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tv   Fox and Friends Sunday  FOX News  August 21, 2016 3:00am-7:01am PDT

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good morning. it's sunday, the 21st of august, 2016. this is fox & friends weekend. a fox news alert, isis strikes again. the terror group launching an attack at a wedding in turkey. at least 50 people are dead. we have the late breaking details. and donald trump is back on the campaign trail this morning hammering hillary clinton. >> she's an insider, fighting only for herself and the other insiders. believe me. i'm an outsider spending my money, but i'm fighting for you. >> the press is all over it. of course, boy, do they hate donald trump, but will they cover this story. trump supporters attack violently at a fundraiser, spit
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on, and more. we'll bring you those scenes straight ahead. meanwhile, black lives matter took to the streets in baton rouge just weeks ago. they were nowhere to be found after last week's flood. >> where are the black lives matter and the black panthers because i ain't seen one black panther boat or one black lives matter boat. >> that video now going viral. this hour, a black lives matter supporter is here to respond to that video. "fox & friends" begins right now. good morning. don't you love how people are now taping editorials of themselves while they drive? >> it's always in the car. >> driving down the street and doing full editorials on facebook live.
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>> good morning, everyone. we have a jam packed show for you. >> some breaking news out of turkey, but we start with the race for the white house. donald trump is hot on the campaign trail in virginia. >> trump looking for his fair share of the african-american vote while hammering hillary clinton. a lot happening yesterday. >> reporter: good morning, guys. current polling shows trump down 11 points in virginia, but he made his case to a friendly audience yesterday, some of whom waited hours in the summer sun to see their man on the stage. you'll note this when you hear mr. trump speaking. you can see it right there. the teleprompter, something he used to avoid, now seems to often be on stage when he's speaking at these rallies. trump took to the stage, noting criticism of him trying to reach african-americans. he remained more focused on attacking hillary clinton,
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saying it's her policies that are blamed for problems across america. >> she's an insider fighting only for herself and the other insiders. i'm an outsider. who spent many, many, many millions of dollars doing this. the gop is the party of abraham lincoln. i want our party to be the home of the african-american voter. >> donald trump on the campaign trail. hillary clinton took the weekend off and made stops in nantucket to fundraise. in the coming week, she'll host massive fundraisers in the hamptons. as of today, trump and pence have the day off. back to you guys. >> leland vittert in d.c., thank
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you. a rare day off. yesterday trump met with a group of republican hispanic leaders, many of whom gave to news organizations after and gave accounts of the meeting. buzzfeed, here's the headline, in reversal, trump notes openness to legalize for immigrants. >> and donald trump tells supporters he'll be humane and efficient with undocumented immigran immigrants. kind of goes down the ladder ther there. the trump campaign was responding right away to this buzzfeed headline. they're saying this is click bait journalism, that no one actually knows what was said in the room. so how are these people getting all this information. we're going to have someone on the show later who was actually in the room and had this meeting with donald trump. >> which will be nice.
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the first headline on buzzfeed, a site i would not believe at all, does suggest trump is for amnesty now, which would be a massive story and a massive reversal. by the way, he's giving an immigration speech very soon in which he'll kind of lock in his positions for the public. but in case you don't remember it, he said a bunch of times he does plan to deport people here legally but do so as he puts it, humanely. here's a montage of his position so far. >> we're going to do it in a very mu main fashion. believe me. i have a bigger heart than you do. we're going to do it in a very humane fashion. we're rounding them up in a very humane and nice way. they're going to be happy. they want to be legalized. you're going to have a deportation force. >> so donald trump's campaign says, listen, the substance of the article is actually contradicting the false headline, and it's click bait journalism, as clayton mentioned, particularly the one from buzzfeed that said this was a reversal. >> and to tucker's point, it
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would be a total reversal if that was the new trump plan. >> it would be a very big deal. coming up in the next segment, we're going to talk to a man who was in the room during that meeting. then in a couple hours, we're going to lead off the hour with a conversation with jeff sessions from alabama. we're going to get to the bottom of this. >> speaking of the liberal media, are they going to be covering this? in minnesota, there were some trump supporters that were yelled at, spit on. a teenager pickpocketed an elderly man who was punched, according to "the new york post." i want you to look at some of this video. shame on you! shame on you! >> [ bleep ]! >> you hear them yelling. >> can you imagine this happening at a hillary clinton
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rally? >> you can hear them yelling out, you're racist, you're racist. i don't want you to flip channels this morning. keep it here. but i guarantee if you start flipping around, you're not going to see coverage of this. >> because it doesn't register. it doesn't fit the preconceived notions. any story that doesn't conform is totally invisible to them. you saw this in milwaukee a week ago when there was a massive riot and stores were burned, yet that received almost no coverage. it was treated as a local story. why? because it was a black police officer shooting a black armed suspect. therefore, we're not going to pay any attention. it's a disservice to the public, who has the right to know what's happening in america. >> and some of these protesters, they're wearing masks and they're veiling their face. are they scared for people to see who they are? or are they acting in such disgraceful fashion that they're
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concerned they're going to get arrested? >> well, clearly. >> and a lot of these guys we know from these past trump rallies where people show up. they come in from out of state. they're not there just spur of the moment. they come in from out of state and to disrucht these ral lisp. >> i think it's heartfelt. i think the protesters feel like donald trump is an existential threat to the country. this is the problem with framing politics as a moral referendum rather than just a political debate. we can get past those issues, but all the sudden everybody, particularly on the left and the republican establishment, is framing support for donald trump as a moral test. if you're for trump, you're evil. of course you're going to get scenes like that. >> let us know what you think about this, this morning. go to our facebook page and weigh in on that. >> we need to get to that news out of turkey. we'll start your headlines with this fox news alert. the death toll still rising from an apparent terror attack targeting a wedding in turkey. at least 50 people killed and dozens injured when a bomb
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explodes at an outdoorer cerem. turkey officials are blaming isis, but they haven't yet taken responsibility. both 2016 candidates are raking in the campaign cash. while hillary clinton is getting boosts from billionaires, trump is trailing behind. in july, clinton raised $94.5 million, while trump brought in $68.3 million. 13,000 convicted felons will be headed to the polls in november just like you thanks to one of hillary clinton's biggest supporters. virginia governor ter my mcauliffe will be making the announcement tomorrow after weeks of working overtime to restore those voting rights on a case-by-case basis.
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and team usa is still racking up some medals on this final day in rio. team usa wins silver in the 5,000-meter race. but then finds out on live tv he's been dq'ed. he would appeal and later regain his medal. the u.s. men's basketball will go for gold today against serbia. team usa won by just three points when the teams met in pool play. the women taking gold yesterday in the final. and team usa has voted to have four-time gold medalist simone biles carry the flag in the closing ceremonies. now to extreme weather. several tornadoes. >> it's right there! it's right in the field in front of us!
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>> the greatest damage was to the west of kalamazoo, where two possible tornadoes touched down. luckily, no one was hurt. >> that was associated with a cold front. ten tornadoes yesterday across the midwest. we're expecting that cold front to move on through. the good news is we will get some much more refreshing air from this cold front. the bad news is the potential for severe weather on the way for parts of the northeast, perhaps, and the mid-atlantic. but taking a look at the last 24 hours, you can see that front and the low pressure associated with it moving through. the great state of michigan, towards illinois, as well as indiana and ohio, where we had several reports of tornadoes. you can see the last 24 hours. the temperature change, yes, a little more refreshing this morning as you wake up. 50s and 60s across the midwest, even some 40s across the northern plains. it's getting into that season where we start to feel a little colder air moving in. also watching the flooding potential across texas and louisiana. our focus still on louisiana as
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relief efforts continue there. as well, we could see the potential of flash flooding in texas, especially central texas along the big bend. we could get on order of 6 to 10 inches of rainfall across the gulf coast. we'll watch that. and fiona, this is tomorrow fiona. we haven't seen a lot of coverage because we don't expect it to make a big impact on any land masses. but it is tropical storm season. we're watching waves off of africa that could develop over the next couple days. gets verye to the caribbean thursday and friday. we're into that season we're going to be watching it. back to you. >> thanks a million. it's great to see you this morning, as always. >> nice to see you. coming up, vp nominee mike pence goes one on one with our ainslie airhearted. >> the time has come for hillary clinton to come out of hiding. >> we'll preview it straight
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ahead. plus, it's been a staple at ole miss for nearly 70 years.
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♪ bud light party here to discuss equal pay. women don't get paid as much as men and that is wrong. and we have to pay more for the same stuff. what? yeah. cars... what? dry cleaning... what? shampoo. what? you pay more but get paid less? that is double wrong. i'm calling everyone i know and i'm telling them about this. this has got to stop! bud light proudly supports equal pay, that's why bud light costs the same no matter if you're a dude or a lady. yeah mom you have to pay more for a car than dad. no one treats my mom like this!
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it feels good to get your life back. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn how advanced genomic testing is changing the way we fight cancer at appointments available now. donald trump met with hispanic leaders yesterday. the big takeaway, according to buzzfeed, a major change to his border plan. here's the headline. in reversal, trump indicates to hispanic leaders openness to legalization for immigrants. that would be a big deed. trump's campaign slammed the headline as, quote, misleading and click bait journalism. we have a recap. so is the headline accurate? did trump suggest an openness to legalization for people here illegally? >> no, we had a very frank discussion with him about
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everything. took a long time. he was very engaging. he was very nice, very well prepared, understood the issues very well. and we proposed a lot of ideas to him. he requested more information about what we were proposing, which we will be doing. he wants to consider them. but at the end of the day, it's his decision. i didn't see any reversal. >> okay. did you get any suggestion at all, though, from him since you talked directly to him that he's open to a legalization process for the 10 million or 12 million people who aren't legal. >> what he's open to is to a fair and legal process. he understands very clearly that we need to regain control of our borders, right. there's no doubt about that. we're okay with that. and that after we do that, we will have to deal with 11 million immigrants that are undocumented in this country. what are we going to do with that is the discussion we're having with him. at the end of the day, it's his
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decision. >> so he's indicated in public forums previously that he would require those 11 million or whatever the actual number is to leave the country, go back to their countries of origin and reapply. is that his position, based on your conversation? >> that's a provision we discussed with him. there's various ways to do that. you can do an internal touchback by going to an embassy, having your country recognize you. but there's -- it's very complicated. there's a lot of parts to this. there's a lot that can be done. he just wants to have a conversation about it. we had it yesterday. we're going to propose to him some new things, and he's going to consider them. >> but he's said specifically, at least from my understanding, his idea is people would have to physically leave the country. do you think he's changed his view on that? >> no, that's still an option. but you know, that's okay, as long as those people have a way to get back in.
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but these are all different things we're discussing. we're going to propose various ways to him on how to do this. he understands it's an issue that has to be dealt with. >> what did he say about building a border wall along the mexican border? >> it really didn't come up because it's not an issue. if you can't control your borders, if you don't know who's coming into this country, you have no sovereignty. we understand that. a border has to be built, has to be controlled. we need to know who comes to this country. by the way, hillary clinton voted when she was in the senate to build a 625-mile double wall. now she's backing away from it. that's pandering. i don't believe it. >> thanks for joining us this morning. thanks for that. >> you're welcome. >> appreciate it. well, frantic moments on the water after a family's boat crashes can. >> i'm in the river. our boat crashed, and i have a baby still under the water. please, god, send someone now. >> that baby was trapped for an
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hour. the unbelievable rescue that's just ahead. stay tuned for it. plus, after the devastating floods in the state of louisiana, one resident calling out two groups for not helping the victims there. watch this. >> where are the black lives matter and the black panthers? because i ain't seen one black panther boat or one black lives matter boat. >> where are the black lives matter boats? do they have a navy? fair and balanced debate, next. if you're running a business, legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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your business needs better technology to drive better performance. so you need it to be reliable and fast. really fast. introducing the comcast business summer savings event. fast internet speed to drive performance, plus cutting edge wifi for your employees and customers, and voice mobility so your calls find you wherever you are. get some of our most advanced products at a great price with over $500 in savings. call today and ask how to get these savings plus a $250 prepaid card. comcast business. built for business. top of the morning to you. some quick headlines for you at 23 minutes after the hour. six notre dame football players arrested in two separate incidents. five of them were busted during a traffic stop when a cop found marijuana and a loaded handgun in their car, six for tack
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anesthesiology police officer after shoving a woman outside a bar allegedly. their season just two weeks away. >> and she's in the clear. a federal judge dismissing all three lawsuits against controversial kentucky county clerk couple davis. you remember her. she made headlines last year after refusing to sign gay marriage licenses due to her christian beliefs. amid the devastation from the flooding in louisiana a certain resident is calling out black empowerment groups for calling out their fellow man in a time of need. watch this facebook video. >> i want to know, where are the black lives matter and the black panthers? because i ain't seen one back panther boat or one black lives matter boat. all i see is our own people from our city. where your money? where your food? where your service at? you ain't brought these people no water or nothing yet. blm, black lives matter. obviously we don't matter too much because i ain't seen y'all yet. >> that video has since gone
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viral, getting more than 2.5 million views and goes to a go fund me page to raise money. does this man have a point? let's bring in our panel. lisa, does this guy have a point? black lives matter can get out and organize at trump ral lis all over the country when they want to. where are they in louisiana? >> he does not have a valid point because black lives matter is a very new organization. black lives matter cannot be all over america every single time a black person or something happens in our community. no different than naacp in the beginning. they had one little chapter 50 years ago. and look at them now. they have chapters all over the country. there will come a time when black lives matter will be just like the naacp and they'll have chapters all over the country. they can run there. if the president of the united states can't make it there because the mayor says it's a mess, you expect a small organization to get there?
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come on. the guy is ridiculous. >> a week earlier black lives matter was there. they were on the streets of baton rouge. they were standing there and organizing. it shows they can get to louisiana. >> that is true, but when it comes to black lives matter, i think it goes outside of their purpose. i think what he said, it's more of a false equivalency to say that. it's almost like saying black people are dying from high blood pressure. where is black lives matter. >> bingo. >> however. >> oh, darn. we almost agreed. i was reeling you in. >> so however, i think it's dangerous that african-americans are beginning to look at black lives matter as the savior of all black issues, especially considering the fact that black lives matter is a highly unorganized group -- >> that i disagree with. >> very quick example, he spent $13 million in his current race
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that has benefitted hillary clinton. hillary clinton has supported the '94 crime bill related to mass incarceration of black people, what we call now modern day slavery. >> luckily i'm not dogmatic about politics. all politicians like, republicans and democrats. [ overlapping speaking ] we still have more black men going to prison. >> no, no, no. thanks to the clintons, it went up about 40%. let's be honest. >> come on. >> donald trump the other day missed an opportunity to talk about that, that exact issue, the mass incarceration, the three-strikes law, as it's been called. why are the black youth unemployment shot up during the clinton years, mostly because of incarceration. did donald trump miss an opportunity to talk about that? >> yeah, he's busy handing out toys during disaster situations. >> you mean being a leader. toys, food, supplies.
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>> we don't need politicians running around handing out turkeys and toys. >> what about the criticism of hillary clinton showing up in louisiana and drawing attention to -- all the media was able to focus on was donald trump being there, calling out the media. it led national broadcasts because donald trump was there. >> i'm sick of politicians on all sides only showing up when you're talking about an election year. really, that makes me sick to my stomach that any of them do that. i don't want you kissing babies and shaking hands with old people every four years and you're not around in between that time. that's dishonest and it's not really genuine. >> so i agree with the assessment that democrats have been doing that for many years. i would like to say black lives don't matter to hillary clinton, black votes matter to hillary clinton. that's what the democratic party has been doing. so we agree on that. >> i'm glad they matter to hillary clinton. >> donald trump has been talking about these issues. he recently talked about the fact that 2.6 million black businesses will have their taxes raised under the hillary clinton
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plan. i think that -- i argue there's indirect jobs that will be impacted by that as well. >> i thought this was about the man in louisiana. not politicians. listen, boo, i'm not here for that. i'm not on anybody's payroll. i'm here to talk about where black lives matter should belong. >> i started out this morning with a little head cold. it's now completely gone. i don't know how that happened. thank you, guys. great seeing you this morning. coming up here on the show, vice presidential nominee mike pence goes one on one with us and demand hillary clinton answer questions about her e-mail scandal. watch this. >> the american people have the right to know the truth about hillary clinton's private e-mail server. it's time for her to go on the record. hillary clinton is in hiding. donald trump is everywhere.
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hi, friends. good morning. it's being called the deadliest attack of 2016. at least 50 people dead, dozens more wounded after a bomb goes off at a wedding ceremony in southern turkey near the syrian border. the country's president holding isis responsible. donald trump saying last night he agrees. >> it looks like it's radical islamic terrorism again. i'm sure, of course, the president won't use that term. but it looks like that. we'll have to find out. but you know, i'm sure you wouldn't be totally shocked if it was. >> turkey has been the scene of a wave of deadly attacks in recent months as well as a failed military coup. well, back here on the political front, it's almost fall, if you can believe it. back to school time. that means debate. that mean ss election season. democrats are a little worried right now because of a charity event set to take place in
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manhattan just a stone's throw from the first debate. it's a clinton foundation event with chelsea clinton and bill clinton where hollywood elites are going to come to manhattan to hobnob with them and presumably hand over big, big checks. she's going to have to go on a debate stage about a week later and have to defend herself. >> you bet your bottom dollar republicans are going to make sure they have a lot of video of them hobnobbing with these celebrities and all their foreign dignitaries and everybody else who's there and use that as ammunition. >> so what is this about? why would the clintons be doing this a week before the first debate given the fact their foundation is so controversial? and more to the point, why are donors still giving money to the clinton foundation? a bloomberg survey found 29 of the top 30 companies in this country give money to the clinton foundation. why? as the u.s. government gets bigger and has a greater effect on the bottom line of companies, they become more desperate to
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control regulation. they influence it by giving money to the clinton foundation. these companies are doing it because they think they have to. it's more disgusting than people understand. >> i wonder if we'll see the mercury rise on that fundraising thermometer since that self-imposed ban by the clintons on those donations. >> this is the last chance. if she wins, that's it. so they're getting in under the wire. >> i'm sure she'll have to answer questions about pay to play during that debate. that's one of the things governor mike pence, who's the vermont shl nominee on the republican side is calling on hillary clinton not only to talk about pay to play but talk about her e-mails, come out and actually make comments. she hasn't held a press conference in a long time. mike pence did sit down with ainslie. here's a sneak peek, which is set to air tomorrow >> there's a judge that's associated with the e-mail scandal who's now said hillary clinton is going to have to answer questions under oath. what do you think about that? >> it's time for her to go on the record. hillary is in hiding. donald trump is everywhere.
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i think she's gone more than 250 days without a press concerns. you know, it's time for her to step forward and begin to answer these questions. and not just these questions but questions about the clinton foundation. now we hear that the clintons are going to stop fundraising for the clinton foundation if she's elected president, presumably because that would be a conflict of interest. well, the american people wonder why wasn't it a conflict of interest when she was secretary of state, the third ranking constitutional officer in charge of our foreign policy. >> good question. >> well, ainsley will be joining us at 9:20 this morning with for of that interview. it's going to be airing, the entire thing, on "fox & friends" tomorrow. she's also talking to the pence family. we'll get an idea of what they're about. >> and unlike hillary's interview with the fbi, it's on record, on tape. you can see the transcript if you want. >> good, watch it back. we're following other stories making headlines.
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we'll start with this one. a frantic search for a toddler trapped underneath a capsized boat for an hour. >> i'm in the river. our boat crashed. i have a baby stranded in the water. please, god, send someone now. >> the boat flipped over after crashing into a pole on a river. the terrified mother could hear the girl crying but could not find her. she was pulled from an air pocket and saved by her life jacket. >> i can't imagine. i just can't imagine. >> wow. in an air pocket. amazing. the little girl is expected to be okay. thankful to report that. caught on camera, an unlikely hero coming to an officer's rescue. an oklahoma prisoner punching a detention officer after he opened the door of his cell, then grabs the officer and slams him to the ground. another inmate steps in, keeping the attacker in a tight grip
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before bringing him to the ground. that brave inmate was just about to be released from jail. ole miss is shedding one more reminder of its confederate past, getting rid of the '60s song. -- "dixie song." the school says the beloved southern song will no longer be played at home games. it was first played around 1948 and was one of the unofficial anthems of the confederacy during the civil war. and the man behind several popular '90s boy bands has died. ♪ well, n'sync and blackstreet
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boys creator died in prison. it's unclear what caused him to die. he was only 65 years old. >> quite the picture of health. you wouldn't want to die in prison. that's the saddest thing there is. >> he will certainly leave his legacy. all right. janice dean standing by with this extreme weather. several tornadoes in michigan. >> some of the greatest damage from the severe storms is in grand rapids, where a confirmed tornado was reported. luckily no one was hurt. >> what a great city grand rapids is. janice dean is here. she's been tracking this all morning. >> hello. good to see you guys. you probably hear motorcycles in the background. this is the 9/11 memorial ride. we're going to talk to all of these fine folks. oh, my gosh, i would love to ride on the back of one of these motorcycles. we'll see what we can do. first, let's talk about the weather. it's going to be a nice day across the northeast. we do have a cold front, the same cold front that helped bring those tornadoes across the
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midwest is now moving across the eastern seaboard. the potential for showers, thunderstorms, maybe even the potential for severe weather later on today. we had ten reports of tornadoes in parts of michigan as well as indiana and ohio yesterday. also, the tail end of that front is bringing the potential for heavy showers across texas and louisiana in the gulf coast region. of course, this area has been inundated with rain. historic rainfall across louisiana. the worst of it is going to be across central and southern texas where they could get on order of 6 to 10 inches of more rainfall. so flash flood warnings are in effect. a quick look at your highs. ahead of that cold front, a bit warmer. behind it, much cooler. we're going to talk to these motorcycles in the 10:00 hour. oh, look at that. standing tall, 9/11. the 15th anniversary coming up next month. >> that is weird. janice dean with the harleys. >> this could be their last one.
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so sad. well, donald trump working hard to win the evangelical vote. >> the way we're going to win is you have to get your congregations and you have to get parishioners, all of your people to go out and vote. >> roberts says trump can do it. he joins us next with his game plan. plus, one industry is trying to make election day a national holiday. it could mean a big boost for one party. details straight ahead.
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ceo tim cook directly to complain about how siri pronounces her name. this is real. robot says it with a "z." according to the diva, it's supposed to have a soft "s." cook told her it will be directed by the next update. and silicon valley, the democrats working to make election day a holiday over fears of rallying support for donald trump. more than 180 tech giants and start-ups in the valley signed up for the take off election day initiative. tell you how that goes. anna? >> 46 minutes after the hour. donald trump making hid case to evangelicals in orlando last week. >> the way we're going to win is you have to get your congregations and you have to get parishioners, you have to get all of your people to go out and vote.
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you got to get them to sign those cards early. in many cases, you can vote before november 8th. this way there's no excuses. >> but is trump really struggling with religious voters? and what can he do to win more of them over? >> fox news contributor robert jeffers is the senior pastor of first baptist dallas. he joins us now. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> i would guess one of the things trump ought to do is highlight the fact that there are going to be some openings on the supreme court and hillary clinton may challenge some of their belief systems right? >> that's right. look, the good news for trump is that according to the latest pew poll, e van jevangelicals prefe. the danger is they won't turn out and vote at all and stay home like they did in 2012 by the millions. i think trump needs to do a few things to ensure that
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evangelicals turn out. you've hit on what i believe is the most important thing, and that is to emphasize his commitment to appoint conservative supreme court justices. you know, many of the issues we evangelicals care about, the sanctity of life, religious liber liberty, will be at risk. donald trump has already done something no other candidate has done in history, and that is release a list of potential court picks ahead of time. they're all conservative. he needs to continue to hammer that point to evangelicals. >> mccain and romney, i guess it's sort of the argument on the democratic side that there's certain voting blocs, union, and others that are just going to come home to roost at the end of the day. romney/mccain seem to feel that way about the evangelical vote. at the end of the day, they going to come home to roost. seems like trump is doing an actual outreach here, saying he has problems he needs to
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>> first of all, there were some problems he even referenced in this speech in orlando. i personally think utah is a unique situation because of romney and mormons. i think overall he's doing a great job of reaching out to evangelicals. the mistake romney and mccain made was they took evangelicals for granted. romney said evangelicals aren't going to vote for barack obama, they don't have any other choice but to vote for me. the fact is they did have another choice. the choice was to stay at home. donald trump isn't making that mistake for the last year. he's made a concerted effort to reach out to evangelical voters. >> pastor robert jeffers of first baptist dallas church. good morning and thanks for being with us. have a great day. >> thank you. coming up, hillary clinton supporters say it's time to get rid of the second amendment. why? >> the document is written 200 years ago. >> you have to remember that
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people made these, human makes mistakes. >> a reporter who spoke to some of those supporters joins us next hour. plus, a new movie "ben-hur" hits theaters this weekend. how does the remake compare to the weekend. you know who knows the answer. kevin mccarthy's review comes up next. ♪ baby do you dare ♪ about me quitting smoking. i was going to give it a try, but i didn't really think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic
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hey, everybody. the biblical classic "ben-hur" is back on the big screen. >> there's been a lot of buzz around it. >> how is it compared to the other epic.
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let's ask kevin mccarthy. >> hey, concern. good morning, clayton, tucker, anna. how are you doing this morning? >> great. >> thanks for having me on. this is actually the fifth adaptation. this all comes from the book called "ben-hur" the tale of christ." then you have the charleton heston classic. it was tied with "the titanic" and "lord of the rings." you have mr. jack houston playing ben hur. you have morgan freeman in the film. it has a lot of intensity and action. the chariot rings are intense. morgan freeman trains ben hur on how to ride the chariot. morgan freeman was 22 years old
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when ben-hur came out in 1959. i spoke to him about where he was in his life. he just got out of the military. >> i got out of the military in february of that year and that's when i was already in california. that's when i came to los angeles. >> yeah. >> look, ma, i made it. first i remember steven boyd and charleton heston but only vaguely. you're talking way back in my life. >> yes. >> any time a horse was injured or fell or something terrible, that would be the cg. every piece of the chariot is needed. >> here's the crazy thing. back in the 1959 version horses unfortunately did die during that production. they produced this movie, they
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wanted to make sure that the horses were safe this time around. he mentions the cg. check out some of the behind the scenes footage. jack houston was actually driving the chariot and there is some wild footage where you get the go pro looking at him from the front as he's driving it. the next shot you're going to see, he actually did get dragged across the track while he was racing during this scene. it's amazing what they did. they did it fully practical and that's what makes the movie work. the chariot race is worth the entire amount of admission. i gave it 3.5 out of 5. they gave the chariot race a very, very good re-creation. did a phenomenal job. i wish the ending had a little bit more breathing room. it was a little bit rushed. >> hard to remake a movie that won 11 academy awards. >> true. jack houston does a good job. my dad is sitting next to me. >> hi, dad. >> yeah. >> jump into the camera. >> there he is.
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>> that's my dad. >> see you guys. have a wonderful weekend. bye. >> we've got a big show coming up. mike huckabee, jeff sessions, frank chin grahl franklin gram. graham. stay tuned. graham. stay tuned. graham. stay tuned. graham. stay tuned. graham. stay tuned. graham. stay tuned. raham. stay tuned.
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check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here. great to have you with us here on this sunday morning, 25th of august, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. fox news alert. isis strikes again. the terror group launching an attack at a wedding in turkey. at least 50 people are dead. we have the late breaking details. and donald trump doubles down on his push for black voters. watch this. >> according to the gop is the party of abraham lincoln. i want our party to be the home of the african-american voter. >> did you hear that? according to hillary, wait for it, racist. details ahead. and a disgusting scene.
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trump supporters being attacked at a fund-raiser, even spit on. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> you're all racist. well will the mainstream media cover that today? probably not. "fox & friends" network hour two starts right now. ♪ ♪ amazing ride across a portion of the country memorializing 9/11. all three sites in western pennsylvania, the pentagon and ground zero here in new york city. >> the 9/11 memorial arrived, one of the organizers says this may be their last year doing it because they've had so many issues getting the permits and
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all of that. >> getting the permits? so not -- you know one good thing. when i was a kid a lot of police ran japanese kawasakis. now they are all-american made harley-davidsons. >> so nice to hear. >> we'll check in with them. janice will be outside maybe getting on the back of a harley riding around. >> we'll start with this. we have some news headlines. this is awful. the death toll still rising from the terror attacks targeting a wedding in turkey. at least 50 people killed and dozens injured when a bomb explodes at an outdoor ceremony. we are now learning the remains of a bombing vest has been recovered at the site. turkey's officials are blaming isis, but the terror group hasn't publicly claimed responsibility. the country on high alert following last month's failed coup attempt. another dnc official out. finance director jordan taplin
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will step down from his position. dnc chairman debbie wasserman schultz resigned after thousands of leaked e-mails revealed plots against bernie sanders. digging out thousands of people in flood ravaged louisiana. working to get their lives and homes back in order. officials now saying 60,000 homes were damaged by the historic flooding. >> water was coming over the road. we should have sand bagged it. it just wouldn't have happened. >> the waters recede, piles of trash now line the street. items that were once people's prize possessions are now picked up by dump trucks. and mold down to the foundation. a 9/11 photographer haunted by this dust covered picture after finding it in the rubble
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that fateful day. desperately searching all this time for the woman and child praying they were alive when finally a match. >> it's good to finally see you. no tears. it was just sitting in dust. >> i made those attempts and over time i guess i just accepted that i probably would never find out who it was. >> it turns out the family has been looking for him, too. after seeing their picture in the paper the day after the disaster. the new mom and her husband were miraculously out of town and arrived at home with the baby and a nani. a happy ending not to be forgotten. >> that is a pretty cool story. turning now to the race for the white house which is in progress, donald trump is on the campaign trail in virginia. >> yes, he is. trump is looking for his fair share of the african-american vote while hammering hillary.
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>> leland vittert is live with it. >> first polling shows trump down 11 points in virginia, but he made his case, what you might call a friendly audience, some of whom waited hours in the summer sun to see their man. take a look at what was on stage when donald trump walked up. a teleprompter. something he used to talk about how much he hated and avoiding, now he seems to often be using one when speaking to crowds even like this. trump took to the stage with mounting criticism over the tone that he's used to try to reach african-americans. in a recent speech he asked rhetorically what the hell do they have to lose by supporting me? in virginia he remained on point focused on attacking hillary saying her policies are to blame for the problems currently across america. >> she's an insider fighting only for herself and the other insiders. i'm an outsider who spent many, many, many millions of dollars
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doing this. the gop is the party of abraham lincoln. i want our party to be the home of the african-american voter. >> trump campaigning. clinton took the weekend off of campaigning. instead made stops in martha's vineyard and nantucket you see there to fund raise. a woman who is fighting for the middle class faced criticism using her private jet between the two resort towns. she's campaigning in cape cod. she'll host massive fundraisers in the hamptons. trump and his running mate have this sunday off. back to you guys. >> thanks, leland. >> wait, she flew 20 miles in a private jet? paging al gore. what about carbon footprint? >> that's immoral.
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>> you heard donald trump's statement. we played it a minute ago about his desire to win black votes, to win over the african-american community as he said. he said that a couple of times in speeches this past week. hillary clinton's campaign issued a statementt yesterday. here's what she said. >> trump painting the entire community living in poverty with no jobs continues to show he is completely out of touch with the african-american community. he's pushing for black votes, therefore, he's racist. >> what he said he was doing was highlighting the failed leadership of democrats in cities like detroit. he gave that first big speech in michigan where he said i'm asking for your vote. what do you have to lose? there are broken homes in this community, poverty, joblessness, it's the result of failed democratic policy according to trump. >> right. he's actually correct. maybe it was an inelegant way of saying it. we had our panel here talking about it. it seemed like he was painting the whole black community as having no jobs. he was specifically talking
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about black youth unemployment being at an all-time high. i think he missed an opportunity to maybe paint some of the policies of the clinton era in a different light, point out, of course, the three strikes and you're out policy that bill clinton enacted which was the mass incarceration that put so many black youths behind bars and the welfare to work program and the welfare program that sheriff david clark has pointed out has maybe kept black youth down not wanting to go out and get jobs and thinks that that is a form of incarceration. >> so often that is the problem with donald trump, isn't it? he's got this message that he thinks is great and should resonate but maybe doesn't explain it. >> but what i find amazing is hillary's response to this. she's attacking trump for painting african-americans as victims. nobody does a better job of that than hillary clinton herself. if i told my kids what she tells minority voters, my kids would be a disaster. if you said to your kid, people hate you for reasons you can't control, you're never going to
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succeed, you're a loser and only i can save you, what would happen to your children if you talked to them like that? that's the opposite message you want to send to anybody, child, adult, whatever. that's the whole key to democratic control over minority votes. everyone hates you except us, you're a victim, you can't succeed. >> keep voting for us because the programs we're going to keep funneling money this way. >> that's what sheriff david clark was talking about. he thinks donald trump did a good job with his message. listen. >> eventually what will happen in the american ghetto. black people are resilient. we've overcome slavery, we've overcome jim crow. we have not been able to overcome modern liberalism and the progressive liberal movement. that's been a stifling thing for us. we have not figured that out, but they will if they're made to stand up on their own two feet, figure some of these things out for themselves, realize they are being hood winked by the democratic party. i find it encouraging that donald trump went out there and pleaded, he asked. he asked for the vote of the
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black community all throughout the united states. >> what do you have to lose? >> i find that unique. >> he could have 95% of the vote after four years. >> he has 1% of the vote right now, the african-american vote, so he's got a lot to gain. he's also been suffering with the hispanic vote in areas of states that he has to win in places like arizona, things like that. so he had a roundtable discussion with republican hispanic leaders where they met for several hours behind closed doors. we don't know the exact content of that meeting but buzz feed news was quick to roll out this headline when they didn't know what had unfolded in this room. in reversal, trump indicates to hispanic leaders openness to legalization for immigrants. that would be a huge switch if he were to do that. >> if you read the article, the contents don't match the headline. nbc news said something similar. not quite as strong. gop hispanics, trump open to using his policies on undocumented. daily news, donald trump tells hispanic supporters he'll be
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humane and efficient with undocumented immigrants. >> he's been saying that since day one. he's used that term humane again and again and again. they said the substance of the piece contradicts the false headline. it is click bait journalism. that's by definition true if it's buzz feed. here's a montage of trump saying he would be humane in his deportation. >> we're going to do it in a very humane fashion, believe me. i have a bigger heart than you do. >> we're rounding them up in a very humane way and nice way. they're going to be happy because they want to be legalized. you're going to have a deportation force and you're going to do it humanely. >> the key word is not humane. he's said that for a year. the key word is deportation. >> right. >> so if it's true that donald trump was telling this hispanic leadership council he's not going to deport people, you can agree or disagree. that is a new position for him.
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>> that is the corner stone of this entire campaign. >> that's how he got a lot of attention also when he some say painted mexican immigrants as racists. >> right. >> so we talked to jose fuentes. he attended that trump meeting. here's part of what he said about it. >> we had a very frank discussion with him about everything. took a long time. he was very engaging. he was very nice. very well prepared. understood the issues very well and we proposed a lot of ideas to him, and he requested more information about what we were proposing, which we will be doing. and he wants to consider them, but at the end of the day, it's his decision and i didn't see any reversal. >> tucker, you interviewed jose earlier on the show. do you feel he was clear? >> i have no idea what he was saying. here's what i do know, the press and the hillary campaign was united in their view that open borders are a good thing in america. they're good for rich people,
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they're terrible for the working class. trump is the only politician to stake a new position on this. what precisely is that position? i think we're going to find out soon when he gives an immigration speech, when he'll lay it out and lock it down. in the meantime, we're talking at 8:00 a.m. to jeff sessions who is i think the architect, i hope the architect of trump's immigration. >> try to get some clarity on that. >> all right. coming up here on the show, hillary clinton says she doesn't want to get rid of the second amendment but her supporters say it's a great idea. >> the document is written 200 years ago. >> the country's great and everything, but you have to remember people made these, you know, human made mistakes. >> constitution is great and everything, except the parts i disagree with. >> hillary supporter joins be us next. real cheese poeple don't eat pasteurized,
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hillary clinton says she's not going to take your guns away. >> i am not at all advocating the repeal of the second amendment. i am not at all advocating any program that would in any way take people's guns away. >> don't tell that to her supporters. they say repealing the second amendment is a great idea. watch. >> do you think it would be a good idea to repeal the second amendment? >> that's a good -- that's a good proposal. >> yeah, i definitely think that that makes sense. >> oh, yeah. definitely. i really think that we need to start viewing human rights as more important than gun rights. >> i think, yes, because the dock superintendent written 200 years ago. >> yes, totally. i mean, it's kind of ridiculous to me that, yeah, the
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constitution is great and everything but you have to remember that people made these, humans made mistakes and it was written hundreds of years ago. >> he was there to find out how far millennials are there to go in their support of gun control. good morning. >> good morning. >> people make mistakes. do they make mistakes? >> absolutely. talking to college students, they keep bringing up this logic of if the founding fathers had known the type of technology, the second amendment would never have been written. does this apply to free speech? the same logic. never would have imagined twitter, facebook, the internet as a means to spit out free speech at such a rapid rate. the logic falls apart when you put it in other terms. they are so consumed by their distaste for the second amendment that they are willing to throw out logic to support this. >> do they know why there's a second amendment? do they understand the reason
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behind it? >> they don't understand the constitution as a whole, especially the second amendment. >> are they in college? ? a mix of college students and young millennials. the event was held at a community college. i don't know if it's a failure on the part of colleges. colleges are only teaching one side of the discussion when it comes to the second amendment. >> they have free speech though. >> yeah, exactly. we have free speech on these campuses and apparently we have logic free zones on these campuses as well. >> these are the same supporters who are rationalizing a candidate who has broken the law, lied under oath to the government. so we shouldn't be surprised when they're rationalizing such an extreme instance as this. >> what surprised you the most about your discussions with them? >> the fact that we didn't have to cherry pick anything? this is every student we talked to. there were even students we didn't fit in because they were constantly saying. this logic of the most surprising besides the overwhelming majority was the
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logic of human rights should not be trumped by gun rights. the two coincide. they don't have to be mutually exclusive. human rights and defending yourself go along with gun rights. it's a dangerous logic to say gun rights are not human rights. i always get weary when i hear people suggesting that we should allow the government to decide. >> there aren't a lot of human rights when there aren't gun rights. >> great to see you. >> thanks for having me on. well, it is a disgusting scene, trump supporters being attacked at a fund-raiser, even being spit on. watch this. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> shame on you. shame on you. >> donald trump is racist. >> where's the media outrage. governor mike huckabee joins us to react ahead. and these men are making sure we never forget. the motorcyclists are honoring victims of 9/11. how you can take part in the
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remarkable tribute coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, creative business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. let us help grow your company's tomorrow- today at ♪ ♪
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don't just eat. mangia! bertolli ♪ [ tires screech ] flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know --
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oh-- ohhh! she slimed me. which i probably should've seen coming. [ laughs ]
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some quick headlines for you this morning. first up, don't count on justice ruth bader againstbuginsburg. she's 83 years old. news circling about her retiring and which candidate we'll get to pick. texas judge could be sued for beginning every court session with a prayer. some lawmakers complaining to the freedom from religion foundation. the foundation is considering a
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lawsuit, needles to say, because that's what they do. clayton? >> thank you. we will never forget the day our nation was attacked on 9/11. every year to help honor those we lost the heroes and survivors, members of america's 9/11 foundation make a tribute ride to the crash site. this year marks the 16th and final memorial ride. >> the final one. here with us to tell us about their journey is roger flick, v foundation. >> and his little brother eric. >> hey. you're here, too. >> little brother. >> ted, this started back in 2002 with 250 bikers and it's grown to -- >> 2001. november 10th, 9/11. >> i apologize. we had the wrong information here. with a couple hundred bikers and it's grown to more than 1200. how come? >> there's 2,000 people here today. they came into new york -- >> all of those numbers were wrong. i apologize. >> that's okay. it's grown because these are americans that want to, a,
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remember what occurred, honor those that died and we want to honor and support all the first responders across the country. that's what we're doing with this ride. we support, raise funds for first responders. we've given away 330 in college scholarships and more than $500,000 in equipment to departments across america and canada. >> that's amazing. roger, we have a live shot right now. may be a little hard to see. this is a shot of 7th avenue in new york city and off in the distance if you look you'll see over 2,000 bakers lined up right now. here's a live shot. take a look at this. remarkable. roger, what is the response when you go across part of this country? what do people say when they see these bikers in town? >> they're amazed by it. we go through small towns like cumberland, maryland and heightstown, new jersey, where todd beamer was from. >> right. >> people come out and wave flags and line the streets. it's an amazing amount of support that we get for being
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the patriots that we are. >> we're so proud to be a part of this every year and have you guys out on the plaza and kick it off, but why is this going to be the final year potentially? >> our goal is to support first responders across this country, those that do the job today. we've been asked by certain municipalities or states that the congestion that we cause coming in and going out outweighs the benefits. in other words, there's more people that complain than applaud, and it is what it is. i've given my word to the -- to states that i support them and i have to honor to show my support of them, they're the boss. >> but the motto is we will never forget? how does that make you feel? >> we'll never forget. the new jersey police made a comment similar to what you're doing. it is what it is. i've been asked by states not to
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do something, and if i'm trying to honor first responders, i can't turn around and tell them that i'm going to do something against what you're asking me to do when you're the law enforcement or the whatever and this is -- >> well, obviously the focus is on helping those families, helping the victims of 9/11. how can people donate help and help remember? >> they can go to our website, make a general donation to the foundation or make a donation specifically for our college scholarship program for active first responder's kids. we've given out $330,000 in the last 12 years. >> that's amazing. >> roger and ted, thank you so much for what you're doing. we'll put that information up on our website i think we're going to put jan on the back of one of these. >> if america can handle it. >> police escorted ride around the block. >> tucker back inside to you.
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>> thanks a million. frantic moments on the water after a family's boat crashed. >> i'm in the river. our boat crashed and i have a baby in the water. please, god, send someone now. >> that baby was trapped for an hour and rescued in the end. you've got to watch this coming up. plus, donald trump hammers hillary clinton while laying out his agenda. will new focus help him flip the polls? governor mike huckabee joins us live. there he is. next.
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we are back with a fox news alert now. it's being called the deadliest attack of 2016. >> at least 50 people dead, dozens more wounded after a bomb goes off at a wedding ceremony in southern turkey. that's near the syrian border. officials finding a bomb vest at the scene. >> officials calling isis responsible for the attack. turkey has been the recipient of a failed military coup. governor, good to see you this morning. turkey has been a long-time u.s. ally and it does seem under an awful lot of pressure from a bunch of different sides. are you confident that country will remain secular, stable and pro american in the face of this? >> no, i'm really not. i think from president erdogan is trying to push turkey to a more fundamental approach to
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islam, to the recent attempt of military coup, turkey's a very unstable country from the outside. i think what's troubling about the terror attack at the wedding is just that, it happened at a wedding. this is the classic example of true terrorism. there was no target, there was no military, no strategic value in going after a people celebrating a wedding ceremony. this was just intended to kill, to maim, and to scare the day lights out of people doing their basic daily activities and obviously it works. >> turkey's long been seal as the bulwart against islamic extremism. president erdogan is becoming more tolerant. can we call it that any longer? >> i don't think we can. i just don't think that with erdogan in power you can say that he's really doing his best to try to keep this a secular
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nation because, in fact, he's in many ways moving it the other way. we've seen similar situations. for example, in egypt frankly now with al sisi we have a more stable government and leader. thank goodness for that. before it was a total mess and headed off the rails. the middle east is coming undone. they were fundamentalist nations but stable like saudi arabia and other middle eastern nations. now they're under such great threat to be more radicalized and even though they were pretty fundamentalist in their practice of islam. >> governor, we'd like to get your take on a new video that surfaced in milwaukee where they were punched, disgusting video, verbally harassed. let's take a listen in to this
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for a moment. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> shame on you. shame on you. >> donald trump is a racist. he's racist. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> can you imagine that type of behavior unfolding at a hillary clinton, the way it would be played out in the mainstream media. we're learning this morning that it's being largely ignored. why is that? >> it doesn't fit the media narrative. the truth as you've seen who the thugs are. i mean, this is to me so amazing that the media would leave this alone, but you've got to remember, remember the left, they're all about loving peace and they're tolerant and they're about diversity, but really they're not. these are the people who are the least tolerant. this is the greatest level of true hate you'll find in america, and their intolerance results in the kind of violence
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and just insurrection that you see. it's just disgusting, and i think if police don't step in and start arresting people who take away the first amendment rights of americans, then we're going to lose those rights and people will be silenced. the biggest fear i have is that this creates the chilling effect, but let me give you a political point. i believe this also is the reason that you see a lot of polls that tend to make it appear that donald trump is just way behind, even though i know it's not. a lot of people don't admit that they're supporting him. they don't want to get beat up, spit on, called a racist, a xenophobe. does this surprise you? >> trump is portrayed not just as wrong but as nazis. they attack people who support him as not just being incorrect but immoral. why should we be surprised when
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people try to prevent a nazi takeover of our country? if they're watching the news, that's what they believe. >> it's one of the greatest challenges that the donald trump campaign has is to over come the overwhelming just tide of media criticism that comes his way. i mean, this is truly swimming against the tide, swimming upstream, going against the current. i think he can do it and i think the more people see these kind of videos, i think the more it will drive people to donald trump because it's a sense of most americans, even if we don't agree with someone, we want them to be treated with respect and with dignity and we want their rights to speak out to be protected. we're not seeing that right now. >> we've seen quite a pivot from the donald trump campaign. he's got a pretty awful month by i think all accounts. this month is different. he has been focusing on reaching out to the african-american vote. he had a roundtable discussion yesterday with hispanic leaders on the gop side to try to move in that direction as well. he's spending quite a bit of
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time in virginia which if you listen to larry sabato, he thinks it's crazy. he's down 11 points there. by all accounts maybe a clinton state. what do you think of the trump strategy right now? is it working? >> well, look, i think that we're not going to see the real focus of this campaign until after labor day. a lot of people are so worried because the polls in the middle of august are not showing up well. i think he's had a terrific week. i think everything from the way that the staff changes have been perceived, but most importantly, he's delivered some very substantive, powerful messages that i think resonate with people all over the political spectrum, to minorities, to women. it's been a terrific week to donald trump and hillary's had a bad week. first of all, if you want to see hillary clinton, you've got to look for her picture on a milk carton because she's missing in action. we don't know where she is. she's taken the week of o. we don't know where she is. we know where she isn't. she's not on the campaign trail.
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she's not answering press questions. this campaign will gear up after labor day when people start paying attention. if donald trump continues on the trajectory that he was on this week, i still say donald trump is going to win the election in november. >> governor, thank you. next up, the clinton global initiative is having something from the 19th to the 21st, a big gala. a lot of sequins, a lot of glitz and glamor from celebrities and wealthy foreign business people and democrats are reportedly not quite in panic mode but somewhat concerned about the timing of it. it's a week before the very first debate. do you think there could be an october surprise surrounding the clinton foundation and where there is smoke there's potentially a fiery bombshell? >> you know, anna, this is a surprise if they stop shaking down foreign governments and corporations. their shakedown of people across the globe to get hundreds of millions of dollars to the clinton foundation honestly
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makes al sharpton look like a pipe dream. it's just amazing how they've done it. and the only thing that's more amazing is that the press seems to for the most part just look the other way. >> this is really more scandalous i think than we can even fathom. the fact that people who -- hillary clinton in a government position and a significant one, secretary of state, while her family foundation is going after foreign contributions from people like saudi arabia, the uae for tens of if not hundreds of millions of dollars cumulatively, and then to say, well, it doesn't have any influence. look, that's nonsense. somebody gives you millions and millions of dollars and then you say it doesn't affect me at all. that is as big a lie as she told to congress when she said she only had one e-mail server and that the only thing those e-mails were about were chelsea's wedding and some yoga classes. >> if you're worried about the federal government regulating
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your business, the fastest shortcut is to give money to the clintons. >> you better believe. >> thank you for coming on. >> you bet. thank you, guys. could afghanistan become the next benghazi so contractors don't have an escape plan in case of an attack? you'll hear from them and the reporters that broke that story next. guys working hard make you feel like this. >> ever since i started marketing every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. >> a new study who says men who are bread winners feel like losers. should we feel bad for the men? we're here to talk about it coming up. choose to smooth. choose effortless glide from side to side. choose knee-loving, underarm-caring, bikini line-baring. choose venus swirl. with five contour blades and a flexi-ball,
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quick headlines for you now. 13,000 convicted felons will now be headed to the polls in november thanks to one of hillary clinton's biggest supporters. terry mcauliffe will make the announcement to allow the voting rights on a case-by-case basis. a frantic search for a toddler trapped underneath a boat for an hour. >> i'm in the river. our boat crashed and i have a baby still under be the water. please godsend someone now. >> the boat flipped over after crashing into a pole. the terrified mother could hear her little girl crying but couldn't find her. a painstaking hour goes by before she was pulled from an air pocket. she was saved by her life jacket. the little girl is expected to be okay. with schools getting back in session a new scam is surfacing. the irs says impersonators have been calling people to pay a federal student tax. the irs says it will never
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contact people over the phone. tucker? >> thanks, anna. could afghanistan become the next benghazi? u.s. military contractors near kabul says the state department has not given them clear instructions on what to do in case of a large scale assault. >> if you're outside of that specific green zone or if you're outside of bagram, your choices are going to be very few in terms of how to get out. right now there is nothing that is there to account for u.s. personnel outside of u.s. embassy, u.s. government personnel. it's not just a political nightmare for somebody, it's people's lives that are at stake. >> sarah carter spent a lot of time in war zones over the last several years. she's now a correspondent. she's been interviewing the contractors in afghanistan. great to see you this morning. >> great to see you, too, tucker.
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>> the u.s. government uses contractors around the world because it's cheaper. some are great. they're not making plans the way they would for u.s. military employees to be evacuated, helped or rescued in the case of attacks. why? >> well, it's mandated, tucker. it's an executive order. the state department is in charge of evacuation plans, not only for civilian contractors that are working with the d.o.d. but for all civilians working in hot zones. those are areas like under great duress, like afghanistan, like we've seen in iraq, like we've seen in other places like libya and benghazi. it is mandated by executive order that the state department have a plan in place to evacuate these personnel if something goes south, if something goes wrong. the gentleman that was speaking heads the crisis advisory subcommittee in kabul for who? for the state department. so he's coming on the record saying, look, we've done everything we can. we have tried talking to them at the embassy. we've tried talking to them here
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in the states and nobody has shown us an evacuation plan for the personnel inside afghanistan. >> pretty upsetting. a lot of these contractors are former u.s. military, patriotic americans. good people. 1600 have been killed since the war began in afghanistan in late 2001. why exactly do you think the u.s. government isn't focusing on this? >> well, and just to add to that, several days after my story broke crs, a congressional research service report came out that said there are 29,000 u.s. contractors in afghanistan compared to what's going to be 8300 -- >> whoa. >> yes, 8300 military personnel by the end of the year. 83, 8400 by the end of the year. so think about that. those numbers, tens of thousands of contractors. and they don't have an explanation. what we do know is that one of the contractors that i spoke with on the record said they did see a very abysmal plan late
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last year and that very high level state department officials in afghanistan were super concerned about this, but nobody got anything done. so there really is no reason why they shouldn't havedone. they have the people and the man power in place to prepare for an evacuation plan and to share those evacuation plans with the people that need to know. >> 29,000. there's a lot going on that the average american doesn't know about. >> that's right. >> thanks a lot for bringing this story to us. i appreciate it. >> thank you, tucker. mainstream media filled with headlines saying donald trump has reversed course on immigration. the trump camp says that's not true at all. what is the truth? alabama senator and trump supporter, really the architect of trump's immigration positions jeff sessions joins us live in the studio top of the hour. ladies, if you want to land a big job, recruiters say lose the wedding job in an interview. do they really say that? that's crazy. that discussion next.
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hi everyone. good morning. men who are bread winners can feel more deflated at times. researchers looked at 15 years of data and found when men contributed more to the household income than their female partners they were less happy and healthy. here to talk about it is jeff wilse r&b ea arthur is a therapist and ceo of in your corner. good morning. >> good morning. >> excited about this debate. what do you think about male breadwinners. is this study right. do they really feel more deflated because they're making more money and bringing home the bacon? >> a lot of millennials are totally cool with equal partnership.
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dad helps with diapers and cooking. but to also be a don draper role is too much. but men have had it very, very good for a very, very long time so i don't get the complaining about this. >> you think if they're trying to take on both roles the breadwinner. >> mr. mom and also don draper, i could see why men would have anxiety about that. >> okay. how about you? what do you think about this? what about single women? they probably would feel that way if they were the breadwinner. >> do you know who else hates being the breadwinner and the sole caretaker? single mothers. >> there's a guy on linkedin who made this boast and it's been going viral. it's saying that women should ditch their engagement rings for job interviews because it makes the ladies look like they are more high maintenance. do you think that they should have to tied their marital status while they go in for a job interview? >> as a guy, i find this advice outrageous. i'm insulted by it. it is discriminatory, it's
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sexist, plain and simple. wrong. a woman shouldn't have to hide her marital status. >> i'm pretty sure it's illegal to ask anybody about their marital planning. i'm high maintenance because my man loves me? i don't think so. >> you think a bigger diamond means a guy loves you more? >> absolutely. >> do you think there's any merit to that though? if a guy sees a girl in big high heels and lots of makeup and big hair and designer bag and a big ring, does that mean she's high maintenance? >> no. would you want to work for any company that has that kind of crazy litmus test? that's ridiculous and outrageous, and i can't imagine the list of the hundred variables. the ring does not crack that top hundred. it's not a variable men think about. >> maybe it's because she likes to take care of herself too and her husband is making money and wants to spend it on that instead of something else. who knows. everybody's family is different.
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thank you for joining thus morning. >> thank you. >> four minutes before the top of the hour. he was the first sitting senator to support donald trump. what does alabama's jeff sessions see now compared to a year ago? he joins us live on the curvy couch ahead. don't just eat. ♪ mangia! bertolli. ♪ gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon.
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good morning. it's sunday. i'm anna kooiman. we have a fox news alert to tell you about. isis striking again. the death toll continues to climb this morning following an attack on a wedding party in turkey. at least 50 people are confirmed dead. the breaking details moments away. then the press this morning filled with headlines saying donald trump has reversed course on immigration after meeting with supporters. the trump camp says that's not true at all. what is the truth of it? alabama senator and trump supporter jeff sessions, who is one of the architects of this position immigration joins us in moments. and while black lives matters took to the streets in baton rouge weeks ago they were nowhere to be found after lath
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week's floods and they're being called out about it. >> where are the black lives matters and the black panther because i ain't seen one black panther boat or one black lives matter boat. >> that video going viral this morning. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. hey, everybody. welcome into "fox & friends" weekend. tucker karlsson, anna kooiman, clayton morris. >> great to see you. we have senator jeff sessions in the studio. i think one of the smartest members of the senate. that will be interesting. >> anytime a senator walks in here -- >> all rise. >> we get a little more studious or. our posture gets better. >> we clean up things around here. we wanted to get right to this fox news alert. we begin an apparent terror listen to this. a wedding in at least 50 people are dead and if isis is, indeed, responsible, it would be the deadliest
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extremist attack in 2016. >> we're live in washington with the latest on this unfolding story. good morning leyland. >> good morning. this attack really highlights the danger and instability right now inside of turkey. you take a look at the bombing scene that struck overnight. this was a wedding that was supposed to be something that was all so happy and turned all so tragic. where this occurred is awfully important when you think about it, right on the syrian border. a place that had been used by extremists and by wannabe terrorists all the time to go back and forth in and out of turkey. a lot of people right now are saying that what turkey allowed for so many years in the rise of isis and turning a blind eye to isis, well, now that is what is coming back into their country. isis hasn't claimed responsibility, but all signs point to that terror group. remember, it was just last month inside turkey that the military
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attempted a could you pleap, tr over the country from the president saying it had become too islamic. that coup failed and now many are saying the instability inside turkey is what is allowing attacks like this to happen. guys, back to you. >> i hate we keep having to report on these type of stories. thank you so much. >> we want to get it over to tucker carlson with senator jeff sessions. >> we have a lot going on. we thought what better person to respond to a lot of it than senator jeff sessions of alabama. great to see you this morning. >> thank you, tucker. >> you just saw the tape of what's happening in turkey. turkey has been a moderate, pretty reliable u.s. ally for a long time. are you worried things are moving in the wrong direction? >> well, turkey does seem to be sliding to a more islamist ideology and that's very dangerous and i hope it doesn't continue. this administration has not been able to do anything to stop that slide, so it causes a problem. they do have threats like you see in these bombings, and turkey has been a great ally.
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having turkey move in the wrong direction is really problematic, and we need to continue that good relationship we've had for many decades. >> yeah, that would be a massive, massive problem for the united states. so buzz feed, which is a fashion blog that has a news component to it, had a headline this morning saying in effect, donald trump has changed course completely on immigration. he's no longer for deportation. it was a story about a meeting he had the other day with hispanic supporters. is that true? has he changed his view on deportation? >> he's not changed his view, but he had a great meeting with people who had different ideas and i wasn't there, but he had a good discussion. he listened to all the different views. look, we need a lawful system of immigration. trump is absolutely clear and correct on that. we must end the lawlessness first. we can't talk about these other issues until that occurs. i think that remains his firm position. >> so that anywhere between 10
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to 12 million people here illegally, whatever the number. trump has suggested they would be required to physically leave the united states, reapply in order to come back legally. is that -- >> well, i don't know that he's formally said that. he discussed that. >> yes. >> other people have discussed that. that's the touchback idea. >> yes. >> i'm not sure that's the best solution to the problem, but it's one solution. >> what do you think is the best solution? >> well, i think we have to first end all the lawlessness. this can be done, tucker. it's very accomplishable with a strong president. we need a few laws would help, but actually you could do it with current laws. and that's -- then you begin to talk more appropriately about what to do with people who have been here a long time. >> so what about legal immigration? we've got over a million low-wage, low-skilled workers coming in every year into an economy that clearly can't support them. would trump change that? >> we've got to consider that. our candida canada has a great system where
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they evaluate people, they rate them, they give them points for things that are good for kaurca. an immigration system should meet the interests of the american people. we need to bring in people with higher skills. we should look for people who love america and value our values and want to be a part of that, people who learned english before they come should get a preference over people who can't speak the language. there are so many rational things that absolutely need to be done as part of an immigration reform that i totally think this country is ready to discuss. >> if you ran your office or your company the way we run our immigration system, just like giving the first 100 slots to the first 100 people who showed up, what would happen to your company? >> it just makes no sense. it absolutely makes no sense. we've got to fix this. we can do it. the american people will support it, but we have politicians, particularly democratic leaders
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and hillary clinton that they want to give immediate amnesty to everybody, allow them access to every benefit in america, and then they don't want to do the things necessary to gain control of immigration. so this is the situation that's untenable. it's extreme. she's to the left of president obama. >> big time. >> big time. it's just amazing really. >> so i look at the polls every day of the presidential race, getting pretty close to election day really, and it looks bad for donald trump, and yet i hear a lot of his supporters say those polls aren't real. are they real? is there an appreciation within the campaign that it's not on the right course at present? >> well, polls are different. t"the los angeles times" poll hs him up nationwide. this is a close race right now. when i ran for attorney general in alabama the first time i was down 14 points in september and won by 17. president bush in 1988 was down 15 points at the republican convention and won
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overwhelmingly, every state but massachusetts against dukakis. so this is so far to go. donald trump is just now beginning to drive his message with these great speeches. he's showing presidential leadership and the flood victims in louisiana. i think this campaign is just beginning to take off. donald trump is going to win this election. >> so what's his pitch to black voters if you could boil it down? >> this is really important. he's saying that the agenda we've seen in the big cities and out of washington for the last 30 years have not helped you, which is correct. they have not. you bring in more workers than we have jobs for, what does that do to wages and job prospects for struggling african-americans who would like to rise? i mean, you just pulled down wages and you pull down jobs, and when you do a trade policy, tucker, that kills manufacturing, eliminates high-paying jobs, that hurts our african-american community and hispanic communities too.
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we need a leader that can change this economy, get us on the right path, end lawlessness and immigration, fix our trade policy so that we can have stronger manufacturing base and better jobs. that will be the best thing possible for african-americans -- >> but has the democratic party been pretty good that convincing black voters all nonwhite voters are in this together. that they're on the same team somehow? >> it is sort of amazing. in my view we have as government leaders an absolute responsibility to the people who are here lawfully immigrated or born, native born. that's the first thing. the idea that you would bring in more workers to take jobs while americans are unemployed having to go on welfare is ludicrous. it makes no sense, tucker, and i think the american people get it but that's -- >> what's the reason for it? >> that's the policy of the obama and clinton administration. >> i bet if you polled a thousand people and asked should
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we bring in more workers than we are creating jobs or while americans are unemployed, they would say no, and yet it persists. that's our official policy. what's the motive behind it? >> there's several motives. first, there's a democratic political agenda at work and then there's a business agenda at work here. businesses want more workers at lower wages. that's what they do. i mean, that's the nature of their beast. but that's not what politicians should look at. if you're running for president of the united states, you want wages to go up, not down. give me a break. businesses would like to see more workers in lower wages. that's just the nature of the beast. >> donald trump articulated that clearly, i think he'd win 55%, just my guess. senator sessions, great to see you this morning. thanks for doing this. anna and clayton. >> great interview. thanks. more trouble for hillary clinton. a judge orders her to answer questions about her e-mails under oath, and the clinton foundation may ignore its own decision to stop taking foreign donations. which one is the bigger liability? plus one industry is trying
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to make election day a national holiday and it could mean a big boost for one party. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. happy sunday. hillary clinton now ordered to answer questions under oath as part of a watch dog lawsuit over other private e-mail server. >> one of the clinton foundations flagship projects may ignore a decision to stop accepting foreign donations. which one is the bigger liability for hillary clinton. >> shannon is one of our favorites, one of america's favorites, and she's here to weigh in on this. good morning, shannon.
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judicial watch achieved what the fbi was unable to achieve which is to get hillary clinton under oath. pretty amazing. >> yeah. this came late friday. we got this decision from a judge who was appointed by her husband, president bill clinton back in the day, and he basically said, listen, we haven't seen enough evidence that you have fully answered these questions, certainly not under oath, about why you set up your own personal e-mail server, so you're going to have to do it. judicial watch, you mentioned, the private group that brought this lawsuit, they have to get these written questions turned over to her. she'll fill them out. it willing under oath. she has 30 days to do it. the sooner they get her the questions the sooner they get the answers before the election. >> written questions and answers, is that easier or harder? >> it's different. if you have somebody under a sworn deposition, which was their ideal goal, obviously as someone answers you can read their body language and voice, you can ask follow-up questions. the interrogatories or written questions will really have to be good and you know they will.
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they've been preparing them with the eventual possibility that this is how this would go down. listen, clinton's campaign is saying this is excellent, we're fine with the written questions. we didn't want her to have to do a deposition so they're declaring victory. both sides are declaring victory. it will be interesting to see if her legal team pushes for a delay to get this past the election or if they object to some of the written questions or if she answers them before november 8th. >> one of the other big issues this week we just learned that there's going to be this big galla in new york city, the clinton global initiative is getting together and all these hollywood elites will be rubbing elbows one week before the big debate and some democrats this morning are sort of grumbling a little bit that this is going to play out on the stage that night. pay for play. donald trump can use that as fire. what do you think about that? >> well, we've heard a lot this week about the clinton foundation, the various charities, the spinoffs, thes subgroups and what's going to happen. there was the announcement that the clinton foundation itself will stop accepting foreign and
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corporate donations if she is elected president. but there are different portions of the clinton charity family who are either saying they're not going to do that or they haven't decided. that's still a substantial portion of the charity operations they have under way and a lot of people say, listen, why not just stop right now? because you've already had donations from countries all over the world, some of them who may still expect favors for what they gave them a year, five, ten years ago. the clintons say they've always been transparent. they've always disclosed who is involved and where the money is coming from and that -- bill clinton says he will step down off the board as well of the clinton foundation if she win approximates. >> i have a feeling this will be a topic of "fox news sunday" which you are hosting. who do you have on the show? >> we will start off with rudy giuliani. he's a top adviser to the trump campaign. we'll talk to him about this reset we've seen with the campaign, a number of speeches, shake-up in personnel, and some of the really tough polling mr. trump has got to work against now. we'll also have senator ben
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cardin, democrat and top clinton supporter, to talk to him about these issues she's going to have to face, some of the public battles she's going to have to do, pr battles over this issue. that and a fabulous panel and much more. >> chances we'll watch, 100%. >> one of my favorite shows. we're happy you're filling in. >> i feel like you have been talking to my mother. >> ringing endorsement for shannon bream. >> and i didn't have to talk to your mother. i just love you all the same. >> she loves the three of you. i know she's watching right now. >> thank you, shannon. >> we'll be watching. take a look at this, a police car goes up in flames outside a news station. so what caused this inferno? >> plus, it's almost time to go back to school and some kids are learning martial arts to fight back against bullies. we'll show you the parents who want their kids to learn. energy is a complex challenge.
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it's time for some quick headlines from rio. lying ryan is coming clean. lochte taking full responsibility for making up an armed robbery in rio that landed he and three others in hot water. he said i overexaggerated that story. if i had never done that, we wouldn't be in a mess. none of this would have happened if it wasn't for you and that darn dog -- i'm sorry, for my immature behavior. and the men's basketball team is going for the gold. they'll be taking on serbia, a team they beat by just three points in pool play. meanwhile, the women's team taking home the gold in yesterday's final beating spain
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101-72, decisively. team usa is voted to have four-time gold medal winning gymnast simone biles carry the american flag at tonight's closing ceremony. it's a sad reality but an average of 160,000 kids a day miss school because of bullying. martial arts athletes around the country are teaming up to end bullying in their communities. joining me is jason mar began from hypermartial arts. nice to see you this morning. you explain to any what is hyper . >> it's a worldwide movement of martial arts athletes. bho know martial arts is one of the best sports and activities in the world. we know through martial arts training people become fast, strong, and powerful and they have the confidence to be able to be comfortable in every situation. stand up in a bullying situation and just be confident in life as well. >> so we're not necessarily
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encouraging people to go out there and throw punches in school but you said 20% of it turns into physical. >> absolutely. now, self-defense is about protecting yourself. we're not encouraging fighting in any sense of the way and martial arts doesn't encourage that as well. so what we found is that even though there's 80% of bullying is a verbal bullying or social or cyber bullying, 20% of the time it does become physical. so we want to make sure we have the tools and these guys will show some of the tools. go ahead and demonstrate. some of the tools in being able to protect yourself. they're working through being able to cover and just using a simple palm strike to push back to be able to defend yourself. and through their martial arts training. through their martial arts training they develop that confidence to handle themselves in any type of situation. >> just a simple palm strike. >> palm strikes shall great because, one, if we have our hands up it's creating the illusion we're bigger than we are as well as it can be a simple push to be able to push back and create distance as well as if it wept to twent to the f
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to be able to get out of a situation as well. >> how long does this program take? >> it's an ongoing course that we teamed up with a thousand martial arts schools around the country to create our hyper bully defense program. our goal with that is to empower 1 million people to be able to stand up against bullying but not just if they're directly affected with it but to be advocates for other people that may be affected by bullying as well. >> we're talking about -- you mentioned the palm strike and the arms up. >> we'll have ryan come over to demonstrate. if you'd like to demonstrate as well. so what we're going to do from here is the most important part in our self-defense situation is to protect yourself. so we want to protect, we want to get away and the third thing very importantly is we want to report as well. >> i'm walking down the hallway in ninth grade and some bully walks up to me. i want to protect myself. >> most of the time in a bullying situation, it maybe started as verbal bullying and you want to defuse the situation obviously first with, hey, i don't want to fight. are you trying to fight me and putting your hands up.
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the most important thing is let's put your hands up. take what we call a natural stance. hands are up and open. >> call this my ralph macchio. >> "karate kid" had made things really popular. i want you to protect your face and head. put your hand behind your head and bring the elbows in to create a shield. he will put those targets up. you will put your hands back up and open again and just push straightforward with a palm strike. >> on both of them. >> one and then the other one. perfect. that's something that can go to the body to push somebody away or if it went to the face it creates the eyes to water and gives you the ability to be able to get away from a situation and very importantly report it. >> if that doesn't work then a roundhouse kick to the head. >> whoa, that was pretty flexible. martial arts training will
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prevent any of these stretches or pulls or anything like that. >> do you have a medic? how can people learn more online? you have videos and training online. >> with october being national bully prevention month we have a free online kid. go to and get some free resources. it's important to educate parents as well as kids on what bullies looks like. it's not just physical but how you can combat the verbal and cyber bullying as well and also get a ticket for a free workshop that there's a thousand of those happening around the country in the month of october as well. >> wonderful. jason, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> and we've got a great performance. >> some martial arts athletes that will take us out of the segment. >> tucker, anna. >> let's go. >> let's go. let's do it. >> watch out, clayton. i'm getting out of the way. >> go ahead. >> martial arts athletes are strong and powerful and showing the athleticism.
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>> wow. >> wow. >> break dancing meets karate. i love it. >> unreal. >> that's incredible. >> wow. you can hear them in the background. >> awesome. >> that's great. >> here is what's coming up on the program, it's been a staple at ole miss football games for nearly 7 years, but dixie is now history because the song is racist? really? plus, obamacare on life support. a new report says 1 in 5 americans won't have any health care choices at all. they'll be put in voluntary next year. a big problem for one candidate who joins us now on the curvy couch.
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♪ ♪ ♪ don't just eat. mangia! bertolli. shot of the morning, a war veteran finally receiving his purple heart 50 years after being shot in vietnam. >> milton shelly is his name.
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surprised by the ceremony after throwing out the first pitch at a kansas city baseball game. his neighbor made it happen and set up the whole surprise. pretty great story. >> long time coming. we're following other stories making headlines. an armed ang dangerous suspect on the run after accosting a pizza delivery driver. he put a gun to her head and said he needed her to go kill someone. he then forced her into the truck and sped off but she bravely pulled the emergency trunk release and rolled out onto the highway. we're told she will be okay and police are now interviewing witnesses. a police cruiser mysteriously bursting into flames outside a news station. it happened while a baltimore police officer was responding to a call of a suspicious person in the area. the officer in the car says he heard a pop just before the car caught fire. firefighters were able to quickly put it out. thankfully nobody hurt. ole miss is shedding one
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more reminder of its confederate past, getting rid of the dixie song. ♪ >> the school says that the loved southern song will no longer be played at football games because they're trying to be more inclusive. it was first played by the band in 1948 and was one of the unofficial anthems of the confederacy in the civil war. several tornadoes downed trees and power lines. >> the damage was west of kalamazoo. no one has tracked it more closely than janice dean and she's here to give us an update. good morning. >> good morning. we're dealing with the potential for severe weather today as wells a that cold front moves into the eastern seaboard. we had a little bit of rain earlier today. the worst of it will come later this afternoon and evening. let's take a look at the maps and i'll show you where you can expect the temperatures to drop in wake of that cold front.
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parts of michigan, the upper midwest, 10 to 15 degrees cooler than it was yesterday. a nice cooler air mass in back of that cold front, but we're also seeing the potential for more heavy rain. the tail end of that front across the gulf coast so parts of texas and louisiana, unfortunately, getting more rain in the forecast. also dealing with extreme heat across the west. a new cold front is going to move into the northwest and that's going to break the temperatures which is great news. a little bit of moisture getting into the southwest to help firefighters. come on in here, john and jan. it was raining earlier today but these wonderful friends of main came in from tennessee. what are you doing here, jan? >> celebrating our anniversary. >> what's the anniversary, john? >> 51. >> 51. holy moly! congratulation congratulations. >> thank you. >> look at the sign they brought. not that i'm biased. >> i saw that sign. >> hello. >> i love you guys. thank you for being part of "fox & friends" weekend.
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>> thanks, janice. >> all right. we're joined now by a man -- one of the leading lights on fox news business. you watch the show, everyone else does, stuart varney. >> that was a fantastic introduction. can i come back next week? >> i hope you will. >> what's this about obamacare options going away? >> okay. next year one in five of all eligible obamacare people will have no choice as to who their insurer is. that's nearly one in five people, no choice. >> why? >> the big insurers are dropping out. aetna, united health, and in many cases leaving only one insurer in a particular given area. in five states that's only one insurer under obamacare. >> what will that do for quality of care? >> it means you have a monopoly and the price will go up and the quality of care very probably but not certainly will go down. in 17 states there's only one or
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two insurers. that's a local monopoly. that's not good for quality of care or for pricing. >> that's a national health service at that point. >> you have to back off for a minute without getting into the weeds. the plan fact is obamacare is collapsing. it was badly designed in the first place, very badly executed. insurers are now leaving and people are refusing to sign up. that's a long drawn out slow collapse. and it gets even worse on november the 1st. that's when we find out formally how much the premiums will go up next year. they'll go up by 10% or more in most parts of the country. you've got -- >> that's a big difference. >> we're going to wind up with single payer. we have to. this system doesn't work. >> hillary clinton's declared policy is you can buy into medicare. in other words, you can buy into government health care. that's her solution. >> subsidized government health care. >> absolutely, of course. as you said earlier, net cost to the taxpayers.
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if you can buy into a medicare, that costs taxpayers. the cost of health care keeps going up to the taxpayer. it's a big problem here. and it's going to be a problem for hillary because these new premiums will be announced on november the 1st. the election is november the 8th. >> well, there's a big mo.d vem in this country. why shouldn't we have a national holiday on election day? it's on a tuesday. other countries do it on a weekend. other countries have a national holiday. everyone gets the day off and you go and vote. well, some big silicon valley tech firms are rallying countries around the country this time to give folks the day off on tuesday, election day, in this country. go to the polls. we should make it a national holiday. what do you make of this? >> you call it silicon valley? it's often called valley of the democrats. northern california, big high-tech countries. they are backing this idea of let's -- what's it called. it's take election day off. i think that's the name of it. i've got it here. >> a really inventive name.
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>> take election day off. the big tech companies think if they give time off for their workers to go and vote, they will vote for hillary and that's what they want. so they're behind this effort to give time off for your employees on election day. >> because they know that people who make an effort to vote and who know what their voting for not always, but tend to vote republican. >> in northern california, that's democrat central. california in general is for democrats. these big high-tech companies have lots of employees and they want to make sure -- >> you have a job but you vote anyway, right? >> of course. >> yeah. i have to tell you, i have to be honest here. i have just become a citizen and i will cast my first vote every on november the 8th of this year. so i will take time out no matter what to pass my vote. >> i have to say, regardless of the silicon valley side of this, i have often agreed this should be a national holiday or it should be on a weekend. that way more people can vote.
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what if people have to work two jobs and you have to come home and take care of children. >> there's nothing wrong with facilitating voting and making it easier and more available to more and more people. but this effort on the part of the high-tech companies that's deliberately designed to get more people to vote for hillary. >> here is the other thing. we should have digital voting by now for crying out loud. we can do all of our banking online. >> yeah. >> hacking. >> we have millions of dloollar moving every second in our digital banks. people in our audience have their phone, their app -- >> and how many have had their account hacked or somebody -- >> may i point out, clayton -- >> we can trust hanging chads with these people -- >> at least you can count them. i have a nigerian friend who has offered to run it for us. >> you know what? his uncle -- give him your routing number and you're going to get rich. >> he called me too. >> after the performance of the government in introducing
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obamacare by a computer, you propose to allow the government to organize our voting by computer? >> silicon valley tech firms. i don't want the government. >> i trust google. >> go to australia where voting is compulsory. >> yes, it is. >> great to see you. >> my pleasure. >> may the best man vote. >> a paper ballot on a tuesday. >> am coulding coming up, mike one-on-one with ainsley erhardt. >> the american people have a right to know the truth about hillary clinton's e-mails and her private server and it's time for her to go on the record. look, hillary is in hiding, and donald trump is everywhere. >> ainsley joins us live here to preview hear exclusive interview next hour. plus, after the devastating flooding in louisiana, one resident is calling ought two groups for not helping the victims. >> where are the black lives matter and the black panthers? because i ain't seen one black panther boat or one black lives matter boat.
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welcome back. son-in-law quick entertainment headlines. talk about diva demands. barbra streisand called apple's ceo tim cook directly to complain about how siri pronounces her name. >> barbra streisand. >> you can actually change the pronunciation on your own without having to call the ceo of apple. the robot says streisand with a "z." it's supposed to be a soft "s." cook told her it will be corrected by the next update. and sir ian mckellen says he won't play lord of the wedding ring. listen to this. >> a wizard is never late. nor is he early. he arrives precisely when he means to. >> good for him for this. the actor was offered 1.5
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million bucks to officiate the wedding of a facebook billionaire. it asked him to perform the ceremony dressed up as gandalf from "lord of the rings." he turned it down. next up, we want to show you this video that's gone viral. a baton rouge man is calling out black lives matter for not helping louisiana flood victims. watch. >> i want to know where are the black lives matter and the black panthers? because i ain't seen one black panther boat or one black lives matter boat. all i see our own people from our city. where is your money, where is your food, where is your services? you ain't brought these people no water. blm and black lives matter, obviously we don't matter too much because i ain't seen y'all yet when he really need you. >> criticism. black lives matter was in baton rouge just a week prior to the flooding. they were there trying to get
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out support for them. you can see them standing on the streets. the criticism, they could get here a week before the floods. sha where are they now? >> it's not about helping, they're about hating. hillary clinton should be asked about it since she's endorsed them so aggressively. >> lisa earlier on the show argued that, no, this is a nascent organization. they're like the naacp was years ago. they don't have all the state organizing power they will have in a few years. and black lives matter in a number of years will start -- >> read their platform. it's online. >> i think their platform and their pledge is more being concerned about the injustices to african-americans in the legal system. >> it's about hating people. i read the whole thing yesterday. i was shocked by it yesterday. i don't think everyone who is black lives matter is crazy. i'm sure there are a lot of good people but you can read what they're for. go read it. >> you don't think they have boats? >> they have a navy, but it's in dry dock right now. i'm sure they'll be there any minute to rescue the people of
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louisiana. if they just did something positive and helped people once in a while maybe i'd be a little less skeptical. >> and there have been a lot of good samaritans. 13 people have died. we showed one video of the woman being saved from the car with her dog. remember, we couldn't believe the vad yo. they said that was the cajun navy coming to get her, good old samaritan approximates. >> can we talk about the guy with the grill in the car. when i got into this 25 years ago you had to have a tv show to be on tv. it's so great. it's so democratic now. small "d," like you can drive your kids to school and put together a pretty effective on-air editorial. >> hopefully the car was in park and not in drive. >> he's driving. >> 2.5 million views and he connected his facebook page to a go fund me page in order to raise money for the victims. i think earlier in the show this morning it had raised nearly $7,0 $7,000. >> personal charity or -- >> it was a go fund me page. >> 48 minutes after the hour. the reverend franklin graham toured the flood damage in baton
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rouge with trump. he joins us to talk about the visit and his views on the election next hour. plus virginia's governor wants to give thousands of convicts the right to vote. how would it affect the election? our next guest says it's pretty clear what this is about. stay tuned. how would it affect the before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these,
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hillary clinton is banking on her friend terry mcauliffe on getting thousands of violent felons to the voting booths in
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an effort to cancel out the votes of both law enforcement and crime victims. they are letting people vote in your virginia election that should not be allowed to vote. >> that's donald trump pushing back against news that hillary clinton friend of virginia governor terry mcauliffe is moving to restore voting rights of convicted felons. how will this affect the election? joining us is kay lynn. what is this about? >> terry mcauliffe's primary goal has been to deliver his swing state on a silver platter to hillary clinton. this isn't about restoring votes to prison inmates. it's about getting hillary clinton in the white house this november. >> so he has framed this though as a civil rights issue. he's really played the race card pretty hard. he was stopped for a time by a
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court which said, look, you need to vet each one of these individually on a case by case basis. is he doing that? >> no. he signed these 13,000 voter rights with an auto pen. he's done it in a matter of hours. he's not done it on a case by case basis. back in april when he had 200,000 people whose voting rights he was going to restore, there were 132 sex offenders who made the list and several convicted murderers who were still on probation. he's not looking at this on a case-by-case basis. he just wants to get it done so these people can vote in november. >> his argument is they've paid their due, even the violent ones, and they should be fully reintegrated into society. they should be able to vote, to serve on juries. he's not going to restore their gun rights. >> which is almost laughable that he thinks former inmates are capable of picking the next president of the united states but they can't go on a family hunting trip on the weekend.
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it's almost -- it's hysterical. >> sow trusts them to pick the next president but not to go dove hunting. >> exactly. this guy is a close friend of hillary clinton's. before he was governor, he was fund-raising for her and bill. he ponied up over $1 million for their mortgage back in the day. he's an insiders inside into the clinton. it's very transparent what he's trying to do here which is get his friend in it's white house. >> nobody is even pretending this is about anything other than doing a good turn, doing a favor for a close, personal friend. is he making the argument that these former inmates, these convicted felons, are well informed, are going to make good choices, are engaged citizens? >> he's alluding to that. he also warned republicans that they should watch their rhetoric about this topic because they have a chance to win over these voters which is also laughable because he clearly expects them to vote democratic, and that's why he's restoring their voter
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rights. >> anybody who is against it is obviously a secret racist. i think i have heard that before. >> great to see you this morning. thanks a lot. >> thanks for having me. a fox news alert next. breaking details coming in regarding a deadly attack in turkey. a bomb went off at a wedding. we'll tell what you we know coming up. and then vice presidential nominee mike pence goes one-on-one with ainsley erhardt. he demands hillary clinton answer questions about her e-mails. >> the american people have a right to know the truth about hillary clinton's e-mails and her private server and it's time for her to gorecord. look, hillary is in hiding and donald trump is everywhere. >> ainsley is coming on in a second to preview that exclusive interview. stay tuned. for your retirement, you wanted to celebrate the little things, before they get too big.
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hi, friends. good morning. it's the 21st of august 2016. i'm anna kooiman. terror strikes again. a terrorist kills at least 50 people at a wedding in turkey and we're learning, get this,
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the bomber was between the age of 12 and 14 years old. we have complete details straight ahead. >> that's awful. meanwhile, vice presidential nominee mike pence goes on the record one-on-one with ainsley earhardt and demands that hillary clinton answer questions about her e-mails. >> the american people have a right to know the truth about hillary clinton's e-mails and her private server. it's time for her to go on the record. look, hillary is in hiding, and donald trump is everywhere. >> ainsley joins us in a minute with a preview of her interview. stay tuned. and did you know your spouse was on the other side of the aisle before you walked down the aisle? we have the tips to mend your marriage is politics is putting a strain on your relationship. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. a good sunday morning, everyone. a wedding celebration turns deadly after an apparent terror
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attack targets the reception. >> at least 50 people are dead and turkey's president says isis is responsible. >> it's an awful story. conner is live from the middle east bureau with the details on this. good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning. turkish president erdogan saying this child suicide attacker who launched a suicide bomb last night was between the ages of 12 and 14. they are blaming isis in turkey. at least 50 people were killed, more than 90 were injured. according to turkish officials, the wedding was wrapping up. where this bomb attack took place is only about 40 or so miles from the turkish/syrian border. it's been known as a hotbed of islamic extremism. it's a place where isis fighters used to regularly go in and out of syria. it's a place where up until about a year ago turkish
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officials turned a blind eye to isis fighters going in and out of there. for the last six or nine months or so, it's been an area the international community officials have been warning is a very, very dangerous place for westerners, ngo workers, and even the local population there suffering from isis attack there is. this all comes as turkey in the last year has seen a rash of isis bombings not only in markets and tourist attractions in ankara and in istanbul but last month the military there launched a coup against president erdogan and this week we saw turkish separatists launch two attacks on military and police in the southern part of the country. this is sort of the chaos that the turkish involvement in syria has brought about in turkey in the last few months or so. increasingly the nato ally, and it is a key nato ally, is seeing conflict and chaos growing there and there are real concerns in not only d.c. but other european
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capitals about where turkey will go in the next few months. they've locked up more than 50,000 people that erdogan blames as being part of the coup that tried to overthrow him. it is a very bad and complicated situation right now in turkey. >> 50,000 people. >> that's unbelievable. >> thanks so much. >> a 12-year-old bomber putting on a suicide vest. saw the suicide vest at the scene. the president saying that between 12 and 14 years old. >> yeah. i mean, it's just this brainwashing of these young people using this disgusting terrorism ideology and disguising it as religion, and then you have this at a wedding. >> this is not a secular phenomenon. people motivated by hope of financial gain or concerns about global warning or whatever the obama people tell us do not do things like this. this is a religion movement. it may be a distorted one but it's a religious movement. >> starting at 4 years old.
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>> there's been some fallout in the news from the meeting held between donald trump and a group of hispanic supporters of his yesterday. in the hours after that, a bunch of news organizations beginning with buzz feed, which is an online fashion blog with a news component, ran headlines on stories like this. in reversal, it says, trump indicates to hispanic leaders openness to legalization for immigrants. nbc news says gop hispanics trump open to easing his poll licks on undocumented. daily news talks about he will be humane and efficient. we talked to senator jeff sessions. we'll get to that in a moment because on the surface you'd read these headlines and think, wow, this must be a huge reversal for donald trump, that he's going to shift his immigration policy, but he's talked about being humane in the past, over the past few months and into last year. listen to what he's had to say. listen. >> we're going to do it in a very humane fashion. believe me. i have a bigger heart than you do. i'm going to do it in a very humane fashion.
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we're rounding them up in a humane way and a nice way and they're going to be happy because they want to be legalized. we're going to have a deportation force and you're going to do it humanely. >> he talked about the deportation of 11 millionmigran country and he's going to build a wall but there will be a big beautiful door and some will be allowed back in. >> this was a big sticking point in the primaries. his republican rivals says you're crazy, you're never going to round up 11 million people. he's saying we're going to do it humanely and have a plan to get it done. >> talk about a red herring. here is the point. america needs an immigration system that serves american citizens, all american citizens. our current system serves a n narrow slice at the top who benefit from cheap household labor and cheap working wages and everyone else suffers. that's the truth. nobody says it out loud. jeff sessions says it out loud. we talked to sessions a minute ago. here is what he said about it.
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>> he had a great meeting with people who had different ideas, and i understand -- i wasn't there -- but he had a good discussion. he listened to all the different views. look, we need a lawful system of immigration. trump is absolutely clear and correct on that. we must end the lawlessness first. we can't talk about these other issues until that occurs. i think that remains his firm position. >> he talked a lot more about sco secure the border. >> and having a system that serves the country. trump talking about the wall and deportation allows the opponents not to address the issue. if you're letting in twice the number of immigrants as the number of jobs you're creating, whose interest is that in? we're not even debating that. >> i think people still want to know what trump's position is. we had two interviews and we had a hard time getting answers.
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>> i couldn't agree more and trump is going to explain that. i think the key is legal immigration. our economy cannot support a million low-skilled workers every year. nothing against them. i think they're mostly good people but is it good for us? >> meanwhile s there a double standard in the media? if he flipped around to other channels you may have seen or may not have seen coverage of trump supporters being harassed at a fund-raiser. they were spit on, yelled at, anti-trump signs. listen in to some of what unfolded at this trump fund-raiser. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> racist! >> racist! >> [ bleep ]. >> is it how okay the first amendment of these trump supporters' rights is infringed
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upon. imagine if it was happening at a hillary clinton fund-raiser and how much it would be covered, wall to wall. >> imagine if there was no fox news. the left is so outraged by fox news. the hillary people. if it weren't for us, this wouldn't be on the air and neither would the riots that took place last week in milwaukee. it wouldn't be covered. it would be written off as a local story and some local affiliate would cover it. no national news organization would pay any attention. not to toot our own horn, but i think people have a right to know this stuff is happening because it is. >> let us know your thoughts on this. you can weigh in on it. we'll start with this. en escaped murder suspect recaptured. union county cops in south carolina have been desperately searching for these two inmates after escaping from jail friday afternoon. officials say the pair got out while outdoors in a recreational area by breaking open a chain link fence. the man on the left was charged with murder as well as sex offender registry violation.
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the man behind several popular '90s boy bands has passed away. ♪ >> he put together in sync, back street bous. lou perlman passing away in prison while serving a 25-year sentence. he was 65 years old. and a new scam is circulating targeting parents. the irs has impersonators have been calling people and demanding that they wire money immediately to pay a federal student tax, but there's no such thing. the irs is reminding people this morning they will never call to demand immediate payment. as for your credit or debit card information or threaten to take you to local police. 93-year-old world war ii veteran finishing an epic run across america.
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>> bernie! >> are you seeing this with your own eyes? 93. are you kidding me? hundreds of friends and family members cheering ernie andrews on as he completes the three-year, 2,600 mile journey. >> that will be you, anna. i'm serious. 60 years from now. >> 145 years old still doing tae bo. >> come on, everybody. let's go. janice dean is standing by. >> we love you anna kooiman. >> thanks for coming today. the sun is out. where are you from?
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>> we're from wisconsin. >> hang on for two seconds. where are you from? >> pennsylvania. >> and. >> delaware. >> and. >> delaware. >> buffalo. >> thank you for coming out. listen, young man, what's your name? >> i'm zach. >> what grade are you in? >> i'm going to be a freshman. >> do you like doing weather? >> oh, yeah. >> you do. that's a good answer. let's do some weather, zach. let's do it. let's put some maps up for zach and see if he can do this job. let's do some temperatures here. can you see that? >> i'm so glad because i can't see the map. >> where do i look? >> 76. 61 in chicago. >> 50 in rapid city. we had a cold front that went through. >> excellent. cold front going through the great lakes and the northeast right now. >> okay. we have a cold front going through the great lakes. >> and the gulf coast. >> oh, my gosh. wasn't zach amazing? [ cheers and applause ] oh, my gosh, zach,
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congratulations. high five. you got people watching at home? >> oh, yeah. >> do you want to say hi to anybody? >> hi. >> nicely done. good job, zach. back inside. >> thanks. you are fired up this morning. donald trump makes a major move to win a big voting bloc. >> i'm asking for the vote of every single african-american citizen. >> will his words be enough? a debate is next. plus the reverend franklin graham joined the flood damage with donald trump and he joins us to talk about his views on the election at the bottom of the hour. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing... (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh 'til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. no group in america has been more harmed by hillary clinton's
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policies than african-americans. if hillary clinton's goal was to inflict pain on the african-american community, she could not have done a better job. tonight i'm asking for the vote of every single african-american citizen in this country of who wants to see a better future. >> donald trump taking aim at hillary clinton's record as he makes a major move for african-american voters. does he have a point and will his words be enough to win him some of those votes? joining usdebate, ashley bell and ariva martin. great to see you both. democrats have long criticized republicans for not paying attention to black voters. here is donald trump making an
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overture, a direct one, to african-american voters and they call him a racist for doing it. >> yeah. i think the problem is -- well, there are lots of problems with the overture he has made. one, you start with where he made that appeal. the appeal was made in both of the major rallies last week to predominantly white audiences, and the second appeal made in michigan was using some pretty condescending language saying your schools are bad, you live in poverty, you have no jobs, and if the goal is for donald trump to reach out to the african-american community, he has to listen to us. he has to then appeal to those issues and talk about those issues that are important to us. he can't ask us to vote for him but surround himself with people who have a track record of making inflammatory and racist and bigoted comments towards and about african-american people. there's a lot of concern in the community about how honest he is and how true he is about this
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appeal. whether it's real or is this a fake appeal. >> so ashley, what about his argument -- i think this is his core as i understand it, which is that the urban core in america, the cities, have been run by democrats for generations, more than 50 years and they're still in really bad shape. and so the fruits of the democrats' urban policy are not serving black voters. do you think that's a message that can move people to the republican side? >> absolutely, tucker. he's right on point. many times when you go to these cities and you have failed policies when it deals with education, when you're dealing with unemployment, when you're dealing with housing, you have voters who never voted for a republican, never seen a republican. there's no republican to blame. so if you never voted for a republican and everything around you is controlled by democrats, donald trump's point is change can only -- change can only better your situation. >> right. >> what she's bringing up is the fact that donald trump has been on point and talking to african-americans and that's what people want and we're
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getting criticized for it but we're having that conversation. democrats are not going to back us down for having this conversation with black americans. >> what should trump say? what specifically should he say in order to win black voters to his campaign? >> tucker, it's not just about what he says. it's about what he does. >> i get it but -- >> let me be -- can i finish my point? let me finish my point. you can't just say something. you have to demonstrate your words. your words only have power if they're backed by your actions. >> i agree. >> so at the same time he's appealing to the african-american vote, he then promoted to the head of his campaign the ceo of breitbart who has been, you know -- his online report was called by the southern poverty law group a hate watch report. >> come on. i can't let that -- >> a track record of attacking african-americans. then you're stepping on your own message. he's stepping on the message when he's trying to appeal to us if he surrounds himself by people that don't demonstrate that message.
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look at rudy giuliani. rudy is on tv every day calling african-americans -- >> let me weigh in here. >> let's talk about the deeds. she's right, when you want to talk about what each candidate has done and their deeds and their track record, look at the clinton track record when it comes to african-americans. no presidency in the history of this country has incarcerated more people of color than the clintons. nobody. when you try to look at these polls right now, you have this bogus poll that comes out saying 1% of african-americans support donald trump. i'll tell you a 1% poll. the poll is if you ask african-americans how many believe that they can lie to law enforcement as many times as hillary clinton did and get away with it, 99% will say they couldn't. >> it wouldn't work for them. i agree with that. >> tucker, can i just say -- can i agree with something ashley is saying. >> nothing personal, but we have a commercial coming up. coming up, mike pence goes one-on-one with ainsley earhardt. >> american people have a right to know the truth about hillary clinton's e-mails and her
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private server and it's time for her to go on the record. look, hillary is in hiding and donald trump is everywhere. >> ainsley is with us in a second with a preview. stay tuned. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. let's go meet them soon. in person, we could read the room. on the phone, you're just a voice. yeah, i'm good. for fast rewards, let's book on choice. this trip could really help us grow. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ when it's time to go for business, book on for instant rewards like gift cards and points towards free nights. book direct at is depression more than sadness?
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hi, everyone. good morning. could this be america's next second family? our very own ainsley erhardt sat down exclusively with governor mike pence and his family. >> ainsley joins us now with a preview. >> so good to be here on a sunday. >> thank you so much. we went to indiana, went thursday night. when we got off the plane, they said interview canceled on friday because we're going to baton rouge which, of course, we thought that was wonderful that they were going and helping all the families down there. so we sat down with him on saturday morning, yesterday morning, and got a little tour
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of the governor's residence. you don't call it a mansion. it's the governor's residence. they were a lovely family. we asked him, first i sat down with him for about 30 minutes and we talked about policy and the new campaign ads. we talked about the new campaign team, his experience in baton rouge, and we asked him about hillary clinton and the latest with her. watch this. the judge associated with the e-mail scandal who has said hillary clinton is going to have to answer questions under oath. what do you think about that? >> the american people have a right to know the truth about hillary clinton's e-mails and her private server, and it's time for her to go on the record. look, hillary is in hiding and donald trump is everywhere. i mean, i think she's gone more than 250 days without a press conference. and, you know, it's time for her to step forward and begin to answer these questions, and not just these questions but questions about the clinton foundation. i mean, now we hear that the clintons are going to stop fund-raising for the clinton foundation if she's elected president. presumably because that would be a conflict of interest.
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well, the american people wonder why wasn't it a conflict of interest when she was secretary of state, the third ranking constitutional officer in charge of our foreign policy? i mean, the time has come for hillary clinton to come out of hiding. >> and we met the family. we met mrs. pence and their daughter charlotte. they have one son who is in the military, he's in flight school so he wasn't able to be there and they have a daughter who is traveling the world, and so we weren't able to meet her either but charlotte is so precious. she's so cute and shared a bunch of stories about their family growing up, what it's like to have him as a dad. they showed us a bunch of pictures and got a little teary-eyed when he talked about his father and his military service and his wife choked up when he talked about how much he loves her. he adores his wife. it's really sweet. we asked charlotte to share some funny stories and this is one of them. any funny stories you can share with us about your dad? any embarrassing dad stories? >> i mean, what i can think about off the top of my head
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something he always has done is i think any guy i have ever dated, he's intentionally called by the wrong name. >> intentionally? >> and it's a different name every time. it's just like, i don't know, some weird like goofy dad joke thing he does all the time. >> i like to keep them off balance. >> i love that. >> clean his guns when the boy comes home. >> mike. no, the name is john. >> is that good or bad? >> i think it's funny. as long as the guy has a sense of humor, right? are you taking notes, tucker? you have a bunch of girls. >> i'd be afraid to do that. >> they were lovely. we'll play the whole interview tomorrow on "fox & friends." you will have to stay tuned for that. it was a lot of fun. >> do you think he's enjoying it? >> i think so. so they did say -- i said what was your reaction when you got that phone call, mr. trump saying you're going to be myv v?
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what did you do? did you jump up and down, hugging each other? she said honestly, we got on other knees and prayed for the other people that were also on the list. >> good for them. >> i was like wow. >> because there was a lot ever controversy, whether they learned via twitter. >> they said they got a phone call. they're in their office. >> praying for chris christie. >> and newt gingrich. >> they say governor pence has to be the cleanup crew and really articulate the message. did you ask him about that? >> we did. we'll play that tomorrow. he said he's a big fan of donald trump. he says donald trump has a big heart. he's seen that throughout the campaign trail and also in baton rouge when they sat down with these families. he said they were driving down the street and they were supposed to make -- not a campaign stop, a stop at someone's house, and he saw some people outside in their front yard and he told his driver stop, i want to get out and go meet this family. they went inside and hung out with the family for a while. >> he was there and trump was
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there and where was president obama? >> playing golf. >> playing golf. >> ainsley, looking forward to the interview. >> thank you so much. great to be here. >> coming up on the show, tens of thousands of louisiana residents ever cleaning up after devastating floods. the reverend franklin graham just saw the damage along with donald trump. he'll talk about his visit and his views on the election. there he is. now you can't spell nutriam i right?t nut, i mean whose to say it's pronounced nu-triton, anyway? my mixes contain delicious nuts, specially blended for your optimal nut-rition. that's right, i just changed a word in the english dictionary, forever. planters. nutrition starts with nut.
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everyone, good morning. residents in flood ravaged louisiana now picking up the pieces as the waters begin to recede, but through it all residents are keeping the faith with a little bit of help from rev reerend franklin graham who toured the area with samaritans first. >> he also met with donald trump and mike pence. >> joining us to talk about his visit is the reverend franklin graham. great to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> so what did you learn down there? >> well, there's 40,000 homes that went under water during this flood. an incredible amount of water. you have close to several hundred thousand people that were affected, people that had to go to shelters. it's going to take months for this to be rehabilitated. you know, the homes are standing. it's not like a hurricane where things get blown down. therecedes and the carpet
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is destroyed, the furniture is destroyed. mold is growing on the walls. you have to take the dry all off, expose the studs, let them air out and then come back and put a chlorine bleach solution on the walls and let it dry again before you can begin to rebuild. it's a big mess. >> how about even the psychological impact of this. they're having to paddle down their blocks not even recognizing their own neighborhoods some of them. how is it affecting them mentally? are they turning to faith and have they felt forgotten? >> well, i don't think they feel forgotten. the neighbors have been helping neighbors. when you have floods like this, you see all of these flat-bottomed boats out there. they call them the cajun navy. it was neighbor helping neighbor. we have hundreds of volunteers helping people clean out their homes. we got there wednesday. we will be there probably for
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the next couple months. i appreciate very much donald trump and mike pence coming down. that put a spotlight. anytime some well-known person comes down, that puts a spotlight on the suffering of these people, and i know the president will be coming down tuesday and that will put a spotlight again on louisiana. these people need our help. they need our prayers, and i cannot emphasize enough these people need prayer. >> donald trump this week making a push for evangelical votes in a way that perhaps mitt romney and john mccain did not and the criticism has been they maybe took them for granted. donald trump not taking that lying down. is actually courting them, reaching out. have your opinions of donald trump changed over the past year during this election? >> i have known donald trump for a number of years and i have always appreciated his ideas to move this country forward. i think he has a lot of good ideas. i'm not endorsing any candidates at this time. i'm going to all 50 states
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holding prayer rallies on state capitol steps. i will be in maine, augusta, maine, this week on tuesday. then in montpelier, vermont on wednesday, and in thursday we'll be in albany, new york. the only hope for this country is god. i believe the only way we can get there is if america repents from its sin and puts its faith and trust in jesus christ. as a minister of the gospel, i want people to know the only hope, the only way to god is through faith in his son jesus christ and we have to repent from sins. this nation has sinned greatly. i'm trying to go to all states and get the churches not only to repenalty but to get out and vote. we need the church to vote. i'm not telling people who to vote for. and i want the church to come out and vote by the millions.
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>> you think it's more important for christians to vote in this election than it was in 2012? >> well, they didn't vote. they stayed home for whatever reason. they stayed home. and i'm trying to get them to wake up and understand the importance of getting out and voting. we talk about the presidential elections but how important it is for the mayors, the city council, your county commissioners, your school boards. i hope we can go across the country and get the school boards, take the school boards back and let's have men and women of god who believe the bible, who believe in god running our school systems in this country. that would be huge, tremendous impact on this nation for the next 20 years. >> all right. reverend franklin graham, thank you so much for your time, and friends at home, if you want to volunteer log on to have a great sunday. >> thank you. god bless. we're following other stories making headlines. the frantic search for a toddler
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trapped underneath a capsized boat for an hour. >> i'm in the river. our boat crashed and i have a baby still under the water. please god, send someone now. >> the boat flipped over after crashing into a pole on a florida river. the terrified mother could hear her little girl crying but couldn't find her. a painstaking hour going by before she was pulled from an air pocket that saved her life along with a life jacket. >> thank you for saving my baby and saving our world. i can't imagine. i just can't imagine. >> and the little girl is expected to be okay. thankful to report that. a violent carjacking caught on camera. the suspect later turned in by his own father. watch the shocking video. a man jumping into a minivan in a missouri gas station as a woman fills the tires with air. he backs up as she opens the door running over her. the local police department shared the video asking for the public's help. his dad called saying he was positive it was his son in the video. police then tracked him down and
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arrested him. hillary clinton says she is not going to take your guns, but don't tell that to her young spopers. they say repealing the second amendment is a great idea. >> i think that that makes sense. >> definitely. i think we need to start viewing human rights as more important than gun rights. >> the document was written 200 years ago. >> people seem to have -- value guns more than they value other people's lives and that needs to change. >> supporters seem to be happy repealing the second amendment. many democrats who support bernie sanders have accused clinton of not being liberal enough. clayton? >> well, we will never forget the day our nation was attacked on 9/11 and every year the heroes and the survivors and the members of america's 9/11 foundation make a tribute to ride to all three crash sites. the foundation's president joined us earlier on "fox & friends." >> these are americans that want to, a, remember what occurred, honor those that died, and we want to honor and support all
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the first responders across this country. >> well, more than 2,000 bikers hit the streets of new york city. take a look at this. it was a shot from 7th avenue near times square. the 16th and final memorial ride. >> the last one. janice dean is standing by outside with a look at the forecast and she's riling up the crowd. >> the crowd has disappeared for some reason. >> they're scared. >> hi. how is it going? nice to see you. welcome to new york city, everybody. you know what? it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. we have a kofl moving through, the same cold front that brought the potential for severe weather across the midwest yesterday. that's going to bring showers and thunderstorms across the eastern seaboard. you can see the trailing end of that cold front is bringing, unfortunately, more heavy rain along the gulf coast including our friends in texas where we have flood advisories, flood warnings, flash flood warnings in effect and all of those folks in louisiana where we still have flood advisories there.
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certainly it was historic flooding. a quick look at your precipitation watching texas very carefully. be aswearware across the northee will see thunder boomers. but the sun has come out. here it is. back inside. >> thanks. hillary clinton outspending donald trump by $20 million last month, but what is the money being spend on? and where is it coming from? maria bartiromo is here to break down the numbers next. come on in. >> come on in. and did you know your spouse was on the other side of the aisle before you walked down the aisle? how you can mend your marriage if politics is straining your relationship. that's coming up. don't go anywhere. come on in. what makes wendy's baconator different? while the other guys use frozen beef from far away. wendy's only serves fresh beef from ranches close by. so we don't have to freeze it.
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the trump campaign raised nearly $37 million and spent $18.5 million in expenses so what's the money being spent on and who is giving it. here to tell us is maria bartiromo host of "sunday morning futures." a lot of this dough for hillary is coming from the finance world. why are they giving her money? >> you have billionaire wall street guys really supporting hillary clinton. people like george soros, tom stire, the environmentalist in california, has given her a lot of money. trump did boast $80 million for the month of july but that money is not being spent and allocated the same way the clinton campaign is spending it. money comes in the clinton campaign, she spends it, particularly on these ads. you've seen a lot of negative
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ads against donald trump but some of the money coming in for trump is also coming in through the rnc. so some of that money has to be spent on the rnc and its expenses. even if it's a big blockbuster july, all of that money is not being spent on what he needs, groundwork, organization, and the negative ads. >> ten weeks left and we've seen seeing billboards popping up in states like california paid for by the trump campaign and in virginia where he's down by 11 points. is that a good marshaling of the money by the trump campaign? >> this is one of the problems with the party not being all in on trump right now because that is getting in the way here because some of the money is going toward, like i said, rnc expenses. and so -- and they're trying to go down ballot to try to support the other candidates in the election. so as a result of that, this fractured situation that you have -- not having everybody behind trump, the money is not being spent as wisely as the
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clinton campaign, and it is hurting him. >> this week too the trump campaign, they spent almost $5 million on ads and for key battleground states. how long before they see an roi in order to see if they need to do more than that? >> i think it will happen quickly. you also have a number of super pacs that are churning out ads for trump, and so i think it will -- you know, i'm not as worried as some people are saying, look, she's got a huge advantage on the money side. she does have an advantage in terms of structure. look at the number of people that work on the clinton campaign versus the number of people that work for trump. i mean, it's minuscule relative. >> right. >> she's got a lot more resources. no doubt about it. >> you always say -- i think you must be the head booker on your own show. >> this morning i'm sitting down with eric trump so we'll talk about this little pivot we've seen. paul manafort out as well as trump going to louisiana. a lot of headlines around trump. we'll talk to eric trump because
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a lot of the information in terms of, you know, how it all went down, that paul manafort stepped down, did come from i think partly it's insiders, and that is the family. we'll talk about that. we've got a great segment coming up on voter fraud, and i think this is something everybody is focused on. your story earlier today about virginia and terry mcauliffe and what he's about to do, we're going to look at the potential for voter fraud in the next 80 days because people are worried about that. we'll talk with john fund about that and we have newt gingrich coming up, and marsha blackburn coming on to talk about the clinton foundation as well. she is obviously leading the effort here to make sure that the investigation yields success. >> your show is only an hour long. how do you fit all of that -- >> we talk really, really, really fast. >> your show starts in 12 minutes on the fox news channel. don't switch the channel. does this sound like a conversation unfolding at your house? >> it's not a mistake. i don't donated to hillary.
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i think it's time. >> well, i think it's time to pierce my broken heart with this knife. >> is politics putting a strain on your marriage? probably. but don't worry our relationship expert has the dos and don'ts to fix that. stay tuned. here she is. are those made with all-beef, karen? yeah, they're hebrew national. but unlike yours, they're also kosher. kosher? yeah, they're really choosy about what goes in. so, only certain cuts of kosher beef meet their strict standards and then they pick the best from that. oh man! what'd we do? they're all ruined. help yourself! oh no, we couldn...okay thanks. when you hot dog's kosher, thats a hot dog you can trust. hebrew national. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family.
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welcome back. is your relationship starting to look something like this. >> it's not a mistake. i donated to hillary. i think it's time. >> i think it's time to pierce my broken heart with this knife. >> i know you love the show scandal but do you really want to watch it every night for four
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years? >> yes i do and every night i'll be in a different pair after pajam pajamas. >> what can couples do to fight the friction as the election heats up? >> it's a real question. we have critical tips for settling the political disputes at home. this is a real thing unfortunately. there are very bitter disputes. usually he is for trump and she is not. >> it is not insurmountable. they are not really going to break up over it but they need to navigate it. >> they are not always on the same political pages. >> it's different for dating and marriage though isn't it? >> i would think so.
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if you're really in a 20-year marriage are you really going to do that? >> number one you say don't muddy the waterment. >>. >> yes. character aas natissassination. you don't want to say you're dumb because you're voting trump. better to express how you feel than to attack your partner's character. >> you say don't avoid the topic. i would never bring it up, never ever ever. serious, like why? >> the thing in relationships is the thing you avoid is the thing that will manifest like a monster. >> what do you say if your wife is voting for hillary? >> you can say we need to talk through this because i disagree with you. >> you also said don't let it
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dominate iert. >> it's everywhere. >> don't reduce your 20-year relationship to this one issue. the woman may say trump is a massage nis or something. do you really think that? your partner, your spouse is not the candidate. >> right. >> and number four, you say listen to your spouse. that's probably good advice. >> we are all emotional during the election. we are not listening. on facebook nobody is listening to each other. it is a really good time to actually try to hear the perspective as much as you disagree with it try to have this understanding. >> you say celebrate your differences. what ever happened to denial.
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>> ignore your differences. >> you know what? it would be very hard to be with a carbon copy of yourself. it is okay that you're different. we just have to work through it. >> i think it would be very boring and creepy. >> we'll be back in just a second. ♪ for those who can't imagine life without two wheels, allstate offers a genuine parts guarantee, that promises to fix your bike with original parts. talk to an allstate agent about all the things they do to keep riders riding.
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show. >> we just learned that andrea is from canada. >> we'll talk about that. >> yeah. >> oh canada. donald trump explaning why he would be best fit for the white house. good morning. welcome to sunday morning futures. critics are questions the locations trump picked to share these messages. we'll take a look at that with our panel. first, eric trump on his father's campaign shake up and a lot more. and gingrich on the white house's admission that the


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