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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  August 19, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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john: what else can happen? martha: there is always more. stick around. see you in a little bit. we will miss you. bill: don't let august pass you by. martha: exactly. have a great day, everybody. "happening now" starts now. >> another shakeup for the trump team as paul manaforte resigns. john: questions about manafor it's ties to ukraine. mike pence and donald trump arrived in louisiana this morning, devastating floods there. this after the republican nominee presented a new side of himself to voters last night on the campaign trail in charlotte, north carolina. in addition to talking tough on terrorism and blasting hillary clinton and president obama on
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foreign policy, for the first time ever the republican standardbearer expressed regret for his past controversial comments. >> i have a message for the terrorists trying to kill our citizens. we will fight you, we will destroy you, we will absolutely win and we will win soon. she and barack obama unleashed isis, whether you like it or don't like it, whether you want to hear it or don't, that is what happened. sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues you don't choose the right words, or you say the wrong thing. i have done that. believe it or not, i regret it. john: the trump campaign rolling out its first general election
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tv ad today, part of a new $5 million push to closing the gap with mrs. clinton in key battleground states. >> and hillary clinton's america the system stays rigged against americans, syrian refugees flooded, illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay. donald trump's america secure, terrorists and dangerous criminals are out, the border secure, our family safe. john: did you wake up in a new universe? we talk about the changes, and mary kissel, wall street journal editorial board member. welcome to both of you. u.s. news & world report called donald trump's best speech of the summer? is it? >> if anything sounded like a general election pivot in the past few weeks this is it. he went back to the core populist message without the
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stuff that has hurt him which is off-the-cuff remarks that have stolen the headlines. this is a hopeful sign, the question is will he sustain it? it is different to me because he has sustained it over the past three speeches, pretty much on target, using the teleprompter, staying on message, got him in trouble in the past. john: along with his running mate mike pence, they are on the ground in louisiana, a state devastated by such terrible flooding. the conservatives have been criticizing president obama for continuing a golfing vacation on martha's vineyard while people in louisiana are suffering, trump is down there with a big
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speech, a couple big speeches that are pretty well-received. how do you take it? >> it is good that donald trump is going to louisiana. that is a smart thing to do for his campaign but the trump campaign, you have to put the word in quotes, is about rallies. does anybody remember his big economic reform speech? no. the problem with the trump campaign is it is a personal campaign, he has a personalized politics, doesn't sustain his message it doesn't have discipline. the fact that he comes out and says i regret something, that is what the media focuses on, that is the problem with the trump campaign. it is about him, not attacking hillary clinton's ideas, not about explaining to the american people in a substantive fashion and sustained fashion why his ideas are better for the country. i wouldn't john: his son eric spoke to
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maria bartiroma and said the distractions of paul manaforte and others have gotten in the way of his campaign message. >> my father didn't want to be distracted by what we were dealing with. he helped get through the primary process, did a great job with delegates, and the other people were absolutely fantastic and going to be the ones that are all the way through, my father didn't want to have the distraction looming over the campaign. john: the speech did talk about the american people and their aspirations, is he turning? >> unmistakably has the fingerprint of the new campaign
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chief, this is not something we have heard in the past from donald trump to admit he is wrong on anything, this is one speech and that does not change the trajectory. trump is down by 9 points, north carolina is not a blue state, it is more of a red state. there is a lot of work to do and yet to prove he is able to sustain this. it is an uphill battle, he will have to rally his debate performances. and and he will be traveling on a plane, brings a different kind of messaging expertise that if
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he continues to confide in her and use her, it is a more sustained pattern -- >> ronald reagan is down in the polls at this point in the campaign. against walter mondale. with donald trump in place, new people can do the same. >> this is late in the game. ronald reagan was the governor of a major states, he cared about ideas, studied up on conservative i decades for decades, polls don't change overnight. we are in august. he had two campaign shuffled in three months. of trump were serious about carrying his message into a broader elector and, he would not just be giving rallies. he would be going to charter
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schools in louisiana, in black churches in harlem. there is no evidence he is willing to do that. earlier this week after the campaign reshuffle he gave up the popeye explanation, i am who i am. we don't need more donald trump. the problem was not authenticity, and he is not making a sustained case. >> he is there in louisiana at baptist church in greenwell springs, louisiana, the baptist church there. a thought on him being there when president obama decided to continue his vacation in martha's vineyard. >> drawing a contrast with the president and show he is connecting more with the american people and it is a visual the can't hurt him.
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if you remember it was harmful to president bush not to go down during the katrina mess, he was criticized for that roundly. it is an opportunity for trump as he makes this pivot, it is on the margin. considering everything else going on. >> hillary clinton is arguing one thing, donald trump doesn't have the temperament to be president of the united states. she won't talk about policies, she will talk about his character. one photo op, one speech is not enough. we need to see a brand-new donald trump. i'm not sure he has the with to achieve the transformation he would need to convince the american people that she is wrong and should be president. maria: mary kissel needs to be convinced. thank you both. jenna: an issue has come to the forefront, a dangerous epidemic
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taking nearly 100 lives every day. opioid addiction, 30,000 americans die every day from painkiller or heroin overdose. chief correspondent jonathan hunt joins us to outline each of the candidates's plans. >> these doses have surpassed car accident is the leading cause of death in the united states, killing someone every 19 minutes. the crisis forcing the presidential candidates to weigh in. >> this is a major epidemic. our kids are being poisoned, being addicted, hillary clinton and donald trump. had they attacked the problem.
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>> bill they wall, i laid out a 5 point plan. what we can do together. i would like the federal government to offer $10 billion over 10 years. >> clinton's proposal would work on prevention, treatment and recovery, provide training and first responders along with ending incarceration and nonviolent offenders. and addiction they agree with. >> we need access to the services for people, 15% of the people who needed. >> no borders coming and. >> trump's proposal is less detailed. and providing help for addicts. >> we haven't seen a plan yet for him. >> we would look forward to seeing how he would address this issue. >> the candidates have focused on states like ohio, and new
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hampshire where state officials have confirmed more than 160 opioid overdoses, it is not hyperbole to call is a national crisis. >> 9 years after a colorado woman disappeared, her accused killer standing trial for her murder. jurors are warning about the death of page birchfeld. thousands of baton rouge residents sleeping in shelters after heavy flooding destroyed their homes. how the city is working to clean up the damage. we want to hear from you. donald trump gave well-received speech saying he regret sometimes saying the wrong thing. does this indicate attorney point in his campaign? go to
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can this much love be cleanedrlin' by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah. one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. a drop of dawn and grease is gone.
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>> here is a look at the crime headlines we are following. a 20-year-old man accused of killing two teenagers is expected in court today. jeffrey hazlewood shot and killed carter davis and natalie henderson and had their bodies behind a grocery store. three men charged with the murder of holly bobo could be tried separately. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against jason autry judge napolitano: and dylan adams. jurors hearing from forensic experts in the page birkenfeld murder trial, lester ralph jones is accused of killing a single mother of 3 from colorado in 2007. he is accused of kidnapping and arson. jenna: louisiana residents cleaning up from devastating flooding that has killed 13 people and damaged 40,000 homes. the red cross calling at the worst natural disaster in the us. since hurricane sandy in 2012.
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casey in baton rouge. >> reporter: we know donald trump and vp candidate and indiana governor mike pence is on the ground. there is very little talk about their visit where we are at the baton rouge river center, the main and largest shelter that has been open throughout the region. there are 28 shelters run by the red cross. the 4000 victims currently staying at these shelters concerned about where they would like to sleep next-door where their next meal would come from, and how they would move forward when they only have the clothes on their back. 1100 personnel, and and this -- people are still unaccounted for
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according to the fire marshal. we are not sure how much they are going to impacted zones making secondary sweeps. many of them did the same job following hurricane katrina. it is a painstaking process because the damage is so vast and they never know what they will find. >> house by house, block by block, going in and out of each house. and heard from others. i wouldn't say it was difficult, it is worth it. >> the louisiana governor says 40,000 homes of flooded in this state and the recovery will be a long one. asking the public to remain patient. they are also under 6000 people without electricity this friday morning, one week ago when the
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rain first started falling here. jenna: thank you. john: the justice department is about to make a major change that will affect tens of thousands of federal inmates. details on the new plan next. new development breaking this morning, robbery scam has four limbic swimmers in hot water and even comments on twitter, swim shady. what police in brazil are saying about ryan lochte. if you have medicare
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john: the obama administration is finalizing plans to phase out the use of private for profit prisons for federal inmates after a recent audit found private prisons had serious
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safety and security problems and did not save much money either. there are 195 million federal inmates in the prison system. that number, i am sorry, 19 million in the prison system by may of next year, the government project just over 14,000 of them will remain in private prisons. as a first step a contract under negotiation will scale down from 11,000 prisoners lots to a maximum of 3600. jenna: new information in the scandal that rocked us swimming and the united states in brazil. ryan lochte apologizing in social media for his action saying, quote, i want to apologize for my behavior, for not being more careful and candid in how i described the events of the early morning and my role in taking away from any
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athletes fulfilling their dreams of participating in the other pics. i waited until it was confirmed the legal situation was addressed and it was clear my teammates would be arriving home safely. it is traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country with the language barrier and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave. regardless of the behavior of anyone else that night i should have been much more responsible in how i handled myself. for that i am sorry for my teammates, my fans, fellow competitors, my sponsors and the hosts of this great event. this comes as brazilian police blame lochte and his teammate for lying about being robbed at gunpoint despite the fact they and two other teammates vandalized the gas station after a night of partying. authorities in rio had been weighing possible charges, but now that all four have left
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brazil is the case closed? we will talk to our legal panel about this? a criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor, public opinion which we will get to. i promise i will get to it. let's start with the legal side. are there any legal repercussions to what we saw transpire this week? >> the brazilian government and authorities were recommending lochte and the other swimmer be charged with falsifying a police report as well as vandalism charges. we are looking at a possible charge for falsifying a police report that the likelihood of lochte or any of those swimmers being tried for a misdemeanor in brazil is 0. slim to none because nobody in the us, the us will not send any us swimmers back to brazil.
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a misdemeanor charge, up to a six month prison sentence, the likelihood of this going forward is won and done. >> whether there are legal ramifications for it? >> there can be. in 2006 there is an aircraft accident and two pilots were tried in the us because they refused to go back to brazil for an accident that resulted in a large loss of life. there is precedent but we are talking a misdemeanor. the police have said consistent with charging he is not going to be charged, none are charged for underlying vandalism. it is always the cover-up. they lied about the whole thing. they lied to cover up the fact they were drunk and trashed a bathroom. to try to protect some semblance of their reputation such as it is they lied and poked fingers and brazilian authorities eyes
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and this is what they get. jenna: i like that, in rio. thank you for that. what of the things you say -- descriptions don't match up but they were being held at gunpoint by someone who wasn't a official police officer. it could qualify as a robbery. >> if i were defending lochte, that would be my argument. with the language barrier, you have a gun and some sort of money exchange was confirmed by brazilian authorities, you could make the argument lochte thought he was being robbed. in america that is exactly what it is. but i don't believe that. the swimmers admitted they were
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not robbed. it did not pass the smell test. >> i say this all the time. if you have to eat you don't nibble, he didn't want to admit he was drunk and trashed the bathroom. we made a mistake, trashed a bathroom and, not worth having one guy point a gun at us to fix his toilet but that wasn't it. >> law enforcement is different. that is typical of brazilian officers, to solve situations by pointing a gun. despite that lochte continues to lie with that halfhearted apology and this is not
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accountability. it is traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country. no it is not. no one forced him to leave at 1:30. >> you are not only an attorney but a dad of four boys. how would you handle this? how would fred's father handle this? >> forget fred the father. i tell my kids the fourth amendment, the fifth amendment, as a parent you raise your children when you make a mistake everybody makes a mistake, it is what you do that defines you as a person. if you own up to it, admit you were wrong and tell the truth, that is usually the end of it but this guy continues, he can't help himself. he continues to spin it like some entitled fraternity -- jenna: you would l
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>> correct. >> i'm sorry i lied, would have been appropriate. >> yep. >> it's disappointing that people on social media are calling this just boys will be boys type of behavior when, in fact, he's a 32-year-old man -- jenna: that's right. >> -- who should have known better, period. jenna: we'll see how it plays throughout the day, if he issues another statement or anything else comes from it. we're also going to be speaking to a sports agent in our next hour of "happening now" who's handled, how do i put this, some delicate situations -- [laughter] and we'll see what kind of advice he gives these athletes. thank you so much. >> enjoy your weekend. >> thanks, jenna. jon: a fox news alert, we take you back to greenwell springs, louisiana, where donald trump and his running mate, mike pence, are on the ground checking out the flood damage in louisiana after horrific rains there. the worst flooding that state has seen since hurricane
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katrina. greenwell springs baptist church, is the place. franklin graham and tony perkins, a couple of well known religious leaders, are there receiving them and, obviously, a great number of people as well. you can see mike pence talking to the woman on the right of your screen. at any rate, they are on the ground assessing the situation. we will continue to monitor their trips, bring you more updates as they occur. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. ♪ energy lives here.
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jon: well, donald trump caps a big week of big changes from today's surprise resignation of his campaign chairman, paul manafort, amid questions about his ties to pro-russian leaders in ukraine to a stark change in tone from trump on the campaign trail last night in charlotte, north carolina. the republican nominee expressing regret over some of his past comments for the first time ever as part of a prepared speech on what he calls the new american future, aimed at trying to recover from a number of controversies that have harmed his campaign since last month's gop convention. so how are the media treating the trump reboot? let's bring in our media panel today, judith miller is fox news contributor, lynn sweet, washington bureau chief for the "chicago sun-times." so what is the sun-times writing about donald trump's reboot, lynn? >> well, the most important thing i did this morning was write about the paul manafort
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resignation which shows that if there's a reboot, they certainly, the new team certainly decided to add another day of story thes about campaign chaos rather than just let people talk about what may or may not be a new phase in the campaign. so instead of announcing all the personnel changes at one time on wednesday, we have another day where the campaign disarray is in the news. jon: that has been criticized, well, a lot about the trump campaign, is that if he tries to get on message about a particular thing, jodi -- judy, pardon me -- [laughter] he manages to squelch it by then, you know, blowing up the campaign structure or, you know, firing people. >> right. well, he hasn't done that in the past three days, so everybody suddenly is saying, hosanna, oh, my lord, it's finally happened, the new donald trump, donald trump 2.0. look, this campaign cannot be rebooted without media assistance.
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and our job, i think, is not just to accept what we see, but to say who is the real donald trump, to ask this question: is it the candidate you've seen for the past 428 days who's been attacking mexicans, muslims, women, even the handicapped, or is it the candidate you're going to see for the next 81 remaining days of this campaign who's going to be able to read a teleprompter well, and if his managers and handlers have their way, stay on message? we don't know the answer to that question yet, but that's what i'm going to be watching for, one of the things i'm going to be watching for. jon: let's take a look at one of things he said during that big speech in north carolina. i want you to give us your assessment. here he is. >> we are one nation. [cheers and applause] when one state hurts, we all hurt. and we must all work together to
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lift each other up. i hope everyone in louisiana knows that our country is praying for them and standing with them to help them in these difficult hours. [cheers and applause] jon: so there you go, talking about the people of louisiana who have been so battered by flooding. do you, do you not take him at his word, judy, on that particular point? >> i don't take him either way. i'm waiting to see whether or not the positions that he's taken shift. i mean, he has been all about dividing people until now, and now all of a sudden he's talking about being the candidate of unity, of bringing us together, of accusing hillary clinton of bigotry? i think the jury has got to be out, and we've got to remain skeptical about everything he says and ask the question, whom are you seeing? i mean, what kind of low presidential bar is it that this leading candidate now, the
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republican candidate can read a teleprompter? what does that say about what's happened to us in presidential politics? jon: what about the optics of his visit to louisiana, lynn? i mean, he's on the ground there now checking out the flooding that has damaged something like 20,000 homes. i mean, it's horrific, what's happened to the people there because of this monstrous rainstorm that hit last weekend. president obama is on vacation, continuing to golf on martha's vineyard saying he has no plans, apparently at this point, to go down to louisiana. the media crucified george w. bush for doing a flyover of hurricane katrina, and the explanation there was that, you know, that it's tough to get a presidential security detail on the ground in conditions like that. that's exactly the same reasoning, i guess, the democrats are giving for president obama not being there, and they seem to be getting a pass.
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>> well, let's just first deal with the first part of what you brought up here, the trip of trump and pence to a flooded area in louisiana, you know, to louisiana and his comment last night about the -- expressing his concern about louisiana. okay, the white house hasn't done that. now, i think it's too soon to say whether or not you want to assess if the white house and that president obama is getting the kind of media coverage that it seems you want right now by now, 11:40 a.m. eastern time, on the subject of the trip. so i'm not going to come to any conclusions this soon afterwards because not everything is comparable and exactly the way i think you put it out. i think what's interesting here though is the development that trump and pence decided to do something in a newsworthy way. this is very -- when you look at the things that are different perhaps in the trump campaign,
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it's not so much his reading of a teleprompter, but where he goes and what he does. okay, the rarity of a visit that's not in a big rally is worth noting here. jon: all right. >> he actually did something that is routine for candidates, to go on the ground and visit a place. he did that with his meeting with some police officials the other day, but that was in his office building in new york. jon: judy, you -- >> this is what candidates do, you know, a little bit -- you know, that's also noteworthy, that he left his cocoon of his office and an arena. jon: republicans complain that they get hammered by the media, and this is an example of what they're talking about. george bush flew over the hurricane katrina flood damage, got hammered for not landing. president obama is on vacation. it's not like he would have to rearrange meetings with heads of state to go down there. he's not going, but the media seem to be saying that's okay. >> look, here i'm going to have
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to disagree with my good friend lynn. there is media bias here. look at what happened to george bush when he did the same honorable thing, which is to not get in the way of the rescue operations. he did not do that. and even though, yes, it is a very good campaign photo for donald trump to be there and to talk about louisiana, the most important thing that has to happen right now is these houses have to be surveyed, people have to be found who might be in distress, programs have to kick in. the time to go is a couple of days from now. but i'll admit that image of the president teeing off in martha's vineyard versus donald trump showing up on the ground, yes, it's a powerful statement, and it works. but it's not fair, and the media ought to remind americans why presidents and even presidential candidates don't go to these scenes in the middle of a disaster. >> right, but there's also -- one quick thing in the context, also in katrina and the context
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of authorities not properly responding to the tragedy and emergency. >> that's right, yes. >> that's not what's happening now. >> that's true. >> that's what's important. really helping people is what's important, not the optics of a political campaign. jon: all right. lynn sweet sweet, judy miller, thank you both. jenna: republicans criticizing the obama administration for a $400 million cash payment to iran. our next guest has something to share on this. it's been a wild ride to jordan & chelsea's wedding. but thanks to everything turned out perfect. [crying] weird, but perfect. [flute]
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jenna: senate republicans slamming the obama administration after the state department said a $400 million cash payment to iran in january was, in fact, dependent on the release of american prisoners. the state department spokesman, john kirby, defending the decision which some have seen as a hostage ransom agreement. >> the payment of the $400
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million was not done until after prisoners were released. >> why weren't you able to tell us that ten days ago when i, myself, asked the question can you at least assure us that those prisoners were in the process of being released -- >> as i said at the time, we weren't in a position hen and had no intention of getting into a tick tock for every movement that happened in that 24-hour period. it was never our intention to have to do that. but you're asking me about a press story that's already been written about it that has more detail about it, so i'm providing some context with respect to that. jenna: vice president of research at the foundation for defense of democracies, and that's one of the areas of expertise we like to draw upon, jonathan, your time in the treasury department. you've been fairly outspoken about what we've learned so far about this cash payment. how does what we've learned over the last 24 hours impact the story? >> well, now it looks as if the release of those hostages were directly contingent upon the delivery of that cash.
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the administration is, essentially, saying now that because this was cash that we were going to give the iranians anyway, that it's not ransom. but i would say that it's not not ransom, especially the way the iranians look at this. in other words, they see the release of those prisoners as directly tied to the delivery of cash that they believe was owed to them. and that is an extremely dangerous precedent to set and really what we're watching right now is a semantics debate in the white house. jenna: right. and it keeps on going. it's a story several weeks now still in the making. you have an interesting part of the story that i think our viewers probably haven't heard a lot about, and that is how the cash actually got to iran. what plane carried that cash, and why that's important. tell us a little bit about iran air's role in all this and why it matters. >> sure. so iran air was a designated terrorist entity, so designated by the treasury department, approved by the white house because of its facilitation of terrorist activities on the part
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of the islamic republic of iran. on january 15th it was still a designated terrorist organization. on january 16th it was no longer, it was no longer designated, it was de-listed by the treasury, and on the following day executives from iran air were involved in the facilitation of that payment of $400 million. it's unclear whether it was an iranian, an iran airplane that was the unmarked cargo plane in question, but we know that they were involved in this transaction. this is important because it certainly suggests that the administration was talking to iran air before it was de-listed, in other words, when it was still a terrorist organization. it's also worth noting that the obama justice department has identified iran air back as far as 2009 as the facilitator of transfers of ied parts to iraq. and, of course, we know that 196 american servicemen were killed,
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many more injured as a result of iranian-made ieds. jenna: how difficult is it to de-list somebody from a list at the treasury that's designating them a terrorist organization? does it just happen in a 24-hour time? >> no, it doesn't. and this was, i mean, usually it takes a long time, and it's a legal battle. iran air was de-listed as part of the iranian nuclear deal. i don't believe it was de-listed based on the actual criteria one would usually go through. it was de-listed because of a political deal that was struck on an international stage. jenna: of course, the official line from the state department and the administration is these are two different tracks, the payment and the nuclear deal. but this raises some interesting questions about the timing of it all. jonathan, appreciate that insight. thank you very much. >> anytime. jon: some shocking revelations concerning recent cyber attacks on democratic party groups. what intelligence sources are telling fox news and what it could mean for u.s. relations with russia. start the interview with a firm handshake.
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♪ ♪ jon: let's check out what's ahead on "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. dagen and harris, what's coming up? harris: more changes for the trump campaign as his chairman is stepping down days after the gop nominee added two republican heavyweights to his leadership team. what does it all mean for the campaign? dagen: plus, president obama golfing on martha's vineyard while thousands of families lose their homes in louisiana's historic flooding. should americans be outraged? harris: and one of america's top universities is being accused of applying a double standard after letting an all-woman's group stay that way while slapping sanctions on men-only club. dagen: we even let one dude on
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the sofa with us, come on. [laughter] plus, that #oneluckyguy, governor mike he huckabee is ont the top of the hour. harris: that'll be fun. jon: you've never let me sit there, i will just point that out. harris: you say, harris, i'm really busy. dagen: friendliest elevator lady in the building, man. jenna: new details emerging regarding the apparent cyber attack on the clinton foundation. the breach appears to be connected to recent attacks on democratic campaign organizations. all of this is part of a larger strategic operation by russian-backed hackers. more on this, chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge live in washington. >> reporter: there's a growing body of evidence according to leading cybersecurity experts that these hacks are not a coincidence, but connected and the work of russian-backed cyber militias. fox news confirming the clinton
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foundation has hired fireeye to investigate a possible breach there, and this comes after the successful cyber attacks on the dnc and the democratic national campaign committee, appearing to be part of a larger strategic intelligence-gathering operation. >> within the former soviet bloc, russian-speaking hackers pay homage as cyber militia members to the regime in russia. they act as proxies, as rottweilers for the regime when called upon to leverage their sophisticated tool sets and attack against victims in the u.s. >> reporter: former senior military intelligence officers at this week's posting of nsa hacking tools may also be connected. these programs are highly dangerous like electronic lockpicks that can disable firewalls or weaken and destroy electronic computer barriers. the proposed auction of these tools that appear to have been stolen in 2013 is being described as a warning shot to
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the u.s. to stop publicly blaming russia for the breaches, jenna. jenna: interesting, catherine, thank you. we'll be right back. (lionel) ♪it's peyton... ♪it's peyton on sunday mornings.♪ (peyton) you know with directv nfl sunday ticket you can watch your favorite team no matter where you live. like broncos or colts. (cashier) cool. (peyton) ah...18. the old number. ooh. i have got a coupon for that one. (vo) get nfl sunday ticket - only on directv.
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go long.
9:00 am
>> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> we begin with a fox news alert as a key player apart from the trump campaign, paul manafor has resigned after major changes to the campaign's leadership after he came under fire for the pro-russian government in ukraine. this is "outnumbered". i am harris faulkner and here is dagan mcdowell, julia brezinski and catherine henze and hashtag one lucky guy, former governor of arkansas, mike huckabee. you are part of the


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