tv Fox and Friends Saturday FOX News August 20, 2016 3:00am-7:01am PDT
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[national anthem] ♪ hi, friends. good morning. it's saturday, the 20th of august, 2016. i'm anna kooiman, this is "fox & friends weekend." donald trump puts pressure on barack obama to head to louisiana. >> the spirit of the people in louisiana is incredible. honestly obama ought to get off the golf course and head down there. >> the president responded. where is hillary clinton? the latest from the campaign straight ahead. >> hillary clinton will be forced to answer questions about her personal email server under oath this as she tries to throw general colin powell under the bus. the feud between the two is
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breaking out this morning. >> everyone stay cool and stop saying, man. >> i'm freaking out, man. >> you are freaking out, man. >> one ivy league school is freaking out over the use of words that aren't gender neutral. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> oh, boy. ♪ ♪ well, good morning. it is saturday morning at the end of august, and we're glad to see you. we are going to start this morning but w. some sad but wonderful news. our friend, our co-anchor anna kooiman is moving on to a brand new life adventure we want to tell you about it? >> my husband landed a big job in australia in sydney we are moving there. his first day is october 1st. my heart is racing right now. i can't believe i'm stepping away from this amazing job. >> start out the show with anna crying.
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smart move. >> we promised each other no lip quivering. >> people who watch the show regularly. anna kooiman is sweet as she seems, as wonderful as she seems and great to sit next to her. >> thank you. >> you will be sorely missed. >> she brings such a life and happiness to the show and it's going to be sad to see you leave. >> i'm going to the land down under displng you are the most energetic person i have ever worked next to. >> we have to thank the people of this show larson a tv genius. thank you so much for being so understanding. this is the right thing to do for my family. we are planning on possibly starting our family once we get there. >> you will be on the beach and raising babies. fantastic. not like some small move down south you are moving to australia. opposite end of the globe. >> we have a if you are baby baxter bear the love of my life before tim stepped into the picture our yellow lab and the quarantine is so stringent in as yo australia i
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will have to be without him a few months. >> when is the last day? >> my last day is labor day. >> can clayton and i will be down there to visit you. >> please come down. banzai beach. and mom and dad please visit, too. my mother and sister-in-law and. >> we have other news to get to this morning. we want to head down to flood ravaged louisiana picking up the pieces after this week' week's disastrous flooding. >> donald trump flew down is he pressuring president obama to do the very same. own kristin fisher is live in washington with the latest on this one. got morning, kristin. >> donald trump is making it very clear that he believes the president and presidential candidates should not be on vacation in martha's vineyard but in louisiana with the people suffering from devastating floods. trump made his case yesterday while touring the state with running mate
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despite the plea to stay out. he described it as nothing more than a photo op. trump argued he was just there to help. >> the spirit of the people is incredible, the devastation likewise, they have never seen anything like it. but the spirit of the people is incredible. and honestly, obama ought to get off the golf course and get counsel there. >> now, president obama has been playing a lot of golf. he is still on vacation in martha's vineyard. he is planning to tour louisiana on tuesday. that's when the white house says is the request quote aa appropriate time to visit. quote, the president is mindful of the impact that his travel has on first responders and wants to ensure that his presence does not interfere with ongoing recovering efforts. hillary clinton issued a similar statement on facebook essentially calling trump's visit a distraction, quote, right now the relief effort can't afford any distraction beings. the best way this team can help is to make sure louisianans have the resources they need.
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yesterday, clinton was off the campaign trail so trump jumped on twitter to weigh in on where's hillary #which was trending. quote, where's hillary? sleeping. well it turns out she was actually out at dinner in martha vineyard celebrating her husband and former president bill clinton's birthday. i'm in shock big news. i haven't had the presence of meeting you really in person. >> i will make you a religioreligionmake you avegimiu come to see me. >> the response tonel trump's appearance in louisiana was fast and furious. thank you senator mary landrieu saying thank you for coming to the state. showing the state. putting the eye of the media where it needs to be on this state and criticizing president obama. >> really seeming
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presidential and this coming on the heels of that big speech he gave in charlotte, north carolina that folks say may have been his best one yet. is he out there with the volunteers, thanking them, hugging the victims. 13 people in louisiana died. this is the biggest natural disaster that they have faced since hurricane katrina and the biggest one in the u.s. since super storm sandy and for the president not to be there, tucker. >> it's a little weird. here is former senator mary landrieu, a partisan democrat assessing the situation. >> i want to thank donald trump. he brought attention to our state. we need that now because disaster, preanna, is far larger than people can appreciate on television. it is really a serious disaster. and i hope, you know, secretary clinton will make her way down. i hope president obama will make a visit and, you know, we need all the attention and help we can get. >> what's so interesting to
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me is why the president isn't there. is he on martha's vineyard. 85,000 people displaced. if this were happening in the central valley of california migrant farm workers or happening in the city of detroit. would the president really remain on martha's vineyard with his holiday friends hollyw. >> approval rating over 50% right now. is he not worried about that. he thinks that hillary clinton is doing well in the polls, too. >> it's his last year. but he was quick to criticize president george w. bush for katrina. historically lock at the context. remember that famous photo of george w. bush not landing in louisiana but flying over and he was looking oweth out the window the press office released that photo. weighs criticizing for seeming disconnected from it. there is the famous photo.
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even hillary clinton criticized george w. bush on that. you can't find him anywhere. where is he? both hillary clinton and president obama have not made their appearance. why two minds of this? anyone who has covered these events. have you covered them. we have all covered thesed into events. the governor has asked the president to stay away because of the security measures. it is the distraction and don't have the resources right now. you have the white house. you have air force one landing. you have secret service. you know what it's like to shut down washington, d.c. >> these are symbolic visits. they may not accomplish anything. john bell edwards of louisiana said this after the. it's cover for the presidency right there of the same party. i bring back to the core point. if this were happening in detroit. if this were happening in the central valley, would the president be there? of course he would be there because those are his voters. these this is all political. by the way why is the president on march that's vineyard. were limousine liberal, really. >> if there is an argument there to be made that it
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would cause a distraction with all the security. on skype with volunteers or with some local leaders. do something to show. >> i that even -- i don't know, that almost reminds me of the george w. bush photo flying over beam in skype from martha's vineyard. >> how about the optics of him playing golf with larry david. >> has any president sucked up to famous people like this president does. constantly at dinner with beyonce. it's so small time and embarrassing. >> i didn't learn the lesson after james foley beheading. >> that looked bad. it was just an hour after, i think? >> wind the clock back to 2007, that hillary clinton ad mentioning. she was slamming george w. bush back in 2007 because of his response to katrina. listen. >> if you were stuck on a roof top or stranded at the superdome during a hurricane, you're invisible
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to this president even when you are on cnn. >> you could argue about whether that's fair or not, i was at katrina when all this happened. you could argue the facts of it. truth is, that really hurt bush, big time. his numbers never recovered from that it hurt mccain in the 2008 elections three years later. people want the president to be engaged and empathetic. the perception that he wasn't, hurt him. >> all about optics. the few hours trump spent there taking stuff off of a truck actually did anything? he is there. is he showing, he is contextualize that in a speech a few hours later in michigan. he can say i was there, i could see it that's powerful. >> if 85,000 people displaced in the fall. hillary clinton would move there full time. that's true. >> let's hear your thoughts on it. weigh in on that. >> other stories making headlines this saturday morning. she hasn't held a press
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conference in over 250 days. this will have to do for now. hillary clinton now being ordered to answer questions in writing about her private email server while secretary of state. the court order is part of a request by the watchdog group judicial watch to question her. meanwhile former secretary of state colin powell is denying clinton's claim that he advised her to use that private server. u.s. olympic swimmer gunner bentz blaming lochte for the gas station fiasco. the four teammates never vandalized the gas station bathroom. when he went to lee he says lochte pulled down a sign and then they were confronted by security. he says this: quote, i cannot speak to his actions but ryan stood up and began to yell at the guard but no physical contact was made. bentz say he and jimmie fee began paid $50 for damages and left. lochte has hired a justin bieber pr represent to help
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him out of this pr mess, and it certainly is. the zika danger zone expanding in florida. expanding south beach in miami as a hot spot for the virus. identifying five new cases locally contracted. miami's winwood art district also flagged as dangerous. 36 local cases in florida. those are your headlines. thank you, anna. a cop put his life on the line to save a man from a car about to explode. >> we need a fire extinguisher. garden hose. get a garden hose. [explosion] >> wait until you see how that ends. and then both campaigns rolled out new adst in battle ground states. whose message resonates best with voters? lee carter has the answer always. she is here next. >> in hillary clinton's america the system stays rigged againstsyrian refugees f.
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' convicted of crimes get to stay. our border open. it's more of the same but worse. donald trump's america is secure, terrorist and danger criminals kept out. the border secured, our families safe. change that makes american safe again. donald trump for president. >> i'm donald trump and i approve this message. this car is traveling over 200 miles per hour. to win, every millisecond matters. both on the track
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and thousands of miles away. with the help of at&t, red bull racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. brakes are getting warm. confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. giving them the agility to have speed & precision. because no one knows & like at&t. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future, we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready, start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. ♪
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hey, everyone and good morning. yesterday, donald trump rolled out first add for the general election as hillary clinton took to the airwaves to make her case to families focusing her commitment on children. how will they be received. lee carter is a pollster and gave the latest ads her grade. good morning. >> good morning. >> last couple of months hillary clinton has spent $61 million on tv ads. donald trump has spent goose egg until he just rolled out these ads in the big swing
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states. let's take a look at this. it is an ad about immigration. watch. >> hillary clinton's america the system stays rigged against americans. syrian refugees flood in. illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay, collecting security benefits, skipping the line. our border open. it's more of the same but worse. donald trump's america is secure, terrorists and dangerous criminals kept out. the border secure. our families safe. change that makes america safe again. donald trump for president. >> i'm donald trump, and i approve this message. >> what do you think? >> democrats are going to hate this ad. talk about how he is inspiring fear in americans. the bottom line here is independents and republicans are probably going to give this around an a minus. i think it's pretty effective ad. it shows the fear people have and how he is going to fix it shows both sides. people concerned about security. concerned about imgriggs. they think it's going to give them that feeling that donald trump is going to
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keep them safe. this is the kind of stuff that he needs to be doing. i think that having the advertisement and having surrogates in talking about the negative side of things and him coming out as more presidential as he has this week is a really smart strategy. >> maybe it's part of the campaign shakeup with the new leadership. next up, watch this ad from hillary clinton saying i'm the steady hand. you can depend on me. >> we go to work because others depend on us. hillary clinton gets it. standing up for families and children, ha has been her live's work. under her plan, working parents get row leaf cost of child care and college. equal pay for women and paid time off for families. building an economy that works for everyone. not just that those at the top. because we're stronger together. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> nice happy music but does it have enough punch? >> i think it's a fairly typical safe political ad. i don't think we will look at this and think we see anything new about hillary clinton, that we're going to
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learn anything new. ultimately people will give this about c. it's a ho-hum kind of ad. motherhood, apple pie. something you feel like you have seen before. that's parted of hillary clinton's strategy right now. playing everything straight, going straight down the middle and hoping that donald trump is going to do his own damage. she has just got her head down and trying to move things forward. >> finally an ad from donald trump's super pac. this ad, america's story. >> skilled crafts men and trade people and factory workers have seen the jobs they love shipped thousands of miles away. it doesn't have to be this way. we can turn it around. it will be american steel, just like the american steel that built the empire state building. that will fortify america's crumbling bridges. it will be american steel that rebuilds our inner cities. it will be american steel that sends our sky scrapers soaring. >> hoping to capitalize on
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blue collar workers is it effective. >> i think it's a very effective ad. republicans and independence are going to give this a plus. i would think democrats will give this a c which is rare when you see them coming together in some way, shape, and form. ultimately what this is about is bringing pack american jobs. i'm sure this is going to really hit well in the rust belt in pennsylvania and places like that. it is a smart strategy. jobs, the economy, jobs, the economy. the number one and two issues among american voters. it's really smart and well con ad. >> folks vote with their wallets. lee carter, thank you so much. >> great to be here. >> 20 minutes after the hour on a saturday morning. he has been arrested while leading black lives matter protests. now he is getting a new gig. teaching your kids politics? plus, they were welcomed in to america with opened arms. offering free public school. refugees say it's not good enough and they are suing. do they actually have a case? a fair and balanced legal debate coming up. come on in, guys.
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(ding) (ding) (ding) rocket the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes.
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quick head lines for you this morning. one of the most prominent black lives matter trade handcuffs for fellowship. heading to the windy city to serve as a fellow at the university of chicago. friend of president obama, institute of politics there despite multiple arrests he is making 165 grand a year recruiting teachers for baltimore school districts. bernie is back, sort of. the vermont senator will be lunch agnew organization next week. it's called our revolution, which is a little scary. he says it's an effort to transform american society and help progressive political candidates across this country.
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clayton? >> america is welcoming refugees with open arms and free education. apparently that's not good enough. six refugees at the phoenix academy in lancaster, pennsylvania are suing the school district because they feel that they deserve the very best education. the angry students claim they were dumped out of school for under achieving students and should be transferred to a school with better academic program. the school district says a lawsuit has no merit but do these students have a case? to debate this bring in criminal defense attorney and prosecutor david bruno and kisha. nice to see you poet this morning. >> thank you. >> when i read the story they have got to be joking. at the heart of it there is actual legal merit to this case? >> absolutely. although they are refugees they should have the same type of classification as regular students have in that district. so, they are dumped into alternative school where there are children with behavioral problems. they have to be pat down every day to get into school. they should not be subjected
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to that if they don't have those same issues. >> they just came from war torn syria. they are going to school. getting a free education in the community of lancaster, pennsylvania. not the most affluent community, david. on the packs of taxpayers. i just find it hard to believe that they have a legal case, that they can actually bring this. they are be packed by the aclu by the way. >> i found it hard to believe as well. that was my initial reaction. but, let's not forget about the overall immigration policy that is worthy of this discussion. because, we are accepting these refugees and the first point always made is on national security. but, let's not forget the negative impact that this has on our local governments, our school boards. because these students do not speak english. they are trying to accommodate the best they can to give them the translation services and the modifications to the critic throwm accommodate the individuals. >> even the regular high school would have esl classes and, again, they
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should not receive substandard education. once we accept them as refugees, we need to give them the same opportunities as other students have. >> it's interesting. i found this interesting that they are 17 to 21 years old. most of the kids go to high school and there to 17 or 18 and off to college or some other trade. these kids and 17 and 21. here is a statement from the aclu representing these refugees. our clients have already experienced much trauma and loss before arriving in this country. rather than helping them making the difficult adjustment, the school district has denied them an education completely or forced of them into an alternative school where they are often bullied and don't learn. what do you make of that. >> i make that they are sympathetic individuals, and the aclu is taking advantage of that. this school board has provided a free education and that is the right that the students have. and they have provided it. they provided it in a school that is able to give them services, period. >> what about this
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community? you know, this community stood up and said we will take these refugees in and so now they can get sued? >> well, if they are not given what they're entitled to. if they are violating their rights as civil -- as human beings and stating just because you are a refugee you have to go to an alternative school where you have nothing to do with the issues designed for that school. >> i'm curious about the legal -- i guess i don't understand. it's not an american citizen. what legal rights do they have. >> they are not citizens but still entitled to certain things. we can't say we will take you in and treat you like you are crap. you have to still treat them like human beings. they need to be classified like other students. >> make no question about it. even as refugees, noncitizens, they are entitled to a free public education. and that's the state and federal laws. you know, an additional point that's interesting is that even in this lawsuit, the plaintiffs are saying that the school that they want to go to is not properly equipped to handle their services. they want interpreters.
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they want modifications to the curriculum. they want changes that are ultimately going to be on the taxpayers. >> our schools are suffering as it is. teachers don't get paid enough now we need interpreters to handle syrian refugees. we all have a big help and want to help these children because it's horrible what's happening there at the end of the day the american taxpayers footing the bill for this. thank you. i appreciate it? >> thank you. >> coming up here on the show an incredible life saving rescue caught on camera. >> need a fire extinguisher, garden hose. get a garden hose. [explosion] >> wait until you hear how that ends. and back to a big week for donald trump. >> believe it or not, i regret it and i do regret it. particularly where it may have caused personal pain. >> had a big week for donald trump. an apology without specifics, a tour of louisiana. new campaign managers. is he where he needs to be
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going to clean better than a manual. he said sure...but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush.
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our people. >> we will once again be a country of law and order. sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you said wrong thing. i have done that and believe it or not, i regret it. >> i will never lie to you. i will never put any other interests before you. and i will never ever stop fighting for you. [cheers and applause] >> donald trumped aing what looks like a new phase of his campaign. looks a lot more presidential. reassuring some of his supporters. this as the nominee took a trip to flood stricken louisiana where 8 a thousand have been forced from his home. paul manafort, meanwhile, resigned. so where is the trump campaign today? is it as good as it looks? here with reaction our terrific political panel. national co-chair of maverick pack. scott has houston president
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of rasmussen media group and nomiki konst. west side of your dial. good to see this morning so, morgan, this is -- this last couple of days is the first time in a long time the trump campaign seems to be hitting on all cylinders, is it? >> it couldn't have been a worse month so he needed it. a few months ago i said trump needs a woman at the top of the campaign. i think the kellyanne conway hire was brilliant. i have been on a lot with fox. she has written a book. the polls are what the polls are. he has a problem with the women voters. what women wanted to hear more console tore tone. god hire. smart move by the campaign to get rid of monday for the. if you are getting $12 million in cash from the russians that doesn't need to be in the headlines. >> why would you work for the russians if you weren't making $12 million?
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[ laughter ] so, scott, seems to me nobody wants to vote for hillary, they have to be assured that trump isn't a monster and meet the human threshold is he doing that. >> might be overstating it a bit when you say nobody wants to. nobody wants to vote for hillary. what's happened in this last month is donald trump has been digging himself a really deep hole. in the last week he stopped digging. that's a good sign. not enough to win. the reason he is still an outsider. he is still an outside chance of winning. he has a couple things going for him. one hillary clinton is a weak candidate. viewed unfavorably by most people. has tendency to be politically ton tone deaf. the mood of the country. it's still uphill fight for donald trump. >> nomiki. 85,000 people kicked out of the homes because of this flooding. the president didn't go he is at march that's vineyard. >> voters in a swing state do you think obama would have sat it out golfing in martha's vineyard he?
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doesn't care about these people because they are not voting for him. >> that doesn't mean that at all. listen, louisiana, not that long ago that we had hurricane katrina and there is historical reference for him to. i agree. he should have done something at least as anna said earlier today at least show up in a video or send some message out. i think it was a little tone deaf. all leaders have having difficulty about their responsiveness. leadership has become institutionalized. 45 people around you advising you to go this way or that way. it's election year and hillary clinton was there i completely agree with you. he should respond. but, and it was a brilliant move by donald trump. i'm going to give you that it's not enough to close out what about is it about martha's vineyard. liberals spending so much time and then they go on vacation exclusive whether i rich people on private planes sucking up to hollywood people and hedge fund managers.
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what is it about lib screen liberals. >> i have never been to march that's vineyard. >> you are a sincere lefty. >> this is the clinton donor base. >> is he planning one. a lecture on race relations. >> on the whole foundation issues one of the problems you are running in to right now hillary clinton's weakness, they announce that she is not going to accept donations from foreign governments if she is elected president. what about right now? >> she was secretary of state at one point, was she not? and she was taking all this money from foreign governments. >> not directly. the clinton foundation has announced that they are not going to receive any foreign donor money or foreign corporate money. that would be like the barclay's sponsoring some sort of initiative in -- 50% of the clinton foundation. >> a little more than 50%. it's horrifying. i'm being told we are out of time. >> no. >> let's have breakfast.
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>> let's go to march that's vineyard for breakfast. >> thank you all three. it was great to see you this morning. anna b. kooiman. >> the "boston globe" has exposed loopholes in that self-imposed ban. we will get to that in 20 minutes. thank you, tucker. president obama releases 15 gitmo detainees. being charged with top leader. apew was arrested just days after the state department claimed very few di gitmo detainees ever return to terror? how many is a few. >> more than 200 release have had joined the terrorist ranks. unbelievable body cam video showing a hero cop rescue a man from a burning car. are. >> i need a fire extinguisher, a garden hose. get a garden hose.
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>> come on, man, slide back. in no. go back in georgia officer dan whitney using all of his might to free that man. it was too late for the driver, but the passenger did survive. and husbands are sharing their brutally honest experience as well as venting about their wives online. before i get married i didn't know there was wrong way it put milk back in the fridge. and kent says understand how god can have 10 commandments for the whole world and my wife can have 152 just for our house. and just phil says if my wife ever hired a private detective to follow me, it would be to get pictures of me not using the coupons i said i had used. so, all the wives out there, it's your turn to fire back. we want to hear from you. send us your comments at on hit us up on social media. >> your turn to fire back.
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you never fired pack before. this is your one chance. >> husband shaming. >> my husband gets on me every time i load the dishwasher. i throw everything in there and he has to go back in and make sure everything is tidy. >> that's a minor sin. janice dean joins us this morning. janice, is the happiest morning person who has ever lived. >> i'm happier because we have so much ice cream on the plaza here today. you are in new york city. 4th and sixth is where it's add. these are dippin' dots. the new flavor here raspberry sherri better. 28 years dippin' dots has been around. it's one of my favorites. we are going to be doing ice cream all morning long now join us. summertime it feels like summertime. ice cream time here in new york city. 7 a degrees. feels even more humid than that we do have a cold front as you can see moving across the central u.s. there is the current heat index. feels a little warmer than that summertime and taking a look at the radar. we do have the potential for showers and thunderstorms
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especially across the great lakes. we could see some severe weather today and, of course, we are watching louisiana and texas for the potential of more flooding today, devastating, historic flooding across louisiana. looks like the bulls eye is going to be around central texas for forecast precipitation through tuesday. watching that area. river gauge, of course the rivers continue to rise along the baton rouge area. devastating floods and we, of course, our hearts and prayers out to all those folks. large wildfires across the west. that's where we need the moisture and precipitation not getting enough of it those are the headlines we are going to be following today. headlines for me is going to be ice cream all morning long. janice dean the ice cream machine. >> wow. >> it's happening. >> 6:40 in the morning east coast time. >> never too early. >> 5:00 somewhere. thanks, janice. >> google wants to help you vote could the internet giant affect the upcoming election? >> i'm sure that will be good for democracy. princeton, a college in new jersey, has scrubbed the
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word man from campus. banning it including the word forefather. >> what? >> pete hegseth went to princeton, he is here to react ahead. ♪ before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor
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and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica.
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welcome back. going wants to help you vote. when you google how to vote, the search engine now provides all the information on when, where, and how to vote according to your state. could the leading tech giant being intreerg wit interfering with our election? >> here now is kurt the cyber guy. >> why are you laughing, tucker? >> one company i don't trust is google. >> my book as well. big brother coming to all of us. talking this morning a big effort at google going on to get to people who don't quite understand where the
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nearest polling place ask how osign up to vote it works pretty good type in on google how to vote. and rather than end up at maybe a state or local government website that would be difficult and lunchy to navigate which, you know, vast majority of them are. they have made this plain english thing it come together where you can find out based on your location. in new york where we are. shows us where our nearest polling place it s. and hours open how to sign up. what requirements do you need to vote. drivers license, bring in utility bill, et cetera. >> do we know where they are pulling this data from? state web sites? >> they have their own team inside of google. i would imagine they didn't talk about methodology. going to the sources of each state or municipality and voting websites to find this data out and verify it so far everything we looked at was spot on. >> they didn't talk methodology, why would that be? this effects who runs our government.
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>> i will tell you know i think methodology would only come in to play here is if it weren't right. it's you and i looking in the phone book. it may be deep down inside. i didn't go log for methodology. methodology is not out front of their message here. it's about simplifying the voting process. if you don't want to go in person, how to sign it doing it via the mail. all the data is there. leads us to the question what does that mean? does it mean now that one particular gallup a party is more likely to vote or another group is less likely to vote? i don't know. here's what i know is more information is probably good. allowing people to know where to vote is probably good. it will be interesting to see who shows up. what we do know for sure, is that interests in many states about how to vote in searches compared to 2012 is
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up 323% this year. it's crazy. crazy numbers. >> well, i mean, yeah, they don't share their al gore algorg to see if certain ones are kept on or left off there. >> we will find out after the election. >> kurt the cyber guy, thank you. >> donald trump trying to steal one of hillary clinton's secret weapons. >> i'm asking for the vote of every single african-american citizen. >> that's the message. will it work for the republican nominee? the great chris stirewalt is here to weigh in on that next hour. >> plus, the p.c. police taking it to a whole new level. princeton now scrubbing the word man from campus. even the word forefathers is a no-no? pete hegseth, a princeton alum is here next. >> and is he a man. >> yes, he is. >> don't say that t @@
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they are coming for you. p.c. police turning princeton university into a literal no man's land. urging the school to drop the word man in favor of more gender inclusive style guidelines mankind human kind. >> isn't man in human kind? >> a man who went to princeton in new jersey. pete hegseth who despite going there is very well educated. how frivolous and dumb this is you think of princeton a very serious place. this seems like not relevant
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at all to educating kids, which is the point of princeton, right? >> well, of course, princeton has traditionally been not never conservative. traditional not a hat bed of radicalism. this is where p.c. leads. this is where every higher education institution is going. this is where our public institutions are going. eventually our administrators and others they cave because the p.c. diversity police, the multicultural police, the post modern secular antitraditionalites they win. okay, no more pronouns, no more him and her. >> no more pronouns. >> here are some of the terms. don't say forefathers anymore. you have to say ancestor. don't say cameraman. say camera operator. don't say man made. say artificial. don't say freshman say first year students. >> i thought you were going to say fresh meat.
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>> no more anchorman or anchor women either. i don't know you are anchor persons. >> what about anchor babies? >> you are not doingi are not dg yeoman's work. where does it end? what do you say? you run out of a lexicon. it's absurdity, it's exactly the who jik of the left leads us to illogical places. >> openness and free inquiry and plurality. the whole point of college is a safe place for people to let their minds expand and here is the college saying no, you will use these words and not those words. it's an attack. >> only okay in the free speech zone, right, right pete? >> safe place in which you get to shrink your mind inside your cacoon guarded against anything that would fned oyou. >> you know who needs to wake up to this in the donor class need to wake up to this the alumni and stop giving to their snutions just blindly and start
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realizing i'm not wearing a princeton tie this morning. i'm wearing a princeton basketball tie i give to them and rotc and conservative publication on campus. i don't just give to princeton. because they are going to throw money at erasing pronouns, men and women. left wing cesspool of political correctness. they answer to money and endowments. that's what people have to wake up to. >> i'm looking at one of our camera men right now. >> no, no it's a camera person. >> great to see you. >> thank you. >> i have fitness instructor can i get an a men. i mean can i get annual a woman? it does seem sort of silly, doesn't it. >> hillary clinton says she is taking the high road banning foreign donations if she becomes president. is she already secretly breaking a promise? chris stirewalt in to weigh in next. >> fire department forced to remove flags from engines. the fight isn't over yet.
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so when you're ready, start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. hi, everyone. it's saturday, the 20th of august, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. this is "fox & friends weekend." a donald trump playing the role of president going to flood ravaged louisiana putting the pressure on our current president. >> the spirit of the people is incredible. and honestly, obama ought to get off the golf course and get down there. [cheers and applause] >> and president obama responded. he is heading there next week. but where is hillary clinton? the latest from the campaign trail straight ahead. >> call at that time clinton loophole if hillary clinton wins the presidency the clinton foundation vows not to accept foreign money. have bill and hillary clinton already found a way around their own rule?
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that story coming up. >> and a small town fire department forced it remove american flags from their engines. the fight isn't over yet. one flag is coming back. just oning in. this morning, a group of firefighters are here to fight for our flag. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ ♪ hey, everybody, welcome in to "fox & friends." >> great saturday morning, everyone. we have a jam-packed show. great to see all of you this morning. >> anna kooiman, great to see you this morning. >> tucker carlson, great to see you this morning. >> it is great to see you this morning, i'm serious. >> just a few weeks left of summer. get it in while you can. flood ravaged louisiana now in recovery mode after the disastrous flooding. >> donald trump beat president obama to the scene while telling the commander and chief get off the golf course and get down here. >> kristin fisher is live in washington, d.c. with a whole lot more.
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good morning. >> good morning. so president obama, is he planning to tour louisiana on tuesday after his vacation in martha's vineyard is over. but donald trump says that's not soon enough. he thinks that the president should cut his vacation short. so, yesterday, trump spent three hours touring the state. during his visit, many residents lined the streets thanking him for shining a national spotlight on the destruction. >> we mourn for the lives lost and we pledge our help, comfort, and support to every last person in need. to the people of louisiana, we are with you, and we will always be with you. [cheers and applause] >> but louisiana's democratic governor essentially characterized trump's visit as nothing more than a photo op. while hillary clinton called it a distraction. quote, right now the relief effort can't afford any distractions. the very best way this team can help is to make sure louisianans have the resources they need.
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well, yesterday, clinton was off the campaign trail. so trump chimed in to the trending where's hillary #on twitter. he said where's hillary? sleeping. well, turns out, like president obama, she, too, was in march that's vineyard but she was out at dinner celebrating bill clinton's 70th birthday. tucker, anna, and clayton. >> the great kristin fisher live in washington, d.c. >> we want to bring in the great cries stirewalt to talk about some of these big headlines this week. good to see you, chris. >> the great. i have got to live up to something now. all right. >> you will pull it off. i'm sure. especially weighing in on. this donald trump rushed down to louisiana as kristin was just reporting. there two hours. i'm of two minds of this. first of all, does this hurt hillary clinton and does this help donald trump? >> it doesn't hurt hillary clinton. it may -- i think it does help donald trump. i think certainly it does. because is he trying to show a more empathetic side and more humane side, which is
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something he badly needed to do. we heard his almost apology this week. we heard expression of regret this week. and we also now see him acting in a humanitarian mode. so i think that is helpful for him. i don't think it hurts hillary clinton. i also think, by the way, you don't politicize it you want to go, you should go. you should be down there but you shouldn't then say and where are you? you ought to get off the golf course, you jerk. i think that probably doesn't help. >> don't you think also though if this tragedy, if 58,000 people had been displaced in the city of detroit, obama voters in the swing state, do you think the president would have stayed on the golf course with producers on martha's vineyard. >> there are plenty of obama voters in the part of louisiana where this has happened. i don't know where the president would have gone, not gone. this is a game that both parties play. george w. bush didn't land in louisiana soon enough after katrina. when did romney get in? when did obama get in for super storm sandy. no matter what, the out party will say the guy on
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the inparty is a jerk and didn't do the right thing. >> chris, i want to get your thoughts on this, that. donald trump was in michigan giving another big speech. he says he promises to get 95% of the african-american vote by 2020. and he asked for their vote last night saying what do you have to lose? listen. >> tonight, i'm asking for the vote of every single african-american citizen in this country who wants to see a better future. look how much african-american communities have suffered under democratic control. hillary clinton would rather provide a job to a refugee from overseas than to give that job to unemployed african-american youth in cities like detroit who have become refugees in their own country. and at the end of four years, i guarantee you, that i will get over 95% of the
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african-american vote. i promise you. >> wow, does that work or not? >> guaranteed. he guaranteed it's a lock. over 9 5% of the vote. >> right. like 1% of the vote right now? that's a pretty tall order. >> less than 5. look, asking for votes, asking for votes for minorities is important not necessarily just for the minority group that you are speaking to, but also for white voter, remember, donald trump's biggest liability, his biggest problem is that with college educated white voters, which is the bulbullworth. those are voters that don't want to be associated with anything seems racist. keen as not being identified as racist white people. donald trump is identified as a racist white person. what is he trying to do, i think, and i think it's a good idea is by making entreats to the plaque
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community you go out and say i am not a racist right white person. i'm racially cool. i'm a good guy and nice person and make up deficits with college educated whit voters, especially with women. >> nobody is hurt more by refugee resettlements is african-americans people at the bottom of the income scale. how long before people start to figure that out? isn't trump's argument this not good for you, isn't that a real argument? >> it's definitely a real argument. we know when it comes to immigration the people at the bottom of the economic ladder are the ones who suffer the most and hijackly to be displaced by low wage workers coming in from some place else. question about that what we have never seen though is black people vote for republicans in large numbers. >> right. >> and we have never seen a republican candidate do as poorly with black voters as donald trump. >> does this seem patronizing at although though? >> his line what do you have to lose or you have nothing to lose. >> dip he has nothing to
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lose. try something. he is trying to make it different. being humane and reach out to minority voters. it's probably a good switch at this moment. >> let's talk about the clinton foundation. what a mess for hillary clinton's campaign. maybe the broader picture, did they completely need to break ties? i mean literally change the name of the thing clinton foundation maybe the eisenhower foundation? this thing isn't just -- this is the bill clinton's foundation i mean chelsea clinton is involved in the foundation as well. their names are tied to this. we know that this foreign donations thing they may be walking that back on some of these rules may not apply to all charities overseas. it's a mess. don't they need to walk away from this thing? >> shut it down. it's a super fund site from a political point of view. >> the love canal. >> and the 3-mile island times love canal. you cannot do itment the uberous, the arrogance that the clinton have the shown routinely in this campaign can be no better incapsulated in this
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foundation. if you believe that you cannot ever -- that eventually cannot take money from foreign contributors, why are you taking it now you? are essentially just creating a gold rush. you say hey, everybody, if you would like to do some influence shopping, now is the time to act. because the store closes on election day. >> come okay. >> get that money in are before november. if there was a way for us to urge that watch the mercury rise on fund i see raising. >> super fund site brown field. my favorite line ever. i'm stealing that. i'm not giving you credit either. sorry. >> there is no real way for them to continue on with this thing past november can you have bill clinton be in the white house as a first husband and still running the clinton foundation? >> one of the disadvantages for the republic when you have an election that's not that close, which this election is not that close right now, the politicians involved don't get that much scrutiny. they don't get thatch pressure. they are not held to too much account. that's why americans should root for american elections
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always so they will sweat the people hospital to be in charge. in this case hillary clinton is not getting her in charge. her arrogance gets her in trouble. made her launch that secret server and that got her in trouble. we see this repeated pattern with a lot of politicians but certainly the clintons huber gets anguish and anguish. >> sounds like a fun cycle. >> you are living up to the great chris stirewalt. >> super fund site great to see you, criminals. >> thanks for coming on. >> following other stories. start with this. execution halted for a man who didn't kill anyone. jeffrey wood was going to be executed this week by lethal injection but a texas court now delaying it. ordering a review of a witness. he carl rove aget away during a 1996 robbery where a shop assistant was shot and killed but wood did not pullth trigger. a new travel warning for pregnant womens the zeke
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that danger zone expands in florida. flooding miami new hot spot for zika virus. florida officials confirming five new cases locally contracted. the win wood art district also flagged as dangerous. now 36 local cases in florida. u.s. olympic swimmer gunnar bentz blaming ryan lochte for the gas station fiasco in rio. issuing a an apology. the four never vandalized gas station bathroom. when they went to leave lochte pulled down a sign and they were then confronted by security. he says this, quote, i cannot speak those ctions, but ryan stood up and began to yell at the guards but no physical contact was made. bentz says that he and teammate jimmy feigen paid $50 for damages and then they left. lochte has now hired a p.r. rep to help him out of this mess. historic for the fastest man on the planet.
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hussein bolt leading jamaica to victory in the 400-meter relay race. the win gives him unprecedented 9 gold medals in nine olympic races. meanwhile team u.s.a. appealing the race after being disqualified but that appeal was reportedly rejected. u.s. was thrown out after ruppers mike rogers and justin gatlin appeared to pass the baton outside of the exchange grown stripping the u.s. of the bronze medal. u.s. basketball team the u.s. is beating spain 872 to 76. take on serbia for the gold tomorrow. united states remains far ahead of the medal count with 105 total. >> go americans. >> they fill the votes to with the anti-place protesters sometimes leading to violent riots. are democrats really the ones funding black lives matter? we have the details coming up. >> small town fire department forced to remove american flags from their
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engines. there has been a resolution. one flag has been welcomed pack. just one flag. this morning a group of firefighters are vowing to fight for old glory. they join us live ♪ and the eagle flies. ♪ there's a lady that's standing in the harbor for what we believe at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking.
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and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. a car, and i feel good, confident, because i'm at a truecar certified dealership. now i'm even more confident because truecar just received this j.d. power award for their website, so i know i can expect a great experience and a fair price. this is truecar. welcome, black lives matter is seeing green. the activist group cashing in on tens of millions of dollars from liberal foundations and donors inciting violence with chants like this. >> fry them like bacon. pigs in a blanket. >> fry them like bacon. >> pigs in a blanket. >> that's right, a chant
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calling for the murder of police officers. the black led movement fund is a donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the group. in addition to 33 million in grants from top clinton donor george soros, whose aim is to destabilize this country. does this prove the group is the arm of the democratic party? here to weigh in is jennifer burke. great to see you this morning. >> great to see you too, tucker. >> i'm not sure how many people have read the black lives matter platform which is not mainstream to call it mildly calls for reparations for slavery. voting for 16-year-olds. call force all kinds of things way out of the mainstream in of american life. i wonder if the donors have read. this i think they have. the ford foundation they are all about social justice whether you have cecil richards on your board of trustees designating where money goes which kind of grants goes to which people. the woman in charge of planned parenthood. the largest killer of black
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children in this country, it's really incredible and makes me wonder what is their end goal. it's quite hypocritical where money goes. >> there is a strain of racial separatism that's really clear when you read their document and watch their behavior that is bad for the country. i mean, have we given up on the idea of integration? it seems that way. >> it does seem that way. when you have black students in colleges calling for safe spaces and black and white students not going to class saying that their classes are getting in the way of their activism. it's really mind-boggling. a generation of people that fought for intergreat and now you have a whole another generation of people that wants to self-segregate and college universities that are complying with that, with separate housing, new
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special buildings it's all quite disturbing, tucker. >> they are arguing four separate but equal and for racial discrimination. oor wellian. the black movement fund, building resources to organizationing work to advance the leadership and vision of young black, queer, feminist and leaders criminalization, policing and race in america. they are not great writers as you can tell. what exactly does that mean? >> yeah, what does it mean? i find it interesting. you started out black lives matter started out as a movement in ferguson, missouri, based on the lie. michael brown never had his hands um. never said don't shoot. and i remember in ferguson people said there was a lot of out of towners. a lot of out-of-staters. now all of a sudden evolved from this command for justice on the streets for black people to all of a sudden you have queer and -- i just don't even understand where it's going.
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it's highly organized. there is nothing grass roots about it like with the tea party. s is systemic destruction of society. that's all i can think that it is based upon what they do. >> hillary clinton is full throated endorsed black lives matter. i think we are the only news organization in america who even notes it's great to have you on this morning. thanks for doing this. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> well, this is not the definition of extreme vetting. the form refugees fill out when they enter this country ask them if if he are nazi or communist. maybe it's possible for update to that form. small time fire department is asked to remove flags from engines. as a resolution one flag is welcome back. just one of them. they are here to fight for their flag bang. there they are. ♪ we are one big country nation.
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welcome back, it's time for the math portion of the test. news by the numbers. first up, 95 million bucks, that's how much facebook shares mark zuckerberg is selling. part of the pledge by the facebook founder and his wife to give away 99% of their shares to a philanthropic venture after they finish building a wall around their estate in hawaii. next 167,$666 how much hone. he has agreed to not solicit univision employees for whatever he does next. $12 million how much harley-davidson the motorcycle will be paying in a civil fine.
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revolves around allegations motorcycles that emit too much pollution but nevertheless really fun to ride. anna? >> tucker, thank you so much. it's a remarkable show of solidarity by new york area firefighters honoring the american flag right here on our plaza. take a look. they are standing up for one of their own. the arlington new york fire department which has been fighting local officials to fly the american flag on the back of their truck. district officials serving the suburb ordered firefighters to remove the flag calling them, quote, a distraction to motorists. now after pressure to the public, city officials compromised by allowing one truck to have the flag. many are asking why this is an issue is in the first place? joining us now is chief john mcgee from the east fire department here in new york. good morning, everybody? good morning. >> thanks for bringing the stars and stripes. we appreciate you making us feel patriot>> absolutely. >> lay out the debate. who is upset about this. >> i think the politicians are upset about this. i don't think it's anybody else about the politicians. firefighters fly a flag to
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show patriotism. it shows pride, morale for the membership in the fire department. and i believe they arely noing this flag is a great thing for this country to show who we are and what we are about. >> well, who initial was being a stick in the mud about this. >> i think there were people within the town that have some issues with it i think it's the politicians that really are making it an issue about what's going on. >> they say it's a distraction to motorist. do you think it is. >> no distraction to motorist. no different than any other truck or vehicle that has a sticker or marking on their vehicles. >> this one truck has been allowed to have the flag but about 50 people in poughkeepsie rallying not just one truck we want all the trucks. >> how does it make you it feel that american patriotism is alive and well. >> that's the great thing. we want it to be on every truck. every fire department. whether you are new york city, upstate, across the country. we show our true patriotism
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by having this on our fire trucks and showing it for our military people who are fighting and defending that flag every day. >> what's the next step? what can we expect? >> what can we expect? big rallies, firefighters coming together bringing our trucks together and flying that flag loud and proud. driving everywhere and letting everybody know we are not taking our flags off our fire trucks today. >> we appreciate you and all of you for your service. thank you for coming by, everybody. >> tucker, back inside to you. >> thanks a million, annualna. well, you have heard the new reason hillary clinton used a private email server? collin powell told her to do it. yep, that's the excuse. this morning former secretary of state collin powell responds to that if hillary clinton gets a pass for pass for mishandling information he should too. the judge said. no just handed down draconian. we will tell you what he got coming up.
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almost sounds like playground defense. >> right. he told me to do it. he told me to use a private email server for classified information. is he responding or his office has responded this morning saying, quote: general powell did write former secretary clinton email memo describing his use of his own personal aol email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved niewngses with the state department. at the time there was no equivalent system within the department. he used a secure state computer on his desk to manage classified information. so basically saying what hillary said was not accurate. >> whereas by contrast she sent over 100 emails or received that had classified information them n. them. >> there is a difference between he used a commercial server the aol servers in virginia. she using? a closet somewhere in a company she hired and totally unsecured. >> set up in her own wherever it was set up. >> they have been saying it for a year well collin powell did it i'm not here to defend collin powell though i really like him.
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why is that relevant? so what? >> you are not supposed to do it. >> why are you dragging collin powell into it? >> it also came out this week that she had to take some of the compliance ethics training that you are supposed to do at the state department, which also raises flags that the clintons just surround themselves with people that will say yes oh, you don't want to take it? okay. why didn't they make her take it. >> forget the point forget what collin powell said when you become secretary of state you are handed packet of paperwork that says you are not going to be using private email servers or accounts for state classified business so she has to sign that she signed that information. she knew then, regardless of what collin powell did. >> but collin powell did it. >> a lot of people thought the big headline was going to be putting our national security at risk if this was hacked and all of that the real october surprise might be the clinton foundation. >> definitely. where was the press by the way? she was secretary of state for four years. and the foundation was soliciting donations from tyrannies from around the world for exchange for access and nobody wrote
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about it it's depressing. >> we will continue following this. let us know your thoughts on it headlines to bring you. former navy sailor will spend a year in jail for taking pictures of the inside of a submarine deemed confidential. the sailor tried to reach a so-called clinton deal with the judge. his lawyer argued these six photos were on the lowest level of classification while hillary clinton skates even through dozens of her emails from her private server that were marked top secret. horrifying moment for any parent. this man caught on surveillance cameras walking right into a boston grocery store. throwing a 1-year-old boy over his shoulder and heading to the exit. the boy's father watching the entire time thinking it was just an employees playing with the kid. the father follows the man to the back door where he hands back the child. no one was hurt. and the man was arrested moments later. oh, boy. it's hard to vet refugees for terrorist ideology if
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you never ask about it. a new shocking report claims an immigrant questionnaire asked about nazis and communists but not isis. well, the feds do ask immigrants if they have been involved in terrorism. groups that potz the biggest threat against the united states aren't even listed, we're learning. and guys, your awesome salary may have a huge downside. >> ever since i started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. >> a new study shows if men take on more economic responsibility their psychological well being and health gets worse. researchers finding this is partly because men are more likely toned up in jobs they don't love because they will do whatever it takes to make more money. you know what? mo money, mo problems. janice dean out to you at the dippin' dots. >> i'm coming right now.
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>> yes. >> ice cream all up and down the plaza here at 48th and 6th. perfect day for ice cream. take a look at the maps. potential for strong storms across the great lakes. we could see some severe weather as well. large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes. watching that region. and, of course, for our friends across louisiana and texas, the potential for more rainfall today. certainly not the 30 inches that they received last week but we are watching texas very closely for the potential of flooding rainfall. and it's going to be hot, hot, hot across much of the country. we do have a cold front moving across the northern plains and midwest. warm across the west. perfect weather for ice cream. we have ice cream for breakfast. oh, it's amazing. it's my favorite day of the year. all sorts of ice cream flavors, brands. which are your favorites? we are going to talk about all of that. joining us now is, well, first of all, we are going to talk to cream. this is gus last name? >> shamia. >> cookies rule everything
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around me. i love it i love it tell me about your company. >> we are a franchise organization based in california. and we specialize in ice cream sandwiches. warm treats hike cookies, do'santss we make custom made ice chrome sandwiches made to order. dip them in whatever kind of topping you like. everything is warm, fresh. >> cookie ares are made everything is made by us. >> which topping would you like today? >> i wants everything. >> some m&ms i am my kid's hero. it's so warm. >> warm and fresh is what we specialize in. warm and fresh. it's like delicious nirvana. thank you so much. amazing. >> we are going to go over to you.
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>> wow, so i am here with jeremy hancock from utah. they have an amazing company. subzero, and they started just a few years ago. now 54 outlets as of next month. tell me how this works. >> we start with liquid cream, nothing is prefrozen. we add liquid nitrogen. >> you have a background in chemistry. >> this is nitrogen. we have a patent on this process, and it literally freezes the in front of the customer individually. every single order is made from scratch. that leads to hat love different customization, dietary needs. seven different mixes. the largest fastest liquid growing nitrogen ice cream company with a franchise company. so we're growing around the country. >> and you can refreeze it,
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right? >> yes. it's great. we have people come up and their kids didn't finish ice cream on their way home we can free freeze that for you. >> this is awesome. thank you. and we are off to clayton. >> thanks, tucker, we are over here with dipping dots. i'm here with adam gross the senior director of sales. nice to see you, adam. >> thanks for having us. >> i grew up with dippin' dots epcot ice cream of the future. now it's switched, has it not. >> it is now taste the fun. we are paired very nicely with any family friendly activity. it's a great complimentary item. taste of fun is definitely al fitting tag line. >> dive into some of the flavors. you are back here mixing some up. what makes you so so special. >> pellets of ice cream new flavor raspberry sherri bet. sour patch kids brand. >> really? >> a great pairing. sweet combination. definitely delicious. and then new for 2017 is
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brownie batter. >> oh, stop it. >> absolutely. more on the decadent side. >> do you eat this first thing in the morning. >> yeah. sometimes. pretty much cereal. hook at it. >> right. how long you have guys been around. >> since 1988. 20 years now pumping out the dots. >> you are in how many states? >> just about every state. and we are global as well. >> check out dippin' dots. adam thank you guys so much. go for the sherri better or the brownie patter. janice is eating all of it this morning. anna, over to you. >> we will take everybody to tropical paradise with shaved ice and ice cream here with scott. good morning. >> good morning, how are you. >> great how are you? we are bringing sweets to the streets. tell me about it. >> we are shaved ice and ice cream franchise. 58 units and we are looking to expand. >> can we try some? >> absolutely. this is blue raspberry. >> all right. you want one, too? >> absolutely. >> what's so good about yours compared to what you would get at the convenience
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store, say? >> well, they are shaved to order. senator snack approved. do a lot of events at school. sports events. so they're healthy. >> sugar free flavors available. if you are watching your waist line that's the one for you. do fundraising with them as well at parties, events and fundraisers. very cool. friends at home can you hear the tick can i music? crank it up. let's have a little dance. steel drums. yeah. dance with me at home. very good. guys, thank you so much. a lot of funnel. coming up on the program, we have a big show lined up. donald trump making a serious rust belt promising to bring new jobs for steel workers. >> we will put new american metal into the spine of this nation. >> trump's push apparently working. we speak to that diehard democrat now rooting for trump. plus to buy or not to buy. are you doing back-to-school
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shopping this weekend? we have the best deals just in time for the new year. don't go anywhere. ♪ be true to your school ♪ ♪ what's up guys? we're dude perfect. make sure you don't miss out on the bass pro shops fall hunting classic. we'll see you there. now at the classic get huge savings. extra trade-in savings of up to $40 on hunting boots. and, up to $100 on game cameras and optics. plus, free seminars. or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar.
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may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba® ready. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ after decades of putting the blue and blue collar workers, the union vote is starting to turn red. and trump is doing what he can to make sure that happens. >> i want jobs and i want wealth to stay in america. we will put new american metal into the spine of this nation. it will be american workers who are hired to do the job. american workers. >> american jobs, american
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workers. one of his strongest messages in his pitch moving the needle? joining success mark a steel worker for 43 years, president of local 2911 in west virginia. he knows many democrats he knows are rooting for trump. thank you for joining us this morning. i think of steel workers democratic union flat out. you say that's changing? >> it definitely is changing. over the last, i would say 15 years, the union is really evaluating the candidates and if you look at the union vote, i think it's much more toward the republican party than the democratic party certainly last three or four presidential elections. >> why this time? why are you shifting towards donald trump? what about his message has resonated with you? >> well, jobs, number one. i agree with him totally on trade. our trade policies have been totally a disaster. when you look at nafta,
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cafta and any trade policy in the last 15 years have resulted in many job losses for the american steel workers and our industrial base. our jobs are being shipped overseas. we are losing our good jobs. and the country is -- seems ton satisfied making hamburgers, tacos and pizza they want to be a service oriented country. although i still believe we are the greatest country in the world today. we certainly have lost our position that we once held as the greatest manufacturing country in the world. >> trump is the first republican in my lifetime to make that case. i mean, his view on trade are very different from those who say mitt romney. is it trump specifically you think who is bringing a lot of union guys over to the republican side? >> well, i want to make it clear i'm bipartisan, i evaluate both candidates. presidential candidate. when i look at hillary clinton, i think it's just -- she is passing on the message of obama and her
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husband. and their message and their support of the trade treaties nafta, cafta and others have not been good for the american steel workers. in my community we once had -- our steel mill had $12,000 and now we are down to 900. we lost hundreds of thousands of jobs due to unfair trade. trump is at least -- i don't know him well. i try to follow his policies, what he says, but i think we have a chance of bringing american workers -- american jobs back to our country instead of outsourcing them to around the world. so it's -- his message is clearly one that i could support. >> you know, you have heard it argued, i'm sure, that these jobs are gone permanently, right? we have lefted our economy into an information age. these jobs gone overseas. they are not coming back. what do you say to that? >> that's a sad commentary. i think there is some truth
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to it. i'm going to keep on fighting. i'm going to support candidates that support the issues that are prevalent and important to my constituency. i don't care if you are democrat, republican, independent, we want to fight for our jobs. we knowed to bring our jobs back to america. and that i think some of them are lost permanently, but i don't think -- i think there is still hope to bring some of these jobs back to america. we should be building steel mills. we need pipe, for example, because of our energy we have in our country. we are bringing in foreign pipe. that's ridiculous. we are shutting down our steel mills and pipe manufacturers and bringing in foreign steel. that doesn't make any sense. laying off our workers while we are making these other countries wealthy. doesn't make a bit of sense to me. >> thank you. that was really interesting. >> thank you very much. >> coming up next, hillary clinton will be finally forced to answer questions about her personal email server under oath. that's something the fbi
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didn't do. what questions will be asked of her? the group leading the charge joins us with an explanation coming up. >> and to buy or not to buy. are you doing some back-to-school shopping this weekend? we have got some great deals for you just in time for the new school year. ♪ american history ♪ you study them hard and hoping to pass ♪ working your finger right down to the bone there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it.
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wake up on a saturday morning. if you are doing some back-to-school shopping this weekend, you are probably wondering what's the best stuff to pick up right now. here are some great deals and steals. founder of barhar >> good morning, anna. >> perfect pair of jeans. >> everybody needs jeans and
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j.c. penney has cool ones from arizona. men, women, kids. they partner with the y. for every pair of arizona you buy from now until september 2nd. they will donate a dollar toward the y's academic achievement programs for up to $250,000. >> you are giving back and looking good in nice threads. >> exactly. >> how about threads for the kids? >> lands end is the one stop shop for back-to-ask for kids, backpack, apparel, shoes. you can monogram stuff amazing back-to-school collection for 2016. mono gramming about $6. very, very fun. >> make anything go from drab to fab. >> exactly. >> it wasn't drab to begin with you about it was fab. >> fab to begin with and now extra fab. lunch boxes? >> lunch box has been freezable. pop into the freezer 12 hours beforehand. touch how cold it gets and stays to keep your drinks and lunch nice and chilly like a fridge.
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>> it won't sweat all over backpack. >> eliminates the need for any sort of ice pack as well. speaking of lunch, of course you want great snacks. everyone loves welch's fruit snacks. they have partnered with feeding america. every time you buy a box of welch's. take a picture and upload the picture to fill the lunch they will feed they want to make a million meals. donate a dollar. a great way to give back. >> and show your kid how much you care, too, by writing them a little note. >> i loved it when my mom used to write lunch in lunchtime. robin mcgraw did this for her kids as well. started a company me oh my, robin mcgraw revelations. she was inspired by her grandchildren. she wanted them to have fun little notes united states of their lunch bag. go to buy these super cute. >> and then moms and dads are having to wake up since the kids have to wake up extra early coffee pat small
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and come back the. brew up to 1 cups as little as 2 customize the setting if you want bold other regular strength. you can find both of these options in this new crups savoy. >> the on at this grow. awesome for dorm rooms or anybody who doesn't have an oven or grill. essentially put your chicken or your burgers into this little nifty device. it has a great sensor that tells you when it's moving from rare to medium well. >> those are allowed in your kid's dorm room what a great way to make sure they don't go around hungry. >> that's right. thank you so much and once again your website is. >> bahar >> coming up on the show incredible life saving rescue caught on camera. >> i need a fire extinguisher or garden hose. get a garden hose. >> wait until you see how it ends. and he has been arrested while leading black lives
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matter protests and now he is getting a new gig. teaching your kids politics? ♪ ♪ marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! sì? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. sì, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo!
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could make a difference for you. hi, friends, god morning, the 20th of august, 2016. "fox & friends weekend." donald trump pay i flag the role of president. putting pressure on our current president. >> spirit of the people in incredible. honestly, obama ought to get off the golf course and get down there. [cheers and applause] >> of a a week of staff changes. opportunity to feel this? >> sure. >> i'm taking it back. after a week of staff changes and speeches is it fair to call it the trump turn around? you will hear from newt gingrich in moments. >> all right. now it's my turn. hillary clinton had be forced to answer questions under oath for the first time in a long time about
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her personal email server. something the fbi didn't do. this all comes as she tries unsuccessfullsuccessfully to thw general collin powell under the bus. we have the latest. stay tuned. >> in a story sure to touch off a heated debate. should your taxi driver be required to speak english? apparently not. the new law just coming down. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> hey, everybody, welcome to "fox & friends" the energy on the city here on the "fox & friends weekend" will get you out of bed this morning. new york city, taxi drivers have been long required to pass a basic test that demonstrates they can speak enough english to get you where you want to go. under mayor de blasio
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leading a revolution here in new york city that is no longer the case. >> i can't recall ever having a taxi driver that spoke english. >> come on. that is not true. the taxi drivers are great around here. >> they are great. i don't know how they get me where i'm going. >> what bothers me is you have all these people coming into america. i like actually. if he they're not bound together by a language, what are they bound together by. countries are lots of different languages that don't have unifying language are at war. >> the bird's eye view. how are you going to get where you are going? >> you are going to take over. that's the answer. >> they know the name of the streets. that's a good thing. >> the any they are numbered. >> let's get to this story. all eyes on louisiana. becoming the epicenter of the race to the white house. >> president obam house -- donald trump beat obama to the scene and called him out. >> the devastation, likewise, they have never seen anything like it. but the spirit of the people
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is incredible. honestly, obama ought to get off the golf course and get down there. >> wow. there is a lot going on and who better to unravel this tangle of news than our friend kristin fisher who is live in washington. good morning. >> good morning. so, the white house says that the reason president obama is waiting for tuesday to visit louisiana is because he wants to ensure that his presence does not entry with the ongoing recovery efforts. trump is arguing that he should go now and cut short his vacation on march that's vineyard. trump made that remark at a rally last night in michigan after he toured the flooding in louisiana and he reminded the crowd of what he believes one of the key differences between between a trump and clinton administration. >> no one will be above the law. in a trump administration, the state department will work for the country, not for hillary clinton's donors. [cheers and applause] i will work for no one else.
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i will work for you. i will never lie to you. i will never put any other interests before you. and i will never ever stop fighting for you. never. >> at that rally trump also tried to appeal to african-american voters by telling them, quote: what the hell do you have to lose by trying something new like trump? he also guaranteed by the end of his first term if elected he would have over 95% of their vote. but, that is a tall order when the latest nbc-"wall street journal" poll has him at just 1% among african-american voters. tucker, anna, and clayton? >> that would be a net gain of 94% for those of you keeping track at home. >> a remarkable turn around. >> guarantee it. >> thanks, kristin. well, the cracks reaction, of course, pouring in to donald trump's appearance in louisiana. i'm of two minds of this. he is there for a few hours and taken stuff off the back of the truck. and he turns of the
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attention to the local media, marshall media. depositions with pour in. on the other hand, you are there for a few hours. logistics. lock at all the cameras around. secret service that has to unfold to protect new that situation. that's by the governor told -- the argument he told the president to stay away because logistically it would be a nightmare. >> hard to make a case that it helps a place practically when political leaders show up. i agree with that. something else going on here which is empathy. you can't load people unless you care about them and love them and elm pa thifs with them. that's buy the president's absence is so striking. maybe it wouldn't help if he showed up but he should anyware. if this were taking place in virginia, would president obama be on the golf course? no. how about if you are not going to be there and it would cause too much of a circus with the secret service being there.
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just beam in on skype or let everybody there know that you care the way trump did, going out -- he at least was able to sheikh handle and all of that. at least let the victims she your face rather than seeing you swing a golf club on martha's vin yrd. >> i guess. it reminds me of george w. bush. when he was hooking down he got hammered for this not landing there. skyping in when no one has power and can watch your skype message on television because no one has internet access and know that you are skyping in is also a problem. >> you are making a rational point. >> tens of thousands of people have been displaced. i would imagine they would be able to see that image somehow. a lot of them. >> i agree with you. you are being rational i agree. ffment of if this were happen' in detroit right now, dumping the president would be in martha's vineyard? not for one second.
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he dare cares 'those peoplement. >> don't forget he slammed george president bush for doing the flyover. >> donald trump has had al number of re-sets. he has had awful month. this re-set obviously asking paul manafort to resign. he steps down. he has new people at the head of -- head of the trump campaign now. they are making this push into louisiana. calling out president obama the big economic speech the other day. so have things actually changed? newt gingrich calls this the best week yet for donald trump. listen. >> i think this was clearly the best week he has had since he announced last year. part of what made it so powerful a week is he showed leadership. he showed leadership on dealing with the irreconcilable wing of islam that threatens us with terrorism. he showed leadership with milwaukee. he showed leadership in north carolina. he showed leadership in going to thr z stated when you have barack obama
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golfing and not able to get off the vacation. what you have sheen this week is literally i don't know if he will like the term or not but you see more that temperature and in a way more humble donald trump. >> definitely. staff changes are probably good. one obvious point everyone is shocked to find out paul manafort taking 11 or 12 million bucks from russian guy. why would you be working to the russians in the first place if there was no big payoff? i'm not defending it. lick, is there another reason to vote for russians in? >> that's not the reason he stepped continue to ought all. his name corey lewandowski where he is the right guy to led them at the moment. >> trump is listening to people in a was that i think are helpful. >> as you mentionedco lewandowski primary paul for the. to try to seal the keel
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deal. >> clayton said something really interesting. the real october surprise is going to be the clinton foundation. we kind of ignored its existence. that you, under the scrutiny they are not going to accept donations from northern governments if hillary is elected president. that raises the question why do they accept them now and why did they accept them when she was secretary of state? >> lap holes as far as what we perceive not cuttenned dlif crif iewp is off the table. can you get around it yeah. but it's a long and waned p winding story. gets into the details. go to the "boston globe" because they inconferred a had of the of the leadership hole owe is our digital editor for politics and here is what he had to say about the whole thing. >> shut it down. it's a super fund site. you cannot do it the
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uberous, the arrogance that the clintons have shown routinely in this campaign can be no better incapsulated than in this foundation. you cannot -- if you believe that you cannot ever -- that you eventually cannot take money from foreign contributors, why are you taking it now? you are essentially just creating a gold rush. you say hey, everybody, if you would lining to do some influence shopping, now's the time to act because the store closes on election day. come on. >> really smart. that it's going to close down in november. and you better get in your donations now. >> but i mean also, if your first husband, you still have chelsea husband and clinton foundation you the have to basically step aside or change the that i am of thissening. >> no one mentions that the clinton foundation doesn't do anything for people in need they spend more money on perks for their elm my yeses than they do taxen the poor. >> it's indefensible foundation unless first
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place. they are ferlgt irish the heft' lectures you about your moral inferiority. >> we are hoping the poor. now are not. >> this self-imposed ban for them. if it's not okay for a clinton white house. why would it be okay for a clinton state department while she is our diplomat? >> what's the answer to that? great question. >> let us know new know the answer to that right now tell you about other stories making headlines. this happening overnight. five people including one child are recovering this morning after a spooked horse ran through a crowd at a washington state fair. one person in serious condition after k air lifted to the hospital. it is unclear what frightened that horse or how it got away. you this travel warming for women as the zika danger zone in new hot spot for the speak virus. five new firsts afranklin countied: the art district deemed as disils 36 local.
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bentz blaming lochte for the gas station fiasco. saying the four teammates never vandalized the gas station bathroom. when they went to leave he says lochte pulled down a sign and they were confronted by security then. and he says, quote: i cannot speak to his actions but ryan stood up and began to yell at the guards but no physical contact was made. bents admit the security guards did draw guns on the womenners and only allowed them to believe after playing calculate. lochte has hired ha. are rep to help him out of this mess. >> human indecency when dozens of strangers showed up to a funeral. family member pleading for volunteers to help carry of the casket when they legal lized no one had showed up. 30 people showed up even though though new nothing about her. those are your head lines. >> really nice.
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>> hillary clinton finally being asked to answer questions under. the group posing the questions will join us next to tell us. >> and the classic ben herr returns to the big screen. >> i need you to tell me -- me-youshould have stayed away. >> you should have killed me. >> i will. >> power house producers burnett and downie faith based message taking over hollywood. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works.
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secretary of state by the advocacy group judicial watch. chris farrell is the director of research investigations for judicial watch and he joins us now, chris, thanks a lot for joining us this morning. you will be the first group that will have hillary clinton answer questions about the server under oath. the justice department could have done that the fbi could have done that they didn't do it. why didn't they? >> that's a great question. but the important thing is that we will now have her on the record, under oath something no one else has ever con. it was ordered by a court. ordered by a judge actually by her husband. >> she didn't want to do it to n. person. she wanted to respond to written questions the judge said that's okay. she has 14 questions thereby she is going to answer? what are they going to be? >> it's going to be specifically concerning the establishment of her outlaw server. woe are going to try to fill in so. of the various national security crimes that she engaged in that director comey detailed at length and then punted on.
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so, there is real -- the basic interrogatoryives. why did she do it? how did she set it up? who did she order and how did they go about doing that? it's all the unanswered questions, frankly, that the american public is really due at this point. >> when you say these under oath what would be thens sequences be if she were to lie to her answers. >> get her nailed down in writing on all the basic questions that the monday needs to know, what's to know. we will see down the hood what pops tissue whether it's wikileaks or wrifl blowers. >> if will be interesting to so he if with she can do compare and contrast and what history tells us down the road. >> history watch is a private right wing organization according to the clinton campaign. how do you all have standing to compel her to do this? how can for those of us who aren't lawyers how can a
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private organization force a presidential candidate to answer questions under oath? >> mr. fallon called this right wing. he seems to have developed amnesia when it comes to us suing vice president cheney and taking him all the way to the u.s. supreme court. the grounds for doing so the freedom of information act. that's the vehicle. that's the law that allows us to go into federal court and seek a remedy for when the government stonewalls us on document production. you know, we are philosophically conservative but we ar nonpartisan we have gone after democrats and republicans alike. it's an issue principles over politics for us. >> principle is officials have a legal obligation to reveal what they are doing since they work for us. is that true principle you are upholding. >> exactly. just like two years ago we uncovered the state department waivers loued bill clinton to haul in $48 million giving over 200 speeches overseas. that goes to your earlier segment how could the
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clintons raise so much money? how could the foundation be involved in this? cheryl mills signed off on waivers for 200 plus spoches. they never denied single one. it net theth clintons 48-million-dollar. that's had the pap much gureble watch. >> i don't think information is a bad thing. i lock forward to hearing what you goind out. uching. >> thank you? about haling low like obedient revolutionary. once again feeling the burn. tell you what he is up to. classic ben herr returns to the big cren. >> you should have stayed away. you should kill me. >> i will. >> world famous producers mark burnett and roma downie here with the faith basted message they are bringing to hollywood. that's next. ♪ got to be the god life ♪ got to be the good levee
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i will. >> ben-hur is in theaters now. and the producers mark burnett and roma downie join knee now. the husband and wife duo back on the curvey couch. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> we love the curvey couch. >> so the script for this, for ben-hur is the same as 12 years a slave. when you got the script were you like i have got to do this movie. >> yes. everything starts with the scripts. we are so grateful to be offered just to read it. it was a page turner. we friday by monday we had spoken to chairman of mgm okay we are in. we want to do this. >> you are in.
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and roma, you are in too. the movie, why did you feel like it needed to be remade for our viewers who aren't familiar with the story, give us a little background on that. >> well, you know, when we decided that we would join the producing team, we told our kids and we said we are going to be working on ben-hur and they said ben who? so, i think suffice it to say that while it is a beloved classic, it is almost 60 years ago. and there is a whole new generation that have never seen this film. and certainly never seen it on the big screen where it needs to be seen. it is so epic. >> yeah, for the next generation. it is epic. give us a little bit of the story line, mark? >> story line two brothers, one is adopted a roman, one is a prince, who is a jew, and they love each otherment and through a series of events they now start to hate each other. and want revenge and they go their separate ways. one goes to the slay ships. one become as roman
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commander and then they come back together face to face in jerusalem and this big giant chariot race is how they try to kill each other. it is amazing. morgan freeman by the way is the shsheik whoowns the chariot. >> this is the race they are talking about. ♪ing. >> had me on pins and needles there. it's a hundred-million-dollar budget. >> that was just his salary. >> our director studied formula one and grand prix so he could shoot that sequence in particular and make it to excite sowg don't feel like you are watching a race you feel like you are
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in a race. >> i think the last time i interviewed the two of you was when you were on for the bible. touched by an angel and survivor. you have got to have faith even in survivor. these type of stories, it really can strengthen the faith of the people who are watching. how is this different than what you have done in the past? >> well, you know, we love bringing these big stories of faith and love. this movie's theme while it is a story about reventricle, it really is a story about forgiveness and reconciliation because our character ben-hur has an encounter with jesus and through that encounter his life is transformed forever. and it's our hope that people will come to see this film and that it will touch their hearts at a time in our world where there is so much fear and danger and confusion and chaos. we just feel the message of this movie is more important now. >> i just love being around the two of you. you have such nice energy. so amazing here in the
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studio. you guys have a great day. thanks again for stopping by. appreciate it. >> thank you. thank you. >> how cute are they? coming up on "fox & friends weekend." donald trump posing a serious question for african-americans in democrat led cities. >> to those i say the following: what do you have to lose? >> well, back voters answer his call, our political panel will weigh in next. and a story sure to touch off a heated debate. should your taxi driver be required to speak english? apparently not. the new law just decided coming up ♪ she looked with me with those big brown eyes ♪ and said you ain't seen nothing yet ♪ baby, baby ♪ you just ain't seen nothing yet ♪ here's something that you never going to forget ♪ [ bell rings ]
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oh, hey, jamie, can you hang back a sec? ♪ you wanna tell me about the boy in this painting? i dunno...maybe nobody understands him. well, if he were here, i'd say that being different is what makes him special. just like our discounts -- each one is unique, but together, they help save our customers a lot of money. okay. pop quiz, who's my favorite student? gwen? yeah! it's gwen.
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gwen? yeah! it's gwen. while the other guys use frozen beef from far away. wendy's only serves fresh beef from ranches close by. so we don't have to freeze it. add six strips of thick, applewood smoked bacon. and wendy's baconator isn't just different, it's deliciously different. no group in america has been more harmed by hillary clinton's policies than african-americans. if hillary clinton's goal was to inflict pain on the african-american community, she could not have done a better job. tonight, i'm asking for the vote of every single african-american citizen in this country who wants to
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see a better future. and at the end of four years, i guarantee you, that i will get over 95% of the african-american vote, i promise you. >> donald trump making another push for a major voting block. will his words sway voters and cut into hillary clinton's base? joining us now to discuss partner at free think media and co-host of the fifth column podcast camille f ser. brian benjamin and john burnett. john first to you. will this work? >> i don't think so. i mean,like, the black voting block is one of the most reliable and consistent voting blocks in the country. >> yeah. >> that reliability is generally a really good quality that we have in lot of place. and electoral complications i'm into the sure is regardless of the outcome. the trouble is democrats isn't ignoring them. democrats have a lot of really bad ideas that don't seem to work so far as raising overall standard of
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living goes and improving the quality of their lives in their community. >> doesn't seem like a controversial observation it's demonstrable, isn't it, brian? look at cities, detroit, cleveland, newark, they are disasters, those things are not run by right wingers stlerks been run by democrats for generations,'s no, sir working. >> there are definitely issues. >> issues? there are disasters. >> let's no go that far. >> have you been to newark? >> sure i have. if you want to put up rand paul or jeb bush name anyone else, john kasich, people who have actually, you know, have records and have been consistent in at least trying to bring up certain irks donald trump is a joke. >> i get that people don't like trump. >> no one will vote for him. >> it is also true that rand paul and kasich weren't getting like massive numbers of black voters on their side either. at some point, trump aside, when is someone going to say this isn't working, this party isn't helping us. is it? if it is helping people, where is the evidence of that? >> exactly. i'm a firm believer in
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climate change. the climate change i'm talking about is socioeconomic climate change. the greenhouse effect has caused more damage in the black community from lack of good jobs, solid education, and things of that nature. and high incarceration rates. who do we have to think for that? hillary clinton. >> both parties. we have both parties to thank for that. >> exactly right. are. >> push for that harder than democrats. >> bill clinton apologized. >> no one is doing more to derail criminal justice reform right now than the candidate for the republican party. look, here's what's important. donald trump might be able to get a greater percentage of the black vote simply on the basis of his celebrity. but, not on the basis of his policy. he is not articulating policies so far as i'm concerned that seem obvious to be able to advantage people. >> this election is about math not policy. >> can i ask you a question. try to convince black voters whose families have been here for hundreds of years they are on the same side of
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immigrants and refugees who are actually undercutting their wages. >> cutting wages, period. >> for period at the lower end of the income scale. >> wait, wait, wait. >> also being. >> all african-americans are on the lower end. >> of course. >> i'm merely saying. >> why is your average plaque voter look at refugees resettled here and get all of this pan owe plea of programs say i'm on the same side of you, i don't get that. >> the democratic party since the 1960's has been very supportive to african-americans unlike the republican party who has refused to talk to us. until rand paul, republicans weren't even coming into african-american neighborhoods to have conversation. why why vote for someone who doesn't even dialogue with me when i have folks, the democratic party. >> here is a guy who is trying. >> is he not trying. that's not real trying that is pandering and' all white. >> democratic policies have held blacks down.
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>> what have republican policies done. >> held blacks done. >> i'm hearing we are going to get cut off here. >> ridiculous. >> pushed them out. >> come okay, tucker. >> this is going to continue through the commercial break. thank you. >> that was a spirited conversation. anna kooiman. >> thanks, guys. 38 minutes after the hour. same week president obama released the 15 gitmo detainees, a former prisoner is arrested and being a top for isis. arrested in libya just days after the state department claim very few di gitmo detainees ever return to terror. how many is a few in the pentagon claims more than 200 of those released have rejoined the terrorist ranks. it's about 30%. and unbelievable body cam video showing a hero cop risking his life to rescue a man from a burning car. >> i need a fire extinguisher. garden hose. get a garden hose.
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come on, man. slide back. in no, go back in. >> this is giving me chills. dan whitney using all of his might to free that man, it was too late for the driver but the passenger did survivor. >> cars and air conditioners could having kids make global warming worth -- you are loving this one. a cleaning professor on "national public radio" moms are selfish for having kids in the age of climate change. government shouldn't give parents a tax break for kids should instead a carbon tax for discourage larger families. >> i do agree with that they do produce methane gas. >> against children. >> keeping new york city taxi drivers are hard to understand. well, just wait a second. as of yesterday. the taxi proficiency exam
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being offered in several languages not just english. it would help would be drivers from immigrant communities find work when they get here. those are your headlines. this very international community here in new york city. >> as long as we can help people from other countries i'm happy i'm kidding. >> bo bon where are you from. >> fred distributionburg, virginia. >> your names. >> michael and harry phillips. >> besides the ice cream what are you doing in new york. >> celebrating our happy celebrh anniversary. >> did you get married at 10 years old? >> any favorites. >> i love them all. >> where are you from. >> minneapolis. >> have you ever done weather on "fox & friends." >> no. >> are you ready to do it. >> no. >> is she going to be great. >> what's the weather like here in new york? >> sunny. >> and? >> cloudy. >> excellent.
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>> perfect ice cream weather. >> yeah. >> nicely done. the job is yours. let's take a look at the maps real quick and tell you what the forecast looks like, 76 in new york. 45 in rapid city. chance for showers and thunderstorms across the great lakes. maybe hail and damaging winds and also watching our friends in texas and louisiana where we could see the additional rain today and tomorrow. of course, not the 30 inches but we're dealing with historic flooding so any rain is not a good thing. heat advisories posted for the northwest as well where it's going to feel well over 100 degrees. where are you from? >> florida. >> what's your favorite cable news channel? >> fox. >> oh, excellent. i didn't even prompt you. nicely done, everybody. say hi to everybody at home. hi everybody at home. [cheers] >> yea. back inside. >> you are out of control. >> thanks, janice. >> coming up here on the show donald trump surprised some people this week when he offered an apology of sorts. >> believe it or not, i regret it, and i do regret
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it particularly where it may have caused personal pain. >> an apology of sorts. meanwhile, hillary clinton offered another excuse for her email scandal. this time blaming it on collin paul. dr. keith ablow has an interesting take on big two big moments. you want to miss that when we come back. going viral, men being brutally honest about their marriages on twitter saying things like this. before i got married, i didn't even know there was a wrong way to put milk back in the fridge. this morning it's time for the wives to fire back. keep your comments coming. >> more husband shaming when we come back. >> even more. we don't get enough. >> this, i tell you, brother ♪ you can't have one without the other ♪ love and marriage ♪ ♪
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debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. i have done that. [ laughter ] and believe it or not, i regret it. >> he looked so uncomfortable saying that. didn't he? and the same day he told the fbi colin powell suggested she use private email server is it time for clinton to step up and take responsibility as well? >> joining to us weigh in psychiatrist and medical a team dr. keith ablow. great to see you this morning. >> thanks. >> was that effective? tell us what that means. >> listen, i think what it means is that donald trump has forth right as is he, as aggressive as he can, he can take a step back and say, listen, i accept responsibility.
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the buck stops here. if i have hurt people, then i'm sorry. now, listen, it may not come with tears from him, but he is willing to say it and to accept responsibility because as i said before, donald trump is almost to a fault an honest fellow. and if he has, you know, kind of huddled with his advisors and accepted responsibility and then is willing to go to the nation and say i do accept it. it's my fault, i think that's a wonderful predictor of the kind of leader he is going to be. >> don't you want specifics though? i mean, when he was asked specifically by imus back in the spring do you regret your comments about senator john mccain he said no, no, i don't. i said it. a lot of people applauded it and it was okay. he regretted it. what is he apologizing for? >> think we all know that it's the many comments that people have taken exception to, the mccain comment would be one of them. i think if you asked him in an interview now was that regrettable? i think he would probably say yes.
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my tone has, in many instances, been regrettable in the heat of a campaign. and i have a personality. it's partly celebrity. it's partly entrepreneurial. and now it's presidential. and i'm learning that part. but i don't think it speaks to the heart of the guy. i think the heart of the man is an honest fellow with integrity. and that's what i think people are going to learn. >> well, a lot of pundits have said this is the best speech that he has given on the campaign trail, maybe ever in his life even. but the most important thing is will it resonate with the groups that he has alienated that he wants to bring under his tent and also with folks under his own tent like john mccain and little marco and lyin' ted and jeb bush being low energy. all forgiven after this speech? >> well, listen, you know, you wouldn't want to get into the ring with this fellow and do battle. and, you know, these candidates were doing battle and he overreached and some cases he was inappropriately critical and name-calling. when you compare that to
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hillary clinton who seems constitutionally unable to accept responsibility, whether she has done battle or not, she is blaming everyone around her for everything. her husband's affairs, they were the fault of lying women. they were the fault of women who were, you know, down in the dirt people who weren't worthy of respect except they were right and honest. she is constitutionally dishonest. what kind of a country are we going to have with a leader who cannot be honest? >> it's not that hard, is it just to say -- i mean, just to do what trump did. i have gone too far on certain occasions and i'm sorry. you get a lot for saying that, don't you? why wouldn't she do that for example her server controversy? >> well, because it's one thing to say yeah, i shouldn't have called this fellow a little guy and i shouldn't have said lyin' ted he has probably got good points. another thing to say yes, going back to the women who my husband bedded including his interned. i shouldn't have name called
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them. they were right. he slept with them and it was his faulted. the bottom line what would be required of her to address herlies would be ensoak lowould beencyclopedia encyclopeed. >> coming up on the show, it only takes one slip up to put a baby in danger in their own crib. would you know what to look for? the flawckets could shave your child's life when we come back.
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researchers found 10 to 21% of babies were placed on risk owe sleep surfaces. what do parents need to know? allison is the safety mom and the ceo of first candle which is a national non-profit dedicated to eliminating sids and still birth. she also knows firsthand the pain of losing a child to sids, her son conner died at 4 months old. nice to see you. >> good to see you. >> tell us what this study found first of all. >> it was actually a video showing people still putting their baby in unsafe sleep situations. what that means having things in the crib you shouldn't and it's including blankets and pillows and stuffed animals, any soft bedding. parents are still not getting the message that the crib needs to be absolutely completely bare. >> okay. nothing in the crib. >> what about swaddle blankets? >> that's what i love. >> swaddling is great to sleep. >> sometimes it's not easy. that's why i love blankets like this. swaddle up, so easy and keeps the babies arms up where they like to be so there's different
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ways and now where we're getting into the fall weather we want to keep them cuddly and snugly. that's the way to do it. >> what is this? swaddle me. >> swaddles it for the infants and wraps them up, so easy to use. this swaddling is the right thing to do with babies to keep them secure and safe. but no blankets in the crib. >> how should they be positioned when in the crib? stomach, back, side? >> back is best. back is the only way. it's the back to sleep campaign. such a reduction in the rate of sids simply by them being on tare back. so that's the key things. you're having a bibby soon. keep the baby on the back in the crib in their own environment with a firm fitting mattress sheet and swaddling clothes. no soft bedding. >> another problem, which surprised me, be babies are getting concussions because of strollers and car carriers. how is that happening? >> well, let's be real. the babies are not getting concussions because of the strollers. they're getting concussions because they're not used properly.
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>> okay. stew one of the first things is, you always want to make sure don't leave your baby unattended in the stroller. use the strap. make sure they're strapped in properly and so many are guilty of hanging something back here but if you hang something it's going to topple over. so make sure you put the brakes on. use it properly. the juvenile product manufacturers association has this great area the baby safety zone. it tells you how to use the products. >> they're falling out. >> they're falling out -- >> same with the carrier. >> make sure they're strapped in. you don't leave them alone. you don't put them on a high table. you want to make sure they're using the products properly. and always follow the manufacturers instructions. really key. >> allison, great to see you this morning. we want to thank delta cribs and bye-bye baby for the wonderful products. for information visit thanks to those guys for lending us the crib and strollers more come back. you focus on making great burgers,
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you're looking good on a saturday morning. thanks for joining us on "fox & friends" weekend. i'm anna kooiman. donald trump is back on the trail today not before issuing his challenge to the president. >> in the spirit of the people is incredible and honestly, obama ought to get off the golf course and get down there. >> the latest from the campaign trail straight ahead. >> hillary clinton waking up this morning, not in louisiana, but to more e-mail problems. will they ever go away and will she be forced to answer questions about her server under oath. she's going to be. will it change anything? we have details coming you. >> everyone stay calm, stop saying the word "man" already. >> i'm freaking out, man. >> you are freaking out. man. >> one ivy league school is freaking out over the use of the words that aren't gender
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neutral. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. the home stretch. ♪ ♪ wow. i cannot believe they are doing all those pushups. those are women. oh, my goodness. wow. i can open do one of them. >> i can't do any of them. >> we've got the marines out here recruiting a few good women out on our plaza this morning. look at them go. >> she's getting ready doing pull-ups i saw her a few minutes ago. >> women to get mutilated in war is liberation coming out i'm not for it. sorry. welcome to "fox & friends" on his saturday morning. the race to the white house. donald trump back on the campaign trail today. before heading to the commonwealth of virginia he'll start off in new york city
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courting a group of voters. >> peter doocy is live in washington, d.c. with a lot more. good morning, peter. >> good morning. the trump campaign is actually now agregressively courting two constituencies they haven't devoted a ton of time and resources to. a few hours from right now trump tower will host hispanic leaders representing hundreds of thousands of evangelicals from 12 states for a meeting of the national hispanic advisory koups for trump which is a joint effort with the rnc. the agenda is to, quote,s did you discuss strategies for ensure the hispanic community understands mr. trump's proposals to turn around an anemic economy, revive a shrinking middle class and end international terrorism. this new hispanic outreach follows a pitch to african-american voters last night where trump explained he doesn't think inner city voting blocks that traditionally go democratic are getting much in return for their support.
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>> i'm asking for the vote of every single african-american citizen in this country who wants to see a better future. what do you have to lose? by trying something new, like trump. at the end of four years, i guarantee you, that i will get over 95% of the african-american vote. >> whether or not trump can muster 95% of african-americans or hispanics remains to be seen but one certainty, trump on script there, since his recent string of teleprompter rallies, does represent one phase that relationships are hoping that will be -- republicans are hoping that will be free from controversy, that paul manafort was asked to resign. trump has another chance to show how us different things could be today in fredericksburg,
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virginia, an hour from here. we will get up and drive there just a few minutes from right now. >> that's the spirit, road trip. peter doocy on the road, great to see you, peter. donald trump, of course, the reaction to donald trump, i mean politics is all optics, right. there you have donald trump yesterday in louisiana, pulling things out of the back of a flat bed truck and mike pence with him there for a few hours. you know, regardless of what you think about it, he shined the light of the media on this disaster and all the conversation was about louisiana yesterday. you know what actually this moment when he grabs the box, i was watching this live, fascinating because he was taking off one item at a time off of the truck, wait a second, this is inefficient. let me grab the box. >> the business man to figure out the way to do it. >> grabs the whole box himself. >> how he's hoping to run the united states if he becomes president. >> here's the point from my point of view. he's there, obama isn't. you can argue whether his being there helps the victims, the 85,000 people displaced or
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whatever, but the symbolism is important. if this were happening in a swing state, i think the president would be there, i think hillary clinton would be there. they would need to show empathy. i think they're revealing what they think, they don't care about louisiana the people of louisiana will not vote for them, didn't vote for obama not going to vote for hillary and pretending to care about the population matters. >> he could have done something, could have gotten on skype or something and to your point, lot of these people tens of thous d thousands have been displaced in different areas, but at aid stations, staying with family and friends, have smartphones would hopefully hear the message tat president cares, not he's on the golf course with celebrities. >> i'm saying logistically him flying there, the governor has asked him not to come, chris christie said when you get politicians to come, keep out of my state. we have stuff to do. when you come into my state during a major disaster it ties up roadways, secret service. >> obama did go to swing state new jersey during superstorm sandy and christie hugged him
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fay plusly. you're making a point which i'm not criticizing, you're right on the merit, but when you are a leader you demonstrate you love the people you lead. the point is that hillary and obama don't love a lot of people they lead. dismiss them as big got and religious crazy and gun owners. >> it's a double standard because president obama criticized -- not president then but during katrina was one of those among a long line that was beating the drum against president george bush for doing the flyover after katrina, and hillary clinton did the very same thing. the fact that we have tape. watch. >> if you're stuck on a rooftop or stranded at the superdome during a hurricane, you're invisible to this president even when you're on cnn. >> that was a huge mistake. the president flying over. it appeared he was disconnected, just loog down at louisiana out the airplane window. and, of course, previous in earlier in the week he was at that fund-raiser with i think governor schwarzenegger out in
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california. he was on stage playing guitar with him at that time. >> so in the end, of course, the bush administration came under so much pressure overreacted sent billions to louisiana a lot of which was stolen and misused and didn't solve the city's core problems and so i kind of agree with your point there are -- you know the rationale point, which is that leaders ought to help the communities they grandstand in front of but it is telling that obama is not there. >> the optics matter. our e-mails say that. i live in louisiana. the people suffering the flood are very upset with president obama. he did nothing. the only reason he is coming next week is because trump was here. >> and eugene e-mails to say as a resident of louisiana, less than 60 miles from the flood zone and experiencing katrina first hand it means so much to us that donald trump took time to visit our state. we felt forgotten and abandoned by our own government during katrina and this administration has done the same. >> i'm curious, donald trump mentioned hillary clinton.
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with that #where is hillary but seems he was directing his fury at president obama. i wonder if he missed an opportunity to attack hillary clinton who didn't go to louisia louisiana. >> why is president obama vacationing on martha's vineyard with actors and producer and music stars. it says as lot about how you choose to vacation. would you want to vacation surrounded by celebrities? >> wouldn't those people tell you, mr. president i would love to play golf but don't you think you should be in louisiana. >> i will defend the president he should be able to golf and go on avativacation, it's a tough o do, seems tone deaf to do it right now and there's been a long list of other incidents. >> on vacation, sucking up to some actor. it's gross. he's the president of the united states. spend some family time. >> is there a double standard in the media. maybe a rhetorical question. will hillary clinton have to answer questions about her personal e-mail server under oath. that's going to happen now. chris farrell was on the show earlier today and he's the director of research and
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investigation for judicial watch who pushed for this and he says, she's finally going to have to answer for this. listen. >> it's going to be specifically concerning the establishment of her server. really we're going to fill in some of the blanks of the various national security crimes that she engaged in that director comey detailed at length and then punted on. so there's real -- the basic interrogatory gative, why did she do it, how did she set it up, who did she order and how did they go about doing that. it's all the unanswered questions, frankly, that the american public is really due at this point. the important thing is that we will now have her on the record under oath, something no one else has ever done, and it was ordered by a court, ordered by a judge, who's actually put in by her husband. >> if you got called before the fbi, which is not going to happen because you're a good person, if you or i did, we would be individual taped, transcrib transcribed, under oath, lied, a felony go to jail like martha
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stewart did. hillary clinton gets interviewed and you don't record it. how does that happen? >> the big story on this has been about classified information and mishandling of that and our national security whether she was putting the lives of americans at risk for the real october surprise may not be that, it may be with the smoke and potentially fire around the clinton foundation and quid pro quo. >> next time i commit a felony i want the hillary clinton treatment. don't you? where the fbi is like at your convenience talk to us, we won't record it. >> we did a lot of things wrong. we will have coffee and talk about it. >> we'll talk. >> not going to be a stenographer there at all. do you like dark roast or light roast? >> decaf. >> cream and sugar. >> all right. on to other stories making headlines, a new travel warning for pregnant women after the zika danger zone expands in florida. flagging south beach, miami, as a hot spot. officials confirming five new cases that were locally contracted. miami's wynnewood arts district flagged as dangerous.
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there are 36 local cases in florida. sheriff joe arpaio in legal jeopardy this morning. the self-proclaimed america's toughest sheriff facing possible criminal contempt charges in arizona for allegedly not following the court's instructions in a racial profiling case. arpaio could be forced from office if convicted of a felony. though the case could also be pursued as a misdemeanor. and husbands are sharing their brutally honest experiences while venting about their wives on-line. kent says my wife gives me the speaking treatment. pete says, marriage teaches you a lot about yourself. for instance, i've learned i don't need to use so many paper towels and they're expensive. we're giving you the floor all of you wives now. we want you to react. betty e-mailed to say, if he just did it like i told him, it would be fine. 42 years later and i still rehang his bath towel every day. next marilyn e-mailed to say, it's good my husband doesn't
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play basketball for a living because he can't get his underwear into the basket. >> my wife wants to know why i put the clothes in exto the hamper. because i'm like i might reuse them again. it's like i slept in that stuff. i might reuse them. >> probably has a problem with that too. >> if the husband is alone in the forest, is he still wrong. >> absolutely. >> yes, absolutely. >> but the wives are too. my husband comes back after me. i put my dishes in the dishwasher and throw everything in there. why did you put the pots and pans in there. >> that's the least of our problems, right? >> it is. >> speaking of problems, both campaigns rolled out ads yesterday in battleground states one of the messages more resonate than the other. lee carter is here. the video terrifying, a stranger scooping up a 1-year-old boy in the middle of the store and running for the back door. what child's father did to save his son and all caught on camera. >> shirtless. ♪
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welcome back. both hillary clinton and donald trump unleashing new ads this week. trump focusing on immigration and clinton attempting to appeal to families. so what did voters think. ask leigh carter. >> great to be here. >> i was surprised to see ads popping up in states like new jersey, things from trump in connecticut. here's a few ad that's rolled out by the trump campaign, the first big one on immigration. take a look and get your assessment. >>. >> hillary clinton's america, the system stays rigged against americans. syrian refugees flood in, illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes stay, our border open, it's more of the same, but worse. donald trump's america, is secure. terrorists and dangerous criminals kept out. the borders secured. our families safe. change that makes america safe again, donald trump for president. >> i'm donald trump and i approve this message.
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>> that's been one of his big messages. that was the thing that really put him on the map to begin with. smart ad? >> i think it's a very smart ad. to set up the context that helps people visualize what things could be like if they were to go worse and then to say this is what it's going to be like if i'm president and you're going to be safe, i'm going to make america safe again, one of the core messages, one of the things that's resonated over and over again. for republicans and independents one that will resonate and probably give it about an a-minus. democrats will look at this critically and i'm sure they're going to say this is fear mongering at its worst. >> who cares about democrats. an "a" from independents the people he needs to move the needle on right now anyway. >> that's right. take a look at hillary clinton's new ad for those who depend on us as it's called. >> we got to work because others depend on us. hillary clinton gets it. standing up for families and children has been her life's work. under her plan, working parents get relief from the cost of child care and a path to debt free college.
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equal pay for women and paid time off to care for families, building an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top because we're stronger together. >> i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> we're stronger together. >> we're stronger together. the stronger together message is one that's res sew nant, but this ad in particular seems pretty safe. it's down the middle. it's a very average political ad. i don't think people will remember much about it. it's a "c." neither really, really positive or offensive but i think straight down the middle. it's safe and that's the way hillary clinton is playing it right now. >> safe. i'm not the one as she's been playing donald trump is off kilter, i'm the safe one. >> that's right. her job right now is staying down the middle and hoping that donald trump is going to take it off the rails. >> one of, of course, donald trump's big messages from day one has been rebuilding america, make america great again. take a look at this ad and get your response. >> skilled craftsmen and trades people, and factory workers, have seen the jobs they have
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love shipped thousands of miles away. it doesn't have to be this way. we can turn it around. it will be american steel, just like the american steel that built the empire state building that will fortify america's crumbling bridges. it will be america's steel that rebuilds our inner cities. it will be america's steel that sends our skyscrapers soaring. >> independents, how do they come in. >> will look at this as an a-plus. a great message for independents, jobs, economy, bringing manufacturing back to america that's what people want to hear about. well done ad, beautiful ad. >> here's clinton's last ad. take a look at this and get your response. >> i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> just like to run for office i'll produce my tax returns absolutely. >> what is your tax rate? >> it's none of your business. >> the evidence suggests he pays low taxes, indeed, and possibly pretty much nothing.
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>> perhaps one more reason why we're not seeing his tax returns because he is deeply involved in dealing with russian ollie garts. >> either he's not as wealthy as he says he is or there's a bombshell in donald trump's taxes. >> how did that play? >> bottom line, 16 republican candidates went after the tax returns. it didn't work. it's not necessarily going to work here. the best attack of donald trump is his volatility and him being thin skinned. we heard that from voters over and over again. this isn't the ad that's going to move people against donald trump. >> one of her effective lines he could be taunted with a tweet. >> that's right. >> interesting. all right. great to see you this morning. >> great to be here. >> coming up on the show the video is terrifying. a shirtless stranger scooping up a 1-year-old and running off for the back door. we're going to show you what the child's father did to save his son. dave ramsey and company gives financial advice. and it could actually help you get out of debt.
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this entire team is answering your question, that's next. ♪ (humming) ♪ so you're up at dawn, ♪ k, , look alive. ♪ you've been saving for a big man-cave. ♪ (chuckling) good luck with that, dave. ♪ you made the most of your retirement plan, ♪ ♪ so you better learn to drive that rv, man.♪ ♪ so many things you're doing in your life. ♪ ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side. while the other guys use frozen beef from far away. wendy's only serves fresh beef from ranches close by. so we don't have to freeze it. add six strips of thick, applewood smoked bacon. and wendy's baconator isn't just different, it's deliciously different.
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let's go meet them soon. in person, we could read the room. on the phone, you're just a voice. yeah, i'm good. for fast rewards, let's book on choice. this trip could really help us grow. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ when it's time to go for business, book on for instant rewards like gift cards and points towards free nights. book direct at
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they're a team of fooil wizard -- financial wizards ready to solve your money problems and the team captain is dave ramsey and the solutions group, chris, rachel, anthony, and chris. they will tackle some questions that match their expertise. good morning, everybody. >> good morning. welcome to the big city. you are from nashville, tennessee. >> absolutely. >> we appreciate you coming in. these questions come from our viewers. first one from shawn in alabama and writes my wife and i accumulated $100,000 in credit card debt and personal loans. would it be wise to consolidate
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our debt? yes, and no and how do they do it? >> $100,000! >> that's a lot of money. >> six figures. >> yeah. well i don't -- consolidation isn't going to fix anything. you need $100,000. you're going to sell so much stuff the kids think they're next. you're not going to see the inside of a restaurant unless you're working there. no life. completely drop an adom bomb on your life. go beans and rice and that will get you out of that. interest rate isn't like your problem. spending like you're in congress is your problem. you have to stop it. plastic surgery, chop them up. >> rice and beans. >> oh, yeah. >> that far? >> oh, yeah. $100,000! >> the real -- you've had all the fun you will have in a while. oh, my gosh. >> rice and beans for you. up next chris hogan, for you, comes to us from holly. out of ohio. she writes i'm 40 and supporting a family of three. i have approximately $10,000 in debt besides my house. i'm just starting a retirement plan. my company matches 3%.
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what should i do with the money in my 401(k). >> well, holly, what you want to do is leave that money alone right now. we've got something you need to clean up and that's called $10,000 in debt. i want you to do is make a list of items you can sell and understand the dollar amounts for each one of those i want you to have a yard sale and take on an extra job if you have to attack that $10,000. that's a small amount. you can fix this in 12 months. the money in your 401(k) leave it a i lone, after you get out of debt and after you build up an emergency fund you can think about invest vesting and talk with an investment professional. >> talk what would happen if you tapped into the 401(k). >> you tap uncle sam on the shoulder and have a tax event. you don't want to lose 50% of that money. it's not an emergency fund. it's part of your retirement dream. leave that there. get yourself out of debt and then build up a cushion. >> okay. the advice is, yard sale, eastbound, craigslist, you name it.
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>> i like that. >> next up rachel for you, comes to us from mary in south carolina. she asks, how do you prioritize enjoying life with being debt-free. ? we moved to a new city and i would like to make new friends but that's hard to do without spending some money. maybe she should plan a picnic. that's cheap. >> right. you can make friends and it be free. that's okay. i would say find ways to do -- to have friends over for dinner, things like that. things that cost less expensive. so if she is getting out of debt, then rice and beans it is, sacrifice for a short period of time for your long term gain. once debt free and have the fully funded emergency fund loosen up a little bit and take your foot off the accelerator and enjoy life a little bit. short-term sacrifices are key. >> any advice on moving and how to do that on a budget? >> plan out everything and call ahead too. with moving companies, know all of the fees associated with expenses and planning is key. budget is important and putting moving expenses in the budget is xeep the plan is important.
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>> i guess, jake, everything you can with you. everything costs money if it's just the shelf in the bathroom or sell it all. >> yeah. there you go. call on ebay. >> anthony, for you, this comes to us from rachel from louisiana. she writes this. i'm in college and i have student loans. should i get a job and start paying these loans off? i'm not sure what to do. >> absolutely. i would definitely recommend you getting a job asap. do you understand that the average college graduate is graduating with over $37,000 in student loans. and i do not want that to be you. so what i want you to do is stop, no more debt from this point on. get a job. and start the very first thing set aside $500 for an emergency fund. emergencies can happen in school. i want you to cash flow the rest of your school. then start knocking off the student loans. i want you to graduate debt free and cash flow where you are right now. >> what about getting roommates and living with mom and dad. >> if that is an option that's a good option. the thing is we don't want no
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more debt. stay out of debt, stay away from loans, stay away interest credit card -- from credit cards. >> this is from eric in michigan. whenever i talk finances with my wife she gets defensive. i can't even get her to set a budget. how should i handle this. oh, money. it can be big problems in marriage. >> i think it is time for a dream date night. you've got to get back to where are you headed. where are you going? >> so romantic to talk about finances, chris. the get a bottle of wine. >> personal finance, you have to handle it regardless proactive or reactive. proactive is better. use the financial talk to build not bust your marriage. dream, right, and then break it down into segments but if you can put it in her language and things that motivate her, it's probably not about money and probably not busy. something else that's hanging things you. >> what if you are dreaming about different things, she's dreaming about a louis vuitton
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shoes and he's dreaming about a boat. >> how do we both reach these goals. what will very to do. that will change the behavior. it's probably not about math. it's probably the lockup is probably just because she doesn't get the why behind the what. >> my parents are frugal and always said you can have anything in life you want but can't have everything in life you want. >> right. >> thank you so much. this is the a-team. >> wizardry. >> thank you for having us. >> appreciate it. >> the hogwarts of personal finance there. if hillary clinton wins the clinton foundation vows not accept foreign money, but has bill and hillary already found a way around their very own rule. we'll tell you about it coming up. everybody stay calm and stop right there, don't use the word man. >> i'm freaking out, man. >> you are freaking out, man. >> one ivy league school is freaking out over the use of words that are not gender neutral. ♪ for those who can't imagine life without two wheels,
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allstate offers a genuine parts guarantee, that promises to fix your bike with original parts. talk to an allstate agent about all the things they do to keep riders riding. ♪ the sun'll come out for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever.
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entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪
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exempt from the ban. >> kristen fisher is live in washington, d.c. with a look at this. >> good morning. what this means is that even if hillary clinton wins the white house, her family's foundation might continue to accept foreign donations. now that's very different from what bill clinton announced two days ago. the clinton foundation would no longer receive any donations from foreigners or corporations if clinton becomes president. well after that news broke, rnc chairman reince priebus responded with a statement, quote, the fact that clinton foundation and its entities continue to accept foreign donations while hillary clinton runs for the white house is a massive ongoing conflict of interest that gets bigger by the day. because now we're learning that self-imposed ban on foreign donations may only apply to some of the clinton charities. representatives from the foundation's flagship project, the clinton health access initiative, say that they are a separate legal entity and that their board plans to meet soon to discuss whether or not to participate. that initiative accounted for about 60% of the clinton
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foundation's spending in 2014 and supporters say their work is vital to spreading the fight of hiv and malaria around the world. >> i'm confident that the clinton foundation and this sort of unprecedented situation will do what's right to make sure they continue their good work while making sure to avoid any actual or perceived conflict of interest. >> but critics argue that's impossible to do. they say americans deserve a president who is not compromised by foreign donations. tucker, anna and clayton. >> great to see you. >> thanks. >> 36 minutes after the hour. we're following other stories now. a former navy sailor will spend a year in jail for taking pictures of the inside of a submarine deemed confidential. the sailor then tried to reach a so-called clinton deal with the judge. here's what we mean. the lawyer argued these six photos were on the lowest level of classification while hillary clinton's gave through, even though dozens of her e-mails from her private server were marked top secret.
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horrifying moment for any parent, this man caught on surveillance camera walking into a boston grocery store throwing a 1-year-old over his shoulder and heading to the exit. the boy's father watching the whole time thinking it was an employee playing with the kid, follows the man to the back door where he hands back the child. no one was hurt and the man was arrested just moments later. bizarre. and newark's top cop sell out to the clintons? reports saying several officers are furious that nypd commissioner bill bratton is embracing hillary clinton. some even calling him a, quote, hypocrite after he refused to let donald trump address officers after the murders of five cops last month. he's quitting to take a private sector job at a company with ties to the clintons. the p.c. police turning princeton university into a literally no man's land. a language guide at the ivy
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league school urging the drop of the use man. here's how this breaks down. don't refer to mankind anymore. it needs to be human kind now. the princeton alum weighing in earlier. >> eventually, our administrators and others think hey the p.c. diversity police, the multicultural police, post-modern secular anti-traditionalites win and they cave and so no more pronouns, no more him and her, we use they. sn>> some other words changing, camera man, is camera operator and freshmen is first year students. >> get psyched for person hole covers. what bothers me, we're going to have an education bubble. people begin to realizing working a second job for my kids to go to a school run by dumb mediocre people who waste their time on nonsense like this will come tumbling down. colleges are not as impressive
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as they pretend to be. that's what i'm learning on the show. >> can i get an "awoman". >> amen. >> still going to have women studies. >> these schools need to teach not create these manmade p.c. progressive nonissues. >> the p.c. police can go take a hike. this is an assault on the english language. >> suzanne writes, get rid of the word prince in their name. that is really smart. it's princeton. it should be prince seston or some -- you know what i mean? the whole thing so relentlessly dumb. >> it used to be called before princeton. >> college of new jersey or something. i think it's in new jersey. >> standing by with a look at the forecast today. >> my friends have you heard we can't say oh, man. what do you think of that. >> oh, man! >> right. okay. birthdays and anniversaries. happy birthday. where are you from? >> georgia. >> wonderful. do we have anniversaries or
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birthdays? hands up. >> i'm turning 29. >> fantastic where are grew? >> birthdays right here. >> susan. >> staten island. >> happy 19. >> yes. >> exactly. yep. of course. ice cream for everybody. take a look at the maps real quick. we have the potential for showers and thunderstorms across the great lakes and gulf coast where we're watching the potential for more rain unfortunately for areas like louisiana and texas. we have gotten historic rainfall across louisiana. hearts and prayers to first responders. texas you will get the bulk of it this time. be prepared for flash flood watches and warnings. still warm across the u.s. hey, you guys, what's your favorite channel to watch on the weekend? >> fox news. >> oh, yes. wave to everybody at home, everybody. wave to everybody at home. look at the crowd we have today. nicely done, everybody. yeah. >> the ring leader. >> some day we will do a segment
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on what does janice have for breakfast. >> dippin' dots today. >> different types of ice cream. lk's campaign attacks could help illegal aliens sneak into booths in november. the u.s. marines are looking for a few good women to step up. we are being put through the ringer. find out next. >> first check in with charles payne for a look at what's coming up on "the cost of freedom" business block. >> good morning. ryan may be apologizing but enough to keep his sponsors from bolting and paying more in taxes makes us better off. the message from one of the presidential campaigns that has taxpayers bracing. donald trump shaking up his campaign team. with the election less than 80 days away but some here saying shaking up his money message is how he'll win on election day. we'll explain on "the cost of freedom."
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they believe a record 27.3 million latinos will be able to vote this election, a part of hillary clinton's plan to would those voters may lie in the hands of illegal aliens. her campaign launched a program to use illegal dreamers to influence voters. could that encourage people here illegally to cast ballots here too. he he >> good morning. >> millions of foernsers have shown up illegally and uninvited and trying to determine who rules us, who our next president will be. is there any country in the world that would stand for that other than ours? >> no, but i think donald trump is making sure who we get for president is not going to be him. but look, we wouldn't be complaining if these folks from building the wall along the border of mexico. what's wrong with it. they're working. illegal aliens are not going to vote, can't vote. if they voted they would never be able to become citizens or
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residents or gain illegal status. >> it's a difference we could argue whether they should be here, but doing legitimate work whether building a wall or making dinner, doing anything job, and trying to determine who our next president is. that's a role reserved for citizens why we have citizenship and a country and hillary clinton is encouraging people not citizens help choose our president, no? >> let's encourage everybody to vote. everybody that can vote. i mean what's wrong with encouraging people to vote. dreamers do not have the right to vote. they do not have residency but they're politically active. that's the first amendment to the united states constitution. >> wait a second. why -- why should noncitizens be politically active in our country? they are foreigners. isn't that the point. i'm not making a case against immigration or foreigners. i'm saying we have citizenship because citizens get to pick the president, foreigners don't, no? >> well, they're not picking a president. we get politically active in china and russia and politically
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active in cuba. is that what politics do. it's encourage people to participate. what's the matter with the reasons? we don't have to agree with the reasons. >> then, since you brought those countries, let's say we america exported 10 million americans illegally into china and they begin agitating on behalf of political changes we don't think you should be the premier, that guy should be the premier. they would be in prison so fast your head would spin, no. >> no, they wouldn't. we're talking about dreamers. >> i think they might. >> these are children, these are kids getting educations who are becoming taxpayers who have finally driver's licenses. they're going to -- they're wanting to become politically active. that's what you want. >> they don't have the right to be because they're not americans. >> they don't have the right to vote. they don't have the duty to vote. >> shouldn't only americans have a right to influence who becomes our president? and hillary doesn't believe that. >> to vote through the vote, absolutely. united states citizens must vote. however we motivate them who
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cares why we motivate them as long as they vote. >> with respect, i think we're crossing a dangerous line here, but i appreciate your coming on trying to defend it. thanks a lot. >> thank you very much. >> anna kooiman is live outside. >> hey, tucker. hey, everybody at home. the u.s. marines are looking for a few good women to step up and serve. do i have what it takes? they're going to be putting me to the test and you guys too in the ultimate challenge. how many do i have to do some. >> as many as i can do. >> 99, 100, 101.
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the u.s. marines are ramping up recruiting efforts to boost their female enrollment. what's marine training really like and i'm not sure why i'm part of the segment. i haven't exercised since 1985. >> no time like the present. >> i'm ready. >> it's going to be tough. we are here now with brigadier general austin, the commanding general of the marine corps and eastern recruiting region and we have first lieutenant carmela. good morning, everybody. you're not tired yet, are you? it's hot out here. >> all the way. >> you're looking for more women. why are you you trying to get more women in combat and how will you make sure the standards are the same. >> we don't want to get them in combat. we want to get them in the operational forces as combat arms. we've opened it up to everybody. we want that tough, smart, elite female athlete we know is out there that can assimilate well into the operating forces and lead our marines. >> is there an age group you're looking for? >> 18 to 34 is the max. but somewhere in between there. somebody like that female
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athlete helen, who just won a gold medal, would look great in a set of dress blues if we had somebody like her. >> with a warrior spirit, not just somebody who is athletic and all of that. let's focus on just the physicality of it. what are we seeing over here no we're seeing over here, some lifts, some crutchenches, what o to prepare the applicants for training and we do pullups. i can execute some pull-ups if you would like to see them. we start from a dead hang position. >> oh, boy. >> and pull your body above the bar. >> whoa. you're amazing! >> there you go. >> yeah. >> that's what that looks like. >> i'm tired for you. nicely done. >> now one we can participate in. >> yes. you can. i will hand these to you. >> what is this? >> an ammo can. what you do, you lift this above. want to go for it? >> oh, yeah. we're going to lift this above
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your head. >> yes. >> supervise. >> all the way up and down below the chin. >> go, anna. >> keep pushing. >> this is heavy. >> you are allowed to use your knees. >> swats. >> what we have to remember is when these men and women are going through the tests, they're doing these ammo cap lifts after a 500 meter sprint or something. >> they are. >> 800. >> that's a half a mile. >> anna can do this in her sleep. >> no way. >> now what's the proper form for crunches? >> the proper form for our crunches they have to get their bellows touching their sides and they're going to count after every repetition of falling back to the deck. the shoulder blades need to touch the deck. >> are we naturally seeing more women signing up. >> we're competing against the social norms of society. young boys when they're 5 years old they're handed a football. little girls are given a tea set
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and barbie dolls. we're looking for girls handed hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, wrestling with brothers. >> seeing the olympics and the incredible women. >> we would love that. >> great shape. we can do just as good as boys can. >> i have to say, has been a firefighter and there's a push in the fdny to get women in there as well. the concern is that the standards will be lowered having -- >> no. >> women in the ranks. is that true or false? >> we set the bar high. they'll reach it. we're sure of that. look what they reached in the olympics. those women can reach it. we know. >> the standard is exactly the same for men and women. >> it is. being in the combat arms it is. >> all right. big round of applause for our women today. [ applause ] good job, ladies. >> remember, >> congratulations. >> way to go.
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let's go meet them soon. in person, we could read the room. on the phone, you're just a voice. yeah, i'm good. for fast rewards, let's book on choice. this trip could really help us grow. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ when it's time to go for business, book on for instant rewards like gift cards and points towards free nights. book direct at
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siriusxm. road happy. ♪ >> janice dean, you are so strong. >> did you see me coukcould do pullup during the commercial break. >> one armed pull-ups like 50 of them. >> only happens when the commercials are on. >> use her pinky. >> we have a big show lined up tomorrow. governor mike huckabee will be here tomorrow as well. >> i believe we have senator jeff sessions of alabama, one of the smartest people in the u.s. congress, i think the smartest. >> another smart person. >> who? >> stuart varp evarney. >> mind if i borrow your sup glasses. >> anybody want to join us and do some lifts. >> try pull-ups in the aftershow. >> you look so good, it's unbelievable. >> fantastic. >> now? >> we have 30 seconds. can you do it? come on, come on. >> great. >> oh, man.
7:00 am
those look good on you. >> all right. >> yeah. >> thanks for watching "fox & friends" this morning. >> we've lost control completely. check out the after show. go on-line. >> come on. rio and an uproar over the olympic sized controversy dominating news around the world and in the u.s. brazilian authorities claiming ryan lochte and three other u.s. swimmers fabricated their story about being robbed at gunpoint. lochte apologizing on social media for his behavior but some here say it's not enough to stop a huge financial backlash. hi, everybody. i'm dagen mcdowell in for brenda buttner. this is "bulls and bears." the bulls and bears, gary, jonas, john, along with emily, and chuck. welcome to everybody. john, you're the athlete among us. will this controversy impact
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