tv Media Buzz FOX News August 21, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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american election headquarters. thank you for spending time with us at fox news channel. a million choices, glad you are with us. thank you. >> on the buzz beater from los angeles this sunday, donald trump after weekends of being pummeled by the press shakes up his campaign team, a move quickly dismissed by the pundits. >> first, i'm always for new chairs on the trump panic. the problem is not corey lewandowski or are more manafort or the new people, it is the candidate, stupid. >> i don't think it matters because the problem is donald trump. >> if he hires someone who will broaden the appeal or just a mirror that indulges his worse impulsions? given that breitbart has embraced conspiracies, i worry. >> with paul manafort resigning, will hiring the executive
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chairman of breitbart a fiercely pro donald trump website help the campaign? the media is skeptical about donald trump's tone. >> sometimes in the heat of debate and expecting on a moment tuesday of issues, you don't choose the right words. or you say the wrong thing. i have done that. believe it or not, i regret it. >> as journalists question whether this new approach will last. >> hillary clinton accused by trump lacking mental and physical stamina to fight isis, is the press calling foul on making her health an issue? >> comedy central cancels the late night show, can they no longer make comedy gold out of politics? should the press have fallen for ryan lochte's bogus burglary stories? i am howard kurtz and this is "media buzz" today.
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donald trump insists he wasn't going to pivot, he want going to change, and he seemed to make that clear by hiring bannon of the pro donald trump conservative website, breitbart, but the more immediate impact came from the tapping of a new campaign manager, veteran kellyanne conway popular with reporters and touting his speech where he said that he regretted causing anyone personal pain. >> you mentioned anyone who has been personally offended. will he reach out to the family personally? >> he may but i hope they heard him and i hope america heard him because of all the people who have been saying, let's get trump to by have the to be more presidential, that is presidential. >> joining us now from new york, political analyst former anchor
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from the blaze "amie hole remains, and hide, with "usa today" and here in los angeles, leslie marshall, radio host and fox news contribute report. when manafort stepped down in the wake of the big shakeup, you could see the pin ever involve during the day, first, he volunteered to do this, it was his idea bringing in kelly an and felt he could not budge the candidate but oh sources were heard from. explain what happened. >> this struck me as another example of donald trump being pressured to use a conventional campaign tactic and bit end of day saying, to heck with it. the dignified way for a campaign manager on a campaign to leave is for everyone to agree it was voluntary, trump issues a statement saying we accept the resignation and the media moves on, maybe they write background stories of disgruntled
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employees. but it was minute-by-minute and kelly an the new campaign manager confirms that he was asked to leave. it is not that these cannot be mutally, or are mutally exclusive that both sides could agree mutally to leave but this is an example of what happened when you have, really, competing interests trying to spin the narrative. clearly manafort wanted to preserve his dignity on the way out the door and trump did not want this to be viewed as a hemorrhaging. >> you can imagine the reporters scrambling to reach more sources on paul manafort and get something close to the true. amy it seems when the shakeup happened, it was a bombshell of a story for the campaign the pundits reacted by being disdainful say it does not matter because donald trump is the problem. was that dismissive? >> it was. we have seen since donald
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trump's hiring kellyanne conway he has been maying the presidential pivot after fire the gay who said it would happen it has happened under her be the new campaign manager. we will see in it lasts. donald trump has been a volatile candidate and he citizens media scrutiny but he citizens credit for making the initial attempts. >> mostly, i would say the press was puzzled by this, leslie, or negative and i know you are no trump fan but how much of the come was influenced by the increasingly hostile tone in the press about donald trump and the candidacy? >> frankly, when donald trump opened his mouth everyone would cover it because he is good for ratings and that is the reality and a real bottom line. i don't think donald trump had any disservice. we have to look at the shakeups of all the campaigned at least
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currently, and there was an additional element. not he was taking a dive in the polls and making yet another change in his campaign staff but that there was also the connections with russia and the ukraine and even the question of legality. i heard some historians say back in the day it would be treason and --. >> we will come back to manafort, but, heidi przbyla we plaid at the tomorrow a speech for donald trump say he regrets some of past comments. it would be fair to say most of the press reaction, skeptical. was he fed the line? >> this was skepticism and some borders on snark, one story say it was not an apology because he did not say the word "sorry." but there was let egypt reasons, mostly, this is just not in character for donald trump because he has been asked along the way as he mades the controversial comments if he regrets them and he said "no," each time and it coincides with
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kellyanne coming in knowing that she wanted to give him, to soften up the image a bit so you question whether that is coming legitimately from his heart or from her, from a campaign perspective, but he did say the words and it was a big deal. >> right. well, she said in one of the interviews this week that donald trump went over the speech with a pen, it was not her words and of course she would say that. what about the fact that the media, amy, the media were stunned because donald trump never apologized for anything but he wasn't specific about which comments and to whom he could be expressing regret. >> donald trump himself has said it is part of his life strategy to always it back and always retaliate and never let a charge go unanswered so for him to now be offering what seemed to be an apology, newsworthy and news
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making, but for the press to immediately dismiss it and psycho analyze donald trump i don't think that is fair, either, and the report this week we released a poll that found 52% of likely vote are think that hillary clinton has the best media coverage so far in the campaign. >> the related question, then, we have been through the mini pivots before where he gives scripted speeches and everyone said, he is more disciplined and it does not last. so was the skepticism justified? >> absolutely. says, you know, just historically, you look back, someone who says i'm concerned, in i have hurt anyone, like you said, there is a note, no specific apology and no specifics to who he offended or what he feel remorseful or regret about. this is the man that talked about punching michael bloomberg in the face, a man who cared
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about himself after the orlando fact and felt that a man whose son died for the country was attacking him. >> and everyone thinks that was a political mistake but he what denounced at the convention. now, back to this question on paul manafort would lasted four months or so as the trump campaign manager. "new york times", heidi przbyla, did the first of several pieces about his ties as a guy who has been a lobbyist for years to ukraine and how ledgers were discovered that seemed to she $12 million in cashier marked for paul manafort and he denied he ever received the money and denounced "new york times" but what do you make of the story? was that story fair? >> it took a good read over that and here is my assessment, a good example where the narrative kind of makes the story compared
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to the specific facts in the store because going into this, we all know that manafort had ties to big russian money and particularly to someone who is corrupt as they come. going into that, we had the preformed impression and we look at the fact they are handwritten ledgers, an assertion, basically an assertion from a ukraine agency that we are not familiar with. manafort could deny it. so lower in the story the investigator said this was in proof he received the money and it writes us, why is this news? it is news because of what we knew previously that there is a relationship between these two men that is troubling because of who this man is. >> a lot of people in the press jump to the conclusions it was the stories of the russian ties and the ukraine relationship that sunk paul manafort but i am
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told that donald trump while not happy about that was more upset about leaky "new york times" tease "inside the failed mission to tame donald trump organization his advisors saying he is not coachable and france he findinged the finger prints of manafort were on that piece. >> i would not be surprised in that is case because donald trump does not like leaks that he cannot be tamed. back to the russian story, part of what fueled the media coverage of that is it dovetailed with the vladimir putin and donald trump bromance and the kind words they have for each other. you notice buried way in the print was that the podesta group, they, also, are under scrutiny and looking at mainstream media you would think it was only about paul manafort.
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>> i want to close this segment and asking you, leslie, about the volume, the gusher of anti-trump story and headlines compared to hillary clinton and "politico" "regretful donald trump pivots 107 days later." or "new york times" $630 million in debt," and worries that this will lower all boats but another, hillary clinton is laying plans for the white house agenda as in the race is over. >> i said it before it is not right for any outlet not reporting all of the facts and that is what a true journalist should do. frankly, dirt on donald, anything about donald trump is more attractive to readers and to viewers and listeners than information about hillary clinton so in it pleads, it leads or in it had donald's name it leads. >> which unbalanced the
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the press since donald trump tapped the new c.e.o., bannon is a chairman of breitbart founded bit late andrew breitbart. >> in they changed the name and call it right wing intolerant, mean spirited news, that would be fine. >> one of the worst people on god's green earth was just instituted as the chairman and c.e.o. of the trump campaign. >> you look at bannon it is win at all costs because they are willing to say and do what others will not do in the mainstream media. >> people out there do not like steve bannon and he is accused of running a site with the ten most important reasons donald trump would make a great president what does this hiring say about breitbart and the trump campaign. >> that donald trump lives and for many
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journalists, it confirmed that has been a propaganda vehicle for donald trump's candidacy. what is more interesting about this, of course, is the warfare on right that again is being exposed. the media, nothing they love more other than a sex scandal which is republicans fighting each other. >> leslie, bannon dismissed the notion that his site traffics in ugly rhetoric but in leaked e-mails obtained he call the going leaders a bunch of c words and said we should all go butt wild so he has strong opinions. >> and breitbart site has been very pro trump and through an employee under the rain to defend him or under the bus i should say. when we look at that site, the problem is they defend trump at
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all costs and as we know without fact many times, we see that most recently in the state of louisiana when the governor said, look in the president came here it would be a disaster and nightmare for first responders. we do not hear about that but we hear about trump you and mike pence visiting state. >> in ban were were advising trump informally and now he leaves breitbart to become the campaign c.e.o. but he is on a leave so he will probably go back to breitbart does that mean the site's credibility is taking a hit? what do you think when you read the come now with the form chasm running the trump campaign? >> what is happening the audience is basically seeing what the impression has been in the media industry all along and that is that breitbart is essentially the trump news network. what is hurtful are the stories coming out now saying that basically staffers are accusing
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breitbart unproven allegations and taking money for positive coverage, for trump everruing editors and in it comes to a point where it is not just the impression in the media community but, also, noon breitbart's audience, that could be a problem for them. to me the big irony is the founder of breitbart has such disdain for that type of cozy relationship between journalists and the completions they cover. for now many conservative commentators to be accusing breitbart of being essentially like the russian owned news network, pravda. all the employee being thrown under the bus was the michelle fields incident after being grabbed by corey lewandowski and breitbart took the trump side, whether it was overblown a lot of people quick as a result.
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a "washington post" story calling bannon's hiring the latest side for white nationalists, dismissed as fringe that worldview was gaining popularity. i am sure breitbart defenders will feel like that is a little bit of overheated rhetoric. thank you for joining us this sunday. next, was the press too quick to fall for ryan lochte's claim of being burglarized at gunpoint at the olympics? bankrupt? auctioned, shut down, the demise of gawker.
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janeiro. >> ryan lochte was out on friday and 48 hours he had a gun put to his head. >> they pulled their guns. they told the others to get on the ground. i said i would not get on the ground account guy had a gun. he koched it. put it to my for head. and i said, whatever. >> ryan lochte stood up to the guys, and that was a brave and dangerous thing to do. >> ryan lochte changed some crucial details in a follow-up interview and yesterday in yet another interview he backed off a bit more. >> the first version of the story you told was more about the mean streets every i don't and the version now is much more about a northbounded settlement to cover up some dumb behavior. >> that is why i am taking full
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responsibility for it because i over exaggerated that story. >> join us here in los angeles, and a commentator, actresses senior editor for intouch weekly and an time at one time to giuliani. first, ryan lochte, it was not an overexaggeration, it was a complete and total lie and now in two successive interviews he appears unable to admit that. >> obviously, he now has some coaching and he hired a big crisis communication expert and that is why he went and did that interview with matt and more will air on monday and we will hear more. look this is par for the course, you get and trouble you try to make amens and do an interview, the apology hope you do not lose your endorsement deals. >> making amends, i'm sorry, i died, i should not have lied, it was a bad thing to do the weasel
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words are not cutting it, this is the classic non-apology apology. >> it is true, he said he was immature and it was immature behavior and he overexaggerateed but what a lot people are talking about is when matt said, are you willing to now say it wasn't robbery, because that was one point, robbery or not, we were the victims, and matt gave him the opening to say, are youing, now, to say that it want robbery and he said, well, it could be robbery or making amends, or restitution. >> i felt threatened because the guy had a gun...but initially they were in a taxi pulled out by someone pretending to be a cop the gun was to his head there was not just embellished by fiction. back to the original story, nbc paid millions to the olympics and ryan lochte made the charges and the reporter said this was brave thing to do...should the press have fallen for this? it seemed like the story like
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something what wrong but i did not thing he was making it up. >> it played into it, the press, into the narrative of the mean streets every i don't and people were quick to accept it. and it has the aspect of the olympics that is the tabloid as expect we did not get with downed ratings with the olympics, the seats were empty, and this kind of fit into another way to talk about something when some of the events were not getting buzz. it made sense the press accepted it because the way that billy bush grabbed him and saw him in the story and grabbed him... >> nbc did a good job having been fed the initially, it is a lay, a lie. >> that they said many times, a lie, a lie. >> and we will see you later in
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>> donald trump with help from the conservative media including the drudge report is raising questions about hillary clinton's health. >> importantly, she lacked the men dallas and physical stamina to take on isis and all of the many adversaries we face. >> hannity focused on an image getting attention on right. >> this shows hillary clinton needing assistance to climb a flight of stairs at a campaign stop back in february and picked
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up by the drudge report which posted this had line over the weekend, detailing hillary clinton's history with falls and speculating that the former secretary of state could be experiencing a series undisclosed medical condition. >> and the most important story, he thinks is this conspiracy theory is that hillary clinton is in the middle of a grave health crisis. >> joining us washington, we have the republican strategist, who worked for the carly fiorina campaign; in louisville, television commentator at the new leader's council and in los angeles, christina bellamtoni. that photograph was taken in february when she stumbled and whether it is drudge or breitbart or hannity does it make sense for conservative
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media to push the hillary clinton health issues. >> it is a great issue that is driving a last traffic but in anyone is actually been on the trail in iowa or new hampshire in chan and february, i need help going up the stairs, it is icy you are in he wills and not prepared for what is going on there unless it is the most salted road ever. it is a distraction but i don't doubt it is driving traffic. >> i missed the crucial high heels aspect. so glad you pointed this out. krystal wraps there are lingering suspicions after the fainting incident where she suffered a concussion. what should the press do on health-related questions? >> a it is irresponsible for outlets to push this when there is absolutely in proof that there is any issue. she has released more document abc on her medical status than donald trump has, the birds are taken out of contest, and there is another video that is going around and it has been taken out
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of context. this is nothing this. i am no hillary clinton lover, i will support her in the election, there are legitimate issues to be push her on including clinton foundation stuff but this doesn't make any sense, there is nothing to it, and it is disgusting that outlets would mislead their viewers implying there is anything going on here. >> both candidate should release their medical records and hopefully that will happen. you mentioned the video, now, christina, this is a video hillary clinton being questioned in washington, and a conservative side said wow, does hillary clinton just suffer a seizure on camera." look at the video here. they are shouting questions. now, the a.p. is one of reporters there, christina, and she wrote a piece about in and
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said that clearly hillary clinton was making an exaggerated motion with herred and it was like a joke and she was laughing and not scared as some people were saying. what did you think about that? >> it is dangerous to diagnosis anyone from a photograph or video are on even what they are saying. pregnant, four months into it i did not tell anyone and you don't know what is going on. >> is this breaking news? >> in. >> so this is where it is dangerous. medical records are helpful but particularly when you have a female candidate, these issues are not what we should be talking about, we should be talking about what each of the candidates do for the country the you never know in someone is mentally capable or physically capable until they are doing the job. >> the d doctors giving their opinion, they have never examine her. so, let's talk about the clinton foundation that announceed in
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hillary clinton wins the presidency, the foundation, family foundation, will no longer suspect corporate contributions or contributions from foreign donors which makes up half of its...that raises the obvious question, well, in that is the standard now what about when hillary clinton was standard of secretary? >> a incredible. reporters enjoy talking about donald trump because it is easy and a sugar high. but this is where the meat is. absolutely, why in the world would it not be okay for him to take foreign donations when president but its with okay when she was secretary of state? no one has been able to answer that. at the same time, you will note that the clinton global health initiative part of the foundation has not agreed to this so, yes, one part of their foundation said they will not take foreign donations but another huge part will not actually commit to that and it is a bundle of mess for hillary clinton and they are enjoying the fact that the media is still
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concentrating on paul manafort's resignation and steve bannon and the easy stores rather than look at the hard stuff and the number >> a "boston globe" "shut it down," in she wins huffington post said just shut it down. >> it is very hard given the fact that the clinton foundation was built up around bill and hillary clinton and chelsea and their global resolution teeth and that was really what made this foundation work. it is very hard in, when she becomes president, to effect ively put up the world they need. i agree with the assessment. to what sarah is saying, there is a lost digging we have public records so we can have transparency, with trump, he has in record of public service so we have very little insight into
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his business dealings because he will not release the tax returns. it is hard to know what is going on. >> i am short on time, quickly, christina, "washington post" under scoring the point you made a turbulent week for donald trump evershadows clinton's vulnerabilities. >> she has, really, been under the radar the entire campaign, which is about him and her reactions to him and allows her to campaign in swing states and do what people are not paying attention to but the foundation issue raises a last legitimate questions of what would bill clinton's role in a clinton white house be? those are questions we should ask. who knows they could shut down the foundation in she selected. looking into the reports is important. >> i am stunned by the line you utter, the democratic presidential nominee is under the radar because of donald trump. come up the "wall street journal" editorial page slams donald trump why is the conservative media against this guy? and later, how did the late
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will have no choice but to write off the nominee as hopeless and focus on salvaging the senate and house of representatives and other races. donald trump needs to stop blaming everyone else and decide if he wants to behalf an inch like someone who wants to be president or turn the nomination over to mike pence. that was written best shakeup, but what explains the "wall street journal" not justify opposing donald trump but suggest he could drop out? you look at the polls a last our down ballot senate candidates are overperforming where trump is in the state, portman, and tomey underperforming the senate candidates and it is the case that donald trump has not really cared that he is not winning over the conservative vote, the republican vote, at same level that hillary clinton is winning the democrat vote. we will see in the shakeups matters. conway will win over those republicans he has alienated.
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>> and the review which never likes him said that donald trump blames the media for making him look notes but reporting thing he says which are not notes. it is caustic and personal the criticism from the conservative press. >> they did not lick him to start and now he is losing and he is losing badly down in every swing state, every important battleground state and he will have to put resources into places like georgia and arizona and utah that no republican should have to. and he probably is going to bring the senate down with him so it is justified for the "wall street journal" and for other outlooks to look at this and say, right now, you are losing, and you are losing worse than romney was ever down in the polls. >> but to suggest he is not going to be on the ballot in november is fantasy land the i am struck by how some reporters, not commentators, not others,
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maybe reporters look how they look at this. >> why is the information so negative? because the press, the country has never seen someone so mendacious and so --. >> what do you mean? >> telling lies. >> christina, so mendacious and so willing to tell lies. would you allow your reporters to talk about the nominee like that? >> it is difficult finish. our spent to be a truth squad as journalists and you should be able to say someone said something not true and that is something that the media is criticized for. you allow someone to stay something and do not counterattack. >> something that reporters should do for all candidates, hick hillary clinton has said things not 100% factual. 70s% of his statements are rated not false, taking it to another level. he makes stuff up.
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it is incorrect what he said. >> i am fine with saying candidate said this, it is not true, but you use the word like mendacious you are signaling you do not like the guy, do you think the new york and washington, dc, pundits are over the behind? >> it is not just new york and washington, dc, but the idea that there is an entire signature must america at least 39% and in some cases 45%, that like donald trump. you can not far get that you have to recognize you are writing for were and not just sun segment. >> christina, and krystal and sarah in washington, dc, thanks. why are so man celebrities here in los angeles savaging trump and does it matter? comedy central struggling in late night, what is behind the dropping of larry?
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>> comedy central had a late night power house for years but trevor is drawing little attention down about 40% larry wilmore was drawing less than half colbert and now they pulled the plug this week. >> i am later the next host for the next, 29 minutes and 31 seconds. >> and kill is back, can we just come out and say picking larry wilmore and trophyor to replace were failures? >> clearly it is hard to replace jon stewart, how do you replace
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and stephen colbert, the fact is he had good rating. >> forget the rating, the reason it is not working neither of these are not talked about or quoted, the clips do not get traction online, and it is not part of situation so larry wilmore said, race, and we tried our best. in do you a lot of racially tinged jokes you have to be funny. >> it was about race that is what the show is about. for jon stewart, if you were on right and you did not like some of the criticism he had to the right he took aim at other people, as well. >> occasionally. >> he did the famous thing on the coverage of cnn and the plane coverage, not just the right. could you find something you like even bill o'reilly would appear with jon stewart. >> and later has the incident at the correspondent dinner and he
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used n word and it did not make him more famous. >> now you need to have the viral moment to do late night tv, you need that, like jimmy kimmel and jimmy fallon. all that went viral was the moment at correspondents dinner. >> some thought it was important but it is all box office. >> he did not have the virals. >> so many celebrities have denouned donald trump and very few on his side, and robert deniro said he is totally notes, martin sheen whobly add president on tv, right, called him scary and why should anyone care what they think? >> this happens every year there is a presidential election, celebrities come out and usually support the democratic candidates. >> as in "always." >> a always, it is not a surprise. >> but it is so personal, jut just not being qualified but using words like moron and notes. >> celebrities do not marry as
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far as votes. why think it will change a vote. celebrities matter to get attention and the fundraising. hillary clinton has all of the fund raiseers with celebrities and that is where they come into play and donald trump said the celebrity, he does not need a celeb city to get attention he gets the tax on his own. >> i want december, do the have celebrities hurt their years because they are alienating half of the audience who could like the republican candidate. >> but you say this each year, and, still, if you like the movie you will see the movie so ...people may hold a grudge for a while but you will see the movie if you want did see it. >> there it is. as listen as they buy the tickets everything is good. >> exactly. in people are in the seats or sell seats... >> gawker is paying the ultimate price for using a lawsuit over the sex tape and a legacy of john mccloughan.
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>> the end of the line for gawker, bankrupt now, and the founder declared personal bankruptcy and univision that bought gawker for $135 million after the successful lawsuit by hulk hogan is shutting it down, planning to operate some of the company's other sites like dead spin but gawker is history. >> john mclaughlin who died at 89 told me why he pushed his panelists to answer his questions in a split second he wanted them to blurt. he loved blurting because it got at truth. >> one word answer, we are out of town, who won the democrat debate?
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>> buchanan. >> a draw. to obama. >> a draw. they both did well. >> making democrats agonize. >> hillary clinton won the debate of. >> issue one, i went to taping for "hot air, he frameed the questions in an entertaining way and john mclaughlin invented the modern political talk show in 19892, the heated rhetoric, predictions, the interrupts, wrong that you is seen in roughly millions of came segments. two, john mclaughlin was unlikely television star, a priest who worked in the nixon white house during watergate and created this rakus program that air on pbs whether you agreed or disagreed with the shark tongue he was good tv so in the sign off he made famous, bye-bye, john. that is it for los angeles "media buzz" i am howard kurtz. hope you like our facebook we
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respond to your questions. we are back in washington, dc, next sunday and i will not have to get up before the sun to come up, check us for the latest buzz >> a. >> new questions concerning donald trump's immigration plan amid reports he was rethinking the mass deporting policy following the meeting with hispanic leaders in new york city, the trump campaign has since denied the claims and, today, the newly appointed campaign manager tried to clarify his position. >> what he supports is to make sure that we enforce the law, that we are respectful of the americans who are looking for well paying jobs and that we are fair and humane for those who live among us in this country. >> hello, everyone, welcome to
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