tv Fox and Friends First FOX News July 27, 2016 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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>> that's not for you to say. >> black lives matter. >> earlier today, you nominated the real one. >> we just put the biggest crack in that glass in that glass ceiling, yes. (screams n. ( >> i love her shirt. the american flag shirt. >> two down, two to go. what in the world happens next? >> you are watching "fox & friends first" on this wednesday morning. i am heather childers. >> i am abby huntsman. day three of the dnc president obama and vice president biden tonight. >> jackie ibanez following the trump train hot on the campaign trail. let's go to doug mcelway live in
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philly. >> the theme is united together. they keep reminding people that but division continues. a large group of protestors from down ton convention at the convention site around 9:00 p.m. at one point burning an american flag. that while inside the arena bernie sanders made a huge move towards reconciliation when he interrupted the role call vote and asked that hillary clinton's name be placed into nomination by acclamation. >> it is my vote that hillary clinton be selected as the nominee of the democratic party for president of the united states. >> you hear the uproarious applause there. some didn't like it. they walked out in protest.
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can you image they didn't have to go far to cover the story. it paved the way for hillary clinton. she spoke by video while her husband spoke in person for the first time as a spouse of the nominee. >> she is the best darned change maker i have ever het in my entire life. earlier today you nominated the real one. >> we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling. >> and with president obama and vice president joe biden scheduled to speak tonight you have to wonder whether or not those protests are also going to escalate as they moved in this area for the first time. we will see what's in store tonight inside the arena and outside. >> we will be here following, doug. thank you. bill clinton pulling out all of the stops with his speech making the case for why hillary
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deserves to win. is he an asset or liability? >> we have our panel here. good morning to both of you. he could have gone a number of directions with his speech but he went the love story making her a human being. why do you think he went that route? >> the die gnynamic has changed. he is the former president of the united states. this is not about bill clinton this convention this week is about hillary clinton. he is taking on a much more traditional role of the south. i don't think we would be surprised if a nominee's wife came in and talked about their love story, their journey together, having children moving into different places in the beginning. he's taking on a new role not just as the former president but as a spouse of the nominee for
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the democratic party for the president of the united states. >> he was careful to make sure he did mention he was president of the united states at one point when he compared trump to hillary clinton. >> when i was president i worked hard to give you more peace and prosperity, but for this time hillary is uniquely qualified to cease the opportunities and reduce the risk. >> asset or liability? >> over all, asset. what we saw there in the political talk that was boiler plate for him. overall what he set out to do last night, his objective was not to be all that political. he took a few jabs and jives. he pointed a portrait of his
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wife. she needs help when it comes to favor ability. they are on par with donald trump which are historically bad. if she can create daylight for herself and trump on the favor ability issue she is sort of charmless, frankly, he is charming. the charming bill clinton came out to tell the story about them as a trouble. i think that was his design to put the human face people don't always see. >> will it help trump get the latino vote? he could use it to his advantage. >> i don't think so. while the wikileaks of the democratic national convention are poor optics on a whole number of levels lead to go the
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departure of sdeb bee wasserm - debbie wasserman schultz. engaging them in a meaningful way pursue immigration reform and while this doesn't necessarily look good we did a democratic operative for the beltway, and i think the dwak record of democrats across the country and what they add indicated for in regards to inclusiveness comprehensive immigration reform and advocacy for all americans speaks for itself. >> if we could take a look at this, this is one of the the quotes, one of the leaked e-mails. it says hispanics are one of the most brand loyal consumers in the world. known pact fact.
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>> the democratic party treats groups like commodities to which they are entitled and talking about hispanics is a little bit ieping to voters. hopefully a flap about what was talked about i don't think that necessarily moves a lot of votes. donald trump has shot himself in the foot with hispanic voters probably the worst controversy over the judge in indiana presiding over the fraud trial. it is a glitch in how democrats view people which i don't think is flattering. >> this is just bad timing on their front. thank you for being with us.
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>> on the republican side meantime. republican donald trump hot on the campaign trail. >> he puts our heros first saying it is inexcusable how the country is treating our veterans. why hillary clinton is not the answer. >> it was donald trump's turn to take center stage at the veterans of foreign wars convention in charlotte north carolina. he went after his rival on benghazi, libya and private server scandal. he stressed revamping the va as part of the top priorities. >> i will create private white house hot line. this could keep me very busy at night, folks. this will take the place of twitter, that is answered by a real person 24-hours a day to make sure that no valid
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complaint about the va ever falls through the cracks. >> he lost incomed talso knocke democrats for not talking about isis even going as far as saying they created the group. >> in a clear way they really established isis because of weakness. the people in this room know better than anybody else, or any other audience what i mean by weakness. because of weakness isis has been established. >> he will head to ohio later today. >> that's a busy day. >> i don't know how any of them do it. >> the time is about 10 minutes after the hour. the stars are aligning. >> donald is not making america great again. he's making america hate again.
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what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! >> welcome back to "fox and friend first. bill clinton bringing down the house at the democratic convention. was it enough for voters to turn the former president into a first gentlemen? >> here are the viewer reactions. it is always our favorite pollster lee carter. she just put last night's speech to the dial test. thank you for joining us again. >> good morning. >> great to be here. good morning. >> you started with bill clinton's speech's very first line. listen. >> in the spring of 1971 i met a
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girl. the first time i saw her we were appropriately enough in a class on political and civil rights. she had big blonde hair, big glasses, wore no makeup, and she ex ehuded this sense of strength and self possession that i found mag uded this sense of strength and self possession that i found mag natick. >> they were lower than i thought they would be. >> it says what a great story teller he was. about how charmings he was.
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there were others that were much more effective showing the character she has and what she has always been. this didn't do a whole lot to move the needle. >> trying to show they are human beings at the end of the day. this is well about buying a house and proposing to hillary. >> she commented on how what a uniquely designed house it was. i took a big chance. i bought the house. my mortgage was $175 a month. when she came back i picked her up i said you know that house you liked? while you were gone i bought it, you have to marry me now. the third time was the charm. >> you would think it would be through the roof. >> you would think so. i really expected it to be. when i got the results back i was surprised. democrats a b, independents a c
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and republicans a d. what they did say this story was much more about bill clinton than hillary clinton. that said we didn't see the dial move all that high. i was shocked. as i watched this myself i watched it and thought, wow, he really is so charismatic. he's a great story teller. we heard that come back but the point was for him to move the need will of hillary and he didn't really do that. america farrara what she had to say about trump. >> hillary knows access and opportunity are the american promise not trans phobia, islamophobia and xenophobia and systemic race itch. she know we have to fate hatred of all times and not ignite it for the purpose of seeking
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power. donald is not making america great again. ameri he's making america hate again. >> look at the wide gap there. there's a huge gap. the democrats gave hthem an a liberals a d and republicans an f. one quote said the very hateful rhetoric wouldn't you say? it is so unfair to them to point fingers when they are saying the same kinds of things. hollywood seems so out of touch with our feelings. doesn't help me pay the bills to make these kind of comments. you can see the polarizing nature where people are saying i think hollywood is out of touch with my day-to-day life.
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>> these dials are interesting. not always what you think. >> thank you, lee. the time now almost 20 minutes after the hour. terror talk missing from the dnc on day one. >> donald trump calls his foreign policy america first. what would you call hillary clinton's foreign policy. >> us first. >> isn't america first for us first? >> do the democrats think that we are at war with isis? he joins us live from philly up next. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade.
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>> welcome back. we are at war with isis. do the democrats know that? it was completely missing at the dnc on day one and mentioned by only four speakers in day 2. >> we are live in philly. what did you find out? >> good morning. we haven't been hearing anything from the stage so we went to the convention hallways and convention floors to ask hillary clinton's delegates specifically about isis and her foreign policy accomplishments. here's what they had to say. >> the threat of radical islamic per terrorism was a big topic of the republican national convention. >> in the last five months there have been 5 islamic terrorist attacks. >> some 30,000 people have been killed at the hands of terrorists. >> any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country.
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>> we are heading to florida to talk to hillary clinton delegates and ask them about the threat of isis and foreign policy record. >> there were 61 speeches and not one mention of isis or terrori terrorism. >> 61 speakers not a single mention of isis. you are a veteran. you understand the stress we face, does that concern you? >> absolutely. >> we listened to all 61 speeches and there was not a mention of isis and the united states. does that concern you at all? >> no. >> none of the speeches mentioned isis or radical islamic terrorism? does that concern you? >> come on. we have four nights. i am sure we will get to it. >> you think we are at war with isis? >> no, i don't. we have to be careful in how we handle that situation. >> do you feel we are at war witht war in
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isis. >> is america at war with the islamic state? >> i believe we have a lot of differences. >> do you feel like we are at war with isis? >> i think isis is kind of a big term. i think there are a lot of people around the world who are unhappy. >> do you think we are at war with isis? >> most certainly she does. >> can you explain her plan? >> i cannot. >> you would support that you feel like we should destroy isis? >> what is her plan to defeat isis. >> you should ask her. i will mess it up. >> hillary, what is your plan to defeat isis. >> what do you jibe as her top two accomplishments in the united states. >> i feel like she reached out to people and made decisions by
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listening. >> anything specific? >> no. i support her and i support her leadership. >> anything else? >> withdraw from iraq, part of the iran deal, part of the libya intervention, any of those stick out to you? >> i have to say no. she is a total package. i am not going to pick one thing. i'm grateful she is a woman and she did it. >> she kept us stabilized with the middle east. there's unrest with the growing threat of eye sis. >> donald trump said his foreign policy is america first. what is hers? >> she is going to make america smart again. >> donald trump calls his foreign policy america first what would you say is hillary clinton's? >> america first or us first? >> no. >> he called his foreign policy america first. what would you call hillary clinton's foreign policy? >> america always. she always thinks about this
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country first. >> you said america always because she thinks of america first. isn't that the same as america first? >> no. >> well, yeah, a lot of different answers. not a lot of specifics. we heard time and time again her accomplishments are engaging and traveling and meeting a lot of people and a lot of different countries and nothing about what the plan would look like to defeat isis. >> we heard an update from our green room telling us last night there were five speakers that mentioned isis at least six times. you have been in cleveland talking to republicans on the ground and of course you are in philadelphia talking to democrats. is there a difference in mood among the people when you talk about isis, when you talk about terrorism? >> huge difference in mood. almost like different planets. in philadelphia they don't want to talk about isis. it's not a priority. it is climate change. it is income and equality.
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it is things like that. isis is in the background for something they know might need to be dealt with and they think secretary clinton because of her background will be the person to do it. not on the top of any one's list. we are glancing mentions. no one is focused on isis and the role you didn't hear about it from them on the floor. >> good luck. >> thank you. >> it is about half past the top of the hour. the biggest stars of the democratic party taking the stage in the first two nights of the dnc. >> are they setting the bar too high for hillary? an extraordin. get great offers at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months and we'll make your first month's payment. see your lexus dealer. covergirl introduces new supersizer fibers mascara
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>> hillary making history, now officially the democratic party presidential nominee. >> that's right. good morning to you. it is wednesday, july 27th. you are watching "fox & friends first". i am abby huntsman. >> bernie's backers not going down without a fight. >> you could see protestors burn the flag. >> promise to go fix our broken veteran's system. >> our va is broken and this builder will fix it. >> our veterans are the bravest and finest people on earth. >> we have doug mcelway live in philadelphia. good morning, doug. >> good morning heather and
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abby. the reality is different it is disunited and not together. we saw evidence of that tonight. the role call vote stormed out of the area and meade their way to the media center. they taped their mouths suit and held a sit in. it made it easy for reporters but deadlines harder. >> the swat team called in where they decided to contain it with them contained in it. the>> bernie sanders made a huge move and interrupted the roll-call vote asking if he could be moved into nomination. >> i move hillary clinton be selected as the nominee of the democratic party for president of the united states. >>
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>> you can hear the loud applause there but many sanders delegates obviously disappointed. the move paved the way. >> it was one of many appearances through the years but the first time ever at the spouse of the nominee. >> she is the best darned change maker i have ever met in my entire life. >> earlier today you nominated the real one. >> we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling. >> the speaking spots given to the mothers of trayvon martin and eric garner and michael brown outraged the fraternal order of speech because knee speaking spot was given to the mother of any explain police
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officer. >> >> democrats taking the stage the first two nights of the dnc. >> how does this compare to the things you heard at the rnc? one is real the other is made up. >> huge difference between people fighting for a level playing field, and the people fighting to keep the system rigged. >> donald, did you hear me? already great nation. >> women 60 america 60. >> america, we will rise, this is our history. >> because this right now is the greatest country on earth. >> tonight it is president obama's term.
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>> gop strategist phillip stutts. thank you both for sticking around with us. >> good morning. >> i will start with you this time. have they set the bar too high? >> well, they are very positive. you look at this as a reason -- there's a reason bill clinton says hillary is a change maker. her unfavor ability rating is hovering around 60 percent. she is not liked. she is not looked at unfavorably by most of the american voters. the clintons do not get outside in the morning and do not put clothes on unless they have taken a poll too see how americans think. they are trying to de humanize.
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she does struggle when it comes to like ability and trust. when does she have to do to make her come across more likeable? oo i think she has one acknowledged she has work to do to build trust with voters. i don't think we are going to see any different hillary clinton. that's not who she is. i think president clinton laid out the case pretty well tonight when she talked about how much of a policy long she is. anybody who knows her knows how much she gets into the details. i don't think the american people are looking for her to give the speech on the stage and be martin luther king. i think they are looking for someone who is going to be able to say, i know we are facing challenging times but we are stronger together and someone who is going to bring the
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country together verses divide us with hate and very, very violent rhetoric. >> she has changed a little bit. remember how she restarted her campaign several times. turning out to the trump trail where the nominees spent time with obama. hillary only two points ahead. how can he win in the key battle ground states. i will start with you. look at north carolina for example. 44 to 42. >> they have run 15,000 tv ads to run the nomination. donald trump has won zero and starting to win in some of the
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states. >> he was talking about the va pro military state a lot of vet. he laid out i believe a 150 point plan. he is going to keep doing that. he has the ability to sustain the lead and grow it. >> mitt romney narrowly carried the state of north carolina in the last presidential election. then president obama won the state in the election before that. how do you think that it will shake out? oo i think hillary has a good shot in north carolina. i think the conservative policies have been really ripping that state apart. you have the nba pulling out are going to come back to fight that. when it comes to donald trump and if he needs to run ads, why would he need to run ads? the media has this situation going where he sends out a tweet and it is like he invented the
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wheel or something. how much money, free money does he get because he does what the media wants? >> if it bleeds it leads. it leads out of his mouth. >> i think that trump realizes they need the ground. >> you sound like the republican primary candidates complaining right now. the american voters responded. >> he doesn't have to say anything of substance. i don't think he wins without an ad. during our convention even our network stopped coverage of the democratic convention to give him an hour or so on fox. come on now. >> you need this from hillary clinton and the amount of time both clintons have been in the public eye. she is had a long time as well.
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>> it is not the same. i will take a bet on that and i am not a betting person. >> we will leave it there. thank you guys. have a great day. thank you. >> the time is now about 20 minutes until the pop top of the hour. flags on fire protestors hitting the streets targeting its pride. they targeted fox news, too. >> your slant hurts people. >> you don't even know what i do. >> that is our own geraldo rivera in the center of it all. the confrontation you don't want to miss.
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protest and our own geraldo rivera caught in the middle of all of the chaos. >> you know your slant hurts people. >> you don't even know what i do. >> time to go. time to go. >> you should know not to mess with geraldo. the crowds lashing out some climbing fences feet from the dnc. geraldo reacted to all of the madness crawling the crowds very aggressive. >> they came at us with an attitude fu fox news. i stand there, oh, yeah. >> geraldo will join "fox & friends" at 7:30. you don't want to miss that. >> meantime mike pence hot on the campaign trail rallying voters and veterans.
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>> jackie ibanez with his plan to put our nation's heros first. good morning. >> good morning, ladies. it was donald trump's turn to take center stage in charlotte, north carolina one day after hillary clinton spoke at the same spot trump went after his rival on benghazi and her private e-mail server scandal. veterans shouted lock her up. >> the other candidate in this race, you know her name, crooked hillary clinton. she recently said of the va scandal that it is not as widespread as it has been purported to be. it is like she is trying to sweep it under the rug. >> trump stressing revamping the va as one of his top priorities and outlining a 10 point reform a private hot line answered by a real person 24-hours a day,
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firing employees who don't put the well-being of veterans first and mental healthcare. even went as far as blaming hthm for creating the terror group. >> i don't know how they do it. when do sleep? although we can't really be asking that. let's go to brian kilmeade to see what's coming up on "fox and friend. you have been doing a phenomenal job and had the best guests on your show. >> absolutely. the people around you over there and of course the people here over in -- where the heck are we? in philadelphia. we have been watching you guys working through the night doing a phenomenal job to be the first to analyze what's going on. there is han tie hillary stu --
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hillary stuff here. bernie or bust. that's all over town. if you want to get a t-shirt. they are 100 percent cotton. they will shrink. this is bill for first gentlemen. that is some of the positive. some of the negatives toward hillary is this. i remember the question ed henry said super wipe -- secret server wiper. this one enough hillary. that's some of the things going on. on our show we are going to analyze bill clinton's speech and why he started talking about his love story and worked his way backwards. some on the left are upset by that. eric trump will begin with his analysis on they are ripping up his dad on a regular basis which is by the way expected. carl rove brought his wife with him. he will be here with his erasable pen he will be talking about the key to the selection and tucker carlson is a little bit burned out.
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we took him out of the tent and sent him to a diner where he can be over dressed and annoy people. he will be joining us in a short time. we have an interesting way to start the show. no other show in america will start the way we will start our show. those are some of the things we are looking forward to. >> we will be watching, brian. >> i hope so. you have cable. xrcç&éíuv8f95]dx>
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night may touch out to be more successful that the republicans last night. i think it had more charm and happiness. >> bernie sanders received a standing owe vagts from the crowd at the dnc actually bringing some of his followers to tears. >> this place was packed until bernie sanders finished the first two nights at the republican convention, not much of a comparison. >> it was low rent. >> i'm sorry comparatively. i knew that this would happen. it was kind of fun to cover. it was app interesting thing this cleveland. >> donald trump calling them out. funny, if you listen to fox news, the democrats did not have a good day. if you listen to the other two, they are fawning. what a difference. well, here to react is michael graham of the weekly standard. let's just begin with the last statement. she knew that the dnc would pull
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it together day one. probably anything but that, michael. >> look, i'm actually here in philadelphia. >> right. >> covering the convention. i ran campaigns before i fell into the evil media world with you, lured in. this has been the biggest convention fiasco. the bernie protestors walked off the floor. think of that. walked off the floor. if that happened in cleveland that would be a huge story. then they took over our media tent. we were hostages in the media tent while they had a sit-in. police had to stop everyone from entering and leaving. the idea that monday night was a success when the nominee of the party was booed repeatedly. she was booed monday night. she was booed last night. she's going to be booed again tonight. how do you make this convention -- i mean, other than a massive disaster, earthquake, tornado coming through, this is
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so bad for a convention, to have the media celebrating it like some win is jaw dropping. >> all you have to do is go on twitter and read what people outside on the streets are saying. beyond the unifying, you talk about the logistics of the dnc and how disorganized it's been for the last couple of days. you've been there on the ground. what's the real story? >> i showed up monday finally worked my way through the horrible logistics of getting in here through security after it was so convenient in cleveland. everything was easy. whether you liked the show or not, they had it set up well. >> right. >> every delegate i ran into had the same question, where am i supposed to be? i could have made a fortune the first day just selling coffee for people who needed a cup of coffee. they had nothing planned. we're in the tent with the media. monday night we got visited by noah, a huge storm. we had to rush and evacuate our equipment. if you read the media tweets,
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they're complaining how disorganized this is. they're talking about how you see 10, 12 bernie shirts for everyone hillary shirt. when you watch the coverage, wow, they're doing a terrific job. no, they are still not together. >> not just the logistics of the convention itself but those people supporting bernie sanders. they are not automatically switching over to hillary clinton. if you listen to some media you think they are. >> right. absolutely. i think in the end people are going to eventually gravitate back towards left or right. i think that's true with republicans, the people with trump, and i think it's going to be true here. the amount of passion here. i was doing a story a few minutes ago about donald trump at the va event and people there chanting lock her up. people on the floor of this convention on monday night were chanting about their party's nominee, lock her up. >> wow. >> i've never seen anything like that at your home -- this is the hometown team. >> michael graham, thank you for being with us and telling us the
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experience and the demeanor to bring the country together. also addressing the crowd, president obama's right-hand man, vice president joe biden as well as clinton's new wing man, vice presidential nominee virginia senator tim kaine. we'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. eastern for another special edition. "fox & friends" starts now. i can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet. >> she knows that safeguarding freedom and security is not like hosting a tv reality show. >> according to donald trump, my body is probably like a two. >> donald, did you hear me? already a great nation. >> this race is going to be won on the ground. >> when women succeed, america succeeds. >> and it's going to be won in colorado, and in
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