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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 17, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> we have breaking news on the police shooting in baton rouge waiting for the president to speak. we will go to a news conference. and we will go back to catherine hearing rig, work -- catherine. >> the dead suspect is gavin long of kansas city, month, born in 1987. this is, in fact, his 29th birthday. it was information first reported by cbs. what we know now is that the dead shooter is from out of space state. it is, in fact, his birthday today in that has any relevance and his name is gavin eugene
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long. there are indications he is a former marine, black male from kansas city, missouri, according to what we are hearing although this is coming together. we want to make that clear. so he appears to be 29. as catherine said was born on this day, 29 years ago. it could be that because all this has been coming out 39 was getting this information and digesting it and figuring out how much of a role that will play in his comments because the police when they spoke did not mention the name of the individual but we see the people are at the podium so the president is a few minutes away. athis 29-year-old man, african-american man, from kansas city, but we do not know the background. there are reports floating around about his ties to
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different groups. we will try and confirm that. positive news as reported earlier the baltimore hostage situation, a guy at a baltimore burger king has been resolved, the hostages including a seven-year-old girl have been rescued and the suspect is in custody. just to wrap up that as we focus on the baton rouge situation. >> there are things floating about the sovereign citizen movement and whether gavin long was part of that movement. it identifies sovereign citizens as group that believe that federal and state and local governments operate illegally. was he connected to that group? that is part of what we are seeing. all of this, of course, will come together more clearly as we get more information on the background and thinking and whether any of this is connected to the kind of things we have seen unfolding on the streets. clearly, he had an ax to grind with law enforcement and took it out on them.
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>> facts we know: three officers are dead the one fighting for his life in critical condition. and two in stable condition. we know this was a 9-1-1 call. authorities said they saw this man walking up and down with a rifle. it is not whether he made the call, someone else made the call. >> as you all know this morning three law enforcement officers in baton rouge were killed in the line of duty. three others were wounded, one is still in critical condition. as of right now we do not know the motive of the killer. we do not know in the killer set tout target police officers or whether he gunned them down as they responded to a call. regardless of motive, the death of these three brave officers underscores the danger that police across the country
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confront every single day. we as a nation have to be loud and clear that nothing justifies violence against law enforcement. attacks on police are an attack on all of us and the rue of law that makes society possible. early this afternoon i spoke with governor edwards and the mayor and offered them the full support of the federal government and reiterated my full support for law enforcement in baton rouge and police officers across the country. i spoke to the attorney general and the f.b.i. has been on the scene. through the work of all levels of government, justice will be done. most of all, our hearts go out to the families who are grieving. our prayers go to the officer who is still fighting forly life. this has happened far too often. i have spent a lot of time with law enforcement this past week.
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i'm surrounded by the best of the best every single day. i know when this happens, wherever this happens, you feel it. your families feel it, but what i want you to know today the respect and gratitude of the american people for everything that you do for us. five days ago i travel to dallas for the memorial service of the officers who were slain there. i said that killer would not be the last person who tries to make us turn on each other nor will today's killer. it remains up to us to make sure they fail. that decision is all of ours. the decision to make sure that our best selfs are reflected across america, not our worst.
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with have our distinctions. they are not new. around the clock news cycles and soldier media can amplify the divisions. we are about to enter a couple of weeks of convention where the policemen rhetoric tends to be more overheated than usual. that is why it is so important that everyone, regardless of race or political party or process, regardless of what organizations you are part of, everyone right now focus on words and actions that can unite this country rather than divide it further. we don't need inflammatory rhetoric. we don't need careless accusations thrown around to score policemen points or to advance an agenda. we need to temper our words and open our hearts. all of us. we need what we saw in dallas, this week. a community came together to
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restore order and deepen unity anded thatting. we need the kind of efforts we saw this week in meetings between community leaders and police some of which i participated. i saw me of good will ledge to work together to reduce violence throughout all of our communities. that is what is needed right new. it is up to all of us to make sure we are part of the solution and not part of the problem. as someone once wrote, a bullet need happen only once but for peace to work we need to be reminded of its existence again and again and again. my fellow americans, only we can prove, through words and deeds, we will not be divided. we will have to keep on doing it. again and again and again. that is how this country gets
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united. that is how we bring people's good will together. only we can prove we have the grace and character and common humanity to end this kind of senseless violence, to reduce fear and mistrust in the american family. set an example for our children were that is who we are, that is with we always have the capacity to be. that is the best way for united states to honor the sacrifice of the grave police officers taken from us this morning. may god bless them and their families and may god bless the one of america. thank you very much. >> president not take any questions. we see hip leave the briefing room moments ago. he said law and order are what makes society possible, killers make us want to turn on each other and they want us to turn on each other but it is up to us to make them fail.
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all of this in the wake of what we saw: the brutal killing of three police officers in baton rouge, one tonight fighting for his life he said he needs everyone to focus on uniting the country, to reduce fear and to row dues -- to reduce mistrust. there is such a need to come together in this country and that is something we will talk a lot about in the days and weeks to come. that is it for me. thank you for being with us this afternoon and to shepard smith and bret baier who joins. "the five," is starting right now. >> thank you, martha. the statement by president obama talking about opening our hearts and our prayers for the families of the grieving officers who killed in baton rouge, louisiana, talking about dallas killer, and he talked about
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today's killer and he cautioned about the overheated political rhetoric we may experience while we are here in chief. your thoughts? >> i thought it was a different speech you heard from the president. he mentioned in the last week he has been spending time with law enforcement and he said he was doing a lot more listening than talking. there is something else that we did not hear, this what no call for gun control in the speech and maybe he has learned that immediate reaction is not welcome especially when we have a situation, i don't know in this is a crisis, you could say the events are maybe not represented but they don't know that. i thought the speech he gave just now was responsible speech. he doesn't have a lot of happies so he did not take questions. sometimes he does when they dope have problems but from a presidential communications standpoint in a moment leadership i thought he did a really nice job. >> the president pointed out he was in dallas five days ago and now here we are again, five days days later another mess law
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enforcement killing, what is going on? >> i feel like we have done this so many times and i talk about this a lot about the road to infamy is easier than the road to triumph and to success for losers if we, as a media monster, continue to devote attention to acts of destruction , which guarantee immortality for those who cannot achieve anything, and i am not just talking this but mass killings in general will guarantee your names are known. in there were movies made about columbine, sympathetic movies about them, and people buy the paintings of serial killers. the bomber on the country and johnny depp bought a picture by the pedophile for his house, people deplore file evil. i do agree that it is nice to
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hear him talk about unity but it hud have happened sooner because for the long of the time when there was strife and this division we were told it was necessary for people to get out there and no justice, no peace, and this happens, we have to temper our words, we do not want to have inflammatory rhetoric but there was a lot of inflammatory rhetoric coming from black lives matter and the a.m. sharp top and the reverend wright's of the world and now when we have consequences and dead police officers suddenly it is a whoa. and if you say all lives marry that is unseemly. it is like, my word, it is like, how dare you? all lives matter is not, in that offends you, there is something wrong with you. before president obama made the
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deliver riff the seven minute speech we learned, we believe we helped this killer's name is gavin long with a birthday, today, 29 years old, turned 29, possibly a former military guy. your thoughts? >> there were reports and intelligence coming out as far as observing his skills many believed he had military training from the way he did the executions and, now, some of initial reports are suggest he may have been a marine and been in that field of service. it is disturbing to see this. you would have thought, my god, the horror of dallas would have been enough to shut this down but you see this today, a young man, potentially trained by our military, creating horrible acts of violence and fear in baton rouge and you think to yourself, why has it gotten do this point. and i would say i was happy to hear the president talking about unify asking not turning it into ideology about gun control, the time for that is long gone.
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>> i understand hillary clinton came out with a statement saying we must stand together, and the attack on law enforcement is an attack on all of us, juan? >> both kentucky and hillary clinton have held back as far as the harsh rhetoric especially trump is capable of, especially, on the racial front is given to saying, i think, inflammatory things. what is key here is a sense that the president would previously was very clear and saying, the after camp american community feel they are unfairly targeted by police and subject to unfair treatment we did not hear that in the statement today. it is a different tone. he now is only focused on the danger that comes from people taking violent action against law enforcement rather than plugging in to previously the idea of peaceful protests, peaceful expression of grievance against the government. >> we have a lot more on this coming up ahead after the break.
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>> this is a fox news alert. we are reporting from cleveland, three more police officers have been assassinated. three others have been wounded the one is critical.
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there was shooting near police officers in baton rouge, louisiana. one suspect is dead, 29-year-old african-american man named gavin long. >> this is an active and ongoing investigation with a lost moving parts. no active scenario involves a shooter in the city of baton rouge. we do believe based on the information we have, we believe the person that shot and killed our officers, is the opinion that was shot and killed at the scene. we in law enforcement ask the public to stay vigilant. >> they are able to get information coming in real time to identify the suspect, they say the person is the only person involved in this incident and saying they do nut believe there is an additional active shooting threat in the area which is a relief to the people in the community and the intelligence gathering will continue with being able to find out exactly the back ground and
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what happened with the individual and any associations he may have. >> during that press conference the police chief came out and said it is not active but ongoing telling you that the shooter was dead and the two we originally thought there were two more. but my concern is according to the reports, he came from cabs cabs. across state lines to come and shoot and kill cops. there seems to be, my opinion only, an all out war on law enforcement. it has to stop the by agree with the president and the governor and i agree with the law enforcement. >> what we saw in dallas was a man, a black man who said he was shooting and wanted to shoot white officers after what took place in baton rouge. and minneapolis. now we have someone traveling to baton rouge to stage the attack. clearly he was dressed in all black with the face covered so he was ready for some kind of
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military-style assault. he may have had a marine military background. the key point here is not to lose sight of the grievance of people like senator scott, a black senator from south carolina is clear this is a legitimate grievance but you cannot extend it to acts of violence that destabilizes our entire society and take us to anarchy. >> what about communications do reach out for unity? >> the president tried to do that. he has six months in the administration. it is not smooth sailing the last six months. this is rebel something that will rise to the top of the priority list, not what anyone wants to focus on. all the interesting thing about rebound in this case is that he is asking americans to change their behavior. it is always going to be our problem. these things are our problem. we have been let down on the war
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on terror and the protection of owe law enforcement so what kind of behavior does the president, is the president asking from us? the law-abide people, what does he want? it is bad news for jihadist and cop killers because they are outgunned and outmatched by the rest of america and in the president is expecting us to change our behavior because he can't fight the battle, what is he insinuating? he is insinuating we must fight for our sexes? he is saying, go to it, i can't handle this. >> next on a lighter note, but, again, to remember the victims and their families today, we took a road trip to the first convention and we will show you some of what we have been up to since we left on friday night. back in a moment.
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>> police are shot, terrorists are attacked, and we took a bus to cleveland, and we have been to parks and county fairs and zoo, an odd juxtaposition, but, also, its is important. for anxiety is building weekly, and it is important we keep on, life goes on, even when in some places it has changed forever. it is also fitting to see america as well focused on the most important decisions this country will make in a longs long time. it is our bursting of our own new york bubble to see how americans are seeing the world and how they experience this election. the state troopers, the dedicated parents, chaperoning the baseball teams and dance groups and bus and drunk drivers, small businessmen, selling everything, from funnel cake to deep fried funnel cake and the producers and crew who ask if no glory and get a last grief from us. they are on the ground while we
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are on air. it is important to remind ourselves the true joys in life are community driven people coming together, and sharing their time and their appreciation for the things that some of us take for granted. when we leave the manhattan canyons of steel and find those people with work the land and then we find the root are us and the reality is them. this is our trip. i hope you enjoy it as much as we did. [ inaudible ] i like the wine cup holder. >> i love my gift bag...
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>> these are really good gifts. are we there yet? that is the question for glen. bowling green...going to wake up there. i could put greg on-the-spot, he actually wrote a country song. ♪ i once met a girl ♪ i couldn't quit her ♪ then she left me ♪ found out on twitter >> what flavor is yellow bubblegum? >> help monday lime. >> look at that, my lord, look at this: they boarded a bus to
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cleveland. they are giving us a look at one of their two week road trip. how is it going? >> it is really cool it is like having our own cozy kind of... of...den all live together. >> we are watching you! how are you doing, buddy? >> here we go. >> cotton candy, baby. breakfast. >> this is the breakfast of champions light here.
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we are having a challenge. >> this sport is a lot like doing tv it takes a lost balls. we all get a prize. >> in america, everybody gets a prize. that is why we are going to heck. >> everybody's a winner. >> talk about being in the no spin zone. right, america? >> over here, eric.
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>> first up, those are reasonable the bet bumper cars. ever. >> but you went the ring way. >> he doesn't know how to drive. >> you don't drive a lot in new york. >> i was good at bumper cars by accident. he was so bad. >> i was taking people out. >> it was impressive. >> and that is just the first 12 hours of our trip. >> yeah. >> more to come. >> it was fun. i did win a sporting event, a skeet ballgame. >> crush it. >> it wasn't close. >> i love t ball. i won the second. he won the first i won the second. >> was so spot on,
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everything going on in the world, you need a minute to take a breather and have a little bit of fun and we will get back. >> what i find you call home and you realize, and they made the same expense, life goes on. people are living their lives as much as we are focused on the difficulty of the moment and crazy ranches like from gleg, not only do you have to work at creating peace and stronger communities and relationships with police, but life goes on and people need to understand, for example, with us, we human beings and friends and working across all kinds of heinz here politically and otherwise, and we are all americans. that message of unity is key and what we have experienced. >> it is important when you talk to the fees, i got a nice e-mail from a prosecutor i worked with, a husband and an officer and my uncircle was chief of police and you have to understand they get up like we do in the morning have hopes and dreams and
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families and little kids that want them to come home and read them a bedtime story or eat cereal with them in the morning and it is devastate the rhetoric is so divisive on police officers that those would protect and serve are the targets. it has to step. >> we have to take a break with more from our road trip ahead. we went to an agricultural fair year...kimberly kissed a pig. and so did i. trust me. >> necessity live me better. ♪ then i saw her face ♪ now i'm a believer ♪ not a trace ♪ or doubt in my mind ♪ i'm in love
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♪ like an old banjo >> we are in cleveland arriving a few hours ago after a fun, fun, two day on the road. one stop was at an agricultural fair and kimberly was awarded the agree champion of good sports. wait as hoot. here are highlights. hi, everybody. hi, everybody. how are you? >> hi, guys. >> small, chocolate. >> a small twist. >> got it. >> thank you. >> this is my favorite.
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>> pat city a democrat in the middle of this, someone who votes with her brain. >> i cannot get any further. >> we are outnumbered. i am a lucky guy. >> what are these? >> miniature horses. >> where we come from these are standard horses. >> cute. can i hold him? >> looks like somebody got your goat! easy. easy. easy. you have to go through here. like this. a lot like o'reilly factor.
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she did not even get it on her nails. amazing. this is greg... >> been doing this for years. not with a goat, though. >> our first annual celebrity... >> where are celebrities? >> get next to the pig called gorbachev. >> how long before the big ends up on plate? >> my gosh... >> so, this will be the first for me, have been married twice. >> maybe i will do better with pigs. >> that is harder than a friday night date. i tell you that much.
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whoa? >> get it? >> that was a kiss? >> a kiss! >> thank you! oh my gosh. whoa!
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it was a wonderful time to be in derry, pennsylvania, and the little girl who helped us to make a get, that is charity. a lovely girl amount last personality. what was it like kissing a pig? you were the best sport. you went for it. >> i got it the first time, and somehow they always want more so...i was on familiar ground there and i felt like the big warmed up to me at the end because i got a couple of pecks in at the end. never done that >> don't know in i will have a habit. >> like being in treasure america? >> the best part wasening in the monster truck when kimberly dug her fingernails into my thigh and thought it was an armrest during turbulence and i not, my
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god, she is ripping skin and she does not let go until we pulled up. >> again, familiar theme, you asked for more. >> true. >> you were a good sport. >> you loved it. >> beautiful, the people that came out amazing, they brought us local things. all the blueberries were fantastic. >> beer. all the salami. they found salami. >> the berries and the salami --. >> is it still on the bus? >> yes, it is still on the business... >> i thought, what, i don't want to do a roller coaster so i did mutt have to do a roller coaster but we had to do the tilt a wheel and someone actually texted and said is that because they are all right and you were tilted? no, no, no, we had fun and we did the monitor trues up-and-down, and the because, we were going through the hills of pennsylvania and my gosh...the
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road was like pollstergeist. >> we were at the instagram place yesterday, today, and it was fun. we went to the zoo this morning in columbus and we rode camels. you will find out who didn't tomorrow. before we go, we went to the oval office, the ingraham oval office, it was great. tune in tomorrow you will see more of our happenings from the trip. switching gears, back to a very serious issue in baton rouge the deadly shooting and more police officers early today we will have more on that in a moment.
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♪ 3, 2, 1 [whispered 'rocket']
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originally. it is not clear what his motivation was. authorities say that he was the gunman and shot six police officers and killed three. two were baton rouge officers, one a deputy, and they are combing for answers, president obama addressed the nation today saying that his thoughts and his prayers are with the families that have been torn apart. juan? >> thank you, will. i have looked, are we in, given we are at the convention for a summer of violence? >> that is what i was wondering in law enforcement or position of leadership you have to figure out do we have a trend? or do we have one off incident, a copycat of what happened in dallas. we do not know the answers. law enforcement not only have to think about that but intelligence-gathering is difficult, local law enforcement works well and interrogate intelligence gathering is important especially in this situation where you have someone coming from out-of-state to
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baton rouge to commit the crime. >> what about the idea of protests, black lives matter protests are continuing, and likely to be on the scene here? >> i would hope, i am horrified what is going on. >> a everyone. >> officers being gunned down on a weekly basis. black lives matter and anyone who wants to protest police should give it a rest. back off the there is a time and place but figure out, as greg mentioned, what is president obama suggesting? he needs to come up with a plan and if we all agree enforce the plan but the killing has to stop. >> take ownership of the situation, i am sorry to say i am grieving for the family membersbut how do we get to the this point, as an officer of the law i think of the obligations and responsibility and find a political and devicive department of justice much >> more shootings of black
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people than of police officers and we need to come to grips. >> you that is very inaccurate. >> it is not. >> when people don't take a second to look at the facts they get locked in on one side. >> have to look --. >> one more thing. next. you're here to buy a car.
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>> now from cleveland, juan kicks it off. the best thing of the bus stop is meeting people. here i am with hattie, having fun with me at penn state. at festival. a democrat. we have someone from new florence who votes with her brain. that is insulting. >> in front of funnel cakes! >> so much fun and her mother was running the whole derry festival so her mom and dad and sister, the festival was tremendous. an education for the city slickers. >> we have had fun with video and tomorrow we will see more on the visit to the columbus zoo but this morning, i did a video of greg explaining his take on the giraffes.
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>> i'm in tv collect things. i have giraffes, i have gorilla gorillas, i have wildbeast, but that is what new york star anchors do, we have a lot of animals... >> there is more where that came from but it is fabulous and we had a great day at the columbus zoo. greg? time for greg's medical tips. >> hard to do that on is the thing, i give advice but i am asking the viewers for advise. i'm on a bus, and i get up and drink a lot of coffee and i needed a vice on digestion tips. i have tried to be as clean...i like to make it comfort for everyone so you can have a good, you can feel good on the bus.
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>> are you all stopped up? >> it is --. >> we need to breathe. >> in anyone has interesting tip on dealing with what goes in and what...a commercial product? >> no product works. >> do you watch fantasy island? >> go ahead. >> now, something charming, i call it kimberly of sunnybrook farm. i love the agriculture farm, i want to uc davis and dana and i got to hold the little get. and, also, making...see that? so cute, and mying a goat, there is a tremendous technique to it and maybe you are not used to it. this little girl, charity is adoorable and her mother wakes
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up each morning to make the goats it was nice to get in touch with our partners and see everyone. fantastic. >> i want to take a minute with all that is going on with law enforcement a couple of people who are very special to us on way here, the first picture is former penn state troopers that came out and took care of us and walked us around, and a couple of guys who kept us safe onounte and jimmy, right here, did a great job making sure everything was good. fantastic job. instagram...we will talk about that dome. >> we did the instagram mini oval office and we talked to the guy would runs it, john. john parker. parker. i think it is parker. he runs the media. he give us good information on how the candidates at the convention are using social media to get cross the finish
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behind. >> we have to go. you will never miss an episode, that is it for cleveland and we will see you tomorrow for day one of the rnc. >> this is a fox news alert, coming to you, tonight, from cleveland, i am bret baier, the cleveland convention from is less than a mile from the republican national convention starting tomorrow. we will have the political news in a moment. first, another multiple killing of police officers. >> officer down. officer down. officer down. a city officer is down. shots fired. shot fired. why know where they are shootin' from. >> that was 9-1-1 call this morning in baton rouge, that larks the site of the fatal police shooting of an african-american man less than two weeks ago, but, today three officers are


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