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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  August 23, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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intersection just to catch the creature. the ugly. a not so grand slam. a minor league baseball player hits it out of the park into, yes, his own truck shattering the windshield. good news is, his team won. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> have a good day. >> bye. good morning to you and to your family. tuesday, august 23rd, i'm ainsley earhardt. we start with a fox news alert. an investigation just launched as a potentially isis inspired stabbing attack right here at home. we have the breaking details and potential terror ties. meanwhile, brand new trouble for hillary clinton this morning but she laughs it off on late night tv. >> my e-mails are so boring. >> mine are. >> i'm embarrassed about that. they're so boring. so we've already released, i don't know, 30,000 plus, so what's a few more. >> what's a few tens of thousands more. should she really be joking
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about this? >> then moments in sports are so much about more than just a game. when a mom battling cancer gets interviewed live on television in the stands about her fight and then her son's at-bat and then this happens. >> they have really come together and become a family and they've really rallied around you. i know you're wearing the bracelet right now. the fact that they wear it -- >> outta here. >> hits one right out of the park while she speaks on live television about her cancer. why it's so important for her to be here. we'll have that story and interview with her and more when we join us, when we start the show right after we tell you our slogan which remains, mornings are better with friends. yup, fifth avenue. 66 degrees in new york city and
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it is a beautiful day. >> that's so much fun. if you go out of our building and go left you'll go right up that street. you can see the trees in the background right into central park. >> by the way, this is a roster of guests, just good looking people. you'll have your interview with the pence family coming up shortly. kellyanne conway will be in our studio. she might be the key guest outside of donald trump to talk to as things get on track for the trump campaign. >> we're going to talk to sheriff david clarke and laura ingram and dolly parton is working 6:00 to 9:00. >> and kellie pickler. >> that's right. we have a busy three hours. kicks off right now. we're going to start with fox headlines. >> heather has serious news for us. >> good morning. we start out with the fox news alert. intensive isis style beheading happening inside the united states. the fbi is now investigating after wasvil fabrouki savagely
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stabbed a woman inside a roanoke apartment. he yelled alla akbar. he attempted to behead the woman. what's scarier, he chose his victim at random. we're just getting the information into the newsroom. we'll bring you more as it comes in. in the meantime, bombshell new evidence showing ryan lochte may have been telling the truth about what happened in rio. new witnesses say that guards did, in fact, pull guns on the athletes and demanded money. they also say the bathroom was not vandalized. four major companies including speedo and ralph lauren pulled their deals with lochte. the contracts were worth up to $1 million. tmz sports asking him if he's rethinking his party. >> you've got to consider it? >> you know, i don't know. i can't answer that question right now.
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right now i need to just see my family and talk with them about it, about what i'm going to do. >> the u.s. olympic committee says the four swimmers will be published but they haven't released the details just yet. almost a week after devastating floods in louisiana became a top national story, and five days after donald trump visited that state, president obama is set to tour the h historic damage this morning. and talk about the delayed response. >> in regards to the president's trip to baton rouge, did the white house schedule the trip in response to donald trump's visit? >> of course not. >> the president under fire for not cutting his 16 day vacation to martha's vineyard short to tour the damage earlier. as people in louisiana continue to clean up from the flooding, one little boy is anxious to help. so carson bootie, the little boy, came up with a plan. >> we're going to give them
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lunch so that they don't have to stop work what they're doing. so we're just going to deliver pizzas to neighborhoods that have floods. >> what a sweetheart. carson spent his ninth birthday delivering pizzas to people cleaning up. thanks to donations from the community he delivered 363 pizza pies. what a nice little boy and a way to spend his birthday. i'm so proud of him. >> that's awesome. >> close to 400. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. while isis continues to attack us here at home and the terror threats that some people say doesn't exist, let's talk about something else that doesn't seem to exist in the clinton camp but it's far too real, and that is the amount of e-mails not turned over by hillary clinton during the investigation to the fbi. it turns out thanks to judicial watch we have now into the cycle soon to be coming your way 14,900 e-mails not turned over by the clinton camp but picked
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up in the other e-mail boxes or by going through the server forensically. >> also in a fox news exclusive, brian, you're not going to hear this on any of the other networks. we have found out -- we've talked a lot about pay to play. we're finding out more information about how connected the clinton foundation is to the state department and this has just been released. top executive with the clinton foundation, coo, laura graham, she left 148 phone messages for the top aide with the state department while hillary clinton was secretary of state. >> how crazy is that? okay. so on the screen right you've got the woman who runs the foundation. on the screen left you have huma -- cheryl mills, that is to say. you've got the woman who was the chief of staff when hillary clinton was the department of state secretary. so here's the thing, when you look at all the messages, and a lot of the messages are innocuous.
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these were obtained through phone records, the phone logs. it becomes really clear, you can't really tell where the clinton foundation stops and the department of state starts. that's one of the reasons why donald trump made it very clear last night in akron, ohio, he pledged that if he is elected president of the united states, he would appoint the special prosecutor because at this point you cannot trust the department of justice and you cannot trust the fbi given the fact that they looked up all the stuff regarding hillary and said, no, no problem there. here he is last night. >> the amounts involved, the favors done and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately. hillary clinton has totally forgotten the first rule of public service. the job of an elected official
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is to serve the citizens of the united states. that's what the job is. and if you don't understand that, then you are not fit to run for the office of president of the united states. we're not working for somebody else, we're not working for another country. >> it's also important to point out that during one point of the 148 messages, they have reports that cheryl mills referred talking to the coo of this foundation, our boss. how unbelievable is that? also in one of those e-mails in the 750 pages that were released there is a reference to a prince -- a saudi arabian prince who gave $31 million to the foundation who just so happens to want a meeting with the secretary of state. you see the detailed dialogue there. he gets that meeting. >> brian -- brian -- it's all laughing. it's a joke. it's a joke to hillary clinton.
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>> it's so boring, right? >> on kimmel last night, listen to what she said about these e-mails. >> the state department, i actually added it up today, and the state department said that they have to release 15,000 e-mails by the deadline a couple of days before the debate. are you concerned about that? >> no. no. >> i would be terrified if my e-mails were leaving. >> jimmy, my e-mails are so boring. >> yeah. >> i'm embarrassed about that, they're so boring. so we've already released, i don't know, 30,000 plus, so what's a few more. >> in the end you're not concerned that there's going to be something that donald trump is able to use against you, that the republican that comes in at the last second. >> he makes up stuff to use against me so if if he would stick with reality, i wouldn't have a worry in the world. >> the problem is he's not making this up. this is in black and white and soon for everybody to see. >> she talks about him being -- >> she says that he makes stuff up and yet you look at all of
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these various alibis. >> he is a liar. >> you know what gets me. she's laughing about it. it's not a big deal. what if you're the mother of one of the mothers in benghazi. they're extremely important. >> the fun on the jimmy kimmel show continued last night. at one point he asked her about, you know, there are all these stories about you're not healthy. so he gave her a jar of pickles and said, just open up that jar of pickles and she did and i have to think that somebody probably preopened it. a jar of pickles you do struggle. also, he had an array of things that donald trump has said in the past, asked her to read them oh, and the hilarian ensued. >> these are actual quotes. >> i think apologizing to great things, but you have to be wrong. i will absolutely apologize sometime in the hopefully distant future if i'm ever
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wrong. >> all right. well done. well done. >> number one, i have great respect for women. i was the one that really broke the glass ceiling on behalf of women more than anybody in the construction industry. >> do you think he's talking about actual glass that he's broken? >> i think some of his places have glass ceilings. >> that's true. >> yeah. okay. let me see. these are the milder ones actually. if i were running "the view" i'd fire rosie o'donnell. i mean, i'd look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers. i'd say, rosie, you're fired. >> did you notice on the desk, it had a wig, donald trump hair on top of the fish bowl. >> look at what she's doing. she thinks she won already. she's out on the west coast. there's absolutely no events, no press conferences, no sunday show appearances.
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>> no appearances in baton rouge. >> she is looking to finish it out. she thinks this thing is won. >> coming up in the next segment we're going to talk to a guy. her numbers, while she's ahead, are really soft on some things that trump could capitalize on. one other thing donald trump did call for yesterday given -- and we know it's overwhelming, you know, lost phone call messages and e-mails and all that other stuff, but he did call for an expedited special prosecutor yesterday. >> it's into the going to happen. >> of course it's not going to happen. he makes a good point, if you can't trust the fbi, if you can't trust the doj, it's because you don't trust the administration. if you want hillary clinton to be the next president of the united states, she will be an extension of this administration. >> you have to trust the fbi. if you believe what james comey said, you can make a lifetime full of negative ads. >> he's busy. >> he doesn't like the
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conclusion of the indictment but he did a heck of a job during the investigation. >> yeah. i think what steve's saying is it's so bizarre. if you listen to that press conference for 45 minutes or however long it was, we all thought she was getting indicted. the last sentence -- >> never mind. parallel universe. >> got a busy tuesday. in an hour we're going outside because it's so nice. coming up, what do you do when donald trump calls to tell you he's coming for breakfast? >> mike and i made the coffee, we hauled out the china, we went and cut flowers. >> set a great table. >> ainsley goes one on one with governor pence and his family with the interview you won't see anywhere else at the indiana governor's -- >> official home. >> you said it, honey, i'm bringing the boss home. ♪ ♪
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donald trump. he's down between 5 and 8 points. that's really indicative of his relative performance. you can't just look at the horse race forward. the media does that. the general citizens do that. pollsters like myself, we like to peel away the onion and really understand the drivers of voters. we look at what we call match-ups, key match-ups. we particularly ask a series of issues and personal qualities. then we ask how the mechanics match up on those issues. if you look at the top three issues, economy and jobs, terrorism and fixing a broken system, hillary leads on the first by five points and the next two fixing a broken system and -- >> it's a dead heat. >> when it comes to economy and jobs it's pretty much within the margin of error. >> it's close. it depends on donald trump being efficient, being on message, not coming up with random sort of
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thoughts like he does sometimes. you have to be really, really focused, but the support for hillary is softer than the polls suggest. >> you know, i have been reading online, there's a lot of different theories online about why some of the polls are different. some say that certain polls favor more democrats, they have more democrats than republicans. when you put together a poll, you probably try to figure out what america looks like demographically according to the parties, right? >> of course. so what we want to be representative of the general population. >> and right now does it lean more to the left or the right? >> it leans -- the general population leans more to the left but those who vote, it's typically split down the middle. >> all right. you also said that most elections when it comes to the presidential race are pretty cut and dry but this one is a disrupter. what are you talking about? >> yeah. okay. we have a database of 600 elections around the world, i call it the salad bowl approach.
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85% of all elections are slam dunk. we know what's going to happen. 15% of the elections are disrupter elections. it's not pro logged. it's difficult to predict. typically the population is fearful, angry, they believe the system is rigged against people like them. they don't trust politicians. this is that sort of election. that's why donald trump won in the primaries. that's why bernie sanders did so well. it typically favors an anti-establishment candidate but we'll see, right? >> a disrupter election. in other words, right now you can't tell who's going to win. >> yeah. yeah. difficult to say. we'll know a couple of weeks out but right now it's difficult. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you. meanwhile, straight ahead on this special morning, we've got governor mike pence like you've never seen him before, in the kitchen. >> any guy i've ever dated he's intentionally called by the wrong name. >> just intentionally? >> i like to keep them off balance. >> there's the living room.
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ainsley goes inside the indiana governor's residence. what happens when 1500 people cross the border illegally? the colossal mixup all caused by a gust of wind.
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quick headlines now. army desserter bo bergdahl has a new claim. they said senator mccain threatened to hold a hearing if bergdahl wasn't convicted. they said that led him to being court martialed. blown over the border. a strong wind actually pushed 1500 americans across the canadian border. the groups were rafting and blew off course along with the st.
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clair river which divides michigan from ontario. police said it took hours for buses to get everyone back to michigan. it happened without incident. good idea to have good relations with canada. you know mike pence as the vp candidate for donald trump. you also know him as a congressman for 12 years. he's the governor of indiana. do you know him as a dad or a father? >> no. i wish you could go to his house and interview him. >> funny you should say that. i sat down with his family, got a four of their residence and heard some stories. take a look. >> governor, this is your office and the residence? >> it is. this is the desk i sat at for 12 years when i was a member of congress and we were able to purchase it and bring it home. >> i would love to meet your family, meet your wife and your daughter. y'all come on in. >> hey. >> hello, mrs. pence. thank you so much for doing this. hey, charlotte. we asked you to pull pictures. >> we were at the capitol. it was pet night and so that
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meant like famous pet night so the dog from men in black and the cat from dr. doolittle. we thought they meant bring your own pet. >> so when you got there you had just been elected to congress. you get there and you show up with all the animals. were you embarrassed? >> i was incredibly embarrassed. classic pence moment. >> any embarrassing dad stories? >> any guy i've ever dated, he's intentionally called by the wrong name. >> always. >> intentionally? >> i like to keep them off balance. >> what are your parents like? >> they're encouraging and very strong but really corny. >> you just graduated from college? >> yes. >> so excited? >> yeah, i am. i am. >> you have a job? >> yeah. last week officially got a job. >> whew. >> you're holding a picture of your dad?
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>> yes. best man i ever knew. >> why? >> he was a -- he was a great father, a great husband. my dad got a bronze star when he was in korea. saved lives. but never talked about it. can't imagine what he would think about this opportunity for his third son. >> he'd be very proud of you. >> well, i hope so. >> now we're in the dining room. is this where you had the breakfast with donald trump and his family. >> donald trump asked where we might all meet for breakfast and mrs. pence said why don't we have you to the governor's residence. >> we don't have a chef here. >> we don't. >> we don't. >> this is about 10 or 10:30 at night. they were coming at 8:30 the next morning. mike and i made the coffee, we hauled out the china, we went and cut flowers. >> set a great table. >> came out here and started picking flowers. we came out here. mike had his phone, the light from his phone. he was shining it. we came out here and we just snipped them and put little
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flower arrangements on the table. >> what time of night was that? >> this was about 1:00 a.m. >> after that you got the call that he wanted you to be his vice president? >> we did. i think it was that night. >> when you hung up the phone, what did you do? >> you know, honestly, ainsley, we prayed for the other people who were in the running. you know, we just said, you know, this is a big responsibility. it's a huge honor, but there were a lot of other people in the running and we just wanted to pray for them. that's what we did. >> you eat dinner every night as a family or you did when the kids were growing up? >> we do. we kind of made that as a priority. even now we sit down and eat together as a family. >> in fact, we have a gift for your dad, right? you gave him this? >> this is what he said to me, that, you know, he believes do the right thing and then go home for dinner. like that's the important thing, to be home for dinner every night. and really growing up, it kind of was. for my mom, we gave her this on
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election night, me and both my siblings wrote a quote from her that she had said to us over the course of the campaign. >> i love michael's. he said, i'm not going to let what's going on out there affect what's going on in here. >> mine was you teach your kids how to fight for their dreams by fighting for yours. i'm listening, i hear you. >> what's the secret? >> just that i have an amazing wife. >> don't do that. >> you know, everything -- everything those kids said the night we were elected governor is true. she's created in our 31 years of marriage, she's created a space for us to have really a pretty normal family life and it's all her. and everything these kids have
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accomplished and the grounded young men and women that they are, she deserves all the credit. it's one of the things that the trumps and the pences really share. it's really all about family. >> what a great side to the pence family we've never seen before. he got choked up a couple of times. >> yeah, he got choked up when he talked about his dad, she did when he was complimenting her. he loves his wife. they love god. they grew up catholic. now they're evangelicals. their son is in flight school and their other daughter is traveling abroad. their other daughter got a job. whew, how stressful was that. >> that's great. >> she's going to be working in the film industry. >> the night before with a flashlight cutting flowers. >> so real. >> can you imagine if you're one of the neighbors. is somebody over in the governor's garden. >> the governor is over there picking flowers. >> i do remember when donald trump -- he didn't endorse donald trump for indiana because he had a good friend running. he said, i really like donald
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trump. i'm not going to say anything bad about him. i thought, well, wait a second, there might be something there. >> he doesn't say anything bad about anyone. >> straight ahead, hillary clinton says she's been transparent with her e-mails. >> my e-mail use was widely known in the department throughout the government and i have provided all of my work-related e-mails. >> so why did the fbi just find 15,000 more and what's in them? just alex 49er raferrera and he on that. the armed intruder going from house to house caught on a nanny cam. >> first, happy birthday to "jesse's girl" singer rick springfield. he is 67 today. ♪ ♪ i don't want to live with
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welcome back to "fox & friends." do you remember when hillary clinton said this? >> i responded right away and provided all my e-mails that could possibly be work related. >> did you hear that? she gave them all of her e-mails she said then. >> thank goodness. >> the fbi seize has uncovered another 15,000 e-mails. >> oops. >> sent to and from hillary clinton from her server that were not disclosed by the democratic nominee. >> now the state department has ordered their expedited release. >> every now and then you forget 15,000 e-mails. happens to all of us. huma abedine expedited meetings to clinton foundation donors. joining us right now, former dade county circuit judge alex
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ferrera. judge alex, welcome. is this a problem for you as we take a look at these 15,000 e-mails when you already saw 750 pages? >> yeah, it's a huge problem. i don't know that it's going to amount to much because i think the state department has, as we've seen for the last year and a half, slow walked everything that had to do with the e-mail investigation and i think they're going to do the same thing again. one of the things that i'm really unclear about is why the federal judge gave a september 22nd deadline for testimony to turn over the documents and then set a status conference for them the same day on how they're progressing. that's not a deadline, that's a suggestion. if you require them to turn them in, you set a status conference every week for them to come in and say how they're progressing. >> has the fbi already seen this? is this just for our and for the judicial watch's investigation? the fbi's already taken this into account, right? >> yeah, they have. criminally i don't think
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anything is going to come from it. now it's a matter of saving space for the election. >> sure. >> the state department, this is obama and hillary's state department. it would be no different if it was a republican administration, republican state department. we're long beyond the time where the government acts on behalf of the citizens. now what's going to happen is the state department is going to slow walk this through the elections. coming on the 22nd and they'll say, we're making progress, we need another 60 days. if they get 30, that takes them to the end of october. then you'll see a dribble of e-mails. that's my expectation. maybe i'm being a little too suspicious. >> if the past is prologue, that's what we call in latin, quid pro cash. we know there are mountains of e-mail out there. where did she get the idea to set up the private e-mail server? as it turns out she has repeatedly pinned the blame on
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colin powell, former secretary of state. >> secretary powell admitted he did exactly the same thing. he has such a distinguished record, you know? i have served my country as well. we both did the same thing. now we know colin powell had a private e-mail account. just recently colin powell's e-mails were retroactively classified for more than ten years ago. >> right. >> as he said, that was an absurdity. i could not agree more. >> colin powell is coming out saying, she's trying to pin it on me. he had a private server, which he never did, in her house a year before the advice so he has recounted that he does not remember this. 2009 dinner at madeleine a
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albright's house. he said, set up a private e-mail account. now condi rice doesn't remember it either. this is a little fairy tale. >> nothing will come of that either. if she told that to the fbi, it wouldn't constitute what is required for perjury, which is a material misrepresentation under oath. it would just be, you know, her saying that's the way i remember it. that would be the end of that. >> sure. >> that's not going anywhere in all reality. >> we all know that. the mainstream media isn't even talking about it, they don't care. yet ryan lochte, he was number one. what's worse, judge? >> well, the problem with ryan lochte is that he's not their horse. the media no longer reports facts as facts, they report opinions as fact. all you have to do is look at "the new york times." the die have been cast on the party. every day there is a negative
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article about trump. he hasn't changed his tone, donald trump is on the same line, donald trump is this and that. with all of her low ratings. with all of the e-mail scandals, with the benghazi stuff and everything you have on hillary, the arts about her are scarce. they have the right one. 15,000 e-mails, how do you ignore that? if you look at it, ryan lochte got what he deserved for what he did. he got negative attention, but what i'd like to see is just like you saw al roker tearing him up and saying he lied, he lied, he lied. he didn't misrepresent, he didn't misstate, why isn't he saying that about hillary? she lied. she is their force. they're going to whip that horse to the election day. >> no argument there. >> true. >> you know what, donald trump lucky to get one negative article in "the new york times." that's a good day. usually there's three or four. >> yeah. >> thanks, judge. >> always a pleasure, judge.
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>> have a great day in florida. ryan lochte lost four major sponsorships. he's paying a steep price. >> i'll be the new guy for speedo. i think this is a great time to announce. >> why are you laughing? >> we think that's awesome, steve. >> i do, too. we've seen that response before. you and giraldo, right? >> now he's blushing. i love it. good morning. good morning to all of you. i've got serious news about what we call a hard turn right now. there is a man who stared death in the face and he's detailing the moments a serial killer opened fire on him and the victim not showing his face in the interview fearing he could be targeted once again. >> when he made eye contact he looked directly at me. he wanted to make it obvious, i'm looking at you right now. i firmly believe it was god's
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will. >> four people targeted by the so-called street shooter have lived to tell about it. police say the 22-year-old victim has given police the best description yet of that wanted killer. so far the suspect has murdered seven people in the phoenix area. a desperate search is on right now for an armed intruder caught on nanny cam. the homeowners say he rang the doorbell eight times before he kicked in the door. they weren't at home at the time, but another victim at a separate incident was. that suspect found her in the bedroom. >> he said, lie down on the bed and put your face in the pillow. my voice was like this. i was shaking like crazy. he said, don't cry. you'll be okay. don't worry. i'm leaving now. >> my goodness. how terrifying. >> that thief got away with some jewelry, cash, electronics.
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luckily no one be was hurt. police are now using this video to hunt down that suspect. please call if you have any information. did you wake up like this this morning? >> ahhh! ow. i was having a nightmare. >> chances are pretty good you'll have nightmares. if you're a woman, there's a new study out that show women have more nightmares than men do. we often dream about our spouse cheating, teeth falling out and seeing spiders. men dream about flying, meeting a beautiful stranger or finding money. >> i dream about my teeth falling out. >> you do? >> i dream of flying. >> typical. >> and brian dreams of beautiful women. >> beautiful strangers coming my direction. not patting them down, just saying hi. meanwhile, still ahead, due to the latest hillary clinton bombshell, donald trump has just changed his campaign plan for
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this week. so where does he go from here? we're live on the trail with john roberts next. usiness was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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now you're even smarter. this is truecar. all right. donald trump's swinging through the swing state of ohio. talking tough about the clinton foundation and a little about immigration, but more about the economy. >> then tonight he heads down to texas for a town hall with our own sean hannity. >> and john roberts is outside donald trump's house here in new york city. he joins us live from fifth avenue. good morning to you, john. >> reporter: good morning to you, steve, ainsley and brian. the captampaign trail i never considered fifth avenue to be the campaign. donald trump changed his schedule and strategy as a result of the news about the clinton foundation. the new hillary clinton e-mails. he was going to give a big speech on immigration on
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thursday and he's shelving that until a later time. also throwing some wood on the fire in akron, ohio, last night, the doj this all needs to be can't be trusted to do it. >> the clintons made the state department into the same kind of pay for play operation as the arkansas government was. the justice department is required to appoint an independent special prosecutor. because it has prove itself to be really sadly a political arm of the white house. >> reporter: eventually maybe next week trump will come back to the immigration issue indicating some subtle shifts in his previous calls to round up and deport all 11 million people who entered this country illegally. here's what he told bill o'reilly last night. >> we're going to get rid of all the bad ones. we have gang members, we have killers, we have a lot of bad people that have to get of this
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country. they'll be out of this country so fast your head will spin. as far as everybody else, we're going to go through the process. what people don't know is that obama got tremendous numbers of people out of the country. i'm going to do the same thing and i just said that. we want to do it in a very humane manner. >> reporter: on his schedule today donald trump has a couple of fund-raisers in the dallas-ft. worth area, then on to austin, texas, for a rally that could hold as many as 10,000 people tonight. a big day for trump ahead. >> he did cancel some events already. i guess he's putting off the immigration speech but keep in mind when we say our own john roberts that means we're picking up your expenses so don't be frayed to run -- afraid to run up that bill. >> that's right. >> go get get some taco salad. >> get some toothpaste. >> look what happens when a mom battles cancer is interview live at the little league world series with her son at-bat. >> they have really come together and become a family.
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>> they've rallied around you. the fact they wear the bracelet -- >> oh, get out of here! >> her son hits one right out of the park. both of us will join us live to look back at that pitch. next. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy.
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♪ watch what happens when a mom battling cancer is interviewed in the stands while her son is at-bat at the little league world series. >> how important was it for you to be here watching your son play? >> oh, it was very important for me to make the trip and be able to watch the entire team play.
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they have really come together and become a family. >> and they have rallied around you. we showed the bracelet, i know you're wearing it right now. the fact they wear it -- >> oh, get out of here! >> wow. her son jt hits one out of the park while his mom is being interviewed and the underdogs from the midwest of iowa end up winning 5-1. joining us right now are the mom, jen, and jt garcia. welcome to both of you. thanks for joining us via skype. jen, you're being interviewed and you're watching your son. what are your thoughts when that fastball comes over the plate? >> i couldn't believe it. hearing the crowd and you could sense something in the crowd. and seeing that ball fly out there was just amazing and seeing the expression on his face. >> wow. jt, the whole team wears bracelets, play for jen.
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that's your mom. you're at the plate. what are your thoughts when that ball is coming at the plate knowing that your mom is in the stands battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer? >> just trying to get a base hit and i was really excited when i got a home run. >> i see, jen, you were diagnosed in december, and you said little league world series aside, baseball has brought a sense of normalcy to your family. what do you mean? >> yeah, being diagnosed in december in the winter obviously it was a huge shock tour family. it was very devastating. when baseball happened it brought normalcy. everything felt normal. and we could focus again on our normal schedule, being busy, watching jt play baseball and hanging out with our baseball family has really helped us get through the cancer diagnosis. >> how hard has it been for you and your family go through this?
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>> it's been tough, but it's better when you have things to do, like when you go to baseball games. or baseball practice. it gets it off your mind sometimes. >> i see that, jen, to your credit, you made 100% of his games prior to the diagnosis and you're still making 90%. that's nice to know. not only is jt behind you, but the whole team. how special is it to be here in williamsport? >> oh, it's amazing to be here. i'm so proud of these boys being the underdogs and putting their heart and soul into each game is amazing. we have all things that we battle. getting on the baseball field they have their nerves and that and i get up every day with cancer and you have to go out there and put your best foot forward. >> i know -- now i know where jt gets his focus and tenacity from. we're all pulling for you all.
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thanks so much. special thanks to espn for letting us use that footage and watch little league world series on espn when you're not watching us. definitely watch it. jt, thanks so much and best of luck, jen. >> thank you. coming up next, we'll talk to kellyanne conway and so much more, don't miss a minute of "fox & friends." ♪ mapping the oceans. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less.
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good morning. on a tuesday we moved outside as you can see because it's a nice day here in new york. today is august 23rd, the end of august, 2016. i'm ainsley earhardt. well, just uncovered over 100 voice mails from hillary's state department and it's not good. wait until you hear who they're from. >> yep, from the phone logs. meanwhile, donald trump was slammed by the media -- there you are -- donald trump slammed by the media for calling hillary the founder of isis. but will they say anything about this? >> evidence now that, you know, when trump talks the way he talks, it actually helps the terrorists. >> what?
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trump's brand-new campaign manager kellyanne conway is here in moments to respond. >> do you know what helps the terrorists? when you use an unsecured server. meanwhile, she may be a country music sensation. ♪ ♪ in my red high heels >> but kellie pickler is ready to take on another career? >> sorry. >> all right. we're going to need some answers so i booked kellie pickler because she's the only one who i can get to explain kellie pickler. let me also remind you, mornings inside or outside, are better with "friends." ♪
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>> yep. from the canyon of country, 48th and 6th avenue, welcome to "fox & friends." right here at 48th and 6th on a beautiful day. right now, it's 78 degrees. >> so great. i was about to say we have the best staff booking all the awesome guests but you're telling me you booked kellie pickl pickler. >> yeah. >> you picked up the phone and you called her. >> i have the hotline for all the "american idol" contestants so i'm able to keep in touch. this is look at our roster of guests, kellyanne conway coming up. governor mike pence. you go inside the family dynamics. >> these are all of brian's friends. you booked them all. >> sheriff david clarke has arrested me before so he's coming on the show. >> laura ingraham, she's chewed you out before. dolly parton. she is going to be on the show. we love her. the cake boss, learn more about
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the pence family. >> so we have a busy two more hours live from the streets of new york city. we have a fox news exclusive. as it turns out the clinton foundation one of the executives there, the coo left 148 messages according to phone logs that had been obtained to hillary's top aide, cheryl mills. what's interesting about this, and what is important as well, because that is an abnormally high number is nobody else called her with such frequency. it just goes to show you that something was going on between the clinton foundation and the department of state. as has been suggested by the political right, it's pay for play scam. if you wanted to get some face time with the secretary of state, give the clinton foundation cash. quid pro cash. >> not exactly misconduct, but it raises the question what's going on?
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that's what donald trump says, he wants an independent prosecutor to take a look at this. >> the amounts involved, the favors done, and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately. hillary clinton has totally forgotten the first rule of public service. the job of an elected official is to serve the citizens of the united states. that's what the job is. and if you don't understand that, then you are not fit to run for the office of president of the united states. >> well, when those 15,000 e-mails get out and the voice mails are revealed and the connection between the clinton foundation is unmasked that's when trump went into and he said, i'm not going to talk
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about immigration this week. but i'm going to talk about the e-mails because they're astounding. the linkage and the brashness in which there seems to be a link between the foundation and her years as secretary of state are unbelievable. including one e-mail that reveals that the prince of saudi arabia who gave $41 million or $37 million to the foundation suddenly wants an emergency appointment with hillary clinton and she's got to make herself available. is that -- is that why barack obama hired you so you can do this and intermingle the clinton foundation can your work? meanwhile, hillary clinton thinks it's a big joke or she pretends it is. that was last night on "jimmy kimmel." listen to how she handles it. >> the state department -- i actually added it up today and the state department said that they have to release 15,000 e-mails by the deadline. a couple of days before the debate. are you concerned about this? >> no. no. >> because i would be terrified
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if my e-mails were leaking. >> but, jimmy, my e-mails are so boring. >> yeah. >> i mean -- >> mine aren't. >> i'm embarrassed about that. they're so boring. we already released 40,000 plus, what's few more? >> you're not concerned there's something that the trump can use against you? >> he makes up stuff to use against me. if he would stick with reality i wouldn't have a worry in the world. >> what's a few more? it's 15,000. she's released 30,000 so it's half of what she's already released. that's a lot. secondly i think that her -- i don't think they're boring. i don't think they're boring to the families that lost their sons in benghazi. >> good point. the e-mails that have been released so far, jason chaffetz said yesterday, why so many redactions? the fbi gave them things that shouldn't be redacted.
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there are redactions for things that weren't warranted. also, they had one copy. keep in mind, the fbi said, look this stuff's got secret things on it so you can't reveal the contents of it. he said that the fbi should release one unclassified version so that it could be made public because right now the one they have got looks like swiss cheese. so many holes in it. >> it's personal. they say some of the redactions are personal. >> they don't know what they're about. >> they can't tell what this is about. when the fbi handed them the second copy, there are additional e-mails in the second copy. they wanted a copy, so the staffer could read it with him because they can't take anything with them when they read. the second one, now i have to revisit all of this. >> let us know what you think. we have kellyanne conway saying that donald trump had the best week since she's taken over. we'll talk to her coming up. but right now, we go inside to heather with some headlines for
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us. >> i certainly do. we start off with a fox news alert. and a possible attempted isis style beheading taking place inside the united states. the fbi is now investigating after wasil farooqui savagely stabbed a man and a woman and allegedly tried to behead them inside a roanoke, virginia, apartment, while yelling allahu akbar. what's scarier, he seems to have chosen his victims at random. he had no relationship with these victims whatsoever. he's been on the radar of authorities since trying to sneak into syria last year. we're just getting this information into our newsroom. we'll bring you more as we get it. two body cam bodies showing the fatal police shooting that sparked riots. that video will not be released until the investigation is over. >> i can tell you now, viewing the body camera videos will not answer all of your questions. your questions will be better answered when the videos are viewed in the context of all of the information that is gathered
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in the investigation. >> well, milwaukee's mayor says the video shows sylville smith with a gun and smith's family will be the first to see video before it's released. sheriff david clarke will join us live in the next half hour, sharing his thoughts about that decision. almost a week after the devastating floods in louisiana and they became a top national story, five days after trump visited the state president obama set to tour the historic damage this morning and is taking new heat for his delayed response. >> in regard to the president's trip to baton rouge, did the white house schedule the trip in response to donald trump's visit? >> of course not. >> well, the president under fire for not cutting his 16-day vacation to martha's vineyard short. those are your headlines. let's head back outside to you. a beautiful morning out. >> it's gorgeous. thank you very much. a fox news alert.
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bombshell new developments in ryan lochte new scandal. could he actually have been telling the truth? >> new witnesses shedding light on his story. >> and abby huntsman has the latest information. >> i'm hearing that speedo is look for someone new to endorse. the witnesses may show that lochte's story is more accurate. so guards did in fact pull guns on the athletes and demanded money. something that legal experts say is against the law in brazil. the witnesses say that the gas station bathroom wasn't vandalized. a detail that helped to turn the story against lochte in the beginning. well, the gas station attendant is accused of editing that video and this comes after speedo and ralph lauren pulled their endorsements off of lochte.
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tmz asked if he's thinking of rethinking his parting ways. >> are you thinking of -- [ indiscernible ]. >> i don't know. i can't answer that question right now. right now, i need -- i just need to see my family and talk with them about it. about what i'm going to do. >> reporter: so lochte has admitted he overexaggerated parts of the story, but he says the main facts are still true. the u.s. olympic committee says the four swimmers will be punished and they haven't said what it will be. >> he was probably not going to last for tokyo anyway. >> this is a terribly long hangover for him. >> tough to get back your reputation when you lose it. >> i know he lied but i feel sorry for him. after making major changes
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to his campaign did donald trump have the best week ever? his campaign manager kellyanne conway is here coming up next. look at how excited hillary clinton's supporters get when jimmy kimmel asks them about a big announcement that she never made. >> what about that announcement with -- >> just the way she said it, where she was at. and with her husband by her side i thought that was something that we needed to see. there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today.
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all right. live from 48th and 6th avenue, kellyanne conway, donald trump's brand-new campaign manager, been on the job for a week. joins us live. how's the new job working out? >> it's fabulous. we have a very buoyant candidate, got a full schedule of events this week and meetings across the country. we're on message, on task. we had great call last night with our 50 state directors. i'm a big retail politics fan. ing you build -- i think you build things from the bottom up. i want to make sure they have everything they need to get us a victory. >> you wanted to unveil your immigration policy this week. you decided to put that on hold and cancel some event. what went into that? >> one event was cancelled in colorado. we inherited this schedule and
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although i think it's a great idea to have that kind of speech and put together full plans, immigration is such a complex issue and mr. trump has been taking the counsel of many different people on this. he obviously had some very strong feelings and policy proscripships with regards to immigration and he's speaking to people on how to execute those ideas. >> is he changing his approach? talking about the deportation force and now has it changed a little? >> here's how i would describe it -- i sat in on the meeting on saturday and i think it was reported and disported a bit. he said the same thing all along. if you enforce the law, a lot of good things start happening with respect to deporting people who have committed crimes and deporting workers. many workers feel they're competing with illegal immigrants whether it's from
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china or from somewhere else. i think the conversation about immigration he would like to have is the one that talks about fairness to everyone. not the fairness to the 11 million which is the way that the left characterizes it, but fairness to our law enforcement community. fairness to employers also. should they be asked to do more than sign up for e-verify and wash their hands of that? we think on immigration there are pew -- few issues where hillary is to the left of barack obama. in some estimates she would allow millions and millions of new immigrants in over the next few years and she's shown a liking to the executive order approach to amnesty. so she's broadcasting now she has no interest in working with the congress on such an important issue. >> staying on the topic of immigration, donald trump was on bill o'reilly's show. let's listen to the sound bite. >> whether to obey the existing laws. now, the existing laws are very strong. the existing laws -- the first thing we're going to do if and
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when i win we'll get rid of the bad ones. we have gang members, killers, a lot of bad people to get out of this country. the police know who they are. they are known by law enforcement, we don't do anything. they go around killing and hurting people and they're be out of this -- they'll be out of this country so fast your head will spin. we have existing laws that allow you to do that. as far as everybody else we're going to go through the process. >> what will the process be? >> the 11 million who are not committing the crimes. >> that's what we're going over. i don't think you can put it in a sound bite or put it in a plan. one, many americans feel it's come easier for illegal immigrants to get here and more difficult or the legal immigrants to get here. we're taught to stand in line at a very young age. that seems like a reasonable admission for folks. when mr. trump says let's
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enforce the laws, yeah, we heard that before. it's such a novel concept to people in washington. they always want to layer more laws and the vast majority of americans want to enforce the laws and not just add more laws. >> you talked about the special prosecutor, expedited theories of events. >> for hillary clinton. >> right. but the people looking in, why is this such a big deal? >> it's a big deal, steve, even for those who have moved on from the e-mail server, it's important for people to realize this is exactly what he's talking about. a system that benefits the insiders and it's rigged and corrupt. what are the people at the state department doing? doing all the special favors? i see this spin from the left, there's no evidence that she granted favors just access. access is the biggest favor you
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can possibly have in washington. if you're the state department, you should be busy getting women and young girls rights and respect and health care and dignity, not worrying about the prince of bahrain. >> kellyanne, thanks very much. >> kellie pickler and her husband are in the green loom. look who's with them. >> hello dolly. ♪ ♪
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we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive.
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you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ]
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all right. time for "news by the numbers." 1,450. that's how many twitter followers the missing ten foot sing panic after the skin was found at a maine park. the tweet says it wants to give trump a very long hug. later saying that hillary is equally huggable. next $1. that's how much of the stack of pancakes costs at ihop today.
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it will fight childhood hunger. finally, the 23rd of august. today is cheap flight day. it's the day that high summer fares drop by as much as 20%. now let's have some fun. country music star kellie pickler and her husband, kyle jacobs, welcome us into their crazy, hilarious house in season 1 of "i love kellie pickler." what do we have to look forward to in the next season? >> i'm going to be an uber driver for charity. >> oh. sorry. it will be fun. i just hope we survive it all. [ screaming ] i need a drink. >> this thursday follow kellie and her husband kyle as they hilariously tackle life's unpredictable ups and downs. kellie and her husband kyle join
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us live. >> how are you? >> we're doing well. are you enjoying this? >> every bit of it. >> are you sure? >> yeah. this is the year that your parents move in from minneapolis. >> they do. yeah. they actually move to nashville. it was quite a move for them. we had them on a couple episodes. they did good. >> did great. >> everyone loves your personality and the two of you together are awesome. were you nervous about doing this? we know the track record for married couples, usually the outcome is not so good. were you nervous? >> no. >> no, i think this show is just about love and laughter and that's -- that's how we love to live our life. >> i don't know, with our friends and family and we want to be a bright light in the world. these are short little 30-minute episodes. and we want to make people smile. so we have fun. we have a great time. >> so what was it like -- did you wind up being an uber driver? >> i did. >> what was it like -- >> i got five doors. >> when the door opened and the
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guy or gal realized kellie pickler is driving me? >> it was fun. we sang song, we had a ball. >> did they have a problem with your driving skills? >> no. we got to where we were going. >> not a good driver? >> well -- >> how about the time you went bungee jumping. we have a clip of that. look out below! >> you have done a lot crazier things. this is about living. okay? >> okay. >> okay. >> you got it, baby. it will be over in a second. >> did you push her? >> no. it wasn't me. it was the guy running the thing. >> it was me standing there and going -- i'm not going to do it. >> what did that feel like? >> it was more terrifying than skydiving. >> really? >> that was -- well you have a piece of dental floss, you know? it was just -- it was crazy. >> what was it like in the greenroom with dolly parton?
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>> well, first of all, she is one of the biggest reasons why i fell in love with country music, and i'm a huge fan. >> she is royalty. >> she is country music royalty. so wonderful. >> she's got a similar personality to you. >> god bless you for saying that. >> very upbeat, buy an amusement park and you'll be a dead ringer. >> yeah, picklerwood. that would be fun. >> we have been following you for so long. >> you've got to work on that name a little. >> we wish you all the best. any plans -- can i ask you this, any plans to start a family maybe on season two? >> um -- >> are you talking about it at least? >> we have our dogs. we have dogs. i've got kids, it's called a band. all grown men, that's children. >> raising the cymbal player is hard thing to do. absolutely. >> check it it on thursday on cmt, debuts on august 25th, thursday night.
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kellie, always a pleasure. we have a bunch of cabs here. you want to -- >> yeah. give them the day off and i'll take over. >> i don't think that's a good idea. >> i never drove in new york. >> thank you very much. coming up, president obama would not cut his vacation short to visit louisiana but his administration did send a memo telling people how not to be racist when delivering aid to the flood victims. >> incredible. >> does that make any sense? sheriff david clarke weighs in on it next from milwaukee. >> hi, sheriff. this is not the running of the bulls. this is a stampede for pokemon go. >> oh, my. >> oh, wow. you can run an errand.
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(music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy.
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we asked people about hillary clinton's big announcement this morning. now, mrs. clinton did not make a big announcement this morning. did that stop people from weighing in on it anyway? well, let's find out. >> do you think hillary clinton seemed trustworthy during her big announcement this morning? >> absolutely. the way she said it, where she was at. her husband right by her side. >> it's on the right side. >> where were you when you saw the announcement? >> we were over across the street at the hard rock, and there were closed captions so i could read her words. >> could have picked a better time to announce this. >> how would you summarize hillary clinton's announcement this morning? >> laughable, not worthwhile. not necessary. >> fictitious? >> yeah. fake. >> it never happened. >> they don't want to look stupid on tv, so they act like
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they just -- they just go along with this. look at this man. there's the sheriff of milwaukee county, sheriff clarke. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> your reaction to hillary clinton's big announcement? >> you know, typical liberals, you know, they don't think. they're susceptible to nonsense. you can feed a liberal a crap sandwich and tell them it's beef tenderloin and they'll believe it. >> that was interesting. that wasn't in my notes. let's talk about the latest on the milwaukee shooting. they cause such an uproar two weeks ago. when will we see the body cam cameras that give the perspective of the officer the night of the shooting? >> well, the attorney general held a news conference yesterday and said they have some work to do, and he doesn't want to release anything early that might be a little bit before he releases the body cams that the officers were wearing. that's up to the district attorney.
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he wants this case in the hands of the prosecutors to make their decision before piecemealing this thing and spoon feeding the public with it. >> do you agree with that decision? >> i agree, because i trust brad schimmel. i know brad well. he's thorough. he's got a lot of integrity. he has to weigh the best interests of the investigation at this point and he has to fight off, you know, unlike what marilyn mosby did in baltimore he has to fight off the pressure and stay focused on this investigation. we want to get to the right decisions. >> that's good to know. if we hear you say that, that makes us trust him. you're there behind the scenes. >> i'm sure you're watching some of the donald trump rallies, he was in akron last night. he was praising law enforcement and at the same time he was talking about how some liberal policies have led to some poor conditions in the united states. listen to this. >> i want to take this opportunity to thank the law enforcement and police officials that are here with us tonight.
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and all across the country for their service and sacrifice in these very dangerous, especially for them, dangerous and difficult times. they are terrific. so thank you to law enforcement and police. working with citizens and police, we will bring safety to communities across this land. but especially to those and these places that have not known safety in a very, very long time. >> you know what, sheriff he kind of sounded like you did on this program last week, where he was talking about just as you were talking last week about how some liberal policies have led to poor conditions across certain parts of the united states. >> you know, i think it's a brilliant move by donald trump to seek the black vote, to go out there and actually plea for
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it. i heard him pleading for black votes, you don't see republican candidates do that at election time or even after. but the thing is donald trump and i had a conversation when he was here in milwaukee and i ran that down to him, the urban pathologies. not just in milwaukee, but baltimore and chicago. you know more people have been murdered in the city of chicago since the beginning of 2016, 455 people have been murdered, mostly black, than coalition forces in afghanistan since the start of the obama second term in 2013. i mean, that's staggering in the united states of america. but there seems to be no sense of urgency on the part of anybody, the hell hole cities. the american ghetto has replaced the plantation where democrats have a large segment of black people herded on to, miserable conditions, inescapable poverty. they have to send their kids to failing public schools, massive unemployment, crime, violence, disorder. these people have wrecked great american cities with this
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progressive urban policy. >> yeah, something has to be done there. >> do you think that donald trump's appeal to african-americans will work in some measure? >> i think over time if he stays on it. look, i'm with black people a lot. here's what they tell me. you know, we want to hear it. we want people to ask -- see, the democrats don't ask for their vote. they just automatically assume that it's going to happen, they take for granted. i think over time black people will find it refreshing that somebody is actually working for their vote because the black vote has unfortunately monolithically gone to the democrats. but the democrats have taken blacks for granted. i think over time, this thing is going to change. >> sheriff, what's your reaction to the president waiting so long to go visit the folks in baton rouge after all the flooding and the fact that black lives matter, those groups, are not there either. they're being criticized for that. >> well, that's typical of the pho phony nature of these groups.
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look, he's an elitist, he's in martha's vineyard and they're struggling down there. they're resilient down there in louisiana. they didn't wait around for him to do anything and like you said, he was pressured to go down there. he's do the obligatory thing now that the vacation is over. he'll do the photo-op. hug a couple of people and get on air force one and go about his day. look, the black lives matter, they don't care about anybody's life. they only care about political power. there's george soros -- this funded operation has exploited people for purely political power. i'm not shocked. i told you this was a political construct, it had nothing to do with black lives. this was on organized effort for the 2016 election to mobilize
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black votes. >> before we let you go, i need your copy on the 16-page guidance pamphlet, the memo, handed out to relief workers so they understand how to hand out relief in a nonracist fashion. prioritizing neighborhoods over race and they go into detail on it. here's a tear away of it. it says, care must be taken to assure that actions both intentional and unintentional to not exclude groups of people based on race, color and national origin. is that a big help? >> no. look, president obama views everything through the prism of race. he's a race hustler. he engages in race politics. every time you turn around this guy could take a bowl of corn flakes with chocolate milk poured in it and he could find a racist angle to it. those people when they goat those memos in louisiana they should have put them in the shredder. they'll do this right. they don't have racism in their hearts. only barack obama has racism in his heart. >> sheriff david clarke, always a pleasure to get your point of
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view. joining us live from milwaukee. let's hand it over to heather with some headlines. >> good morning. a fox news alert to start you off with right now. a terrifying new call -- from isis to action. that terror group urging self-radicalized isis followers to use things such as baseball bats, drills and screw drivers to attack people. this new propaganda video was released overnight. stay out of iran or possibly go to jail. they have imprisoned three americans since $400 million was handed over to them. the iranian authorities continue to detain and imprison us. iranian americans including students, journalists and business travelers also academics have been held on charges including espionage and posing a potential threat to national security. and now the white house backpedaling on statements the
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top administration made last week, calling that cash leverage. white house press secretary josh earnest spent eight minutes dodging questions on the difference between leverage and ransom. >> our story on this and the way that we have described what our goals have not changed. i'd be happy to talk about the details of the iran agreement. the president spoke publicly on live national television laying out the terms of this agreement. there are so many details that were included in what were extraordinarily complex agreements. i can't go back to the questions you have all asked. >> well, the u.s. held the cash until the exact moment that iran released the prisoners back in january. take a look at this massive stampede of people. it is unreal. it almost looks like a scene from a movie, but all that madness was actually caused by pokemon go. thousands of people swarming a
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busy intersection in taiwan's capital while they were playing that game. players pushing and shoving each other for a chance to catch a rare pokemon. really? those are your headlines. i think we need something else for those people to do in taiwan. >> i believe it. because heather, half a block up on 48th street, it's a nintendo store around they have crowds like that all the time. >> a lot of things on their to do list. meanwhile, straight ahead, parents can excuse their kids from saying the pledge of allegiance. outrage grows this morning as that memo goes home. later, these american heroes they risked their lives to pin down that terrorist who opened fire on a packed train. a year later, two of the heroes are here to share the story. you're not going to want to miss this. >> unbelievable.
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a mother up in arms after her daughter brings home a pledge of allegiance waiver. the parents are invited to excuse their children from reciting the pledge of allegiance. >> just sign the waiver. ken suarez is joining us live from tampa with more. ken, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning. you know, when i was a kid, you put your hand over your heart, said the pledge of allegiance, that was it. no second thoughts, but here in florida it's a new day. kids have the choice of either saying the pledge of allegiance or not saying it. so when the leon county school official sent out a waiver letting parents know that, one guy melted down.
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the guy's name is micah bryanten. when his niece showed the waiver to him, he began posting on facebook. he said, what's happening to our country? a lot of people are asking the same question. he's gotten, get this, 13,400 shares in just the last six days. now, this is what has him and so many other people upset. the waiver says, i understand my rights as a parent and i request that my child noted above be excused from reciting the pledge of allegiance. this request includes standing and placing his or her right hand over his or her heart. now, a sister she's upset as well. we're talking about the little girl's mom right now. she said, this is the dumbest thing i have ever read, she sent it back to the school. the conservative groups are really jumping on the bandwagon saying this is a perfect example of how liberal our school system
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has come. but the school system is saying this is part of the law. we're just telling you about it, like it or not. back to you guys. >> ken suarez, thank you. >> it's the pledge waiver. a matter of time before we get waivers for everything. stay tuned. 15,000 e-mails about to be exposed. is the clinton foundation finally in trouble or more of the same? laura ingraham, top of the hour to talk about it. plus these american heroes pinned down that terrorist and they here to tell us their story. come on up, guys. allergies distracting you?
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one year ago, three american heroes thwarted a potentially devastating terror attack on a train that was bound for paris. >> anthony sadler, alek skarlatos and spencer stone charging a man armed to the teeth and finally overpowering him. now they have written a book about that day. it's called "the 1517 to paris." >> yep. joining us right now are the two men. the co-author, anthony sadler and airman first class for now, he's getting out soon. anthony, why was it important to put this book together? >> i think it provides the perspective we haven't been able to share in the media. there's three individuals, me, spencer and alek and we all saw things different. i think it provides perspective, and i think it provides a unique
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look at how we all brought the tools we did to be successful that day. >> so something that happened that we can read about in the book that we don't know about. >> a lot of people -- a lot of people are trying to put all this success on us as far as the stopping the attack. but so many other people contributed. them doing the small thing is what led everything to work in our favor. >> because of what the three of you did, 500 people are alive today. you could have saved 500 lives. a terrorist comes in with the big rifle. starts shooting. a professor by the name of mark shot him, he was going to die. except thankfully you got some training. then you just took the guy on. >> yep. pretty much. >> what did you do to him? because you wound up getting stabbed. >> i went back to my high school football days, i tackled him. i practiced some jujitsu and i put him in the rear naked choke,
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that's when alek and anthony grabbed up. he started to cut my neck with a box cutter. almost cut my thumb completely off. i choked him unconscious. >> what were you thinking? >> when he had him in the choke hold, basically that's what he did. we kicked him off. we kind of punched on him a little bit. he was able to secure the choke and he eventually passed out. >> anthony, you said it was therapeutic for you. in what respect? >> because it was such a whirlwind that we were in. we were in front of the media, in a whirlwind. and the book was for first final in months -- it was a chance for us to reflect and digest what happened to us. so it was therapeutic for us to sit down and how we thought about things. >> you said you think of the attack every single day. >> every day. it will come into my mind at least once. people always want to kind of hear the story, so i give it to them. i don't have a problem recounting everything, it
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doesn't bother us too much because we were so successful and no lives were lost so it's a good story and something positive. >> where were you stabbed and do you have any complicated? >> i was slashed on the neck twice. >> that's the first time. >> the first time. you know, which occasion is a good question. >> the second time -- >> stabbed in the heart. stabbed in the lung. >> that was just for a night out on the town. >> yeah. in my hometown with my friends. unfortunate situation, but it is what it is. >> unbelievable. >> how to act when terrorists strike. look at san bernardino, look at orlando, and look what happened on that train. there's no safe zone. anthony sadler and thanks so much, spencer stone, for writing the book. >> you're heroes. i know i hate to hear that. i read that in the books but you are. >> go buy the book. >> called "the 1517 to paris." we have had a big show, we have a huge show still to come. we have these guests coming up. laura ingraham. we'll learn about mike pence and his family. we have dolly parton.
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good tuesday morning to you and your family. august 23rd, we have moved outside as you can see. a beautiful day here in new york. i'm ainsley earhardt. thanks for joining us. this is a fox news alert. an attempted isis style beheading inside the u.s. >> one male patient with a neck laceration and the female and she's applying a tourniquet. >> the terror investigation was launched overnight. >> brand-new trouble for hillary clinton this morning. but she laughs it off on late night tv. did you see this? >> my e-mails are so boring. >> yeah. >> i mean -- >> mine aren't. >> i'm embarrassed about that.
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they're so boring. we have already released 30,000 plus so what's a few more? >> sure, what difference does it make now anyway? well, we'll talk to laura ingraham. she joins us live in seconds. >> i don't know if i'd classify them as boring. what do you do when donald trump says i'm coming for breakfast? >> mike and i made the coffee. we hauled out the china. we went and cut flowers. >> i thought you set a great table. >> yeah. ainsley goes one-on-one with mike pence and his family. your mornings are better, because you're with "friends." ♪ ♪ please come again >> just because we're outside, doesn't mean there's not a lot of action inside. >> hello dolly. >> hello dolly. i have interviewed her before. i love her. >> i know. so we're outside because it's
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another beautiful day. this hour of "fox & friends" brought to you by gordon food service. >> the two peppers between you. >> something spicy. >> by the way, they're just stuck in traffic. >> that's it. >> as the light changes it will move. let's go down to laura ingraham, the editor of lifezette. good morning. >> first of all, dolly parton is -- i hate to say living legend, because it makes people sound old. but she is one of the frankly last real greats in country music. i mean, we lost a lot of people in recent years. a singer, songwriter, she has sung with everybody from johnny cash to loretta lynn. everybody loves dolly. that's fantastic. i'm jealous. >> one thing that's changed since last time we spoke, there are 14,900 new e-mails that are going to be uncovered shortly.
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if we can get ever get them out of the state department and some of the revelations already out there, for example, the crown prince of bahrain who gave $37 million -- $32 million to the clinton foundation. he's trying to get a meeting with hillary clinton. and using that as leverage. what's going on here? >> well, every time that we surmise about the clinton foundation and these most recent revelations turn out to be true, we believed from the beginning that one of the reasons hillary clinton set up this private server was she wanted to shield her communications about what the real purpose of the clinton foundation was. now we know. the real purpose of the clinton foundation is to make the clintons lives better in order to sell access, influence, use it as a pass-through mechanism for helping hillary clinton.
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and what we have to remember, everyone watching has to remember, foreign entities, people or corporations or countries cannot give money directly to american politicians. it's in violation of federal election law, but they can give money to a foundation like the clinton foundation. which is why the foundation itself, guys, was so problematic from the outset. knowing that hillary clinton was secretary of state or going to be secretary of state or going to be president. this was always going to be a vehicle used to influence and to get basically graft and that's what it was. we'll be learning more in the days to come and for the people who are complaining about this or that tweet that donald trump sends, give me a break. this is a woman who used her position to enable the foundation to spread influence all over the u.s. government which is in violation of the federal law unless it went to the foundation. looks like a pass through mechanism pure and simple. >> but hillary says the e-mails
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are so boring. listen to what she said last night. >> i added it up today and the state department says that they have to release 15,000 e-mails a couple of days before the debate. are you concerned about that? because i would be terrified in my e-mails were -- >> but jimmy, my e-mails are so boring. i mean -- >> mine aren't. >> i'm embarrassed about that. they're so boring. so we already released 30,000 plus so what's a few more? >> in the end you're not concerned that donald trump is able to use against you, that the republicans -- that comes in at the last second? >> he makes up stuff to use against me. if he would stick with reality i wouldn't have a worry in the world. >> it's so boring that huma abedin left some classified information on her seat, supposed to be shredded, that didn't happen.
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all these people who got access and specific perks because they gave big money -- >> like the guy who started slim fast. >> the mogul, he wound up with special perks as well. it's hard to tell where the clinton foundation stops and the state -- >> there was no difference. huma abedin acted as hillary's proxy and when you want to get something done -- >> the fixer. >> you went to huma. that's how it worked. everybody knew that -- knew that's how it worked. that's why they went through her and she's hillary's approximate sate the foundation. again, people as they get lost in the some of the details here. the thing that people have to keep asking is this question. how over the past decades did the clintons get so rich when so many in america were getting so poor? >> right. >> how did it happen? like they're just getting speeches you get $120 million? what? i mean, you know, this is -- this stinks to high heaven.
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it's beyond obvious for anybody who wants to be fair and it shouldn't be republican or democrat. this is about the public trust and whether we can trust public officials to work on our behalf or is it just always for what's good for the clintons? it's always been what's good for the clintons. >> you have to wonder if the democrats have any standards for their vote? do they have to have standards? >> no. >> what about that iranian deal that dominated the headlines last week, how is that going? first, we hear about the ransom. then we get a travel warning. a travel warning, by the way, look out before you go to iran. let's listen to the white house spokesperson, josh earnest tell us there might be trouble if you want to vacation there. >> unbelievable. >> our story on this and the way that we had described what our goals are have not changed. i'm happy to spend all the time you'd like to talk about the details of the iran agreement. the president spoke publicly live on national television
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laying out the terms of the agreement. there were so many details included in the complex agreements. i can go back to what you asked. >> you could get kidnapped if you go. >> i was thinking about this, guys, all these republicans who are dumping on donald trump, saying oh, you shouldn't support donald trump, support the down ticket people running in senate races and so forth, i'm thinking all the republicans. then i think of the democrats. the democrats never jump ship on the hillary clinton or obama. they don't criticize them. they don't say, gee, that was kind -- it looks like they could release the hostages until they got the money. that sounds like ransom to me. there's not a scintilla of criticism from the democrats. we have a presidential election on the line in 2012 when benghazi happened. none of them we wanted to criticize. now we have all the e-mails, all the lies that are documented from hillary clinton. we have the iran fiasco.
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none of the democrats have a shred of honor to even ask a question or even a glancing criticism of what these people have done. and again, for me, that is amazing. it's a sharp contrast from the republicans, dumping on someone for a tweet and meanwhile, hillary and barack obama were in office orchestrating america's decline. >> good point. >> the republican party -- remember when there were 16 candidates, all going after each other. so many people said that very thing. it still -- >> now it's down to one -- yeah, it's down to one. for all the never trumpers out there, well, he's as bad as hillary clinton is. are you kidding? look at what they have done to this country that we love and they're the same people? come on. >> about to give them the job again. they think they have won already. >> you have plenty to talk about on your radio show at the top of the next hour.
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>> thanks, laura. >> good to see you. all right. heather right now has a fox news alert and this is very troubling. >> yeah. this took place down in virginia over the weekend. it's a fox news alert because we're just learning the details right now. a possible attempted isis style beheading taking place inside the united states. we have some brand-new chilling dispatch audio that's just into our newsroom. listen to this. >> we have one male patient with a neck laceration and the female with a leg laceration. >> that happened in roanoke over the weekend and now the fbi is investigating this man -- wasil farooqui. he savagely stabbed a man and a woman and tried to behead them outside their apartment building all while yelling allahu akbar. what's even scarier, he seems to have chosen those victims at random. authorities say the isis fa nat tick had been on their radar
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since he tried to sneak into syria last year. it's been a week since the devastating flood started in louisiana and now five days after donald trump visited the state, president obama is set to tour the historic damage later this morning. that as he takes new heat for what critics say was his delayed response. >> in regard to the president's trip to baton rouge, did the white house schedule the trip in response to donald trump's visit? >> of course not. >> well, the president under fire for not cutting that 16-day vacation to martha's vineyard short to tour that damage earlier. brand-new chilling details about the horrific alligator attack that took place at disney back in june. just an hour before that 2-year-old little boy was snatched by the animal, at least two hotel guests reported seeing two alligators, one they said was just five feet from the shore.
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documents also reveal that the alligator grabbed lane graves and dragged him away. there's some disturbing details that we shouldn't bring you this morn on that one. that little boy was on a family vacation. he stayed at the grand floridian resort when he was killed and his father tried to pull him in the jaws of the animal. do you love fried chicken so much that you wish you could smell like it? now, you can. kfc is rolling out fried chicken scented sunscreen. they've giving away 3,000 bottles they say in less than two hours. kfc pulled the stunt to promote the new extra crispy chicken menu item. what do you think about that? steve, brian, ainsley, will you get some of that sunscreen and put it on? >> it's brilliant. do you know who colonel sanders is in the ad, it's george hamilton who knows a thing or two about chicken fried people. >> what do you think, brian? i love fried chicken. do you want to smell like it at the beach? >> no.
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unless you're a chef you should smell like food. >> delicious. all right, thank you very much, heather. straight ahead, donald trump just changed his campaign plan for the balance of the week after the latest hillary e-mail bombshell. where does he go from here? we are live on the trail on fifth avenue. and she has sold 100 million albums worldwide. but she's not done yet. dolly parton has something brand-new up her sleeve. she joins us live in the next hour. americans... ... 83% try to eat healthy. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies.
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all right. donald trump apparently changing his schedule and his strategy in the wake of the latest clinton e-mail bombshell that we have been telling you about this morning. >> after swinging through ohio he'll be going to a town hall in texas. you're going there ainsley. >> i'm going after the show. john roberts is live outside of trump tower with the latest for us. >> reporter: ainsley, steve, brian, good morning to you. the donald trump campaign was supposed to be all immigration this week. they teed that up with the hispanic leadership board over the weekend. supposed to give a big speech in
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colorado on thursday, but they changed all that. the reason why, they think this controversy about the clinton e-mails, the 15,000 new e-mails, the clinton foundation, is a gift that's just dropped in their lap. and you know the old adage in politics is, when your opponent is in the middle of the train wreck, just stand back and watch it happen. of course, trump threw wood on the fire on the controversy in akron, ohio, insisting it's time for a special prosecutor to be appointed to look into all of this. listen to what he said last night. >> the amounts involved, the favors done and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately. >> reporter: donald trump insisting the special prosecutor is needed because americans didn't trust the department of justice to conduct a fair and impartial investigation into any
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aspect of hillary clinton's dealings. also last night, donald trump reached out to african-americans. marist polls showed his support at african-americans at 0%. but that was before he started to talk about rebuilding the inner cities through educational opportunities and law annother that community. >> what the hell do you have to lose? give me a chance. i'll straighten it out. if you keep voting for the same failed politicians, you will keep getting the same results. those hurting in our country have so much to gain by joining our campaign for a new and more inclusive american future. >> reporter: donald trump in texas today of course he's got the sean hannity town fall, two fund-raisers and then the big rally in austin. as many as 10,000 people could be there. ainsley, steve and brian. >> i don't know how he does its.
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four things tonight. the stamina. >> there's the stamina again. hey, what happens when 1,500 americans cross the border at the same time? why did it happen? it was a misstep caused by a gust of wind. she sold $100 million albums worldwide, before the show started. dolly is joining us. congratulations, pure and simple. >> nice to see you. welcome to new york city. we have a nice day today. (announcer vo) who says your desk phone
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always has to be at your desk? now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. hi, john. (announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at
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first we have some quick headlines for you. army deserter bowe bog dahl said john mccain hurt his case. it led him to be court-martialed from being captured by the taliban. should you have to prove you're a citizen in order to vote? the state of kansas is asking to keep thousands of people from voting if they haven't already shown a driver's license or a birth certificate. judges will begin hearing arguments in that case today. meanwhile, country music legend dolly parton has sold a staggering 100 million records worldwide. records like this. ♪ ♪ what way to make a living, got to get on by ♪ >> that's the dress ainsley had on. she had a quick change -- >> i love that dress. >> and her career is show nothing signs of slowing down.
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>> but dolly just released her 43rd studio album. called "pure and simple." she join us now. how fitting. >> hello, everybody. >> congratulations. >> and congratulations on 50 years. you have been married to carl, the guy you met at the laundry for 50 years. >> we were married 50 years on memorial day in may. >> what's the secret to the long marriage? >> i have been gone about 47 years of it. >> he doesn't like to be in the spotlight. >> no. he never has. he always wants to stay behind. that's why it lasted 50 years. >> he doesn't go to your concerts. >> he's seen a few of them. it makes him nervous. like watching your kid in recital or something. >> does he want me to get a tape? i have them on vcr. >> he'll be watching this morning. >> so let's talk about "pure and simple". >> it's called "pure and simple" because all the songs are love songs. it was 50 years of marriage, so
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i thought it was time to make an album of love songs. they're simple in their production, and we're on tour. it's called pure and simple and we're a four piece band. that's a good time to keep it pure and simple. >> inside there's lovely little book that tells your story. at age 7 you wrote your first song. 5,000 songs written in 63 years since. most have never been released. you are by the way the number one most honored country artist in history. >> is that right? who wrote all that up? actually, i have been doing this a long time. i love it. >> dolly, i don't think you have an enemy. everywhere you go, you are just loved. >> well, i'm sure i have some out there. but we don't want to talk about them. >> hey, this is why everyone loves you. >> i have been around for a long time. people feel like they know me. i'm like an favorite aunt or a sister. >> you have inspired a lot of
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people, we had kellie pickler. did you hear what she said what to say? >> no. i couldn't hear back there. >> listen to this. >> well, first of all, she is one of the biggest reasons why i fell in love with country music. i'm a huge fan. >> she's royalty. >> she is country music royalty. just so wonderful. >> she's got a similar personality to you. >> god bless you for saying that. >> very upbeat. buy an amusement park and you'll be a dead ringer. >> picklerwood. >> you have to work on that name a little. yeah. >> well, dollywood does rhyme with hollywood. i guess that's a good name. >> that's why i named it that. >> let me ask you, how do you feel about the direction of country music today? they have new country. how do you feel about it? how does it merge with the country you know? >> well, i'm glad to be part of it from day one. i went to out the outlaws, the new country. >> southern rock. >> yeah, i think it's great that country music is still so powerful. we have some wonderful artists
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right now. there will always be people that will go back and find the traditional songs and keep that sound. a lot of the new people go back and do the traditional. so i think it's wonderful. whatever form it takes i'm glad to be part of it. >> you have the new album and you have a new movie coming out on christmastime. >> yeah, the 30th of november, on another network. nbc. >> okay. they're across the street. >> they are. anyway, it's called "a christmas of many colors." we did so well last year. so we're doing another one this year. we're on tour. we have the album. we've got the movie. i've got a children's book coming out on october the 18th. it's an illustrated book. >> i'm upset, because so does ainsley have a book coming out. >> mine is coming out a month later. when your book comes out, come back. maybe we can go on tour together. >> put her to work. >> laura ingraham referred to
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you as a legend and you are. >> the great dolly parton on the program today. >> thanks. thank you. donald trump's vp nominee mike pence and his family, they get personal with us. >> any guy i have ever dated he's intentionally called by the wrong name. >> intentionally? >> i like to keep them off balance. >> more from the one-on-one with the pence family coming up next. plus, ryan lochte maybe didn't lie. the brand-new witness of the surprise robbery in rio that just came forward. that story is next. can't see it. can't taste it.
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we asked people about hillary clinton's big announcement this morning. now, mrs. clinton did not make a big announcement this morning. did that stop people from weighing on it anyway? well, let's find out. >> do you think hillary clinton seemed trustworthy during her big announcement this morning? >> absolutely. i think it's time that she came forward and was honest with the american people. >> it was just coming back at them. >> where were you when you saw the announcement? >> we were over across the street at the hard rock. >> was it hard to hear her announcement with the hard rock sound system or could you hear it -- >> well, they had closed captioning so i was able to read her words. >> what was the announcement again? >> to -- which part of it? >> just any part of it. >> um, talking about the e-mails. i don't know what -- >> how would you summarize hillary clinton's announcement this morning?
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>> not necessary. fictitious. fake. made up. >> didn't happen. >> yeah. >> okay. >> what a vivid imagination. i saw it across the street so i could read the closed captioning. >> there was no speech. they didn't want to admit it on camera. so funny. >> vice president nominee mike pence was making speeches and calling on hillary clinton to disband the clinton foundation. you spoke with them earlier in the week. >> you know him as the governor and vp pick, but you don't know him as dad and husband. we went to indiana, we toured the governor's mansion with his family. they shared a lot of stories and we got to know them. take a look. governor this is your office. >> it is. as a member of congress, i was able to purchase it and bring it home. >> i'd love to meet your family. can we meet your wife and daughter? come on in. mrs. pence, thank you for doing this. hey, charlotte.
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we asked you to pull some pictures for us. what's the story behind this one? >> this is at the capitol. it was pet night. and so that actually meant like famous pet night. so like the cat -- the dog from "men in black" were there. so we thought they meant bring your own pet. >> so when you got there, you had been just elected to congress. you showed up with the animals. were you embarrassed? >> i was incredibly embarrassed. but this is a classic moment. >> embarrassing dad stories? >> any guy i've dated he's intentionally called by the wrong name. >> intentionally? >> i like to keep them off balance. >> what are your parents like? >> they're encouraging and very strong. but really corny. so -- >> you just graduated from college? >> yes. >> so excited? >> yeah. i am. i am. >> you have a job? >> yes.
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i just about last week, officially i got a job. >> you're holding a picture of your dad? >> yeah. best man i ever knew. >> why? >> i would say he was a great father. a great husband. my dad got a bronze star when he was in korea. saved lives. but never talked about it. >> yeah. >> i can't imagine what he'd think about this. about this opportunity for his third son. >> he'd be very proud of you. >> well, i hope so. >> now we're in the dining room is this where you had the breakfast with donald trump and his family? >> donald trump asked where we all might for breakfast and mrs. pence said, why don't we have to the governor's residence? >> we don't have a chef here. this is about 10:00, 10 clon 30 at night. we made the coffee, hauled out the china. we went and cut flowers. >> i thought you set a great table. >> came out here and you started to pick flowers?
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>> i came out here, mike had the phone, the light from his phone. he was shining it. we came out here. we just snipped them and put little flower arrangements on the table. >> what time of night was this? >> probably about 1:00 a.m. when we did that. >> after that you got the call that he wanted you to be the vice president? >> i did. >> when you hung up the phone, what did you do? >> you know, honestly, ainsley, we prayed for the other people who were in the running, you know? we just said, you know, this is a big responsibility. it's a huge honor. but there were a lot people in the running and -- >> good people. >> we wanted to pray for them. so that's what we did. >> you eat dinner every night as a family. or you did when the kids were e -- were growing up. >> we do. even now, we sit together and eat together as a family. >> in fact, you have a gift for your dad, right? or you gave him this? >> this is what he said to me, and it stuck with me. that, you know, -- that he believes do the right thing and
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then go home for dinner. like that's the most important thing to be home for dinner every night and really growing up he kind of. as for my mom, we gave her this. on election night. we each -- both of my siblings wrote a quote from her that she had said to us over the course of the campaign. >> i love it, because i'm not going to let what's going on out there affect what's going on in here. >> mine was you teach your kids how to fight for their dreams by fighting for theirs. audrey's i'm listening to you, i hear you. >> what's the message? >> just that i have an amazing wife. everything you see those kids said that night we were elected is true. she's created in our 31 years of marriage, she's created a space for us to have really a pretty normal family life and that's all her.
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and everything these kids have accomplished and the grounded young men and women that they are, she deserves all the credit for that. it's one of the things that the trumps and the pences really share is -- it's really all about family. >> how great is that? >> so sweet. >> behind every great man is great family. >> he prays with her and he loves her. they have a great faith together. and their son is engaged and they'll have a small wedding at the mansion. >> he could have ran for governor again. he had been decided like 24 hours am i the running mate or going to run for another four years? >> that's right. trump was going to announce at the convention he originally said and he had to announce the week before. they have another daughter do traveling abroad. a neat family. >> very nice. meanwhile, it is about 22 minutes before the top of the
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hour and heather joins us right now with some news. >> i certainly do. good morning, everyone. 20 minutes until the top of the hour. a man who stared death in the face is detailing the chilling moment that the phoenix serial killer opened fire on him and his nephew. the victim though not showing his face. >> when he made eye contact, he looked directly at me. like he wanted to make it obvious, i'm looking at you right now. i firmly believe it was god's deliverance, that jesus saved me from death. >> not showing his face because he's concerned about being targeted once again. only four people targeted by the so-called treat shooter have lived to tell about it. he's murdered seven people in the phoenix area. new evidence shows that ryan lochte may have been telling the truth about what happened in rio. new witnesses coming forward to say that guards did in fact pull guns on the athletes and demand
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money. and that no vandalism took place in the bathroom at that gas station. well, this comes as four major companies including speedo and ralph lauren pull their endorsement deals with lochte. the u.s. olympic committee said they'll be punished, but they have not released details just yet. the u.s. invades canada. 1,500 americans on inflatable rafts accidentally drifted across the canadian border. high winds sending those rafters way off course in an annual event along the st. claire river. police say it took hours for buses to get everyone back to michigan. the event organizers posted a heart felt thank you to canadian authorities on facebook. those are your headlines. see you back here in a bit. >> all that southern wind. thank you very much. meanwhile, president obama expected to touch down in louisiana area this afternoon after two weeks on the golf course in massachusetts.
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a live report from the flood zone, next. and the cake boss is back. >> look at this cake. got a crazy idea. all right. we have it, ralph. >> do you think i'm crazy? >> yes. >> wow. our friend buddy valastro has the ultimate treat you can make and taste at home. >> he's our buddy. houston: mission allergy escape. for those who've gone to extremes to escape their unrelenting nasal allergy symptoms... houston: news alert... new from the makers of claritin, clarispray. ♪ welcome back. clarispray is a nasal allergy spray that contains the #1 prescribed, clinically proven ingredient. nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion.
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return to the world with new clarispray.
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a fox news alert now. it is not good news. we have just learned that an american service member has been killed fighting in afghanistan. another has been injured. both troops were training afghan forces when they were hit by an ied. more details as we get them. and another fox news alert.
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almost a week after devastating floods in the state of louisiana became a top national story, president obama is showing up to survey the damage today and is taking new heat for what critics call his delayed response. >> all right. fox business network's chris flock is live in baton rouge with the latest. jeff, how will he be received? >> reporter: touring the flood zone this morning, i'll tell you, from the people on the ground here, if your house looks like these do out here you're not so concerned about whether the comes to visit or a presidential candidate comes to visit. what you're concerned about is the response to this. actually fema has gotten pretty good marks so far from the people. as you can see, a lot of the gutting has been done already. people are filing claims. we have maybe 200,000 people filing claims with fema and they're pretty happy with the process before. so maybe the criticism comes
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more from outside the flood zone as i say. but this looks like your house you're concerned with your bottom line. what's the government doing for you, how are they helping you out of this disaster as opposed to who shows up and when. >> sure. you know, as is the case sometimes with a tornado, you know, one house will be impacted and all the other houses on the street are not. however, this is every single house for the most part that's going to have to be gutted with the sheet rock and everything else. do they have any idea how long it will take so that those houses behind you are restored the way they were two weeks ago? >> reporter: well, this is going to be a long time because a lot of the people don't have flood insurance. so they'll be relying on a government response to them and you're absolutely right. this is far reaching. we were in the community like this 20 miles away yesterday, and everything between here and there looks the same. it's every single house. i mean, you don't miss any of them. not like that tornado scenario like you paint. >> yeah, i also understand it's
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key if you have insurance number one, but do you have contents insurance. and number three. why are you waiting for inspectors, you want to get busy. videotape everything with your iphone or whatever you have, so you can show everybody what it was like because you don't want to wait for anybody to show up. >> and with the volume it will tax the system. but the problem is these people didn't have much of a warning at all. did they have something they could document with? a lot of the people went out without their phones because they were swimming out of here. it's not a good situation. >> it is not. as they pick up the pieces out there in baton rouge. jeff flock, thank you very much for joining us from fox business. all right. we're going to completely switch gears to wrap up the show today. next up on the rundown, the cake boss is back. buddy valastro has the ultimate patriotic treat you can make at home. and martha, take notes, in the meantime, you have to prepare for your show.
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do you have any idea what you'll be doing? >> you can count on the fact i do not know how to make that cake, but i look forward to learning. coming up on your program. coming up here, hillary's thousands of new e-mails found where she said there was nothing more to see. the connection to the clinton foundation, and also trump calls for an independent investigator into the situation. how will president obama be received when he gets to louisiana this morning? donald trump on immigration, how his tune may be changing when we see you at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ ♪
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don't just eat. mangia! bertolli.
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yep, we're "cooking with friends." one crazy creations after the
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next, never a dull moment at carlo's bake shop. >> we have no idea what i got in store for you. >> killer. >> look at this cake. got a crazy idea. all right. we have it, ralph. >> you think i'm crazy? >> yes. >> all right. another season filled with tweet surprises premieres night and the cake boss is here. look at him. to tell us what to expect this season. >> buddy valastro, welcome. you have brought with you the ultimate patriotic treat. >> i have. this is one of my favorites. nothing says americana than straw berry shortcake. am i right or wrong? we have pure whipped cream, vanilla, and we'll make it look like a beautiful flag on top. >> tell us what's in store for season eight of "cake boss." >> well, my business is growing, my family is growing. >> you put your whole family to
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work out there. i have been out there. >> of course. >> everybody is on the payroll. >> that's it. even my kids. my daughter she's 13. she woke up today, i'm like, come on, we have to go to work. we start them young. >> well, you started with one store. since the series started you have how many? >> 13 stores. honestly, we're proud of being part of, you know, an economic boost. i think because now i employ over 1,000 people. >> oh, my goodness. >> with all the stores and stuff -- >> there's a store in my town up in bergen county. so the thing about the cake boss is it's not just the cake. it's a creation. you made some unbelievable things for my birthdays in the past. red wine bottles which were delicious by the way. and some books and stuff like that. >> well, again, it's about taking food to an art. >> right. >> i think that's what we do on cake boss. >> all right. >> sometimes it's too pretty to eat. >> well, that's why cake like this is like home grown.
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>> tell me what to do. >> so blueberries are -- so they're the states. >> so we have 132 states? >> no, no, no. it's not per. it's the blue filler black ground. add the stripes to it. let me help you out. so we're going to put the rest of the stripes on. >> am i slow, is this bothering you? >> no. take your time. >> you have to use real whipped cream. >> always. >> my wife used cool whip in the past. >> listen -- >> it's fast, buddy. >> she's the cake boss at my house. >> there's nothing like pure whipped cream. you can't beat it. >> h start a small business in america today or how hard is it should i say? >> it's really hard. i mean, you know, it's definitely -- and the thing is people don't shop the way they used to. you know? people want to do a one stop
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shop. not go to the bakery and then the butcher and then to this and that. trying to evolve that and then you take, you know, online internet shopping, then it's -- >> they're crooked. >> a little crooked. >> i'm getting involved in your story. >> you know, i believe in america. i believe in small business. i believe small business is really the engine of the country. >> absolutely. just too many regulations. that's the problem. buddy, thank you. congratulations. a round of applause. see him tonight on tlc. who wants to taste? >> more "fox & friends" in a moment. don't go anywhere. >> not bad, that's good. tant to. it's especially important to military people because we have a set income and a lot of us have families, and so you gotta stretch your dollar. the usaa car buying service is helpful because it gives you that automatic savings,
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♪ ♪ i'll be there back of your mind ♪
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it's been great being outside, buddy valastro, cake boss is on tonight. >> and we'll have the olympic pole vaulter coming in tomorrow who paused for the anthem. martha: there are two big developments in the hillary clinton scandal called pay for play. brand-new emails that have been uncovered. phone records that match up with them and expose deep ties between the clinton foundation and hillary clinton's state department. eric: i'm eric shawn in for bill hemmer. she said she turned everything over to the feds. butted the f.b.i. finding 15,000 previously unreleased emails. a federal judge is demanding they be released immediately. martha:


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