tv The Kelly File FOX News August 22, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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what celebrities are tweeting about donald trump. again, thanks for watching us tonight. i am bill o'reilly, and please always remember that the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, new developments on two big campaign trail controversies as the media accuse trump of flip-flopping on immigration and hillary clinton takes a one-two punch on her e-mail scandal from both a federal court and a former secretary of state. welcome to "the kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly back from vacation. great to see all of you. i just have a picture of you in my mind. hopefully you're watching. just as hillary clinton gets her most stunning rebuke yet from a fellow secretary of state, we learn that a new court order is raising questions about when some of mrs. clinton's e-mails will be released to the public. here's a hint. the judge says asap. and whether we might know the
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contents before election day. later this hour, we will hear from mark thiessen and austan goolsbee and glenn beck on that story. but first new drama for donald trump as some media outlets spot what they think is a major shift in his immigration stance, and the story catches fire. here's a candidate on the stump tonight from ohio. >> according to pew research, immigration over the next 50 years will add another 100 million to our population. that's so unfair to the low-income workers, african-americans, latino, all americans living here today and trying to get a job and get ahead. hillary clinton's plan amounts to total and absolute total open borders. hillary clinton has totally forgotten the first rule of public service. the job of an elected official
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is to serve the citizens of the united states. that's what the job is. >> in moments, we will have our very first conversation with mr. trump's new campaign manager, kellyanne conway. but first chief political correspondent campaign carl cameron live from cleveland, ohio, tonight. hi, carl. >> hi, megyn. welcome back. there's been a lot of discussion over the weekend and today about where donald trump is taking his immigration reform plans and whether or not he's going to be able to deport the 11 to 17 million undocumented immigrants in this country, depending on which numbers you want to choose. but tonight at his rally here in ohio, he really took on hillary clinton quite hard. and given that there's now the discovery of 15,000 new and as yet undisclosed e-mails and that the fbi and the department of justice chose not to prosecute or investigate further, trump tonight suggested that it's time to get an outsider, a new sheriff to take a look at the
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evidence. watch. >> the amounts involved, the favors done, and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately. >> reporter: tough stuff and a direct assault on hillary clinton, suggesting that she has been involved in a criminal act. and, of course, the last time there was a special prosecutor, it was in the clinton administration, and of course it led to impeachment because of the president's perjury over a relationship. since then, congress has been pretty adamantly dead set against having a special prosecutor. but given the tenor and the battle that this race has become, it's entirely likely a lot of republicans will latch onto that and say it's a great idea and push for it. megyn. >> thank you. joining me now, donald trump's campaign manager, kellyanne conway. kellyanne, great to see you. >> thank you, megyn. >> i have been on vacation, but what happened to paul manafort?
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>> oh, i think donald trump thanked him for his service, and i echo that thanks. and then he accepted his resignation. >> what are you going to do differently, if anything, from the prior two campaign managers? >> so this actual position has been unfilled for a while, and i think we would like to do a few things together. one is to make sure all the folks in our states have exactly what they need, the resources, the data operation, the ground game, the structure and to move forward. and i just had a call with all 50 of them. we had a call probably about an hour -- >> you're getting the ground machine working, the campaign really in motion? >> that's right. and i think that paul manafort did a great job. he absolutely did, building the infrastructure. i think for mr. trump, it should be a pivot to substance, and that's what you saw last week. everybody is saying pivot, pivot, pivot. it usually means stylistically. you have to be authentic or voters figure it out right away. we see first hand with hillary clinton when you try to fake who you are or try to listen to
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pollsters tell you how to shift. >> some people said that was the manafort, that he was trying to tell trump to behave differently than trump is. trump is trump, and he was trying to reel him in, and trump didn't like that. >> well, i think what he does like is winning, and you see these polls tightening. part of that is really a direct product of last week. i think the best week ever on the campaign. the reason is he gave four speeches all on substance, law enforcement, taking the case to the communities of color, and really challenging hillary clinton and the democrats -- >> but when you say the polls are tightening, carl cameron is reporting that he is behind in all of the national polls six to nine points right now. six to nine points. >> the real clear average ballot tonight is about 5.5, but that's good. i like being the underdog. i think it lights a fire under a campaign to realize you have 77 days or so to get it done, what needs to be done. the other thing we're trying to do is really access and leverage the resources we have. there's a tremendous amount of talent in that campaign. i've gotten to know most and soon all of the folks who are there.
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these are hard working, talented professionals, who are not household names. i'm really glad i'm in the fox hole with them. and then it's also, i think, to challenge hillary clinton on substance. megyn, the issue set really much benefits us. people don't want obamacare. we don't know what -- >> before we get through our laundry list of issues, is that why mr. trump is postponing the immigration speech he was going to give this week so that, you know, the media, the air time can breathe a little this week with, let's face it, news that has not been good for hillary clinton at all? >> no, it hasn't. she's on track to have her worst week ever, and it's only monday. >> is that the reason? >> no. >> is that a campaign tactic? >> no o it's not a campaign tactic. it's for a very simple reason. that's been on the schedule for a while. immigration is a very complex issue, and to get the solutions right to come out with your specific plan should not be rushed. he is taking in the wisdom of many different counselors on this issue, and that included saturday's meeting, which i attended. >> right. he's got a new hispanic advisory
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council. but forget what he said or didn't say or the buzzfeed reporting. the question is whether is he still going to deport the 11 million illegal immigrants in this country? >> so this is what he has said. he has said whether it's his speech last month at the convention which everybody can pull and read or what he said in the private meetings that somehow got reported, i think, and distorted by those who weren't in attendance, is basically the same and he said it today in ohio. megyn, what he's saying is first secure the borders and actually apply and enforce the law. that sound if we actually enforce immigration laws, a lot of it starts to change. secondly, you have to deport those who have committed crimes. that certainly is nowhere near -- >> but before -- but that is all sort of generic republican talk. many republicans have said -- >> maybe they didn't mean it. >> that's what people are wondering, whether trump means it. >> he means it. >> in the primary season, he came out and said he would favor a deportation force. he was pretty explicit about
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that. now the question is, is there doubt about that? >> i think a deportation force is more the logistics, in other words, how do you achieve the goal of making sure we are fair to everyone? i think too much of the conversation is always about what's fair to the illegal immigrants? what about what's fair to the american workers? >> so the 11 million are going to be deported? >> here is what he said about that. he will enforce the law, which will take care of a lot of that. he will deport those who have absolutely committed a crime, being convicted of a crime. he will make sure that american jobs are protected. he will absolutely build that wall. >> that provides wiggle room that wasn't there before. before -- >> well -- >> let's just play the deportation force sound bite because this is what he said during the primary season. >> are you going to have a massive deportation force? >> we're going to have a deporttation force, and you're going to do it humanely. they're going back where they came. if they came from a certain country, they're going to be brought back to that country. that's the way it's supposed to be. they can come back, but they have to come back legally.
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>> mr. trump, you've called for a deportation force to remove the 11 million undocumented immigrants from the united states. >> -- country or we don't have a country. we have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally. they will go out. >> so he was pretty -- there was no no wiggle room. >> they're going. >> so he is deporting them? >> he wants to apply the law, and he wants to make sure that we have -- i think the most important thing of what he has said and still says, and i'm very happy that you played the entire clip there, is that we need to do it humanely. >> he's definitely said humanely from the beginning. but there's a question about today, and even today you're not being explicit. >> when it comes to donald trump, everybody always sticks on one word. i know hillary clinton is boring to cover and she lies for a living, but -- >> she's not a fan. >> most of america thinks she lies. i'm just one of them.
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deportation force, he is talking about mechanisms. even senator jeff sessions, who is a very close advisor on this issue, has never called for a deportation force. >> but donald trump did. that's why it's news. >> i think the media are so worried that he had a good week, the mainstream media. he was i was in that meeting. he did not say that. >> i don't care. >> this is somebody who i always hearsay the same thing in private as public, a sure you. >> i have to ask you this final question. you were a ted cruz supporter during the primaries, and you came out and said i don't like the personal insults. i don't like somebody who hurls personal insults and thefrn you came out and said donald trump doesn't do that. now, you know that's not true. >> i was saying in the context of he doesn't do it without being attacked first. people forget that this man is -- >> does that excuse it? yesterday he called mika brzezinski neurotic, which is another term for basically mentally ill. he's called other female news
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personalities crazy. the man does hurl personal insults. >> but not unprompted. i don't like personal insults, only because i'm a mother of four young children. i'd be a hypocrite if i liked them. i actually think he can win on the issues, on the substance. our best game against hillary clinton is to take her on four square about her record. >> how is that working so far because that stuff about mika was today? >> so he felt like he was being attacked. >> mm-hmm. >> we have interns monitoring the programs, and he felt like it was a -- >> with all due respect to my friends over at msnbc, that show has like two viewers. why does he let himself get worked up over -- so she doesn't like him. too bad. who cares? >> i'll tell you this, megyn. if it's up to me, he's in a tennis match with hillary clinton. he's lobbing and shooting aces at her all day long. we don't pick a fight with the ref. we don't boo the crowd because we're absolutely back in hillary clinton's head. he's occupying serious real estate in her head because you
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see the way they're reacting. they're trying to make this campaign about donald trump, and a lot of their friends in the media are trying to make this campaign about donald trump. but there are actually two candidates in the race, and we should be covering both of them. >> and she is up next. so donald trump has moved on from the parade of buildings on the upper west side to renting space in hillary's head. kellyanne, what a pleasure. big fan of yours. >> thank you for the platform. also tonight, new questions about whethn voters will get to see some of the 15,000 e-mails that team clinton tried to hold back from the fbi. remember they were deleted, but the fbi was able to find them and said they had nothing to do with business. and then the fbi said, oh, yes, they did. well, we may get to see these before election day. mark thiessen and austan goolsbee on the effect that's going to have. plus glenn beck shared with us -- >> so many of the american people out there saying i don't
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previously unseen and potentially damaging e-mails from hillary clinton's private server. they may be released to the public just weeks before the november election. no one outside of the fbi has seen these documents except perhaps her lawyers. and this batch may include thousands of work-related messages that hillary clinton claimed she had already turned over. watch. >> we went through a thorough process to identify all of my work-related e-mails and deliver them to the state department. >> i turned over everything i was obligated to turn over, and then i moved on. i turned over everything that i could imagine. >> we turned over every document in my possession when the state department requested it. >> i see you are interviewed, you make a point of saying, i turned over everything. >> all my work-related e-mails. >> how do you know that? >> i know that because there was an exhaustive search done under
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the supervision of my attorneys. >> it wasn't that exhaustive as it turns out. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge has the story from washington. catherine? >> reporter: megyn, this morning a federal judge here in washington ordered the state department to speed up its reviews of the e-mails recovered by the fbi investigation. these e-mails were sent over received by hillary clinton. they were not among the records turned over to the state department. the state department is working through what was government business and what was personal by the court-imposed deadline. >> the intent is to do that appraisal before september 23rd. we're still in the process of looking at the amount of effort, the amount of resources we need to commit to doing that, but that's the intent at least. >> reporter: judicial watch who brought the freedom of information act lawsuit said the new records are more evidence of bad faith.
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>> mrs. clinton swore under pej that as best she knew, all government records had been turned over. but this court hearing today demonstrated that wasn't the case. >> reporter: in a separate lawsuit judicial watch also released new e-mails from clinton aide huma abadin. like the crown prince of bahrain got special access to hillary clinton. judicial watch is a conservative group that has dogged the clintons since the 1990s, making false accusations. we also have new reaction tonight from one of america's most respected men, who says mrs. clinton's campaign is trying to blame her e-mail problems on him. mrs. clinton reportedly telling the fbi that former secretary of state colin powell encouraged her to use a private e-mail. on saturday, secretary powell telling "people" magazine, quote, the truth is she was using that for a year before i sent her a memo telling her what
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i did. her people have been trying to pin it on me. mark thiessen is a fox news contributor, and austan goolsbee is a former advisor to president obama and professor at the university of chicago's booth school of business. great to see you both. >> good to see you, megyn. >> let's just be perfectly clear about what hillary clinton told congress in 2015 about her e-mails because she had business e-mails at home, and she had some personal stuff that was on this mixed e-mail. she said we gave all the business stuff back over to the state department years after i left, and they finally realized what i had been doing. we gave it all, all. we held back yoga. we held back chelsea's wedding, but we gave everything business. they said this in october 2015 to congress. >> the search terms were everything you could imagine that might be related to anything, but they also went through every single e-mail.
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>> hello? here we are. yes, hi. that's what she said, mark. the lawyers went through every single one, and the fbi said, then they stink because they have a bunch, and now we're supposed to get to see them soon, right? >> absolutely. it looks like we're going to get about 14,900 of them, and apparently they're all about yoga, which is now why we know why she's so flexible with the truth. i mean the reality is, look, she lies repeatedly about her e-mails, and now she's lying again about colin powell, and colin powell has gotten sick of being blamed for hillary clinton's e-mail mess. she said repeatedly, i did the exact same thing as colin powell. no, she didn't. colin powell did not do any of the things that hillary clinton did. hillary clinton is the only secretary of state in american history to use private e-mail for all of her official business. she's the only secretary of state in american history to have had a private server in her basement where she kept classified information. and she's the only secretary of state in history when the state
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department asked for those back to order her lawyers to destroy 30,000 of them. colin powell didn't do any of that stuff. and now if colin powell is telling the truth, we've caught her in another lie because she told the -- she claims she was totally truthful with the fbi. she told the fbi that colin powell gave her the idea to use private e-mail. >> it's not clear what she told the fbi. now they're saying that the fbi specifically asked her about correspondence she had with colin powell, and in response to that, she said, hey, he told me that he did it too. and he's saying i told her the year after. it's not clear whether she lied to the fbi. and colin powell is not a defender of hers. i want to ask you about something else, austan. the thing that caught my eye most of anything today was this business of the clinton foundation. when she became secretary of state, she was not supposed to use that role to advance the clinton foundation. and she was not supposed to make nice-nice with people who are given to the clinton foundation in her role as our secretary,
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right? you agree with all that? >> well, i don't know. when you say make nice-nice, what does that mean? >> you know exactly what i mien. she's not supposed to do glad handing and sort of build relationships for her clinton foundation through her role as secretary of state. >> that's the only reason she was meeting with foreign leaders, yes, i agree w. >> okay. so explain to me whether that correspondence catherine herridge just referenced is kosher where you've got hillary clinton -- let's just put it on the board. you've got the clinton foundation executive doug band writing huma abadin, her top assistant, at huma's state department e-mail address referring to the crown prince of bahrain. cp of bahrain. he's saying this is the clinton foundation saying to hillary's right-hand woman, crown prince of bahrain in tomorrow to friday, asking to see her. good friend of ours over here at the clinton foundation. and so he's basically trying to do an end-around because here's what huma responds. he asked to see hrc thursday and
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friday through normal channels. so this guy went through normal channels, apparently didn't get the answer he wanted and then tried to go to the clinton foundation and they were only too happy to help. then you can see huma fienltly responds offering crown prince 10:00 tomorrow for meeting. this looks sketchy, austan. you tell me. >> look, if we're now going to argue about the scheduling of meeting the crown prince of bahrain, who the state department meets with the crown prince of bahrain. i mean that is a thing that happens. >> but usually the state department arranges it, and they didn't. >> i don't know anything about it. i think we are descending well into the trivial if we're going to start going through the scheduling and if the insinuation is that it's conflict of interest, i don't know why we aren't talking about the donald trump tax plan where he proposed literally a tax cut for his own businesses that would total in the hundreds of millions of dollars. >> mark, the thing is the crown
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prince of bahrain gave $32 million. i mean this group had committed a lot of money to the clinton global initiative over the prior years. >> to a charity. >> no. he was a donor to -- >> he was the donor and the krouns prince of bahrain. >> he gave $100,000 to the clinton foundation directly and also gave money to the charities. so both statements are true. and the problem here isn't so much the scheduling of the king of bahrain. the problem is the king of bahrain went through official channels, didn't get what he wanted, so thought, hey, i'm a donor to the clinton foundation. they'll hook me up, and the clinton state department was more than willing to oblige. here's the problem. doug band was an official at the clinton foundation and also a consulting firm called teneo, and huma abadin during her time at the state department was at one time an employee of the state department, the clinton foundation. >> simultaneously. >> and doug band's consulting firm. i mean if that's not corruption, i don't --
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>> a, switch to decaf. let's tone it down just a bit. this is moving into the same kind of conspiratorial that next we're going to have whitewater. we're going to be back -- >> that's what clinton's defender say every time you bring up -- it's a conspiracy. it's a conspiracy. >> it is a -- >> all right. i got to go. so we'll leave it at that. it's a conspiracy theory, and these are two good men to walk us through it. thank you. one of the most unpredictable critics front-runners is answering our questions next on who is getting his vote in november. glenn beck is right after this break. plus after days of the president taking heat for playing golf while louisiana was drowning in floodwaters, mr. obama will tomorrow visit the state, and we'll show you how residents are reacting to that. like centurylink's broadband network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. or the network that keeps a leading hotel chain's guests connected at work, and at play.
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>> announcer: from the world headquarters of fox news, it's "the kelly file" with megyn kelly. so in the last 30 minutes, we walked you through how the trump campaign is handling a new firestorm over immigration and how the hillary camp is trying to deal with new bombshells over e-mails. here now to react to all of it, glenn beck, ladies and gentlemen. founder of the blaze and author of "liars, how progressives
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exploit our fears." great to see you, glenn, as always. >> good to see you, megyn. thank you very much. >> so let's start with trump and whether you believe he's flipped on immigration or whether you -- you know, whether you think he's going to hold true to the original stance he took on immigration as he was running in the mid-gop primary. >> no. i mean just give it a couple of days, and he'll change it again. i think he is the most untrustworthy guy -- well, no, i can't say that because we also have hillary clinton. i mean it is -- you know, we've got the possibility of a rope that may be frayed that you could hang yourself with or arsenic that may be outdated. which one do you want? it's donald trump, hillary clinton. i don't know which one is better. donald trump, i don't believe a word he has said from the beginning on any of his policies. >> mm-hmm. do you think it's a situation,
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glenn, where he's going to say what he wants or what he thinks he needs to say to get elected, and then we'll find out? we'll find out how he governs. but his supporters believe we'll like the answer. >> well, yes, they do. and nancy pelosi believed when she said about obamacare that you have to -- it's like christmas. you have to open the box to see what's in it. you have to vote for it before we tell you what's in it. no, thank you. i mean we're supposed to use some intelligence here, and judge a man by his record, and he does not have a good record of telling the truth or -- >> and neither does she. neither does she. that's the problem for the american public. she has a repeated history of not telling the truth, and then in news that comes out today about her e-mails and the clinton foundation just support that, does it not? >> but nobody -- but nobody is surprised by this. this is what is so tragic about this. it didn't have to be this way.
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you know, we actually had some other choices. i would have taken just about any of them other than these two. it is remarkable to me. and so many people, i'm sure, megyn, there are a lot of people in your audience that are very mad at me because i won't back up donald trump. and they -- a lot of people write to me and say, well, it's because you supported ted cruz. how third grade do you have to be to not vote for him because you're jealous, you're angry or bitter? it's ridiculous. i've done a lot of soul searching on what do i do? what do i do? and i believe that everybody who i have talked to in my audience for the last 15 years, i have said there's going to come a time when you are going to have to stay the course, and nobody is going to like it. but you'll be the audience that will save the nation. and i believe these are those times. >> what do you think people should do? >> i think that, you know, one of the things is both sides now
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are starting to come apart at the seams with anger. you know, there was an article in "the new york times," and i thought the article was unfair to trump supporters. but i thought the video was actually accurate and couldn't have been faked, where it shows all of the anger. and i mean really bad racist-style anger. we had the same thing on black lives matter on the left, and we had it in occupy wall street. i don't think that black lives matter is a representation of the african-american community at large, and i don't think that those few racists that are around that want violence, want to break the system up, bannon, the guy who is now running the trump campaign said in a report today that he's a leninist. i was hoping maybe he meant john lennon. what he is saying is, i want to destroy the system.
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people have to stand up, and the good trump supporters -- there's millions of people who are not racist, who are not standing by violence, who don't want to destroy the entire system. those people have to distance themselves not even from the candidate but from that kind of rhetoric and that kind of messaging. it's really dangerous. >> okay. but i want to push you on this because that leaves the question. with so many of the american people out there saying, i don't like either one of these folks, you know, these are the choices you have. look, you can go for gary johnson, but you know realistically gary johnson has no chance. so if you will, what do you plan on doing? but secondly, what do you see? i mean one of these people is going to be the next president barring something huge happening between now and november. so how do you see america in four years from now? >> i will tell you, i mean it when i said, you know, it's a
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loaded gun with six bullets in the chambers, but one of them may be defective and arsenic. it's not -- >> you're staying home. >> i am not staying home. >> he's going to be in the booth. g-l-e-n-n. >> no. but i will tell you this, megyn. i will be voting for the under ticket. we have to find people who believe in the constitution. >> got it. >> because either one of these two are dangerous to the republic. >> how do you see? now, somebody is going to win. one of those two is likely going to win. how do you see the country four years from that point? >> if it's hillary clinton, best case scenario, bill clinton plays a more active role, and she starts to triangulate, and we're in deep trouble. we have horrible supreme court
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justices. but that's best case scenario. worst case scenario, don't cry for me arrangen tina. she's out on the balcony. best case scenario on the trump, i'm completely wrong about trump. we have one or two supreme court justices that we can live with. worst case scenario, and i think this is more probable than not, he becomes a guy who has gone way off the rails with the constitution, and we're looking at a south american kind of situation with him. people don't understand what's coming and what is coming is civil unrest, war on a global scale, and an economic situation that we haven't seen since the 1930s. that is what this president will be facing, and i will tell you i don't trust either of them. we have to make sure the under ticket, they are strong constitutionalists. >> and on that happy note, with
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the future prediction intact, we say good-bye for now to our friend glenn beck. always great to see you, glenn. >> thank you, megyn. so what do the voters think of all of this? chris stirewalt and stuart stevens are next on how the polls are moving. plus donald trump donors get more than they bargain for when they are met by angry demonstrators burning the american flag. and that's not the half of it. we're back with that video in moments. don't go away. to severe plaque, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have
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or gave interviews. the march began as a dozen peaceful protesters and soon became a rowdy crowd of more than 100. the gathering was organized by the minnesota immigrants rights action committee, and it remains unclear if outside agitators joined in. initially trump's supporters were heckled, ha raszed, and taunted. then the verbal assault turned physical with protesters spitting, hurling objects, throwing punches. trump supporters said they were surprised that police and security did not hold back the crowd. listen. >> we were literally ambushed. we walked out the doors, and all these things happened. why wouldn't you be prepared for when those people are leaving? >> reporter: witnesses say only when trump's motorcade came through did police intervene. there reportedly was graph fitty on the walls of the convention center along with some minor damage. there were no arrests. megyn. >> trace, thank you. we are also seeing the national
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polls tighten up somewhat with hillary clinton losing three points off of her lead in the real clear politics average of polls. but the state polls out of the swing states remain a different story. chris stirewalt is our fox news digital politics editor. stuart stevens is founding partner of strategic partners and media. stirewalt, we have seen some tight piening in the national polls. what does it tell us. >> welcome back. we don't know because we haven't had any national polling that is worth a piece of two-day-old cornbread in about a week. there's been nothing out there. we've been in this space where there's substandard polling that looks like maybe there's some movement for trump. we have one poll, the pew poll, that sho . the state polls we expect would trail the national trend. so if in fact mr. trump is doing better than he was before, then we would start to see that play out this week. so we will be watching with bated breath. >> stuart, do you feel like the
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race is tightening? >> i think the race will go up and down, but the structure of this race seems pretty stable to me until something changes it. as long as donald trump's favorables are in the mid-30s, it's very difficult for him to grow out of that. if you just think about kind of the common sense t would require a huge number of people have an unfavorable view of donald trump and vote for him. it's possible to overperform your favorables a little bit, but not that much. >> but you say that even though hillary's unfavorables are so high? >> hers are better than his, and she has this mechanism called a campaign that is supporting her. i have to give the clinton campaign credit. i think they've designed an offense that works with a very limited quarterback quite well. and when she has a bad day -- and everybody has bad days as a candidate -- she has some mechanism of supporters. today they announced they were doing an $80 million ad buy, and donald trump was tweeting about a talk show host.
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this is really an unfair advantage there. it's not unfair, but there's an unequal advantage that the clinton campaign has that lifts them up. >> all right. what about it, though, chris, because 77 days, right? trump has been more disciplined. i mean i realize referring to women as neurotic, not a great idea. >> these are relative terms. more disciplined, right. >> that was today. but he's got 77 days, and other than, you know, some tweets, he's been more disciplined. he's been on message. you know, can he turn it around? >> well, he needs -- i think stuart is absolutely right, that he needs the structure of the race to change. the closest in an average of real polls that donald trump has ever been is 4.2 points behind hillary clinton. that was the best. that was basically as the conventions began. and he's been as far down as ten. he needs the structure of this race to change in order to win, and the way that that happens
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isn't by incremental improvement. he's got to do that so he can stay competitive. what he needs is for hillary clinton to have a kablooey. he's got hope for one after another. >> he might get it. it's great to see you both. thanks, guys. >> thank you. i state devastated by the worst disaster since superstorm sandy is now preparing for a visit by president obama. louisiana resident and family research council president tony perkins is next on what he thinks about that. about what t, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to
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almost a week after devastating floods in louisiana became a top national story, and four days after donald trump paid a visit to the state, president obama tomorrow shows up to see the damage and will take new heat for what critics call his delayed response. will carr is in baton rouge tonight for us with the very latest. >> reporter: good evening, megyn. when president obama comes here tomorrow, he will see devastation that stretches for more than 25 miles. this has been the biggest natural disaster to hit the united states since superstorm sandy back in 2012. over the past 48 hours, residents in this area have been pulling out through their homes, their guts homes, and piling all of their possessions out onto
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the street. president obama is going to see this, and many residents say they have a direct message for him. >> just help us. just don't -- no red tape. just help us. don't make us jump through all these hoops. some of us just don't have anything. if he could do that, that would be fine. >> reporter: 60,000 homes were damaged in these floods. 110,000 residents have filed to get federal help. donald trump was here last week. hillary clinton issued a statement today that says that she will come when the time is appropriate. and politics aside, residents here, megyn, tell us they will take any help that they can get from the country. megyn. >> will, thank you. earlier today hillary clinton stated her intention to tour the areas affected by the louisiana floods. that news coming just days after rival donald trump's visit to the state, which included a stop at a local church, where my next
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guest caught up with the gop nominee. tony perkins joins any now. he's the president of the family research council. i'm so sorry to hear about your family's scare and your having to leave your devastated home. we had you on the program last week. i wasn't here, but this was right before donald trump came to the area. you saw him whether n he came. describe the situation there and the effect that visit had. >> it's good to be with you, megyn. welcome back from vacation. donald trump, his visit here -- actually, i called and talked to his campaign and said, look, we could use the attention that would come with a presidential campaign if you would come down because it was basically no aengs it. the president missed the boat when it came to his opportunity to look presidential, and donald trump came. the campaign said, we don't want the media to be in tow. we want to come down and see firsthand. as i toured the area with donald trump and mike pence, he was astounded at the depth and breadth of the destruction here
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in the wake of this flood, and he was visibly moved. and as he met with residents, they were moved by his compassion and concern. i think the president really did miss the boat and his opportunity to look presidential, not that people are necessarily looking for the government to do everything for them. we've got a tremendous faith-based response going on. my first call was to my friend franklin graham at samaritan's purse. they're set up in our church parking lot helping hundreds of people clean out their homes and try to put the pieces of their lives back together again. >> just so our viewers know, you had to evacuate from your home with your children. you have five kids, in a canoe, all seven of you in a canoe. you were turned away from the first place you tried to find shelter but found some help. is this your home we're looking at here? >> it is. it is. that's my home. it was an oversized canoe. there was room for seven. we made our way out, and it was a baptist church that actually frankly was full.
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it wasn't equipped to be a shelter, and we had a church member took us in for the night. but, look, this is widespread. a lot of people have lost everything. and what is encouraging about this, megyn, let me talk about the good story here, is how americans are responding by coming here from across the country, volunteering with organizations like samaritan's purse, giving of their time and resources to help their fellow american. and i want to thank donald trump and mike pence for coming down here and bringing the media attention to something that was being overlooked. >> mm-hmm. >> again, it's american helping american. this is a -- when it's all said and done, it's going to be a good story about how americans still care for one another. >> nice uplifting note to leave it on, tony. thank you very much. we'll cover the president's visit tomorrow and all the best to you and your family. and all got people of louisiana. >> thank you, megyn. >> we'll be right back. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands,
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more, now available preorder. and found out an old wiev's cure to something. if you're coughing all night, you put something on your feet, and then you put your socks on. @megyn kelly on twitter if you know what it is. see you tomorrow. welcome to "hannity," and tonight we are broadcasting from the greenwell springs baptist church in louisiana. now more than 60,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed by the deadly flooding right here in this state. now, the devastation is almost unimaginable. don't believe me? watch this. >> when this first happened, it was so hard. i've never been through nothing like this. >> the water was about two feet deep in the house when the fire department came with a rescue boat. >> got over here. flood water waslm
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