tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 27, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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tonight two hours from now. greta. >> bill, thank you. that's all for now. see you tomorrow night 7:00 p.m. right here in philadelphia. bill o'reilly is live next. good night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hi i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. as we report on the third day of the democratic national convention. big night for the dems. president obama, tim kaine, vice president biden all set to speak to the party faithful a bit later on. in the meantime, we have a busy program including my first interview with governor mike pence, donald trump's running mate. some analysis of trump's press conference today. also, more vicious attacks from the far left media deceivers designed to inhibit honest news coverage of the presidential campaign and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. on monday, michelle obama said that america has come a
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long way from the days when slaves built the white house. some criticized her analysis saying saying it demeaned the u.s.a. i disagree. and presented the facts of mrs. obama's statement last night. >> as we mentioned talking points memo michelle obama mentioned slaves building the white house and referring to the evolution of america in a positive way. it was a positive comment. the history behind her remark is fascinating. george washington selected the site in 1791 and president laid the corner stone in 1792. washington was running the country out of philadelphia. slaves did participate in the construction of the white house. records show about 400 payments made to slave masters between 795 and 1801. in addition, three -- free blacks, white beings and immigrants worked on the massive building there were no illegal immigrants at that time.
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if you could make it here, you could stay here. in 1800 president john adams took up residence in what was then called the executive mansion. it was only later on they named it the white house. adams was in there with abigail and they were still hammer and nails. construction was still going on. slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. however the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. so michelle obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the white house but there were others working as well. >> that commentary 100 percent accurate providing context to mrs. obama's remarks and explaining how the administration of george washington conducted itself in the construction of the executive mansion.ot that imporo know? come on. for doing that i was immediately attacked by
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smear merchants. the rank tabloid new york daily news wrote, quote: o'reilly defends use of white house slaves. that is a lie. i defended nothing. the publish everywhere of the daily news moth suckerman allows that kind of stuff on a daily business despicable. "u.s.a. today" did the same thing bill o'reilly defended the conditions working slaves faced while building the white house. another lie. not surprising from a publication that routinely distorts events especially on editorial page it is a given that slavery is an abomination. but reporting the story behind mrs. obama's very valid points does not diminish the horror of enslavement as these dishonest critics allege. as any honest historian knows in order to keep slaves and free laborers strong, the washington administration provided meat, bread and other staples also decent lodging on the grounds of the new presidential building. that is a fact.
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not a justification, not a defense of slavery. just a fact. anyone who implies a soft on slavery message is beneath contempt. some celebrities like steven king, brian cranston, broadway star audra macdonald immediately sought to exploit the situation on twitter by buying in to the defamation. we have invited all of them on the factor. place your bets on whether they will show up. the phony outrage comes on the heels of yet another media deception. writing in "time" magazine this week liberal columnist jill klein says quote bill o'reilly who is busy trying to gin up a race war for blaming black lives matter for police shootings, unquote. cline using that gross fallacy calls republicans quote a party of hate. got a mirror, joe? the factor has reported
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accurately about black lives matter and the provocations stemming from that group. but the far left zealots do not want that reported and despise anyone who does so. factor viewer george breatherton sums up the entire situation this way. o'reilly everything you said about how the white house was built is true. according to the white house historical association. it is truly sad that intellectual honesty is so rare in today's world. it's beyond sad, george. it's dangerous. propaganda and hate now dominate the media landscape. and that will be demonstrated in the upcoming presidential campaign. and that's the memo. now for the top story. reaction. joining us from philadelphia, geraldo rivera and eric bolling. so, bolling, what say you? >> well, what say me is, bill, i think what you did exactly you went through it you went through some history and some examples and facts. in fact i wrote it down you said records show and later on you said michelle was essentially correct. don't forget you were --
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these left wing zealots don't realize you write books about history. >> they realize it. this is designed though -- this is designed, geraldo, and you know this better than anybody, this this is a designed attack, came out of media matters, spread to mother jones and the other smear publications and then into the daily news and "u.s.a. today" designed to diminish me and to harm the fox news channel. that's what it is designed to do. >> i think you are probably correct about that. here we are in philadelphia which as you correctly point out, and you are generally correct in your his historic. the federal city. the building of that, you any, the problem is and you know it, bill, that any time you give them any opening, they are going to get you, they are going to cut you whenever they can. it is preposterous to believe that you are soft on slavery. the opening you gave them is
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that you like in the holocaust, you can only speak about it in unequivocal damnation it is horrifying, it's a stain on the human existence. it's something that can never be fully, you know, in any way we can come to grips with in terms of justice and all the rest of it you can only say that this is one of those things that has just so horrible, where it ranks, whether the person was working in the house or a building trade and had relatively benign treatment as opposed to field workers and so forth and so on. you can only talk about that in the historical setting because you, particularly. >> that's what i did. >> and all of us at the channel, you know, we have to be careful not to give our enemies an opening because. >> i didn't even -- listen, believe me, when i woke up this morning and saw this garbage, bolling, pouring out, i went, what? what? >> here's the problem know. >> go ahead. >> they missed the moment. these liberal outlets, media
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matters, joe klein, new york daily news. they missed an opportunity. michelle obama's speech particularly when she said i look out the white house window and i see maliyah and sasha playing on the white house lawn. 216, slaves building. the first family was african-american. they missed the moment. that was a powerful moment. instead they are turning it in to some sort of race thing with you, bill o'reilly. >> that's what they always do. >> they should stick to the message. the message is we have come a long way. >> there comes a long time, geraldo, and have you been with the network, what, 15 years now? >> 16. >> 16. and i have been from the beginning, 20. i think the time has come now where this whole network is going to have to ban together, all of us, and we are going to have to call out the people who are actively trying to destroy this network by using lies and deception and propaganda. we're going to have to start to call them out by name. because that's how bad it's
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become. >> i agree with that. let me just get to you, relate to you my experience yesterday. you know it, you ran a clip of it. confronting the black lives matter activist. you know, black lives matter is a big umbrella for a lot of different groups. some are very reasonable and responsible and are exposing something that needs exposing and others are just opportunists who are, essentially race warriors who want very much to set plaque against white against brown and so forth and so on. i saw the bitterness. you see it it's ugliness face to face all by to eyeball. you are right. when they're coming, they are coming. they want me to hide my fox affiliation. they want me to take the fox flag off the microphone when i report and slink in and whisper and today they were actually saying black reporters to the front, white reporters to the black. crap like that. we have to, you know, absolutely ban together with our colleague of colors.
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>> that's right. >> you and me and juan and everybody, all together and say to them that you are full of crap. >> it's getting to the point of danger, ben bolling. you saw the provocations, and that's what i reported on, the racial provocations and then we see black men killing cops. now, cause and effect? you can't do it 100 percent, but certainly you can discuss cause and effect. i'm afraid it's going to happen with fox news. geraldo gets water dumped on him. what if somebody hit him in the head with a club? our reporters can't go out on the floor? jesse watters goes on the floor of the democratic convention and some photographer comes up and starts swearing at him and cursing at him right in his face? this is provocation. these people are doing this. they want me dead, bolling, literally dead. >> well, no, no. i'm not sure they want you dead. >> oh they do believe me. >> they want to see you
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squirm. >> oh, no, no,. >> squirm because it's fox news. >> hold on. the reason why it didn't progress to geraldo getting hit with a bring or something else is because law enforcement was there unfortunately at this convention, black lives matter has many, many venues to speak their peace, to get their message out. >> that's just about them. i want everybody to know. >> not so much. >> it's not just about them. it's the sneaky disgusting far left press. not liberal press. far left press that just pushing this stuff all day long on the internet. >> why is now different? >> we have -- they have. >> i have got to go but i will answer that question. let me answer the question. they have failed to destroy this network in 20 years. we still dominate in the ratings. we still dominate in the public discourse. they are going to use everything they can now in the trump versus clinton race. everything they can because they know trump gets a fair shake here where he doesn't
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get a fair shake in 90% of the other venues. and that's why it's stepped up. gentlemen, thank you. >> thank you. >> next on the rundown, as we await president obama's speech tonight some analysis of donald trump's press conference today. also my first interview with his vice presidential selection mike pence. factor is coming right back. ♪ you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy.
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♪ ♪ you are looking at the democratic gathering in philadelphia where an all-star lineup will speak this evening including president obama. tomorrow, hillary clinton will give her keynote address and then it's onto the campaign full throttle. trump is running mate governor mike pence of indiana will be center stage of the campaign, of course. i have never met with the governor but spoke with him
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a short time ago. >> so, governor, thanks for doing the interview. first time for you on the factor. i want to get your view of the world. >> you bet. >> i got a look at president obama's speech this evening in advance. is he going to basically portray the united states as being not in decline and a vibrant, positive place on the rise. that's opposite to what the republican platform is saying. how do you see america? how do you see america today? >> i think i see america the way most the american people see us and that is after 7 and a half years of the leadership of barack obama and hillary clinton we have seen america's role in the world decline and we have seen an committee economy stifled by high taxes and obamacare. it's run of the reasons why donald trump's message is resonating with some people across this country. some people know we have got to come back.
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we have got to be bold and see america home and abroad again. >> let's go to the economy. indiana did very well. came back from the recession well. what did you do in indiana that president obama didn't do nationally? well in indiana we put common sense into practices. >> tell me what they're. >> live in your means, let people keep more of what you earn. make the right investments in education, infrastructure and healthcare take three steps back and let people prosper. >> what about you? what about you, governor? i read an article in the "new york times" right after you were nominated that said you're a religious fanatic, you don't like guys because you were behind that law that doesn't force bakers and people like that to do gay weddings. that you're against the woman's right to choose, all of that. first of all, what exactly are your religious beliefs?
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>> well, you know, i'm a christian, a conservative, and a republican. in that order, bill. >> what kind of a christian though? are you an evangelical christian? a traditional christian? >> you bet. i made a personal decision i committed my life to christ when i was 18. i was raised in a wonderful catholic family. my wife and i worship at a mainstream evangelical church in indianapolis quietly every sunday with lots of neighbors and friends. you know, i consider myself just a pretty ordinary christian, try to spend a little bit of time in prayer and a little time in the book every day and do my level best to live it out in my own personal life. >> now gay marriage is law of the land because of the supreme court. does that offend you? >> well, look, i will always believe in marriage is between one man and one woman. but, but my conviction on this matter is that is an issue that ought to be left up to the states. that once again we saw the supreme court of the united
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states reach in to what has been the purview of state laws for generations and impose their view of that on all 50 states. >> they did that. >> just as they did with roe vs. wade. >> they can that for protection. those who voted for gay marriage if you deprive hoaxes of that that you are biased against them. you don't believe that? i don't. i abhor discrimination against. dr. martin luther king jr. people know me well and know my family know we treat everyone with the same love and respect that we would hope to be treated by others. >> what about abortion? would you support a revocation of roe v. wade? >> i hope to live to see the day that we restore the sanctity of life back to the center of american law. i'm pro-life. i don't apologize for it and i truly do believe that roe
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vs. wade was wrongly decided and, again, overturned more than a century of pro-life laws that had been enacted through the democratic process in all 50 states. but we are making great progress. more young people today embrace the sanctity of life than ever before the great work of christ meg nancy centers across my state and nation is changing hearts and minds every day. >> the left says that you are anti-women, if you don't believe in quote, unquote reproductive rights that you are biased against women. it's the same argument about gay and gay marriage. when you hear those arguments, those politically correct arguments that are made in the media, almost every single day, when you hear those that you, because you oppose gay marriage, because you want roe v. wade to be revoked that you are a bigot. how do you respond? >> well, i just try lead
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this roll off my back. it comes with thetory. people that know me and look at my administration in the state of indiana. we have had women in senior leadership and cabinet positions. women in senior leadership positions in our executive branch. we celebrate the accomplishments of women all across the state of indiana. and really the policies of donald trump and i will be advancing i think are going to improve the security and the prosperity of women and men all across this country and so we will let let the left the way they like to divide things up and segment. we will promote policies that will benefit all americans. >> governor, we appreciate you taking the time. we know how busy you are. we hope we can continue the conversation throughout the campaign. >> count on it, bill. thank you. >> by the way, governor 57 years old. law degree from indiana university. married with three adult children. we had to edit the interview for time the entire chat is posted on bill o' what about that interview?
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joining us now from philadelphia, dr. austan goolsbee, democrat who teaches at the university of chicago. anything catch you there, doctor? >> well, you know, the beginning, i felt, either governor pence had a case of amnesia or else has to say it because is he on the ticket with donald trump i felt it was a gross distortion of history to forget we were in a horrendous recession when president obama took office and making it seem as though things were going well when we came in and all of the struggles that we have had to establish economic growth are just in some sense the fault of the president. >> same old argument have to decide. did president obama do the job economically in almost eight years or did he not? >> i mean, you guys say it's impossible. >> i agree. >> other side.
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>> i didn't say it's impossible. they have done effective job. there is still a long way to go. but we have had a bit of a tortoise rather than hare recovery. >> the basic thrust of president obama's remarks tonight, they are going to be that the republican point of view that the country is in decline is wrong. that we have a vibrant country. this is what the president is going to say. >> how did you get his remarks, by the way? >> i have my ways, doctor. >> i didn't get the remarks. why are they giving them to you. >> you comparing to you me? come on, man. >> that's exactly what he is going to say. >> okay. >> if i'm -- if i am an honest journalist and i say to the president i'm not going to have the opportunity but if i did i would say how you can say that when 66% of the american people and i think it's 69% now going the wrong direction according to the polls. you are painting this rose picture but the folks are painting the opposite picture and that's why trump
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has dominated and how do you answer. >> yes or no. you have a lot of things going in that question. judge of what reality is at least worth noting in the polls you have got large majorities things are on the wrong track. how is the economy overall? they say not good. when asked personally how is your situation? actually you have seen a big rise at my personal situation is pretty good. so i think that polls depending how you phrase it can go one way or the other. everybody agree including you if there wasn't deep disenchantment with the system we have in place in america. donald trump would not be the nominee. he is. >> to describe it as donald trump is dominating i think is very misleading. at best, is he about even with hillary clinton. >> dominating. >> i thought you just said the reason is he dominating is because people. >> if i did i misspoke.
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the reason that he won the nomination in a -- and he did dominate the primaries, is because of the deep disenchantment the american people on at least the republican side are experiencing. i think that's true. >> when you have hillary clinton come advise me. i need your expertise. would you tell hillary clinton to run on the obama platform or to separate from him in the economy and foreign affairs? >> well, it depends what you mean by the obama platform. i would say for sure don't -- there are many strong parts of the economy. and i'm not like a head in the cloud, everything is perfect by any means. i have been critical that we need to get the growth rate up higher there are a lot of sources of strength in the economy. and for sure compared with what things were happening when the president took office, it's a lot better.
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>> all right. so you would basically say that you would continue his policy. >> continue those and add some. >> i have got to go. if i'm a student in your class i raise my hand and i go doctor, growth in 2016, 1.9%. really good. >> i would say no, she has got to get it up higher than that for sure. >> and she has got to say how. all right. doc. always good to talk to you. >> good to see you again. >> how is rudy giuliani being treated by democrats in philadelphia? he will be here to tell us. and then later on the man who tried to kill ronald reagan being released from confinement. can you believe it? factor is coming right back. if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel.
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personal story segment tonight. as you may remember rudy giuliani a trump supporter gave a rousing speech at the republican convention last week. for that he was roundly jeered by some democrats. the mayor joins us now from philadelphia. you know, in light of what we talked about atop of the show where geraldo rivera got water dumped on him and watters had some problems in the crowd. i have been wondering how have you been treated in philadelphia. >> i have been here two days. i have been treated great. i have been asked for about as many pictures here as in
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cleveland. particularly from the police. and i actually am getting treated better here at the republican convention than i do when i come for a giant game when they play the philadelphia eagles. so, i'm doing okay. >> all right. so the crowds outside and inside, they haven't been insulting you or. >> no, they have been asking for pictures. >> good. i'm glad to hear it i don't know if people know this. you make a good living going all around the world advising foreign governments on how to deal with terrorism, okay? >> correct. >> what caught my eye terrorist thing in france is the isis advocates to killed the catholic priest one of them was on a terror watch list actually wearing an electronic bracelet yet, the authorities in france couldn't stop the terror act. the massacre. >> yeah. i think there are a lot of
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problems within law enforcement in france. i think we see it. i think we see the holes that they have in their ability to protect people in france. i also think and i am outraged at the fact that last night they didn't even take one minute of silent prayer for that priest who had his head chopped off by islamic extremist terrorists. the president of france said that islamic extremist terrorists are at war against us and we should be at war against them. let's see if president obama can even meet the level of the president of france. >> let's see if president obama even mentions that tonight. because it hasn't been mentioned so far in the convention to any extent at all, the war against isis. finally as you know, john hinckley was ordered released by a federal judge. you supervised the indictment against hinckley when he tried to assassinate
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president reagan. what do you think about letting him out? >> well, i have a lot of emotion about it. i was -- i had breakfast with president reagan the day that he was shot. did i supervise that prosecution so i probably am not the most objective source. so, you know, i wouldn't let him out. but i'm someone who has very deep emotional feelings for president ronald reagan. he was my boss and i have a picture that my mother kept next to her bedside until she died of me shaking hands with ronald reagan on the day that he was shot. >> yeah. i'm going to give my opinion on letting him out in the next segment. you know, i wrote killing reagan. i know more about hinckley. >> you do. you do. >> than his parents know. and i have some thoughts on it. allall right, mr. mayor, we appreciate you taking the time. and -- >> -- thank you. >> i'm really happy though. i want to tell you, i'm happy that people aren't abusing you.
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you just don't go on "the view" and you will be okay. just stay away from that crew. >> so far. >> everything will be all right. >> so far. okay. >> and now, let's turn to president bill clinton's speech last night praising his wife of 41 years as a very good person. one far left commentator on cable was offended by the speech calling it shocking and rude. i thought it was kind of nice, a demonstration of loyalty. joining us from philadelphia eboni williams and monica crowley. monica, can you figure out why this commentator would say the speech was shocking and rude. >> i will tell you, bill, my first impression and i was in the arena last night for bill clinton's speech. my first impression was that he spent such a good, long portion of the early part of the speech talking about how he met mrs. clinton, their courtship, their marriage and i first thought how odd that was given their long public history of dysfunction and issues to put it mildly in their
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marriage. i thought it was odd. but my second impression was that he knew exactly what he was doing as is usually the case with bill clinton. he was doing there was appealing to younger women voters, millennial voters in particular who may not know the history of the clintons and certainly may not know her as well as the rest of us do. maybe didn't live through that period of time. and that he was trying to reintroduce her to that voting segment. the problem here is that even the necessity to have to reintroduce a woman who has been on the national scene for 30 years tells me that the reason he did that was because they are seeing polling both public and internal show her negatives, her unfavorables, numbers on honesty and ununtrustworthy one way or the ness and they are beginning to panic. >> it was just jarring and this far left commentator is a big fan of hillary
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clinton's. i mean, look, president clinton got up there and he did a speech that puts his wife in the most favorable light to people might vote her into the oval office. everybody knows that's what he is going to do. for the criticism to come not from the conservative precincts so much but from the far left, did you get that at all? >> i understood why she was upset, bill. see, bill was trying, i think, to hun caps point. hillary was runner-up in the 2008 nominating process. we go back and try to figure out why did she not win in the clintons are the convinced she didn't win because she wasn't liked. she is not likeable. she has been struggling with likability issue her entire time in public office. this was bill clinton's effort to talk about this young girl. kept calling her this girl he met some 40 some odd years ago guess what? the intention was to paint her, bill, likeable and personable but it was a failed effort. i think the moderator. >> why would a commentator who clearly favors hillary
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clinton for president object to that? why? >> i will tell you why. >> you both are dodging the question. >> yeah. >> no i'm not dodging i will tell you why because it's not that it's rude, bill, it's ineffective. who wants to think of a commander and chief, the commander and chief, the person who has the military at their control as a girl. i think that's what was offensive to that commentator. >> so girl? that's what set her off? >> i think that's what was the problem. >> well, i mean, that might be part of the problem. but i think the bigger problem for this commentator and others on the left, bill, is that this wave of feminism that hillary clinton represented like the first wave of feminism, hillary clinton didn't represent that she is here because she largely hooked her wagon to a man. so the generations of women coming after this are saying, wait a minute, why is bill clinton saying this about her? she is supposed to be standing on her own merit and yet she largely got to where she is because she was hitch to do a super star.
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>> you know i'm dense, so what you are saying is because the man tries to make his wife endearing by referring to her as a girl and in the context of that she is soft and she is really a nice person. >> right. >> the feminists find that shocking and rude. is that what you are saying, monica? >> they find it rude. they find it shocking, bill. they find it counter productive to monica's point counter productive to the feminist icon they want to see the first woman go into the white house. >> feminism. >> keep something else in mind. they wants her to be a feminist champion. they want her to be able to stand on her own, and her husband last night was going on and on about their marriage and so on when their history is so well known that he did her dirty for a lot of those years and people are sort of rolling their eyes going he didn't have to go down this road. >> and last point, bill, it was too dang gone long.
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>> all too complicated for me. when we come right back, the man who tried to assassinate ronald reagan to be released. miller had some thoughts about it as well. whether democrats can find one good thing to say about donald trump. up ahead. safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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to help you live a healthier life. millions of people have chosen aarp medicare plans. so join them and see what these plans can do for you. call unitedhealthcare today to learn more. ♪ a paragraph thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly. in the segment tonight. hinckley fired six shots trying to kill president reagan. he oned the president and three others including white house jim brady who never really recovered. he has been confined to a
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mental institution. now federal judge paul freidman ordered him release now believing hinckley is no longer a danger. i disagree. in visits hinckley has been permitted over the years he has lied to federal authorities about his activities. and if you read my book "killing reagan" there is no question hinge solid evil over the top. he deserves confinement for the rest of his life. people he hurt all suffered grievously, why should hinckley get a break? joining us now from santa barbara, california, with his view dennis miller. and you say? >> surprised freidman didn't try to spring him last week so he could have been a super delegate at the convention this week. listen, billy, the guy has been released into the custody of his 90-year-old mother. what's she going to do -- she says where are you going, son? i'm going to go shoot a president. what is she supposed to do? tackle him? she is 90. by the way, she lives on a golf course. that's where hinckley is going to live. i called the united states
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golf association today and asked them what the ruling is on that. it's a red stake autobahn situation. if you go there, one stroke penalty move laterally from the tee back. >> it's all about political correctness. that's what this is all about. it's very disturbing. all right, dnc last week you annualized the republicans. what say you about the democrats? >> you down with tpp? yeah, you know me. you down with tpp? sorry, billy. i just wanted to puzzle you with an an old hip hop thing. i remember the day when the stupidest person in the room had a dunce hat. now they have a gavel. go through the main players here. bernie. bernie was legit, he would share whatever he sold out for. turns out old bernie has hamstrings of clay. he caved in like a which capitol hillen chilean mine.
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lipitor co-pay. i will tell you one thing good for bernie he will never have to pick up another check now. he will never notice it. he didn't do it up to this point. cain speaking is he her vp. lends for a great bumper sticker. i would give this to the trump campaign if you want. cain and unable. third, go to billy clinton. when you task somebody with unionizing somebody who has been right in front of us for 25 years, the problem is the source material. and at this point bubba singing boss polyester praises rings hollower. one could wish bill had seen on the charms over the marriage. hillary perfectly reflects america. that's why she has a great chance to win. she is contemporary america. she is a blameless screwup. somebody who they simultaneously will tell you is at the center of the
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universe but absolutely responsible for nothing. i bring bob michum up again. baby, i don't care. >> cain and able is biblical reference. democrats there is a separation of church and state. >> you are right. billy. y even see that unless it's frank church and state then, of course, he is all over it. >> cain and unable. you will be hearing more of that from dennis miller and we appreciate it watters on deck. he asked some democrats is there anything good at all from donald trump? that report after these messages. ancestrydna and i couldn't wait to get my pie chart. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i'm made of,
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you've always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the gle350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. back of the book segment tonight, "watters world." as we have been reporting the presidential race this year is really a personality contest as hillary clinton and donald trump are widely known. we sent watts to ask democrats if there is anything good about mr. trump. >> ♪ ♪ >> donald trump the nominee for the republican? >> looks like it. >> can you name one good thing about donald trump? >> no. >> okay. that's settled. >> he speaks his own crazy mind. >> i think that he taps into the feeling of
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disenfranchisement that a lot of people in this country have especially working class people. >> you can name one good thing about donald trump? [contradicts -- >> against free trade agreements which is pretty cool. >> trump wants to defeat isis. >> maybe he does. maybe he doesn't. i'm not familiar enough with him. >> don't you want to defeat isis. >> probably i do. i don't approve of isis tactics. but i don't know anything about their ideology. i don't know what isis thinks about global warming. >> you are worried about what isis thinks about global warming? >> i would be interested in their views on global warming. >> what the hell are you talking about? >> trump is going to cut your taxes, put more money in your pocket. >> well, i mean, yeah. >> don't you like money? >> not really. >> what in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here? >> trump has make america great again hats. you like hats. you guys have a lot in common. >> no, sir. no, sir.
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you are teasing me. >> i knew it i had that feeling. >> trump is an outsider. bernie is an you are teasing me >> bernie is an outsider. >> the difference is bernie is blaming the banks and trump is blaming brown and black people for problems in our country. >> trump is going to make america great again. >> they want to make it like the's 50s. >> i think he was talking about the '80s. >> need to get back to 1985. >> trump is great with nick names. got to give him that. >> i'm not a big nicknamer. >> let's give them something to talk about. >> what are you out here protest sng. >> injustice. >> are you pulling for hillary or trump in the election? >> mr. o'reilly, what is your
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informed guess? >> i think you are a hillary girl. >> i'm past puberty so i'm a woman. >> i don't trust trump, hillary. >> bernie really ignited -- >> today, junior. >> what are you doing out here today? >> i'm here telling people vote for jesus. jesus for president. >> you will probably squeak by. ♪ >> do you know who i am? >> i do not. >> i'm watters. >> say it again. what did you say? >> this is my world. >> i don't recognize you. >> it's okay. you will learn to love me. >> hello newman.
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>> watters joins us. the guy who wants to know about what isis thinks about global warming, that was serious. >> i know. i don't think isis has a position on global warming and i don't want to know their position. i don't care. >> do you ever after the camera goes off say did you really say that? is that what you really meant? >> after the camera goes off i run in the complete opposite direction of these people. >> tomorrow we have a serious thing for you. watters will talk about kate's law and maybe some senators and congress people. going to chase them around. >> we have been chasing them. they are running around like they are looking for pokemon. >> look forward to that. we have a new podcast up on
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billo'reil billo' no mail tonight. waiting for jill biden to speak. we will go to the vice president's wife when she gets on the stage. we have the factor tip of the day. this coming sunday we lock in on george washington as president. >> prior to proceedings of other business we must select a president of this convention. >> there is but one choice, general george washington. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> mr. president.
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>> i see no prospect of a speedy return to mount vernon or contrary to my wish. i am made by unanimous vote president of the convention. >> he wasn't real thrilled about it. we thank you all for watching sunday at 8:00 and 11:00 eastern time. we are waiting for jill biden to come to the stage. let's go to bill in the crowd. >> reporter: a moment ago chants of "no more war" that is leon pan eta. this is the first time the delegates off their feet. >> they were heckling?
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>> reporter: heckle or chant i think you can probably suggest one or the other. sober topics, but we expect that to change in the next hour when jill biden comes out. >> martha is in the crowd, as well. what do you have for us? martha, martha. do you hear me? >> reporter: i got you now. we lost you for a second there. >> go. >> reporter: we are just watching what is happening with leon panetta. he brought up the priest who was slaughtered in france. there were questions about why it wasn't talked about. when it was brought up and when leon panetta made a case for fighting isis this crowd and into the raptors started chanting no more war to the
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point that leon panetta leon panetta could no longer go on with his speech. he is one of four people who served as secretary of defense to president obama. he wrote critically about president obama and his leadership. he is up here now supporting hillary clinton. it is interesting to see if the president and leon panetta run into each other in the hall. the reaction in this crowd tells you a lot about why this group and why the people that jesse watters spoke to don't know much about isis and don't want to hear much about war. >> interesting that obama administration would give leon panetta a platform. he did criticize as did all other secretaries of defense. disengaged with the terror threat, didn't think it was a top priority and wasn't aggressive enough. i guess to hillary clinton's credit, i should say because remember leon panetta was a top adviser to her husband when he was president, hillary clinton allowed panetta to have a say. it is shocking that he would be
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shouted down. >> reporter: it is shocking. clearly leon panetta and hillary clinton are more on the same pamg. this may be a way for hillary clinton to start distancing herself from obama foreign policy. look for her to do that because she has to put day light between herself and president obama on this issue if she wants to convince people that she is serious about fighting isis. as for the democrats in this theater, they are very much against this. it says something about the way moved. it is more liberal, more college educated, more wealthy. it is not a moderate party that embraces what they see as a hawk in hillary clinton and why she doesn't talk about the topic all that much. >> she will once she gets out of philadelphia. she knows it is coming in the debate. while you were talking i want to go back to hammer because hammer was listening, they started chanting "usa." what was that all about?
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>> reporter: many people did. you heard that chant here. that is now being met by a lot of applause for leon panetta. i think he makes an outstanding point about his relationship with the obama administration, and you know hillary clinton obviously gave him the okay to speak here tonight and he delivered that message. late last nightee were told that the bernie sanders are behind the convention. i have not heard a single bernie chant tonight. >> so thank you guys, as always. here comes the vice president's wife, jill biden. she will speak for approximately two minutes and we will let you hear her. thanks again for watching the factor. spin stops here. we'll see you tomorrow night. thank you.
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it's great to be back in philly. once again we are making history. together we will elect the first woman president of the united states, hillary clinton. let me start by thanking you for allowing me to serve as second lady of the united states for the past eight years. it's been an honor. let me thank you for the love and support you have given our family. it has meant the world to us. over the past eight years america has gotten to know the
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joe biden that i know and love. he is honest and strong, principled and compassionate. he was authentic long before it became a buzz word. breaking tonight after donald trump suggested that russian hackers look for hillary clinton's missing e-mails some of the biggest names in intel blasted the gop candidate. now his campaign manager is here to react. welcome to "the kelly file." i'm megyn kelly. here at the wells fargo center in philadelphia where we are awaiting vice president joe biden and president obama coming up in just a bit. right now in the middle of the democratic national convention republican nominee donald trump managed to dominate the head lines after suggesting russian hackers should try to find democratic nominee hillary clinton's missing e-mails. his critics call it beyond
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