tv Happening Now FOX News August 5, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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wild. martha: what do you think it is? bill: it dropped like a firework. right? great to be with you. martha: thank you for having me this weekend, i appreciate it. bill: have an awesome time with your daughter. martha: have fun in the big apple. bill: "happening now" start right now, goodbye. jon: donald trump's path to the white house appears rockier on this friday as brand-new polls show hillary clinton running up the score nationally as well as in him key swing state . hello,welcome to "happening now", i'm john scott . jenna: i'm jenna lee and in the meantime hillary clinton opening up daunting leads and polls this weekend we show you a few of them and an nbc wall street journal poll showing her lead by nine
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points nationally among registered voters. she enjoys her widest margin so far, 15 points in a survey released yesterday by mcclatchy newspapers and in the meantime the trump campaign remains in what some are describing as damage control. amid a string of controversies like the nominees refusal to endorse speaker ryan and senator john mccain, running mate mike pence broke with his boss to endorse him this week, he did so on our show as you mentioned. the two will rally together in all iowa together, swing state where trump and clinton were neck and neck before the conventions. peter ducey lot joins us live from demoing with more on what's happening today. >> as he tries to change the subject donald trump is now listening to economists and industry leaders on the newly formed economic advisory council and we are told that he's going to listen to what they have just to say and detailed specifics of a plan to rescue the economy in another battleground states, michigan on monday.
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>> it's going to be dealing with tax cuts, tax repatriation, deregulation, a number of things that will hit all levels of the demographics . the poor, the middle class and businesses so it will be broader and deeper. reporter: trump yesterday also talked a lot less about beef with republican rivals, focusing instead his sharp attacks on democratic opponent hillary clinton. something else trump is refocusing on is immigration policy, even in a place like new england where he warned the crowd in maine at his only event thursday of the dangers he sees posed by some refugees resettled there. today is going to be trump's second trip to iowa since his convention ended but it will be the first four mike pence as the running mate meaning today is going to be a big test of whether or not pence can excite evangelicals the way the campaign hopes he can read it just a few hours, pence explained why he is not worried about the gop ticket
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drop in the polls . >> it's very early in this campaign still. the only poll that matters is on election day and i have to tell you as we canvas out west donald trump in florida, weare seeing tremendous crowds, tremendous enthusiasm . reporter: demoing has something for everybody today, on the side of third street they're getting set behind us for the trump event this afternoon but across the street in a different arena they are getting set for a marilyn manson concert this evening . there are going to be two very large groups of people who probably don't get together a whole lot but we are interested to see how many people on their way into the manson show stop to pick up some make america great again here, jenna? jenna: an interesting contrast. reporter: we will see. jenna: we reserve judgment as the day plays out and you gather more information. peter with an interestingsite in demoing, thank you very much . jon: as marilyn manson made
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an endorsement yet but mark p7 maybe peter can get the exclusive be one that would be worth pursuing, we'd like to know. even as hillary clinton opens up wide leads in this survey, new foxhole and shows a lot of voters are not wild about either candidate. 55 percent view mrs. clinton unfavorably, compared with 63 percent who feel the same about donald trump. david gaffney is senior politics writer for u.s. news and world report, david, welcome to you been covering politics a long time. how do you see these numbers? >> they are bad for both the candidates but unfortunately for donald trump, these elections are a choice and the choice people are making as you saw in those polls referenced at the top of your program, the choice people are making is that we may not like hillary clinton, we may not even trust hillary clinton but we think she's more confident to serve as president and given the choice is between her and donald trump and that's where you've seen the polling move
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over thelast week , it's been a disastrous week for him in his campaign area i think that universally known by republicans, democrats, everyone that's watched this last week unfold. best news for trump is it's only on. jon: you say it's hillary clinton's race to lose, what you mean by that? >> she had held the polling advantage against trump and the primaries ended almost 2 months ago in june. she has led the electoral college math where she has more options to pick up state. there's a new poll out of georgia today that shows her head for donald trump. georgia hasn't gone for a democrat in a presidential race in the 90s so she's putting those states in play. she just has more options as to building that 270 electoral votes so trump is the underdog. he's going to be going into september and of course, the
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debates, he's the underdog. he has to change the game somehow and when i say it's hers to lose, that's with a?. could something be revealed? could there be an event that takes place that changes perception that takes the lead away from her because now donald trump is doing everything to help her in the lead. jon: that pulled from the atlanta journal-constitution caught our eye as well, we had on screen. trump at 40 percent so the democrats up by four percentage points, the last time a democrat on georgia as you point out was her husband in 92. mitt romney won it by eight points in 2012, john mccain by five points read george w. bush on it by 17 points in 04 and 12 points in 2000 so it's been asolidly republican state for the last four cycles . but to see hillary clinton up by four is well, it raises
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someeyebrows. then there's this.trends matter in politics. when you look at the favorability isis hillary clinton , she has as we said earlier, she's got a 44 percent favorability rating but it is creeping up. in june it was at 42. in may, her low, it was down to 37 percent. then you look attrump's favorability ratings.he's headed in the opposite direction. right now at 36 percent, last month he was , in june i should say he was at 40 percent and in may he was at 41 percent so the two lines are heading in opposite directions, much to the detriment of the trump campaign. >> i think a lot of that was positive reviews the democrats got out of their convention. also the positive reviews of the validator's that were on stage during the convention, not only hillary clinton
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barack obama, bill clinton, joe biden . all who have approval ratings over 50 percent. they are strong, passionate and their endorsement for hillary clinton. what did we see on the republican side? infections every day. we see congressman on edge passionately endorsing truck or not wanting to answer the question altogether so the other problem donald trump is going to face is does he have any reinforcements? does he have anyone willing to validate him as passionately as the democratic side because i think that has what has helped her approval rating, popularity of other politicians and the party around her, even though the american public still has reservations about her individually. jon: she also received the endorsement of michelle obama has the highest favorability rating of any of those people you mentioned. but donald trump would say look, it doesn't matter if all these party pillars don't
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endorse me or even if they go to the other side because i'm not a party guy. i'm an outsider. i'm the one who's going to shake things up in washington. are you saying those endorsements or lack of endorsements do matter to him? >> it's not necessarily the endorsements per se. it's that's people coming out and saying congressman that are republicans or senators saying they have reservations or the possibility that paul ryan yesterday that he may revoke his endorsement. if you have sitting members that are republicans saying we just can't do this, that becomes a cascading effect because it's not the endorsement per se but it's the media coverage that happens because of people hedging or revoking their endorsements and that is a big problem for donald trump and look, he's playing catch-up now. he needs everyone in the boat. this wasn't a problem in the primaries, he was able to bulldoze over the entire establishment but now we are looking at a different set of voters, a bigger set of voters, a more diverse country and trump is losingon every front . jon: your final thought is he still has a chance to point out . >> look, but right now i said
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earlier i gave him a 40 percent chance of victory, right now i give him a 20 percent chance of victory. it does not look good but i would say that the unknown event is what we don't know. are there more revelations out of hillary clinton's emails? that could be a story that changes things. is there god for bid another terrorist attack domestically that changes people's mindset? we are only in august and the first debate is still almost 2 months away so it would be irresponsible as noted. jenna: they say all elections come down the econo. the key jobs report showing steady growth through the month of july, 255,000 jobs added last month, more than expected. the unemployment rate remains at 4.9 percent.
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blake berman has more live from washington. >> that number was a rather large earlier this morning, analysts only expecting hundred and 80,000 jobs in july. the employment rate stays at 4.9 percent. those headlines have played well in the stock market, the dow jones has reacted with 160 points. the obama administration pushing numbers this morning, for example they describe the job growth this year of 186,000 jobs", ali. they also say 15 million jobs have been created since 2010 and wages risen nearly 3 percent. the trump campaign this morning says the job number we doesn't match the everyday realities of the workforce, writing in a statement we are in the middle of the single worst recovery since the great depression.
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economic growth is at 1.2 percent, the third straight quarter unless and two percent growth. the big question is how mike today's job report impacts what the federal reserve could do with interest rates which could impact the future rate alone youmight need. analysts say today's healthy job number increases the likelihood of interest rates which are at historic lows for the moment . moving upwards mildly by year end. the fed meets next september, about a month from now and we will see what they do. jenna: we will be watching that, thank you very much. jon: investigators holding money will talk as they try to solve the murder of the new york woman near a jogging path . the lord now being offered for tips leading to an arrest. plus, in florida our officials are trying new methods to stop zika spreading mosquitoes but they say washington is hampering their efforts.
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jon: a crime stories we are following, a $10,000 reward being offered now for information in the murder of this new york woman. 30-year-old karina paterno's body discovered by her father tuesday night just off a running path in a chinese neighborhood. george zimmerman is assaulted in a florida restaurant, ahmed reportedly placed him in faith because he thought zimmerman was bragging about fatally shooting crayon marking. zimmerman was found not guilty of murder and manslaughter in 2012 case a man arrested for trying to lower to children into an alley in columbus ohio in june, arrested again after onenumber: one. police say christopher even stabbed the children's
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grandmother when she intervened , she died from her injuries this week police took him into custody the same day, charging him with murder and felony assault area. jenna: new information this morning in the battle of wisconsin spread of the god in florida, officials now using new methods to target virus spreading mosquitoes on the ground and from the air as well. focusing on this 10 square mile area of miami and in the meantime no movement in washington on spending requests on the fight against zika. bill keating is live from our miami bureau with more. >> far better than expected results so far by spraying for these mosquitoes from the air because aerial spraying is widely considered to be far less effective than spraying to kill the mosquitoes on the ground. they won so far of the aerial assault on these particular mosquitoes in miami-dade county covering that 10 square block or square mile zone, according to the county
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showed 100 percent kills in the mosquito traps that were collected afterwards. data from the air, that is planned for tomorrow. mosquito control teams continue spraying on the ground, door-to-door, around houses where these mosquitoes, they breathe and feed on humans. from the pentagon yesterday president obama reiterated his war on zika requiresmoney and it's going to run out on september 30 . >> now the money that we need to fight zika is rapidly running out. the situation is getting critical. residents without sufficient funding and i heard critical trials and the possibilities of a vaccine which is well within reach could be delayed. >> the center for disease control director himself has now visited the one neighborhood where pregnant women are urged to avoid. the popular wynnewood arts district in midtown. 14 locally transmitted zika cases has been tied to this one square mile area, the 15th case of local
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transmission now confirmed in a neighborhood in southwest miami-dade, how exactly that happened remains under investigation. florida governor rick scott as well as south florida congressional delegation all hit the streets of miami yesterday in a political show of force even encouraging progress to return to washington early from recess to tackle a zika bill but the democrats and republicans left dc for recess after failing to come to an agreement on a zika emergency funding price tag. right now as the cdc reports more than 1800 americans in the 50 states and dc have or have had the zika virus and in puerto rico that number is 4000+. jenna? jenna: thank you. jon: new concerned this morning about isis and its global reach among revelations the terror group
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jon: now a 70-year-old florida man recovering after a sailboat explosion. the coast guard rescued him from the burning boat, he's been hospitalized with minor burns. authorities say the sailboat with the man on board apparently caught fire late last night and came loose from its mooring near fort myers beach then hit another boat, setting that one on fire. police are investigating the cause of the blaze. jenna: new information about
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branch of isis that has made global terror attacks a top priority. in a jailhouse interview with the new york times before islamic recruiter says the terror network has been sending militant abroad for at least two years. the president yesterday backing that up with a warning that isis is referring to local acts of terrorism. >> the decline of isis in syria and direct appears to be causing it to shift to tactics that we've seen before, and even greater emphasis on encouraging high-profileterrorist attacks including in the united states . as always our military, diplomatic intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement or working around the clock with other countries and communities here at home to share information and prevent such attacks. over the years they've prevented many but as we've seen, it is still very
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difficult to detect and prevent loan actors or small cells ofterrorists who are determined to kill the innocent and are willing to die. that's why as we discussed today we are going to keep going after isis aggressively on every front . jenna: johnson is senior fellow for the defense of democracy, senior editor of the long war journal. often quoted all over the world. tom, let's start with the president's comments. at the beginning of what we just listen to he says the decline of isis is producing this shift. is isis actually in decline? >> there's two ways to look at. one is losing some territory, it doesn't have control over as much territory but the problem is two things. it's becoming more of an insurgency resorting to insurgency tactics which means they'renot declining in terms of their operational capacity and they're able to strike out and last at the west all the way to bangladesh, that doesn't show a reduced operational capacity, in fact it shows over time their capacity actually has increased . jenna: how would you compare
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to what he said about al qaeda being on the run? >> he talks about al qaeda as if they defeated al qaeda. and basically were going to do to isis what we did to al qaeda. the problem is al qaeda isn't defeated either. it just has a different strategy about going about their business and their laughing all this because they realize by changing their name or trying to invade scrutiny the president of the united states will refer to them is already gone and they're not p7 you follow these individuals on their social media accounts and otherwise in a way that most of us don't. what are you seeing as far as the chatter, this discussion of what the president had to say but also what is ahead. what do they want to achieve? >> right now what you are seeing is defiance in the jihadist world. isis is trying to provoke as many attacks on the western europe as possible. al qaeda and syria in particular is trying to convince everybody that they are not a threat in the west right now and they want people to take pressure off them so they can keep attacking the facade regime
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and build these rebels behind them. this is dangerous because there is still a long trek to the us but basically this 10,000 man army of al qaeda fighters in syria right now is playing a disinformation game against us to say no, we don't really want to attack the west and in the long run they will. jenna: attacks on the west are what this article focus on which had one individual who starts talking about what isis was to achieve in europe. why you think the president decided to come out now in the beginning of august, is there an imminent threat that he wanted to address? it seems like his speech could be given at any time, why now? >> the key point is the isis network in europe isn't just these disconnected cells, we see is a lot of connectivity that isis has a professional network in europe, in the west that's orchestrating attacks.i will give you an example. in normandy, each one of those three cases we saw terrorists were able to get those videos to the head of isis propaganda beforehand so they before they commit their act, the isis propaganda
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makes sure it's released shortly thereafter. this shows a digital connection so you have to start picking out, the new york times did an incredible story on this in the last 48 hours about how activists work and it's this network involved in these operatives who are new recruits who don't have a bio or dossier that theme track or western intelligence communities. they're using them to get this information from would-be attackers to the mothership and using them as communication notes. there this shows that is there a plan behind us, it's not loan actors or terrorism. jenna: should we see it happening here? >> it is more difficult in the us to do this for a variety of reasons. you don't have to migrant flows, patterns you do in europe. there are a lot of more reasons why it's more difficult but we shouldn't couldn't do it here. there's still questions about the couple in san bernardino, other plots in the us.
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we've seen recruiters from isis in area have reached out to people in the us to try to get them to commit attacks so we shouldn't rule that out . jenna: you are shaking your head when the president said it's so difficult to detect all these different strains. why were you shaking your head? >> it's an easy god. what the intelligence officials like to say, the use the phrase lone wolf. why? because we couldn't have detected them beforehand so it's a dot on their half but what i'm saying is you look at attacks in europe, there's all sorts of connections to the terrorist network. they were missed. these aren't lone wolves, these were people who were undetectable. in a lot of cases these were guys who actually were known to the us intelligence community, counterterrorism officials in europe and elsewhere. jenna: thank you very much, john? jon: is donald trump getting the full payment treatment from reporters that have it out for him?
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some analysts think so as his campaign struggles with a string of controversies. our media panel weighs in. >> i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans,
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jon: through the primaries donald trump showed an uncanny knack for managing some might say manipulating the news media but what about now? as one controversy after another and broyles's campaign. one analyst blames that on the very same media. john ziegler right from the website media hype, i had anticipated the convention being the moment when they
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finally gave trump the full palin treatment and demolished his chances of winning by disqualifying him from the office in the mind of a strong majority of voters. he added that while the media was surprisingly kind to trunk during the rnc since then, everything has changed with bring in our media panel on this so-called palin treatment, julie miller is a prize-winning pulitzer prize winner, count thomas, syndicated columnist, both fox news contributor., you haven't been with us for a while so i'll start with you. is donald trump getting the full palin? : he's giving the media the rope they are using to hang them with. in the past we've had republican presidential candidate who been painted by the media as being racist, sexist, homophobic, caring about the poor but the media haven't gotten to that point yet because they're having too much fun with his freelance mindset. he's giving them this material and he's got to be more disciplined if he actually wants to win this election. you may recall that in 1980
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he had the media refer to ronald reagan as a cowboy, somebody who couldn't be trusted with the nuclear codes. reagan got around that before social media, before cable tv and fox news, before talk radio trump has not figure out a way to get around that in the generalelection. the difference between running a company and running the country . jon: judy, the media obviously choose what to cover area right now they are covering donald trump's argument with the father of the muslim captain who died in a rack, other issues like that. there are many commentators who say what the media should be covering is the dismal economic report that came out last week, the situation with regard to iran and the $400 million, there are a lot of bigger issues but the media dwells on the relatively small mistake or small things that trump is doing wrong in his campaign. >> well john, you will love all people do have a son
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who's in the military, knows what a serious mistake is, donald trump's handlingin response to the goldstar family was . this is not a minor gap, this is not the case of misspeaking, this is a major, major mistake that has alienated not only the parents of people serving in the military and veterans but republicans themselves who have felt compelled to distance themselves, especially those in close races in the house and senate from the nominee and my gosh, yes, the thrill may be gone for the media in terms of donald trump but there is a kind of perpetual gap watch on both sides of the eye which is why perhaps hillary clinton has not had that press conference that donald trump dared her to have but the fact of the matter is he gives us more material per
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hour then we would ever get from looking at serious things like the economy and those numbers are coming out, that being said, with today we have to say there were great numbers for hillary clinton, 250,000 jobs last month, that's a good news story so perhaps today on donald trump ãand there may be another will be welcome. >> is campaign chairman spoke to bill hemmer a couple hours ago, here's what paul manafort had to say about the media and its coverage. >> we are talking about those things. we're not getting covered on those things but we are talking about those things. he's talking about the fact the economic policies of obama and clinton have put american in a stagnant position. he's talking about the leadership needed for the us to reassert itself in the world or else we will be in a more chaotic situation and he's pointing out that isis
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is directly a result of policies that clinton was the architect of. he's talking about those issues and the campaign progresses and that will become more apparent . jon: so the claim is that he's talking about important things, the media just are not picking up on an. >> that's partially true, of course the ultimate power of the media is not what they cover but they don't cover. george stephanopoulos of abc, all these other correspondence ask trump certain questions in order to trap him. the key is any veteran politician knows is not to answer the question that is asked, especially if it is asked in a manner to produce a kind of answer the democratic left can use against him. the key is to start say something like that may be important in your mind george but the polls show the american people care more about national security, the economy, the supreme court and terrorism and that's what i talk about and that's the way you get coverage. you don't go into whether
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you're endorsing paul ryan or not for all these other things the country doesn't really care about. jon: but judy quickly, a lot of his supporters like the fact that he's not a polished politician. >> yes, they do like that. this is the year of the outsider we heard but cow, you know as well as i do this is not about us. this is not about the media. this is about donald trump making the mistakes as an amateur and someone who's true character is now shown in comments that he's making about goldstar families, about handicapped people, about muslims, etc. area he would like this to be about us cow and john, he would like the this to be about the media but the fact of the matter is he's inflicting his own damage. he's shooting himself in the foot and other parts of the anatomy . jon: he does beat up on us. judy miller, cal thomas, good to have you on.
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>> nice to be with you. jenna: one of the big stories of the week is this controversial multimillion dollar payment to iran made around the same time that you ran released for american hostages. the delivery on the same day. can this be an effective campaign issue for donald trump or hillary clinton? our policy panel is next . >> you're late for work.
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jenna: president obama addressing the controversy over that payment to iran in january at the same time ran released for americans. many republicans blasting the payment saying it looks a lot like grandson. donald trump trying to capitalize on the criticism by linking it to hillary clinton's time as secretary of state even though her tenure ended in 2013 and in the meantime the president insisted there's no scandal here. >> we do not pay ransom to terrorists and we won't in the future. jenna: evan c green, gop strategist and former press assistant to rudy giuliani's campaign and author of gop gps , also emily shire, political evidence of
8:44 am i want to start with you before we get into both sides. we see statistics on how the public views the randy overall. where does that stand generally in united states? >> the iran deal is not popular. i believe they found only 30 percent of americans favorite and only a slim majority of democrats approve of it, 51 percent soin theory this should be a great tool for republicans to run on . the question is it right now for donald trump? >> the problem is donald trump as stepped on the issue too much. he was going out to create jobs by saying the value of american life is $400 million. >> he's saying that because that's what people are saying. >> there are four people we paid $400 million for total and other rogue nations can go out and say you want something from america and we get $100 million per head but
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that donald trump talked about seeing the video of the palace of money which didn't exist. when it was told it didn't exist, he doubled down and then he retracted it through a tweet and the story should be that president obama put national security at risk but the story is that donald trump is part of this, he just can't get his facts straight and were not paying attention to the real problem . jenna: what you think about evan's assessment that the focus is on donald trump and what he's tweeting or not tweeting about a video versus the larger story of the payment. >> this should have been a great point for republicans because donald trump said there was a video, his campaign then said it was wrong but he doubled down and then changed his mind and walked back. he seems delusional which would be a big deal if this wasn't a problem throughout his campaign, worried about his temperament and worried about whether he can be
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trusted on nuclear security. these are worries people have and he's validating them . jenna: i want to talk about hillary clinton because she had to answer questions on this deal because she was secretary of state and obviously it had an impact on the president's foreign policy decision. let's listen to what hillary clinton had to say. >> asfar as i know it had nothing to do with any kind of hostage swap or any other . [bleep] for tat. it was something that was intended to as i am told payback ran for a contract canceled when the shah fell. jenna: in interesting take on this because you have the debates coming up and this is a big story now and across the media there's been criticism of the way donald trump has handled it. she's going to confront this question in a debate with donald trump. is it a winning issue for her? >>it's not but if you take out the donald trump factor , the shock fell in 79 and they did contract from there. didn't somebody in the government say wait a second,
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we are paying something over 30 years later that comes out on the very day we are getting hostages back? let's wait a week, a month. i'm sure it ran would have been okay with that if that were not any sort of quid pro quo swap. jenna: she wasn't in office at the time so she's saying i wasn't part of that decision. do you think the public will give her a pass on that? >> by the time the debates roll around this will be as big an issue in the bottom line is because donald trump is doing such a good job of putting his own foot in his mouth, a fox news poll found that on security issues, clinton is more trusted by 22 points. she doubled her lead against him since may. this is huge. i think it's hard for donald trump to come across as an expert on foreign policy and national security and nuclear weapons against hillary clinton . jenna: part of looking at gop
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strategy, what does donald trump need to do? in this story or others to turn the ship so as not to focus on avideo or not a video but on the essence . >> donald trump needs to get on a teleprompter. it's not as much of an exciting donald trump but if he hammers home the point that every republican is basically screaming to say , he's going to right the ship read whether or not that's enough to get him 200 electoral votes remains to be seen p7 it's an interesting question. great to have you both, thank you very much. we are on teleprompters all the time in case our viewers are confused, we do stick to the teleprompters you want don't want to get off script. the fed made them an offer they couldn't refuse, giving them the right to remain silent. authorities rounding up dozens of alleged mafia wiseguys in new york city and philly but can they make the charges stick to the teflon don? our legal panel next. >>
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jon: eight minutes away from "outnumbered" at the top of the hour, megan and harris, what do you have? >> it's a friday like no other. donapaul ryan's home turf after saying he was not quite ready to endorse him but ryan is suggesting he could revoke his support for the republican nominee. reporters say it won't hurt trump. plus, president obama defending a $400 million payment ) when american hostages were freed. why the president is pointing blame at white house lawyers and one tech giant is about to change how you text message.
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critics say it's this new mot system that the symbols are all about political correctness. how does that work? i can bang bang, you got to tune in, plus our hashtag one lucky guy on "outnumbered", he is a superman. >> i love the show and i don't know what you just teased. jon: we will be watching. new information today on a major mob bust in new york city. federal authorities rounding up some 46 mafia suspects including a reputed mob boss, nabbing associates from four out of the five new yorkcity crime families, a major blow to the east coast crime syndicate . or so they say. fred casey is a former federal prosecutor, diego, a trial attorney and former prosecutor as well, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. jon: fred, i'm sure in your career you seem major mob boss before. very often the fed make a big roundup like this but it doesn't end up going very far. >> it doesn't it doesn't. from my perspective john, the interesting part to me is that this guy joseph merlino
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was one of the guys that got indicted but the indictment reads like a martin scorsese movie which means danny devito will play in the movie. it's interesting because it has all the old time mom stuff about breaking people's needs, beating them up with a baseball bat and a pipe but also includes credit card fraud and using facial cream. we'll see where it goes. jon: david, a lot of people think the old-style mafia just went away,.busted out of existence but this indictment would suggest that it is still very much alive in places like new york city and philadelphia. >> like fred said, just reading an indictment the first few pages have so many a.k.a.'s likable rooster and joey the way you would think you were reading a mario so novel. if you read that and those allegations are true: you read that indictment and believe it , the old-style mafia family story that we have come to love in our
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entertainment field but after the sopranos and other great movies like the godfather, it's alive and well and hasn't died down so i'm not surprised that it hasn't and it's interesting to see how law enforcement is still going after the classic style italian what cosa nostra crime ring. jon: the question fred is supporting witnesses. in this case they have wiretaps and some recordings that seem to suggest but also some of the implicated statements are almost spoken in code. how does a prosecutor deal with that in front of a jury? >> there's a bunch of different ways. you don't put on a cooperating jury, unless you have to witnesses to say something about one thing and you have corroborating evidence in the way of wiretaps and computer records or phone records and then you tell the jury these people speak in a code and were going to put a mob guy on the witness stand to tell you
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what it's all want to know what being a carpenter is about, you put a carpenter up. you want to know about a mom, you put a mob guy up to tell you what it's all about. jon: one of those arrested was kathy carrillo, identified as a member of the genovese crime family in new york, supposedly the indictment says he ordered a couple of his guys to beat up a handler who was sitting outside his restaurant and basically scaring patrons away. one of the cohorts recorded saying remember the old days in the neighborhood when we used to pay play baseball? a ballgame like that was done, referring to the beating they gave this guy. david, what would you have said the fed's chances are of winning convictions? >> the feds have a couple things going, they haven't on the undercover agent that infiltrated this enterprise as well as confidential informants or as they say in the movies, the rat . they also have other wiretaps and different evidentiary
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tactics they're going to use. it looks like the indictment is strong. it's a multi-year, multijurisdictional investigation. it wasn't haphazardly put together . jon: we will see if they can make it stick. thank you both. we will be right back. and now you need a tow truck. does your policy cover the cost of a tow truck? who knows? you didn't read it. you can't even find it. the liberty mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at coverage compass™ gives you the policy information you need at a glance. available 24/7 on your mobile device. switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call
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>> see you back here in an hour. "outnumbered." starts right now. ♪ harris: this is "outnumbered." on a fine friday, i'm harris faulkner. here today, dagen mcdowell, fox business anchor, meghan mccain, syndicated radio talk show host. julie roginsky, democratic strategist. today's #oneluckyguy, veteran actor dean cain and he is outnumbered. wow, great to see you. >> i'm a veteran actor. i like that. harris: only 29. >> just had a birthday. i turned the big five, 0. >> get out of town. harris: that was a due days ago. yo
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