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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  July 31, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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our conversation with our guest and panel. that's it for today. have a great week. we'll see you next after invading the rnc convention i went to the dnc convention and not everyone is happy to see me. >> i don't trust them. >> and the pastor who electified the rnc. >> all lives matter. plus, i check out a justin bieber concert to see if i will be a believer and the panel of democrats try to convince me why hillary clinton should be president.
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>> i am your host jesse watters'. i went to both conventions and i will break them down for you. beginning with the democratic convention in philadelphia. reactive was the theme. i am not donald trump. it was not a positive message as for what the democrats were for but what they were not. they tried out a lot of victims and minorities and transgender and gay people and victims of police brutality. i don't know if that is going to stick but that's what they did. the main idea is hoef over haters. we are lovers over trump. i don't think the country is feeling that now. they are trying to say we are a unity party and we are not the party of division. after the last eight years when the president divided by race, class and gender, i don't know
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if that rippings true. that week to step it off. debbie wasserman-schultz resigns, chair woman of the dnc because of the leaked e-mails that were embarrassing. and i was told that debbie wasserman-schultz took so long to love because she negotiated a private jet home from the cop vention and they department want to give it to her and she insisted to get it. and a ton of bernie drama. bernie supporters came to philly and after the leaks, they were ready for battle. and bernie, didn't really give them much to battle for. he folded. and then donald trump makes a joke and wanting russia to help with the e-mails and get 30000 that were deleted and everyone knew he was joking and he dominated nothing was covered
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out there except on fox news. and the speakers. a a lot of victims and thought a lot of excitement out there. celebrities were not there like they were for obama. it was a b less. republicans were for c list. but democratic perspective there had was not a lot of star power. they had bill politicians, i don't know if the country is in to poll tigdzs. and obama's speech was great he fired up the crowd. but it was all about obama. he saids "i" a thousand times. and biden was sharp and feisty and partis an and the crowd loved it. elizabeth warren very, very feisty and the crowd ate it up with red meat and bloomberg went hard after donald trump. i was surprised and it was partis an.
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and they did not taught a good record because it was not a good record and no mention of isis or illegal immigration and finally the key note, most important thing is that hillary clinton first woman out there receiving the nomination for receive. and froms a historical perspective that was moving for a lot of people. and her speech was okay and had witty lines. but she failed to define herself. she said what she wasn't instead of what she was. and bringing our guests to tell me where i am going wrong and write, we have republican strategist knoll and democrat editor julie. >> julie you were there in philadelphia. meryl strep is not a list. who is the a list. >> i think meryl. clooney and the a listers are
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for bern py. did you think that was exciting convention? >> i thought her speech was middling. and didn't light me on fire. and the three moments in the the convention that was incredible was joe biden's speech and two was mike motorcycle bloomberg nothing bothers donald trump. naccording to michael bloomberg said he was a con artist from queens. and the father of the slain soldier when he took out the constitution and said you sacrificed nothing donald trump was a powerful moment. >> i will give you. that what did you take away. it was a sad there. >> as a republican strategist is that granted that hillary clinton made history. you cannot take that away from her. michelle bum pumand joe
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columbine and obama it reenforced their brand and did not promote hillary clinton like they wanted it to. >> hillary did not deliver the excitement. i saw the whole thing happening. people who stand in front of the stage and whoop it up. >> they are called whips and the republicans center them. >> was meryl paid? >> you are getting her net flicks as opposing she might be a list. >> get off that please. let's see the trouble i did cause in the dnc, roll the tape. how is the convention going? >> we promised you action and you saw. that >> what are you protesting today? >> i am protesting the dnc and debbie wasserman-schultz. >> isn't she the worst? >> she is. how rude. >> who is this guy?
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>> sanders. >> he looks stiff. >> he's held up by a piece of wood with. >> kind of like hillary. [laughter] >> and sanders? >> yes. >> are you bernie bros >> i love bernie and no i upon not a bernie bro. they are dangerous and devisive. >> is that a bernie or bust. >> who are you voting for hillary. >> she doesn't deserve my vote and she has to anguish it. >> if hillary is a nominee will you wear a hillary jumpsuit. >> no, i can't. >> and hillary almost wore that. >> i hope >> what are you doing out here. >> i am here telling people to vote for jesus. >> what? >> what?
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>> what do you think america needs to do to defeat isis. love each other. the world needs love. >> you think the wall on the southern border would work? >> no. >> i think a wall around trump tower would work. >> why did the democrats put a wall. >> they are afraid of us. >> we'll not build the wall. >> more are going back than coming in. and i think the economy is not that great. >> you support sachthuary cities. >> immigration is a federal responsibility. if a municipality said it is not our job to support the law that is their right. >> that is a phony issue. >> as a human being. if they pay me to save their family i would do anything i could. >> you put a lot of lives in danger. >> i don't trust the detail its
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coming from fox news. >> that is it offensive, congresswoman. >> i am here to declare the sanctuary of my brothers and sisters. and i am here to awaken humanity. >> what do you think the bigger threat. >> climer change or illegal imgragdz. >> that is a bigger threat. >> climate change. >> we can't eat money you know? you can't eat money, my friendlieds. >> that makes sense. you are more afraid of the weather than a terrorist. >> i am not afraid of the weather but the climate. >> you know who i am? >> you are handsome. >> correct. >> you know who i am. >> you are a child of god. >> i am watters'. >> watters' world.
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>> coming up i go to a justin bieber concert and quiz those guys on who is the president? it is it the craziest thing you will see. will see. >> jimmy not 100. good luck with the meeting today. thank you. as our business is growing, and you're on the road all day long, it's exhausting. holiday inn has been a part of the team. you're on the fourth floor. it makes life on the road much easier. book your next journey at
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america's small business owners. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros.
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actually, the gyro hero owns vero's gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. ha ha! that's better. so, to recap -- small business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when they're not eating gyros delivered by -- ah, you know what i mean. >> welcome fwook watters' world. i reviewed the dnc and now time for the rnc if i can remember a week ago. the theme was real change. everybody knows a donald trump presidency would bring real change and i mean big- time. the speech was focused on law and order and he hammered that hard. and compassionate and reached out to gay american ands black and hispanics through a economic popullist. you can see the movement in the speech and it was effective.
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and the news cycle was dominated by the melania scandal and was an unforced error and sad situation. and the ted cruz a floor fight helped donald trump. and ended up unifying the party i think. but the man theme was the trump family. i believe the trump family speeches built in a credit sendo and set donald trump up for thursday. he is be proud of his family. he was reaching out and again the theme was america first. this country really let everyone take control and we are leading from behind and we don't win on trade. it is about making the country safe and rich. he will do that by strengthening border security and international security. and then through massive tax cuts bringing money back in the
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country and reinvesting with the country and people keep and spend more of their hard earned money. and bring in co-host after the bell. melissa francis and political commenter on evangeline gomez. you saw everything in the rnc, did you think it was effective because a lot of people said does that launch donald trump and the polls showed different. >> it depends on what you care about. i care about security and the economy and they affect my life and family every day. and i care about account fact law and order are out of the window and this concerns me and i see it in my own neighborhood and country and internationally. i am afraid for the family safety. >> rnc conditions in terms of priority is wages and safety and terrorism, and trade. those were issues that hit home
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in the rnc and the dnc, they talked about transgender rights and feel good things and police brutality. and i don't think in terms of kitchen table issues, they were overlooked. >> the dnc spoke on those. talking about minimum wage and increasing to $15 an hour. and there was talk about safety here in the united states and moment of silence for fallen police officers. >> and people turned their back. >> i didn't turn my back. >> that's why you are on the show you are a patriot. >> and we heard about the plight of family members who had sons or husbands who had died. they are protecting us. and making us safe. and there was a lot going on in the dnc, and we heard about isis. and the plans for terrorism. >> why didn't we hear.
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i don't remember monday, and tuesday and wednesday. >> and leon panetta got shouted down. >> i caused trouble in this. >> you are worried about this president. >> evil. >> we haven't had a ego mania like this. >> president obama? >> i am jonna andin am here to win because we don't win anymore. >> you guys have a problem with trump in >> not that we have a problem with trump. look at who they gave us to pick from. >> that is evil. >> more evil than hillary. snshg hillary evil two. >> she is a pand perring person is her favorite things are yours. >> and something to carry with us. >> you ought to see. >> hillary has a problem with
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the the truth, you think that is an be issue for you guys? >> you you are yelling at a female officer trying to make sure everyone is simmering down. >> i don't know what you are talking about. >> no, i am not. >> that was not nice. >> i don't know what you are talking about. >> what are you guys doing out here today. >> representing black lives matter. >> does my life matter? >> all lives matter. >> all lives matter. >> all lives matter. even the police lives matter. >> you have the best hair in the entire protest. >> thank you. >> you have something in your hair hold on a second. and plose don't touch my hair without with saying anything. >> you don't have bombs or
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anything. that is in the middle east. >> and that is protesting humility. it is tight. it is a bit. >> do you consider yourself mail or female. >> i am binary. >> are you physically attracted to men. >> i like boys and girls. >> yes, i like men but you are not my type though. >> youment criminal illegal aliens to stay? >> don't you think it is it dangerous. >> no, you are. >> building a wall will not work. >> why did they have a wall in the white house. >> the wall just got ten foot taller. >> whose world is this? >> ♪ for the land of the free.
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>> great national anthem. >> thank you. >> can your father senator brown sing at all. >> you should ask him. >> can you. snow god bless america. >> don't quit your day job, senator. >> i hum blow and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the united states. >> trump just lit the crowd up. and here come the balloons. >> and that was great and what i was hoping he would do. he is that is telling the truth and he will take care of the american people and that's what he will do. >> and we will make america great again. great again. god bless you and good night. [ salesman ] congrats on the new car.
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>> back now with melissa francis and republican strategist for fox news carly. and jessica senior political strategist at consulting. and look at the polling after both conventions rit now. trump is ahead of hillary clinton in the latest l.a. times tracking poll by seven points. pretty big. trump is ahead of hillary clinton in the cnn.
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48- 45. and in the are youeter's poll it is it a dead even race. we all know that the polls are going to narrow after the dnc and look like a tight race and in the battleground it is it a for tight. how big p of a bump will hillary clinton get. such a bump she will start leading? >> i think she will go back to it leading 3 or 4 poips. and he had's about a point up on on her and i think she will get an equal bump to her. but so was the rnc. the media panning his speech so dark. i felt it was dark. but the cnn instant poll 56 percent had a positive feeling and said they were likely to vote for him. that is solid and real. and i don't think he will fall
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back and it will be on her. >> i think the debates is where they will decide this thing. >> i agree with you and look for fund-raising to pick up. right now they named governor rick scott of florida to the chairman of the rebuild america super pack and have 32 million. >> trump will have to shake the money tree. and after the conventions, it is it dead even. what does trump need to do right now to keep that momentum? right now hillary clinton will cataput ahead and he has to do something to kep her down. >> he needs to stop with the hot head twitter war nonsense. because i mean, that is where if he targeted. there is a lot to work on hillary clinton to attack her on realistic policieses and what she did in the past. and stop with the name calling.
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>> you see him being more presidential. >> he has to be. >> people have said that many, many months. >> i agree. i think he has to decide which person p. comes out in the day and does all of the name normal trump and dominates the news cycle and crushed her news cycle in the dnc and got them off message. and he does that in the day and gives out a speech in prompter goes back to the presidential. and he has the marketing and if he stays disciplined. but the debates will be be a deciding factor. she plays it safe and he may hurt himself. >> she is going to it say a lot. and it is going to be talking. >> and she smiles and tries to keep people. >> that is better than frowning. and in the dnc, it was more hilo
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rated. donald trump thinks he is a rating's machine. >> he is >> number one. and his style beat out 15 or 16 people run nothing the primaries. give it up. >> and i think the clinton campaign did hillary clinton a disservice and there was a lot of emphasis on making her this likeable person and we know she is not that. what they should have done is skipped that. and hillary said i may not be your best friend. but i can fix this country and i don't think we saw that. i think a lot of people saw through chelsea clinton's speech and bill clinton's speech and that works against her. >> and i think in august. she was overshadowed. august is trump's territory. what does everybody do on august. go to the hampton house and on the shore and god knows what you
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do. >> it is a hot commune. >> and you guys will be towning out the news and only thing that will break through your sun burned face donald trump does. >> hillary will not make news in august. trump will pierce the void at the beach and you will hear about it and that is to his advantage and i think that hillary needs to go. >> and looking at social media and bernie sanders stole the show. even at hillary clinton's own convention. >> that's right. and everyone is not acknowledging how divided the democratic party is. next up. bieber and i come face-to-face. it is it the scariest thing. before that pastor mark burns taking it to hillary.
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>> democrats will do whatever it takes to keep americans focusing on the colors that divide us and not the
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intoxicated. the better business bureau warned about doing business with him. the balloon burst into flame when it hit power lines. i'm kelly wright, back to "watters' world." d. ♪ billy jean >> my next guest electricified the crowd in the rnc. >> under a donald trump administration, all lives matter. [applause] all lives, all lives, all lives. all lives. >> joining me is pastor mark burns. co-found every of now television network. pastor, i you you were so good. i think i would fly down to your state and join your church.
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i would go every sunday if i could see that. that was amazing. >> thank you so much. south carolinians would love to have it. >> as long as you are that entertaining. >> absolutely. >> and you saw the speeches and victimology and what did you take away from the people they trotted up there on the stage in convention in philly? >> you know, it was a disappointment, especially with the mothers of the movement and mothers of the slain in the black, young men and women killed by police brutality. and having them come up there to once again focus on the narrative that black people should be afraid of police. that is anti- police. and anti-american and the hillary clinton and the dnc
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should be ashamed. that's what i mean by the race of-- baiting democrats. they are doing whatever they have at their disposal to elect hillary clinton to the white house. >> does your congregation agree with you? and see that the democrat party uses race to devoid and conquer or just go to the polls like everybody else. >> i don't engage where i am from my pulpit. but the members know i am supporting donald trump. many of them understand and they see the democrats have used blacks 50 or 60 years and using their emotions and their fears and building up of the civil right's movement and keep pounding in the ears of minorities. you are less and not equal and we will fight for you you. when in reality, blacks have
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voted democrats for 50 years and in a lot of ways, we are worse off than in the sieve issil right's movement to a degree. we are more racially devoided and the dnc, why would anybody vote for hillary clinton who has been in politics over 30 years and yet, we are in the shape we are in? right now we need something new. >> a lot of black statistics under the first black president. great historical situation. wages went down and homeownership and food stamps are up. i don't know if people see that. besides what trump wants to do to allow pastors to be able to preach politically from the pulpit. besides that what are the main issues that you want to see donald trump address as
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president? the two major issues that are plaguing our country, and it transcends race, number one is jobs. because poverty knows no color. poverty doesn't care if you are black, white or hispanic. we need economic revival to take place in our country especially in the minority communities in the country. and number two, strong security. and what is taking place at computer, they are knocking at the door at america. hillary clinton said donald trump plays in the fears. we are not afraid because of america. we are the baddest and strongest country in the world. who do we fear? but at the same time we are not ignorant or naive to believe because we are the big dog in the room little dogs want to take us out. and it is it only wise to be stronger as a country.
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isis don't care what color if you are black or white or gay or straight. i want to make sure strong country and jobs and borders. >> pastor, i will see you in church next sunday if i can make it there. >> come on down. >> next, we have women here trying to convince me that i need to vote for hillary clinton. we'll see how that goes. and later, justin beiber and jesse watters'. they caused the crisis with what country in his administration. niraq or afghanistan. are they countries? [ male announcer ] love drama? don't be a yes man.
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♪ >> we are back with our panel of democrats, jill and jessica so i created the segment and i want you guys to give me your best shot at convincing me to why i should vote for hillary clinton. i am open minded and i will start with you. tell me why i should vote.
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>> most qualified candidate running for president in this election and in prior elections. >> lifelong politician? >> no. she actually has credentials and she has qualification. she was senator and secretary of state and most importantly she got into public life because she wanted to serve and passionate and family asks children. >> i thought she got in public life because her husband got her a senate seat to make up for the fact he whatever. >> and let me put it in terms. >> keep it simple. >> in the land of the blind onied man is king. and michael blom bloom is not quiet sane and confident. >> is that a ringing endorsement she's not this guy. >> it is a choice. >> i have to voight for someone gets it. and that is moan tweets.
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>> and your biggest endorsement because she sane, that's what you are going with? >> positive reasons to vote. that is in terms that you appropriate. you have a choice to make my friend and you will look at him the wrong way. >> she will. >> i love the line. that you can trust me with the codes to the nuclear football. i think hillary had codes and got hacked and shredded them. >> no, russian hacked. >> you think so. and if you believe that. >> it is not funny and i am happy to deputy with it. sarcastic and donald trump is not funny. >> we have two flawed candidates and one is way more flawed than the other. and you are shaking your head and get it. she makes mistakes and she admitted last night in the speech and she came out and
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owned it. and in this election both candidates are work withing for the working class and give them tax credits and make the country better for the working poor. donald trump's tax plan cut for the wealthy and i am sure you do well. >> thank you, thank you. >> hillary campaigned on tax cuts for the middle-class. >> is that a big policy prescription for her. i hadn't heard that at all. i think she should hit it harder. tell her that. >> i think this of hillary clinton. she will continue the same economic policies that president obama instituted where wages have gone down in the country and he promised health care premiums to go down and they are up. no board security. and isis will leave dead bodies on the street. i can't read the budget. it is it a trillion.
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say what you want about justin bieber, the guy knows how to make some music. i'm actually a fan of beesh. so as an excuse i went to a bieber concert in buffalo, new york, and asked some of the fans if they knew anything about our presidents.
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>> tell me why you love bieber. >> he's beautiful. >> like me. >> of course. >> fit was bieber and trump running for president, who would you vote for. >> bieber. >> if it was between hillary and bieber, who would you vote for. >> bieber. >> bean over hillary? >> of course. >> at least he tells the truth. >> don't ask me about her again. >> do you know who he is? >> bill clinton. >> do you know what jfk is? he had an affair with maher. >> marilyn monroe. >> do you know what they call that? >> the day of rabbit? >> i don't know. i didn't really pay attention in
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my classes. >> pigs. >> oh, my god. you're on fire. who is this? >> i don't know. >> who's this? [ bleep ]. >> is he the one who said make america great? >> i don't know. >> he was around in the '80s? >> i wasn't around in the '80s. was that reagan? >> yes. >> reagan had a famous saying. mr. gorbachev, tear down this -- >> -- place. >> tear down this -- >> i don't know. >> wall. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> give me a pound. excellent. who's this? >> i have no idea. >> i wish i didn't know who he was either. >> your ancestor? you kind of look alied. >> his mouth looks familiar, but i don't know. >> jimmy --
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>> -- buffett. ♪ wasting away again in margaritaville ♪ >> jimmy. >> not hendrix. >> ca. >> i don't know. >> jimmy carter. big hostage crisis with what country during his administration? >> iraq? no. afghanistan. >> are those countries? >> i don't know. >> egypt. >> russia. >> no. >> berlin. >> berlin's not a country. >> irania. >> can i tap out? is there a buzzer? >> who's this guy? >> i'm not sure. >> jimmy carter. >> you just answered about carter. >> nixon. >> no. >> george bush? >> george bush. >> i was going to say george clooney, but he's not a president. >> he had a famous saying, read
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my lips. no new -- >> -- friends. >> no new laws? >> no new changes? >> jobs. >> the president ran on no new jobs? that kind of sounds like obama. >> no new taxes? >> yes. >> read my lips. no new taxes. >> who's this guy? >> eisenhower. >> don't know who these people are. >> his name was truman. do you know his first name? >> harriet? >> does this look like a woman? >> that's a woman's name? >> harry truman. >> isn't there a truman show? >> that's a movie with jim carrey. in case i don't see you, good afternoon, good evening,ed a good. >> it >> there's a famous say, the buck stops.
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>> in japan. >> the buck stops. >> here. >> yes. >> really? >> do you know who i am? >> no. >> i'm watters, and this is my world. i'm watters, and this is my world. >> wait. what? >> bieber, if you're still watching, i still like your music. >> candid and weird convention snapchat moments. we'll be right back. >> do silver lives matter? >> all lives matter. >> whose world is this? >>
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they had me do a snapchat takeover. i did it. here are some of the highlights. check this one out. >> okay. what is that? >> that was me with it. next i get down a little bit. check it out. ♪ i'm going to be on "dancing with the stars" next season. also the best t-shirt on dnc? that guy. i don't know where he got it but they would be flying off the shelves if they were for sale. all right. follow me on facebook and twitter and remember one thing.
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i'm watters and this is my world. i'm chris wallace. >> clinton hits the road on a bus tour of battleground states and then sits down with us for the first time in this campaign. you say you're the real change agent. you're offering tweaks, not a dramatic shift. americans know what they think of you. two-thirds of them don't trust you. and the e-mails. >> yes. >> it is


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