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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  August 11, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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martha: a cowboy rides a horse into a restaurant, this is not a joke. leighton crum says he always hits the taco bell drive-through after rodeos and this time the lane was closed so he rode his horse hollywood right into the restaurant area. jon: i'll take two cheese plate. martha: "happening now" starts now. jon: make a run for the border, right? donald trump working to shore up support in florida as he speaks this morning to a familiar audience . the construction industry. later trump makes more challenging pitches to the religious right. that is a vital constituency for any republican nominee. good morning, welcome to "happening now", i'm jon scott. jenna: i'm jenna lee and evangelicals have been lukewarm to trump so far so
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today's private meeting with a group of influential pastors in florida is on to watch. the sunshine state is evermore critical to trump. he's within striking distance of hillary clinton as far as the polling goes, even as she expands her electoral footprints across the battlegrounds. let's start with john roberts whose live in miami beach. we are awaiting donald trump. reporter: good morning jenna. he was expected to take the stage about half an hour ago but he typically tends to be a little bit late with these events. i'm told he will take the stage in five minutes or so, trying to win the sunshine state in the november election. he's got to win this if he hopes to take the oval office. real politics average shows in two points behind hillary clinton although he did express surprise in a recent interview, the fact that he is shown as being 10 points behind in the state of pennsylvania which is another state that a must win for him. donald trump is going to focus on the economy at the national association of homebuilders, offering the
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counterweight to the big economic speech and tax speech that hillary clinton will be getting today in detroit. he's unfamiliar territory when it comes to homebuilders, new homes, construction sales are up in the low 20 percent over this time last year but still not where the association would like them and last night at sunrise trump held a graphic that shows that homeownership rates across the country are at the lowest rate they have been since 1965. from here another couple of events in the sunshine state, you mention he's doing the pastors and pews event in orlando that is going to have a big rally in kissimmee and at that rally is expected to go at hillary clinton and barack obama hard over this new intelligence report about isis which seems to indicate that a lot of intelligence about the progress of zika has been cooked area last
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night at that event in sunrise donald trump took on both of barack obama and hillary clinton hard on the issue of isis and how they were allowed to rise to the point of prominence they have been. hears from from last night. >> isis is honoring president obama . he is the founder of isis. he's the founder of isis. okay? he's the founder. he founded isis. and i would say the cofounder would be crooked hillary clinton. reporter: donald trump appearing on the hugh hewitt radio show, hewitt said to me they helped lay the conditions for the rise of isis and donald trump double down and say no, i believe they created isis. i have talked about both of them in terms of being the most valuable player in terms of isis but now going further. also on the radio program this morning, offering a glimpse into who he might put in his cabinet, saying he woulddefinitely consider as secretary of state ambassador john bolton . jenna: we will see how donald
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trump sets the tone for the hours that follow. john roberts, thank you. jon: another day, another series of headline grabbing remarks from donald trump. trailing hillary clinton by eight points in the national poll average and he's painting an increasingly dire picture of a clinton predecessor presidency but in an interview last night he not only acknowledged hemight lose the election, he seemed okay with it, listen .>> at the end of 90 days , i falling short because i'm somewhat politically correct even though i'm supposed to be the smart one and even though i'm supposed to have a lot of good ideas. i go back to a very good way of life but i just keep doing the same thing i'm doing right now and at the end of it, he's going to work or i'm going to have a very, very nice long vacation.
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jon: chris wallace is anchor of fox news sunday. chris, there are a lot of things donald trump says that are a little surprising to hear, what you make of that comment? >> i want to go back to your intro when you said headline grabbing. there are so many things donald trump could be going after hillary hillary clinton on now. this report that centcom cooked the books on its intel on isis. the front-page story in the new york times that the russians may have not only hacked into the dnc but also act the personal files of some of the top clinton campaign officials read the latest revelation of the emails about this cozy relationship between the clinton foundation and hillary clinton's state department but instead we are talking about donald trump paying that obama is the founder of isis and as you just pointed out this comment about well, i'd be okay. icould go on a nice vacation. sometimes when your opponent is in trouble, just get out of the way . jon: there are probably 16 other former republican candidates would love to be
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where mister trump is right now as the official nominee of the party and well, that comment about taking a vacation made it seem like this is a for him. >> i agree and the fact that he said in the past, which i think makes more sense, if i don't win this as well all in a waste of time. if you really believe in making america great again and your program and the fact that you would lose obviously, he might lose and he be unrealistic not to consider that possibility, you should be more concerned about it, not just well, i'll go back to my great life and the heck with everybody else. it seems inopportune and we're talking about what donald trump is saying rather than all the possible scandals or controversies involving hillary clinton . jon: but then again when you listen to what he said in that remark in front of the crowd about isis and john roberts just played it, he talks about obama pounding isis and the crowd kind of yells and then he says no, he
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founded it and the crowd gets louder.the more he repeated and double down on what he was saying, the more support hegot from those behind it . harris: jon: this is one of the mistakesthat politicians always make, they think because you got a big crowd or a responsive crowd, therefore you are winning . there's going to be 65 million americans to vote for you to be elected president, you can have tens of millions of people who like you and still lose in a landslide and you know, there are a lot of things you could criticize obama for when it comes to isis. you can say pulling out of iraqi helped create the conditions that led to the rise of isis.he didn't take it seriously enough but over the last 24 hours to say he's the founder of isis and the most valuable player in isis, it doesn't pass the credibility test. there are a lot of trump supporters who say that exactly right but there's a reason why 50 top republican national security officials
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over the last 20 or 30 years have just signed a letter saying they can't vote for trump and i think this is the case in point as to why they can stickaround because donald trump has taken a microphone in miami where he speaking to the national association of homebuilders. were going to listen in and check in with you on the backside of this .>> we have everybody represented. but my father would go and he would pick up the sawdust and pick up the extra nails and pick up scraps of wood. use whatever he could use and recycle it in some form or sell it. there was a constant process and he did a beautiful job. he would build a house and in the old days, the really old days, it was 39 999. and i use to say to him because i'd see the old ads, dad, it's one penny. he says, here's the difference. at $39,999, $.99.
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i'll sell that house. at $4000 i have a chance. right? you tell me. i've always remembered that story. he did great and people across the street would build and it would take them longer and their house wouldn't look as good and it wouldn't be as well-built as my father's houses . and he'd sell and they wouldn't. and then you go buy them out. and they fix up the house. welcome to being a homebuilder, right? [applause] that wasn't part of the speech. that wasn't going to be part of the speech, i don't know why. i sort of free wield that because i'm so comfortable.
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honestly, i'm so comfortable in this business and he taught me so much. more than anything else, he taught me so much and we build great buildings all over the world, we're building a great one now in washington dc, it's almost completed and it's about a year ahead of schedule, more than a year at of schedule and it's under budget and yet the quality is way higher than we ever thought we do. it's going to be one of the great hotels of the world and you learn from the ground up and learned from homebuilding. if you can build a home you can build everything because you have every single trade we have essentially 38 trades if you add them all up and you build on every one of them and you'd better get your right subs if you don't have the right subs, you have yourself a problem and that's what happens. over the years you get familiar with people. the problem is the subs get so familiar they start giving you high prices because they know you will never use anybody but them, right? and then every once in a while we have to give it to somebody else area do i know you people well? jon: homebuilding one of the
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economic drivers of this country, if homebuilding is going well the economy is going well. that's part of the reason donald trump is taking to the national association of homebuilders. if you'd like to follow his remarks, we have been streaming live on let's get back to our conversation with chris wallace. "time magazine" doesn't enjoy the influence that used too but it put out an interesting cover in its latest issue. it's called meltdown and is pretty obvious who time magazine thinks is melting down. you heard him in those comments there, sounding very measured and almost presidential that was one of the points i was going to make. obviously that wasn't a big policy statement but i've been in private situations with donald trump where he talks and that's kind of a voice. you are lowering your voice as you were describing it and i guess i am too and he can be so charming, so reasonable, so attractive and that is not the donald trump he presents to most people. and he's capable of it. i don't know why he doesn't do it. i expect some people have
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advised him to and obviously he's the nominee of the party, not you or me but the fact is that i think we do have these things called microphones. if you stop shouting and talk very quietly and reasonably, a lot of people maybe who aren't fans of his already and that's what it's about is addition, not subtraction, would listen more carefully to what he has to say if he measured his tone and measured his words, i think you get a better message across. that's my unsolicited advice for the trump campaign and its work what they pay for it . jon: will let you get back to your office in a minute because the phone might be ringing. i want to see about advertising, we talked about the fact that he's down eight points according to an average of the national polls to hillary clinton but we mentioned this yesterday, he has yet to buy almost a dollars worth of advertising anywhere in the country. if he starts pushing his own platform and i suppose
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running negatives on hillary clinton, can we expect those numbers to tighten up? >> certainly there's a reason that campaigns spend tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising, i'm watching the olympics a lot at night and hillary clinton has got at least one ad every night, usually after a big katie p or michael phelps race so i think a lot of people are seeing them and it's an opportunity for her to get her message across the danger with earned media which is when they come on tv and do interviews or making news in speeches is that you don't control the message as much and we've seen donald trump and frankly hillary clinton both get into trouble when they are doing interviews . if you do an ad you can get exactly the message you want out so he's raising all this money but i've got to say , the trump campaign keeps saying it's early, we killed a couple months, no, it's late and people are making up their minds now and labor day , sometimes campaigns are almost over and often times there's a belief among a lot
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of political scientists that whoever is ahead labor day and when the election, it may not be always true what usually is. jon: he told the home owners that the clinton campaign is sending tons of advertising dollars against him, he said they must be nervous. we will see how this all comes out, chris wallace, thank you. >> do not miss it this sunday as the exclusive, chris sits down with the gop vice presidential nominee, indiana governor mike pence so his view of the race so far and the controversy stirred up his running mate, it's on fox news sunday, check your local listings for the time running in your area. jenna: a disturbing mystery at wimbledon that nearly turned deadly. what happened to this teenage tennis player that has scotland yard on the case? was the breakout plan suicide attack, details on that investigation and suffering a suspected terrorist and would
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like to see an alternative to clinton and trump on the debate stage? some are watching libertarian candidate gary johnson. our lifetime is up and running, go to "happening now" to join the conversation. >> this is judy. judy is 65 years old. her mortgage payment is $728 a month. that's almost $9,000 a year now judy doesn't think that she'll be able to retire until her mortgage is fully paid off. this is mike. mike is also 65 years old. his monthly mortgage payment was $728 a month. now mike thought
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or visit jon: crying three we are keeping an eye on. police in great britain investigating claims that an 18-year-old british tennis player was poisoned at wimbledon last month. gabriela taylor was diagnosed with a rare and potentially deadly strain of bacteria. the manhunt underway in southeast pennsylvania for 18-year-old elliott ravers and his girlfriend, 21-year-old alicia buzzard area police in lancaster say ravers pointed a gun at two nurses in a mental health facility before running off with desert was a patient. it's unclear whether she went
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willingly with him. and police in georgia say the suspect accused of killing two teenagers behind agrocery store 10 days ago robbed them after shooting them in the head , stealing the girls wallet and the boys jumper cables. 20-year-old jeffrey hazlewood is also suspected of stealing a rifle from his grandfather's house.jenna: new information about a planned terrorist attack in canada. police in ontario say suspect erin driver was planning a suicide bombing in a public place. driver was killed last night during a police operation to stop from our new york city newsroom with more. reporter: authorities say erin driver, and alleged isis sympathizer wanted to kill himself and others using a bomb in a major canadian city. officials in toronto say they were alerted about a possible terror plot. according to one report, driver wanted to cause mass casualties. the bomber was killed during a canadian police operation on in the small ontario town which is 400 miles northeast
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of detroit. real canadian mounted police issued a statement saying in part, the rcmp received information of a potential terrorist threatthe subject was identified and the proper course of action has been taken to ensure there is no danger to public safety. canadian media reports of passion after driver detonated an explosive device that injured him and another man. there is no confirmation from authorities on that . two years ago he was using an alias, her on to hammond, he tweeted out messages of support for isis and came to the attention of authorities. he was raised a christian but converted to islam as a teenager. authorities were so concerned about his extremist beliefs they obtained a court order preventing driver from using social media and owning firearms. in an interview last year with the cdc he said and i quote, i'm a muslim. i believe everything that goes along with that. i don't think muslims belong in the west. our ways of life are compatible. the truth is, we can't
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practice our religion to the fullest extent here. a lawyer tells fox he was shocked to learn the developments and says his former client new he was under surveillance, describing his as never a problem and well mannered. later today, canadian officials scheduled to hold a news conference and we should learn a great deal more . jenna: it will be interesting to listen in on that, thank you very much. jon: airlines bill reeling from the power outage that hits computer system earlier in the week but the airline trying to make it up to some horses played a role area was, his libertarian party run for the white house may be struggling for attention but gary johnson could shoot soon take things up for themajor party party candidate .more on that. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief
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jon: new information on fallout after the power outage that hit delta's computer system, we all know it's art along line at the airport as it forced the
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airline to cancel thousands of lights all over the world. now delta is trying to make it up to some travelers using its private jet to help about 40 passengers complete their journeys. the airline got them to those private jets in fine style with porches, jenna. yes, porches picking them up. the lucky travelersinclude the airline's most frequent flyers , corporate travelers and those on vacation. jenna: that has never happened to me. never. it may seem hard to believe at times but donald trump and hillary clinton are not the only ones running for president in 2016, there are others like gary johnson from the libertarian party and jill stein from the green party and now some political pundits say they may soon be able to have an impact on the race, take a look. >> this is like an olympic race in the swimming pool when all the splashing is going on in the pool, look for the people on the outside
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lane that can get through it without the weight and i think gary johnson especially, more so then you'll sign but gary johnson could actually gain momentum and if he gets in that presidential debate, the first presidential debate, there is no telling what could happen in this race . >> henry beginning the presidential debate, johnson needs to be at 15 percent. right now the politics average of polls for a four-way race shows in at just under nine percent. joining us now is sadie flack, a fox news contributor and former spokeswoman for president george w. bush and julie nesting, former counsel for the house judiciary committee for the democrats and former staff director of the house government reform committee. we usually have you guys debating each other but i want to ask you both about what these othercandidates, these alternatives meet trump" and as we move ahead. one fact is clear, both of the main candidates have very high on favorable ratings . and that, as voters get closer to boating day, what impact do you think these alternatives may have? >> inmost election years i think they would have minimal
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impact for third-party candidates. there's a very different dynamic in this election year as you point out because both party leaders, both nominees tend to be very unfavorable. on the republican side, to chris wallace's point a couple segments ago, donald trump's continued self-inflicted wounds, his latest statement predicting he might lose and how long vacation is what is making so many party leaders reluctant to endorse him. the latest reuters poll shows 22 percent of republicans want him to dropout so what republicans are worried about is the downstream effect on the senate so there may be a push by some republicans to help johnson get into the debates so they can turn voters out .jenna: let's ask mercedes about that and will get to the republicans as well. does julian have a point that may be a candidate like johnson gets an official
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endorsement from several republicans? >> you could see some republicans endorsing governor johnson. i think that's absolutely a possibility and you have seen some gop leaders go in his direction obviously. i think for governor johnson it's more about a take away game read this is about taking away votes from either candidate, it's the same way with jill stein.are those voters who dislike clinton or dislike trump and they are viewing them as johnson or stein in the protest candidate where that's where they could go with it. the problem with johnson is obviously its ballot access or it is garnering the media attention that obviously see you see trump and clinton dominating the news cycle. jenna: i have to interrupt our conversation. if you both would stand by, donald trump is making news at the national association of homebuilders and we want to listen briefly where he left off . >> i figured it would be a good one to pull out. [laughter] nearly 12 million people, more americans are
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dependent on food stamps and 2 million more latino americans live in poverty. latino americans, incredible people, they're living in poverty, 2 million.58 percent of african-american youth are not employed area 58 percent.american households are earning 4000 dollars less. this is, to me, so incredible. american households are earning $4000 less today than they were 16 years ago. the real number is 18 years ago. but this particular group says 16, statistically. 16 years ago. many workers are earning less money than they were earning in real dollars in 1970. then you wonder why they are angry. you wonder why they really want a voice area and the voice is us. we have a movement going on, it's been an amazing thing
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and the holes are getting very close, very very close, it's interesting what's happening. we will create millions of new, good paying jobs, and across-the-board income tax reduction. this is one of the things we have to do. we have to do. were going to create millions of jobs. now, everybody admits, the five percent number is just a number to make politicians look or make the presidents. not only obama, he was there before but it's gotten worse because more people the way they analyze these numbers, more and more people read the number gets lower and people can't find work. if you give up looking for a job after months go home and i can't find one bad, i find one mom, i can't find one. your wife or to your husband, i can't find a job. they go home and they give up . after a while you give up and everybody admits that there are no good jobs, good jobs we don't have anymore. even the other side, the
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jobs, we don't have good jobs. but you give up, you give up looking and yet you are considered specifically employed cause the numbers are phonynumbers, five percent. every time i watch that, unemployment is down to five percent, it's not down to five percent, it's probably 21 percent . people think it's higher. but people on jobs and they quit, they give up looking. everyone's taxes, we want to go down. under my plan. every bracket, every bracket we are doing a major, major simplification. the one company that will not be happy is h&r block area. [laughter] i know people that go and spend a fortuneon tax returns because it's too complicated , they can't figure it out. many americans are going to pay nothing. they're going to play zero because they're not making enough to live.
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but they don't want to send, not going to send the tax return in, it cost a fortune bureaucratically . aliens of dollars. and they don't have money and are not going to pay so were going to make that a little easier process. would clinton has supported tax increases in the middle class or entire career. he's voted for higher taxes 235 times in the senate. i think it was more than that. think of it. she's voted for tax increases and by the way, she's proposing a big one today. in her speech, her teleprompter speech. she's got ... [applause] the speeches are so short, though. they don't last long. there like 10 minutes, let's get out of here. go back home and go to sleep. three days later she gets up and she does another one and goes back home and goes to
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sleep. oh boy, is isis hoping for her. is china hoping. can youimagine, china? they come in , they negotiate with the chinese, their top. but you've got to hit them back with a lot of energy. so now she's planning another job killing $1.3 trillion tax increase. her plan, $1.3 trillion. her plan will tax many small businesses . you folks, my old 50 percent. enjoy your tax increase, folks. that's what it is. i cut mine down to 15 percent. 15 percent. for businesses. [applause] so no small business in our plan will be taxed more than 15 percent. and we will allow businesses to expense new business
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investments which is nice, right? we will make average child care expense tax-deductible for working families, a very big thing and a very fair thing. weare going to , very fair thing. that was even trump, she thought that was good. she really did, she felt very sure. she's had three children now and she thought it was very unfair to work working mothers and families, what was happening so i agreed with it 100 percent.we will eliminate the carried interest deduction and corporate inversions and other special interest loopholes. and we are going to repeal the death tax, the estate tax. [applause] [applause]
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>> i know so many families that have been destroyed by the death tax where they have a business and the businessis going along or the business as a certain value and they can't make a deal with the government . and the end up losing their business, sometimes they can't even sell it at the end up losing their business or they have to sell their business and the people that come in don't run the business the same way and the business goes out of business . farmers are hard, housing companies are hit hard i guess. housing companies get hit especially when you want to keep going and want your children to over and on your business and it's a very unfair situation and the taxes massive and it doesn't amount to a lot of money for the country, it's not a huge amount of money money, believe it or not but it is just a destroyer of businesses, the farmers, they don't know what to do about it. they go out of business. over regulation, which is a big problem is costing our economy to trillion dollars a year, think of that. and you are a big beneficiary of overregulation, there's
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nobody other than i would say the energy industry overregulated more than the home buildingindustry . nobody. we just, 25 percent. 25 percent the cost of the house, i think we should get that down to about two percent. honestly. it's ridiculous. the us economy today is 25 percent smaller than it would have been without the surge of regulations since 1980, i think that's true. so many businesses are not down. we will issue an executive order to impose a temporary regulation moratorium on new agency regulations . [applause], very much like governor mike pence was a terrific guy by the way, what a good pick that was, he's great. he is great, he's done such a
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job in indiana, aaa rating . low debt, low everything and low unemployment, when he took it over it was, they had a very goodgovernor before him too, the combination was incredible . mike has has done an incredible job in indiana so i'm really honored to have them with us, he's been amazing and he's a big order of regulation, that i can tell you. we will cancel all illegal and overreaching executive orders signed by president obama. [applause] we will eliminate all regulations that kill jobs. we will remove the bureaucrats who only know how to kill jobs which is true. and replace them with experts who know how to create jobs without regulation. okay? [applause] our goal is to keep jobs and wealth in
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america. we keep it in america. were not going to let them go to all of these countries that think we are the stupid people. they think we're the stupid people. we're not stupid. we have stupid leaders. and we can't take it anymore. and that's why we are doing this and that's why i'm running because i get tired of watching and ran deal. i get tired of watching sergeant bergdahl deal. we get bird doll, a trader. they get five killers they wanted for years. i get tired of watching these horrendous trade deals. i get tired of paying for everybody's military and getting a fraction of what it's costing us . we pay for the military in many countries, many, many countries. not only nato countries but other countries, plenty of money. we get a fraction of what it's costing us. and if asked properly, they will probably pay. if they don't pay,
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congratulations. but we can't do this, this isn'tfour years ago, this is 30 years ago. were going to hold $20 trillion . and we have to build our country again, we have to build our infrastructure. we wasted $4 trillion, probably more than that, somebody said five the other day, i used the safety when i started this thing a few years ago, i said totrillion in a rack. we got nothing except death . and taxes, we got nothing. we have less power now in the rack then the woman sitting in the front row who's never been to iraq. okay? we have no power in iraq. we have no power in iraq. we've given iraq to iran, you know you ran made a deal for the hundred 50 billion where they get back to hundred 50 billion and i always say what a deal, that's one of the
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great deals. actually a year ago i amended that the cause for years and years were fightingand fighting . iraq and iran but the military was almost identical strength and they fight, they like to fight. great. great. we should have never been there and i said don't go there. i was a civilian, nobody cared but i said don't go there, you're going to destabilize the middle east but they fight and fight. then saddam hussein dropped would drop gas on the other side would complain, my little more and they would rest and go back to fighting. then we obliterated one side. and as sure as you're sitting there, the greatest deal of all time was that we gave iraq to iran, okay? that's what we really get, the gate get the 350 billion so iraq has some of the greatest oil reserves in the world and we handed them iraq. we handed it to you ran and we made it around a very powerful nation, they were struggling. they were dying.years ago,
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with the sanctions and the problems, we made them powerful. very powerful. we gave them a path to nuclear weapons which they will have much sooner than people think. i'm telling you, we have incompetent leadership. incompetent leadership area and this is not what we want and it will change if i'm elected president, believe me. [applause] so our goal is to keep jobs in america. our goal is to keep wealth in america, we need wealth . but when we came up to me, she said mister trump, i didn't like the way you said we have to be rich again. i said i don't like it either but we have to. we want to say social security, say our industries, we want to say people, we want to save medicare. we want to save a lot of
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things, you have to bring back our wealth, our wealth is being dictated. we're in a bubble, a bigfat ugly bubble . and she said i understand it but you say it nicer? >> we will see if he makes good on that promise. donald trump speaking at the national association of homebuilders, rattling off different economic facts that he's 42 as to the reason why he should be the next president of the united states, one of them being that homeownership is at its lowest rate in 50 years. the dow hit its highest mark ever as donald trump was speaking, again unrelated but interesting to note as we take a look at the economy and how voters feel and how that might impact their decision when it comes to voting in 2016. quickly, a reactionfrom our two guests, juliana and mercedes . we started talking about the third-party candidate and you
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said you couldn't talk about it because there was always an interruption from donald trump and hillary clinton. it happened again. the theme we were looking at is that both of these candidates have such high unfavorable ratings, that's why we're looking at an alternative that is already out there. donald trump speaking on the economy: hillary clinton speaking on the economy, anything they say, will it change the unfavorable view that so many americans have? >> it's a wait and see at this point. obviously the selection has been a lot of focusing on personality, temperament but it's really fascinating when you have those candidates talking about what we need to be talking about which is the economy, which is national security and it's one of donald trump's strongest points . obviously you've seen in the polls that american voters feel comfortable with donald trump handling the economy. this is his comfort zone when he's able to talk about building and bringing back wealth into america and bring back jobs and really detangling this obama economic when that has been disastrous for our country so i think this is where, when you see him talking about the
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economy,it's really one of his strongest areas . jenna: do you feel the same way? >> 50 national security experts came out and said donald trump was not fit so national security is not a strong point right now and any of the other 17 candidates would have had a good chance to be a clinton, all the polling shows that. donald trump is probably the only candidate that is very unlikely to be a clinton, he's in the parties and the national coal right now and republican leaders are running away from you. you saw the stuff that happened with speaker ryan life weekend every day there him in some kind of thing with leadership, republican leaders wanted to drop out of the race so the republican party continues on the top to the house divided. very unlikely, the democratic party and is largely because of self-inflicted wounds on the part of donald trump. as i say, any of the other
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candidates, the others and it's a very effective campaign but the number is so high, that's right and that's the position of taking. >> we look forward to having you both back to talk about the alternative there is one that exists and thank you for your patience with us as we take that breaking news and we will be right back with more happening now. >> when this busy family...
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for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. jon: in this extremely unconventional election-year hillary clinton's campaign going to corners of the country where democrats have not dared to tread in years. dates like georgia, arizona, even texas and utah, red state bastions where windows of opportunity appear to be cracking open. let's talk about it with angela mcclellan, analyst and santina jackson, radio talkshow host and fox news contributor. antioch, could democrats win texas? >> absolutely. this is the craziest election you've ever seen. anything is possible. anything is possible today.
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jon: angela, let's get a comment from you on that. utah, texas, could they actually go to hillary clinton? the democrats sound a little too confident because her outreach to diversity is not going to put her over the top. you have to get millennial's and independents read it maybe with the national security officials going after trump she might even be able to get some republicans. it's just not going to be hispanics and no,she's not going to win texas . jon: trump says he's going to win states like pennsylvania, possibly new jersey. the numbers aren't there yet but we have a long way to go. stay with us, we will take a quick commercial break, more of this discussion on the other side.
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jon: democrats we just told you are making a push for traditionally republican states. hillary clinton and tim kaine
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setting their sights on states like georgia, texas, utah, arizona, can he succeed? back to our conversation with angela mcclellan and santita jackson, radio talkshow host and fox news contributor. angela, do you first. donald trump has made waves in the hispanic community. i just heard his remarks in front of the homebuilders saying i love the latinos but i'm not sure they are feeling the love area is that part of why tim kaine is in texas? >> let me say this john. by donald trump taking that comment, i love latinos that's like someone saying some of my best friends are black. the proof is in the pudding. by him saying a mexican jug and rapists and all of that, giving a soundbite to democrats, i don't think he's going to do well in the hispanic unity unless he talks about policies he's
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going to put in place that will create a more prosperous america. i think trump going after pennsylvania and those blue states, i believe he can do that because a lot of people in this country are suffering and donald trump's promising jobs , he can make america great again. jon: as you well know santita, sometimes these things are ahead fake. you send tim kaine to texas and you create waves and you make the campaign spend money in texas that may not otherwise have been spent, is that what this is all about or are they being realistic? >> i think the establishment have to make the adjustment to a new america. the fact that the study shows this electorate will be the most diverse that america's ever seen. one in three voters are people of color, 53 percent of the voters are women and i think the republicans and democrats, reading party and libertarians, they have to speak to everybody in their concerns.
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51 percent of americans don't make $30,000 a year. that. what americans are showing you with their independence is a willingness to listen to republicans, democrats, libertarians, green party, everybody. they want their problems all they want prosperity. >> we agreed to talk about this. >> don't you give me that had a fake girl, get out of here. [overlapping conversation] it's true but i think this is mature politics angela and i think you and i tried to reach for that we do. jon: what about tim kaine was chosen in part it's believed because he speaks fluent spanish. he can go to some of these hispanic communities and talk about his, he calls it his committed roman catholic faith but he's also part of the ticket that endorses abortion-rights which is not
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part of roman catholic theology so how does he sell that to traditionally conservative hispanic families? >> in communities of color, sometimes john just showing up, we will vote for you so the bottom line is this. george w. bush spoke spanish and he got 45 percent of hispanic votes. i think donald trump needs to talk about the issues in the barrios and the inner-city. these will bring minority voters back to the polls. with trump, you get 11 percent. that helped george w. bush. sometimes john, just showing up actually helps and tim kaine is conservative, he is an evangelical. >> but they need to show out too. we need policy so just being here in inner-city america, i need to see, and in rural america because angela, you and i fly a lot. there's something about driving through america where you see the infrastructure that is collapsing. when you see theschools that are no longer populated, we need some help here and i think hillary gives that . jon: thank you very much, santita jackson, angela mcclellan, we will have you back soon the seventh this hour, hillary clinton delivers a speech on jobs in
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a state that's lost a lotof them, detroit. she's getting a message while avoiding new revelations about emails. plus a massive plume of flame lights up the night sky as an apartment complex birds outside dc. more on what happened there ahead . >>
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and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. jon: jenna and i are back in an hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts now. ♪ ♪ sandra: this is outnumbered, i'm sandra smith, here today, kennedy, also from fb, this, the co-host of "after the bell," melissa francis, fox news contributor leslie marshall is with us today, and today's #oneluckyguy, we want to rehind you, you are so luck -- remind you, you are so lucky, charlie, charlie gasparino. you are outnumbered on this friday eve in harris -- >> that's what my mother -- harris: friday eve? sandra: family show.


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