tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 29, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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you don't at the present time miss that up next, "the o'reilly factor." make sure you go to my facebook page and like it. good night from washington. i will see you monday. ♪ ♪ ♪ hi, i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. let's get right to our top story. the aftermath of the democratic convention. hillary clinton gave voters the hard sell last night unleashing everything she has got against donald trump. >> donald trump can't even handle the rough and tumble of a presidential campaign. he loses his cool at the slightest provocation. when he has gotten a tough question from a reporter, when he is challenged in a debate. when he sees a protester at a rally.
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imagine, if you dare imagine, imagine him in the oval office facing a real crisis. a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. and in the end, it comes down to what donald trump doesn't get, america is great because america is good. trump was on the receiving end of a blistering attack by democrats all week and seems to have had enough. >> the things that were said about me. i mean, should guy through some of the names? you know what? i wanted to. i want to do hit a couple of those speakers so hard. i would have hit them, no, no. [cheers] i was going to hit -- i was all set and then i got a
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call from a highlypected governor, how's it going, donald? i said well, it's going good but they are really saying bad things about me. i'm going to hit them so hard. i was going to hit one in particular. a very little guy. i was going to hit him so hard his head would spin he wouldn't know what the hell happened. and he came out of nowhere. >> wow. joining us now with reaction from dallas, trump campaign national spokeswoman katrina pierson. now, katrina, the very little guy mr. trump was referring to in the speech i'm guessing and treat tweeted today about little michael bloomberg. is that who he was talking about. >> mr. trump didn't say so i won't say. but i think your inference could be spot on. mr. trump was definitely defending himself. and i think the quote from hillary clinton you just played are indicative why mr. trump is beating her in the polls right now. people are tired of this make believe fantasy land
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that everything is okay and there is nothing to see here, move along. we finally have a candidate that's willing to stand up for himself and fight back for a change. >> um-huh. yeah, that michael bloomberg speech. it seemed that it was very attackish and kind of shocked me, too. listen, this is what politics are all about. let's talk about what you just mentioned, mrs. clinton's comments last night. she was hitting donald trump very hard on tweeting issue. donald trump has done very well with twitter. gets his message out there. he says because you can instat gait twitter fight with him this is why struggles with younger people. it's been one of the ways mr. trump has been able to fight back against the liberal media that has tried to paint his policies for him. there are millions of millennials who are on twitter and getting his
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message. >> the word is that he and mrs. clinton will be receiving national security briefings coming very soon. what will donald do with those? >> well, is he going to take them very seriously. you know, one of the things in trump has always said that he wants to take in the information and lead the generals make the decisions and what we know with hillary clinton, particularly throughout this week is there really was no mention of what was going to be changed and we hear a lot of talk about her resume and her qualifications but what's really important are the decisions that she has made while she had those titles like when she was secretary of state and we have had an influx of refugees coming into this country. we see what's happening in other countries and she wants to do more of that. her plan, eric, is to have more intelligence but why didn't she do that while she was secretary of state because now we know after the email investigation that she had intelligence and she misused that intelligence as well as when people died under her watch. she lied about it and that's the case that's going to be
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made moving forward. >> the trump campaign is suggesting that maybe hillary clinton shouldn't have these national security briefings because of what happened with the email, with the fbi being under investigation with the fbi. hillary clinton camp says donald shouldn't have it because of his comments about russia looking for the 33,000 emails. first of all, where -- did he mean -- was he serious about that he? said he tongue in cheek where is he? >> it's absolutely tongue in cheek which is why he included the press will be thankful in that comment. mr. trump is right. now you have the department of justice who have reopened the investigation into hillary clinton's emails certainly because there needs to be consequences as the fbi director comey has even said. that if that person had worked for him they would probably lose their security clearance mr. trump is not investigated by the fbi. he hasn't done anything that could thwart national security. hillary clinton has that's the problem and that's the difference that's why you have seen it this last
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convention where people are still wondering is she even going to address the email situation? is she going to talk about benghazi? because that's what people want to know about her is why her poll numbers have tanked in honesty and really important moving forward. >> katrina, last night, probably the most compelling speaker for me was not hillary clinton. one of the most compelling, the father of the muslim u.s. soldier from virginia who was killed in action he said you haven't sacrificed anything. how do you respond to something like that? it was an emotional moment. >> it was absolutely an emotional moment. and, you know, everyone sympathizes with any parent that's lost a child under any circumstances. but if we go back to day one of the dnc convention, where there was not a single american flag in the arena and, in fact, eric, there was a palestinian flag and on the outside of the arena, they were burning american flags as well as israeli flags in their protest. so we have a situation where we have to put american
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citizens first. we cannot delay this any longer. it is truly unfortunate that we have lost so many lives because of terrorism. but, we have hundreds of millions of people in this country that we cannot succumb to people's feelings. it's about national security and the best interest of the people who are here. and the policies under even bill clinton letting usama bin laden go, moving forward 15 years. we have been in a war and hillary clinton says we need to work your allies. well, where has that been this whole time. >> katrina, before we go, as a woman, do you feel any sense of history being made here with hillary being the first female presidential candidate of a major party in america? >> i don't. it was actually a little anti-climate particular for myself simply because it's unfortunate that, you know, all women really want to see a woman as president but not under these circumstances. not someone that's been investigated by the fbi, who left americans in libya to die, who has lied and cheated. over the last three years
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collected $22 million in special interest and trade and from global worption corporations and now out there lying to the american public. it is exactly what barack obama said in 2008 hillary clinton will say anything and change nothing and most americans realize that. >> all right. katrina, thank you very much. now, let's bring in democratic strategist bernard whitman author of the new book "52 reasons to vote for hillary." bernard, you listen to do katrina pearson. there is push back on hillary clinton's speech last night by the trump camp. >> here is the thing that katrina and more importantly donald trump does not get. and it was summed up in three words by hillary clinton last night. e blur business union numb. we are all in this together. it was the most profound moment for me in the entire convention. it's something that the trump campaign certainly doesn't get. i think that hillary clinton need to do do three things last night. number one she need to do try sharp contrast with donald trump's vision for america and policies. i think she nailed that.
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>> appears to be transparent. toen heart felt. what i heard was, yes, beginning of the speech was like that but then the basis, the meat of that speech was attacking donald trump. >> but, eric, she drew a contrast to donald trump. donald trump believes in division, divisive negativity. >> means we aring to, democrats or the country? >> democrats, republicans and the independents. >> she called the shots to republicans, donald trump. >> she made a great effort to draw clear distinctions about how we have two different world views. one in which we are stronger through through our diversity. we are inclusive, we are forward looking, we are optimistic, we believe this country is the greatest country on earth. in cleveland all you heard was negativity. talking down the economy. talking down our military, talking down our veterans, complaining, i mean, donald trump literally. >> she painted a picture of a wonderful everything is good, did she not? >> she said things are
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great. >> are they though? >> so much better. >> look in that camera right now and tell america things are great. they may be great for wall street and they may be great for people on the two coasts. countries saying our wages aren't up. our unemployment is still too high. growth, we got a number today, growth, g.d.p. is subpar. >> that's exactly why she said you know what? thank you bernie sanders for bringing issues of social justice and income inequality to the fore. we created 15 million jobs. longest and biggest recovery ever in history. has it been enough? absolutely not. which is why her first days in office will be spent putting together the single biggest job creation program since world war ii. >> before i let you go, it felt like this is the third term of president obama. she delivered what president obama would have been delivering had he been on that stage, where am i wrong. >> i don't think it's the third term of president obama or third term of bill clinton. it's the first term of hillary rodham clinton. >> why? what's different? >> she is committed to the bringing people together working along party lines.
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>> barack obama wasn't. >> one thing he was challenged with was working with the other side. >> where is she different than president obama? it sounded like she was up the exact same. >> i think it's a great question, eric, and i think moderate republicans and conservative leaning independents need to understand hillary clinton has a record of three decades of working across the aisle to do things like provide healthcare to children. 8 million children. she did that with republicans. >> experience doesn't equal being qualified. >> there is no question she more qualified than donald trump. >> we we are up against a hard break. conventions are a wrap. where do the rates stand as they enter the 100 final day sprint to election. stay tuned.'s a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis.
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clinton get to sanders voters? >> i think we -- i will tell you that i think the clinton campaign did a far better job bringing bernie along offer the last couple weeks than i ever thought was going to happen. i think we are in far better shape, frankly with the sanders world than i thought we were going to be. so i think we feel pretty good where we are right now. >> kristin, do you think sanders brought the hillary voters along. >> big section in the middle of her speech where she pivoted from sort of distroying her own character and describing donald trump's character and making that case to really focusing on progressive issues talking about repealing citizens united. talking about taxing the rich more. talking about reforming immigration. talking about the sorts of things that the democratic party's base really gets excited about. so while it was interesting early in the convention you had elizabeth warren speak. you had bernie sanders
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speak. sort of the early nights where i think most focused on let's heal the party and get the democratic base. in hillary clinton didn't drop that message even when she was giving her acceptance speech on thursday night. i think she was really focused on all the way up until the end even after she secured the demonstration making sure these folks don't go rogue again. >> on the same token did donald trump union fight republicans, the establishment and, you know, the outsider army that he has compiled? >> what's interesting about donald trump's speech is that he did not actually make a lot of overtures to ideological conservatives. if hillary clinton was making overtures to ideological progressives and saying i'm one of you. donald trump's speech didn't make those same kinds of overtures. instead i think donald trump's main message again was i'm going to keep you safe and make america great again. and that's the sort of thing rather than really speaking to the ideological right speaks to these voters who may be kind of in the middle but are just frustrated.
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folks that think things are on the wrong track. that's about seven out of 10 americans who in polls say they think things are on the wrong track it is interesting to see how they are trying to build their coalition and to what extent they think their ideological bases matter. >> simon, i spend a lot of time in cleveland and philadelphia, i will tell that you bernie sanders voters, they are not in line. you may say they are. and they may end up voting for her. you walk around there, they are anarchists, they want change. they don't want more of the same. they don't want the democrat for the sake of the democrat. they are a different precede. i think there is an opportunity if not donald trump voters but maybe keep them away from the polling place come november. >> it's possible. i mean, look, we will see where we are next week. certainly i think, look, both of these candidates are going to get to 45, 46%. no matter what happens. part of what is going on trumps with underpesming, you see him get a bounce in part he was reclaiming real estate he was going to get anyway. the requell who goes up
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above 45, 46? we have work to do with the sanders world. i'm not telling you it's done. i think we did a good job. bernie sanders has said he is going to campaign vigorously with secretary clinton and i think we are going to need it to continue to bring them along. >> they're young. they are mad. i don't think they are going to vote for her no matter what or him maybe. but we will see. very quickly, kristin. 10 seconds. 68% in a recent cnn poll say hillary clinton not honest, not trustworthy. can she turn that around? >> it's going to be very hard. that's one of those numbers that's baked. in instead she has to make the message clear. trust me, you may not think i'm honest but at least i'm going to keep america safe. donald trump is a risk. that's the message she really tried to drive on thursday night. >> thank you very much. family members of fallen police officers speak out at the convention last night. but was it just a hollow gesture by democrats? that debate moments away.
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in the impact segment tonight, democrats and the police. the second night of the democratic convention featured mothers of african-americans killed by police officers and others. last night family members of slain police officers had their moment on the convention stage. >> when i lost thor. i had no idea it was possible to lose so much in an entire lifetime, much less in a single moment. less us honor all of the fallen officers who weren't named here today by acting as our officers did, helping others, bridging communities, and building peace. j. >> despite that moving tribute critics say democrats are only paying lip service to the mounting threats our police face.
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another chilling example came overnight as a san diego police officer was shot and killed in the line of duty. his partner wounded. joining us now with reaction, host of justice jeanine pirro and along with janine is criminal defense attorney an del brown. i went to that convention and i saw, something from the very beginning when debbie wasserman-schultz was removed or we moved herself from the chair womanship from the convention she was replaced by stefanie rowling's blake. the mayor of baltimore decided that rioting was going to be okay if black lives matter, whoever want to do riot they were going to be allow to do riot in a city in america. your thoughts? >> well, let me back up for a second. she never said you're allow to do riot and it wasn't a black lives matter riot. what she said was the people that are out there rioting and doing damage, we have to protect our officers' safety. the officers were outnumbered at that point in time. we're not going to put them into a situation that's going to do more harm than good. >> wait a minute, wait a minute, this is where i have. >> we're going to give them space to riot.
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>> i'm sorry, eric, why does the mayor make a decision about whether the police are going to be or have sufficient numbers to be protected? that's not her job. she should keep her nose out of it even assuming you are right it's none of her business. the cops decide whether or not they can go forward. >> the chief of police at the time made the very same decision? who was the chief of police. >> who did he work for? >> rather than rehashing her decisions then, was that the right choice to make the chair woman of the democratic convention? >> well, i think the city of baltimore. >> controversial it is controversial. everyone ising will for guidance what's going to happen between the city and police department. no one is better than bring the controversy out front and let's deal with it we saw the family of slain police officers talking to the crowd we saw the dallas speaking to the crowd. it's a conversation we need to have.
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>> some of the speeches by family members during one of the police officers that was speaking there was some yelling from the crowd black lives matter black lives matter. >> i have a problem with that the whole concept of black lives matter is -- the genesis, it began in ferguson with michael brown and with trayvon martin, all right in the trayvon martin the defendant was acquitted. and in ferguson, michael brown, they didn't even bring charges against him. the justin department couldn't bring anything against him. so it was based on a lie hands up don't shoot. now, this whole black lives matter movement is based on something that is not true. here is the bottom line. as a prosecutor i prosecuted cops who didn't do their jobs. but there is a social contract in this country. and we have vigilante justice if we don't follow it that means the police do their job. you don't like what they do then you make a complaint. you don't go out and kill cops like five in dallas because they are white. >> so, an del, stay on the
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convention here. do you think it was wise of the part-time who put this thing together to have the mothers of eric garner and michael brown and the others have them first and talk about how their sons and their children were killed by cops. why not have a moment where you bring out the parent -- bring them together. the ones that came out last night, bring those mothers and family members along with these mothers and have a moment of unity. that would have worked. >> i'm glad judge pirro brought up the social contract that we have between the community and the police department. the great power, the great deference, the great honor that we give police department comes with great responsibility. and life and liberty are at stake every time an officer goes out into the streets. the life and liberties of ordinary americans. and that's what those families represented. they represented people who lost life and liberty. >> all of them. >> lost life and liberty. >> both sides. >> absolutely on both sides. and in order for us to deal with it, we have to have this type of dialogue. not just people racing to one side with their talking points or racing to another side with their talking points.
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but a real conversation about how it's affecting both people. when i looked at the officer, one of the officers that died in baton rouge, i looked at his facebook status that went viral. and he was talking about when he is not in uniform, he is looked at with suspicion by one group. and when he is in uniform is he suspicion by another group. >> everyone agrees with that our issue and my issue has been that there was a moment that the democrats could have used and brought some unity together. law enforcement and black lives matter or mothers of sons killed by officers. >> there is no moral equivalency here. michael brown was a thug who engaged in a strong arm robbery and reached for a cop's gun. what he did was so outrageous that no charges, no wrongdoing against anyone. i'm sorry, i don't see the moral equivalency here. >> you are focused on one case. >> shah the genesis of black lives matter. >> charles kin is i was an
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therapist shot with a patient hands up on his back. that's another case. >> why trayvon martin. >> we have both sides and we have to look at the whole picture. >> there is no both sides here. the police have the power and obligation to protect us. it's not a negotiation. it's not something. >> they have to have transparency and accountability for that power. if they do wrong you have to be able to see it. >> they cannot take it into their own hands. the courts do it. >> leave it there obviously a hot debate that's going to stick around for a while. judge, an del, thank you very much. >> directly ahead, the head of the fbi sounding new alarms about isis threats to the homeland. does donald trump or hillary clinton have the right plan to take them on? we'll be right back with that many people clean their dentures
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in the unresolved problem segment tonight, the isis threat to america. this week fbi director james comey issued a disturbing prediction about the next phase of the battle against the terror group. >> we can't take our eye off a what is largely a future threat. and that is at some point there is going to be a terrorist diaspora out of syria like we have never seen before. not all of the islamic states' killers are going to die on the battlefield. hundreds and hundreds of them when the coalition suck sodas and i'm confident it will in crushing the islamic state through the fingers of that crush are going to come hundreds of really dangerous
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people. and they are going to flow out primarily towards western europe. but we might as well be right next do to western europe and ease people can travel. this is order of any diaspora we have ever seen before. >> meanwhile hillary clinton is ripping into donald trump's isis strategy. >> donald trump says and this is a quote, i know more about isis than the generals too. no, donald, you don't. you really think donald trump has the temperament to be commander and chief? >> no. >> joining us now from philadelphia with reaction, former state department official david -- and from washington van hipp former deputy assistant secretary. van, i'm listening to fbi director james comey. that's pretty dire. even if we put isis down there is going to be a terror network. probably go through western
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europe. our borders are just as swiss cheese as europe's are. >> eric it, sounds to me that the fbi director supports plan to secure the country to keep us safe. i have got to tell you, hillary clinton with her new grt ideas to defeat radical islam, i just wish she had shared some of these ideas with president obama over the last eight years. particularly when general lloyd austin back in 2010, when we had 90% of isis's capability wiped out, urged the president to leave a small residual force so it wouldn't reconstitute itself. president obama didn't listen to his generals. i wish he had weighed in with president obama then. >> david, president obama has said he wanted more syrian refugees to come here. i think we let some 6 or 7,000 in this your. he wanted tens of thousands. given what we now hear from james comey, is this a good strategy for hillary clinton if she were the president to employ? >> isis attacked iraq exactly two years ago. i spent a lot of time in
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iraq since then. more than 10 visits. comey is right. we are going into a new stage in the bloody battle against isis. they have lost more than half their territory in iraq. they are losing territory in syria. they are about to make a last stand in mosul. my contacts tell me we are going to go in to mosul in two months at earliest. maybe in at the latest six months. there will be refugees and people fleeing from syria and iraq. some of them could be isis. we have to protect our borders, yes. remember, not one syrian refugee has engaged in terrorism in the u.s. so right now that is not what is causing terrorism in the u.s. >> yet. yet; david, yet. >> vet any refugees who come here. >> all it takes is one. is this really a smart strategy to continue to take these syrian refugees as james comey points out as isis is being defeated on the battlefield. they will spread out through the refugee program. maybe trump is right stop all refugee programs right now.
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eric? >> remember, i served in iraq. and i worked with iraqis who ultimately became refugees and came back to the u.s. the refugees program often reward people who work with the u.s. in iraq. >> so you equate iraqi refugees with syrian refugees? with syrian refugees who are as comey points out not me, comey points out are likely isis fighters. >> remember, the refugee program is a reward for those who support democracy who help the u.s. abroad. we only take a small number of refugees right now and none of them have engaged in terrorism. >> i'm sorry, i cut you off. >> eric, go back to his predecessor. he testified to congress a couple years ago that in 2012, 59,000 people from countries other than mexico, including yemen and pakistan and syria and iran were caught illegally coming to this country. where are the ones we didn't catch? where are they tonight in america? what are they doing? how about the thousands that we have caught who have a middle eastern name who have
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changed their names to hispanic names to full authorities? and don't forget the radical imam cleric syed who called for the assassination and execution of the dangerous cartoonist wester guard. we called -- come across the mexican border. they know how to get here. >> do you think angela merkel, van, do you think she is rethinking this idea of taking a million refugees as a good idea? >> she has got to. i mean, she has got to. i mean, you have got -- look, it's great that all these people want to come here, but i'm for protecting the american people first. and i think that's what donald -- i think that's why donald trump has resonated. he gets it. it is the challenge of our time. he wants to keep america safe first and foremost. that's why we have a federal government to provide for the common defense. >> david, full-time thought? >> look, the refugees are not what's causing terrorism here. none of the recent terrorist attacks in the u.s. have been caused by refugees. yes, we have to monitor refugee program.
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yes, we have to vet refugees coming over here. we shouldn't turn off the refugee program. because it has important public policy benefits for the u.s. and for europe. but, yes, also the middle eastern gulf countries should take more of these refugees and we need to pressure them to do that. >> keep america safe first. >> got to leave it right there, gentlemen. thank you very much. coming up former navy seal and friend of "american sniper" chris kyle sounds off about the grim state of the war on terror. his grim interview with bill o'reilly right after this. (boy) bye, mom. that's the heart and these are the lungs. (girl) what's wrong? (boy) nothing. (boy) sorry. (dad) don't worry about it.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. in the personal story segment tonight, the state of the war on terror. both the republican and democratic connections honored members of the military paying contribute to the sacrifices they have made defending our country. recently bill o'reilly sat down with kevin lace, a former navy seal who served with "american sniper" chris kyle. kevin wrote the new book the last punisher about their time in iraq. >> will mr. lace, i thought your book was very informative. what struck me was the seal's attitude toward the enemy. the muse as you called them. was he a person to you? was he a vile human being?
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was he evil? what? >> i joined the navy in response to 9/11. that's what compelled me to join the navy. i realized at some point in time i was going to meet the enemy on the battlefield. it's a business decision. it's business out there. we are instruments to carry out, you know, eliminating the enemy. i felt exextremely comfortable doing that and that's what i was trying to do. >> there are portions in your book where you and your guys including the "american sniper," chris kyle, you celebrate blowing their heads off. they are almost like animal to us guys. >> i wouldn't say animals per se. i would say really bad people. >> you base that on what? >> based on their actions. what they did to terrorize and we talk about in the book what they did to these cities. ramadi was the focus. we teamed up with the village elders and did the tribal engagement model. they helped us identify hot bad people were. >> what did they do? tell the people what they did? what did they do. >> you are seeing on the news today. you are looking at car bombings. you are looking at suicides. you are looking at mass
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killings. that's what we saw on the same scale. >> torture? >> torture, absolutely. we were willing to meet that the problem with what happened in 2006 is we won we didn't stay the course. we didn't stay in iraq. >> the history shows that that battle in the surge was won. do you believe that people like you fought in iraq are the same kind of people that we're fighting in isis now? are they the same guys? , i think they are level two. they have learned from what we did over there go ahead and operate freely. there is no infrastructure. what we happened to do iraqis wasn't carried over. bigger and stronger. better in social media and have a wider reach. >> did you ever feel sorry for a guy that you killed? >> no, i didn't. the reason why is every single person that we engaged was a bad person. they met the rules of engagement and they were bad by our government and by their actions and we eliminated them accordingly. >> when you worked with kyle you were an vo on the movie. >> i want to get the bad guys. if i can't see them, i can't shoot them. >> was a different between
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your mentality and chris kyle's mentality? >> state of ohio in a small capacity because i was a new guy. this was my first deployment in 2006 in ramadi. i didn't know what to expect. i became more comfortable as the time went on. we had the same indifference between the enemy and everybody else in the platoon the same thing. they are the bad guys and harm our brothers and sisters in the battlefield and it's our job to get out in front and attack them. >> you didn't feel any remorse or conscience or anything like that. you felt this was the right thing to do, morally right thing to do and you were doing it. >> absolutely. the violence met the rules of engagement. we met them back with the same amount of violence and ruthless toward them and that's what won the battle of ramadi. >> there are a lot of people in the united states that don't like you and don't like chris kyle and feel that you're for some reason bad because you are doing these kinds of things. have you ever ebb countered those people? you have debated them? >> not specifically what i wanted to do is show these
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are the type of people that go to do the job. the raid for bin laden comes up. who do they call? they call special operations to go and do that job. they need to know what we do and why we do. >> we talk about we meet the enemy with ruthless aggression because they are ruthless to our people. this is a business deal. >> back here as a civilian nobody has ever taken to you task or asked you why did you do that stuff? >>. no and i wanted this book to be the reason why we tell them show them why we did it. >> it's a fascinating book and we are glad you came. in thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> when we come back, an ugly report out today cast new fears about the american economy. which american candidate will be best for your financial security upcoming? >> this political season one network brought you smart, is that sharp, insightful coverage on air and behind the scenes. our team is working harder for the story. our people are fighting to bring you the fair and balanced facts from now until election day. and no one will cover it all like fox news channel. we are america's election
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in the back of the book segment tonight, the presidential candidates and your final security. if you listen to hillary clinton last night, the economy practically has never been better. >> i don't think president obama and vice president biden get the credit they deserve for saving us from the worst economic crisis of our lifetime. our economy is so much stronger than when they took office. nearly 15 million new private sector jobs, 20 million more americans with health insurance, and an auto industry that just had its best year ever.
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now, that's real progress. >> but just hours after that speech, the commerce department released released a report comiing in at less than half what economists were expecting. the report seems to line up much better with donald trump's take on the economy. >> they're not talking about the fact that many people in our country are making less money today in terms of real wages than they were making 18 years ago. they're not talking about the fact that our jobs are leaving our country, that our jobs are pouring into mexico. >> joining us now from tampa with reaction, democratic strategist jessica erlich, and carey sheffield, writer and political analyst. you heard hillary clinton is taking credit for amazing things that president obama did, yet donald trump points out wages have been stagnant.
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they may even be flattened down under president obama. household incomes are down under president obama. why is this a victory lap? >> well, it wasn't necessarily a victory lap. i think it was an incredible platform we saw her push again today. she went through the rust belt, through working class areas focused on the middle class economy, making sure that we have more job growth going forward and actually addressing all of the issues that donald trump did. i mean those have been democratic talking points for quite some time. >> what happens when you do these bus tours -- believe me, i know because i just got off an extended one. you go through these small towns. these are not people who are stock traders. they're average people who aren't experiencing the growth and euphoria that she points out. >> what she was pointing to more is actually the recovery. we were on the verge of a complete massive meltdown that was going to lead us into possibly a great depression
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again as worse or worse than what we had back in the '30s. we were able to avoid that. is there still more growth to be had? absolutely. we need equal pay for women. all these things have to happen. >> right. i want to get carey in here because jessica points out growth, and then this number we got today, 1.2% gdp, which is half of what economists were expecting. >> yes, because liberal policy is restricting business formation. it's killing community banks. dodd/frank, harvard just came out with a study about this. dodd/frank has killed community banks, particularly banks owned by people of color, african-americans. people are not living the american dream because of regulations like dodd/frank that was started and -- >> the american people don't care about the banks. they want to know about the wages, their savings. >> let's talk about wages and just the overall economy. so i heard no recognition of the financial crisis and responsibility that was created by democrats who forced banks to
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lend to subprime borrowers who should not have bought these houses. that triggered the domino effect that killed wages. >> i don't have a lot of time. tell me the difference between president obama's economic policy and hillary clinton's very quickly if you can because i can't find one. >> there absolutely is. i think what we're going to see more with hillary is similarly what we had under bill clinton. i think there's going to be more smart regulation, not just -- >> oh, great. great. more regulation. just what we need. carrie, i got to go. i'm sorry. thank you very much. up ahead, two things you absolutely cannot miss on tv this weekend. we've got special sneak peeks right after this. it's a golden opportunity to experience breath-taking lexus performance in street-legal form. for a limited time get great offers on our complete line of f sport performance vehicles. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event.
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working my canister off to clean and shine... and give proven protection... against fading and aging. he won't use those copycat wipes. hi...doing anything later? the quiet type. i like that. armor all original protectant. don't be dull. before we go tonight, i'll be locking myself inside my man cave to watch two shows this weekend. the new episodes of "legends & lies" and watters' world.
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this week's "legends & lies" takes a fascinating look at george washington and his time as the nation's first president. >> i do solemnly swear to faithfully execute the office of the president of the united states. and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the united states. >> it is done. long live george washington, president of the united states. >> indeed. the episode airs sunday at 8:p.m. eastern on fnc. don't forget about the companion book you can get for free if you sign up for a premiere member on don't miss a new watters' world
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with jesse invading a justin bieber concert. >> who is this? >> i don't know. >> who is this? >> [ bleep ]. >> was he the one that did make america great? >> that was trump. have you ever seen him before? >> no. >> he was the president during the '80s. >> i wasn't around in the '80s. i don't know. >> that sounds about right. watters' world airs saturday on fnc. we have all new podcasts on and itunes called the contributing factor. i was on it last month, and its coverage of the conventions was outstanding. so you'll want to check that out as soon as you can. the latest episode with former navy s.e.a.l. kevin lacz is on the home page right now. please don't forget about my book, "wake up america" in its 230rg9 week on "the new york times" best-seller list. it's the companion piece to hillary clinton's it takes a village. just kidding about that. thanks for watching.
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i'm eric bolling. bill o'reilly will be back on monday. remember the spin stops right here because we're looking out for you. breaking tonight, an ugly war of words ask erupting between between the white house hopefuls as the real work of winning over voters kicks into high gear. welcome to "the kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. hard to believe but we are roughly 100 days now from election day, and what a wild couple of weeks it has been. weeks filled with campaign promises and pointed attacks, culminating in the nominations of hillary clinton and donald trump. already the two rivals are making the most of every waking moment, crisscrossing the country to take their messages directly to the people. and there is good reason why. get a load of this. the real clear politics average of polls has clinton and trump tied, down to
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