tv Hannity FOX News July 16, 2016 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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a power struggle playing out in turkey as an attempted military coup under way. i'm patricia stark. >> our continuing coverage of the chaotic theme in turkey. this hour it's unclear exactly who is calling the shots in turkey but the country's president, erdogan insists it's him. >> a night of explosions and gunfire. we're learning at least 190 died. 41 police officers, 2 soldiers, 47 civilians and 104 people
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being described as coup fodder. failed an attempted coup in turkey. for more we bring in amy kellogg, live in nice, france. amy, what's the latest? >> hi, patricia, the situation is still, to the best of our understanding, quite unstable in turkey. there are explosions being heard in different parts of the country and some unrest. as you mentioned, the death toll just keeps going up. president erdogan is saying he does have the situation under control. he's warning a very harsh perfect -- punishment for those and also blaming poconos based imam who has been, according to him, a thorn in his side and
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trying to ubd mine him for years. they were once great allies. in the meantime, just to rep cap, lots of military personnel, dozens have surrendered in their defense. some very dramatic images of that. that has been the most potent image or most potent icon of the sense the coup may have failed. 1500 people involved in the coup have been arrested and death toll continues to rise but believed 100 of those involved in it are dead. now, president erdogan returned to istanbul. he had been on way on vacation, warning coup plotters they would pay a heavy price for his treason. they took advantage of his absence of he's encouraging people to take to the streets in a show of support for him but also in the event some of the coup plotters try to reassert
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their power. they say last night they want to reinstall institutional order, rein stall democracy. they took over television stations, it's not sure to what extent media is controlled but tightly watched. social media has been shut off for all intents and purposes for turkish citizens. gena very fluid situation in turkey. he, erdogan is the democratically elected president but in recent years there have been protestations against his increasing authoritarian ways. there's been a lot of concerns about security in turkey given that up until quite recently the borders were not super airtight against the flow of foreign
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fighters against syria and turkey. he also ended a truce, arrested kurdish population that led to further blood shed. seeing a lot of terror attacks on turkey last year so that it's fairly playing into all this. turkey does have a history of the military taking over in coups when it feels that the secular values of the nation are being undermined. that has not happened in decades. this is very dramatic and turkey is important to point out is a nato member and let's the u.s. use its air base for flights -- bombing flights and surveillance flights over iraq and syria, patricia. >> amy, you're reporting from the promenade where the truck attack in nice happened. what is the latest that you're hearing? what's new there? >> well, the breaking news here is that the islamic state has
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claimed responsibility for the attack. they say one of their soldiers carried it out. i am standing, patricia, 200 yards from where that refrigerator truck, massive 90-pound truck came to a halt after the driver was killed, after police stopped it, after he managed to kill some 84. mohamed lahouaiej was the driver of the truck. what till remains extremely serious is that he has not been known to security services in the context of terrorism. he's been a petty criminal. he's investigated for domestic abuse. he has three children. many of the victims he specifically targeted on the promenade were children.
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five people detained in connection with him including his wife. >> a terribly sad situation in so many ways. amy kellogg, live from nice, france. right now we want to go back to our top story in istanbul, turkey, the attempted coup which appears to fail. joins us, a former diplomat in azerbaijan. he joins us via skype. thank you for being with us. what's your take on this failed coup attempt? >> well, i'm here in istanbul where i live. this was serious. there is an unprecedented level of a coup in turkey. it's not totally over yet. the coup failed as an attempt to overthrow president erdogan. but mopping up operations are continuing. a senior minister just got on television and social media
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saying people, supporters of erdogan should stay in the streets because not everybody has been captured yet. one aspect of this i haven't heard talked of this yet how the coup plotters pulled this off technologically. it's unprecedented. they used what's coming on now. this allowed hem to maintain a high level of secrecy with the encryption. now the messages have been discovered and that's aiding the government in finding the generals w colonel, 29 kernels, chief of turkish military is the general who came out last night at a crucial moment, commander of istanbul's military movement saying i do not support the coup. that's when everything shifted, erdogan forces recovered and he's head of the military. >> this is patricia stark. for our viewers that don't know, could you do into details of it
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and how it works. >> it's a communication system people download on their mobile forms. it's popular, one of the lead g leading. et cetera way people can send messages and phone calls encrypted from end to end. it's a commercial application, owned by facebook. it's an instantaneous way for coup plotters to talk to each other in a way that was never possible before. in the past they would have to use radio, telephones, communications, all of which can be easily intercepted. we're in a new era the way people can use social media, in this case to plan a coup. >> mr. president, does this attempted coup, albeit a failed coup, actually strengthen the
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power of erdogan? >> reporter: very much so. he was already quite close toss receiving the majority he needed in parliament, either to call a referendum or push through a change in the constitution that would make him the all powerful person, change the constitution to make the president the most powerful position in government, which has never been the case in modern turkey. after this, i think it's doing to be quite easy to push that through. he'll have plenty of support in parliament. it's important to keep in mind that all the major opposition political parties actually came out against the coup. even his political opponents who viciously oppose him fell in behind him in support of turkish democracy. bad news consolidation of power in a way that seems to move away from electric-of- traditional form of democracy. good news earn democracy triumph with people on the streets and opposition political leaders
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stopping the military in its tracks. >> with erdogan's goal of wanting this kind of ultimate power, what does that mean for the future of turkey and what do you think his long-term plans are. >> this is the nature of the deal, democratic power is now consolidated to allow him not only to change the constitution but he would say to implement a broad-based reform program that's needed to invigorate the economy and make turkey stronger. he uses those prod terms. that sounds great. of course, the record has been a little different in the eyes of his critics. many of his critics say he's already used the power he amassed to date to try to change the turkish political system to replace secular norms of traditional democracy with secular. this is a controversial
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question. he would vigorously deny this is what he's trying to do, oponce would say it's clear norms in society have begun to chan every change because of the overall movement he has. >> does that mean if he continues to move away from secularism that freedoms that, you know, americans and other westerners seem to enjoy are threatened? >> it could mean that. of course his more strident opponents argue that's what's happening. my view slightly different. turkish democracy is different. military coup attempts for the last four decades. often those coup attempts and coups have been executed in order to restore pendulum, if you will, of democratic development back toward democracy and away from authoritarianism and chaos and political islam. that's really strange for
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americans. that means it's never reached what we enjoy in the united states. but there has been historic and continuous swinging of the pendulum. my hope and sense as someone who covered for a long time perhaps every time the pendulum swings, it swings a little bit less far from that resting appoint of stable democratic development. that's my view. as i say, his opponents would argue just what you said, this is leading to backtracking. >> you sense erdogan is perhaps more committed to power than he is to his doctrine? >> i think power and doctrine are inextricably linked in this case. but i understand where you're coming from. people question whether or not an islamest ideology, political ideology that justifies itself with the language of islam is what drives him, meaning he has a desire to reshape the country in his world according to his political, religious ideology,
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or is he just after power. i think when he came in office for the first couple of years, there was a lot more emphasis on the political islamist ideology. that is still out there but it's faded and it seems number one quest now is to consolidate power. once you have power, more power, obviously you can do a lot of things, amass wealth, restructure the political system, reinvigorate the ideological reforms as well. so they are both inextricably linked, ideology and request for power. >> you can become corrupt or in some cases more corrupt. matthew, thank you very much for your interesting comments. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> so far we know dozen of people have been killed in the the attempted coup in turkey and hundreds of military members have reportedly been detained. president of turkey claims he's in charge and that the coup will not succeed. joining us now is a retired
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member of the u.s. navy and also a fox news contributor. good morning, and thank you once again for joining us. >> good morning, patricia. >> what are your thoughts as now we've gotten further into the day there. it would appear that this is, in fact, a failed coup attempt. >> well, it's looking that way earlier this morning and it does appear that the people stood up and bolstered someone who was very popular with one section of the turkish populace and not so popular with the other. in the end it looks like they all set aside their political differences and said this is not how we're going to move forward. we're not going to move forward at the end of a rifle barrel. so they will settle -- hopefully
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they will settle their things at the voting booth. my concern is that one of your earlier guests was talking about the fact that this could wind up to answer the great question, bolstering erdogan instead of threatening him and everyone will rally around him. my concern is it will get to the point where it will be one man, one vote, but it will be one man, one vote, one time, and then turkish freedom will be over. >> so really the opposite could happen of what they wanted. >> exactly. this could actually wind up not only back firing with them in jail and possibly worse, but it could doom turkey to erdogan's path. >> i know you said a lot of people obviously didn't want to have a change by the barrel of a gun and that people were not in
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support of the coup, but they may be in support of what people that were putting this coup or trying to attempt this coup, what their goals were, to keep turkey the way it has been secular society with free thomas and rights, et cetera. do you think at this point if erdogan is empowered by this that they will even have an opportunity to get this type of change at the voting booth. >> things could slip around again. what we could see, just as the coup plotters misjudged and chose the wrong moment or chose the wrong organization or weren't prepared enough.. erdogan could step in and do something that causes a backlash as well. he could misplay the hand.
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he's been delta very nice hand here. it will be interesting to see how he plays it. he could blow it too. >> chuck nash, thank you for being with us this morning. >> insisting he's still at the helm following what could have been a failed military coup. >> we'll bring you coverage throughout the day. stick with us here on fox news channel. if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes? what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13® may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13® is used
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terrorist organization, the name of the people at -- was organized against military coup organization for turkey, the terrorist organization. we are strong against this coup terrorist organization and i kiss the turkish nation on its head. this is the best response possible against the terrorist organization. from now on, dear countrymen, the 15th of july is the
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celebration of democracy. this coup attempt, people will survive, our police people, civilian who lost their lives, i am giving my thoughts to the family members. i wish to god for them to rest in peace because our military forces have been fighting like heroes and this terrible, horrific, bad thing, this up rising.
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independence of our nation. we put this in front of the eyes of the whole world and especially those who try to get into buildings with their flags and their planning in front of the flags on the street and giving their life. they are becoming heroes. this country will never forget this. this day, both countries are countries who contacted us, dear brothers and sisters. this parallel organization of terrorists are from now on in
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the hands of the turkish law and they will receive whichever punishment they will get. yes. our nation in this incident has shown a great resilience. this in turkey provided democracy and therefore those who have done this uprising should, again, understand this reality. no one can play games with the
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stability of this country and love of treason and love of democracy, no one can play games. and our civilians that they return back to normal life is assembled for this weapon of the government and the government bombed and government helicopters. the civilians of the government and those who shot against them are even a terror organization. never and never again this
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nation will forget these people that committed treason. we have to understand this. those who were standing up and risked their lives for the independence and freedom and for the country, i, again, want to mention them. unfortunately this uprising has been disruptive. however, we have a toegs of 161 and more than injured. those who have taken part in
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this uprising, there are different levels of army force and soldiers and a number of 2,800. they are also high-ranking army forces within this uprising manage to prevent and disrupt, a bad, horrible uprising. and our president has figured out our whole country and our commander of the country is a unit as one together. we have managed to overcome this
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terrible uprising. maybe this nation has achieved this unforeseen access, therefore i change god and our media and social and written organization have in this incident showed, displayed, huge love for their nation. from the beginning they have not been on the side of the terrorists. however, they have been on the side of the people and the nation showing this clearly and
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provided correct information. and beginning with the political party leaders, together with all the political parties with organizations, despite different opinion, they manage fully to powerful tanks. therefore -- >> we've been listening to the prime minister of turk, yildirim, who said turkish democracy was saved in this failed coup attempt. he said turkey has given best answer to terrorist, a little cryptic there, maybe something was lost in the translation.
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he did say this was an attempt by a parallel structure that exists in the turkish military and the plotters will now face the justice they deserve. he said that 161 have been killed, 1,440 have been wounded and 2,839 have been detained, the vast majority of those within the turkish military but certainly others as well. for greater insight into the turkish government, we are joined now by dr. artimir, former member of the parliament, fellow for defense of democracy. thank you for being with us. your reaction to the prime minister's remarks just moments ago? >> i think it's important that the prime minister pointed out that all opposition parties and
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also independent media sided with the elected government in option to the coup d'etat. this i think is an opportunity for turkish democracy in crisis, because when the push came to shove, all the position parties showed there can be consensus in turkey to uphold parliamently democracy and rule of law. >> did you see this coming at all? >> i didn't see this coming. actually, only three months ago that i argued that coup d'etat was over in turkey. i should say hero of successful coup d'etat over in turkey. it was quite expected. turkey is known for a series of coup d'etat over the last six years. but what is unprecedented in this case is that there has never been so much blood shed,
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never been so much fighting within the military and the police, between the military and please, between the military and civilians. in that respect this is really a key moment of crisis for the future of democracy but i would also like to argue that also a great opportunity for president erdogan. he can build on the consensus demonstrated by the opposition party and independent media. maybe turkey can build a new common ground for democracy. i doubt he will take that test. more probably he will use this as an opportunity to strengthen his one-man rule and consolidate his authority. >> does this suggest to you that president erdogan is not as he claims committed to secularism
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and democracy? >> we know that he came to power arguing that he would reform, gave up agenda. over the years we see his islamic agenda was coming back in. more importantly, he was an authoritarian leader who was more committed to one man than actually islamism. i think now the coup d'etat attempt, which all parties in the turkish parliament oppose strongly will be used as a pretext for president erdogan to further control and military, media, crack down on pgs and the presidency. this i think will be a different kind of disaster for democracy. the coup d'etat will be also a
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disaster. but one man of the authoritarian group will bring the same results. >> doctor, this is patricia stark. what do you believe will be the fate of these 2800 soldiers and people who now are detained? >> i think there will be a speedy trial and most of these -- most of the officers involved will end up in prison. some of the lower end might be spared. we have to remember turkey had a long series of kind of short trials against the military. so ultimately believe the turkish military weakened, low moral, and this will also affect one of the biggest fighting
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forces and ultimate repercussions for nato especially at a time when the fight against isis is important. >> doctor, thank you for being with us this morning. >> my pleasure. thank you. turkey's president telling his nation the government is still in charge after an attempted coup. >> turkish citizens answered the call from their president to take to the streets and confront troops trying to take over their country. we will have more on this breaking story right after these messages. hey there, starting your search for the right used car?
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will pay. we're joined by u.s. navy s.e.a.l. and founder and ceo of invictus group. what is your reaction to this coup attempt that's been unfolding throughout the night and morning? >> it is startling especially on the heels of everything we've seen in nice to have this massive civil unrest in turkey. turkey is the gateway to europe. people need to understand that, that having a stable nation of turkey is critical to the stability of continued safety of all europeans. there's been other interactions on the coup in turkey before. it's not surprising to me but surprising it went down the scale it did. thousands of turkish police officers and soldiers taken into custody. there's inklings, a mild undercurrent of scuttlebutt we
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call it in the military or rumor he may have sfwhuted in coup on his own behalf to get to the root of some of the unrest and get rid of some of the officers in the police force that didn't agree with his agenda. he's very hard line, fundamental islamist. he had to tone that down in order to get elected by 50% of the election. more are finding out he's not as advertised. he's trying to eliminate birth control. he's anti-secular. he's anti-ataturk, one of the founding fathers of turkey. there's a number of things going on. we need to have a stable turkey, that's for sure. >> what do you think this means for turkey going forward? >> this has caused a shake-up.
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erdogan probably went after members of the police force and got rid of them with this maneuver. that's what i'm hearing with official reports. turks practice a form of islam, he passed away in 1908, huge advocate of overall reforming of islam, restoring peace, getting rid of jihadi. it's the only form of islam that completely separates and advocates separation of mosque with space like we do in the us, separation of church and state. >> we have about 30 seconds. >> we're going to see a little more of a shake-up here. this isn't the first time it happened and i wouldn't be surprised if it happened again. >> chris mckinley, former navy s.e.a.l., we appreciate your
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we have been following the coup in turkey, some resistance but what's ahead in turkey under president erdogan. joining us ambassador roth, author of "doomed to succeed." he joins us on the telephone from london. ambassador, thank you for being with us. what is the future of turkey under erdogan. >> i'm afraid what we'll see is further draconian crackdown by erdogan. the coup gives him justification to, in effect, purge all those forces he will claim, with some justification with the coup are undemocratic. bear in mind we've had previously four military coups,
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all of which were successful, 1960, 1971, 1980, 1987. in every case the military was successful. in this case clearly they were not. there was probably not unanimity within the military, obviously a strong faction. erdogan prepared to increase weight in turkey, erdogan is the leader who is changing all the ground rules. i think he will use the coup, the fact there's now i think over 1500 military officers who have been arrested, he will use
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to percentage not just military but use it as well to justify further crackdowns on the media, any criticism will become increasingly unacceptable. so we're going to see a turkey that has less and less democratic future. he very much is someone on the basis of majoritiarian rule, which means because he's been elected he determines rules and majority rights are generally not respected. that will become even more so now. so i think we're going to see turkey continue to lose more and more democratic character and see erdogan adopt a more theory taken form of rule. >> cha wha does that mean for turkey's relationship with the united states and our current deep concern about destroying islamist state isis?
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it a very good question. it becomes a classic equation where the tendency will be to at least privately and from time to time publicly criticizes the excesses of the erdogan regime but probably somewhat tempered because there will be a priority on dealing with isis and needing turkey to keep the border closed to ensure there can't be infiltration we found in the past. so i think the security preoccupation is probably going to be the near-term priority and even though we're going to be troubled by what we see erdogan do, erdogan will justify his need to do this because the coup was, it's self, an anti-democratic move, it was itself an effort to oppose a popular elected president.
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>> ambassador, i want to thank you for being with us. ambassador dennis roth, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. thanks. our coverage of the events in turkey continues in just a moment live with fox and friends. thanks for being with us. od trug your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no, your insurance rates go through the roof. your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance.
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[national anthem] ♪ [national anthem] ♪ hello, friends, and good morning, it's the 16th of july, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. one of america's most critical allies in the middle east in turmoil. [gunfire] >> just look at that the turkish military attempt ago coup overnight. gunfire explosions going off all throughout the night. close to 300 people are dead. more than 1,000 arrested. what this means for our fight against terror. >> and then breaking news in europe this morning. that terror attack in nice still unfolding. isis has taken re
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