tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News July 22, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> it's 3:00 on the east coast, noon on the west coast, 9:00 p.m. in munich, germany. i'm shepard smith in new york. authorities in munich say there's a terrorist attack underway now in munich. at least six people have been murdered at the shopping mall that you see on your screen. there is now reason to believe, according to authorities, that the suspect escaped. possibly by subway system. possibly by other methods. and have gone to city center, where a mass terror alert is out. they have required citizens now and anyone who is there to shelter in place, go inside buildings. they've just sent out an alert they need doctors and nurses from all around, to converge on one particular hospital.
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they've asked that no one drive on the motorways that lead to and from the city, as tear trying to get emergency services and police into the city as ex-dishes --ed and dishly as possible. this is the location of the shopping center. we have -- some full screens were mentioned in our booth. these are pictures can we believe, of the gunman. we have two pictures of gunmen. it's possible these are two different gunmen. it's possible they are the same gunman in different locations. we're not equipped to make that determination but we have these two pictures of -- that's a gunman and the next one is a gunman and they're in different locations. want to show you the video know from outside a mcdonald's and is being shown on sky news. let's listen. okay. let play our own version.
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go. [gunfire] >> here is a screen cap. this has been blown up. the mcdonald's sign is no longer in the pick too so it's been frozen and cropped so we can give you that look, and now scenes from a short time ago. as people were attempting to evacuate the mall. the early reporting was this was a single incident at the mall and one gunman. we quickly got reports from eye witnesses of at least two gunmen. now authorities say they are officially seeking three gunmen. all believed to be armed with what is described to us as long rifles, and the police are under the working theory that they have left this mall, that the shooting at the mall is over,
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and that the gunmen have moved to another location, this is not say they have given the all-clear at the mall. they have not. there's the possibility someone could be hiding. you have to think what if one of the gunmen did not leave the area but is still here and is waiting to ambush us. that's true to pattern for these attacks. so often there's an attack in one location, they wait for authorities to come while sheltering, then come out and attack the authorities. history tells us that's a possibility, therefore the authorities themselves guard against such an eventuality. in the minutes after this is a tack there were reports of violence in city center in munich. we have hadding new further on the matter -- i'm sorry? read it to me, please. bavarian broadcaster says numerous highways north of munich have been sealed off now. they're asking people to leave the highways near munich.
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they've been sealed off for a number of reasons, according to the information that i first got. the first information from authorities is they were asking to be -- asking that authorities -- that people clear the roads so they cook coo -- could get emergency services in and out. which makes sense. there is possible there's some sort of police action? it is. one of our correspondents, texted to me now that it appears that the two still pictures we have are of the same person. this is obvious to us. it appears that way to us as well. but we cannot confirm that because we don't have that information from authorities. i can show you these pictures and let you draw your own conclusion. i can look at them and say it looks like the same person. that's note not the same as knowing it. that's why i'm not reporting it because i do not know it. know we have these pictures. know that authorities tell us there are as many as three gunmen and they're on the loose. i know authorities tell us six
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people are dead and numerous others wounded and that's what i can report with certainty at this hour. that's not to say this information will not change. it may. best i can do is report to -- report to our what authorities are reporting and that is tourist were asked to vacate the treats and its friday night, at five minutes past 9:00. the sun is just -- the sun has set but the light is leaving, and the streets of munich are virtually clear. we're still getting reports from some witnesses on scene who say that some people just were not aware. imagine you have your ipod on or your open music on and you're traveling in your car, you get to your location, haven't been listening to the radio or paying attention and you get to hotel where wor going to check in or the restaurant where you were going to have dinner, and sufferedly you realize that all chaos has broken loose. now, you look at these pictures and seems very calm.
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we're getting reports that certainly people who witnessed the shooting and were there when it happened, they moved quickly to trito get to shelter, to try to communicate with their families and get to a place where where they seemed safe. the aftermath of that and certainly witnessing these pictures we know they have serious problems but in the aftermath of the immediate move to shelter in place and get to a police of safety. we have not seen scenes of chaos at all. i'm confident that we will eventually get reports from eye witnesses of the early going when all of this is happening, and seems to be happening all around you, and certainly there would be chaos. imagine having your child in a mall on a friday night, and suddenly they start shooting things up. of course there's going to be a degree of chaos. but the pictures and reports we're receiving seem to indicate that residents of munich are going -- trying to be calm and do as authorities say, shelter in place, not drive only the motorway order the city streets,
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allowing authorities to move about and get their work done in an attempt to locate the shooters and to the best of my only the shooters have not been located. that may change and we hope it does but at this moment authorities are not telling us they believe they have the situation under control. in fact, they believe that they have an ongoing terror situation. and a mass attack alert has gone out. we have tara -- what is that? the president has -- we know that the president has been briefed on this and the president has now apparently spoken on this matter. new warning from police. this just from a couple of minutes ago. sent out by the french press agency, or afp, munich police warp of, quote, acuter terror situation, more helicopters have arrived are and circling over the city.
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all motorists have been asked to avoid the motorways leading to munich in order to allow emergency services vehicle safe passage. the calls for doctors and nurses have just been re-issued. according to german correspondent on scene, to report to the hospital where the initial injured had been taken. apparently to the degree that they were not staffed well enough, at least at that moment to handle the amount of casualties which were coming in, as they put out a request for more doctors. sky news -- tara mueller is available. sky news with somewhat new developments. >> -- with the heads of foreign affairs departments and ministers of defense in washington, washington to teal with the international threat pose it be the so-called islamic state. that's one group of many that use the tactic of terror to try to spread their ideology, get attention,.
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>> -- in this case to try too boost recruitment. >> also time for people of munich and the german government, we have to find who is responsible and show a spotlight. >> if, for example, this is an act of right-wing terror and they're get can increasing reports he has been yelling abuse about refugees. if it that is confirmed it flows from the refugee crisis and from germany's very open armed response to the cries. if it is ascribed mallet toy islamic terrorist groups ex-then clearly those who are opposed to moving the refugee into germany will no doubt exploit that to make their own political points but won't be -- it hasn't always -- in fact it's fairly rarely been the case that actual refugees have perpetrated any
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kind of terrorist attack. >> i'm set to bring in maximilian in munich and has taken refuge with the police. describe what you have experienced there. >> reporter: me and my girlfriend were just -- hello to all, first of all. we were just waiting for our train next to the central station in a restaurant. waiting for our train to pass. and suddenly everybody started to run, started to cry, and police heavily armed policemen were passing by, and everybody -- yeah -- crying and shouting and complete chaos. and we jumped out of the window. we didn't -- i don't know if there was a shooting actually. we're now safe but we don't have any information what is going on. we just told not to go on the streets and hear police all over the place in the city --
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>> brand new -- shepard smith in new york now. brand now and just in police spokesman -- the munich police spokesman says the shooters are still on the run, and he use the word "shooters" that same spokesman says they're now uncertain the number of dead and wounded in the shooting. this is to pattern like clockwork, there are initial reports that come from scenes most often from police who witnessed deaths, who come out with a number, one police officer will see three, another police officer will see three, the authorities will add that together and say six, and then they realize, they don't know exactly what they're talking about because this scene is larger than they thought, and it's more complicated and confusing than they thought. now it's believed to be multiple locations and the official word now from munich police is uncertain the number of dead and wounded in the shooting. absolutely true to pattern. we'll know soon enough. the numbers are not as important as the alert of the moment and that is, gunmen believed to be
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multiple gunmen, have carried out an attack on a mall. those gunmen, according to police, are believed to still be on the run. they're not in custody. and an active terror emergency is underway now in one of germany's great cities. continuing to listen to sky news reporting and a witness from the scene. >> -- chaos here. the police don't really know what is going on and we see heavily armed policeman here nearby and as far as i know, they didn't catch them yet. we should wait here and wait for things to come. >> a shocking thing to witness on a friday evening, in a major city. what is the mood of those there with you? how are they feeling? >> i mean, i work for sky in germany. i was just going home from work and we wanted to take a train to go to berlin, to meet a couple
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of friends, just a normal friday evening, people sitting outside. it was nice weather. now it's iraning. but it was nice weather, and people in the restaurants. we have some huge music festivals in the city going on, couple of friends of mine went there today, and now it's completely empty. city -- i tala couple of americans and brazilins. everybody is crying. they don't know what is going on. trying to get their families -- waiting for things to develop. >> you say people are trying to get in touch with their families. are communication systems still -- obviously you're on the phone to us but are people to communicate? >> yeah. the americans didn't have any connection but they were, like we were, hundred people inside the police station, and they told to us get off the windows and nothing was working, but i think now you -- i'm speaking to
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you, so i think everybody -- the connection is working well again, but inside the police station there's still -- i don't know -- a couple of hundred people waiting there, and nothing is going on and we are trying to get some water bottles from the restaurants nearby to get to them. yeah. it's scary here. >> this is a city which of course in germany, known for the civil attitude. the people felt like they should be on their guard ahead of today? should be aware? >> no. nobody was aware of that. of course, you hear about brussels, you hear about nice and everybody is shocked, but i was sitting next couple of americans and they just arrived in munich and planned to go to a euro trip and wanted to go home.
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they want to go home back to their families. of course, it's another thing if you witnessing something like this and hiding under a employing car. it's actually happening just next to you in your -- in the up to where you're living. so that's actually something else if you hear -- of course in brussels, nice, that's nearby, that's in europe, france, belgium, but of course it's another thing now, and nobody -- of course, there was a thing that could happen, everybody enough that, but we don't know yet whether it was, like, some right-wing thing. i heard of something about that but not confirmed. i can't tell anything about that because i don't have any information, put people here are frightened, of course, and it's a chaotic situation. >> appreciate your time this evening. >> you have beenenning to fox news simulcast. our partners sky news listen to
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a sky employee, sky news is to fox news. the same thing na that they do europe and we do the united states. we work together, that employee is a sky employee, not a sky news employee. sky has many different branches of broadcasting and the rest but that was a sky employee who is sitting there, and he talked about being next to two americans who had just arrived in munich. they were -- it's late july. what americans wouldn't laugh to go to europe in late july? and tour from city to city on the fantastic trains and see the countryside and these two had just arrived, and now all they wanted to do is go home and see their family. want to give you context, the big picture, as time passes and we're able to get more context and now we have. we know there was a series of -- shy let you know, president obama will be speaking in a matter of seconds and we will listen. he spoke just -- we'll listen. we spoke a few minutes ago and it's taped play back and we won't miss it. there was a series of shootings in and around a mall, olympia mall in munich, and we were led
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to believe at the time as many as six people were dead and many others wounded. now authorities say they don't know the number of dead. then we got word the shooters moved somewhere else and authorities still say that. then we got very dramatic pictures from city center of police running through the city center, and confirmation they believe there may have been violence in city center. the public areas were shut down, and the train stations and all the transport was shut down. we have no reports of any shots fired in city center. none. here's the president. >> i just want to come by to say thank you for being here, and the extraordinary work that you do each and every day. i was a little bit delayed. some of you are aware there were shootings in germany, and we don't yet know exactly what is happening there, but obviously our hearts go out to those who
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may have been injured. it's still an active situation, and germany is one of our closest allies so we are going to pledge all the support that they may need in dealing with these circumstances. it's a be reminder of something that i've said over the last couple of weeks, which is our way of life, our freedoms, our ability to go about our business every day, race -- raising our kids kids and seeing them grow up and graduate from high school and now about to leave their dad -- i'm sorry. getting a little too personal. getting a little too personal there. that depends on law enforcement. it depends on the men and women in uniform every single day, who are under some of -- >> the president speaking to a policing task force at the white
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house just a short time ago. and referencing the attack in germany. sky news is interviewing a witness, a british citizen, sky employee living in munich, who was about to take a train, you heard, to berlin, and sitting next to the americans and just sort of other sense of shock. again, i want to go back to the central point here and that is there was a shooting. people were killed, according to authorities and others injured. the gunman disappeared. since then we have no confirmed reports of anything else. again, at the shopping mall, and nowhere else. there were reports of possible violence at city center, and at the train station. these are the pictures of the gunman or gunmen. sky news -- dip into it now please -- that's the picture. sky news has blown this up so you can see and there's the gunman. you saw him firing -- this will
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probably loop -- firing directly at people. firing randomly. didn't appear to be targeting anyone to this untrained eye. not to say he wasn't but didn't look like it. and whoever this gunman is, his whereabouts are now unknown to police and police say there are multiple -- bit -- but again, outside of the shopping mall -- i can report there were further attacks. i cannot. there are reports of possible violence but nothing confirmed by police. no eye witness accounts of anything at city center. hey have no tweet no facebook posts no instagram. we have nothing of further violence in city center and munich. that is not to say it hasn't happened. but in this day and age in a city, metropolitan, cosmopolitan city like munich, we have nothing on social media is to us a good sign. we can certainly be hopeful. we have video in on one of our
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bat of people running through the streets. this is bat 8 and it's playing now. look. this is just police on the move there in city center. we have individual you so at least we know what it looks like. and that's it. and as i said, we have a half dozen, dozen information specialists who are feverishly searching everything coming out of munich. everything about which we have knowledge. all of the social posts ex-everything from police, everything from watch dog groups, everything from federal, local authorities, and we have nothing to indicate that there has been -- there is a news conference going on right now out of munich. i don't know if we have the feed from it. but we're certainly monitoring it, and we'll let you know what
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has come. i want -- who do we have available now? state department. let's go to the state department now. garrett tiney with now information. new warnings for americans? >> reporter: that's right. the state department and the u.s. consulate in munich issued a statement and sent out a tweet, strongly advising any americans currently there in munich to shelter in place. they say be aware of your surround examination be vigilant in protecting. thes and issued a warning, saying there is a continuing threat europe from persons planning attacks inspired by major terrorist organizations but conducted on an individual basis. we just heard those remarks from the president as well, calling germany one of our closest allies and offering them any assistance they may need in responding to the shootings. law enforcement source tells us as well that homeland security sect jeh johnson has been briefed. he is on his way to philadelphia to inaspect the security operations ahead of the democratic national convention
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which is really fitting considering the concerns u.s. security officials have surrounding the two conventions. we heard from u.s. officials there is a growing threat of lone-wolf attacks back here at home. the kind of lone-wolf attacks isis is urging members to carry out, as in san bernardino. >> witnesses reported three gunmen. authorities are giving us precious little information, and by us i mean giving to their own citizens precious little information. so i'll share eye witness reports as they've come in we're monitoring a number of different sources. one that we trust is the local -- there's some local politics involved and that is -- that happens with eye witness accounts. things don't happen in a vacuum. there's an immigration issue there, 1.1 million refugees brought into the country last year. great consternation in the country about the matter, great political debate and divide in the country how to handle it.
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they say refugees in syria, they know that they need help. they're allow next the country, doesn't matter how we feel about it because that's the fact and the fact is they're there and it comes into the conversation, and here is a report from a journalist who lives in schwabin can go quoting we're in a state of shock, he has holed himself up at home with his wife and young child. and says it if this is people with islamic background this is the end of the welcome culture, that's what they call the policy in german, the welcome culture. he added that after what happened in -- where a seemingly well integrated refugee went on a ramptime with an axe -- we reported on that here -- germans would become extremely paranoid and that's understandable. remember the reports on fox news channel just before or during, i
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believe, the convention, the republic national convention, i believe the first day of the republic national convention, d -- there's breaking news now. have in information just in. an officer has just spoken in german and we translated the authorities now confirm five dead, and the search is moving beyond munich now, according to the authorities. this is new information. of course there's a conflicting -- conflicting reports on the number of perpetrators and this is true pattern. let's go to dallas where there was a gunman who was firing at police and very well trained police were convinced it was multiple people, and it was not. let's go to other locations where the exact same thing happened. think of the con treat canyon -- concrete canyons and the shots ringing out and people thinking there were multiple gunmen, there were not. now let's listen. sky news with the translated report from german authorities.
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>> interpreter: i'm happy to say that after this incident, -- i can tell you that there was an incident at the oes where the police and all emergency service have been sent to. what happened. we are at the moment after three attackers. and we believe there are five people who, from this incident, have died. we have moment about 100 people on site and we're trying to
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evacuate people from the site. around 100 people. and more importantly, we have a lot of emergency calls that we are taking. i'm with a lot of help. we are calling on all emergency services to assist us. can you tell us about anyone who is injured? >> interpreter: it's far too early to give you any numbers. >> interpreter: what do you know of the shooters? >> interpreter: i can't at this point answer that question. there are five people dead.
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our priority is to catch the attackers at this stage. and then we will inform you again. we first were alerted when somebody said the shopping center with a weapon. and we rushed to the scene. we are doing what we can. the emergency calls to us, an armed man was on site. all the emergency service are from munich at the moment, who is attending at the scene.
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but we are also looking at backup from the region. i can say about the attackers is that up to now there are three that we know of. and that is all the information i can tell you at the moment regarding the shooters. and it is a short handgun or pistol of some sort. health what i can tell you. we closed down not only that area but the surrounding area.
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i'm hoping you will share all your information and your videos with us because this all gave us clues and help us track down the shooters. squaring the new information is five people dead, abelieve as many as three shooters and there are multiple. reports including a anymore january newspaper and a munich-based magazine, that one of the shooters at least -- we don't know how many there are but a shooter has killed himself. that a shooter has taken a gun and fired it at his head and killed himself. now, arethere others? as you know we have been told by police that there are. we have been told by police that
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those gunmen escaped the scene in some way. but again, the newspaper is reporting and a german magazine is reporting and we have nothing to discount that at least one shooter has shot himself in the head and killed himself. there is new information as well from this reporting -- now, take this for what it's worth, realize this is not a texas news confirmation -- but it's widely being reported now, including by the newspaper, this is a possible far-right attack with eye witnesses reporting that one of the shooters, at least, had boots that are associated with the neonazi scene, and that he shouted, ex-platetive -- expletive foreigners. you know what i'm saying. however a prominent green party politician is saying it's unclear whether these are isis or whatever. they're asking we not speculate
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continuing to cover munich. we wait and wait to trito assess what it is that is happening, and it appears now all indications are that this is not an isis attack. this is not some sort of islamist attack. that not what this appears to be. this is beginning to look more like a more domestic issue being described to us as a far right attack. more about immigration concerns in germany because of the words the attacker, at least one attacker, has spoken. we have been led to believe there are three attackers and we'll stay with that because
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continuing coverage now on what appears to be terror attack in noone inning. authorities still reporting three suspects on the run. we have multiple reports from local media and -- i mean multiple reports -- that one gunman shot and killed himself. further, german newspaper is reporting police are being drafted from austria to help in munich. it's about 40 miles away, the austrian border with germany there, and the newspaper is reporting all the available security forces across bavaria
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and neighboring states being sent to the city. they're work under the theory there are three gunmen and the three gunmen are on the loose. victor wood is with us. he is a witness. a british origin but lived in munich for more than 25 years. what have you seen today, victor? >> hi. this started pretty much as i was leaving the shopper center from a side entrance, and more what i heard rather than what i saw. i heard the sound of gunfire, and when i was going into the metro system at the time, when we got out to our station, about two miles away, there were loads of police and fire brigade and so on, all with blue lights on, and this was clear to me there had actually been an attack at the center. >> what did you do? >> well, obviously we went home
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as quickly as possible and stayed inside since, watching what has been going on, on the news, but certainly it's a strange feeling. anyone who has been in this sort of environment would know exactly how i feel at this point. >> and those who -- hope never to be able to imagine such a thing. can you take mome through those emotions? >> panic in some respect, worry, of course, especially for our friends and everything. i work in the retail store, so a few weeks ago we had the information from our headquarters.what to do in case of an attack, and in this center -- very concerned about their safety put they said they were okay. the shopping center itself, for those who don't know, is two stories, l-shape, and of course, friday evening, a lot of people
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going to do shopping for the weekend. a chess tournament going on, lots of kids in there. so the shopping center was very full. >> indications are not of an isis attack or islamic state attack, but the reports that we're getting from witnesses and others seem to suggest this is more before domestic affairs, that this might be someone from the far right, though that is not a matter that police can confirm at this moment. with that said, victor, there are a lot of tensions that even we here are aware of with the large sort of ethnic turkish population and a widespread support of erdogan in turkey, and i know that's been bubbling politically locally. could you help us understand this? >> not really, no. i think it is sad to say that munich is generally a very, very safe city.
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about 50% of the population are probably of german origin. there has historically been a problem with neonazis in germany but bavaria and munich doesn't normally see these things. it's usually up north. i've been here 27 years, and with the exception of a closed main railway station at the last new year's because of a suspected terrorist incident, i've never experienced anything like this in munich before. >> the suspects are said to have screamed in german, an expletive about foreigners and their beef at least from those who witnessed it, and heard the words in german, seemed to suggest that the perpetrator or perpetrators complained about foreigners, and i was trying to learn from you if there have been tensions, not physically
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but more emotionally and sort of in the public discourse, about the immigration concerns that havebe fallen the -- have befall 'the nation. >> have not come across that myself. do get the occasional comment from customers, when are you going home and this sort of thing, but it's very, very rare. i also saw the video maybe that you are thinking of, of the guy coming out of a burger store and shooting when he had some -- looked more like a neonazi type person, but i don't know. there's a second video of somebody else on top of a park but it's too far away to see what he was wearing. i would not want to speculate. >> i'm with you. it's a little early. victor word with us, british citizen who lived in munich for 27 years now and has witnessed for the first time in this city
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that he has come to call his own, such a horrible thing. victor, all the best to you and your family this friday night. >> thank you. >> well, we -- the pieces of the puzzles like this come together slowly, but this is -- i want to reiterate, this is not -- does not have the hallmark considering to authorities and witnesses, does not have the hallmarks of an islamic attack. we have reason to believe from witnesses that there were children inside -- the mcdonald's from which he came there and -- look at the sky video real quick. you see he's coming out of the mcdonald's. he had been in that mcdonald's and according to witnesses on scene, he may have been targeting children inside that mcdonald's. now we know from authorities at least they believe there are people with guns, suspects with guns, on the run, and they're trying to capture them now. this is very much a developing situation.
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the bottom of your screen said just a moment ago, five killed. there are varying reports on the numbers. those sorts of things will work out later. the point of urgency now is to find these gunmen, and our coverage continues after this. but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so guess what, i met them at the zoo. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most. >> brand new information out oft munich. new witness accounts. there were reports that children were being targeted the mcdonald's. we have record, quoting, we were in mcdonald's, wanted something to eat. they were getting in line there. they were queuing. panic eye runted. the staff ran out and people followed. children were crying. everyone winning in panic. lots of witness accounts now there, and suggestions that this was more than one shooter. we only have pictures of what we believe to be one shooter is another matter. the police seem thoroughly convince threader multiple shooters and they're looking for
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them. they worry they've taken shelter and will attack again. this i not appearing -- situations can change but i got to tell you, this does not appear to be an isis-related attack, not islamic. this appears to be neonazi style, right-wing german issues, with the suspect at least one of them screaming about foreigners and shooting. let bring in tara maller, a former cia military analyst, and working with the counter-frommism project. there are a lot of tensions there politically speaking regarding immigration and refugees and it's been bubbling, has it not? >> absolutely. there are tensions there. there are tensions in many european countries, having said that it's still a little bit early to speculate as to who these individuals are, if they're affiliated with a particular group. we heard some reports this is most likely not isis related, coming from authorities but i will say what is interesting is the timing.
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even if it's not isis it's coming on the heels of a number of high media attention, high profile attacks, and it's possible, unfortunately, that other groups with other gripes are being influenced by this and it's unfortunate incident and it shows the vulnerabilities of soft targets in both cases, particularly since this is not contained to mall and might be some shooters on the run. but a lot is unclear right now. >> people who are following this on social media will be seeing, as i am now, that the death toll has risen, but these accounts are not to be trusted in the early going. we are going to stick with authorities. the numbers will sort themselves out. the investigation is of greatest interest and the source youch mentioned there are concerns across europe. to equate them to situations in the united states is not fair because the refugees whom they received were not screened in the way that we have here.
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people from syria have to go somewhere. the germans have taken a lot of them in, and not to say this is related to this but it's all they're talking about over there now, and there are great concerns within the population and within the government. >> there are concerns and you're right there are differences in concerns of screening process domestically and overseas, and there are differences to be quite frank in terms of how different populations assimilate and are integrated into different country, and that's why you see tensions higher in certain plates in europe than in the united states. think in this case with this shooting, it does continue to show you that even a small -- we don't know the training level yet but seems like even a mall number of individuals, one or two, potentially three people, armed with in this case weapons, guns, can create and inflict a lot of damage. the reports are still not the but i wouldn't be surprised if the numbers go up. usually in these cases, they can't really make a clear estimate until it's concluded.
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>> we have to take a break. thanks. local television reporting the czech republic interior minister saying they're shutting down the border. that's hundred miles away. stay tuned. where investors can investigate and invest in vests... or not in vests. sign up at and get up to six hundred dollars. burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery
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12:54 pm
>> continuing coverage on fox news channel on what appears to be a terror attack in germany. varying numbers of people dead but authorities want us to report they believe three gunmen are still on the loose. there are dozenses reports that one of the gunmen killed himself in view of witnesses and apparently authorities, took a gun, put it to his head and killed himself. that said, we don't have that confirmed. we don't have that confirmed because police have not said that. so, i know that you're seeing it
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on your social feeds and we're aware of it but until authorities confirm that, we want do give that. authorities say there are still others on the run. this is the latest witness account from the shootout at the shopping center. from focus magazine, munich-based german language magazine, quoting, some people left. others have holed up in shots or offices. a local resident saw the perpetrator and heard one screaming around on the roof of the parking deck. we showed you the video of that a little while ago. a 32-year-old resident has -- says an attacker from -- was watching out, quoting, i live right on the mall. i wanted to go to have dinner with my mother but then i heard the loud bangs and i looked from the balcony and two bodies see on the floor next to the fruit stand. understood, saw two victims on
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the ground. then saw the alleged perpetrator. he ran into the mall, and then heard the popping sounds, and then saw dish went to the parking deck. watched the person walk up to the parking deck, wearing are dark trousers and tv shirt and a backpack and looked to have had a gun and seemed to have walked around and yelled he as german and had grown up there, and this is a man we saw walking around on the parking garage with the weapon. he screamed toward their house that we should stop filming him. and so this is a guy who took the video there was a very large house with many boil -- balconies and the residents were on the balconies and he shot at the house wall twice. so the guy went back inside. he didn't know who the guy was. and he saw police car coming up with sirenses but actually witnessed this man and then saw people running from the area.
12:57 pm
much more to report here. we're fast approaching 10:00 in the evening in munich. where there is a terror alert warning out now, and suspects on the loose. the top of the hour coverage begins next on fox news channel. genuine parts guarantee, that promises to fix your bike with original parts. talk to an allstate agent about all the things they do to keep riders riding. realin every little gbitty bite.or sargento snack bites with 20 calories per stick. you can grab 'em. skewer 'em. pop 'em. just don't ever call 'em mild. sargento snack bites. big flavor in a little bite.
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1:00 pm
it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. a shopping mall under attack in munich, germany, at least six people confirmed dead. as the manhunt continues for at least three gunmen. now, we want to warn you that the video you're about to see, some may find disturbing. it's believed to be one of the shooters outside a fastfood restaurant. take a look. [gunfire] [bleep] >> you can hear many shots fired. reports that highways and the transit system have been sealed off,
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