tv The Five FOX News August 17, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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that would be barney and company. we start at 9:00. we go through noon, eastern time that is. when we start, tell you again, tell you. "the five" is next. hello, i'm with kimberly guilfoyle. it's 5:00 in new york city and 3:00 in boulder, colorado, and this is "the five." donald trump is back in new york where this afternoon he 4e held a roundtable meeting on security and counter terrorism. he held his first classified briefing. this comes after a rally in wisconsin last night near the sight of the violent riots. trump outlined his law and order vision for america. >> i wear their opposition as a badge of honor because it means
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i'm fighting for real change, not just partisan change where everybody else gets rich but you. i'm fighting all of us across the country are fighting for peaceful regime change in our own country. the media donor political complex that's bled this country dry has to be replaced with a new government of, by, and for the people. >> in the wake of mayhem in milwaukee, trump also vowed to protect all-americans and reached out to african-american voters. >> the main victims of these riots are law abiding african-american citizens living in these neighborhoods. it's their job, it's their homes, it's their schools and communities which will suffer the most as a result. there's no compassion in
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tolerating lawless conduct. >> crime and violence is an attack on the poor and will never be accepted in a trump administration. >> your thoughts. did trump change your mind at all last night in milwaukee? >> no. i know trump for what he is. trump is speaking to white sayers especially in the after math. he goes 40 miles outside and speaks to a 95% white community and then he starts speaking about the kind of myth behavior. where he would have appealed to the black community, he starts to say, the democrats, what have they done in milwaukee, other big cities? what about improving the schools? what about real policy change? there i thought he might have something to say. don't forget, eric, this is a guy who was tweeting, oh, yeah, black people kill most white people in america. sorry, that's not true. here's the guy who said president obama, he wasn't born here, he's a birther. this is ridiculous.
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so he has no reservoir of good faith, not only in the black community but in the latino community. >> you wanted to talk about economic policy. this is law and order speech that he was going to deliver. >> i thought it was well executed, just straight from my college days of rhetoric in communication, you know? very good speech. solid. well written. well delivered. i think he's getting more, you know, disciplined, starting to stay on message so i think that's important to do because you have to start now, you know, building roads to get others to try to get on board with your campaign, especially this close, you know, out to the general election. days are slipping away very quickly. so i think that is good. also i felt like he was trying to re-energize his base and also re-establish, take the mantle again as the outsider while still focusing on the need to preserve law and order in america. i think those are themes that everybody could agree with in
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that sentence. >> what do you think? had trump gone into a -- what, largely african-american venue, would he be able to deliver the speech? would he be interrupted in protests and whatnot? >> that's why in his defense, this is kind of a losing proposition. he's doing a speech in which he wants to persuade people who are not listening to him and he's speaking to people who are already listening to him. this goes nowhere. he doesn't have to energize his base. his base is highly caffeinated. there's two things he can do. that speech was designed for cable shows to talk about how well it was. he should have spoke before the naacp. however, we know what might happen. he might be heckled, he might be disrespected, but he will at least seem brave for doing that. he might actually win the respect of other black leaders for saying i'm going to go out there and i'm going to take my licks and i don't care about it. you should do that and i think
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he still should do that. the other thing is, he can repeat these things when he's on a debate stage. there will be people who haven't seen him yet articulate this who didn't see him. he's making some good points here. in this particular case it's a no win situation. whoever's listening already knows and the people he wants to listen aren't interested. >> your thoughts on did he lose by not putting the venue in the middle of where the riots were? >> i think sheriff david clark who is in milwaukee, am i not mistaken? >> yeah. >> i think he was okay with this. >> probably. i agree with things that are said so far. one of the things he says is hillary clinton is a bigot and that she is pandering to the black community, but she gets a 91% approval rating with african-americans. i don't know if you can say she's pandoring. i agree that liberal policies in a lot of municipalities in particular, especially on education and schools, have been
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a huge problem. here he is again in wisconsin just two weeks ago was it or was it last week where he had to -- remember, he read the endorsement of paul ryan who won his race by 66%. he's in wisconsin. paul ryan arguably has the best antipoverty inner city policy changes that he's already teed up. that was one of the things that trump and ryan first talked about. trump would try to advance those policies. he had a whole plethora of things he could have talked about. so if you're talk to go that community last night, that's your audience and they agree with you, you might have skeptical republicans that are looking for a way to see how are you going to unite the party, he missed an opportunity to do that. >> we reject the bigotry of hillary clinton which panders to and talks down to communities of color and sees them only as
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votes, that's all they care about. not as individual human beings worthy of a better future. she doesn't care at all about the hurting people of this country or the suffering she has caused them and she, meaning she and her party officials. the african-american community has been taken for granted for decades by the democratic party and look how they're doing. >> well, i mean, it's a fair point. i mean, one, you agree that -- >> i agree. >> -- he talked about this. >> because they vote dedicatedly to the democrats, democrats don't have to do much. the point is, assigning blame is important if you aren't interested in actually winning more people. at this point you have to unify and you have to be better. you have to take the high road even if hillary calls you a bigot, you have to say, whatever. this is not about assigning blame.
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i want to actually talk to people about this and these are real problems and talk about -- and talk about specifically how the democratic party has harmed the black community, which you brought up earlier. but i'm not sure assigning blame at this point is helpful, especially to an audience that agrees with you. >> i just want to say, i think it's totally legitimate to say democrats take black votes for granted in terms of saying here are the real results of our policies and how we've improved the quality of your life. on the other hand, republicans ignore the black vote, and i would say, you know, after 12 you saw efforts by the rnc, republican national committee, saying we're going to put more money, time, effort in reaching out not only to blacks, to latinos, to women, to young people that are now fleeing trump but instead what trump has done is he has pulled away because he has gone back to what you, greg, were describing as his base, that angry white male voter. he has said, i'm doubling down. i think later in the next segment we're going to talk about how he's doubling down in
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terms of the people he's bringing on staff. you don't see him bringing on people on staff who are about reaching out to the black community, latino community. paul ryan, he said his behavior or views of that judge who's hispanic was the definition of racism. >> okay. but, again, let's stay on topic here. dana points out and juan points out, there are economic policies that may better make his case, k.g., with the black community. however, again, a law enforcement law and order speech, that's what he focused on. >> that's the focus. and the point is, yeah, i think policy speeches are good to be delivered in a clear, coherent way to have some specifics, to make people decide whether or not they want to choose him based on his ideas that he's generated and that he's communicating. does he have a law and order speech, you focus on that. you can focus on the economy, jobs, all of that. that's a strong suit for him. we saw that in a lot of the exit polling that was coming out on primaries, et cetera, that
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people were really caring about that. at the end of the day people do want to make sure they can put gas in the car, food on the table, send their kids to school with clothes on their back and all of the above. so that's what he has to do. i mean, don't get drawn into the personal attack stuff and whatnot. i don't like him talking about, you know, that hillary clinton, et cetera. she sort of got that 91% shored up like go where you can get some and that's independents and try and do better with women. >> if you really want to get the vote, you should go after the vote and go after the vote full frontal force right in the middle of the vote. if he's never going to get the vote anyway, i mean, isn't that enough of an outreach saying, hey, look, i recognize it. i want your vote. i'm asking for your vote but should he go that extra yard? >> he's got 83 days left until the election. >> wow. >> early voting starts in about four weeks. i can see that point. i do think that one thing that he could do, all of these
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problems are made easier to solve if there's more economic growth. >> yes. >> he does well on those questions in polls. that's one of the places that he does really well. what he might be able to do is say to them, i understand that you're likely to vote black community, i understand that you're likely to vote for hillary clinton, fine. but i just ask you, challenge her. challenge her how she's going to change things. how is she going to get your respect? try to drive home on the economic growth message because if he wants to be president, it's not just that you have to win on november 8th, you have to leave this nation for four years and hopefully he would run again. >> react to this. trump blasts clinton for not supporting law enforcement. watch. >> just like hillary clinton is against the miners, she is against the police, believe me. those peddling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society, a narrative supported
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with a nod by my opponent shared directly in the responsibility for the unrest in milwaukee and many other places within our country. they have fostered the dangerous anti-police atmosphere in america. >> it's a common belief. is he accurate? saying the democrats fostered this with the police? >> remember, i understand why they're making that argument, but remember early on when she was having -- at one of her primary events black lives matter member that came in, they interrupted her, they interrupted bill clinton. >> yeah. >> they were thinking she hadn't done enough for the black community. she of late has tried to balance a little bit more, there is the case of whether or not she's going to go after -- go for the police union's endorsement. i don't know if she will or not. maybe she already has made that decision. i don't know if it's fair to say
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that she's against the police. she didn't say she wanted to put the police out of business. she did say she wants to put the miners out of business. >> i would say this about this. he has a point. let's talk about economic policies, let's talk about schools. i think donald trump has a strong point to make and especially about democrats taking black voters for granted and black voters not doing enough to push back, but when he comes to this idea that somehow she is peddling a narrative of racist cops as if it's a fantasy. she'll get those silly black people to vote for her, well, essentially what he's doing is undercutting, ignoring, deriding legitimate arguments about excessive use of force by police against black people. you can make a point of what happened in ferguson, there was no hands up, all the rest, but you can't ignore that the justice department said there was no hands up. said, hey, that ferguson police department, full of racist behavior and attitudes. same thing in baltimore, chicago. >> trump was talking about hillary clinton and the
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democrats. if you look at the two -- we attended both conventions. it was clearly, clearly a more open armed embrace of law enforcement with republicans than the democrats. >> not just that. from our experience, the police are way more on the side of a republican than a democrat just because they feel that they're not being supported by the democratic party. and -- go ahead. >> no. i just wanted to make note that one of the first speakers or groups of speakers at the dnc was the mothers of trayvon martin, of michael brown, of eric garner, family members, and not -- law enforcement wasn't represented at that time. >> yeah. so the problem is, yeah, many in law enforcement felt that, you know -- and feel -- by the way, in this country right now, the mood that they aren't being respected or, you know, appreciated or they have targets on their back. i think, juan, that's an issue
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that should be given measure. >> i couldn't agree more. >> i think you have to respect law enforcement. if we're talking about the politics, kimberly, when you are talking to black people in this country, they'll tell you they have a difficult relationship regardless of class with the police. if you're talking to politicians, you appreciate a politician who says, wait a second, we love cops. we don't appreciate the idea that people especially because of their children live in fear. >> they live in fear of the criminal than they do the cop and the media has to reverse that recipe and it's now like oh, the -- they've exaggerated, they've taken isolated cases and made them into a phenomenon. having said that, a person can address that issue. they have to add a but. this is a terrible thing, law enforcement this, but -- there has to be a balance. >> there's always an
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equivocation. >> i have to butt in. stay tuned to fox news for a special one hour town hall edition of "hannity" featuring donald trump. that's at 10:00 p.m. eastern. you don't want to miss that. speaking of trump, he's making big changes to his campaign. greg has details when we return. >> yeah. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ you could call it a pivot after giving what was meant to be a vital speech, donald trump crashed his own press cycle by hiring steve bannon from breitbart to run a campaign that trails in all 11 battleground states. he also hired kellyanne conway. disclosure, i worked for breitbart and i know him well.
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trump's numbers are as horizontal as utah salt flats. trump has his base and he loves feeding it but he starves for new converts. did he hire someone that will help. given that the breitbart side of late has embraced conspiracies, i worry. could trump land the lindberg kidnapping on tim kaine's harmonica? here they come. at any rate, you can make all the changes you want. if the nominee can't change, it's like putting a shirt on an april, i aip, it's still an ape. at least bannon is out of the closet. bannon did the right thing and put a ring on it. how many others will do the same thing. >> that's a funny -- >> i used a little beyonce there. >> i love it. i knew you were a secret
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beyonce. >> not so secret. bannon's never run a campaign. we know bannon has tracked this, made fun of the hosts here. what do you think of this? i don't know, good, bad? >> i think these are people he has become increasingly comfortable, familiar with. as to kellyanne conway, that was a super move. she's bright, outstanding with polls. she's worked for ted cruz's campaign. i think she understands field operations and expanding the campaign in that regard. she was very much on message this morning when she was on with martha and bill talking about this being an expansion of the team and very aptly able to deflect any kind of criticism saying, wait a second, it's paul manafort still in charge. i think he's going to do well with her by his side. he'll do well when it comes to debate prep against hillary clinton and things that should be on or off limits and how to
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handle and maneuver that as well. i think it's good that he has a woman of that kind of intelligence, caliber and experience on his campaign. i think it reflects well. smart move. >> dana, what do you think about this? is this going to change his campaign? he surrounds himself with friends and family for a reason, because they like -- you know, they like him. he feels comfortable, but do they challenge him? >> well, not really. one of the things that breitbart has done is try to find one poll that will disavow every other poll that is out there. my -- when i woke up this morning, i don't care who he has in charge of his campaign, it doesn't bother me, but when the campaign wants to complain that the media doesn't cover hillary clinton's e-mail scandal, which we're going to do in the next block, then you can't give a speech like the one you give last night and within four hours make another huge campaign announcements. 11 weeks to go until the election and you now have a new -- a ceo of the campaign, a campaign manager, campaign
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chairman. that is significant. if the press is given the option of covering a substantive conversation or a process point 11 weeks before a campaign, they will take the process point every single time. please stop complaining that the media isn't covering hillary clinton's scandals because you don't give them room to do it. >> shouldn't he have waited so people would talk more about his speech? did it have to come out now? >> look, the covert water carrying comment, you're talking about no one at this table. >> never. >> i'm talking about juan. >> let's talk about what trump did. >> juan. >> paul manafort, some issues regarding some lobbying. >> like ties to russia, taking money from them. >> right. right. right. he smartly removed paul manafort. he was at the table in the security briefing. >> he's -- >> allow me to finish. he brings in steve bannon. he is a street fighter. i don't know anyone who is a match for steve bannon. we've known him for a long time.
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back from the andrew breitbart days. you would rather be a friend of bannon than an enemy. no, but hillary clinton is in the cross hairs of steve bannon right now. >> so isn't anybody at this network. >> he went after megyn kelly, he went after you. >> my god. >> there will be a debate stage. trump needs someone behind him that's going to have all the ammunition he needs to take on hillary clinton. bannon brings that. kellyanne conway, brilliant, smart pollster, very close with the kids. very tight with all the kids and jared cushner as well. she brings a calming tone to the campaign. i think they did well. these polls dana, honestly we have to stop with these polls. they're insane with the polls. just look what's going on. you're looking at a trump rally and there's 12, 15,000 people. >> 10,000 people. >> you cannot believe it. eric, that is -- >> then you have 1500, 2,000. >> that's a real disservice --
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>> 82 days out. >> it's a real disservice to -- >> to who? >> supporters to lie to them that those polls do not matter. you cannot take 12,000 people at a rally that are your definite supporters and they're going to show up and say the polls are wrong. >> she has that. >> the one person sitting at home cancels it out. >> it's not fair. >> here's why polls shouldn't matter or shouldn't ever matter. you pick up the phone, who are you going to vote for? that person says, well, i'm going to vote for hillary clinton. you're not out there voting. the people getting out in the street and going to a rally, those are the people who have been up off the couch and go hear something and go say something. >> you're saying they're motivated? >> size of crowds is more indicative of the polling. >> i would say a person sitting home getting up to vote cancels out the person there. it's the same value. >> that's exactly what they said in 2012. the people that supported romney
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were told the polls are wrong, romney is going to win. they were so mad and disappointed. >> yeah, they stopped watching because they thought we lied to them. we deser ved it. >> kellyanne conway, the polls can be turned around. >> she's a pollster. >> no one's saying -- >> she's a pollster. >> snapshot in time. >> yeah, but i'm saying you took a picture of the weather, it has to be the weather in two days. i'm saying there's a consistent pair. it's not this poll, that poll, it's all the polls. here's the thing that strikes me you go from lewandowski and go to manafort and say, we are going to pivot. now he's saying i want to get back to trump being trump. i'm going to bring in a bare knuckle street fighter. >> more like cory lewandowski. >> forget manafort. he's window dressing. seems to me he's doing exactly what greg is talking about. he's talking to his base, firing
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up his base and not -- forget hispanics, forget everybody. >> isn't it about the day after the election when you have bannon, you have trump and you have the invisible hand creating a new network. >> well, that's possible. >> that's the question. >> you watch, guys. >> i'm right. >> he always likes that. >> you know that i'm right. this is not about the election, this is about after. on tape, right? going to be a flashback. >> telling me to leave for some reason. why would they do that? up next, hillary's e-mail scandal unravels. the fbi turning over all the notes to congress. what's this mean for clinton next?
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>> never. >> -- any material that was marked or designated classified. >> i never told anybody to lie. >> that's all i can say. >> these allegations are false. >> did you -- >> i don't know how it works digitally at all. ♪ snoitsd ♪ ♪ new developments in the hillary clinton e-mail scandal. the fbi giving its notes on the
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hillary clinton interview to the house oversight committee. the heavily redacted documents says it only provides proof of further recklessness. some lawmakers don't have the security clearance to read them in full. charles carlheimer believes this will catch up to her before the election. >> she's had all of this thrown at her. the e-mail requests, requests for information about her lying to congress, which is a fellony. they'll hide them in a box in the trump tower in the attic. he'll be in there and these stories will come out and she will be damaged. i think there will be a turn. >> you've got to let some of these scandals, she's the gift that keeps on giving, let it breathe, give it some air so it can resonate. >> a lot of things about running a campaign is the timing.
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when you have something going your way, step aside. let her have to answer all of these. i do agree that the polls will tighten up before the election. i think it's a big lead that she has seen now will not be the big lead that she goes into election day with. i also wonder about what tim kaine said -- i'm sorry, have we played that? >> we're not going to play it. >> tim kaine, the advice vice presidential candidate says he thinks the fbi should release them publicly. they feel there's nothing in there. >> it will erode the lead dramatically or it would be so much so that they would have to worry about any of the states that they've stopped running ads in. >> because i think they -- >> they probably know what's in there? >> absolutely, otherwise there's no chance that would have been released, i think. i don't know. greg? >> it's kind of a bummer because this is a national issue with national security implications. if she gets away with it, then everybody can do it. anybody -- because she's setting the precedent. the problem is, the benefit of
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trump is also his consequences. he -- he is so magnetic that he gets everything towards him and that's why he -- crowdhammer's right. you have to put him in a box to let this scandal unfold. you have 90 days, anything can happen. oftentimes elections are dictated by events that are out of your hands. so, i mean, if he just -- if he just went on vacation for a week, they'd have to cover hillary or they'd cover his vacation. >> they'd cover -- i like that little image that crowdhammer portrays, trump towers. >> he said where she should be locked up for lying to congress. what he's referencing is rand paul specifically asked hillary clinton during the benghazi hearings if she had any knowledge of weapons moving in and out of the cia annex. she said unequivocally no. wikileaks has their hands on an e-mail saying she did know this
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was going on. if that's true and wikileaks releases this, you have her dead to right in a lie to congress with comes with it a five year prison term. >> it's a felony. >> release the e-mails. i think you're going to find more stuff. >> perhaps, juan. it is the october surprise we have been hearing a lot about. >> it's wishful thinking. the polls are so strong, hillary's got it. i think that's a mistake. i think charles crowdhammer is right. the narrative. the media wants a narrative. they're going to drive the idea, this is a close race, you've got to watch, you've got to read, you've got to listen. to me when the fbi released the data, it was very interesting. they redacted lots of stuff. so actually republicans are complaining that there's not enough reveal to them. the fbi said we don't have any second thoughts about the fact that we did not prosecute because there's no evidence of any gross negligence.
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so you take it for what it is by the republicans on the hill that they have to do something to help trump. they can stir up -- >> it is their nominee after all. >> yeah, well, let me tell ya. they don't feel so great about that. >> i wish i could redact my past. so unfair that you can redact stuff. all citizens should be allowed to redact something. >> that's what happened in europe when they went after google, right? they wanted the right to be forgotten. >> exactly. >> i'm going. k.g.'s going. when we come back, aetna's withdrawal from many exchanges prompts a fierce debate. the nominees debate on the future of the health care law next. ♪ ♪
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i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit ♪ ♪ aetna's decision to withdraw from obamacare exchanges in nearly a dozen states could potentially rock the election. donald trump addressed the
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insurance giant's move in last night's speech. >> we're going to get rid of obamacare, repeal it and replace it. it's caused soaring double digit premium increases and we're going to give choice to patients and consumers across our land. aetna just today announced that they are dropping out, as are many of the major insurance companies. obamacare is a disaster. >> hillary has yet to respond to this latest news but has recently thrown her support behind obamacare. >> we are going to build on the affordable care act and we're going to get the costs of premiums, co-pays and deductibles down and we are going to tackle the high cost of prescription drugs. >> flat out lie. >> we all want to know how. >> how? >> how, eric? >> it's not possible. >> the math doesn't work. >> yeah, you can get it down to individuals by doing what she wants to do. she doesn't want to build on
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obamacare, she wants to replace obamacare with hillarycare, which is basically a government paid single payer system where everyone can get it depending on your income. it's the price the government needs to balance. that's how you do it. the problem is that brings the cost down to the individual but it raises the cost to the taxpayer. >> you pay either way. >> well -- >> half care. >> half the population pays for all of the population. >> 37 times, kimberly, paul ryan tweeted this yesterday, speaker of the house, 37 times president obama promised if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance. that is not happening. this is the latest company to pull out. it's not the only one. >> multiple choice, which one of those things is wrong, a, b, c or d all of the above. all of the above. health care is a serious issue. it should be contemplated in a thoughtful, specific, careful way so that people aren't further harmed just like we talk about with the va with our
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veterans. this is serious business. when hillary clinton says she's going to bring it down, bring down the costs, bring down the -- all this. how is she going to do it? she has no problem saying that and people want to sit there and like clap and then guess what? it's not going to happen. so she's been part of the problem. and that's more what people think about her is you can't trust her because she has a loose relationship with the truth and she'll say anything to get elected. >> juan, do you think she can find some middle ground? even if in her heart she wants hillarycare, that will turn off a lot of the voters that might be looking for her. can she find some middle ground? because she's no doubt heard that obamacare is holding back wage growth and job promotion. >> i think what she's hearing from various people horsebackers of obamacare is that the move by aetna may have some relationship to their attempt to have a merger with human na and -- >> it was a business decision. >> yeah. because just a few months ago
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mark bertolini, the ceo of aetna said we have 1 million more customers. obama is saying you have 90 million people with health insurance as a result of obamacare. so i come back to bernie sanders who want public options. >> medicare for all. >> medicare for all. so the push, the fear on part of conservatives is that's the real agenda here. the fear on the part of the left wing is, hey, you know what, trump has no answer. they will allow obamacare to go away and the people who have gained insurance will again lose insurance and america will suffer and the insurance companies will just go steep. they'll charge whatever they want. no more coverage for pre-existing conditions, no more coverage for your kids who don't have coverage. >> greg, this is driving you crazy. you're a small government guy. >> yes, i am. and i'm a small guy. >> true. it goes hand in hand. >> yes. >> do you think the government is going to expand under either? the gloomy headlines, they have
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to deal with this obamacare, hot potato. >> what's the difference between obamacare and the titan? one sunk and one should sink. if you look at lasik or cosmetic surgery in general, you know how much it costs. why? because it's not insured. once you have slapped insurance on something, a pill in the hospital costs $30. one aspirin will cost 30 bucks. that's where it goes. when nobody knows how much something is, then the costs can be anything. i think we have to address that. i think you can pick from all sorts of different plans and create something where you have high deductible but low monthlies. come up with something. it doesn't have to be this or this. >> they have that. it's called the free market for insurance. >> yeah. yeah. yeah. >> you don't want that anymore. >> i would want that. i want to call somebody to find out how you can get rid of an air conditioning related cold. >> blame it on air conditioning.
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>> ellen degeneres on the defense after getting backlashed by the pc police after tweeting a photo with usain bolt. the racism coming up next. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. whmade plastics that tmake them lighter?rs the lubricants that improved fuel economy. even technology to make engines more efficient. what company does all this? exxonmobil, that's who. we're working on all these things to make cars better
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she's known for being funny. ellen degeneres getting slammed. the caption read, this is how i'm media. the caption read, this is how i'm running errands from now on. well, the internet exploded, with many accusing her of being a racist. ellen defended herself against the backlash, tweeting, i am highly aware of the fact that racism exists in our country. it is the furthest thing from who i am. so, after course, we know there are real issues of racism. why are we focusing on this one? i don't get it. greg? >> because nowadays we begin a story by a group of tweets from idiots. if that's like 20 tweets, that will be a story. imagine we did a segment on stuff written on bathroom walls in gas stations around the country. that would be -- that's the equivalent of twitter. she should join the club.
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when it happens to us, it's never a storstory. but when it happens to the beloved ellen degeneres, it's story. >> it happened to justin timb timberla timberlake. but usain bolt retweeted it. >> well, there you go. aren't there people suffering enough in this country and children living in poverty and don't have anything to eat. now they're picking on ellen degeneres? come on. sad. >> i thought it was funny and cute, the tweet she did. i thought she handled it well, because the truth is, the tweets against her were making a mockery of what is real racism. >> the serious part of this, eric, there's a question about whether whites feel comfortable having discussions about race on social media. >> this is usain bolt being a sexist thinking ellen can't walk on her hone, so he has to put
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vaulting in 12 years. he cleared 5.85 meters, the equivalent of 19 feet, to win the bronze. so he graduated from the university of mississippi last year, and he's a second lieutenant in the u.s. army reserves. he got a big congratulations from army secretary eric fanning, the army reserve, and the department of defense, all tweeting congratulations on his success. >> all right. usa. dana, you're up. >> the people in louisiana have been on our minds. there's devastating flooding there. 11 people have died, 40,000 homes damaged. taylor swift announcing she will give $1 million to the flood relief, the red cross taking in contributions. and i love this story, that the university of louisiana at lafayette football team figured out how to help all the people down there. they took buses down to youngsville, louisiana, and they started removing carpeting. there's a lot of cleanup that has to be done.
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i thought that was a lovely thing the do and we wish them well down there. >> what struck me about this is the kindness, people are being great to each other. secondly, it's ten years after katrina. >> greg, you're up. >> more chilling. "greg's robot news." it's starting, it's starting, the robot rebellion. they talked about the robot vacuum cleaner. it actually goes after -- if you have a pet, it will go after your pet's poop and spread it around your house. it's true. it will go and it will not stop. the reason why they're doing this is because they want you to get rid of your pet so you become the pet and they work their way up from being a pet to being your superior and they will destroy you. it's happening, everybody. >> what do you mean, because the dogs are going to the bathroom in the house? >> they're coming for house. >> so crazy.
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>> last night, i'm watching baseball, the nationals versus the rockies. and nationals player jayson werth gets a pitch right at his noggin. but guess what? one young fan was even more alarmed than i was. oh, my gosh, she thought her hero had died. oh, my goodness. went from -- my reaction was, oh, my gosh, to that kid's pretty funny. >> a slip of the pitch. >> it's pretty hard to get that far away from the plate. very quickly, i'm going to be on o'reilly tonight, fighting geraldo. we do that a lot. so check that out. that's about all we go. 20 seconds left. >> by the way, when i was pitching to you guys, i didn't
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throw at your head. >> you're a really good pitcher. >> we've got to go. they have miss an episode of "the five." "special report" next. this is a fox news alert. i'm shannon brean in for bret baier. we begin with turmoil within team trump. he's shaking up the senior management of a campaign widely regarded to be in serious trouble. this occurs as trump begins a nominee rite of passage, classified national security briefings. carl cameron is covering the trump campaign tonight from new york. good evening, carl. >> reporter: that briefing just minutes ago wrapped up. it's his first security briefing, classified, as the presidential nominee for the republican party. it comes as he's once again retooling his campai
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