tv Hannity FOX News August 10, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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tomorrow. thank you for watching tonight. good to have you all. i'm sandra smith, and this is "the kelly file". welcome to "hannity," and tonight the election is just 89 days away, so is it time now for republicans who refuse to endorse donald trump, are they now sabotaging his campaign, because if they continue to do what they are doing and hillary clinton wins, will they be responsible for supporting hillary clinton's radical left wing agenda? now, these are the people i'm talking about. time to name names, bill crystal, mitt romney, susan collins, jeb bush, ted cruz, lindsey graham, meg whitman, and many, many others. if they keep up their stubborn and stupid game and continue to lick their wounds, well, this is what they'll be responsible for, just to give a few examples.
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the continuation of president obama's disastrous economic policies and did any happen to listen to trump's speech? we doubled our debt, have the lowest labor participation rate since the '70s, worst recovery since the 1940s. clinton will simply continue that failed economic agenda of obama. of course, there's obamacare. donald trump told me last night he'll repeal and replace it and have competition. clinton will keep it, open borders. trump promises a wall. clinton wants open borders. which is better for the national security and worker? refuse to use the term radical islam, donald trump will listen to it. supreme court justices versus the liberalists. on this one issue alone, this will impact this country for generations to come. hillary, of course, wants a 550%
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increase in unvetted refugees. trump promises to vet them all or not let them in. top down common core education, that's failing. hillary would continue that. we have a dilapidated military. trump will improve the military and rebuild it and the list goes on. by refusing to support trump, seems they are supporting a woman who has proven time and time again she is a liar and corrupt politician. for example, just out today, newly released e-mails prove yet again that the state department was, in fact, colluding with the clinton foundation during hillary clinton's tenure as secretary of state. hillary clinton put the state department up for sail with top aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the clinton foundation, including a shady billionaire, including to smoking-gun e-mails released tuesday. wait, there's more. clinton continually lied about what she knew and when she knew it about the benghazi terror attack.
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so much so that the parents of two americans killed during that attack, they are now suing her for wrongful death and defamation. let's not forget when fbi director james comey had this interesting exchange with congressman trey gowdy about hillary clinton's voracity on a private e-mail server scandal. >> secretary clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails sent or received. was that true? >> that's not true. there were a small number of portion markings on, i think, three of the documents. secretary clinton said i did not e-mail any classified e-mail, there is no classified material. was that true? >> there was classified material e-mailed. >> secretary clinton said she used just one device. was that true? >> she used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state. >> secretary clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the state department. was that true? >> no, we found work-related
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e-mails, thousands, that were not returned. >> secretary clinton said her lawyers read every one of the e-mails and were overly inclusive. did her lawyers read the e-mail content individually? >> no. >> get my point? all you stubborn republicans out there, hillary clinton, she's proven she does not have the character, she does not have the temperament to be the president of the united states, so is that the person these republican cry babies really want to be the next commander in chief, they want to help her? it's very disturbing and disgusting and dangerous. here with reaction, fox news contributor and n syndicated talk show host laura ingraham. laura, are they sabotaging him, is it having an impact? >> well, they are clearly cheerleading hillary clinton. no doubt about it, sean. the senators like susan collins and so forth who aren't officially endorsing hillary clinton really are without explicitly doing so. all these people who are
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supporting, you know, gary johnson or the stein woman or mcmuffin, whatever, mcmullin, whatever his name is, evan mcmullin, they know they are not going to win and they want to feel cleansed of the sin of voting for donald trump. and you laid out, you know, with excruciating detail, just, you know, a few of the reasons why hillary clinton would be disastrous for this country, and i would make the argument, i think very persuasively, as well, sean, if you call yourself a conservative and a republican, it's actually immoral not to vote for donald trump. if only for the reason of the supreme court. the supreme court will outlive us. this generation of jurists and its effect on our lives, our daily lives, our children and our grandchildren will well out live this generation, so they are willing to sacrifice all of that so they can have some see i
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told you so moment from the sidelines. so selfish. >> i agree and think of how profound it is on obamacare. think about energy independence. think about rebuilding our military. you mention the court on that one issue alone. identifying isis and not identifying isis is a pretty good deal, considering things going on in the world. let me ask you this, what is your take, i'm going to run through a series, we'll play some comments, read some comments to you. over the years, democrats themselves have suggested that they want republicans to die, including presidents. >> including us. sean, what do you mean, including us. they wish we died. come on. >> obama once said i'll send this guy mr. burgess over to fox news and he'll tear sean hannity up. >> i remember that. >> uh played it over and over again. i'm a brown belt now. i'm ready. i can handle it. >> i'm not worried about you versus the obama people, you're okay. >> elizabeth warren saying she
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hopes trump would disappear. does that mean she wants him dead? >> am i right to perceive you enjoy fighting with donald trump? >> no, no, you're absolutely wrong about that. i wish donald trump would just disappear. donald trump would be a danger to the united states. this man should never be allowed to come within miles of the white house. >> hillary clinton suggested in '08, you know, she's not dropping out. maybe obama could be assassinated like robert kennedy. >> there has been this urgency to end this, and, you know, historically that makes no sense. my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until we won the california primary somewhere in the middle of june, right? we all remember bobby kennedy was assassinated in june in california. >> then we have this kind of obama thing, if they bring in a
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knife, we're going to bring in a gun. from what i understand, folks in philly like a good brawl. i guarantee barack obama ain't taking my shotguns, so don't buy that malarkey. crazy uncle joe said this. i got two, if he tries to fool with my beretta, he's got a big problem. then john kerry was on with bill maher talking about killing george w. bush. >> we ran away to a wonderful retreat in vermont. that was our get away. >> you could have went to new hampshire and killed two birds with one stone. >> i could have gone to 1500 pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone. >> oh, so they actually make real threats, i got it. >> sean, if trump or any trump person had ever said any of these things, they would be using this in the current news cycle. we know what's going on, everybody knows what's going on, hillary clinton simply is unable
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to defend her record, the current abysmal economy, which is basically in stagnant growth and median income stagnating really the last 15 years. they have no tricks left in their bag of tricks for the economy, zero. we know we're in decline, we know china is on the rise, and they are simply out of answers. so what they are going to do day in and day out, look at the shiny little object over here, media, then the media, as the willing supply cants that they are, rush over to that story and dwell on that for 24 hours. meanwhile hillary clinton's speech is a big yawn for the mainstream media, or the e-mails show the utter corruption in the state department as connected to the global clinton initiative which i knew all along the e-mails would demonstrate. that should be the focus today. >> it's like it's three on one.
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let me ask you -- all right, so a woman was raped when she was 12 years old. hillary clinton, we've got the tapes, i'm going to play them later in the show, just don't have enough time in the segment. bragged about i'd have them take a polpolygraph. passed, bragging, laughing, proud of the fact. she got a guy off on a technicality that she's admitting was guilty and also smeared this poor girl of raping a 12-year-old girl. >> yeah, shows you, again -- again, the feminist, shows you the feminist really don't care about actual people, they care about the right to abort people. actual victims, whether it's bill clinton's victim, or in this case through her defense work, hillary's victim, they don't care. they don't care about these people. they don't care about actual women trying to pay the bills.
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they care about power, they care about federal control, they do not actually care about real people. it's the power, it's the moment, it's the domination, and all these other people are pawns in their game, so for all of these never trumpers sitting on the sidelines and feel very gleeful now, they are going to have responsibility in november. >> i'm going to blame them for hillary's supreme court choices, if she wins. i don't want to hear complaints from them. >> everybody -- anyone that's calling this race now knows nothing about politics. >> panic is so unsexy, sean. >> okay. thank you. >> good to see you. >> good to see you. coming up, donald trump calls out hillary clinton after new e-mails reveal the state department colluded with the clinton foundation. indiana governor mike pence is here to respond in a "hannity" exclusive. later, the questions continue to swirl about hillary clinton's health records. should the campaign release all of her medical records so voters
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could decide? our medical experts weigh in. also, why did she defend a man she thought was guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl, tonight on "hannity". ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. an ordinary experience into an extraordinary one. get great offers at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months and we'll make your first month's payment. see your lexus dealer. words you don't often hear. words we at panera live by. because clean food is food as it should be. with no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and no colors from artificial sources. we think clean food tastes better, feels better, does better. 100% of our food will be clean by year's end.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm robert gray. delta airlines still struggling to resume normal operations. it's now been three days since a computer meltdown triggered worldwide delays and flight cancellations. this afternoon hundreds of other delta flights had to be grounded again. the airline's ceo has apologized to ticketholders for the inconvenience, vowing the company will recover, but he did not say when. ironically, delta is spending $150 million this year to upgrade its technology. a man who scaled new york city's trump tower using suction
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cups will undergo a psychiatric evaluation before he has his day in court. the climber got as high as the 21st floor before cops removed a window payne and yanked him inside. he expressed a desire to meet with donald trump. i'm robert gray, now back to "hannity". came out to her people and very big stories today, problem is, it will be big stories for about two minutes and then they are going to drop it because the media is so totally dishonest. so totally. but this was big stuff. pay for play. it's illegal. it's illegal. and we'll see what happens with it. we'll see what happens with it, but it's very serious stuff. very, very serious. >> that was 2016, gop presidential nominee donald trump earlier today talking about hillary clinton's shocking pay to play scheme between the state department and, of course, the clinton foundation. it was revealed yesterday in
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newly released e-mails and now here with reaction, 2016 republican vice presidential nominee, he is the governor of the great state of indiana, governor mike pence. sir, how are you? >> i'm good, sean, thanks for having me on. >> let's start with the pay to play and the new revelations. i mean, it's obvious these e-mails, by the way, weren't they supposed to be handed over a long time ago? >> right. >> she deleted 33,000 others, nobody has any idea what's in them. but this specifically, those people that donated and were part of this organization got access, special access that nobody else would get. what are your thoughts on it? >> well, i think what we see here is direct evidence that major foreign donors to the clinton foundation were being given favors and opportunities by officials at the state department. it is, as you just heard donald trump say, it is a textbook example of the kind of pay to play politics that the american people are tired of in
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washington, d.c., and i promise you, when donald trump and i head to the white house this january, we're going to put this pay to play special interest politics to an end once and for all. >> let's talk about the coverage of donald trump's comments about second amendment supporters and the media reaction to this. >> well, it's just incredibly -- it's incredibly frustrating, but it's also telling to see the way the media has the capacity to major in the minors, to take a comment as they did and take it all the way to the cable air waves and make a controversy when in the very same week the father of the terrorist who took 49 lives in orlando attended a hillary clinton rally, was on television for more than an hour, said later to the press that he was there because he thought hillary clinton was, quote, good on national security. and that got a fraction of the
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attention that was paid to statements that donald trump made in support of the second amendment and support of people who advocate for it. it just shows you what we're up against. as i sit here in dayton today, it's two on one, the media is going to continue to do half of hillary's work for her, but the amazing thing is, from the crowds we've seen as i campaign around the enormous crowds around donald trump, the american people are rallying to his message, they are rallying to his -- and i believe we're going to rally to victory this fall. >> media research finds out they've covered this issue of donald trump's comments five times more than the father of a terrorist who supports the taliban is against gays and lesbians and five times more coverage and she wouldn't even denounce him when asked to and it took, what, 36 hours to finally get there. just like she takes money from saudi arabia, the clinton foundation does, abuse women,
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kill gays and lesbians, persecute jews. $10 million for the clinton foundation, $10 for the clinton library. most americans don't hear about that. what does it say about the media, what does it say about her? >> the media is overwhelmingly biased in favor of electing hillary clinton as the next president of the united states, but i have to tell you, the connection donald trump has made to people all across this country, from every background, is amazing to behold at these rallies. i think people are seeing through the media bias. they are ignoring it, because they really do hear in donald trump the kind of message that will rebuild our military, have america standing strong in the world, release the full potential of the american economy, and maybe most important of all, make sure that the next president making appointments to the supreme court of the united states will appoint conservative justices who will uphold our second amendment and all of the god-given liberties enshrined in
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our constitution. >> i think all that's important. i made an opening statement tonight about those republicans, especially those that ran for president like john kasich and jeb bush and lindsey graham and ted cruz, for example, they made a promise, they made a pledge, they'd support the eventual nominee. do you believe those republicans, you can add to it susan collins, et cetera. do you think they are sabotaging, trying or attempting at sabotaging your campaign, donald trump's campaign? why would they do that, and aren't they helping hillary? >> well, look, it was a tough primary and i understand competitive politics can impact relationships. we're just going to continue to work hard, and we are going to continue to see this party come together. i was in dayton earlier today, and, you know, met with a number of prominent members of congress who were there, congressman mike turner, former mayor of dayton and member of the armed services
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committee. we're getting support from members of congress literally all over this country. those that are expressing their support aren't getting nearly as much attention to the folks who say they are not there or not there yet, but that is what it is. i tell people, whether it be my friend, governor john kasich here in ohio or others, we're just going to continue to put out a message of real change in washington, d.c., and we're going to work hard to earn the support of not just all those leaders, but we're going to continue to earn the ever widening support of everyday americans who know we can make america great again. >> it's interesting on the double standards, hillary clinton in '08 said, you know, robert kennedy was killed in june and made a comment and it was proceeded by others to be a veiled threat against barack obama. you know, you have people -- somebody like, you know, the president, obama in this case talking about punishing our enemies. i don't know whose ass to kick,
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he actually said this. we'll send mr. burgess over to fox news to tear sean hannity up, he actually said that, president obama when he was running. they'll bring a knife, we'll bring a gun. john kerry talking about the possibility of killing president bush at the time or the threats to dan quayle, secret service has orders, you know, if anything happens to the president, shoot to kill. do you remember those comments? and then all of this is about donald trump. that's standard, you said it's two on one. you think it's that bad, they are that in the tank, the media, for hillary? >> i think it's amazing if you look at what the media research center came out with just this week. hillary clinton has the father of a terrorist who just took the lives of 49 members of the lgbt community in in a horrific terrorist attack at her rally on television, there to support her, and it takes her
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literally, you know, almost an entire day to denounce him, and that gets scant media coverage compared to donald trump simply calling on second amendment supporters across the country to exercise their right as voters and exercise their rights as citizens in the democratic process to stand up for the second amendment. look, you know, my late father used to say, it is what it is. but the amazing thing is, even two on one, i got to tell you, we're winning hearts and minds every day. >> you feel good about the polls right now? they seem to be coming back, two polls come out that seems it's now tightening again. >> well, of course, it is. what i feel most excited about, like in dayton earlier today, it's just the enthusiasm, the passion people have, you know, the democrats are telling us this is the best we can do in america, at home and abroad, and it's just the best they can do, that we can do better, but it's going to take new leadership, a
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change of direction, and the enthusiasm out on the rope line. >> last question. do you think that knowing that there's a double standard, and i agree with your premise as it relates to the coverage of hillary versus donald trump, do you think knowing that -- that maybe he needs to have more discipline in the sense that don't give them an opening, be more careful, maybe use the teleprompter more? >> i think donald trump gave a great speech this week in detroit. i had the opportunity to introduce him there. he laid out an economic plan. next week there's going to be another major policy address coming. you're going to see this campaign laying out a specific policy agenda in the weeks ahead building on what we've done already, and that's going to continue to happen, but make no mistake about it, you know, the contrast between a man who speaks his heart and his mind with candor versus hillary clinton, you know, the hedging
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and the allegations and the untruths, i think the american people welcome donald trump's candor. that's a part of who he is, and i look forward to campaigning with him every day and running through the tape to a great victory this fall. >> all right, governor, good to see you. thank you, see you out on the campaign trail. coming up, in 1975 hillary clinton defended a man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl. has tracked the woman down. we'll discuss it. later, questions mounting about hillary's health. is it time for the clinton campaign to release her full medical records to ease the minds of voters? maybe she can release the wall street and big bank speeches at the same time. our experts weigh in. use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief
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poallergies?reather. stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. welcome back to "hannity." in 1975, hillary clinton then a public defense attorney defended a man accused of raping a
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12-year-old girl. in the 1980s, clinton proudly talked about the experience, kind of bragged about it, and kind of led on that she knew he was guilty. watch this. >> how did it turn out? >> oh, he plea bargained. >> now, years later, allegedly tracked down the 12-year-old victim, cathy shelton. here's what she has to say about hillary clinton. watch this. >> very hard for me not to walk up and smack her. i know that sounds mean.
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i mean, she put me through a lot at 12 years old. i had to go look through this window and see these guys. i just want to know, got a daughter and grand baby. what happens if that daughter of yours, if that would have been her and they pulled you in at that time to do that? what would you do? you would have protected her. it's horrible, you know, she's supposed to be for women and children and here she is saying i know he did it, but i defended him anyway. got him off on a technicality of losing something and she lost it on purpose. it wasn't lost. how could all this stuff get lost all of a sudden? i tried to get the hospital record and they supposedly been lost in a flood. if you told me tried to get the
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police report and it was lost in a flood. supposedly that's what happened to this, too. i think she's lying. i think she did anything she can to get the campaign and win. >> here with reaction, david clark, fox news contributor rick grennel and kellyanne conway. here's the very disturbing part. forget about she's now talking -- all right, that's separate and apart, but this interview she gives to me is the bigger deal. it's not this interview. she actually said, oh, i had the guy take a polygraph test, which he passed, which forever stirred my belief in the poly graph. knew he was guilty and got off a 30-year sentence. >> she was proud of her skill. sean, let's make cathy shelton a household name. hillary clinton is trying to get
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to the white house on her, quote, record that -- her phantom record on helping women and children. this girl was a child, 12 years old. let's go over the facts for a moment. she accused this man of rape. hillary clinton as the public defender had this girl, made her relive the entire episode, submitted her to a psychiatric evaluation and said she was, quote, seeking out older men. >> a 12-year-old girl. >> 12-year-old girl. that is a girl. you have one, i have one, that is a girl and she revictimized her and i'm so tired of hearing how hillary clinton is an advocate for women and children. the entire dnc theme was she never stops fighting for women and children. where's the evidence of that? you have all the millions of women in poverty, children in poverty, but when it comes to people like cathy shelton, she revictimized her and i think people should really focus on that. >> several points during the tape of hillary, again i'm focused on the hillary tape here, sheriff, she's laughing at the most inappropriate moments.
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oh, you know, the crime lab's accidental destruction of dna evidence, which had semen and blood, she got off, that she thought did it. >> sean, mrs. bill clinton is morally bankrupt. i think america's starting to understand that. first of all, i want to commend that victim for having the courage to want to relive this thing in a very public fashion, but for mr. bill clinton, she was a defense attorney at the time, she's supposed to defend her client, we all get that, but for her to blame a 12-year-old girl as being the sexual aggressor was disgusting. look, we threw everything we can to protect the victims of rape in these court proceedings and put them through as little as we have to to get a conviction, but to go out there and do what she did, to track them, i guess she was looking down the road because she's been defending the
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sexual predator nature of her husband and sexual assault allegations against her husband bill clinton for a long time and she's done the same thing, trashed the reputation of the victim. that is reprehensible. >> what's your reaction, rick? >> look, i think this is a big theme of hillary clinton's. she will literally lie and do anything for personal gain. it doesn't matter if it's an individual who is 12 years old, who is standing between her and a successful legal case, or the american people, who she can constantly look at us and lie to us about sending classified information. this is a lifelong theme of both of them. both the clintons, who absolutely have looked at the american people on two different occasions when we were in crisis over what they had done and they look at us and they lie. this is a absolute tagline of
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lying hillary that is extremely accurate from the beginning of her career. >> beyond cavalier, though. she's laughing and bragging and saying -- look, if i was a lawyer, and everyone has the right to a defense, but i don't have to be a lawyer, and if i think you're guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl and i could -- >> you don't take the case. >> my capacity as a great attorney to get you off, i'm not doing that for anybody, ever. >> the tape makes it sound like it's all in a day's work for her, sean, just one more notch on her ladder to power eventually. bragging about her skill, being cavalier towards the victim and i think going a little too far in puffing herself up. you know, sometimes there are tragedies and there's nothing to do about it, but i feel she's pretty kpli sit. let me add one more thing. when she was secretary of state, women in the office were paid 72 cents for every male dollar. you look what happened with the clinton foundation in haiti.
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she's constantly telling groups of voters donald trump is bad for you and i will protect you and the evidence is elsewise, whether women that are 12 years old or people of haiti waiting for billions that never came. >> or those victimized by bill clinton's smeared slander. >> -- sean -- >> raped and kidnapped by boko haram. >> thank you all for being with us. coming up, concerns about hillary clinton's health. is she fit to serve? is she trying to hide something? also later tonight -- >> he was talking about the election in general, wasn't talking about after the election, you know how speeches go. he was talking about how they have the power to keep her out of office. that's what he was talking about. >> rudy giuliani pushing back over comments donald trump made about second amendment supporters. that and more tonight as we continue. (climbing sounds)
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welcome back to "hannity." questions continue to swirl about hillary clinton's health an to serve as president of the united states. the mainstream media has yet to ask clinton about it and her campaign is dismissing concerns being raised as partisan attack, so should the clinton campaign release to the public hillary's full medical records so it will ease voters' concerns? here with reaction, dr. marc siegel, a neurologist at north shore brain and spine center. dr. fiona gata is with us. all right, let me ask you this. i want to show all of you the coughing fits, the 2011 fall. she sort of has a brain freeze, then this other reaction, one was in april, one was in june, just to take a look at some of the things people were talking about. >> represent inmates -- excuse me.
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too much -- you do talk a lot in this campaign. excuse me. just one second here. >> by the way, this is 2011 when she falls, but those coughing fits go on for a very long period of time, and the coughing fits in particular are something that have garnered a lot of attention because there have been many of them and she can't get out of them. anyway, that's the fall from 2011. we also have this other video, one, of course, from april, one from june. i feel bad when somebody falls, but there are also two pictures of people propping her up, as well. let's go to these other images. both this year, april and june. >> we do not need another big, contentious debate about health care. we need to make what we've got
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work really well and improve it and get the cause out of -- upward spiral. i want to mention two other things. >> wonderful, meaningful endorsement in every way. you guys have got to try the cold chia. >> i've had it, it's great. >> that last one in particular is so odd to me. what was your take? >> it's so hard to speculate based on snippets of the clips that, you know, what is going on without having a full examination and workup. >> look at this video right here, watch her reaction. i'm not -- it almost seems seizu seizure-esque to me. >> there are types of seizures that can cause one body part, but it would be very rare. i can't say that's a seizure.
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>> many seizures like that, dr. siegel? >> not a neurologist, and i don't think that necessarily looks like a seizure, but i will say this -- >> let's rerack this, what do you think this is? >> i think we've seen enough there, especially in someone who has a long medical history and who's approaching 70 years old for me to be able to say both of our candidates need to release their medical information. sean, the whole idea -- >> violent, out of control movements on her part. >> and it could be, and i say could be, related to previous head trauma she's had. it's possible. that's why i need to see the records. that's why a neurologist needs to give a press conference and say this is what's going on with her. she may very well be completely fit, but we want to know. >> thank you, i hope i never have to see either one of you -- although i'd be grateful for your help. coming up, rudy giuliani smearing donald trump about his
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and there is a reason for that because of the people who have been running the country. donald trump is not a member of that club. and i think there are a lot of democrats that feel that way. i think what donald trump is able to be able to do for us is to be able to make change and they're afraid of change because unfortunately, people don't have special interests to represent them. and i think every time one of these establishment guys comes out against them, sort of makes his point and gets five votes. >> what do you make of the media in this election cycle? donald trump is talking about people that value the second amendment and that they be able
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to do something in terms of voting. >> i was there and i watched the speech. and what donald trump meant was simply, you have the power, the political power to make changes necessary. that is what he is talking about. there is no doubt about it. if you look at the tape and reaction of the audience, you can see that and this is what i've been talking about. this is why the system is rigged. they have accolades out there and the story doesn't exist.
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people who believe in the second amendment are energized this year, so there is obviously an issue he's going to drive home strongly. because it's going to bring out his base but that is what he's talking about. i don't know how they can interpret it any other way. i don't know how a journalist can go to bed at night thinking they're honest if they accepted that spin. if they tried to spin that on me i'd laugh them out of the room. >> coming up, we need your help, our question of the day, straight ahead. this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill?
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will stay with me the rest of my life. you have moments when you really don't want to live anymore, it's a fate that i would not wish on anybody, not anybody. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. ...wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably... i would like to tell donald trump what it feels like, the sense of emptiness, that only losing a child can bring. those people should be honored and treated with kindness for the rest of their life, and i don't think that donald trump will ever understand that. priorities usa action is responsible for the contents of this advertising.
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8:00 pm thank you for being with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. night. good night. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. let's get right to our top story. new revelations in the hillary clinton email scandal about 300 pages of emails released tuesday are raising questions about quid pro quo relationships between clinton foundation staffers and hillary uncovered these new emails. doug, i mean, we have heard about these emails for most of the day. but, again, doug band, a top clinton foundation official asking the state department
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