tv Fox and Friends First FOX News July 21, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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it is thursday, july 21st, night three of the republican national convention in the books. but not without some drama. >> god bless each and every one of you and god bless the united states of america. >> you can hear the crowd exploding this into chants, booing him off the stage for refusing to support donald trump. you're watching fox and friends first. the fourth and final day, if you can believe it, of the
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republican national convention. >> another exciting night in cleveland. as we look right now at the quicken loans arena, pretty empty right now. the theme today, make america one again. tonight the republican nominee himself donald j. trump taking center stage. >> everybody waiting for that. but it was mike pence's time to shine last night and the governor accepted the vice presidential nomination and made the case for donald trump capping off a night of rousing speeches calling for party unity. >> oprah winfrey's father was asked about if he ever in envisioned running for the president of the united states. and his answer, only if it got so bad that i have no choice. >> after a spirited rally, the time for fighting is over.
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it's time to win in november. >> we should all, even all you boys with wounded feelings and bruised egos, you must honor your pledge to support donald trump now. tonight. >> we're fighting not for one particular candidate or one campaign, but because each of us wants to be al to tell our kids and grabbnd kids that we did ou best for their future. to those listening, please don't stay home this november. stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. >> i think you misunderstood one paragraph. ted cruz said you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution.
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in this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. to paraphrase ted cruz, if you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible candidate this fall is the trump/pence republican ticket. >> i accept your nomination to run and serve as vice president of the united states of america. . donald trump gets it. he's his open man. distinctly american. he's a man known for a large personality, a colorful style and lots of charisma. and so i guess he was just looking for some balance on the ticket. hillary clinton wants a better title and i would, too, if i was already america's secretary of the status quo. we can choose a leader who will fight every day to make america great again. it's change versus status quo.
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and my fellow republicans, when donald trump becomes president of the united states of america, the change will be -- huge. you have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down, a fighter, a winner. until now, he's had to do it all by himself against all odds, but this week with this united party he's going back up and on november 8th, i know we will elect donald trump to be the 45th president of the united states of america. >> an exciting night. let's get right to peter doocy live for us in cleveland with more on the big drama from last night. peter. >> good morning. >> reporter: good morning. and senator ted cruz didn't tell people to vote for donald trump. he told people to vote their conscience and it got him booed
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off the stage. >> stand conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. >> reporter: trump appeared in the crowd during the cruz speech drawing a lot of attention away from the stage and he says he's not surprised by the way things went down, tweeting, quote, wow, ted cruz got booed off the stage. didn't honor the pledge. i saw the speech two hours early, but let him speak anyway. no big deal. and the texas senator was classless for refusing to endorse the republican nominee. it reveals the real divisions that exist within the party even though cruz loyalists failed to stage a revolt this week. and if anyone is curious as to what cruz might be up to, he sent a fund raising e-mail right after fueling speculation that he was run in 2020 for president
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even if trump wins this time. but his fight didn't go off without a hitch, there were very distracting technical glitches on the computerized backdrop behind ted cruz and cruz ally, ken cuccinelli, says he ended up escorting hieidi cruz out of th arena because hecklers with getting after her upset about what her husband said on stage. >> a lot of upset people last night. >> we'll see what today holds in store. thank you, peter. let's bring in our political panel to react to last night. cathy lynn taylor and david avella, thank you both for being here. good morning. in hello. >> good morning from cleveland. great to be here. >> great to see you. cathy, i'll start with you. you know a lot of people are talking about the speeches. this is really the first time that many people have heard from
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the vice presidential candidate mike pence. what was your reaction to him and how do you think the country will take in what he said? >> with all the controversy last night, there was only one person on that stage to whom people were looking for for 2020, and that was not ted cruz. it was governor mike pence. he did an outstanding job. he had a lot to accomplish last night. it was a very tall order. because not everybody as he said knows a lot about governor pence. he had to introduce himself to america, he had to introduce his family to america and he had to make a jen win case as to why he accepted donald trump's offer and why he assumed donald tru s. it was a great night for donald trump i thought. >> even talking about his son in military life. >> and showing his mom. that was a wonderful moment. >> she was crying. i love that. >> and david, something else that governor pence has to do, he has to bridge the divide and bring the party together, that
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is one of the things that they're hoping he can do. also get some of the other voters in the swing states, some of the independents to come over. do you think he managed to do any of that this evening? >> he showed why donald trump picked him. he was confident, he had a grasp of the issues facing america, he was funny. and most importantly, he came across as someone that should he have to step up and be president of the united states, he could fill the role. excellent job by mike pence last night. and now it's on to -- i'm not sure how much the campaign will use him in swing states. typically the vice president campaigns in the states to ralyi the base. so he'll probably be spending a lot of time in places that you kind of alluded to, making sure the base is fired up and ready to support our nominee and that it will be donald trump working to get the support of undecided
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voters. >> well, tonight -- i can't believe we're here -- donald trump giving his final speech at the convention. cathy, what do you happy to hear from him? he still has people he needs to convince. he's speaking to the independent voter, even democrats who aren't sure about hillary clinton. >> well, i think one of the things that works so well in donald trump's favor in this convention so far was that the speakers have built a case about someone who is doing this because he really believes in america, not because he has to do it, but because he wants to do it because he hasn't seen another option. and he will fight for the people. we've heard that theme over and over, that he empowers the people around him to the best of their abilities. and i think governor pence made that case last night, his sons and tiffany certainly made that case. i'm looking for him to continue to make that case it for himself tonight. and the other thing i think voters are looking for, we've seen a transformation during
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this convention around c conservati conservativism, we're speaking about republican policies that is about tradeoffs and benefits to the american people. i thought the speakers in this convention have done that remarkably well. donald trump needs to continue that conversation with the american people and voters this evening. he's talking about conservative principles in a way that is meaningful to them and genuine coming from him and that will help him a long, long way, do an awful lot for him. >> and david finally wrapping it up with you, he also needs to show them what will happen when he does become president if that is the case. >> that's exactly right. this is the most important speech of the entire convention. voters have to know, undecided voters, have to know what will it be like after donald trump has been president for four years. and this is his opportunity to lay out what his vision is what issues he will focus on and
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whatis idwhat his ideas are for moving america forward. it will be an exciting night. love him or hate him, people tune into donald trump. it will be the highest rated presidential speech in history tonight. >> that is a good prediction. i think there will be a lot of people watching. all right. we'll see you soon. thanks for joining us. and we want to hear from everyone at home as well. what did you think of the speeches last night? sends your comments on facebook, twitter, or send an e-mail, as well. the time is 12 after the hour. the american flag set on fire as protests rage outside the rnc. and pete demanded answers from g demonstrators. >> and the question now, how does the gop win in november. scott brown joins us live to weigh in.
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welcome back. and a good early morning to you. night three of the rnc certainly not without drama as ted cruz is booed off the stage for failing to endorse donald trump. >> here to react, scott brown. thank you for joining us once again early this morning. >> sure. happy to be here. >> so what did you think about that, booing him while giving his speech, donald trump appearing from nowhere. what was your take on all of that? >> you know, kind of like i was watching the fbi director comey almost indict hillary clinton. ted cruz is laying out this great presentation as to how we need to unite, vote our conscience, fight against hillary and then at the very end, he just says well, thank, see you later. i think he missed a great opportunity. he could have missed something like and we need to support our
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nominee and take back the white house, but he couldn't do that. and it was very disappointing. and i think it was appropriate for him to be booed. and i think the next question, so how do we unite the party, i think this actually unites the party even more. it shows the people outside this convention what donald trump has been up against. you have guys who have given their word that they will endorse. kasich, you crcruz and other, a typical washington inside baseball stuff, they don't do it. they're breaking their word and making it i think emboldening quite frankly people throughout the country to get behind donald trump. from and some of cruz's aides, reports that his aides themselves were making this late push about in hours up to this trying to get him to endorse donald trump. >> and you know this as a politician, ted cruz is quite a savvy politician. he knows exactly what he's doing saying vote with your conscience. and now hillary clinton has already tweeted out, yes, vote
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with your conscience. what is ted cruz wanting out of all this? it seems like he's wanting to be like a ronald reagan, losing will this time but running again in 2020. >> i think he's hurt his chances. i think had he done like i said, you know, therefore we endorse the nominee, doesn't even need to say we, we collectively means if he said that, i believe he would have parlayed himself into a fan fast tick position in 2020. right now the person who has done that is mike pence. so you have a very interesting dynamic even with hillary tweeting, it doesn't matter what she says, she's a layer, people don't trust her, she don't like her. the indictment by the fbi speaks volumes. week will be grasping at even more vicious than you've seen this week. >> and that's what we've heard, that it's perhaps been too vicious and sncentered on attacking hillary clinton. what do we need do unified or not the gop to win in november?
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>> well, certainly you have to get more votes and i would recommend to donald that he focuses on the electoral colleges, not only the ones that are mitt romney won and in play, but you can still go after maine, new hampshire, get a couple more there. it will be that close i believe. ultimately massachusetts this play, as well. so there are states that are on the border. i would go cu focus on the electoral college, the ones up for grabs. a way it to put your resources to work. >> sounds like you'll be a busy man the next few months. thanks for taking some of that time to join us this morning. >> all right, guys. well, the time is almost 20 after the top of the hour. and america's symbol of freedom up in this flames as protests turn violent at the rnc. >> tell me why you hate this
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welcome back to "fox & friends first." clashes in cleveland. 18 people arrested in the rock and roll capital of the world including a protester who lit an american flag on fire. >> pete hegseth was right in the middle of the action and he joins us now. this is crazy stuff. you got right in the thick of things. >> infuriating. >> yeah, we were right in the middle of it, there was lighter fluid spraying all over the place and demonstration of
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violence an anti-americanism. and i had to find out why these protesters were burning the flag that i and so many others fought to protect. check out, well, what they had to say. >> reporter: it started with one guy that started a small circle probably a step people in black t-shirts chanting and they started to pull out a flag and to try to light it. which is why there is a safety reason. you have to expand the perimeter or else you'll light the whole crowd on fire. why do you think we should burn a flag? nothing? silence? >> america was never great. >> reporter: this is an up lawful protest. god bless our police officers. we're going to move back because we like the cops here, so we're going to let them do their work, but we're going to keep asking questions. why do you hate america? >> i'm a veteran. >> appreciate your service.
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why do you hate america? if you're an afghanistan veteran, why do you hate america? nothing? apparently an afghanistan veteran, i'll take him at his word, doesn't want to answer questions. hates america even though he wore the flag. he fought to defend our rights, and i fought to defend our right, and now he's here because he hates it. sir, why do you hate this flag? tell me why you hate the flag. tell me to my face why you hate this flag. >> [ bleep ] you and america. >> anyone else who hates america want to talk to me? >> do i hate america? yes. >> what other country would you like to go to where you wouldn't have a right to protest like this? >> i want to make america great again. >> you hate this country. >> because it has yet to be great. >> so it has yet to be great, but you won't go anywhere else? >> why would i go anywhere else? >> reporter: why would he go anywhere elsewhere he has the freedom do just this where cops
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he claims are killers are the ones who protect him. you are one of the most privileged people in america. do you understand that when the police protect even, and they main taken the rule of law, it keeps you safe even if they're not standing right next to you? have you ever thought about that? >> i'm generally privileged and i recognize that, but not nearly as much as a lot of the people out here. >> reporter: you were going to say me, right? >> well, goes without saying, right? >> reporter: well, yes, apparently it goes without saying. a lot of help didn't really know exactly what -- weren't as informed as you'd think a protester might be. unfortunately that flag was not the only one destroyed. later on in the evening another protester attempted to burn an american flag. she was arrested for inciting violence. >> and we're watching this just completely stunned over here. what at the end of the day are they so upset about? it seemed like it was tough to get any answers.
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>> reporter: it's old school leftist grievances, we're a fascist racist country built on colonialism and all the isms they want to point to. but when you press them, they don't realize how great they have it, how special this nation is. and as a result they're just trying to get attention and ultimately our police did such a fantastic job on the ground. they moved swiftly, they moved with purpose, they were defending the very people who hate them. a lot of those people carrying cop killer signs. police didn't care, they did their thing. and i was proud to watch the police act the way they did. true professionals. in and one of the gentlemen, i don't even want to call him a gentleman, but one of the people there who burn abouted the flag known for doing that and it's because of him that burning the flag is protected by, what, free speech? >> reporter: that's right, he burped the flag in -- he was arrested in 1984 for burning a flag at a convention and ultimately overturnedthe flag i
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arrested in 1984 for burning a flag at a convention and ultimately overturned affirming that burning the flag is something constitutionally protected. so he's attempting to reignite that again. but when you light a flag at an unlawful protest and there is lighter fluid and being sprayed around, that is a potential danger for a lot of people. i got some splashed on me. so the cops moving as quickly as they did, probably saved a lot more injuries. >> and we're proud of for you highlighting all of that was. >> reporter: got bless our cops. >> absolutely. the time 28 after the hour. donald trump's right hand man taking center stage to rally republicans last night. did he help seal the deal for the ticket come november? and hillary clinton finalizing her decision for a running mate. who is on the new short list and how her pick will impact the race.
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i accept your nomination to run and serve as vice president of the united states of america. >> good morning. it is thursday, july 21st. and a big night for indiana governor pike pence mike pence accepts the nomination. >> and night three of the republican national convention in the books, but not without some drama. >> god bless each and every one of you and god bless the united states of about america p [ crowd booing ] >> the crowd exploding into chants, booing ted cruz off the stage for refusing to endorse the republican nominee donald trump. >> good morning, you're watching "fox & friends first" on this fourth and final day of the republican national convention. i'm abby huntsman. >> and i'm heather childers. thank you for joining us. a live look for you at the quicken loans arena where the final day will kick off in just a few hours.
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the theme, make american one again. tonight the republican nominee himself, donald j. trump, taking center stage. >> and another big night last night filled with rousing speeches calling for party unity. >> oprah asked my father if he ever envisioned running for the presidency of the united states. his answer? only if it got so bad that i had no choice. well, ladies and gentlemen, that day has come. >> to those listening, please, don't stay home in november. stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faith it will to tful to constitution. >> i think you misunderstood one paragraph ted cruz said. you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution. in this election, there is only
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one candidate who will uphold the constitution. to paraphrase ted cruz, if you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible candidate this fall is the trump/pence republican ticket. >> you have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down, a fighter, a winner. until now he's had to do it all by himself against all odd, but this week with this united party he's got back up and on november 8th, i know that we will elect donald trump to be the 45th president of the united states of america. our political panel joins us live from cleveland with reaction to the big moments from last night. >> we welcome dr. gee that loudoun and careen jaun pierre.
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thanks for being up with us. for a lot of americans, it was the first time they heard from mike pence, the vp candidate. >> i think he did a great job and i think the contrast going from ted cruz who was anything but states manly, anything but gracious, anything but what we wants a a party leader and then going to mike pence and confirms that he's first a christian, conservative and republican, and i thought it made a strong distinction between the factions. >> and confirming that i'm not well-known. >> and as you were watching ted cruz's speech, were you picking out elements that you could use no the testimony he can campaign? hillary clinton obviously her folks were, were they already
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are using it.hillary clinton ob folks were, were they already are using it. >> unfoornly trtunately the tru campaign stepped on on this once again. they knew ted cruz wasn't going to endorse and i don't understand why he would give him a prime time slot with the unknown. and we saw what happened last night. and so i think what it showed is the ineptness of the campaign and it was really unfortunate for mike pence. >> united or not, dr. loudoun, what does seem to be true across the board among all the speakers is attacking hillary clinton. we've heard hillary clinton is crooked, a liar, we heard from mike pence that she was the status quo secretary of state. of course she's looking for another job. what attack will be most effective against her? her dece.
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everybody knows that they cannot believe that she is what she says she is. and i think everyone knows that she's packaged, she's a politician, ceashe's the strong establishment candidate i think we may have ever had running for president. and donald trump is such an easy contrast. while she's saying woe is me, donald trump is always going to be saying woe is our enemies. america will be stronger is the message of donald trump. and she wants to talk about victimhood and division. so i think that the contrast is stronger than ever and i think that the message last night was even more clear. and i think that what ted cruz did was a shot in to his own foot. i think it ended his political career probably forever in the republican party glp and he thinks he just started it. >> looking ahead to 2020. well, karine, looking ahead to tonight, what does donald trump need to do, does he need to continue the attacks on hillary clinton? >> well, i think what voters want to hear is what are you
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going to do for them. it's not just what are you against, right? good to show contrast p. i totally understand. but what are the policies, how are you going to make america great again. what is it? what are you putting forth, what is it about the economy that needs to be done so that american people are feeling it? so i think that is what he needs to do. he needs to give real clear, clear, very clear policies for americans to actually look at and take in. >> and dr. loudoun, the dnc is just a few days away now. what do you expect to hear from hillary clinton? obviously she's thinking about how to respond to what has been said about her. >> all right voready vote yourc. >> she will have big questions to answer. the american people thinking that she's a problem, that nobody buys what went on with the whole investigation, i think people believe that the e-mail
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scandal, there was so much g deception in that. and i don't think that her policy that she has laid out is nearly as strong as that of the trump/pence ticket. they are talking about jobs, the economy, restoring manufacturing. their points are what america is looking for where everything i've heard from hillary clinton is about more spending, more regulation, more taxation. they have had 7 1/2 years to make all of that stuff work and it's all gotten worse. >> karine, your final thoughts on what you expect to hear next week. >> i think the big stark difference is that we'll see a unified front. we'll have the president of the united states, vice president, first lady, all behind hillary clinton. and she'll be talking about real policy issues that matter to american people, whether college affordability, increasing minimum wage and increasing also
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social security, expanding social security. that is what will happen and that's what we'll see next week from the democratic national convention. >> we shall see. all right. careen jean pierre, dr. loudoun, thank you so much. the time is about 20 until the top of the hour. and time to shine. mike pence, governor pence, taking center stage at the rnc. >> he's a man known for a large personality, a colorful style and lots of charisma. and so i guess he was looking for some balance on the ticket. >> why our next guest says this man could be the ticket to the gop's victory come november. stick with us.
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there seems to be so many things that divide us. so few great purposes that unite us as they once did. and it's at moments like this, moments when politics fail, that i believe we do well to remember that what unites us far exceeds anything that sets us apart in america. >> governor mike pence focusing on bringing the country and the party together, but did his speech help? >> hear to weigh in, morgan ortagus. thanks for being with us. >> so this was mike's time to shine and he's someone that likes to write his speeches himself. it hit a lot of different notes about his family, about how a lot of people don't know who he
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is, kind of laughing about that, but also talking about the importance of unity and bringing the party together. what was your reaction to it? >> for me, mike pence was the star of the week. i thought that he was warm, he was engaging, he had self-deprecating humor. and i really thought he was the perfect balance for trump. i know of him, i actually had not heard phim speak many times before this week, but i thought wow, what a smart pick. i think what he gave a lot of people in the room was the confidence that this was going to be the conservative ticket that maybe some of the people on the fence were looking for. and i was sitting next to a few people who had also not heard
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mike pence speak before and they were really blown away just by how genuine and sincere that he came across. so i think it's a perfectly balanced ticket. >> i loved how they put the camera on his mom when he was talking about her and she was just shaking her head watching him as if she was just in disbelief that that was her son up there. and listen to this. >> grew up on the front row of the american dream. my grandfather immigrated to this country. i was raised in a small town in southern indiana in a big family with a cornfield in the backyard. although we weren't really a political family, heros of my youth were president john f. kennedy and the reverend dr.
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martin luther king jr. >> so morgan, what is not to like about that. >> one of the things that i thought was brilliant about what pence did last night is there was two things that i think i was looking for as a political analyst and i think a lot of people were looking for and that was i wanted to see trump unite the party, unite conservatives around him, but also some of the earlier rhetoric against hillary clinton was pretty divisive and the criticism is probably fair. however, needed to give us something that we are voting for, not just something that we're voting against. when he talked about the heros of his youth, president kennedy, dr. king, these are people that inspired hope in the american people that wanted us to be bigger and better america than he we are today. so i think he hit the nail on the headed there and he presented the reason why you should vote for a trump/pence ticket and not just against hillary clinton. that is ultimately i think what people need when coming out to the polls. >> even his style to speak is so different than donald trump. he took a lot of time in his speech to focus on donald trump, making it clear that he is the number two on that ticket. and now hillary clinton, the dnc in just a few days now, she's thinking about her running mate. how much will mike pence impact her choice? she said she wants someone with national security experience. >> i think the number one thing for a vp pick should be do no
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harm. it should not be someone that takes away from the candidate who is flashier than the did, that's why i think trump's choice in mike pence was brilliant. for hillary, it's rumored that tim kaine is on the top of the list, but looking to add someone with national security, but to be quite frank, even though she has experience in national security, the record there when it comes to benghazi, when it comes to isis, you know, festering in iraq after troops pulled out there under her watch as secretary of state, it's perhaps not the greatest record to run on. so i'm not surprised that she's looking for someone with a national security mindset. similar to trump, i do not think that she will choose -- maybe i'm wrong, but i don't think that she will choose someone like elizabeth warren who is a bit flashier than her. i think a strong and steady choice and someone ultimately what mike pence did, was he supported the candidate and that's what hillary clinton will need. someone who is not undermining her, but supporting her and giving her the room to shine next week. >> she still needs to bring over
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all of the bernie sanders followers. that whole thing will take place next week. thank you, morgan. we'll have you back in the next hour, so don't go far. almost ten to the top of the hour. ivanka trump taking center stage tonight. what was it like growing up as the older daughter? >> no piercings outside of the ears. there were a lot of rules. but i think more than anything, he really tried to lead us by example. and he was disciplinarian, but i could get around it most often. >> we're live in cleveland with what we can expect for the grand finale tonight.
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we're now just hours away from the grand finale. can you believe that? it's gone by really fast. donald trump taking the stage at quickens arena to officially accept the nomination. >> and after a long primary, the theme make america one again tonight. rich as a preview of the rnc's final night. >> and the business of the final day of the republican national convention is business. businessman donald trump will give his speech as nominee of the republican party and the trump campaign is also highlighting those in the business community who support donald trump. that includes peter teal, the
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pay pal co-founder, facebook and tech inverse tore, also a libertarian who wants the government in the economy less. and also founder of colony capital told bloomberg the united states needs somebody that has a vision, that can inspire people, that can then take that vision and make it a reality. and also in the business community, his daughter ivanka. and ainsley spoke with ivanka earlier. >> i've worked with him for over a decade at the trump organization and i've really seen how he inspires all those around him. he sets big and lofty goals and then he encourages people to achieve them. >> the full exclusive interview airs later this morning, 6:15 on fox and friends. much of the trump economic plan focuses on a major tax cut. earlier the first it teration o
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the tax cut would cost about $10 trillion to the u.s. treasury. trump economic aides say they're working on that it a less generous tax cut. also the other thing they are talking about is trade deals and fewer trade deals and many republicans have been at odds with those in the trump campaign certainly over trade. >> a lot of people waiting for those specifics tonight. >> we'll all be watching. rich edson live for us. thanks. the time is about six until the top of the hour. making the case for racism in america. >> there is not one person in this room who can deny that historically black lives have mattered less. my life mattered less. >> do the voters agree? the brand new dials just in.
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>> you can hear the crowd there exploding in to chants, booing ted cruz off the stage. >> good morning. you're watching fox and friends first, fourth and final day of the republican national convention. i'm heather childers. >> and i'm has been abby abby huntsm huntsman. today's theme make america one again and tonight the republican nominee himself donald j. trump taking center stage. >> but it was mike pence's time to shine last night as he accepted the vice presidential nomination and make the case for donald trump capping off a night of rousing speeches calling for unity. >> oprah winfrey asked my father if he ever envisioned running for the presidency of the united states. his answer?
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only if it got so bad that i had no choice. well, ladies and gentlemen, that day has come. >> after a long and spirited primary, the time for fighting each other is over. it's time to come together and fight for a new a new direction america. it is time to win in november. >> we should all, even all of you boys with wounded feelings and bruised egos, you must honor your pledge to support donald trump now. tonight. >> we are fighting not for one particular candidate or one campaign but because each of us wants to be able to tell our kids and grand kids we did our best for their future to those listening, please don't stay home in november, stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust
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