tv The Five FOX News July 28, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> wonderful stuff. bret baier, thank you very much. we'll see you very, very shortly. good stuff. that's it from us. i will see you tomorrow morning on the fox business network. but right now, stay tuned, "the five" is next. >> hello, everyone. i'm juan williams, with kimberly guilfoyle, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in philadelphia, and this is "the five." ♪ >> you're looking live in davenport, iowa. donald trump expected to address a rally there in a few minutes. we'll bring that to you when he be begins. in the meantime, in just a few hours, hillary clinton will take center stage in philadelphia to formally accept her party's nomination for president. it will be a first for a woman in our nation's history.
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but before the balloons drop, democrats launched blistering attacks against clinton's opponent last night, speaker after speaker ripping into donald trump, including president obama, vice president biden, michael bloomberg, and tim kaine. watch. >> trump is a guy who promises a lot. believe me, it's going to be great, believe me. we're going to build a wall and make mexico pay for it, believe me. we're going to destroy isis so fast, believe me. there's nothing suspicious in my tax returns, believe me. >> i'm a new yorker, and i know a con when i see one. >> he's trying to tell us he cares about the middle class. give me a break. that's a bunch of mularkey. this guy doesn't have a clue about the middle class. actually, he has no clue,
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period. >> i know plenty of businessmen and women who achieved remarkable success without leaving a trail of lawsuits and unpaid workers and people feeling like they got cheated. does anyone really believe that a guy who spent his 70 years on this earth show nothing regard for working people, is suddenly going to be your champion? your choice? >> will the line of attacks be effective? it looks to me like they're aiming at working class white voters who didn't go to college. right now, donald trump is up 53-28 with people, white men who didn't go to college, but he's behind clinton 47-37 with men who did go to college. so is this line of attack effective? >> i think we'll have to wait and see. i think what the two conventions have done is that have ended the primary process we have accepted this is going to be our nominee, even though there are people on
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the republican side ended up being behind trump. same here, monday and tuesday, very divisive on the floor. but last night being in the arena, you saw the democrats that came together. so they came home, as well, for the most part. maybe 88 to 90% on both sides. i think what they've done is broken to bernie's favor. they have set the record straight on the obama administration. there are quibbles, but that's what they were going to do. they tried to define the opponent, donald trump. and this line of attack, i think when you start to see some of the ads come out, we'll see how effective they are. but i think joe biden, in the state of pennsylvania, his home state, would be very helpful to hillary clinton in at least trying to keep pennsylvania in her corner, if she can. because donald trump had a rally in scranton, pennsylvania last night, apparently blew the roof off the place. they loved him there. that's biden's hometown. it is in his blood. if he can get there and at least get some of them from going to donald trump, because they're
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blue collar people, he'll probably be very helpful for her there. >> i heard one line repeatedly, eric, is hey, do you really believe that he's not hiding something in his tax returns? new york mayor michael plumeberg said i'm a new yorker, i know a con man when i see one. >> taken the list, panetta got shouted down, "no more wars." i think michael bloomberg was effective last night. i was watching him. coming from one new york billionaire attacks another one, i understand what he was doing. joe biden, you got the typical joe biden. tim kaine was boring to me. i thought he just flopped completely. and then president obama came out and i think he was extremely effective. but the problem is, if you listen to president obama, you heard him reference himself over 100 times. i think it was something like 116 times he referenced himself, and that's -- you know what that is? that's a dog whistle to everyone out there.
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if you want another term of obama, elect hillary clinton because you'll get more of the same thing. i think last night was their most effective night and they probably will get a bump from it. but i would think that donald trump is going to speak again tonight in the state of pennsylvania. i think this is an important state, and i think he's holding his own. if he holds pennsylvania, he's got this locked up. >> kimberly, i was curious to hear president obama said that his grandparents, kansas folks. they didn't like bullies and braggarts and showoffs. they liked people who deliver and who you can trust. was that effective? >> yeah, i think it is. obviously president obama is one of the best orators and best presidential orators of our time, that i've been able to listen to. i think he did an effective job for her last night, in my opinion he was probably the best one. and then the fact that bloomberg came out to support hillary and was there and gave obviously a very well prepared speech, that
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was helpful for her. but at the same time, the news cycle yesterday was so heavily occupied until you had the heavy hitters take the stage last night. it was dominated by donald trump, by the press conference, and the press conference the day before at the vfw. so i think tonight she's got to deliver. i don't think tim kaine did much of anything to help her. when he accepted as the vp, he was charming, but fell flat. it was a little howard dean weirdish, when he kept doing the "believe me" thing. >> what did you think of the imitation when he was imitating donald trump, gregsome >> it was terrible. it was so bad that i -- i wanted him to stop. i want to talk about obama's speech, because a lot of people believe his speech was great. but my favorite part is when he says, our power doesn't come from some self-declared savior, promising that he alone can
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restore order. this is from the man who claimed he could stem the rising tide. he positioned himself as moses eight years ago. he also made an incredibly strong case for an exceptional country, this glorious melting pot. but for the past eight years -- this speech would have been unnecessary if he and his party hadn't been stirring that melting pot with divisive rhetoric. he created trump. their divisive rhetoric created trump. then the other part about trump, he's not really a facts guy. well, who else isn't a facts guy? president obama is for climate change, has never mentioned a fact. law enforcement, he talks about law enforcement. he ignores the facts that have come out disputing his beliefs. islamic terror, he ignores the facts about that. he's the king of feeling. nothing more than feelings for obama. so he's a hypocrite for calling
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trump on these things. biden, i thought man, he was great. i think that democrats watched that speech like a bachelorette realizing that the runner-up, they should have picked the runner-up. it's like, why did they pick this guy and not this guy? i thought he was really good. >> greg, i know you care so deeply about the terrorist issue. one oh of the lines of attack was, this guy is the least prepared person to deal with national security. that was vice president biden. then you had a vice admiral from the navy. one of the things he said is donald trump couldn't polish john mccain's shoes, referring to the fact that trump went after mccain as a loser and all that. how did that strike you? >> i think a fair criticism, except if you are right on the big picture, you can find people to solve this issue. trump is right on the big vision about islamism. he can talk about islamism and
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the dangers of migration. if you are right on the big picture and you don't know the specifics, you can get the specifics. the problem with the democratic party, they are wrong on the big picture. that means they can never be right about the specifics. >> eric, what the admiral said was, donald trump is a walking, talking recruitment poster for terrorists given his rhetoric and the big picture that greg is talking about. >> in what way? >> when he says, we're not going to allow muslims in the country. >> he said a temporary ban until we figure out the vetting process. do terrorists need any more reason to kill us than they already have? because donald trump said that, they've become more angry? i don't think so. i think there's -- it's the western ideology they're going after, not because donald trump says hold off on immigration. look, these are all talking points. this is stuff we've heard for the past year --
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>> do you honestly -- hold on. >> tell me something new we learned last night. >> i'm just saying, i don't think most people, most americans, even trump supporters, think donald trump knows a lot about how to combat terrorism. >> i'll tell you who doesn't know a whole lot is president obama. and he's proven that over the last eight years. he said, let's pull out of afghanistan and iraq, the j.v. team. he's failed on everything as far as counterterror all the way through. as far as going after bin laden, that was the bush administration that got bin laden, and obama took the kill shot. >> goodness gracious, you went overboard. i don't understand how you cannot acknowledge that people worry all of his rhetoric is absent any specifics, differing from what obama is doing to combat isis. >> i'm going to help out, juan.
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the problem, is when you look at the facts, this is what greg is talking about, too. they don't measure up. yes, it was a great speech. i'm a student of rhetoric and communication in public speaking. this that sense, i loved it. but when you look at people suffering, the fears of terrorism that we have in this country, the fact that we have been hit in orlando, san bernardino, the fact that our allies have been hit repeatedly. and look at france in just the last few weeks, how many times they've been hit. people are concerned. so you can't look to the measure of obama's success and then say a third term essentially for hillary clinton, when they have failed in that area, and they've also failed in terms of the economy. the middle class is not better off. african-americans and minorities are not better off. >> the economy is doing better. >> president obama or hillary clinton did not kill bin laden. we all know it was ted cruz's father. >> i thought that was the kennedy assassination. but i'm slow to catch up.
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obviously the right wing conspiracy theory -- >> watch alex jones. he's amazing. still to come, we are waiting for donald trump to take the podium at a rally in iowa. we're going to bring that to you when he comes on stage. straight ahead, mr. gutfeld has some advice for hillary clinton before she takes the stage tonight to accept her nomination. stay tuned. now she writes mostly in emoji.
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soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. maybe... the skate park today? you can make it gr-r-reat! ♪ kellogg's frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. they're gr-r-reat!
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on the bright side, that's a great way to get rid of lice. back to hillary. so far she's been helped by one thing, her absence. the less you see of her, the better off she seems. instead, we've seen bill, michelle, barack and joe making the case, why they kept her in storage like a fake christmas tree. why is that? ♪ >> you want to touch mine? >> of course. >> it's real, it's real. [ inaudible ] >> oh, that's good. i've never had this before.
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>> she's just as wooden as george washington's teeth. we've seen some great speeches this week, but not the great hillary or the great plan or the great vision. we've been told there's no one more qualified than her. yet why hasn't she beenible to sell that herself. she needs famous names to beat trump, because she can't do it alone. the problem is, super friends won't be on the debate stage with her. and i know the candidate is always last at the convention. but this was a problem way before she got to philly. for her to beat trump, she has to beat herself. she has to overcome those robotic cadences that rise and fall like a dinghy in 20-foot swells. she needs forceful words and not crazy volume. she has to explain her plan, her vision, herself. in a word, she has to be her
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husband, bill. maybe bill can wear a wig. you might look good in that, dana. this is the most important speech of her life. >> they always are, until the next one. >> this is it. there won't be a next one. >> that's true. i think they have set her up to basically -- she could succeed or fall on her own now. she can only pull herself across the finish line. one thing i thought was different last night for me in the hall, wen you're there, the democrats have been very good at the stage craft. president obama is very good at the emotions. so that kind of electric feeling that only humans can feel, you could feel it last night. so i think that energy, she didn't carry that a little bit tomorrow night, eric is right, she'll get a bump out of this and we'll be in tied situation going into august for the next month. >> do you agree, eric? >> the first thing for me is all the flags on the stage tonight.
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it took them four nights, but they figured that one out finally. >> because the other ones were being burned. >> or they couldn't find one. and katy perry is going to lead into it. >> she's a great political mind. >> doesn't matter. >> it's going to be a moment for her. but just take note on how different mrs. clinton's speech will be than bill clinton's speech. bill clinton was all about oh, she's beautiful, she blew me off at first. i finally got her. check the box, minimum wage, fossil fuels bad, abortion good, income inequality bad, gay marriage, good. just go down the liberal progressive agenda and she'll hit those. and my guess is she'll come out of this ahead. she'll have a nice four or five-point bump. but that's not enough. she's going to need a lot more. >> juan, in trump's speech, he devoted a lot to hillary. do you think hillary is going to devote a lot of time to trump? >> no. i think he's going to mention
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trump. she might have some dismissive comments about him, but not to the extent we saw from other surrogates. what strikes me is look, we're coming to the end of the week. i think the democrats have had a much better convention than the republicans. but i was stunned that trump got a bump. so i would expect like eric that hillary is going to get a bump. it might be a good bump, but who knows? but she's going to be introduced by chelsea, her daughter. at the republican convention, the biggest surrogate for donald trump was his son, his daughter, his family. well, chelsea will be there for hillary tonight. but gosh, she had a whole lot more people willing to speak on her behalf, people with real firepower, and i start off with michelle obama, president obama, bill clinton, her husband, the former president. the vice president. so the question for me is, well, what does she have to do if eric says oh, she's just going to do
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policy. no, no. i think she has to change the narrative about hillary clinton, because she has been subject to so many attacks, so much negativity from republicans who fear her victory. >> and democrats, too. >> well, no. in this race, i think it's coming from the republicans and donald trump. >> and sanders. >> and they say she's just all about policy, which is what you were saying, eric. i think she's got to say, i'm a human being, and here i am, you don't know the human being and i can be intimate with you. >> oh, how charming and interesting. way to get votes. >> do you think she's going to solve her trustworthy problem tonight on this stage? i think there's no chance. >> i say there's a chance she can start. >> it's tough to convince people that you're not an android. >> there is that challenge, and given the pants suit too, could be interesting. but here's the problem. this is a nominee that has failed to gain any excitement because this is someone who has barely been able to escape fbi indictment by the doj.
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that's a real challenge here and people need to think about that in terms of the ethics challenges, the disregard for the rule of law, for the e-mail server. everything that went wrong there, she has to try and relate to the american people that she understands their economic and domestic anxieties every day when they go home and worry about how to pay the bills and feed their families. she also has to understand while she was secretary of state, things didn't get better, they got worse. and people lost lives. and now terrorism is here, right in the u.s., and we have to confront it and deal with it. so we're going to have to get some kind of way that we feel she has engendered some kind of confidence that the american people feel. >> is there anything that she can say to kimberly guilfoyle that will mean that kimberly guilfoyle tomorrow on "the five" will say hey, juan, that was really good? i feel better. >> i quit. >> you're right, i plead guilty.
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>> i think that her speech will be more schematic than checking the box speeches. she's got plenty of time. remember also time they positioned her as a conservative alternative, kind of a risky thing after two days of dealing with the bernie sanders people. and donald underestimate the power in the room of all of the firsts of her being the first woman, there will be the crowd in that room is going to be electrified. she will hopefully for her own sake, she will be buoyed by that. the not, she's going to have a rough morning. up next, nancy pelosi, you remember her. she uttered some stereo typical comments about white men. you'll hear from the former speaker, moments from now. don't go anywhere. approaching medicare eligibility?
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and start gathering the information you need to help you go long™. ♪ we are still awaiting that trump rally in davenport, iowa. we'll keep a close eye on that. meanwhile, nancy pelosi reveals what liberals really think about conservative americans. she makes this claim on why hillary clinton is struggling to win over white male voters. take a look. >> how many times white, noncollege educated white males have voted republicans, they voted against their own economic interests, because of guns, because of gays, and because of god. the three gs. that is softening. some of those people were never going to be voting democratic any way.
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but i believe that with the turnout that we expect to have, we will draw some of them in with our message. >> despite what pelosi says, there has been a major shift in gop politics against that stereotype. just listen to two openly gay republicans, peter field and rick ranel. >> every american has a unique identity. i am proud to be gay. i am proud to be a republican. but most offal, i am proud to be an american. >> i'll just say to speaker pelosi coming up next, i'm gay, i'm harvard educated, and i'm pro gun. >> not a single speaker brought up being against gay marriage at the convention. it seems to me it's the dems that can't let the stereotype go, because it serves their
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interests to turn out voters. >> lbgtq should be in alphabet ca -- alphabetical order. any way, the most frightening thing for nancy pelosi in her world is people like them that don't fall into their plantation of where gays should be. and also what she's forgetting is that all of these evil white males are married, often married to females. and they go home and they talk and they share values over dinner. and so when these females hear somebody like pelosi trashing their husbands, do you think they're going to vote for her guy or her girl? i doubt it. >> why can't they move on, kimberly? they actually got what they wanted from the republicans. this is the first republican convention in a long time where gay marriage wasn't a big issue. >> it was a very memorable moment on the floor when donald trump was talking about it.
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i was proud. this is an open tent, and the democrats should move on. it's enough already. and when you see people like rick grenell, super bright, proud, open, gay, super smart, highly educated. you think about all the ways that we have come forward as a country and that the republican party is the one showing the maturity and having an open tent saying we have room for you here in our party. that is not a traditional platform piece that you would usually see. but i thought it was great that trump went out on a limb to say, in fact, we welcome you, we encourage you to be part of this movement to make america great again. that was a winning moment for the republicans, and i don't think the democrats and nancy pelosi blaming white males in america for all the ills. shame on her. >> eric, what do you think about when she said these white males, conservatives in america are voting against their economic interest. >> i underlined that line.
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you want to talk about hypocrisy. you know who's voted most aggressively against their own self-interests? african-americans in america. under president obama, the wage gap between white and black has widened. and also unemployment amongst african-americans has gotten better, but nowhere near -- it's basically lagging white unemployment under president obama. so if you're african-american and voting for president obama because he's black, instead of who would bring better economic activity, better jobs, and better opportunity to your community, it's not a democrat, it's republican. >> what do you think, juan? >> let me quote vice president biden. mularkey. i'll tell you the numbers -- mitt romney said he would get unemployment down to 6%. it's down to 5%. those are numbers. >> but the numbers in the
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african-american has lagged the white community. >> this has been under every president. >> oh vote for the president, not for the color of the president. >> people voted for barack obama because they believe in his policies. let me make that larger point. i can't believe that you guys -- at first, i thought i appreciate conservatives being upset that people speak with them as if they are dumb and act as with disdain for ideology on the conservative side. i'm in concert with you on that. but when you ignore that republicans have used wedge issues like gay rights, i don't understand it. because just last year, the man that you nominated as vice president, mike pence of indiana, got in such trouble for trying to bar gays from having equal rights in the state of indiana. >> that's a good point he's making. >> but who was against gay marriage just a few years ago?
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>> you lohillary clinton made te statement. >> we have become more tolerant with regard to gay rights. but to say she's talking no. no. abortion, still a big wedge issue. guns, the nra still dominates the republican party. >> dana, let me tell you a quick story about george w. bush. when i was first lady with san francisco and gavin had just done the whole thing with gay marriage, right? we were at the white house press correspondence dinner, all of the democrats would not take a picture with us because of what he had done. who came out and took a picture with us was president bush and his wife. i'll never forget that moment. wow, being treated better by the republicans than the democrats because they're worried about elections. >> it's interesting, it is the first presidential election in recent memory where gay marriage is not the wedge issue. so maybe that's a good thing that we have moved on. >> i'm tired of teenagers trying to give me a wedgy. >> oh, my gosh. we'll have more on that, but
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still waiting for donald trump. he's going to come to the podium at a rally in iowa. catch him tonight when he goes "on the record" with greta. ahead, the election on november could hinge on the state of pennsylvania. who has the best shot to win, trump or hillary? we will handicap the keystone state when we come back. we'll be right back. ♪ is depression more than sadness? ♪ it's a tangle of multiple symptoms. ♪
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this is a fox news alert. you are looking live at donald trump at the podium in davenport, iowa. let's listen in. >> a tremendously successful convention in cleveland. cleveland was amazing. [ applause ] and they called it a bounce, but we had a bounce like very few people have a bounce. all i know is i'm leading in the
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polls. we're leading in all of these polls. [ applause ] and we're going to make america great again, but i watched last night, we're going to make america better than ever before, believe me. but i watched last night, and they're not talking about the real world. they're not talking about radical islamic terrorism. they're not talking about border where is people just pour across. they're not talking about the crime, the kind of crime that we have in this nation. they're not talking about the fact that many people in our country are making less money today in terms of real wages than they were making 18 years ago. they're not talking about that. [ applause ] they're not talking about the fact that our jobs are leaving our country, that our jobs are pouring into mexico and other countries. they don't talk about that.
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they don't talk about all of the problems we have in our country with education, where we're ranked very, very poorly nationwide in terms of locals, in terms of education on a worldwide basis. we are ranked so poorly, and they're not talking about that. they just don't talk about it. so i'm watching, as everything is hunky dorey. everything is wonderful. they're not talking about isis and what isis is doing, and our depleted military where it isn't being properly funded and being depleted. where people leave the military at the top level and they've said, and i've seen this, generals are leaving the military, one in particular said we're in the worst state of readiness that we've been in since world war ii. and he actually meant, i believe, much further than that.
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they don't talk about that. they're not talking about it. they're not talking about obamacare, where in texas they just had going through blue cross/blue shield, where they had 60% increase, and on november 1st, you'll see numbers you won't believe. because obamacare is a catastrophe. it is an absolute catastrophe. [ applause ] and you're going to have increases. now, here's the problem. they want to make it to december. we can't let that happen, because we know the numbers are going to be astronomical, record-setting numbers, increases. and it's election changing numbers. now, we don't want to change an election because now we're leading. but these are election changing numbers. [ applause ] and we want to have those
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numbers revealed prior to the election on november 8th, okay? we have to have those numbers revealed. and they will be revealed, and they will be revealed. so we're not talking about the real world. when i watch the folks, you know, they want to be optimistic. they were saying that we did really well, and got a lot of good accolades on what my children said, what the speaker said, what i said. [ applause ] but, you know, the haters, the haters were saying they couldn't say too much bad. they liked the delivery, they couldn't say too much. but what they did say, and it was very strongly stated, they thought my speech was very dark. they all used that same term, very dark. and i said, actually, it wasn't dark, it was very optimistic, because i explained the problem, and then i explained how we're going to fix it or at least
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stated that we're going to fix it. i think it was a very optimistic speech. i think it was very optimistic. but i watched last night, and it was like all beautiful roses. folks, we owe $20 trillion. it's going to be $21 trillion very, very soon. it's going to be -- the numbers are astronomical. astronomical. the numbers -- you know, if interest rates ever go up, you're going to start taking a look at this kind of a number, that's going to be a number that will match most of the other numbers that we have, which are so catastrophic. the only thing we have is the fact that we have low interest rates, and we're not paying as much as you would normally be paying on this tremendous amount of debt. we're going to have to be very, very careful. we have a very fragile situation. obama didn't mention that during
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his eight years now, almost eight years, our debt has doubled. he didn't mention that. doubled. so you're talking about years and years, and then in eight years it doubled. nobody mentions that. and when you think of it, we doubled -- we doubled and yet we're cutting back from our military. we're taking away from our military, at a time when we most need protection. we have to take care of our military. we have to take care of our vets. we have to take care of our military. >> that was republican nominee donald trump, live in davenport, iowa, at a rally. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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all right. you're looking right now live at davenport, iowa. donald trump has been speaking. dana, before we left, he started talking about the $20 trillion in debt. that's a big deal. >> he hit two things that i thought were important. that audience, and any independents that are out there wondering who they might vote for. one, obviously the debt, because that certain hi didn't come up last night. and obamacare and the increases in premiums that are happening. if you pay attention to your local news, you are guarantied to have seen stories over time
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in the last three years of rate increases. the other thing i would say is that right after the rnc convention, he went home to new york for a while. i thought wait, why aren't you pressing the advantage? just in the last few days, he's been in florida, pennsylvania, ohio, maybe even north carolina, so they're doing sort of like all the right things. >> ba battleground states. juan, iowa, an important state because democrats have held it five out of the last six presidential elections. >> that's right. i was watching trump speak, he's almost hypnotic. but then he says stuff like, wait a second, i'm going to wake up here. he said that his speech at the republican convention was optimistic and uplifting, and it was just those stupid democrats who said it was doom and gloom. does he really believe that? >> what about donald trump taking a microphone and podium on hillary's big night?
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>> yeah, it's a bold move. he's not going to do anything by the original playbook. this is how he's been able to get to where he's gotten. i think it's very smart strategically, is he's going to all these battle ground states, hitting them hard. if people have a personal interaction with him, i think that's going to help him. and also because he brings his kids, eric, and don and ivanka, that's also very helpful. >> what do you say, greg? >> i don't want to say that trump's campaign is being influenced by the fox news channel, but i heard that if he wins, he's going to make secretary of treasury william dubaine. >> he has a lot of gold and silver. i love william dubaine. >> guess what? "one more thing" is up next. take a look at these
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bbq trophies: best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping... >>yep, greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? ♪ whoomp there it is uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. >>best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. >>well i'll be... does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app. download it today. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
2:54 pm
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world war ii veteran back home to his family. it happened july 18th. take a look at what they did. ♪ glory, glory hallelujah glory, glory hallelujah ♪ >> amazing. greg? >> i hate cold play but i love michael j. fox who is an amazing person, so now i like cold play. because michael j. fox, remember when he played johnny be good in "back to the future?" he played it again with cold play. and it's actually pretty damn amazing. there you go. >> pretty cool. >> incredible. >> look it up on youtube. it will blow your mind. >> that's pretty cool, given his problems.
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>> you know what that means? there's progress being made with packenson's. >> eric? >> amazing opportunity this afternoon. check out this video. imagine toure is the founder of black guns matter. it's an inner city outreach to people, trying to teach people how to handle firearms in the inner city, pro second amendment guy for safety and security. i think it's fantastic. a lot of law enforcement is on board with that. also very quickly, i got to shoot a glock 9 millimeter. that's the most popular hand gun in law enforcement. great stuff. look it up. black guns matter. >> nice. >> my turn. so driving home down broad
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street here in philadelphia last night, going home from the democratic national convention, i was struck by the sight of city hall, it will up in a swirl of colors, red, white, and blue, stars and stripes under william penn. he's at the top of city hall since 1894. the site brought back memories, because when i was in college, i took my first professional job as a journalist, and one of my first assignments was to cover city hall for a summer with mayor frank rizzo. he really thought that kid with the afro is pretty funny. dana? >> everybody had very moving one more things. i have informational and informative, very helpful one more thing today. you know how sometimes you can't open a jar of something? and you say, would you mind trying to open this for me? >> here's the thing. me lynn yales are losing their grip. not on reality, but they have no and strength, because there's too much of this.
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so that means in their lifetime they could have problems. they can't maybe swing a golf club or carry a grocery bag. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's it for us on this final day of the democratic national convention in philly. we're going to see you in new york city tomorrow. this is a fox news alert. it is showtime. and perhaps the night of a lifetime for hillary clinton. welcome to the final night of the democratic national convention. i'm bret baier at the wells fargo center in philadelphia tonight, where you will witness history. the first woman to officially accept the presidential nomination. late today, president obama's top intelligence officials -- official rather had words of caution about who may be responsible of the hacking of democratic party e-mails and what he
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