tv The Real Story FOX News August 23, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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bream. the president is expected to speak after touring this hard-hit neighborhood in baton rouge. president obama is facing heavy criticism that he waited too long to show up. we'll go to him live on the scene from louisiana. >> to begin with, i just want to say thank you to the outstanding officials behind me who have been on the ground, working 24/7 since this flood happened. it begins with outstanding leadership from the top with governor john bel edwards. we appreciate all the outstanding work he's done. his better half, the first lady of louisiana, i know has been by his side every step of the way, and we're grateful to her. they've got their own cleaning up to do, because the governor's
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mansion was flooded as well. in addition, i want to acknowledge senator bill cassidy, senator david vitter, representative gary graves, the mayor of baton rouge, kip holden, and somebody who i can't brag enough about, one of the best hires i made as president, the administrator of fema, craig fugate, who has done such an outstanding job, not just in dealing with this particular incident but has really rebuilt fema so that there is a change of culture. and everybody knows when a disaster happens, fema will be there on the ground cooperating with state and local officials rapidly and with attention to detail, and keeping the families who are affected uppermost in their minds.
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we appreciate everything craig has done. it's hard for craig to be here because he's a florida gator and he's been seeing a lot of lsu t-shirts as we pass by. we've had a chance to see some of the damage from the historic floods here in louisiana. i come first and foremost to say that the prayers of the entire nation are with everybody who lost loved ones. we are heartbroken by the loss of life. there are also people who are still desperately trying to track down friends and family. we're going to keep on helping them every way that we can. as i think anybody who can see just the streets, much less the inside of the homes here, people's lives have been upended by this flood. local businesses have suffered damage. families have in some cases lost homes. they've certainly lost
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possessions, keepsakes. i was speak a young woman whose husband died shortly after the birth of her second child, and she was talking about how her daughter was trying to gather all the keepsakes that she had in her bedroom that reminded her of her father. that gives you some sense that this is not just about property damage, this is about people's roots. you also have a situation where there are a lot of kids who were supposed to start a new school year, and they're going to need some special help and support for a while. sometimes when these kinds of things happen, it can seem too much to bear. what i want the people of louisiana to know is you're not alone in this. even after the tv cameras leave, the whole country will continue to support you and help you until we get folks back in their
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homes and lives are rebuilt. the reason i can say that with confidence is because that's what americans do in times like this. i saw it when i visited louisiana when i came as a senator after katrina. i saw it when i visited new orleans for the tenth anniversary last year. i know how resilient the people of louisiana are and i know you will rebuild again. and what i've seen today proves it. i want to thank the first responders, the national guard, the neighbors who were in a boat going around making sure people were safe, showing extraordinary heroism and in some cases risking their own lives. governor edwards, the city, the parish government, they've all stepped up under incredibly
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difficult circumstances. i just want to thank the people on this block. one woman, elderly, was on her own, she had lost her daughter. a young man next door had lost his father but offered to help out that neighbor so that she could salvage as much as she could and start the process of rebuilding. with respect to the federal response over a week ago, i directed the federal government to do everything we could to help. fema administrator craig fugate arrived a week ago to lead that effort. secretary of homeland security jeh johnson visited last week to make sure state and local officials are getting what they need. to get a sense of the magnitude of the situation, more than 100,000 people have applied for federal assistance so far. as of today, federal support has reached $127 million. that's for help like temporary
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rental assistance, essential home repairs and flood insurance payments. fema is working with louisiana around the clock to help people displaced by floods find temporary housing. any louisiana family that needs help, you can find your nearest disaster recovery center by going to or 1-800-621-fema. federal assistance alone is not going to be enough to make people's lives whole again. i'm asking every american to do what you can to help get families and local businesses back on their feet. if you want help, if you want to help, governor edwards has put together some ways to start at and the reason this is important is because even though federal money is moving out, volunteer
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help actually helps the state, because it can offset some of its costs. obviously private donations are going to be extremely important as well. we want to thank the red cross for everything they're doing. but there are a lot of private philanthropic organizations, churches, parishes around the state and around the country who want to help as well. and that's how we're going to make sure that everybody is able to get back on their feet. let me just remind folks, sometimes once the floodwaters pass, people's attention spans pass. this is not a one-off. this is not a photo op issue. this is how do you make sure that a month from now, three months from now, six months from now, people are still getting the help they need. i need all americans to stay
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focused on this. if you're watching this today, make sure that you find out how you can help. you can go to or go to you can go to and we'll direct you how to help. we're glad the families i had a chance to meet are safe, but you know, they've got a lot of work to do and they shouldn't have to do it alone. thank you very much, everybody, god bless. >> for more on the president's visit to louisiana, let's bring in bret baier. excuse me, the president is continuing his remarks, let's go back. >> a certain match, a lot of the homes have flood insurance but a lot of homes don't. what craig fugate is doing, what i instructed him to do from the
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start is let's get money out of as fast as we can, because we know there's going to be a certain amount of assistance that's going to be forthcoming. there's no point in waiting. we've got to make initial estimates and start pushing stuff out. that helps us and helps the governor and all these officials here do their jobs. then what we have to do, as we fine-tune exactly what's needed, when we know, for example, what permanent housing has to be built, when we have a better sense of how infrastructure has been damaged, what more we need to do for mitigation strategies, that's when congress may be called upon to do some more. the good news is you've got four members of congress right here. and a number of them happen to be in the majority. i suspect that they may be able to talk to the speaker and talk to mitch mcconnell. in part because of the fine
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stewardship at fema, and frankly because we've been a little lucky so far, i'm going to knock on some wood in terms of the amount of money that's gone out this year, fema has enough money for now to cover the cost to be absorbed. the issue is going to be less what we need to do in terms of paying for the short term. it's going to be the medium and long term rebuilding. congress should be back in session right after labor day. by that time we'll probably have a better assessment. meantime, lawyers at fema will be examining what statutory flexibility we've got. and i know the governor's been right on top of making sure louisiana gets everything it can get in order to help rebuild. [ inaudible question ] no, i don't. first of all, one of the benefits of being five months short of leaving here is i don't
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worry too much about politics. the second thing i've seen historically is when disasters strike, that's probably one of the few times where washington tends not to get political. i guarantee you, nobody on this block, none of those first responders, nobody gives a hoot whether you're democrat or republican. when they care about is making sure to get the drywall out, the carpet out, there's not any mold building, they get the contractors in here and start rebuilding as soon as possible. that's what they care about. that's what i care about. we want to make sure we do it right, we want to make sure we do it systematically. the one thing i want to repeat is how proud i am of fema, because if you think about the number of significant natural disasters that have occurred since my presidency began, you
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would be hard-pressed to find a local official anywhere in the country, including those in the other party, who wouldn't say that craig fugate and his team have been anything less than exemplary and professional. and one of the things i did when i walked through i've of these homes was asked, have you contacted fema, have you filed, and uniformly they said they had been in touch with fema, they had acted professionally, some of them had already been out for inspections. i think that does indicate why it's important for us to take the federal government seriously, federal workers seriously. there's a tendency sometimes for us to bash them and to think they're these faceless bu bureaucrats. but when you get into trouble,
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you want somebody on the ground working, and that's true of either party. i could not be prouder of the work that fema has done. that doesn't mean there won't be folks who need more help and we won't have constraints statutorily and congress will have to step up. but it does mean the basic infrastructure and architecture we have in terms of disaster response i think has been high quality, and i'm very proud of them for that, and i want to publicly acknowledge that at the moment. all right? thank you guys. >> now it appears the president has wrapped up his remarks there after touring some of the flood ravaged areas in louisiana. let's bring in bret baier, anchor of "special report" on the fox news channel. we heard the president say americans will have to focus and do everything they can to help the citizens, something that will take months if not years to
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recover from. there's been plenty of talk about whether he should have been there sooner. he said it's not about politics. >> right, shannon, he says it's not a photo op. but it is a photo op, wherever the president goes it's a big deal and it brings national attention. you saw behind him senators vitter and cass i day, shaking their heads, that they're more concerned about getting the funding and relief needed rather than the politics of the moment. that said, the paper down there, "the advocate," had an editorial saying that there haven't been the best images while the people are trying to deal with what they're dealing with. the president is taking the perspective, and he's done that many times, that he doesn't want
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to get in the way and he's not playing politics with the visit, and it's more about the federal response. that, shannon, is what the white house said yesterday, that the federal response is so far clicking apace and they feel comfortable it's getting done. >> you mentioned "the advocate" which called on him to wrap up that vacation and get down here. we want to play a compilation of the front pages of some louisiana newspapers as this was playing out. as you know, the images are incredibly powerful, they say way more than we could, just by talking about it. when you see this, entire neighborhoods swallowed up, katrina all over again, the images are just stunning. there are people on the ground, all parties, no parties, not political at all, saying it would have helped to have him here because the minute he's there, all of our cameras are there. >> the democratic governor john bel edwards said at the beginning it would be good for the parking lot to come down but maybe in a couple of weeks, he
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was concerned about the secret service presence. but when donald trump and mike pence came there, the democratic governor praised them for making that visit and shining the spotlight, he said, in his words, on the situation. they got a lot of praise for being down there and focusing national attention, because it wasn't getting the national attention that other disasters had. and sometimes there is that disconnect, it seems, with president obama, with this white house, that the power of the images, the power of the narrative, they don't buy into as much as others. and sometimes they take criticism for it. the president is kind of shrugging it off and says it's all about the response today. >> it's tough in an election year and a very heated election battle. is it possible for anything like this to be apolitical? >> no. no. not at this moment. we're 70 plus days away from the election.
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there will be politics that plays itself into this, just as we saw with hurricane sandy before the 2012 election and how that all went together. governor christie welcoming president obama at that time. and the political implications there. the bottom line is that these people need help and they'll need help for a long time. to the president's point, when the cameras leave and the focus leaves, there will still be a lot to get done there, much like the bush administration continued putting pressure on after the bad start in the recovery and response to katrina. >> we're watching live as the president is shaking hands with folks, he had a lot of praise not only the official sources, like fema, the first responders who have risked their own lives, the national guard. he talked about those things we've seen over the last few days, neighbors who took their own boats out, people who had family members there, literally
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that was the only way they could be rescued, it moved in so quickly. and yesterday seeing volunteers already there, cutting out drywall, shoveling out homes. it really is a great opportunity to see the goodness of americans who go for no reason other than to help someone else, whether they know them or not. >> that's the best part. it's a horrible tragedy. it is -- when you see people losing everything in their homes and having to get out in a matter of sometimes minutes or a couple of hours, and seeing what's left. the good part is what you see, the volunteers, the people who go down there, the people who are down there just because they want to help. and, you know, listen, a president that visit means a lot, but really what means a lot is americans and neighbors coming out and helping each other. >> the president continually directed people to, to he says the feds have paid out over $100 million in assistance.
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he said the best thing is to get to moving and they can fine-tune the response down the road. there are so many people who live in this region and had no flood insurance on their homes. >> this happened extremely quickly. it was not expected. and to hear the tales of how fast the river rose there is pretty amazing. you're right, the federal response and making sure that that moves quickly is the bottom line. if there's criticism on that front as well as criticism of him being late to the game, then you've got a real potential impact. but so far we're hearing that that money and that assistance is moving quickly. >> he did mention that it's possible lawmakers, congress will have to step in and do additional funding or at least look at what the needs will be there. you and i have watched as the battle for zika funding has played out with side issues, with amendments, with strings
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attached to things. how do you think congress is prepared, on recess now but back soon, to tackle another fight that everybody would agree there is a need there? it always comes down to how do you pay for it. >> it's all about how do you pay for it. there is a tradition that usually the funding for emergencies like this goes through smoothly, but we saw with hurricane sandy some back and forth about the specific dollar amounts and what was listed on that. i don't think congress is well-positioned to move anything really quickly. even something like zika funding or emergency preparedness. we'll see, but the pushback within both parties has been fairly significant. >> any chance, do you think, they take this as an opportunity to join forces and say, as the president said, during the middle of a disaster people don't care whether the person who shows up to help you or work
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on your home or rescue you in that boat is a democrat or republican, potentially an opportunity to work together on something? because it's not something we see a lot in washington. >> hope spring eternal, shannon. >> all right, bret, we thank you for joining us as we break down the president's visit there to louisiana. see you tonight at 6:00 on "special report." new developments in the way the clinton foundation handled donors during secretary clinton's tenure at the state department. judicial watch will get to question hillary clinton under oath. we'll talk to the president of that watchdog group who is under so much news in this case, coming up. i'm terrible at golf.
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hillary clinton raking in more cash out west as she struggles to stamp out more firestorms over allegations of pay to play. senior correspondent mike emanuel has more about the relationship between the clintons' state department and the clinton foundation? >> reporter: shannon, the state department notes that hillary clinton signed an ethics agreement when she became secretary of state. but they say they did not preclude her inner circle from engaging with the clinton foundation. some of the e-mails reveal the level of interaction between clinton aide huma abedin and doug band, him wanting a meeting with hillary clinton, and donating money later. clinton tried to downplay her growing e-mail controversy.
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>> jimmy, my e-mails are so boring. i'm embarrassed about that, they're so boring. we've already released i don't know, 30,000 plus, what's a few more? >> reporter: that's a light reference to about 15,000 e-mails that have been recovered by the fbi, some of which may be released just days before this election, shannon. >> mike, what is the very latest in the state of this race? >> reporter: a new poll out just this afternoon reveals a very interesting race developing in battleground missouri. take a look at monmouth survey. it has donald trump with a very slim lead, 44% to 43% over hillary clinton with 8% saying they'll vote libertarian, independents are divided in this survey. today, clinton's running mate ripped trump on the nature of his campaign. >> the campaign is kind of being run in a little bit of, you know, not to ask what you can do
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for your country but what can this campaign do for me. that's not a business practice that should make us feel too warm and fuzzy. >> reporter: you mentioned hillary clinton is here in sunny southern california doing some fundraising. four more fundraisers today on her agenda. >> these campaigns cost a lot of money. mike emanuel on the road, thank you so much. the president of judicial watch, tom, i want to start by, first of all, you all have unearthed so many things that congress has had a tough time, other organizations have had a tough time getting. you've been successful. let's talk about some of what you've unearthed and what's still coming. a judge ruled for you on friday that mrs. clinton will have to answer questions under oath. they are in writing but they are under oath. and they gave a timeline, she's got 30 days to respond. can you tell us anything about your timeline for getting the questions to her and whether you
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think we'll have the answers before election day? >> i think we'll have the answers before election day unless mrs. clinton doesn't provide the answers before election day by complaining about our questions and going to court to complain about them. we'll get them out as soon as we can. that 30-day period will end, we think, long before election day. >> do you anticipate possibly this week? the judge gave you until october 14th to get the questions out, which we know you will well in advance of that, then she has 30 days. that starts the clock ticking, once you get her the questions. >> it won't be this week. i can't tell you when it's exactly going to be. the court issued a ruling, we have to be careful about what we ask mrs. clinton, and we'll be careful but move quickly. >> let's talk about some of the e-mails we've seen surface in recent days. this clinton foundation, doug band requesting a meeting for the crowns principa prince of b.
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he asks for a meeting with the crown prince on june 23rd. huma abedin says clinton won't commit. then she says clinton agrees to the meeting. some say the crown prince could not get access through normal state department channels, but through the clinton foundation where there was a significant donation made, then the access was granted. there's a picture of them meeting, as you can see. >> it raises questions as to why she broke her ethics agreement. i don't understand the state department's defense of mrs. clinton here. her two top staff, cheryl mills and huma abedin, are fielding requests from the clinton foundation even though she had promised to stay out of it. under obama's ethics rules, they were prohibited from participating in foundation-related activities while working at the government for at least two years absent some type of waiver. they didn't get any waiver that i'm waver.
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the ethics rules were broken six ways to sunday. there may have been violations of criminal law if public benefits were given for private gain and to the benefit of the clinton foundation improperly. >> how do you respond to clinton supporters and the clinton campaign calling you guys nothing but a right wing -- essentially a group on a witch hunt after the clintons since the 1990s and you're only making these requests to smear her and hurt her in the campaign? >> we didn't know about clinton's e-mails. she's the one who did the clinton e-mail scandal. she's the one who violated the rules that the state department had. she knew what she was doing, she deleted e-mails, they're only coming out as the result of an fbi investigation by the obama administration. the huma abedin e-mails were turned over in september of 2015, we're only seeing them now. it's covered up and enabled by
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the state department. mrs. clinton engages in a coverup, breaks all the rules, the state department helps her along, and who does she blame? judicial watch. she's ethically challenged. she doesn't like our calling attention to it and doesn't think she should be held accountable to the law, and rather than take on the courts directly, she's pretending we're the problem. >> a federal judge appointed by her husband has ordered her to answer these questions under oath. keep us up to date and we'll watch it play out. tom fenton, thank you very much. the trump campaign is firing back on claims that the republican nominee is flip flopping on immigration. that's next.
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a fox news alert, donald trump is shining a light on the need for security on the border. carl cameron has more. >> reporter: hi, shannon. it's rare to see a candidate for president come to texas. donald trump will be here tonight for a big rally. we're not that far from the u.s./mexico border and there will be a great deal of discussion about immigration. the trump campaign has been trying to change the subject to focus more on hillary clinton's e-mail problems and the discovery of the now additional
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15,000 e-mails, making the argument there should be a special prosecutor appointed. trump said so last night, the first time he's said anything like that, even though his crowds often chant "lock her up." as for immigration, things are sort of evolving in the trump campaign. he obviously launched his campaign saying he was going to build a wall. well, he's often said since then it's not a complete wall from the pacific coast to the gulf coast, there are mountains and other things in the way that would make it unnecessary to have a wall and other technology ways to supplant a wall and have other types of security on the border. as for his plan to have a ban on all mu muslim visitors and immigrants, that has now changed to what he describes as extreme, extreme vetting, without much more specificity than that. and when it comes to how he will take care of vetting people from around the country, that extreme vetting falls short in an awful
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lot of minds. then there's this aspect of what he would do with the 11 to 18 million illegal immigrants, undocumented aliens in the country right now. for the last 14 months he's been saying he would get them out quickly, so fast it would make everybody's head spin. but now, in addition to cancelling an immigration speech, that appears not to be the plan. trump now says he will follow the laws as they exist and have been utilized by president obama and george w. bush who trump noted last night deported a lot of people, mostly criminals, based on that. that's what we know. the rest, according to his campaign manager, kellyanne conway, is in flux as he formulates what the plan will be. >> tbd, as they say. carl cameron, thanks. the trump campaign is pushing back on claims that he's reversing course on immigration.
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>> he's said the same thing, let's enforce the law. if you enforce the law, a lot of good things start happening with respect to deporting people who have committed crimes and protecting american workers. many american workers feel like they're competing with immigrants, as well as with factories in china and robots. >> listen, immigration obviously in your border state of arizona is a huge deal. there's been some speculation that mr. trump may be changing on this. one of the big winning arguments he had with primary voters was he was going to be ultratough and build this wall and deport people. now conversations this weekend, this meeting he had with his hispanic advisory council, he may be softening a bit. what can you tell us? >> the number one goal is to enforce the laws that we have and have a strong immigration policy. we want to know who comes into our country and make sure everyone is vetted.
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if we're going to bring people in from other countries we need to know who we're putting next to our families and children and schools. he hasn't changed his stance on that at all. with donald trump, and it seems like he gets unfair treatment more than anybody, they will take a snippet of a sentence and chop the front and the back and use these things to make it sound like he said something he didn't. he hasn't changed at all. there will be an immigration policy speech in which he'll lay out how we go about the plan we have in place? >> why the hesitation. we thought that speech was coming sooner. why aren't we getting it when we thought we would? >> any presidential campaign, nothing is set in stone. we had this new revelation, the country did, about hillary clinton's 15,000 e-mails. the last thing you want to do is come out with a policy speech right now and step on that. something i like to say, when you have a wave like that, you
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surf it all the way to shore. we have the 15,000 e-mails, the revelations she further lied and now coming out with some of the information that is in those e-mails that shows that she is a pay for play candidate. why would we want to talk about anything else than that? >> that's something that mr. trump has been criticized for in the past, on difficult bad news days for her, he's stepped on it with other things that he could have let that air out a little bit. we'll see about that. meantime, i want to play a little bit ever what he told our own bill o'reilly last night. >> the first thing we're going to do if and when i win is we're going to get rid of all of the bad ones. we have gang members, killers, a lot of bad people that have to get out of this country. as far as everybody else, we're going to go through the process. what people didn't even know is that obama got tremendous numbers of people out of the country. bush, the same thing. we want to do it in a very humane -- we want to do it in a very humane manner. >> there's been a lot of
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so-called prosecutial discretion where this accumulation has told people, i.c.e. officials and officers who have said we can't do our job because this administration is telling us we can or can't deport certain people. how in the world is he going to say we're taking out every gang member? how does that work? >> as you pointed out, we have to enforce the laws on the books and allow people to do their jobs. when the obama administration has told border patrol to stand down and not do their jobs, that is what's allowing a flood of more, as we call, the bad people, to get into our country. so we have to enforce the laws on our books and we have to allow border patrol and the other agencies that deal with this to do their jobs. as you said, that's one of the first steps he's going to take. >> we'll look forward to the speech. thanks for joining us, jeff de witt. new ties between the state department and clinton foundation including quickly-arranged meetings with big time donors.
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now congress is issuing subpoenas. greta van susteren, the one and only, is next. and a thousand americans end up in canada. we'll explain, stick around. our vitamins contain no gluten, dairy or artificial flavors. so we invented a word that means that. shmorange! and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. hey, baby, make it your first word! (baby babble) not even close. reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange! our vitamins contain no gluten, dairy or artificial flavors. so we invented a word that means that. shmorange! and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. to help spread the word, we made t-shirts! reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange!
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new fallout for hillary clinton over her use of a private e-mail server. house republicans monday issuing subpoenas to technology firms that had some involvement with clinton's servers. they have to turn over all documents to congressional investigators. greta van susteren joins us live. greta, what do you make of these subpoenas? you know the legalities here. do the companies comply or fight back? >> you always fight a subpoena. it's interesting that the house
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republicans want this and frankly i don't blame them. there's some politics involved in this, as you very well know, shannon, but look, e-mails keep surfacing since we were told the whole universe of e-mails were out there, look at the 15,000 documents and e-mails that the fbi has come up with that we learned about yesterday. it seems fair play to be curious. naturally there is a lot of politics involved in this, but secretary clinton created this problem for herself. >> what do you make of her last night on late night tv, laughing about it and saying, i feel embarrassed that my e-mails are so boring? >> she knows a lot of people who might be watching that show aren't watching the news during the day, and during the evening, and may see the more serious discussion about these e-mails and the fact that they're classified. naturally she's trying to reach a different audience. we saw that president obama effectively did that in the last race, he would appear on "ellen degeneres," a great show, different audience. she's making a joke about it. frankly, a lot of people don't think it's particularly funny.
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and, you know, she might worry about it, come time for the debate, she'll have to answer questions about those e-mails that she's not answering in press conferences. she hasn't had a press conference since september. >> you and i have plenty of questions for her. >> i have plenty -- it would be wonderful to have both of home to on the stage side by side where you really do have a controlled environment and get answers. it will be fascinating. >> it will be. meantime donald trump is not letting this issue go. a lot of people say he's smart to focus on it, while it's bubbling up in the headlines. here is what he has to say about what he thinks should happen in this case. >> the amounts involved, the favors done, and the significant number of times it was done, require an expedited investigation by a special haver immediately, immediately, immediately. >> greta, explain what a special
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prosecutor does and what are the odds of getting one appointed. >> probably zero. usually when the justice department has a conflict of interest and they've already declined to prosecute, it's different from an independent counsel which we no longer have, that was ken starr, someone who was pointed by three judges. look, there's a lot of reason to be curious and suspicious and everything about the e-mails. i don't think we'll get the answer through a special prosecutor. i don't think loretta lynch is going to pick up the phone and appoint a special prosecutor when she's already decided she's not going to do anything about it. >> meantime these e-mails appear to show some conversation between folks at the clinton foundation and the secretary of state, or her office, other people related to her, go-betweens. one of these issues we keep focusing on is the meeting of the crown prince of bahrain. we have pictures of the meeting
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when they eventually got together. it looks like from the appearances, from what we can see, is that efforts to go through the state department to meet with her didn't work but efforts to go through the clinton foundation did work. >> that's pretty clear. what's never been established is that she did any favor for him other than meet, which is a very important distinction. no one is saying that, at least not right now. the two e-mails are from doug band who is attached at the hip to bill clinton, and it went to huma abedin who is attached at the hip to hillary clinton, and it came with, he's good friend of ours, wink wink, nod nod. there were no favors and nothing associated with it. but look, he gets his picture taken, gets to show world leaders look, i'm pretty tight with the secretary of state of the united states, it has value to him. >> you and i know access is
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everything in washington. it seems the public is a bit skeptical, as much as her campaign says it's nothing. has she been honest as to how she handled the e-mails while secretary of secretary of state? 64% say no. and 27% say yes. yet in almost every poll she continues to lead. >> yes, but people don't like donald trump's language but his supporters are quick to support him. go figure. these two kacandidates in spitef the problems they have still have great position on their side of the aisle. so i'm not surprised by these numbers. people don't trust either one of them in a lot of ways. so we live in strange times, shannon. >> yes, we do. all right, greta, see you at 7:00 eastern tonight for "on the recor record." >> thank you. what happens when a dozen people are tubing along the border of canada and get swept
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away and can't get back? this is one of the more unusual stories you will ever hear. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. (announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing...
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cue the iconic "baywatch" music. over a thousand americans needed to be rescued after strong winds pushed their rafts across the border into canada. trace gallagher is live with more on that. it looked like they were having quite the party in the process. >> reporter: it looked like fun. it is an annual event where thousands of people use rafts, inner tubes and more to float down the american side of the river, which acts as a border between michigan and canada. the event is also well-known for having its fair share of alcohol. what it's not known for,
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shannon, is having 30-mile-per-hour winds which pushed about 1500 floaters across the river onto the canadian side. and because they didn't have paddles and oars, they were pretty much stuck in canada. in some cases, the canadian coast guard had to pluck people out of the water. those who made it to shore were gathered up by canadian police and the red cross. and a lot of americans were concerned because they didn't have identification much less their passports. and under canadian law, boating or floating across the river is considered a failure to report. technically the canadians can seize your boat, turns out they didn't have a lot of use for a bunch of inflatables. so instead the americans were loaded onto 19 buses and driven back to the u.s. in all it took the canadians about six hours to gather up all the drifters, a lot longer than that to pick up all the beer cans and 50 tables on the side of the river. and the canadian coast guard was not pleased it had to save the day, but on social media the
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americans called the canadians and had a little booze in there. >> little injuries and no arrests, i count it as a win. >> it's all good. >> trace, thank you so much. >> yep. a big change coming for new york city taxi riders. what's in store. that's next. you don't let anything keep you sidelined. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you.
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new york city is known for its fast cab drivers. now riders may get the attitude in all sorts of languages. they are scratching the english proficiency exam for those who want to drive a cab here. this is to keep up with driving services like uber which doesn't require drivers to take any kind of english test. residents outside of maine are being warned after two
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officers discovered a massive ten-foot-long snake skin along the river bank in june. authorities believe it's a pet snake dump in the wild. it is ten feet long, people. be on thelookout. i'm shannon bream. be on the lookout, people. it's 3:00 on the east coast, 2:00 p.m. central time. is donald trump softening his stance on immigration? you'll hear from trump himself. new hillary clinton e-mails to bahrain's crown prince looking for favors. also, how hillary clinton is going hollywood today with stars including justin timberlake and jennifer aniston. plus, the feds investigating what may be a terror case in virginia and whether the suspect tried to cut off a man's head. let's get to it.
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