tv Hannity FOX News August 9, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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report, at 2:00 p.m. eastern every day. in fact, patricia smith, the mother of sean smith, is going to be on the program. she's got a lot to say. make sure you tune in. have a terrific night. "hannity" is next. trish, thank you. this is a fox news alert. fox news is now projecting that speaker of the house paul ryan will win the primary race for his congressional seat in wisconsin's first district. speaker ryan is scheduled to hold a press conference or at least give a speech. we're going to take some of that live when he steps to the podium. but first the race for the white house rages on, and the mainstream media is hammering donald trump over a remark he made about the second amendment and second amendment supporters. earlier we spoke with the republican presidential nominee, donald trump, about that and a whole lot more. take a look. >> all right. joining us now is donald trump on the campaign trail. big crowds.
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polls seem to be -- one poll today showed a four-point difference, so things are a little bit better. your take on the state of the race? >> well, i think we're doing well. i'm in north carolina right now. you have to see the crowds. the folks are just so enthused, and they just believe so strongly in what we're saying. i'm a messenger. that's really what i am when you think of it, sean. i'm a messenger, but the message is the right message. we want to take back our jobs. we want to make good trade deals. we want to have borders that mean something, and that might include a wall and does include a wall as far as they're concerned and more so as far as i'm concerned. by the way, mexico will be paying for the wall in case you had any questions. many things, our military is depleted. we've got to build up our military. we need it. we have to take care of our vets. there's a lot of messages we're giving out because there's a lot of problems we have as a country. >> i know you said you don't care -- you're not begging for anybody's support. if they don't want to support you. i know presidential candidates
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have made a pledge to support you, john kasich and graham and senator cruz, et cetera, and susan collins today said she's not going to support you. and, you know, i've interviewed you enough that i know your agenda, and we've seen your list of supreme court justices. you laid out your economic plan yesterday that was -- looked pretty reaganesque to me, pretty conservative to me. i know where you stand on rad call islam and isis. we all know where you stand on the border. we know where you stand on eliminating obamacare. what is your message to them because my message to them is they're helping hillary. and if they -- >> well, they are helping hillary. >> yeah. >> they are helping hillary. you know, it's sad to see, but, you know, when i ran in the primaries, i had no support because i was running against senators, governors for the most part. and, you know, these were very political people, and everybody was in favor of them, and that was fine, and i did great. and in some ways, i might be better off without so much support. but what people don't see is i
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have tremendous support. i have so many congressmen, jeff sessions and so many others. darrell issa. we have so much support, they'll talk about a susan collins. i don't really know her. i met her one time for about two seconds. you know, they talk about others, and it's sad. as far as the people i competed against in the primaries, i won with a landslide victory. i won more states by many times. i won 14 million votes, more than ever gotten in the history of the republican primaries. and i know there are hard feelings, but, you know, you have to beat hillary clinton. and if we said nothing else, sean, supreme court justices. just nothing else. take everything else out of the equation because the next president is going to have probably at least three picks. it could even be five. i don't know if you've heard that, but there's a good chance it will be five. it will be a record-setting number. and our country will never be the same. >> all right. let's go over this.
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so on the supreme court, which will impact the country for generations, on vetting refugees, the economic plan -- she's going to continue obama's plan. we'll get into that in a second. she's not going to secure the borders. she's not going to identify radical islam. we've seen the disaster of syria, iraq, libya, benghazi. she's not sending education back to the states. she's not eliminating obamacare. she's not committed to fixing our v.a. or building up our dilapidated military. these are huge differences. and, to me, it's ngotten very personal. and i wonder if your daughter ivanka hit it right when she said yesterday, they're afraid of you because the old order goes away. thoughts? >> well, i can tell you first of all, ivanka has been a big help. she's been so fantastic and so respected, especially on the women's issues where, you know, it's very important to her. but i will tell you this. if you want tax increases, she's going to have a massive tax
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increase. regulati regulation, which is one of the i've met so many people in this country, small business owners, big business owners, their biggest problem is regulation. it's out of control. we just met a business in north carolina, a printing business, nice, beautiful family, and the family is -- they don't know what to do because obamacare is putting them out of business, and they've lost a lot of employees already. you know, the whole thing is very sad. but she's going to raise taxes, and i don't mean a little bit. i mean massive tax increases. so everyone's going to pay more taxes. >> 1.3 -- >> you're going to still have isis all over the place because she's not going to attack them properly. we've got to take them out. we've got to take them out big-league and fast. yeah, you're basically going to get four more years, sean, of obama, and four more years of obama as a disaster. it's unacceptable. look at our growth. sean, look at our growth. we basically didn't grow as a
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country. we didn't grow. the numbers just came out. they're the lowest practically since the depression. and, you know, what are we doing? four more years of obama, and i personally think -- look, i think he's an incompetent president, but i think she'll be worse. >> let me go over some numbers with you if i can because i think these are important. hillary is going to continue these policies. you gave an economic speech yesterday. here's where we are. since obama has been president, there's nearly 12 million more americans on food stamps, another 7 million in poverty additional americans. the average employer-sponsored health care premium has gone up for the family 4,170 bucks. that's a new tax. if you look at adjusted median household income, real dollars are down 185 bucks per family. each american's share of the national debt, he will accumulate more debt than all 43 presidents before him combined. you can see every family now,
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every individual, nearly 60 grand. if you look at the demographics, black americans vote democratic. okay. how did they fare under obama? well, african-americans on food stamps are up 58%. african-americans in poverty are up 8% under obama. the number of african-americans not in the labor force, that's up 20% under obama. the homeownership rate for african-americans is down 4.6%. median household income is down in real dollars for the average african-american family. and here's some other numbers. it's the worst labor participation rate since the '70s. the lowest homership rate in 51 years. the worst recovery since the 1940s. and the first president that will never reach 3% gdp growth. and my final stat, he will -- you know, and we doubled the debt on top of it. so is this -- isn't that reason enough not to vote for hillary to continue that?
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>> well, actually i used some of your numbers because you do repeat those numbers, and it's good that you do because nobody believes them, but those numbers are right. those numbers are right. and on occasion, i will take those numbers and use them at speeches, and people just can't even believe it when you look. especially you think in terms of homeownership, 51 years. it's the worst in 51 years. so many different numbers. we're doing so badly, and yet i don't know what it is. maybe it's just habit. but you would think that the people would be sick and tired of this stuff. but it's a political rigged deal, and the press is -- you know, the press plays right into the hands of these people, and they really are an extension. in my opinion, the press is an extension of hillary clinton and the democrats. that's what's going on, and people see it. i had an interesting case a week ago. i had this phenomenal arena packed with thousands of people, and a baby was crying, and we were having fun. you know, you couldn't talk with the baby screaming. i said the baby sounds like
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pavarotti. we had a lot of fun, and the mother was great. >> the mother was on last night. i had the mother on last night. >> really? >> she loves you. >> you know what they said? sean, the mother was great, and we were laughing and waving and came back in. but the press -- the headline the next day in some of these papers was, trump throws baby out of the arena or kicks baby out of the arena. and i said, that's so unfair. and then people would come up to me for the last week, and they'd say, mr. trump, why did you have to throw the baby out of the arena? i didn't throw a baby out of the arena. we were having so much fun, and the baby was great, and the mother was great. and, you know, it's just a wild scene. it was a rally with thousands and thousands of people. >> we actually played the part. >> the headline i was -- >> we played the -- >> i was having fun with the kid. but so many people came up to me in the last week, mr. trump, i really like you, but don't throw
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babies out of an arena. that's terrible. it's just so sad. they're just dishonest, and they know that. by the way, you had the mother on, and the mother was also a little bit in the papers, and she was so terrific. she said it was fantastic what took place. >> yeah. >> so it's very unfair. >> speaking of unfair and media coverage, because like for example, all the statistics i put up on the screen, which are 100% vetted and true, you won't hear or see that anywhere else because the media has an agenda. now i'm an opinion host. i've told everybody i'm voting for you. i'm pulling the lever for donald trump in this election. >> that's very nice. thank you. >> they're dishonest. they don't tell who they're voting for, but it's obvious because they won't put the numbers up that i just put up. i'll give you another example. yesterday -- i'm sorry -- earlier today you were talking about the second amendment, and i'm going to play what you said, and then we'll talk about how the media reacted to it. >> hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the second amendment.
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by the way, if she gets to pick -- [ crowd booing ] if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. although the second amendment people, may there is. i don't know. but i'll tell you what. that will be a horrible day if -- if hillary gets to put her judges. right now we're tied, you see what's going on. we're tied because scalia, this was not supposed to happen. justice scalia was going to be around for ten more years at least, and this is what happens. that was a horrible thing. >> you know, so obviously you're saying that there's a strong political movement within the second amendment, and if people mobilize and vote, they can stop hillary from having this impact on the court. but that's not how the media is spinning it. what's your reaction to it? >> well, i just heard about that, and it was amazing because nobody in that room thought
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anything other than what you just said. this is a political movement. this is a strong, powerful movement, the second amendment. you know, hillary wants to take your guns away. she wants to leave you unprotected in your home. this is a tremendous political movement. the nra, as you know, endorsed me. they're terrific people. wayne and chris and all of the people over there. and by the way, they've already -- i just saw they tweeted out basically they agree 100% with what i said. and there can be no other interpretation. even reporters have told me, i mean give me a break. but they're dishonest people. what it is, is there's a tremendous power behind the second amendment. it's a political power, and there are few things so powerful, i have to say, in terms of politics. there is few things. and i happen to think that if they actually did even bring this up, i think it's a good thing for me because it's going to tell people more about me with respect to the second amendment because hillary clinton wants to essentially abolish the second amendment. and if she puts supreme court justices on, she will decimate
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your second amendment. >> when we come back, more of my interview with donald trump right after the break. plus the father of the orlando nightclub shooter, well, he was spotted sitting directly behind hillary clinton at a campaign rally yesterday in kissimmee, florida. so why isn't clinton being forced to denounce his support? we'll talk about that later with donald trump. also later, there are growing concerns about hillary's health. we'll check in with our fox news medical a team. also fox news is projecting that speaker paul ryan will win his primary race easily. we are awaiting his press conference. that and more tonight right here on "hannity." fall in love with a new daily fiber. new mirafiber from the makers of miralax. it's the only fiber that supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber. so unlike others, mirafiber is less likely to cause unwanted gas.
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this is a fox news alert. fox news is now projecting that speaker of the house paul ryan will win the primary race for his congressional seat. we are awaiting a press conference from the speaker. but first a new clinton controversy after the father of the orlando nightclub terrorist attended hillary clinton's rally yesterday in kissimmee, florida. you can see him right there, seated right behind the democratic nominee. earlier i asked the republican presidential candidate, donald trump, about this and more. take a look. so david duke says something positive about donald trump, and you repeatedly say you denounce david duke. and then they ask you again and again and again. denounce, denounce, denounce. and here's a guy, the father of this orlando terrorist who killed 49 people at a nightclub, injured another 53 other people. he's right behind hillary clinton in kissimmee, florida, yesterday. this is a guy who after his son killed all these people, said, well, the issue of homosexuality
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and punishment belongs to god. it does not belong to a servant of allah, but i'm really sad he has committed this action. then he said our warrior brothers in the taliban movement and national afghan taliban are rising up, so he supports the taliban. then all the hillary campaign can say about it is, well, it was a 3,000-person rally, open door to the public. when you add that to the fact that hillary takes money from a country like saudi arabia, where men tell women how to dress, women can't drive, women can't go to school or work with a husband's permission, gays and lesbians are executes, christians are persecuted, you can't build a christian church, and you can't build a jewish temple. the clinton foundation took up to $25 million, and the clinton library took $10 million. would you take money from the saudis? >> no, and i will say this, that i heard about that, and i saw the picture of him with the red hat, but it didn't have "make america great" on it by the way.
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and she did not disavow. if that were me, this would be a headline all over the world about trump. but she did not, as i understand it, das vow this man. he's got some pretty harsh views. so i think it's -- look, it's a whole double standard, but we're punching through it, and i think the people understand. i really think the people understand. so that's pretty much it, sean. >> can i just go through your agenda really quick because i want people that maybe want to understand what this election is about. so that list of justices, that's the type of justice you will appoint to the supreme court, correct? >> well, i want to look, and, you know, as you know, i put 11 people in that were highly vetted and just people that are terrific. but another example would be justice scalia. that's what we're really looking for, as close to that as we can get. that was not supposed to happen, and it happened. as close to justice scalia as we can get. >> you're going to lower the corporate rate. you're going to allow
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multinational corp. rate a very low rate to bring back, and you're going to allow energy independence and expansion. do you think america can be energy-independent in four years? >> i do, if not sooner. i do, absolutely. companies are being put out of business. companies in the energy business are being put out of business by regulation and horrible, horrible rules that they're making up on a daily basis, and they're putting all of these people -- i'll give you an example. the miners are being put out of business. hillary clinton wants all miners out of business, and i think it's one of the reasons i'm doing so well in ohio and pennsylvania. >> so you'll expand coal mining? >> the miners are out of business. >> she said she wants to fire coal miners. they're going to lose jobs and coal companies out of business. so you'll expand coal mining. you'll expand drilling and fracking, and nuclear technology? is that a true statement? >> 100% true, all of it. >> the plan you laid out yesterday of corporate rates and
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repatriation for multinational corporations, that's going to happen and about half of -- >> a tremendous amount will not pay anything, and the rates are going to be very low. the tax cut is massive, and the corporate tax cut, people are going to bring back companies. they're going to start companies. the jobs are going to flourish, and i think we'll go over the 4%. right now we're practically at nothing. >> and you will not allow refugees in from countries that practice sharia or where our national director of intelligence, fbi, cia director are warning that isis will infiltrate without proper, 100% vetting? >> that is correct. 100%. >> and you will build that wall. how certain is -- jeb bush said, he's not going to build that wall. it's never going to happen. is that wall going up? >> we're going to build the wall. we need the wall. the security -- as you know, the border patrol agents, 16,500, they endorse me. and when they did, i said, tell me, the wall, really important? they said, mr. trump, we desperately need it. the wall, we want. the wall, we need.
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we're going to have the wall, and mexico is going to pay for the wall. they're going to pay because we lose so much money in terms of trade deficit with mexico. mexico will pay for the wall. >> and let's talk about obamacare. you've talked about eliminating it. you've talked about portability, preexisting conditions, and health care savings accounts. do you believe health care savings accounts is the antidote? >> well, i think it's one of them. i think it's a great alternative. they work. they're fabulous. you can move. you can do whatever you want to do. everybody wants them. you'll save money. you'll have much better plans. i mean look at what's going on with obamacare. the rates are going through the roof. deductibles, i mean you won't even get to use it unless you have a real, big, long-lasting problem. no, no, it's a certainly one method, and there are many, by the way, sean. i know you always mention that, but there are many methods, but they'll all be better. you don't have to be limited to one or two. we can use other methods. people will be paying a lot less
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money. sean, they'll be paying a lot less money for a lot better care. >> you talked about really building up america's military. that's going to cost money. i did read a critic of yours from your economic speech, and he said, well, he's not dealing with spendingme. he's not dealing with entitlements. would you eliminate baseline budgeting and built-in increases that every department has in washington? >> yes. the answer is yes. what we have to do, sean, we have to build up our military. our military is so depleted, we have to build up our military. there's nothing we can do about that. we've never needed a military just about so badly. so the military itself has to be built up, and we can't do anything about that. at the same time, i'm sure we can do it for a smaller price than most people would think because that's what i do. it's called negotiation. but we have to build up our military. it's very depleted. >> for all those people that say they're republicans, that just -- we went down the entire list of differences now between
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you and hillary. and if they're going to stay, you know, on this never trump thing, they're responsible for her supreme court picks. they're responsible for the refugees that are unvetted. they will be responsible for whatever illegal immigrants do. they'll be responsibhave a depl crisis comes. so i think this is a very -- this is a compare and contrast election to me. very different visions for the country, mr. trump. >> these are terrible people. look, these are terrible people. they're endorsing because i don't want them. the people that are there now, i don't want. look at the world. look at what's gone on with the middle east. i mean it's a mess. these are the people that are advising. these are the advisors. these are hangers on. they couldn't make a living in the regular private sector frankly, ask thnd they know i d want them. i've never spoken to these people. i don't know who these people are. look, these people are not the kind of people we want. these are people that have give us a messed up world. you look at north korea.
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you look at the middle east. you look at every single thing we're doing. it's a mess. >> it's scary. >> you know, because trump isn't their kind of guy. i don't want these people. we're going to have so much better. it's going to be so much better, sean, your head will spin. so much better. >> mr. trump, always appreciate your time. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. thank you very much, sean. coming up tonight, fox news projecting that speaker paul ryan is going to win his primary race. we are awaiting his press conference. that's coming up tonight. and later, two of the parents whose sons were killed in the benghazi terror attack are now suing hillary clinton for wrongful death and defamation. we'll check in with lieutenant colonel oliver north. he'll join us with reaction. that and geraldo and kellyanne standing by with their interpretation of donald trump. (vo) maybe it was here, when you hit 300,000 miles. or here, when you walked away without a scratch. maybe it was the day you realized your baby
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the primary race for his congressional seat, and we are awaiting a press conference from the speaker. and we'll take that to you live as soon as that happens. joining us now is former clinton pollster doug schoen, geraldo rivera, kellyanne conway. good to see you all. we'll get to speaker ryan in a second. you see this controversy emerging. i watched this again and again. the only people that are interpreting this that way are hillary supporters. now, i do support donald trump. he's not talking about, oh, the second amendment guys are going to take care of her. he's saying, hey, there's a lot of them. if they get out and vote because they're so passionate about it, the interpretation is easy. but the media is obsessed with taking things out of context. why? >> they're also obsessed with only covering one candidate in this race, donald trump. today i thought was exhibit a and exactly what's wrong with this election cycle's coverage. you have omar mateen's father attending hillary clinton's rally right behind her, and then when interviewed why he was
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there, it was revealed that he's a registered democrat. he's on the list. he felt that he was welcome there because he said it's a democratic party, anyone can come. what else did he say? he said, she'll be, quote, great for national security. this man's son killed 49 innocent people 29 miles away from the site of the rally. by the way, does everybody remember what the father said at the time. >> you're burying the lead, kellyanne, it's not fair. >> everybody keeps saying, all the other networks today are covering it. >> how many times -- [ overlapping voices ] >> that doesn't mean it's right. >> i'm telling you the guy running for president gets the front page of the newspaper -- >> wait a second. where do you feel less safe? do you feel less safe with the orlando massacre's father steps away from at a rally, or do you feel less safe at a donald trump rally where he's fetelling you, you have a right to carry. >> i love donald trump, and he shot himself in the foot today. >> no, he didn't.
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>> -- to suggest that the second amendment people in an offhanded remark that even the secret service felt compelled to respond to -- [ overlapping voices ] >> this is unforced error. >> geraldo, do you really, in your heart of hearts, think he was talking -- >> absolutely not. >> then wait a minute. if you understand that, then you've got to believe the american people are -- excuse me. hold your breath. are as smart as my friend geraldo and that they get it. he's saying that this is a huge voting bloc, and here's the problem. when donald trump -- when david duke said nice things about trump, how many times will you denounce it? how many times -- when is hillary going to denounce this guy? >> i was in south carolina at the time. kellyanne says -- brings up mateen. >> hang on a second. paul ryan is at the podium. we'll get back to you guys. stay right there. >> we saw federal, state, and local offices in wisconsin today. it's hard work, and i'm grateful
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we had so many capable candidates to take part in the democratic process. i want to highlight one candidate in particular who is on the ballot in wisconsin tonight. mike gallagher. mike gallagher just won the eighth congressional district republican primary. he is a marine veteran with an impressive background in national security. the eighth district is a seat that needs to stay republican. it's going to be a hard fought race, and i am very much looking forward to campaigning with mike during this fall in the campaign. i also want to speak to the residents of southern wisconsin. on behalf of jana, myself, and our kids, thank you. thank you for your trust. thank you for your confidence. thank you for your support in my efforts. i'm a fifth generation janesville native, and i've been honored to serve. it's been one of the best experiences of my lifetime, and i'm humbled that so many want to
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see me continue to work on their behalf. people here, they know me well. they know i believe that to serve is to work to become part of the solution, not be part of the problem. they share my desire for political leadership that is inclusive, not divisive. they look at the horizon, and they look for hope, not fear. most of all, they want someone who works to effectively advance our founding principles. look, there is a lot of real frustration in this country. there's a lot of anger that washington just isn't working and that it seems irrevocably broken. the people want to see congress and their elected leaders tackle our tough problems, not duck those tough problems. they're sick of the paralysis, and they're hungry for results. and all too often, washington fails to provide those results. in times as uncertain as these, it is easy to resort to division. it's simple to prey on people's
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fears. that stuff sells, but it doesn't stick. it doesn't last. most of all, it doesn't work. around here, we look beyond the noise and the static. our strength comes from the principles on which our country was founded -- self-government and liberty. our inspiration comes from the notion that the condition of your birth doesn't determine the outcome of your life. and our desire is to see everyone get ahead and make sure that our children are left better off. and so because we want to bring people together, not divide them, because we want to break the gridlock, not perpetuate it, because we want fresh ideas, not outdated ideas, republicans are offering a better way to fix this country's big, pressing problems. by taking a better way, we can reignite our nation's economic engine. we can lift people out of poverty and get them on the ladder of opportunity. we can restore our constitution. we can have real
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patient-centered health care, and we can keep our country safe and free. this is how we turn this passion of the moment into a hard-won future, through ideas, through inspiration, through inclusiveness, through an agenda that we can be proud of, through an agenda that can unite people. so we will take this agenda to voters across this country this fall, and i am confident that they will reward our efforts. between now and november, i am committed to doing everything i can to make sure that the status quo, which isn't good enough, is not continued because we can do better. >> that's speaker of the house paul ryan. he wins his primary tonight, and of course addressing the crowd. you know, one of the things -- this was -- i didn't think this was ever going to be a close race, but geraldo is saying that is so inclusive. >> ryan just said. >> here is what the problem with ryan and republicans. 65% of republicans feel betrayed, and i'm not singling
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out paul ryan here, but he was part of the problem. and that is that they never followed through on their promise to use the power of the purse, their enumerated constitutional power to defund obamacare. >> i tweeted in support of you when "the wall street journal" came after you. i said they were insulting your -- >> i want to give you a hug. >> sean, can i get a word in here? >> listen, i. >> and i get it, but when donald trump says something so stupid that it allows people to talk about he has implicitly threatened -- >> you're calling -- >> geraldo is right, sean. paul ryan's remarks were a response to donald trump. >> i agree. >> unity, no fear. geraldo is undeniably right. sean, the polls are showing that donald is dropping, not as far as the left is saying, but he's down seven or eight points. good news out of florida and ohio. bad news out of pennsylvania.
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you can argue polls, but you know he's going down. he's got to do what ryan said -- >> but, listen, doug, and i'll throw this to kellyanne. you are the pollster here. i don't disagree that some of these things have been a distraction. but i also will say the double standard in media coverage is obnoxious. >> true. >> it's biases. it's abusive. it's nonstop. every single network is against this man. >> and guess why it won't work? because the american people are smarter than all that. they don't like to be told what to think, who can win, who can't win, who's an unwashed rube, who's a racist? >> i may be a rube, but i think what -- >> not you. >> -- what paul ryan said is the lesson of this not to blast the media. listen to paul ryan. >> he's endorsed donald trump, doug. but anyway -- >> his message was compelling, inclusive. >> don't you agree that the media has dropped all pretense of any kind of fair, sane, or complete coverage? they're like a pack of lemmings masquerading as the media now.
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they pick on one thing he says -- >> you're right, kellyanne, and i've learned don't attack the media. run your campaign with an inclusive -- >> we're trying, but donald trump today, doug, tried to mobilize 90 million gun owners across this country and said, stand up against her trying to grab your guns. [ overlapping voices ] >> if that was his intention -- >> geraldo, in your own words, you understood what he meant. >> i understand because i know he wasn't threatening the life of hillary clinton for god's sakes. but when you put what he said in -- even the guy sitting behind him goes to his wife, he goes, did you hear that? i mean everybody had the -- >> geraldo, they were drinking. >> i can tell you bill clinton made mistakes. we told him not to do it. donald needs to listen to kellyanne and just stop it. >> -- was doing anything other than mobilizing the second -- >> first page in every -- >> because most newspapers in
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this country are abusively liberal in their bias, geraldo. [ overlapping voices ] >> hillary clinton wouldn't even take a question from the media today about mateen. >> we have to take a break. when we come back, the parents of two killed americans in benghazi in the terror attack filed a wrongful death suit against hillary clinton. why isn't that on the front-page news of those newspapers geraldo is reading every day? conce concern oliver north is up next. and how is hillary's health? the fox news medical a-team joins us. ic playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car?
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(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. welcome back to "hannity." now in september of 2012, four americans were killed in the benghazi terror attack. now the parents of two of those brave americans that were killed, pat smith, charles woods, they've been on this program a number of times. they have now filed a wrongful death lawsuit against hillary clinton. now, a spokesperson for the clinton campaign responded to this lawsuit, in part, saying,
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quote, while no one can imagine the pain of the families of the brave americans we lost at benghazi, there have been nine different investigations into this attack, and none found any evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing on the part of hillary clinton. by the way, also breaking just now, on the other story we've been talking about tonight, finally the clinton campaign -- finally, two days later, now says hillary clinton disagrees and disavows the support of the orlando terrorist father. joining us now with analysis, colonel oliver north. i don't believe for a second that they didn't know this guy was in the crowd. he was right behind hillary. those seats are usually, you know, people are hand picked for those seats. don't you agree? >> well, look, either that or someone in the campaign is now looking for somebody to cover their sticks because letting the guy sit there. it does tell you a little something about this campaign, however. this was a non-story except on this network. i mean no one else was talking about it. it gives further credence to what you've been saying and what mr. trump has been saying about
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the bias in the media. it's definitely there. look at all the coverage of him saying -- what they've done is they got out there within 48 hours -- i grant you it took a little longer than i expected because they do have a quick response cell. undoubtedly they focus grouped this, got a poll on it, and said it would be better if she came out and said i denounce the guy, i don't want his support, et cetera. but you're right. somebody had to purposely seat him where he was. >> they talk about nine investigations. here's what we do know. these are the facts. after the benghazi committee report, they had 600 separate requests for security before the attack denied. while the red cross in great britain were leaving. then during the attack, hillary clinton four hours into it was the top cabinet official and her big concern was begging permission from the libyans to go in and save these americans under fire. they were watching it in real-time. and then they were sending marines and brave servicemen to change their clothes four times because they didn't want to
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offend the libyans if we sent in americans in uniform to save americans under fire, knowing it's a terror attack. and then she lied afterwards. so i actually think there might be validity to this. how far does this lawsuit go? >> well, i'm certainly not a lawyer. i'm an infantry officer turned correspondent. they're charging negligence and reckless actions by mrs. clinton and defamation in that she's lied about what she told them. so they may have a pretty powerful case. they've certainly got some very powerful testimonial evidence from fbi director comey, who called mrs. clinton extremely careless in how she handled the classified information. >> well, he also said she's a liar. so that's interesting. and she told her daughter, the libyan president, and egyptian prime minister it was a terror attack, and she was telling us it was related to a youtube video and spontaneous. >> look, i don't know what the judge is going to do with this case. but you know what the so-called mainstream media is going to do. they'll ignore it, just like
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they've ignored all the other deceit and dissem being of obama, clinton, kerry regime since 2009. none of this stuff has gotten the coverage it deserves. >> she seems to get away with it every time. >> she does because our colleagues -- that's what we call them, right? >> they're not my colleagues. >> look -- >> i'm not in the same business as them. >> the fact is that our, quote, colleagues in the media choose what they want to cover, how they want to cover it, and what they're not going to cover. for example, the $400 million ransom. has anybody asked her whether she wants to denounce that? has anybody asked her would she keep -- >> i don't know why she took money from saudi arabia that persecutes women and kills gays and persecutes christians and jews. why does she take millions from them? >> how about the existential threat of iran and north korea working on nuclear weapons -- >> scary. >> and the means of delivering them, and no one is asking her
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those kinds of questions. >> colonel, we've got to roll. safe home. >> good to be with you. coming up, new questions being raised about hillary clinton's health. our panel of experts weigh in straight ahead. it's a golden opportunity to experience breath-taking lexus performance in street-legal form. for a limited time get great offers on our complete line of f sport performance vehicles. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event.
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spoke about an image being circulated of hillary clinton. the picture shows the democratic nominee being helped by her staffers and speculated about her health. should hillary have to reveal her medical condition? and joining us now with reaction is board-certified neurologist and headache specialist and dr. mark seigel. doctor, what do you see in her condition? and some images where she keeps getting flustered or hear about the blood clots. what is your interpretation? >> going back to her concussion in 2012, she had a reported blood clot. the blood clot cleared up with blood thinners but bill clinton reported it took six months of hard work for her to recover
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from her head injury. >> is it possible she had a stroke? do you believe it was a head injury? traumatic brain injury? . >> i believe she had a concussion with a possible brain injury. i haven't seen medical records but the blood clot was no longer an issue. it was the latent affects of the concussion i would be concerned about. >> i'm glad you're an expert because any time she, or any liberal speaks, i get a headache. >> we're finding someone with a severe blow to the head can have affects later on that an mri doesn't show. i want to see her medical records. >> what about some of the weird pauses she has, the coughing fits she has? there are moments when i'm watching her and thinking okay. the facial expressions are odd. they seem off.
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>> i don't know this. i'm only looking at a video. i saw the video and wondering about a word called aphasia. you're looking for words and lose the words and it could be a brain injury. i'm not satisfied of getting a letter from her primary saying she's fit to be president. that is like getting a letter from an accountant, the taxes are okay. i want to see what the neurologist wrote about her. >> what is the worst-case scenario? >> i would agree with dr. seigel, i'm concerned about the long-term latent effects of the concussion such as a video pausing for a very long time, losing track of what you're thinking about. >> could that be connected to a stroke?
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>> it could. in this case, it could be significantly affected by a concussion. >> as always, thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card
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and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. this is a fox news alert. house speaker paul ryan defending his seat in a wisconsin state republican primary. ryan winning that contest and will, of course, run for reelection in november. a few days ago, trump gave his endorsement to paul ryan during a campaign stop in the state. we'll have an update on this later in the hour, we'll go live in jamesville, wisconsin. now, back to "the o'reilly factor", in progress. trump.
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