note, she didn't apologize. is she really sorry, greg? >> i don't know. part of me wants to defend her, because trump is a cultural phenomena. it's like everybody talks about him. just like the kardashians or kanye west or taylor swift. everybody keeps asking you and you just say stuff and she steps in and said something do highly unoriginal, i'm going to move somewhere. at least she didn't say canada. she said new zealand. but the whole point, she might have to recuse herself if this election is close and it comes down to the supreme court. she's going to have to take a month off and go to aukland, not oakland, and hang out in new zealand for a month. >> she obviously got a lot of
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public pushback. "the new york times" said she was wrong. >> i don't know anybody that thought it was okay, there's nobody. and also, that's as close to an apology you'll get. donald trump never apologizes for anything. and i thought comments today from him were like him saying okay, i think that it may be better to accept the somewhat apology and let this go and focus on having a really good convention and not talking about this as much. >> i agree. anyone besides me concerned that a supreme court justice said oh, he's a faker? real wly really? it seemed so below the office of supreme court justice. she did it, she promised to leave if he's president. i think trump is in good shape. >> and if he's president, well, there you go. >> he should offer her the vp position. >> i'll tell you what was great
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about this, i love to read editorial pages, and you could read "the wall street journal" editorial page, the "new york times" editorial page, they all agree. and it comes back to what greg was talking about, she would have to recuse herself, but maybe disqualify herself from any political decision, even if it didn't come down to the year 2000 gore v. bush. what about voter i.d., anything of any political consequence, all of a sudden even is going to say, we know where ruth bader ginsburg is on this issue. >> there's an argument to be made. >> but when trump says she should resign or suggest that she's -- come on, give me a great. i don't know anybody that thinks that was a smart move for a supreme court justice. so it looks like you're saying hey, i like the idea that really, you know what? this is an opportunity for the other justice, there's eight at
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the moment, this is an opportunity for the other seven justices to stage an interventi intervention. >> you know what you say to her? stop being a baby, ruth. >> i'm glad we waited for that one. trump said he thought she was not quite all there. [ overlapping speakers ] >> you don't think that's a little sprang for a supreme court -- >> i do. we've been saying that. okay. guess what? we're going to hear what trump thinks about it, because tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern, trump goes "on the record" with greta van susteren. and next, we'll go live to trump tower where campaign carl is all aflurry. he's standing by with exciting new details about the republican national convention beginning in four days from now. and later, we are heading on our
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♪ well, it's hard to believe the rnc kicks off in just four days from now. the lineup of spokers has been announced. mitch mcconnell, house speaker paul ryan will be delivering remarks. so will five of donald trump's former rivals. chris christie, scott walker, mike huckabee, ben carson, and ted cruz. and, of course, the presumptive nominee closes it out. donald trump gave bret baier a preview of his big speech last night. >> you're going use a teleprompter at the convention?
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>> a lot of people have asked me a question. they said that could be a great speech without one, but i'll probably use a teleprompter. what is is the story you're going to tell? >> i'm going to tell a law and order story. i am the law and order candidate. >> for more on what to expect, let's bring in campaign carl, live outside trump tower. before you go there, i wanted to ask carl, and i'm coming back from -- carl, you must have seen a bunch of important people going in and out of there, want to give us a preview? >> reporter: oh, sure. tomorrow is the big announcement dade for the vp, and all day long trump aides have been cautioning reporters to slow down, because all of the ram pant speculation about mike spence, according to the trump campaign, literally in the last ten minutes "no decision has been made." now, there's tons of end kay
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fors thfor -- indicators it's going to be mike pence. there are reporters spanned out all over indiana and new york city, going to every airport, chasing tail numbers, trying to figure out which is the plane from indiana to new york that's going to be carrying mike pence. and the republicans in indiana have been saying that they've been told that pence tomorrow will file the paperwork to not run for re-election in indiana, because he's going to be the running mate. and one thing we know about trump and his team, loyalty and secrecy is an absolute. we reported earlier this week that there is a $10 million lawsuit against a former employee because he violated his nondisclosure agreement. it's a lawsuit that he allegedly violated it. so we're being told over and over and over again that trump likes pence. trump likes newt. trump likes christie, and he was
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torn between chris christie and pence. so i know what everybody has been saying all day long. i know what everybody has been talking about. but this is where donald trump makes the decision and he can change his mind and he can continue to deliberate right up until he walks out on the stage tomorrow at 11:00. with one phone call, he can have the original short list of five or six candidates all on a plane by 11:00 tomorrow. so the indications are is that it's mike pence, but when the campaign says no decision has been made, it is my obligation to say caution, caution. >> carl, we have a bunch of questions for you. >> so they're banning a number of objects at the convention, including stoves, coolers, sleeping bags, mattresses, canned goods. are they selectively targeting doomsday preppers? >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: well, trump had an event in pennsylvania not long
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ago, and an aluminum scrap recycling place. maybe it's trying to boost that american manufacturing and jobs creation. >> very good. >> i wonder if the trump campaign is encouraging or dislikes the public's campaigning that the possible vp choices are doing? you know, going out and tweeting about it or doing facebook lives about it. chris christie has been probably the most quiet of the three. >> reporter: there's been some senators, some other people who were on the long list, who are actually vetted, whose names have not been made public. the people who are the most confidential, the people who are most reliably secretive and keep their confidences with donald trump are the ones that are going to be in the best stead. newt gingrich was very candid about it. today, he said his gut was that it was going to be pence. but he met with trump yesterday
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in indianapolis, just as jeff sessions did. note that jeff sessions is not the kind of person who talks about this, and he got asked today by a producer on the hill, the usual questions, who do you think it is? he smiled and said, we'll see. speculation in your own favor or people leaking around you who might be saying it's you, that may not go overwhelm with the trump campaign. we're going to find out in less than 18 hours, because it's 11:00 tomorrow morning at the hilton. and time's awasting. the convention starts on monday. >> juan? >> carl, i see that the new york times obtained the list of the potential speakers at the convention. by the way, i see that we do not have tom brady. bob knight, sarah palin, they're not there. but who is there? we have two soap opera stars, four speakers who appeared on reality tv, and we have a lot of speakers, including two people
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who are involved with benghazi. and carl, i have to ask you about this one, a video or some kind of presentation on bill clinton's sexual misdeeds? >> reporter: well, they said it was going to be entertaining and tough on democrats and hillary clinton. mr. trump has made it very clear that when she gets personal, when she maligns his character, his integrity or personal life, he can return in kind and then some. so listen, we know that's going to be much on benghazi. and over the course of the next week, probably 50% of it is going to be anti-clinton. donald trump has been very, very effective at attacking hillary clinton, her numbers in "the new york times" today are exactly tied at 40%. clinton has take an bit of a dive after the comey report, and the verbal, if not legal indictment of her e-mail server. so there's going to be plenty of it. i wouldn't be surprised whether or not it's a movie, it sounds
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like it could get kind of graphic. >> i would also like to point out the juxtaposition, that tim tebow is speaking, tom you have a number of great people that will be there speaking, including paul ryan and pence is not speaking so far. that's like another nugget. >> reporter: exactly. that was part of the deductive reasoning. we looked at the roster today. jeff sessions is on it, general mike flynn is on it, newt was on it. and there was no mike pence. christie was on it. and on the night that gingrich speaks, there's an open spot for the vice presidential nominee. so everybody can do that math. but again, this is really, really getting very interesting. we've been reporting for five or six days, the collective media that pence was at the top of the short list, but here we are at 5:00, and they're saying no decision yet. >> carl, we're going to leave right there. thank you very much. boy, is it hot and humid out
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[ bleep ] themselves. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters. it's incredible. ♪ >> our children and grandchildren will look back at this time, at the choices we are about to make, the goals we will strive for, the principles we will live by, and we need to make sure that they can be proud of us. >> my goodness. >> let me go quickly around the table. i'll start with dana perino and say dana, look at that ad. >> the hillary clinton team is showing they came to play. they're obviously not doing well. she cratered in these polls, and donald trump is not yet rising. that has to give them concern, because we're going into a convention for the republican party where almost every candidate always gets a boost out of that convention. she will probably get some, too. but that should be dangerous for them. but i think the ad goes to the women, educated white women who are saying, we're not so sure
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about you, hillary, we don't trust you very much. what she's trying to say is at least you can trust me with your children. like who would you leave your children overnight with? >> not her! >> i'm just saying that's what she's trying to say. >> i'm just responding because i have a child, and i'm saying that no, i would not leave her with my child. not any day of the week. i mean, this is somebody i don't trust, i don't like her character, her lack of integrity. no way. and that is going to hurt her. because parents, you make a choice and say is this somebody -- i wouldn't. she's not honest. >> eric, one of the interesting things about the poll, if you look at it, hillary clinton was up in some cases by double digits a month ago. now tied with trump. but it's not that trump has gone up, it's that hillary clinton in the aftermath of comey and the fbi report, has come down, and the question is, can trump capture those votes?
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>> i think -- look, in the same period of time, hillary has outspent donald trump like 15-1. so whatever she's doing isn't working. it was a nice ad, but it's not working either. donald trump can put the same ad up, but instead of the kids, put the families of the benghazi heros that died when she said what difference does it make? have the kids crying or the moms crying or we were broke and pan to some of her amazing spreads in the hamptons. the gloves are going to come off. trump hasn't even taken his gloves off. so, it went like this, and now it's like this. and he kept all of his powder, the phrase -- >> i don't know. greg, we haven't seen him run any ads. we know that he's not raising a whole lot of money. he's got no ground game in place in the swing states.
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is that a problem? >> maybe. i thought the ad, the first half was great. i was like wow, that was amazing. but when they showed the kids watching hillary, that was phony. it's like, no kid is going like, yeah -- >> kids aren't watching tv anymore, either. >> i believe she's actually counting on trump to say something incendiary and she doesn't understand that's his best feature. it's not a flaw. it's the entire system. by the way, try to explain to the clintons the kids. she hid her e-mails, he chases females, all the truth is gone in their tall tales. >> neither of them have high trustworthy marks. clinton is 67%, 62% of trump's people. half of clinton's backers say they only were slightly saying she's honest. 47% of trump supporters consider him slightly or not at all civil. >> within the fox poll that came
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out yesterday, he beats her on national security, terror, and very importantly, he destroys her in the independents. that's a big -- >> what was interesting in the fox poll was that she's ahead in virginia and colorado, two more states. >> and he has to do better with african-americans in north carolina and virginia. it's about 24% of the vote. in that same poll, he has zero percent support with african-americans in ohio and pennsylvania. that's not good. >> but still winning. coming up, when "the washington post" did a fact check on something president obama said about guns on tuesday at the memorial service for five officers killed in battle. gregory has the results, next.
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it appears there has been an attack in france. let's go right to nies where these pictures are coming through the facilities of sky news. our european partners in news through our corporation. here's what we believe has happened. it's bastille day in france. the end of the celebration, fireworks have gone off. this is right along the shoreline, right along the maritime border in nies. just about 20 minutes to midnight there. the fireworks had ended. and a large truck, described as a truck or van came plowing into a crowd of people. the local reports from local jurisdictions came out with a number of people injured in recent minutes. we have gotten reports of a number of people dead. and in the last two minutes, the president of nice, which amounts to the governor of the area,
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he's tweeted, dozens dead, go to your homes, there's been an attack. we can't know at this moment if it was an attack. it's being treated as such. but we can tell you that a large van has plowed into a crowd there in nice along maritime border. when that happened, a large number of people were injured. you can see the crowds running in this video that's being sent by sky news. this is the latest out of nice, and the latest official word we've gotten is from the nice president. the president of nice, which i assume is of the region, who said dozens are dead, go to your homes. an investigation is beginning now. fox news can't confirm this, except to say that this came from a government official there in nice. sky news, which is based in great britain, is on scene in france. so let's dip into their coverage now. 20 minutes before midnight on bastille day in nice, france.
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>> yes, the president in the region saying stay in your homes, stay in your homes. so clearly they are taking this seriously. >> bearing in mind the attacks that were in france last year. but you're right, it's a fireworks display. this doesn't seem to be any information verified that we can stand up about gunmen or gunfire. but indeed, if you're going to be at a fireworks event, you're going to hear lots of noises, you don't know where those are coming from. >> this just in to us, this is just a horrible scene moments after the van went through. as you can see, there are -- um -- a number of people on the ground. and it appears we are in the middle of an absolutely horrible
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attack on bastille day in france. it is possible that a van had gone out of control and by happenstance has plowed through a crowd. but that is not the way local authorities in france are treating this. they're treating this as an attack on france on bastille day, and the president of the region says dozens of people are dead. continuing to listen to sky news coverage, this is fox news channel. >> big crowds, and so there is no bigger crowd in france than on bastille day. there is no greater terrorist opportunity. >> it's a french national holiday. so if you are motivated by wanting to strike france on a day of national significance, this is the day to do it. i would be interested to find out what those apps that the french government designed for phones that people can use in terror attacks to alert the authorities, those apps that they designed after the attacks in november, whether they've been used.
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>> this gives us some indication, the authorities there as you can see on the scene, ambulances arriving, as well. some movement of people, too. the crowds have moved from that area. that is probably midway or a third of the way along just outside that famous hotel, the magresco. and people are moving cautiously, but if this truck has plowed into a crowd, whatever the motivation, they need to get there. but they may be held back in case this is a terrorist attack. so the emergency services want to get to the scene. >> they do. but you just don't know, because if it was a terrorist attack, if this was perpetrated by people wishing to do harm, then you wouldn't want to go near it. it would be booby trapped. you don't know what's inside the truck. >> they're keeping the camera crews back, keeping them well away from that area.
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so these are -- these are live pictures. we understand these are live pictures from france now. but there is a slight delay to these pictures, just as you know. so the camera crew is being held back there. there's a barricade now across the road. the crowds have dissipated and we've seen people running from the scene. which is what people were taught to do after the paris attacks. >> they seem to have cleared away from this very quickly. and very orderly from what we can see. >> just hearing from the french tv channel, bfm-tv. at least 30 people were killed in the french town of nice when a truck ran into a crowd celebrating the bastille national holiday. >> again, sky news getting the
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local report as we are here. at least 30 people now reported killed in an apart terrorist attack. i say apparent because there is no confirmation at this moment. but the local authorities are treat thing as a terror attack. you're looking -- you're looking east right now on the promenade in nice. this is directly on the -- right on the water front there. a famous hotel there in the distance. restaurants and shops to the right. i happened to be visit thing very spot during euro 2016 games just a few weeks ago. and this is the spot where, when france was winning a big match, thousands and thousands of people would be in the streets. there was a euro 2016 celebration area here, much like a fan fun zone. as you would have it, a super bowl or around the festivities of a world series. they had one of those large family gathering places there. the sea would lap up against the board walk there, just to the left of your screen now.
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and just a place of incredible celebration. our executive producer, ken rosenberg, was there just yesterday. i'm just told had dinner there just yesterday and was a beautiful night. the celebration of independence, and france again, it would appear, has come under attack. french tv reporting at least 30 dead after this truck/van, a large vehicle came plowing into a very crowded promenade where people were shoulder to shoulder affair works display celebrating independence day. and france has yet again come under attack. every indication from french media, from french police, from the government, from the president of the region there, all indicating that this is a terror attack that we're watching now. just about 14 minutes before midnight along the southern coast of france.
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>> what we no so far, at least 30 people have been killed after a truck drove into a crowd of people, celebrating bastille day in nice. the men in charge of the nice area said that people must stay indoors. they are at the moment treating it as an attack. pictures from the promenade and the roads around it show people in panic, departing the area as quickly as they can. >> like i say, the country is in a state of high alert, a national state of emergency in france will remain in place until the 26th of july, just for situations like this, because the "charlie hebdo" attacks last year and the paris attacks that killed 130 people in november and other attacks across the country. france is extremely tense at the moment. so when something like this
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happens, authorities have to be careful. >> and the promenade, this famous road, bordering the sea, full of famous hotels and shops and restaurants. this is where they would have had the bastille day celebrations. this is where the crowds would have gathered on such an important day. >> yeah, i've been in france on bastille day, and it's -- i mean, it's a day of national celebration. there would have been thousands of people there, and it would have been a very, very happy atmosphere. for this to happen on a night like tonight, for a truck to plow into that many people, it's not surprising so many people have been killed. >> and the message comes from
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the president of nice, saying the driver seems to have killed dozens of people. stay in your homes. more information tomorrow. bfm-tv, at least 30 people have been killed after a truck drove into a crowd of people celebrating bastille day in france. >> and do we know what happened to the driver of the vehicle? are they in the vehicle? we don't know where that driver has gone. so still lots of questions as to what happened with regards to the motivation for driving the truck, if indeed there was one, into the crowd. >> dozens killed after a van drives into a crowd. this is the major of nice now. the police arriving, as you can see, from the bottom left of your picture. another shot appears to show that the wind screen is smashed with bullet marks, as well.
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it could be that bullets were heard in the area. was it bullets fired by the police? we still don't know. >> it could have been bullets from the police or fireworks set off. police may have seen the truck coming and fire into it to stop it. >> and people are running, it is panic. he drove everyone. everyone is bleeding. there are loads of people injured without doubt. so whatever has happened in nice, this has been a serious incident. there are at least dozens of injured, at least 30 people killed in this incident, in the south of france. this famous town of france, where people were gathered to see the fireworks display for bastille day.
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this happened as people were leaving. those are people running away from the scene as others peer from bars and restaurants, trying to see what is happening. certainly the emergency services are on the scene. they are treating this extremely seriously. rammed into a crowd in nice. several gunshots heard, and this is bfm-tv for the latest we're hearing. people are being told to stay indoors. stay indoors. the president of nice, the driver of the van seems to have killed dozens of people. >> yeah.
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local officials confirm that this is a terrorist attack. while some agencies are claim thing is a terrorist attack, we don't seem to have any evidence for it yet, do we? >> there is a possibility that a truck driver lost control of a voke. >> it could be just an accident. >> but it does look like the police approached this vehicle with great caution. you see that initial picture there of the wind screen and it does appear to be shot out. no sign of a driver there. >> no sign of a driver, but we are getting indications how this went down. this is that promenade there in nice along the coast. and this is the front of that truck. we got a closeup here, and you can see we have word from the ground now, from many, many different people who were geotracked to that area saying they witnessed a shootout between the police and the driver. they're calling it a laurie,
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it's basically a mack truck. come on over here, luke. i want to show you this video. this is amateur video from a nearby building, right? >> yes. >> can you see this, luke? >> the person posting on twitter said this is from inside his hotel room, and this happened outside of his hotel room. it kind of looks like part of either a barricade or a truck or something over there. you can see people trying to help the wounded. >> just a pile of wounded people in the street. and it would appear that this truck came into this promenade, not only did it run over people upon entering this promenade, but it kept going and going and just plowed a path through wall-to-wall, shoulder-to-shoulder people, who have been standing on the promenade, watching the fireworks in the back ground. you can see the sea in the back. the early report is, at least 30
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people dead, and the reports we're getting from the region indicate this is going to be a very, very long night, and that those numbers could climb. sky news now with some firsthand accounts from the ground. let's listen. >> at this stage, it is very early. but it does appear that there was a major incident in this southern french town. >> yes. i mean, at the moment, all the evidence points to the possibility of an attack. certainly, that is what the local law enforcement officials in nice are telling french television. they are reporting that at the moment, local french channel also reporting up to 30 dead. now, there's been a great deal of concern, of course, following recent terrorist attacks in france. but some real concern from the french authorities about bastille day, because, of course it is such a prominent day, and next to the euro 2016 football
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tournament, it was the next big event that the french authorities were very concerned about, being a possible target. and the reports that are coming out that this truck actually mounted the pavement, down the pavement, plowing into people certainly would seem to be -- you can see some of the pictures coming through now of that laurie, and it shows the front wind screen riddled with bullets. now, that would be an indication that the police had opened fire on that vehicle trying to get it to stop. no idea at the moment about who was driving that vehicle, and their condition. but the pictures that are coming out at the moment, still images showing that truck and shows it's riddled with bullet holes in the front wind screen would
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certain hi point to the fact that this has been some kind of an attack, that police are doing their best to try and stop a truck, which is never easy. and of course, it takes time to preposition your police officers to a location where they can open fire on that vehicle. and by that time, it could have done an awful lot of damage. according to french tv, it appears that that is the case. i should say as well, anna, that in france, they are no strangers to vehicle-born attacks. you may remember christmas of 2014, there were a number of similar incidents, not involving large trucks, but involving cars and involving vans that plowed into people gatring around several french towns in december 2014. one a van that smashed into a christmas market, causing a number of casualties there.
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so this type of attack, it's happened in other countries as well around the world. it is a tactic that extremists have used in the past. of course, that will form the basis of the ongoing inquiry, as the police and intelligence services try to get a handle on this. >> let's bring in a british journalist working in france. just another question, we're seeing horrific pictures, unverified. but horrendous pictures showing the devastation brought by what appears to be this truck attack or incident. it does appear there are multiple casualties. the scenes are very distressing. would they be concerned about this truck being packed with explosives if this does indeed turn out to be a terrorist attack? >> yeah, there is no way that
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the police will go in close proximity to that truck. i think we saw some images that showed the -- from behind a tree, back a bit from the truck. they will get their explosives experts into that truck. because that has to be a real concern. >> the local officials talking to the media, 30 people dead and 100 injured and the driver is dead. that is the latest information we're getting from the french television channel bfm, saying bodies are everywhere -- >> shepard smith here. bfm reporting more than 100 injured. quoting a witness, it's total panic. we saw the white truck there, which drove directly into the people on the promenade of the angels. a gunman then fired into the crowd before being shot by
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police. so it now appears that this person driving the big truck came ramming into these crowds. the fireworks celebration had just ended along the promenade of angels there in nice along the water. the people were disbursing, and the police were leaving and the truck came in and plowed through this crowd. it eventually was brought to a stop in some way by police and at that point, it's our understanding that the man pulled out a weapon, began firing with something from inside his truck. there was what appears to be a shootout with police there, with bystanders all about. and as all of that was happening, medical workers were going to treat the people left in the wake of this runaway truck. it appears that it went a considerable distance, i'm not able to get an exact distance, as stories vary based on eyewitness perspectives. but it would appear this truck went for quite a ways in a pedestrian only area, and as people stood shoulder to
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shoulder, the truck came in and literally ran them over and in many cases, ended their lives. the death toll now listed at 30. the injury toll at more than 100 in what appears to be a bastille day attack on france. i'm shepard smith in new york. now to "special report" with bret. carnage in france again. terrorism suspected again. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in cleveland tonight. we'll have complete coverage to the run-up of the republican national convention. but first, a truck has slammed into a crowd of nice, france. there are several fatalities, possibly up to two pozen. the mayor of nice is tweeting out that number. there's also a report that police have exchanged shots with the driver of that truck, and possibly another occupant. france was the site of coordinated terror attacks tha
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