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tv   Watters World  FOX News  August 6, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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inflate and that's how fox report on saturday august 6th, 2016. i am laura ingle in for jowly banderas. fox news reporting zika, starts now. >> florida is on high alert as health officials fight the number of cases by mosquito transporting zik a. welcome to fox newses reporting, zika. i am trace galla gher. there are 6400 cases in the u.s. and territory, the cvc said there is no epidemic. but the worry is birth defects and paralysis in some adults,
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our team of reporters with the facts. >> florida's fight spraying from the airplanes where the zika virus and kills the larvae and adult mosquitoes. activity transmission is a one square mile area of miami. florida is the only state to report local cases. another region vulnerable to zika is harris county, texas. >> this is my trap. in here, i should have mosquitoes. there is a couple lying around. harris county, texas including houston is 1800 square miles and the third most populs county in the u.s. health officials warn this center could be the epicenter of zika this summer. with a warm muggy climate it is an ideal habitat for mosquitoes
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and the diseases they carry. max is a mosquito hunter and he knows what attracts mosses to humans. >> my trap has a light. and it memiceses a house. and so he comes to the trap to get a blood meal and they will pick up hum and take care. >> we don't just blindly spray. >> they direct mosquito control for harris county. >> we go out and trap and collect the mosquito and bring them to the lab we sort and id them and see if they have west nile virus or denghi and zika virus also. >> the houston area has another big problem. record rainfalls hit the region
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over the memorial day holiday and putting neighbors under water. now that is starting to recede, there is large stagnant pools of water everywhere perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes. nmillions have died from denghi and yello fever. more than 1500 people died from west nile virus. yet we are hearing more been zika than all of the other deadly diseases combined; why is that? >> the tragic looking pictures of a deformed head in a baby that has a bleak future ahead of them, strikes an emotional cord in people. zika is spread by a mosquito bite. they bite someone who has zika and gives zika. >> is it one or a number of mosquitoes? >> the main number is eegypti.
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and the cockroach of mosquitoes and lives indoors and brode in a drop of water and the eggs can last a year and co-evolves with people and by thes only humans and bytes 4 or 5 people with one blood meal and they are engineered to spread disease rapidly. and zika causes a range of problems and we expect to see the syndrome confirmed cause canned by zika. >> what is it? >> it is is a paralysis and treated with medication. >> people ask, why didn't you think it was important decades ago? if you look at the clinical syndrome of zika, it is trivial in the context of source diseases like denghi. until it was clear that pregnant women who get infected in the
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pregnancy, have a risk and a vulnerability. >> i have the honor to announce the games of the 33rd olympiad are awarded to the city of rio dejaenero. >> brazil is ground ze-ro for the seeka vorce. and they have concerns that with the olympics visitors concern spreading the virus back to the u.s. and around the world. in 2009, rio was chosen to be the olympia location. >> let's face it. brazil has a ton of political uphoefal and economic challenges. >> recent visitors were groated by protesting police and demanding back pay.
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the government is in disarray. and it is a economy that is uncontrolled and there is a super bacteria infesting the famous beaches. >> no one thought about mosquitoes at the time or new mosquito-borne disease but that is a reality we face. >> bioethis monitoring the problems. >> i said nine months ago, we should postpone them. >> he's not been a lone voice. >> scientist called on rio to postpone or cancel games. >> they are not alarmist; are they wrong? >> you are dealing with an opinion. the nih field and cvc. and based on what we know, that
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there is not sufficient reason to cancel. i don't think it is right or wrong. they are intel egypt people who have their opinion and we happen to disagree with them. >> the olympics are fantastic. >> jim gray knows what it takes to put together the olympics. they give them seven years and not seven weeks. you you could not shape or organize and have venue's ready. but if an individual decides that the threat is too great, they shouldn't g. >> tj van garner was the first to withdraw from the games because he was worried about the virus and his pregnant wife. hope solo and williams were worried but decideed to compete. golf is back in a olympics sport. but big names for the pro tour
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and rory mcelroy and bj singh pull ped out. that puts the travel and olympics in perspective. >> we have places where the zika. the olympics is a tiny fractions. >> i don't like to use the ward alarm. but i understand it is a serious disease and the good thing about zika, we can do something about it. if we collectively come together and really deny this habit at. we will eliminate the problem. >> just ahead, the medical battle plan to it protect america from the invasion of the zika veers. and the story of the 50 baby born with zika related birth defects delivered by one of our
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hello welcome to holiday inn. running our own business, we've been traveling a lot. a hotel looking to help small businesses succeed is incredible. thank you. holiday inn is an extension of our team. book your next journey at containing an explosive outbreak of the zika virus is the responsibility of our federal g. senior national correspondent john roberts probes the two doctors that are leading this mission. their answer will help protect you.
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>> zika is not like ebola. it is transferred by mosquito. they become resistant to the insectide and the methed ones are not effective as they used to be. >> this mosquito is hard to kill. it by thes in the day and night. >> dr. tom freeden. is the director of centers of disease control in atlanta. >> it is 50 years that we identified the last germ that causes a birth defect. >> when you discovered that infection in a pregnant woman could cause microcephaly? what was your reaction? >> it was distressing to see the virus invading the brain cells of infants. never before have we had a situation when a mosquito bite
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has a birth defect. >> what are those sichltsoms. >> it causes rash, sore eyeses, joint pain and fever. and so it is not specific for zik a. >> the zika virus has health officials here in the center on high alert. at the moment zika is presenting more questions than answers and there is no treatment or vaccine to stop it. >> tell me about the room. >> this is our emergency center and watch desk. >> what do people do here? >> make sure we are supporting the local efforts and clinical guidance to doctors on how to treat the patients. >> when you talk about this being an emergency operation. is it a monitoring center for it the world? >> it is a action and nerve center to protect the american
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pregnant woman as effectively as we can. >> for women who want to be pregnant. they should avoid becoming pregnant for eight weeks after they return from a place with ongoing zika virus. >> the jappison is here. >> why weeks? >> that's triple the amount of time that the virus survives in the body two weeks and add on for the incan youubation period of when you are exposed to when you show symptoms. >> we issued a travel advisery telling pregnant women not to go where zika is spreading. >> many countries have zika virus transmission in puerto rico and other territory and we are advising, if you are pregnant it is best not to visit these areas. >> in june, the world health organization said countries in latin america and caribbean,
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should delay pregnancy. >> in the u.s., there is sexual transmission from a man to a partner. and you travel to where zika is spreading and your partner is pregnant use a condop. >> but it is concern that is growing. the first female case is documented in new york city. >> what is your time in which you think we will see zika infected mosquitoes here. >> we would not be surprised to find local clusters in the u.s. >> zika will come here as a red state and hitting texas, alabama, florida, louisiana and georgia. and places where we have longer and hotter summers. >> and the outbreak has hit florida. >> if we do things right, we will not have an explosive
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outbreak of zika in the united states. working on the home front is dr. anthony falci. and director of the a leveragy and infectious diseases since 1984. >> we developed a vaccine for west nile that we proved was safe. we couldn't get a farm suital cacompany to partner because of not that much of a threat. and so why develop it. that is a different story. this is right up on the radar seen. the pictures in the newspaper of the tragic situation and puerto rico is in a vulnerable situation right now. >> cvc estimates that 25 percent of the puerto rico population will be infected with zika by the end of 2016. >> ever connected to
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a young woman of child bearing age. your sister or daughter and that creates a great deal of fear and concern. >> he served under five different presidents since being appointed by ronald reagan. >> you have walls and pictures of you with presidents and officials world over. you are hardened to the game and when you first saw the picture with a tiny misshapen head. >> i remember see issing those first pictureses and it practically brought me to tears, but the impact not only on the baby but family. i saw what was going on in brazil. i got the group and said this is first proprietary. we'll develop a zika vaccine. not only here but the grante es. >> it could take monthses of research and testing before the fda allows vaccinations to be
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given to anyone at risk. in that regard, we go in a phase one trial and that pans out. >> that will take four months to prove and analyzeidate a. and if it is proven to be safe, there will be a phase two b trial to determine if it actually works. if there is a lot of infections out there, you can find out within a year if it works. if the infections die down through public health measures. it may be 2 or 3 or more to determine if it is effective. >> the obama administration requested 1.9 billion in federal zika funding. and after months of negotiations and hearings in congress, democrats and republicans failed to reach an agreement. >> that wonderful bill that i voted for and my charnl voted for disa pored in the black hole
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of partisanship. >> i supported everything from the senate and nothing got done. >> congress in my view should be ashamed that they have not allocated adivate money to prevent the epidemic. >> they are hung up over the poison pill roadwayers including planned parent hood. >> and the next chance for congress to approve funding is in september. >> zika is present in every part of puerto rico and first local transmission in florida. i want to urge american people to call the members of congress and tell them to do their job. so that no matter what happens in the future, my "future self" will thank me. thank you! 45 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy. nature's bounty
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zika may be new to america, but the world has suffered many outbreaks. despite the ability to globe trot and spread, third world country s are actually winning the battle with mosquito- borne diseases. here is paul tillsley in africa. >> reporter: zika virus affected the world and crashing oceans and continents and biting
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millions of people. it is not only in africa near jo hanus berg and it was discovered here on the continent. 1947, scientist in uganda and east africa were researching yellow fever with monkeys when one had a new virus. and they named it in which the monkey was found. zika. and to the best of our knowledge it went under the radar screen in africa and southeastazzia. it was the first outbreak in the islands of ya. it was an explosive outbreak. >> it disappeared again. in 2013, 20000 were said to have
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the disease. >> and a highly vulnerable region and population. that means you have a couple of people who never saw the infection before. there is no underlying. >> and brazil has over 10040000 cases of zika. and the virus has spread through south and central america and now in the >> as of may 2016, 755ingly will be are is recently. a now the zika vorce has landed back here and in africa.
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the flying of the mosquito is 165 yards. but the plane has helped to create it across the world. a businessman who felt feverish. when he came through here in south afray can. >> he talked to the doctor and they submitted local blood samples and forwarded it to us for testing for zika and confirmation. >> the doctor knows the first step in fighting the virus and testing and hoping to help the officials. >> it is around the world respobs business with the current situation. >> if you can pick it up in the first case, you can put in place appropriate measures to confront. >> and accusations that africa is third world.
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and south africa will idion that hab had great success in saving hoifs. >> the program is very successful. we had 67000 cases in 2001 and we are moving forward the middle one. >> and the capitam is mozachl boek. it is not here bithey carry it and this is the 7th poorest country in the world. and they, it is cut down by two-thirds. we come here to to're
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>> in the first that could be real. and shut ups. young people are one of the we do have a mosquito >> his experience has lessopes for bral zils and the u.s. and we have to make sure i >> pause it is not any, public individual from
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>> peoplous it with areas around their homes. indore spreng is program. and there are three they will preventinate pole when it comes to the zeka virus, the >> when we come back. the story of a korj out the first inphantborn in the u.s. with the zoeka related boird. that's text. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever.
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trunatal is a new line of products designed to address discomforts with nausea relief and regularity support. add trunatal from one a day for relief and support you can trust. >> live from america's news headquarters. i am laura ingle. a violent machete attack leaves two female police officers injured. the attacker shouted allah ak- bar. signs point to terrorism. it happened with the local officials prevented the attacker from causing damage. >> the far left. the green party nominating their presidential. they are hoping to peck up the bernie sanders vote. in a close way race.
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stein it polling at 4:00. and that is the latest polls. i am laura engel and lack if nows pbt com. >> the most devastating trab treasure it can attack the babies before they are born. in brazil it is linked to 1700 infants with microcephaly. after delivering the first baby in the u.s. dr. maybe bey has insights. >> if you get biten by a zika infected mosquito. >> i felt nervous this morning and not knowing the result ruts
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would be. candice did not know she was one month pregnant while vacations in jamaica. testing will become more common in the u.s. >> we recommend it first. it is a thorough ultra-sound. and we recommend to get the blood testing done. dr. many alvaez specializes in high risk pregnancy. pregnant women should be tested for the zika virus and so should their male partners. it can be reassuring or devastating. microseverino is a condition affecting babies. genetic and certain types of infections can cause it and this is the first time it is linked toie mosquito-borne vorce.
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microis small ceph a ly is head. the baby will have seizures and eyes themselves are compromised and the baby is perhaps blind and they may not be able to suction to eat. [speaking spanish]. >> it is an emotional feeling and to have to be strong at this time. we'll have to wait until she's born to know what is going on on with her. >> this mother spoke to the fox newses channel minutes before giving birth earlier this year. she allowed our cameras to capture the baby's life. the little girl was the baby born in the continental with microcephaly linked to the zika
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virus. >> we are waiting on to know what will happen. she's from honduras and visiting relatives in thesnshg the baby h microcephaly she was probably bitten in the first trimester. and she never thought the mosquito bite would lead to the child being infected. >> >> it is like a mosquito bite. it is so harmless and i did not know. i cannot tell you if it was was me or my husband. i don't know. >> back home in december 2015th. they had an allergic reaction and both went to the local er for treatment. his was more severe with fear and body aches and redeyes. >> for me allergies.
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>> some people can not develop physical symptoms. but they get the virus in the blood stream and it goes through the placenta tissue to the baby. >> the following week, i went to my gynecologist and i had a prenatal for my maternity care and he said no, do not worry it is fine and only allergies. and nothing will happen to the baby. >> but something happened to the baby and what should have been a joyous occasion was mixed with sadness and fear. >> as parents, we never want our children, to be anything but healthy. >> we discovered that the baby had mi coencephalitis and 48 hours, we didn't want to wait
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anymore. >> the baby was born on tuesday may 31st. >> we did a repeat c- section and indeed the baby had severe mi coencephalitis. [baby crying] >> right now the baby is breathing on her own and going through a transition phase. >> hey gorgeous. >> i know. >> when she comes down we'll do a chest x-ray and see how she does. ndr. harold pearl specialized in the prenatal. >> they have difficulty sucking and swallowing. >> it is survived and they have the resources to be taken care of. and that makes a difference. >> the cost of care is high. estimated at anywhere between 1
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and 10 million for the life time of a child. >> data comes in from different scientist around the world and appears the most severe cases are where the exposure happened in the first trimester and compared to the third trimester when it is fulling formed. >> scientists are in the early stages. we recommend that men wait six months after being infected before trying to conceive. and recommend that men particularly if they have a pregnant partner to use condoms throughout the pregnancy. >> there is much that scientist don't know about the zika virus and the importance of testing is not stressed enough. can diswas nervous. >> he told me it was negative and noticed in the ultra-sound
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the size of my baby's head it is normal. that is a great thing. >> she was not exposed and the baby is developing well. >> you have to have that conversation and the doctor should have that it conversation as part of the standard practice right now. >> in the united states only a few babies were born with microcephaly linked to the zika virus. dr. alvaez said there is no need more panic here. >> they have so much misinformation. we have so many resource ises to control zika. >> we don't expect widespread transmission in the u.s. whatever happens. we'll provide advice to keep america safe. >> turning the spotlight on florida with a local outbreak. one county is pulling out every weapon in the arsenal to fight
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the bite. and a battle over controversial new technology that promises to reduce the mosquito population dramatically. for your heartburn? try nexium 24hr. now the #1 choice of doctors & pharmacists... for their own frequent heartburn. get complete protection with nexium 24 hour. you doyou'll see whatet but in you're really made of. after five hours of spinning
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mosquito- born disease. without federal funding, the state is more vulnerable be to zika. but one county is using every resource to attack the enemy of the state. phil keating reports. >> it is a beautiful mosquito if you look at color sxagz markings on it. and what a challenging opponent. >> reporter: shelley of lee county, florida is a soldier on the zika mosquito. >> it should be highly respected in that border here. >> we should be scared. mosquito are the deadliest animal to humans and killing 725000 people every year through the virus they carry. >> when you have that along with
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international travel, it is a threat. >> reporter: but the state's geogra ph y makes it easy for mosquito. authorities anyhow they had to create their mosquito control. >> they voteed to tax themselves to have a special service of the mosquito control. >> here in lee county with acreasonabling and marsh. the annual mosquito budget is $17 million. that is the largest in the state and funded by local taxes. the program right now is putting every available resource in to preventing the disease from spreading. >> airplanes spread larvae by day. and brush kill adults by night.
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helicopters survey the industrial and residential area. >> i how great of a concern is that. >> water in containers around people's homes and increase the population as well. >> mosquitoes can lay their eggs because so many vessels hold water. and they may not realize they are bit by the mosquito. if a person comes in with zika they infect the mosquito: >> that is a large tire recycling business. and they have gotten behind moving them off sight. >> in the area she pointed out. 58 of the egypta land on a human every minute. they have to exterminate the
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mature mosquitoes. and these spray trucks are the effective weapon in the arsennil day and night. >> typically we start at sunset to 2:00 at the night. >> night time spraying is effective. >> we can set a trap and come in with the trucks and put the trap out to follow-up and see. and we get control. >> city of cap coral is vigilant about the homeowners doing their part. >> stagnant water oredinance and any veszil that is capable of holding water. >> compliance officer urges residents to drain any open water. >> if they fail to make that. there will be a fine of thousand a day. >> the inspector showed how easy it is it for mosquitoes to brode
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starting with a bird bath. >> dump it once a week. they have to have water to it survive. and once they are on land they will be dead. >> kiddie pools are great but be aware of how you store them. >> the leaves get caught in the gutter. it will provide food. >> and people love dogs and dogs need water. >> but it is so easy to just dump out your water and refill it with new water. >> rachel took us on a visit with a homeowner. >> see this green thing. >> that is mosquito larvae and they are species that vector the dengi. >> when we leave the water in florida it rains all of the time. >> they can fill up with water
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and you will get sneaky little contaper breezers where you don't thing. flip that. and flip is over. perfect. >> you just killed a bunch of mosquitoes. a five-gallon bucket. notorious for mosquitoeses and perfect pockets for mosquito. and got them. >> oh, my goodness. >> my house is a hazard. >> i am embarrassed. >> check your boat out. if we don't take them out all of the time that is a spot. >> let me see. and that cup has mosquitoes in it. >> this is only trash and see. the last boat outing we left that one. tires and mosquitoes love tires. eggs were laid in there, that
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black traps. >> once we drop them on the ground they die. >> and the cvc say insect repellent prevent bites. de, t is safe. and if you prefer not to use that. there is precar arediane. and oil of lemon. >> and wear long sleeves and socks. >> cover up the skin. >> it is very important for you as a homeowner to police your own house. and protect yourself from the biting mosquitoes. >> what a challenging opponent to it try to deal with. it is so adaptable and co-evolved with people to the point where it is hard to get rid of it. >> when we come back, scientist
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in the uk claim they have mosquito killing technology that is ready to be tested in the florida coses. but some residents are scared. we'll explain after the break. discover how a lexus master craftsman turns an ordinary experience into an extraordinary one. get great offers at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months and we'll make your first month's payment. see your lexus dealer. try cool mint zantac. hey, need fast heartburn relief? it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster.
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with cases of local outbreak in florida killing the zika spreading mosquito is crucial. british scientists are ready to test designer mosquitoes in the keys, they claim will wipe out 90% of the mosquito. sound too good to be true? phil keating reports. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: in the picturesque florida keys, 3 million genetically modified mosquitos could be released as part of a pro posed study into this one neighborhood key haven, home to about 1,000 people. >> key haven is actually what we kid to be a perfect site. it's peninsula of land, coming out into the sea, relatively isolated. >> derek nimo, a molecular scientist at a british company that developed the special mosquito. >> remove it, you have no chance of any new virus being
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transmitted to the human. >> nimo first called to florida during a dengae fever outbreak, since then the company conducted five trials of the gmo in the kaman island. brazil and panama. >> they contain the self-limiting gene. we can switch off the gene with a simple antidote in their diet. >> the genetically engineered males produce offspring that die before they can bite you. people that live in the neighborhood, some opponents call this the frankenfly. but the brit, company says their mow skoe t mosquitoes are safe. >> we have shown in five separate trials that we can control this mosquito by over 90%. in one case, 99%. >> i feel like my family and community are -- are being used as guinea pigs. >> she lives in the lower keys and strongly opposes the pro
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posed trial. >> i feel to have the right if i want to be part of this experiment or not. >> only talking about eliminating the mosquito which is in whole keys, 1%. when you look at the area in the lower keys, 20%, 30%, 50% of the population. >> phil goodman commissioner with florida keys mosquito control district. the organization that asked the company to look into using its gmos. >> spraying is not that effective against the mosquito. over the years they've become resistant to the better sprays. >> throughout key haven, opposition is obvious. with signs of no consent, now planted as part of the tropical landsca landscape. a petition has 75% of the needed signatures. she and her fellow opponents worry something unexpected could happen. that has the not been studied, or even contemplated. down the road, genetic
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engineering to get an f after and eliminate pests is going to become part of our portfolio of weapons. >> it is really, really, really, important to understand what we are doing. an it is the risk, of waiting, the benefit? >> the food and drug administration's final reports show laboratory modified mosquitoes would pose no significant impact on human health. >> i think it is safe enough, it is not going to jump into, into bird or us or anything else. they did it on the cayman island. didn't have any safety, use i know that. >> though the fda approved the trial, it still needs a green light from the florida keys mosquito control. >> there is more to kid than just the science of is the biology correct. there is always unforeseen, unintended consequences. >> barry ray is head of the florida keys environmental coalition, he thinks the fda rushed its initial approval. >> we think it should have to go
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through an environmental impact statement. which is very rigorous process. all of these no consent signs you see around here are not about people being afraid of science. they're demanding science. >> while we wait for a vaccine, here is how you can reduce your risk from zika. pregnant women should delay trips to places where the virus is transmitted locally. use condoms as the the disease can be sexually transmitted. cover exposed skin with clothing and use repellants with deet. cover and drain exposed water around the house. most of all, stay vigilant. i'm trace gallagher. thank you for watching. ♪ ♪
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right now on "justice." >> crying babies. >> actually i was only kidding. you can get the baby out of here. >> and lying ladies. >> so i may have short circuited. so for that i, will try to clarify. >> the candidates for president trade embarrassing moments. but, is it enough to change the race? plus -- which way will they go? >> we are going to get a lot more bernie sanders people than any body would believe. >> he may be on to something. i talk to a democrat who used to feel the bern, but now adores the donald. justice starts now.


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