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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 23, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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related to the economy. are the candidates going to say anything about. >> hello, juan williams, kimberly guilfoyle, dana perrino and this is "the five." today, presidential candidate is going to join us here at the table live. libertarian nominee gary johnson is here. how does he plan to defeat hillary clinton and donald trump? we'll ask him just ahead. first, brand new bombshell evidence of pay to play deals between the clinton foundation and hillary's state department. senior executive was in regular contact with hillary's chief of
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staff when she was secretary of state. meanwhile, clinton said she turned everything over to the feds, but the fbi has dug up 15,000 previously unreleased e-mails. hillary was on kimmel last night, brushing the matter off. >> i actually added it up today. the state department said that they have to release 15,000 e-mails by the deadline. it's a couple of days before the debate. are you concerned about that? >> no. >> i would be terrified if my e-mails were released. >> jimmy, my e-mails are so boring. and i'm embarrassed about that. they're so boring. we've already released, i don't know, 30,000 plus. so what's a few more? >> donald trump is calling for the justice department to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate. >> the amounts involved, the favors done and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special
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prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately. after the fbi whitewashed hillary clinton's e-mail crimes they can't be trusted to quickly or impartially investigate hillary clinton's new crimes, which happen all the time. >> more than half the people who met with clinton while she was secretary of state gave money to the clinton foundation, more than $150 million. >> there is evidence that there is pay for play going on. this is the last thing you want with the government. the last thing you want with an someone who will be commander in chief and leader of the free
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world, you know you're running for president. why did you engage in this? why not disassociate yourself completely from it? why is it that people were able to get direct access to the secretary of state, somebody seeking the office of the presidency quicker, easier, than direct channels? straight tlut clinton foundation. that's how you open the gate. >> it's pay to play, is it not, juan? >> no. >> what is it? >> i'm sitting here thinking -- >> money, providing access. >> you're hyperventilating because donald hasn't pivoted and things don't look great. there's a real case to be made about the clinton foundation and quid pro quo. >> that's what we're doing. >> and lackproprietary. >> that's what we're doing. >> there's no proof that she did anything. let me just say. proof that she offered one
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special favor. >> access and meetings. >> access is provided. >> access, yes. >> access and later on deals were struck between u.s. corporations and foreign entities. >> no. >> it is yes, boeing, ge. >> all these deals are deals that are done all the time. if you say to me, juan, i think this clinton foundation just doesn't look right because they're taking money, she's secretary -- yes, eric, you got me. but at this point -- >> russians dropped $145 million in the clinton foundation after they did a deal getting 25% u uranium. that's the deal. >> what? what are you talking about? this is so weak. i guess you guys are desperate. >> let's move on. dana, pay to play? yes, no? >> it certainly doesn't think clean. i think juan is saying is there might not even be evidence that exists that say she had a meeting, got the meeting. getting the meeting is
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important. that's not always easy to do. clinton foundation, of course, you can see it in the e-mails, constantly calling over saying, hey, can you meet with this perso person? they're one of our friends. that doesn't look good. what i'm concerned about with a special prosecutor, if they -- let's say the justice department says fine we'll take you up on that special prosecutor idea. that gives the clinton campaign a reason to shut down talking about it at all. and they'll just slow walk it. special prosecutor, in order to do due diligence, it would take weeks, possibly put it beyond the election anyway. so i think actually the stuff that the reporters are coming up with -- like what the ap did today is actually very damning. the other problem is that republicans have tried to rely on beating the clintons based on these scandals as they see them, for decades and it doesn't work. i'm not saying not pursue it, but they can't rely on it.
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>> the 40,000 e-mails she destroyed, personal e-mails. does that mean clinton foundation business was on that as well? they will not answer that question. if there was, now you might have a right to go back. >> these e-mails now have a life of their own. >> her response, like on kimmel, turn out the light. there's nothing there. but we see it. in terms of this pay for play thing, huma abedein was selling influence under the guys of access, speed pass that you get at disneyland. >> oh, this is the next thing? >> yes. >> hold that thought. this is exactly what greg is talking b newly discovered e-mail exchanges show top clinton aide giving a major clinton foundation donor special access to the secretary.
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the crowned prince of bahrain. top clinton foundation executive wrote to clinton aide huma abedein, quote, cp, meaning crown prince of bahrain, in tomorrow to friday asking to see her. good friend of ours. he asked to see her through normal channels and she doesn't want to commit to anything for thursday or friday until she knows how she will feel. within 48 hours, abedin offered up a time for the crowned prince to meet with clinton, 10:00 tomorrow with hrc. if you see him let him know we have reached out through of channels. >> it is like the speed pass at disneyland. they have so much money, unlike other american citizens, they don't have to wait in line. they pay up.
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they get to go on the materhorn, space mountain and get to go into the state department because of it. >> v.i.p. pass. >> huma abedin left classified papers in the trunk of a car in india. she had stuff in the seat pocket. we thought her husband, anthony weiner, was the one exposing stuff. >> very important question for juan williams. >> can i add one thing to that? huma abedin, when she's doing this, she's working for both the u.s. taxpayer and taneo, which is where doug ban worked, which had the clinton foundation. >> why would they want to pay $32 million to meet with hillary clinton about? >> i don't think he paid. he gave the money to the
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foundation. >> right. >> for access. >> it's not like it's a bribe. that's your assumption, not my assumption. >> no, no. >> i'm going to assume he gave them money. let's put your interpretation on it. that he thought this will guarantee me a meeting. >> for $32 million, crowned prince of bahrain, one of the most strategic countries in the middle east. i'm guessing he would get that meeting if he wanted to wait. what was so urgent? >> bahrain, i would guess, had been banned from receiving u.s. military weapons because of their human rights violations. so i don't know that they were getting any great treatment from the u.s. government. >> couldn't that be perceived as a pay to play? i'm drop $32 million in the foundation, get access to maybe making a deal. >> not to juan. >> you just said perceived. i'm with you on this. i think that it opens the door to negative perception. >> right. >> if you're saying to me, hey, we've got the evidence, you don't have a thing. >> not yet. >> because that's been deleted
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and now we're seeing, in fact, there's evidence to be pursued, in fact, that she wasn't compliant. in fact, there were additional e-mails destroyed. it's all problematic. you know where we first heard about this, juan, at this table? from you. >> that's why i said to eric, i don't like it. i don't like the appearance. quid pro quo. you are acting like we have the -- >> i've been talking about this for four years on cashing in with the clinton foundation. they'll list the companies by name and give you a range of the amount of money they donated to the foundation. look at some of these deals. u.s. corporations doing deals with pretty shady groups overseas. you wonder if there's anything tied together. >> people give money to politicians all the time, eric. >> and if you're getting a deal in return -- >> there's no evidence to that. >> the end result is, how does this affect the election? hillary is hoping to run out the clock. >> yeah. >> she wants to get to november before the e-mails get to her. so, everybody has been talking
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for the past year what a gamble trump has been for the republican party. the real gamble, the real risk is bashing hillary. you always knew there was this giant hive of e-mails waiting to burst and it could burst at any time. they're just praying to get to november before the real thing explodes. they put all of their chips on an historical first and that blinded them to this very, very, very large flaw. >> a lot of people are calling for the clinton foundation to fold over this. long time, very long time clinton ally, james carville, in dramatic fashion, warns of dire consequences if it does. >> the clinton foundation, a, taking no money for the clintons. raising money from rich people and giving it to poor people and all of a sudden the press has decided that we're going to go after this and shut it down. you know what? you're probably going to be successful.
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and people are going to die because of this. >> people are going to die if the clinton foundation folds. >> yeah. little overdramatic. i do think that the clinton administration -- you saw this in bill clinton's administration, where he would step down if she became president, he would step down. then it lists a page and a half of all the good work that the clinton foundation has done. there have been questions about where did all this money actually go. and i think that the hillary clinton people -- remember the two camps, bill clinton and hillary clinton people? you can imagine the hillary people are sort of annoyed. because the crowned prince of bahrain, maybe on merits, could have gotten a meeting with secretary of state. huma abedin said they had tried to be helpful where they can be in the global war on terror. presumably, he could have gotten that meeting. what the clinton global initiative did, sweetening that possibility and basically making it look to the crowned prince of bahrain, if you do this, it is more assured to get that meeting with her.
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it's all pretty bad. and it's not the media's fault for bringing this up. carville thinks that people are going to die, this is not something that we came up with. this is something that is being revealed. >> carville is saying, dana, it's a five-star charity, according to independent charity rating organizations. he makes the point that clintons have taken no money. in fact, they've given money. that's not the point. the point is that it looks bad. it looks just like what we're talking about, that someone is pay to play. >> therefore, isn't it worthy of an investigation? yes. >> no. >> we have to go. >> remember what bernie sanders said? no one cares about these e-mails. >> damn e-mails. >> i didn't want to swear. >> we need to go. >> but decided not to raise that and they couldn't figure it out. five star maybe in the past. not now. president obama finally made it to louisiana today to tour the damage from catastrophic floods that have displaced thousands and killed at least 13. what he said when he got there,
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coming up. presidential nominee gary johnson joins us in studio at this table. he thinks he can beat trump and clinton in november. we'll tell you how in a few minutes. you do all this research
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thousands of residents in louisiana are in need of help. >> i hate to say this. >> say it. >> because i love america. i don't want to live anywhere else. i know our crew does the best that they can do. >> right. >> but i don't think washington gives a hoot about anybody but their pockets. >> did you see the president playing golf during all this? >> no, i didn't, because i don't have a tv. >> good point. the president finally visited the disaster zone today and addressed the criticism over the delay. >> this is not a one-off. this is not a photo-op issue. one of the benefits of being
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five months short of leaving here, i don't worry too much about politics. when disasters strike, that's probably one of the few times where washington tends not to get political. i guarantee you nobody on this block, none of those first responders, nobody gives a hoot if you're a democrat or republican. >> what do you think after hearing these comments that -- i don't know. i was kind of surprised by them. >> both the woman that sean hannity interviewed and president obama used don't give a hoot. it was kind of an interesting turn a phrase. you wonder if he was watching sean hannity, although i doubt that. president obama said that he doesn't worry about politics now. when he was running he would take advantage and go after people in a disastrous response. call that water under the
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bridge. fema claims, that they get responded to quickly. a lot of people don't have flood insurance. what are you laughing about? >> you said water under the bridge. >> i said that on purpose, because floodwaters under the bridge. >> can i add to that? >> please do. frick and fra krchc here. the whole disaster idea is political. now that i'm not running anymore, i don't have to -- it doesn't matter as much, to show up or not have to show up. when i'm running i will not only show up by castigate anybody and everybody who is politically different from me. as much as i'm sick and tired of this ping pong of who is left caring and we're going to do the story because it hurts obama and msnbc is going to do the story because it hurt bush, the fact is, politics as personal began
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in the world of liberalism. if you belch, someone is going to politicize it. it wasn't like that 30 years ago. when there's people suffering, only time we talk about it is if we can get political point. >> so glib about it. i didn't feel genuine concern. it just bothered me, that clip we just played. talk about trying not to -- rehabilita rehabilitate, make yourself look good. talk about the people, suffering, what you can do to make a difference. >> genuinely relaxed, relieved. he doesn't have to play politics, as greg and tana have pointed out. it's much better for him. he can show up when he wants to show up. he didn't decide to go there until donald trump changed his plans and went there. here is the big question. where is hillary? is she going to go? when is she going to go? bill clinton was very good about going to disasters and helping people out and showing his face, saying, hey, these people need
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help. forget what the politics are. even the elected officials in louisiana say we need more attention, more sources. when the president shows up, you get attention and resources. >> that's what you want, to help people who are suffering, families. they don't have anything. all their belongings are out in the front yard. >> let me talk about a couple of things. one, the president talked about going much earlier and was asked not to go by governor john bel edwards. why? because you don't want all the attention to the president in the midst of a crisis. that totally makes sense. $120 million in aid has been approved for louisiana in the last two weeks. federal government is not doing -- no, no help. wait a second. that's not true. >> juan, this is almost 10, 11
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days. >> donald trump basically a fly in, 49 seconds of -- >> they were happy that trump came. >> once he's there, pay attention to the crisis, the disaster. >> what would the president do? >> draw things like state troopers, police. everybody would have to protect and surround the president. >> so presidents shouldn't discover disasters ever? >> no, they're comforters in chief. fwg back to katrina, people attacked president bush. there was real failure from fema. >> the point you made that the president shouldn't go and take resources away, something i said. >> that's right. >> but the left did not --
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>> the problem was with fema. >> i agree but that was not what they went after. >> i'll give you that point. >> the other thing is, we didn't cover this story about the floods until it became political either. we should have done that. one more thing. >> you did. >> we did as a group and now we're covering it and we're going to stay on it. right? stay tuned. up next, gary johnson makes his five debut libertarian presidential nominee, war on terror, immigration and much, much more. ahead. if i chose to express emotion, i would say that rocket mortgage has made me the happiest humanoid in the galaxy. just push this button. (whisper) rocket see star trek beyond in theatres.
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soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. after every recent isis attack, we're told not to go
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overboard. you're more than likely to get struck by lightning than offed by a jihadist. they can be right until they go very wrong. let's take lightning. there are things you can do to escape it. don't stand in a field during a storm, holding a 5 wood. not so much with a suicide bomber. unlike lightning, a terrorist goes out of his way to seek victims. terrorist has a brain. lightning doesn't. when you close one door, the terrorist finds a window. also, lightning hasn't changed in billions of years. terror changes more so than climate. to technology the body count rises, no longer a plane and a box cutter, drone and anthrax. you can expect a major attack hitting a big city in the next decade. sorry. meanwhile, lone wolf attacks continue caused by a zombie virus called radical islam. we need vigilance and a willingness to fight. same goes with terror, we have to be right all the time. terrorists, only once.
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it's a logic lost on so many leaders armed with statistics, but little else. so, we've got a special guest. here now, teleprompter, who happens to be running for president. how would he fight terror if he wins? gary johnson, libertarian party's nominee, former governor of texas. lovely little state. >> first of all, i agree with everything you said on the premise of that. it sets it all up. >> okay. >> yes, we are at war with terrorism. make no bones about it. as president of the united states, we need to have an invincible national defense. but when we get involved in regime changes, i can't think of a single regime change in my life that has resulted in anything being better as opposed to being worse. >> what about the nazis? >> that wasn't in my lifetime. >> didn't you say isis is
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contained by 20%? >> the brac commission itself says -- >> you responsibled to greg saying we need a stronger military. >> by stronger military, we need a strong national defense. >> right. >> make no bones about it. >> you know the people who believe that would say cut the military 20%, governor -- >> that's the pentagon appointing the brac commission and the brac commission recommending that u.s. bases could be cut by 20%. that hasn't happened. well, that's term limits and that's congressmen and women protecting their own turf, their own space. i get that also. but, look, budget. we need to balance the federal budget. i think we are headed to a fiscal cliff unless we address our spending. of course, at the heart of that is the entitlements. medicaid and medicare. it's also social security. am i being too serious?
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should i lighten up a little bit? >> no. >> yeah. >> isis is serious. >> yeah, it is. >> it's very serious and people want to know that we're addressing isis. these inspired terrorist attacks coming from -- that's the word there, inspired. they're not coming off the battlefield and going into war against the united states but, yes, we should have a vigilance to all of this. and you said is there going to be an attack in the next ten years? i think for the last ten years we've been talking about the fact that there is going to be an attack. >> can i ask you about the ideological threat? i think you would agree that we are fighting an ideology. one of the things that's difficult is then how do you actually fight and win against an ideology where they want to destroy our way of life and civilization? >> you hit it on the head. so we wipe out isis. we wipe out isis, we're going to create a void that isis came out
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of the voice of al qaeda. regime change in iraq, regime change in libya, syria. look, we went in -- this was not intentional, but obama and clinton go in. we support the option. what was the option to syria? free syrian army, mythical army that was going to oppose both isis and assad. and we arm them. in fact, they get beaten and the arms end up in isis' hands. this is what happens when we support regime change. >> so it's better to stand by and do nothing when you see isis having caliphate, that they are burning people alive, committing acts of crucifixion against children? >> politicians are thrust into, what are you going to do about it? other than go, gee, as bad as it
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is, are we going to make it any better? well, probably not. but nobody admits that. we get involved. >> i think it's very inconsistent with an american position of stepping in when we give humanitarian aid. is it not the same thing to say, listen, i'm not going to stand by. i'll help if a child is starving for food but i won't if it's being executed or crucified. >> but the child that's executed and crucified by the group that we're opposing. we go in, oppose the group, wipe out the group. along comes a new group and the atrocities, children being killed, are the same or worse. >> but that argument could be applied to any kind of evil. there will always be a new evil. >> right. >> it's like -- you're a pasc passivist. >> no. if we don't align ourselves
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diplomatically with russia to solve this it's not going to get solved. >> i'm sitting here because i agree with a lot of things you're saying. it's fairly radical. it's a libertarian stance. i get that. can i save my question for the next block? >> sure. >> it's not about isis but the other issues i think make me a little nervous. you're a great guy but something that scares me about it. >> hang on. let me say that you said yes to what greg said but you disagree with greg. >> juan, calling you on it. we've got so much more with governor gary. donald trump says he's not going soft on immigration. despite media reports saying otherwise. governor johnson is very popular with hispanics. his take on it, next.
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eric saved his question for this block. we'll go to you first. >> i'm doing my best. i'm a baby libertarian. but you said something the other day that kind of rocked my brain a little bit. you said -- you praised black lives matter. >> yes. >> you also pushed back rather aggressively on the phrase "all lives matter." why? >> not a pushback. but all lives do matter. but when it comes to whites, guess what? we're not being shot at the rate six times blacks are being shot at. when it comes to the war on drugs, if you are of color four times more likelihood you'll end up behind bars as opposed to being of color. so what i hope i said was i have had my head in the sand over this. i would like everybody out there to watch that documentary on o.j. simpson. and take a look at what tran
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transpired to the oncht j. simpson trial. >> reporter: they're committing eight times the amount of crime than whites. >> but back to this crime thing -- juan, you want to chime in? >> yeah. >> well, wait a minute. you're on numbers, blacks being treated more fairly than whites under those numbers. >> what? >> now i'm back to the war on drugs. the war on drugs. unfairly, blacks are targeted. color is targeted as opposed to you being white. and i am talking now about the war on drugs, the fact that we have the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world. i think that's because of the war on drugs. and i refuse to believe that we are any less law-abiding in this country than other countries. so, mandatory sentencing. we've got a lot of nonviolent victimless -- victimless crime people behind bars. mandatory minimums. >> i agree with you and would like to get those people out so you can put more violent
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criminals in. >> yeah. makes sense. >> i want more people in prison, though. i do. >> for other reasons. >> but you're for private prisons, aren't you? >> by for private prisons, when it comes to government, if government can provide the same goods and same services for less money that's good government. same services, same goods for less money that's really good government. if you can provide those services, better or the same for less money, good government. >> so you get 16%, i read here, from latinos in terms of support, right? that's pretty good. and you support immigration reform that's opposed by the republican nominee, donald trump. what's the big difference between you and trump on immigration? >> anything. the fact that he wants to deport 11 million undocumented workers. >> not anymore. >> complete misunderstanding of
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the issue. >> what about mexico as a border state? would you support the wall he says he wants to build? >> absolutely not. that's just crazy. you know, he was watching the olympics really closely to see how high the mexican pole vaulters could go. >> juan, what do you have against the wall? you're a libertarian, right you? want closed borders, right? >> i want to make it as easy as possible for somebody that wants to come into this country and work, to be able to get a work visa. keep the control the way it is at the border. the reason that there are 11 million undocumented workers is the jobs exist, but they can't get across the border legally. so they cross illegally, just as any one of us would do if we needed a job to support our family. >> did you want to say something? >> no, i'm fine. if a denture were to be
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>> a lot of republicans who can't quite deal with donald
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trump -- maybe i would vote for gary johnson. >> talking about our military interventions, regime change. what i just described encompasses about 60% of the electorate and i'm a former governor of new mexico. my running mate. >> governor, i'm fine with -- >> i like -- let's just talk
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bigger picture in terms of the general election. spoiler as a third party candidate if you're able to get on the debate? >> this gets closer to the election wasting your vote is a topic that you'll have to address when it comes to clinton or trump? >> here is the issue when it comes to polls. you all report it every day. top line is trump and clinton.
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>> you're a mind reader. >> tall order. >> you see the polls, jillstein. >> the green party candidate. >> trump does worse. you're actually from pulling hillary clinton more than from trump, oddly enough. >> yeah. no, that's the way that it comes down. at the end of the day, i think it will be equally from both sides. but, look, wasting your vote. >> that's a very important point. five polls now, presidential debate commission, five official polls will use to judge. and all five polls will include not only your name but jill
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stein's. when you do that, it means you get about nine, she gets about four. >> those five polls right now have my average on that is ten. bill weld and myself will be the only third party on the ballot in all 50 states. jill stein has the potential of getting 230 electoral votes. justification for having our name as the third name on the top line. >> you're saying to "the five" jill stein is not legit because she's not on all the ballots? >> i didn't say that at all. >> no, he didn't. he said she could get there. can i ask a quick question? you were a republican governor, when did you convert to libertarian? >> i self identified as a libertarian since '71 on the libertarian party was established. i always felt that this
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overarching small government, i've always been about small government. attack when attacked, perhaps. >> how do you read that part of it? >> before any kind of party breaks out here -- i don't know what would happen. special thanks to governor johnson for joining us. best of luck to you. one more thing, that's up next.
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back to one more thing. >> it's a good day for kentucky fried chicken, isn't it? kimberly guilfoyle. >> all right, guys. you probably lay awake at night wondering what is exactly in this delicious kfc recipe. >> yeah. >> delicious fried chicken. chicago tribune is reporting it
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may have uncovered the secret recipe. in fact, some of the things in the 11 herbs and spices, salt. we kind of knew that one. thyme, basil, oregano, dried mustard, ground ginger, garlic salt, white pepper. what can you think about that? can you replicate this at home? >> i feel like they should not have released it. >> juan, fried chicken? >> not at the moment. the problem is i saw this weekend there is now like flavored suntan lotions. >> that's true. >> fingernail polish. >> we have to move on. >> fox just up now last couple of hours on will hillary release some of the clinton foundation billions to help the people of louisiana? i mentioned it yesterday. got a lot of twitter response on that. would love for you to read it and give me some thoughts on
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twitter. >> do you want some chicken? >> i also have a piece. where is it? are you a troll? written from a troll's perspective. it's on fox it's going to be right there next to eric's. interesting. eric's book "wake up america" released in taiwan. there is tape of the people rushing to get the book. amazing. they're running through the crowds. it's amazing. they had to air lift the books in. >> oh, geez. you know what that really is, right? >> yeah, yeah. >> pokemon go. >> oh, my gosh. >> it looks like a stampede. >> to the book. >> bolling, you're a vegetarian, right? >> no, i eat chicken. >> dana, you're going to eat later. >> so, you've been with me on this journey as peter mcmahon,
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my husband, has been trying to get his pilot's license, doing this diligent work. today he took his test. >> oh, wow! >> yea, peter. >> pictured there with me in south carolina. he is now a pilot, officially. he grew up on royal air force base, his dad was an air traffic controller, lifelong dream of his. very exciting to see someone you love achieve a goal like that. >> who is the co-pilot? >> when did he come a pilot? >> so he could fly jasper to south carolina. what better reason? >> let him get a little practice before he fly. >> i'm going tomorrow. >> over the weekend, there was a big international incident at our northern border. it got so little attention i thought i would mention t the wind was blowing and took 1500 rafters across the u.s./canadian border on the st. claire river, canadian police, coast guard got involved with this floatilla of illegal immigrants, taking all 1500 back to the american side.
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>> see who is right in the middle right there? >> is that you? >> gary johnson. >> dvr that whole thing. >> kfc, baby. this is fox news alert. i'm bret baier in washington. new calls tonight for a special prosecutor to investigate the ties between the clinton foundation and what exactly happened when hillary clinton was secretary of state. all stemming from the expanding clinton e-mail scandal. the clinton campaign insists there is no evidence of quid pro quo of any action taken by secretary clinton that benefited the clinton foundation donors. but newly released e-mails and now a new tally of secretary clinton's meetings with foundation donors has sparked new attention. even from some of the most prominent mainstream news orgs in the country. fox team coverage


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