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tv   Sunday Housecall  FOX News  August 7, 2016 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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>> and dr. mark segel, professor and the author of the inner pulse. >> thank you. >> check it out. good to see you both. we start here. a new study fines that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil may help heart attack patients recover by improving heart function and reducing scarring in the heart muscle. you are up on this, because i take fish oil. you take -- eric takes fish oil. i eat salmon all the time for that very reason. but is there a down side to taking too much fish oil? what is it? >> we have spoken about omega-3 fatty acid forever. everyone knows that on microscopic level what it does, it's for healthy cell membrane. our body consists of cell membranes. they need to communicate. it keeps your cells healthy on
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microscopic level. it can reduce inflammation, arthrit arthritis. great for your heart. increase good cholesterol. that's why you take it. good for brain. great for alzheimer. study after study talks about benefit. today what we are talking about is for people that already have had a heart attack. this is about 360 patients who have had heart attacks. they put them on high dose of omega-3 fatty acid. this is not the vitamin you are taking at home. high dose for six months they follow them. some took it and some took placebo. if you are on high dose, it can increase your cardiac function, your heart function after you have had heart attack by 6%. it can reduce scarring of your heart by 5.6%. >> what's a high dose? can you get a high dose at the drugstore? >> not yet. about four grams. you and myself are taking one
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gram, which is lower. you would say, for example, what's a big deal about 6% improvement on your cardiac function? it's a huge deal. it's the first time we see that something like owe mega-3 fatty acid can remodel your heart. can makes a big difference if you can go up the stairs and pumping the heart and improving heart function. this particular study talks about a very high dose pure omega-3 fatty acid sch nwhich i available yet. >> what if you start downing a lot of four times the amount when you go to the drugstore? do you get 1,0 thoushg1,000 cac. >> we're talking about fatty acids -- the body doesn't make. you have to take it in from external sources. the american diet has ten times the amount of omega-6 fatty acids. we need both.
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we need a lot more omega-3 than we're getting. it's a polly unsal rated fatty acid in nuts, plants, fish, fatty fish like salmon, tuna. really good for you. the question now is though, do you need it in supplements as well? are we getting enough in the fish we eat? we say to pregnant women, watch out, two servings of fish a week, according to the american heart association but not more because of the mercury with fish. all three of you take supplements. i take them as well. the goal is to decrease inflammation in the body because studies show that -- this study showed it decreased the amount of inflammation, your tendency to form clots, improves blood flow, decreases risk of having an arrhythmia where the heart beats irregularly. it helps you think more clearly. great stuff. that's before this study came out.
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what does this study add? it's a prospective trial like david and i like where they followed 360 people who had a heart attack. they found the actual heart muscle improved after they gave a high dose of this supplement. >> even if you haven't had a heart attack, we all should take this? i wouldn't take four grams. my message is if you haven't had a heart attack, consider taking this. if you don't have a risk of bleeding. that's the down side. if you have a risk of bleeding, check with your doctor. i wouldn't tell anybody to take four grams out there. this was specifically for the group that had had heart attacks. >> how much should you take? >> american heart association talks about taking about three grams if you are at high risk of -- if you have high triglyceride, family history of cardiac disease, if you have coronary artery disease, talk to your cardiologist. the truth is that a lot of times if you take that much, there could be side effects. >> like what? >> for example, increase risk of prostate cancer.
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we have seen that in men. we don't want them to take too much. it could be side effects. you may have bleeding. there are people that are on coumadin, on aspirin, on blood thinning medication. if you are planning to go for any kind of surgery, always stop vie minutes, especially omega-3 fatty acid two weeks before. you don't want any complication. >> we have to go. bottom line, it's a good thing? >> it's a good thing. currently recommending one gram. in certain cases, higher risk, more than one. talk to your doctor. >> two to three servings of fish which is almost as good. supplements are not always the answer. talk to your doctor and see individual basis. >> do gummy fish count? >> no. they don't have gummy fish oil. swedish fish is not the same. >> the prescription fish oil. >> get it in the drugstore.
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talk to your doctor about it. there's another new study with the secrets to long life. what researchers found if you just change one thing. one thing in your diet. they will tell us what that is. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads here. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors' offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. new aleve direct therapy. craso come dive into disheser like the new alaska bairdi crab dinner with sweet crab from the icy waters of alaska. or try crab lover's dream with tender snow and king crab legs. love crab? then hurry, crabfest ends soon.
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low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba® ready. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ a new study finds that replacing just a small amount of protein from animal products with protein from grain, vegetables or other plants reduces the risk of death. that's regardless of any other unhealthy lifestyle choice. >> i this study.
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this is an interesting study. they looked at 131,000 people over 25 years. they found if you change the amount of protein you are getting from plants over to -- from animals over to plants, just by 3%, it decreases your risk of death by 10%. if it's processed meat we're talking about, like hot dogs or bacon, we're talking 35% d decrea decrease. you know why this is true? we knew last year and we announced it on this show that processed meats -- red meat that are processed, hot dogs, corned beef, pastrami, it increases your hrisk of cancer and heart disease. you know what group is most at risk? the group that doesn't do much of anything else. they lie on the couch. they are obese. they smoke.
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they drink too much alcohol. i am imploring you, you are not going to get off the coach and get on the bike or totally change your diet and you are not going to stop smoking and drinking, at least switch over to more avocado, more nuts, more seeds, to more leafy vegetables and cut down on the bacon cheese burgers. >> i don't know about the protein from vegetables. what kind much pro -- what vegetables give me protein. >> legumes, kale, spinach. this is a big public health issue. people need to seriously consider this. we all love our hot dogs. we love watching football. we love watching -- eating processed food, bacon and everything that cops wimes with. last year, world health organization for the first time -- this is a serious topic. they looked at about 800 studies. 22 world experts from 20 different countries got
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together, looked at everything across the board. it's never going to get better than this. processed food and red meat can actually cause -- not associated, but can cause cancer. whether it's increasing inflammation, increased coronary artery disease, we are talking about cancer. what they found was that if you take about five grams of this kind of food, meaning if you take four strips of bacon and one hot dog, that can increase colon cancer by 18%, prostate cancer, you don't need to know anything anymore. based on this, what we're saying is, don't get rid of it. i'm always against -- if you can get rid of it, it's great. even if you add 3% of your diet with this plant, you can actually reduce the risk of mortality, death, by 10% and cardiovascular disease by 12%. >> swap out a hot dog for spinach? >> 3% here. if you change one hot dog to
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some spinach or avocado or tomato because it decreases risk of prostate cancer. you changed your hot dog to one tomato. >> this has nothing to do with exercise. they took smoking, alcohol and lack of exercise in this particular study, if you happen to be doing that, god bless you. you will be super health yy. >> is turkey -- >> it's better. that's neutral. the pole trultry is neutral. >> protein is healthy but moderation. reduce the amount. once you get used to eating the beans and legumes, you want to have it. try it for a couple of weeks. >> one veggie burger. >> baked beans? >> but then stay away from people. coming up, we will talk about sports injuries. here we go. look at that. see that? >> were you playing basketball? is that how you got this? >> they are tough on --
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now we're back with sunday housecall and your segment, should i worry. we talk about everything that worries us. one viewer writes -- >> we're talking about eric over here, 42-year-old man running all the time. basically, what is meniscus? you have in our leg you have tibia and femur, two bones. if between you have cartilage that basically is a cushion to support your weight. when you are young, like yourself, and you move quickly or twist, you can tear that cushion. that's a meniscus tear. as we get older, over 50, 60, that's osteoarthritis.
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that's wear and tear. depending on age, depending on the tear you may have. the peripheral zone of meniscus has blood vessels. if you have a tear, you will have tendency to to heal better, meaning that physical therapy may help you. but if it's in the middle of the meniscus where there's no blood flow and it's avascular, there's no blood getting to it, it may take a little longer. this particular study that was published in "new england journal of medicine" looked at about 350 participants. half of them went for surgery. half went for physical therapy. six months after they realized that both groups are doing really well. so what is the answer if you have meniscus tear? i say the first line is to talk to your doctor. if you have something called clicking, if your knee locks up, if you have a real tear, i think surgery probably is a better choice for you. if you have swelling and pain, which is the most common signs and symptoms of this, physical therapy would be a great way to go. they may give you anti-inflammatories. they may give you
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corticosteroids. they may give you exercises. if that fails, which in this particular study 30% of those who did not do well with physical therapy ended up with surgery, and surgery today is arthroscopic. you put the camera, you can remove the chip. >> you get these people that come in and you're getting calls middle of the night i'm sure. >> i do. and i learned a lot from this study. here's the message. if the half that got physical therapy did as well as the half that got surgery, and we're talking about a partial tear to that cushion, that ring-like cushion that is in between the two bones of your knee, half did just as well and of the group that didn't get surgery 30% of them still had symptoms, they went on to get surgery, the message could be you may want to try physical therapy first. the other message may be make sure that the doctor involved in this knows what they're doing because you know what happens out there in a knee jerk. an internist like me will say you your knee hurts you? mri. the mri shows the menacical tear. then i send the patient to an orthopedist. bang, surgery.
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and there's some evidence out there that operating unnecessarily may increase the risk of more damage to the cartilage and maybe even arthritis. usually it's a full mennisical tear that leads to arthritis. although there's a question of trimming it too much, if they take too much of that meniscus it may decrease the cushion more than you want it to be decreased. i think the message is if you have the problem find a surgeon that may not operate right ai wa, that may say look, physical therapy first, if that's not working, if you're not feeling better, then i can always operate. >> physical therapy can do wonders. >> a quick question because it's sort of related. but what if you're down to bone on bone in. >> that's a good point. >> what about those injections that are out there now? >> it does work for short term but a lot of times the pain may recur because it's not a permanent solution. just to jump in for a minute to defend surgeons, there are a lot of great orthopedic surgeons out there that are very ethical and -- >> absolutely. >> if you get to a certain age
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of osteoarthritis and really it's the breakdown of some of these meniscus, surgery could be a very good option. >> but she's asking about bone on bone which may be a knee replacement. >> i understand. it may get also to be a real major surgery, which is a knee replacement. so i think today the surgeries are minimally invasive, a few keyhole opening in the knee and they can see if there's something they can remove or repair. but certainly getting a second opinion is the way to go. if it's not a big deal, it's the beginning of it, physical therapy may help and then you talk to orthopedic surgeons. >> you can get an operation six months later. i agree with you. a lot of very reputable surgeons out there that are not going to rush you to o.r. >> the question is physical therapy -- i think physical therapy is great but can physical therapy sometimes make it worse if they're not experienced and take a simple problem and make it into a bigger issue? >> do you drink red wine? >> i love red wine. >> do you drink red wine? >> mm-hmm. >> do you? we'll find out if you should or not when we come back. i jumped at the chance to take the dna test through ancestry
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and my results ended up being african, european and asian. it was great because it confirmed what i knew in my gut with a little surprise. ancestry helped give me a sense of identity. a car, and i feel good, confident, because i'm at a truecar certified dealership. now i'm even more confident because truecar just received this j.d. power award for their website, so i know i can expect a great experience and a fair price. this is truecar.
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resveratrol in red wine and we don't know if the benefit we're getting is from the resveratrol, which is on the skin of grapes and in berries, by the way, and in dark chocolate, or whether it's the antioxidants in the wine itself or that wine relaxes your arteries. one thing we know, too much wine is bad for your liver and it's bad for your stomach. so scientists are now trying to get that resveratrol out of there and get 1,000 times more of it into the body. but again, they're still going to have to start with mice because we're not talking about something that's proven in humans yet. and the problem is the liver gets rid of it just as quickly as you put it in. so researchers in jupiter, florida and then the murdoch children's institute in melbourne, australia are looking at how to get a lot of resveratrol to help with movement disorders, to help with heart disease. it's a possibility for the future. but eric's going to say what about now? this is miles down the road. >> but they have those out now. what are you talking about? >> it's not proven. >> so the issue with resveratrol, we've talked about it in the past. it's very sexy.
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it is in red wine. but there's a big mystery about it because once you drink that red wine you don't know exactly what happens and that's the big question. in order to get enough resveratrol to really help you with your radical antioxidants to lower your ldl, to really make you healthy, you've got to be drinking ten bottles of red wine a day, which no one except these drunken rats out there in the lab, no one's going to be drinking that much. the study that's going on right now is to really try to get pyreified resveratrol, or there could be other enzymes in the alcohol that they're adding to it and making it very potent. in the recent study what they did was they took about 25-milligram of resveratrol and they basically did a rat study and they found maybe it helps in alzheimer's. what's my take for this? we recommended a low dose of resveratrol two, three minutes ago. i would be glad to -- these will not be going through the fda. anybody, you've seen a lot of ads on radio talk about resveratrol -- >> i agree with david because
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you know what, red wine, too many people are drinking red wine thinking they're getting benefits. it may actually be bad for them. drink rats, maybe they'll go in the traps. >> i don't think it's really helpful to have a glass of red wine, the social part is great. cheers to you. >> thanks for watching. on the offensive. donald trump ratchets up the tough talk against hillary clinton to try and stop his fall in the polls. tomorrow comes his major policy speech on the economy. but will it be enough? >> and on the defensive, hillary clinton and her surrogates trying to explain her short circuit excuse over whether she told the truth about her e-mails. this is while clinton is preparing to hit the campaign trail in florida tomorrow. >> plus, iran says it has executed this man, a nuclear scientist accused of being a u.s. spy. what does this latest iranian move mean for the 2016 campaign?


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