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tv   Sunday Housecall  FOX News  July 31, 2016 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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i'm arthel neville. time for sunday house call. >> and i'm eric shawn. joining us is tr mais dwr tr mal
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and also chief of robotics surgery. >> good to see you. >> been a couple weeks. >> we do have a very serious medical issue as to start the program today with you. and that has to do with zika and that zika virus outbreak in florida. according to the cdc, four people in the miami area downtown miami, one area there, they have been infected with the virus likely caused by bites from local mosquitos. so this means that mosquitos with the zika are now here in our country. so how concerned should we be about getting bitten by mosquitos since they can potentially carry zika now so? >> i don't think we should be that concerned. i'm getting the question from women, should i go miami to a wedding. yes, go. no travel advisory. first of all, the reason this happened is because travelers brought zika here and some local
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mosquitos bit them and then they got zika. but a mosquito like this only lives one or two week. also mosquito control in florida is excellent compared to brazil i'd say. the chances of it leading to sustained spread around florida, especially given the fact that dengue fer and is far worse has never taken root in florida because we don't have the mosquitos. >> and this is veryi localized. >> it's not a big surprise that it's finally here. we expected to be at a bigger number and mucherier time. they're all localized in one area. what we know about zika, if you get it, about 80% of the time, it may not cause any problem. pregnant women are at the top of the hierarchy. if i get a phone call and say somebody is pregnant and travel to go miami, i would be
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concerned. i don't think it's a good idea they need to travel until we federal governme figure out what is going on fp you've been in the area south america as a man going to get his wife or girlfriend pregnant, you need to get checked. >> so if you get bitten, you have it the rest of your life? >> no, it takes a few months before it clears several out. and that's why we need to be cautious because there is always new things that come up. is this this going to have potential to spread? probably not, but we need to be careful. >> i don't have a problem with the point that pregnant women should put off travel. but women who may want to get pregnant, put it off for a few months. >> i'm still confused. can i get zika? i live in new york.
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>> you can, but if you won't get pregnant, you will get fever, chills and it is pass. the big question, if you're pregnant and you're in miami and you're 25 weeks pregnant, what are you going to do. and big message is wear long leave, stay indoors and make sure you wear the repellant. >> what if you already got bit? >> if you're pregnant and you have zika, you have to be on close surveillance by yours from and that is a family decision to decide what your plans are as far as the pregnancy is concerned. >> but still only talking about four cases. and it was weeks ago. so those mosquitos have already died off. the chances of it really spreading in miami or florida is very low. >> that is reassuring. >> so i worry? >> no. >> okay. so more to talk about. we have to take a break. we have other great topics lined up for you. stick around. more sunday house call in a moment. defiance is in our bones.
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there have been medical reports that say sitting is the new smoking. but a new study suggests that just one hour of physical activity a day simply or something as like a brisk walk or bike ride just may undo the increased risk of early death that comes with sitting eight hours or more on a daily basis. so people looking -- we hear these things and they go just give to me straight, how much exercise is enough? >> there is a lot of debate about this because if you look at world health organization, they talk about 30 minutes, 150 minutes a puiweek. american heart association talks about 30 minutes every day. and based on this study, first of all the new disease called sitting disease could be as bad
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as high companiy less rolts chol or smoking. sitting doubles the risk. so start moving and stop sitting. only 25% of americans are actually moving and exercising. based on this study, you should be doing an hour a day. and it doesn't have to be continuous. if you do about 60 minutes a day, you can delete the risk of eight hours of sitting. we're setting more because we're behind tvs and computers. sedentary lifestyle is really a big risk. so start moving. >> this is just coming to my mind. what about those people who are defined to the bed due to
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medical issues or can't really walk because they have to use a wheelchair due to medical condition? how are they forget their exercise? >> that is a really important question and the answer is of course things like physical therapy, upper body exercise come translate to lower body exercise. certainly if you can't lose your legs, use your arms.aome transl exercise. certainly if you can't lose your legs, use your arms.nome transl exercise. certainly if you can't lose your legs, use your translat exercise. certainly if you can't lose your legs, use your arms.e translate exercise. certainly if you can't lose your legs, use your arms.translate t exercise. certainly if you can't lose your legs, use your arms. this is the first time that a study as put a together the idea of being sedentary versus how much exercise you need to overcome that. if you need to sit for eight ours, you need to exercise for a full hour. at least brisk walk. i prefer biking or the el elliptical. if you do three or four hours are sitting, you don't need as much. and if you're sitting in front of a tv and that's your sitting, it's worse.
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in other words, if you sit in front of the tv for four hour, even if you exercise for an hour, to die earlier. the exception is going to be sunday house call. if you're watching sunday house call, you're fine. >> the other thing that came off the study that was interesting is that it's dose-dependent. meaning if she does it an hour and a half a day and i do only 30 minute, she will have a lower risk of heart disease and these are new things that we find. so what do we do in our office? now you have standing desks that you should be doing and there are many apps that you can basically program on your phone that would alert you you're sitting more than 30 minutes so move around. >> this is a great point. the fitbits, apple one, all of
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that walking back and forth, it decreases the amount you need to use that bike or that elliptical. so i agree, stand up, have a standing desk, walk back and forth, go to the cooler, get your coffee. >> the fitbit mpushes you. whether it's accurate, it doesn't matter. it was forcing me to go up the stairs. it's a biofeedback. a way to stimulate you. measure start moving and stop sitting down. >> and my personal opinion, you need to break a sweat, too, if you can. walking is not a substitute for some activity. go to the gym, break at your br. >> and you're welcome to my office anytime, stairs or elevator. >> go walk up the stairs and all
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over the building. >> no problem. coming up, it is the most common sexually answtransmitted disease in our country. we'll tell you about the best treatments for her pis oig coming up. i had so many thoughts once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my wife... ...what we're building together... ...and could this happen again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? i spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... ...turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding.
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don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. test. test test test test test test test test the
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we're back with the doctors. should i worry? i've been living with hsv 1 for several years. any new treatment for the horrible infection? >> i want to get to that but first i want to tell viewer what is it is. if you have a blister on your lips or red spot and it's painful or are an ulcer vags, this may be her pis oig one, it could be cold sores. it can be transmitted by kissing, by sex. over 30% of us have it. over 9 0 before us have herpes
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virus. stress brings it on, sickness brings it on. but he asks the new treatment. and the new kid on the block but we're a couple years a were from it still, we're using gene editing. they are finding the herpes virus. it hides in your nerves. they're sticking in genetic material to splice it. >> and this is about the fever blister, old sores. that is symplex one. but what about the other one? >> absolutely. that one, both herpes, mono, all of the herpes viruses. >> and what is the difference
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between like this this and the herpes one? >> herpes one is the it stays in the nerve and because of fatigue or stress it can travel through the nerve and comes over the lips. as long as you have it you can pass it onto other people. delay your interview. you can use some sz sz zoverex. you can get treatment and we were talking about pregnant women, if somebody has it you have to make sure you treat and make sure you get c-section. >> is that something you get at a drugstore? >> there is no cure for it. none of this is cured. it shortens the period of having
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the blisters. they can go away and never come back for many years or they can come back very quickly. nobody knows what causes this. >> i mentioned, yeah, it's the cold sores. people get it in the wintertime. >> it has nothing to do with the winter. they just call it cold sore. if you're immune compromised the virus can become active. this is very interesting. we are using some of the genetic codes by snipping these genes. they can really target and potentially may have a cure for hiv if it works in the future and many genetic diseases. this is only in the mice. we have a long way to go but exciting news. >> what all of these have in common are that they hide in your nerves. that includes chickenpox. people say how did i get shin l
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shingles. these cold sores become inactive, like a bear, hibernating and then you get stressed. >> could that cold sore become chickenp chickenpox? >> no. that cold sore can only be a cold sore. >> but when you it make sure you don't share your towels or anything, kissing. >> you know you have the hand towels in your bathroom and you dry your face with it. somebody else in the house has it. i never thought about that. >> and there's an infection in the eye associated with that. it can lead to an infection in the eye. it's not something to laugh off. >> no. just had a wow moment. >> not laughing at herpes,
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laughing at the towel. >> not laughing, just saying you wouldn't have thought of that. >> i wouldn't have thought of the towels. >> me either. lots of good questions. if you have a question for the two doctors you can e-mail us at housecall@f we are quite talkative this morning. summer vacation are in full swing. what are the best ways you and your family can stay safe while you're having all of that fun in the sun? we'll ask our doctors about that next. defiance is in our bones.
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our citracal bones. easily absorbed calcium plus vitamin d. defy bone aging with citracal maximum. our highest level of calcium plus d. all right. summer is in full swing and for many people it means trips to fun filled destinations in the u.s. as well as abroad. what are the important things to know before you hit the road -- i'm not reading the rest of that. what i want to know, i would like you to give us a medical laundry list of what people should take with them when they travel. >> the first thing you want to do is take a list of all of the medications you have and keep it in your wallet. it is almost your medical his rhode island make sure your family knows that's there.
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you won't be able to have any discussions. depending on where you're traveling you really have to check with the cdc web side and find out if you're up to par with your medications. do they have malaria, what kind you have to get. you also want to find out what the nearest urgent care is close to your hotel. if you have children you want to be careful with that. i always have over the counter painkillers. i have something for diarrhea or motion sickness. i also carry a lot of ointments or gauze or scratch or bleeding i have a first aid kit. when you have children you always have to have it with you. i think that's very smart. >> starting with nutrition what are you bringing with you? if you have snack food what do you have in your car? are you bringing nuts, fruit,
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healthy things so you don't have to stop and bring a bacon cheeseburger. david mentioned vaccines. you're going to areas where there's a lot of malaria. look at restaurants. you want to make sure you don't go to a restaurant where you end up getting travelers diarrhea and need pills david is talking about. there is also an app called health for me that will tell you where urgent care areas are, where pharmacies are. >> health. >> health. >> health 4 me. >> and maybe he will let you e-mail him or her or via skype. >> the same way you open your cell phone globally you should do the same with your insurance company. a lot of people may not know
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maybe some times you need evacuation for trauma or you e urgency. the last thing is you want to be completely devastated. >> thanks. >> great show. >> thanks for watching everybody. enjoy the rest of your sinuchbl. >> -- sunday. >> have a great day. ntsb still trying to determine the exact number of casualties saying at least 16 people on board lost their lives. we are live on the scene. hillary clinton facing threats from wiki leaks founder about releasing more campaign e-mails. donald trump faces harsh criticism for what he said about a muslim gold star family. >> and two retired generals are facing criticism. it is for appearing


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