tv Fox and Friends First FOX News August 26, 2016 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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♪ >> it is friday morning. we are excited through the weekend. >> made it through the week. >> you are watching "fox & friends first." i am abby huntsman. >> i am heather childers. not out of the hot water just yet. >> not yet. ryan lochte officially charged with filing a false robbery report. rio ordering him back to brazil where he could face jail time. >> robert gray joins us now from los angeles with brand new developments this morning. what he is the latest? >> brazilian police charged with ryan lochte with filing a false robbery report. he will be notified about the indictment in the u.s. so he can decide whether to mount a defense in brazil.
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the indictment to be sent to the olympic ethic commission to see whether they violated the olympic charter. this stem from the fabricated story about being held up in rio by bandits dressed up as police but they were actually security at a gas station. >> the guy said we have to give him money. that's why i am taking full responsibility for it because i over exaggerated that story. if i had never don that we wouldn't be in this mess. those guys would never be in rio. >> lochte admitted he was intoxicated and his behavior caused the connecticut fr -- co.
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he faces 18 months in prison if convicted. sources close to lochte say he won't travel tol brazil. he lost all four of his corporate sponsors in the wake of this scandal. pine brothers softish throat drops picked him up thursday. while lochte is known for spin ago yarn, america may soon find out if he can cut a rug. he will be on dancing with the stars when it premiers next month. >> interesting. >> robert gray life for us. thank you. >> oo now the race to the white house. donald trump and hillary clinton trade blows on the campaign trail. >> garrett tenney is live. >> good to see ya'll. good morning. hillary clinton made no secret about her plans to go after donald trump as a racist. even before her speech in reno her campaign released a number
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of white supremacists explaining why they support trump. the republican nominee tried to pre-empt many of the attacks in new hampshire. they have the racist attack the oldest play in the democratic play book. >> what does she do when she can't defend her record. that's right. she lies. he said it. she lies and she smears and she paints decent americans, you, as racists. >> hillary clinton delivered on her promises claiming trump has a long history of racially discrim yating against minorities and supporting radical conspiracy fetheories. >> donald trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. he is taking hate groups
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mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. trump has stood up in front of largely white audience and described black communities in suchin sulting and ignorant terms. >> this was hillary clinton's first appearance back on the campaign trail after a week of fundraising events. she ignored questions about the latest department e-mail scandals afterwards while offering her press corps some chocolates. lart today donald trump will again attend a hispanic reader's roundtable in las vegas to make his case to minority voters. >> it is getting ugly, isn't it? >> he needs the niernity voters especially in swing states.
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>> targeting students of color muslims and i am grants. >> charles krauthammer says the speeches won't matter come november but he has a warning for hillary clinton. >> the democratic play book where you accuse your opponent of being racist to use ad hominems. there was a p point in the speech where she said the rise in bullying in schools, allege he had is a result of his rhetoric. i think it is rather national enquirer type stuff. you should be a little careful seeing her support for black lives matter, does she really want to be associated with a group and talk about killi -- c
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about killing cops. >> in a survey monkey poll showing 8 percent of black voters who support him compared to support clinton. >> iranian votes one day after this incident was caught on camera. >> weapons uncovered. >> this time another u.s. ship forced to fire three warning shots when an iranian boat came within 200 yards in the persian gulf. two other incidents in the same day. they were not in international waters. a a possible test on german chancellor merkel foiled. a man in a mercedes attempted to join her motorcade. he refused to back off even cutting off a police car trying to stop it.
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he eventually surrendered to check police after he threatened to shoot him. tear gas, cement blocks and handcuffs were found in the man's car. >>ity tally rocked again overnight by the terrifying tremors 4.8 aftershock and hard hit causing more damage to already crumbled historic buildings. it comes three-days after historic 6.2 earth quakes flattened towns and left 2270 people dead. it has been a day and a half since rescuers pulled someone else alye. here at home a frightening 24-hours in the heartland. >> oh, god, that is hitting that neighborhood. >> that is huge. >> this is brand new video showing the 4th of the midwest tornado outbreak as victims dodge new storms overnight. 45 35 reports including an ef3 tearing through indiana. showing the powerful storm
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ripping through a neighborhood with 150 mile per hour winds. it leveled homeings and businesses across two states. >> a woman who fell to her death off of a zip line apparently unhooked her safety gear. they tell treetop that tina warner disconnected herself before falling 40 feet to their death. they are equipped with climbing harnesses and two steps of ropes that they clip and unclip to safety wires as they switch trees. the pilot tipped off the control tower that his wing man was acting weird as they prepared to take off from michigan in a charter plane. police showed up to find the co pilot trun pilot drunk. he has been fired from talon air. >> power outage causes chaos. flights heading in and out of
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two busy south florida airports forced to circle and change course for an hour and a half. they scramble to fix the outage using a generator to get back up and running. flights are back to normal after several late arrivals and de r departur departures. >> it is not all about the money for usa swimming sensation katie ledecky. >> the gold medallist packing up in endorsement deals estimated at $5 million a year. instead she is attending stanford university where she is competing a as an amateur. >> she delayed her enrollment for a year to concentrate on the olympics. she will join simone manual and kneel. 10 minutes after the hour. an officer down. the horrifying moments a cop is taken out by ago drunk driver
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[announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models. >> 15 minutes after the hour. a new batch of e-mails will soon be released. the judge ordered the state department begin releasing 15,000 e-mails that she had during her time as secretary of state. records about bens zi are said to be part of the deleted files. an effort by donald trump calling for an investigation into the clinton foundation. it shows womb shell evidence that she gave special favors to big donors for her charities. >> that brings us to "look who is talking. jan brewer is ripping the obama
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department of justice for protecting hillary clinton and shutting down the investigation into her e-mail server. >> it is typical hillary clinton i am not telling the truth trying to hide it then moving forward and telling us it wasn't true. there was 30,000 e-mails her staff read each and every one. now another 15,000. i understand there's more coming. it is absolutely corruption. it is obvious it is pay to play and access for favors. there's enough we build we ought not elect her to the white house. but the fbi and three field officers and the doj has called for further investigation from doj. of course the obama department of justice has shut it up. for business now. protection. >> the company that jacked up the price of the epi pen is a
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clinton downfoundation donor. they have been under scrutiny by the ceo when the ceo got a hefty pay raise. the company previously donated $250,000 to the clinton foundation according to the web site. the irony? hillary clinton is currently blasting the drug maker calling the price hike outrageous. sarah jessica parker stepped down as the face of milan after she found they raised the price by up to 400 percent. >> if you have an iphone you want to update your software right now. they cracked a code allowing them to spy on you with a ctap f the finger. the flaw let's strangers turn your phone's microphone on and record your conversations. to prevent it, update your phone. >> i need to do that. i am so bad. >> the time is 17 after the
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hour. a train wreck on the car mac. he steals a truck and rams it into a plane. >> robert deniro is back in the ring in his new movie "hands of stone. kevin mccarthy. >> love it. hey, need fast heartburn relief? try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster.
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with toothpaste or plain their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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the new sign goes back to the classic stick figure symbols. >> the campus says the change is due to the large number of international visitors. >> a walk in the park now a chance for the companies to raid data from the cell phone. they are tracking information from people in the area teaming up with a tech company they can log anything from where you bank to what line of work you are in. it means anonymous ander oh personal information isn't attacked. they hope to use more data for sponsors and events to the park. >> it is going to be an action packed weekend at the box office. hands of stone is one of the movies hitting the big screen today. >> 66 second roberto duran saved my life. >> you are roberto duran. act like it. >> what should you see or skip this weekend. we want to look at kevin
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mccarthy. >> you wake us up. >> good morning to you. i only dressed up for you. i had to dress up very nice. it's 5:20 in the morning. who else wares a tux at 5:20 in the morning on national television. >> i heard robert deniro and that's all i needed to hear. >> he's one of the greatest actors of all times. it is great to see him in a boxing film. we saw him on drudge match. the all time best boxing movie. people argue rocky but i would argue raging bull. played by edgar ram reds who starred in a movie called "joy" with robert deniro. this is about the life and becoming a boxer and what it meant for his country. it is a beautiful story. ray ar sell who is a trainer is a legendary trainer. i didn't know much about that story line. that's what i lo about cinema is
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learning about stories i didn't know about. you go back to 1980 with raging bull and seeing deniro in this other role solidifies how great of an actor he always has been through out these years. the pacing and the editing and direction do not live up to the performances. edgar ramirez is phenomenal as roberto duran and usher raymond who plays sugar ray leonard. durand and sugar ray leonard had famous fights. that fight scene is unbelievable. the boxing matches are great. the problem is, it feels much longer than it is. the editing is way off. i gave it a 3 out of 5. that basically is a c. the movie i wish lived up to it. >> you heard of sugar ray leonard. this will be interesting to see
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for sure. >> i am with you00 percent. i didn't know anything about roberto duran. loif hearing his story and learning what an amazing fighter he was. sugar ray leonard, usher does a great job playing him and dancing around the ring. it is a really good performance. they got in really good shape. they trained with the real people. edgar ramirez trained with roberto duran and usher trained with sugar ray leonard. >> mechanic, the resurrection you p didn't give this a very high rating. >> this movie is absolutely awful. i love action movie. i grew up on arnold. i watched commando, predator, terminator 2, i am the biggest action junkie you can think of the problem is there's nothing to care about. commando with arnold
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schwarzenegger he's trying to save his daughter. here he's trying to save jessica alba and you don't care that he is trying to save her. the action is okay at times. the best scene in the film is the scene when he is hanging from the poll that scene is in the trailer. you don't need to go to the theater. watch the trailer. horrible editing, horrible direction. very, very bad script. i am not saying you need a good script for a good action movie but it was poorly done. 1 and a half out of 5. it was the sequel we were not asking for. the first one in 2011. we do not need this film. >> save your money. >> exactly. >> is there ever a sequel better than the first one? >> i can name you seven of them. dark knight, terminator 2, star trek, empire strikes back. there's four. and godfather 2. >> you will have to talk more about that next time. >> have a good weekend.
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>> the time is 25 after the top of the hour. one-on-one with the man responsible for leaking thousands of documents from the democratic party. >> wikileaks offered $20,000 for information leading to the arrest of seth riches killer. >> wikileaks founder julian assange going further than ever before when asked about the recent murder of a dnc staffer. >> that is a tease. first a live look at our plaza where debbie gibson will be performing. >> that's a flash back right there.
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>> it is friday, august 26th. speeches 73 days until americans head to the polls. the trip to the white house is taking an ugly turn. >> donald trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. >> you are racist, you are racist, you are racist. it's a tired, disgusting argument. >> the escalating words of donald trump. >> lochte not in the clear just yet. rio officials demanding the olympic swimmer come back to brazil. the jail time he could be facing. >> given the boot. why you won't hear the salvation army bell tolling or girl scouts outside selling cookies at one grocery store chain.
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fox & friends first continues. >> some cold play for you this morning as you wake up. it is going to be a warm one. >> i love cold play. >> good morning everyone. i am heather childers. >> i am abby huntsman. it is 31 after the hour. the race to the white house. >> racism taking center stage as donald trump and hillary clinton trade blows on the campaign trail. >> garrett tiny following the latest for us live in dc. good morning. >> heather and abby, good morning. it got you go will i yesterday. hillary clinton is a bigot and donald trump is a racist. those were the attacks we heard from both sides yesterday. this is really hillary clinton's response to donald trump's
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efforts over the last few weeks to reach out to minority voters, particularly african americans in inner cities even before her speech yesterday, though, her campaign released this new web video featuring a number of white supremacists explaining why they support donald trump. the republican nominee laid into clinton with his own speech, though, telling his supporters in new hampshire, this is the latest attempt by hillary clinton to distract voters from her e-mail scandal and other issues. >> it's the oldest play in the democratic play book. when democratic policies fail, they are left with only this one tired argument. you are racist, you are racist, you are racist. they keep saying it. you are racist. it's the last refuge of the discredited democrat politician. >> in reno, nevada, hillary clinton said donald trump is bringing hate groups into the
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mainstream with his divisive message in allowing him to actually take over the republican party. >> what he is doing here is more sinister. trump is reinforcing harmful stereotypes and offering a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters. it is a disturbing preview of what kind of president he would be. >> after the speech clinton took some time to share chak lats had the press corps but she ignored the latest revelations in the state department e-mails. donald trump will continue the outreach with the roundtable. >> some released by julian assange and wikileaks.
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war ships harassed one day after t was caught on camera. >> they were conducted and no response to weapons uncovered. man conducting patrol. >> another u.s. ship forced to fire warning shots when an iranian vote came within 200 yards of the persian gulf. 200 other incidents that day. iran was not in int in aings in a will waters. the hunt for a killer right now after the brutal murder of two catholic nuns. sister margaret hill and paula merrill were stabbed to death inside their rule mississippi home after an apparent break in. they worked as nurse practitioners at a clinic for the poor for the last 20-years. p one of the woman's car was taken. police found it abandoned a mile from their home. >> founder of wikileaks, julian
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assange speaking for the first time about the murder of dnc staff member seth rich saying wikileaks is interested about a threat to wickkileak forces. >> the police have offered $25,000 we have offered 20,000. we are not saying seth rich necessarily is connected to our publication. that is something that has to be established. if there is any question of a source for quick can wikileaks being threatened people will be assured we will go after any one who may have been involved in some kind of attempt to coerce or possibly in this case kill them. >> he is joining fox & friends to talk about the unsolved
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murder and will be answering year questions. >> that will be very interesting. not out of hot water yet. ryan lochte officially charged with filing a false robbery report. they are ordering him back to brazil where he could face jail time. we have the brand new developments. this won't go away, will it? >> it will not, abby. good morning to you. ryan lochte is lying about what went down in rio on august the 4th that has him facing charges of filing a false robbery report in brazil. the statement says lochte will be given a chance to defend himself in brazil. sources close to him say he will not show up for court. he could face 15 months if convicted. he said they were held up late night by robbers. he fessed up they were in debt to security guards at a gas station. he said he was extremely
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intoxicated and his behavior led to a confrontation. >> if i didn't over exaggerate the story and if i told the entire story none of this would have happened. i was coming from a friend's house. i was highly intoxicated and i made immature call. >> brazilian officials are arate the story played into fears that rio couldn't hold a safe olympics. the brazilian indictment will be sent to the international olympic committee ethics commission which is investigating whether lockey and his teammates violated the olympic charter. while he was dropped by all four of the corporate sponsors after he retracted his hold up story the swimmer signed on to promote time brother throat drops with the tag line for giving on your
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throat. now dancing around the truth reports say we will see his moves on the floor because he will be on "dancing with the stars" as it premiers next month. >> dancing around the truth. >> we want to keep talking about ryan lochte's indictment, should the swimmer go back and face the music or steer clear of brazil. log on for a live debate with the #keep talking. >> can you smell what the rock is cooking? it is money. lots and lots of money. duane the rock johnson is the heist paid actor in the world. >> i worked out 6 hours a day ever are i day for 20-years. anybody can do it. >> the rock edging out robert downey, jr. for the top spot on the list. he raked in money for up coming
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fees including fast 8 and bay watch. >> if you are a wrestling fan you understand what i was doing there. the time is 39 after the hour. after five years on air, dr. drew is now saying good-bye to hlm. >> based on the info she is providing her doctor has provided westerly graifl concerned. >> the network blaming low ratings for cancelling the show. perhaps it was that comment that got him into hot water. >> the ceo speaking out. could she have dug her hole even deeper. why our next guest says epi pen should not have to lower their prices. >> is that a bird? >> the parrot is singing.
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it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. lease the e300 for $549 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> hillary clinton's campaign is using a run out the clock strategy against donald trump hoping to just out last him until november. sounds like a good plan says ted cruz, marco rubio, jeb bush and john kasich. >> welcome to "fox & friends first." north carolina under scrutiny again. urging the supreme court to strike down a state law to make registration for voting more difficult. the state's governor who wants the rules enforced for this november's election.
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>> the type of id people can use and how far in advance they have to register. hlm is cancelling the appointment with dr. drew a week after he made head leans for saying he's worried about hillary clinton's health. listen. >> from the information that she has provided and doctors provided we were graifl concerned. >> that is doctor drew talking about clinton's health on his radio show. the treatment the democratic nominee is behaving is quote bizarre and could see t explain the side effects we see on the campaign trail including her cough. >> chelsea clinton announcing she will officially take charge instead this despite their efforts to avoid a possible conflict of interest by announcing president clinton's condition alvarez nation from the foundation. >> the grocery store chain is
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giving girl scouts and salvation army the boot. this is according to a new company policy that recently went into effect. they are all banned at snuck stores. it changes a practice which had made a practice of soliciting donations and support at store entrances. local support suggests a fight with a local union who had been picketing outside is to blame for the new policy. now the next segment, the video going viral this morning. a parrot skeels the show from his singing buddy. ♪ >> a south american musician running through a medley of brazilian songs was joined by his perfectly in tune parrot. >> the duet has viewed 10
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million times on facebook. >> parrot is amazing. >> now it is time to check in with ainsley earhardt to see what's coming up on "fox & friends." >> yesterday i got to sit down with laura trump and with eric trump. they talked about their love story, how they met. she is a girl from my parts, from the carolinas. from your parts she is from the beach area in north carolina luna which i know you lo, heather. she moved up here to go to culinary school they meet at a nightclub, takes them three months to get together for the frs date and they fell in love instantly. they have a dog together. they are planning a family down the road in the future and they hope to make it to the white house to visit her father in law and his dad. they shared childhood stories with us. listen to one of them.
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>> look what i dug up. that's your dad waring yankees. you always see him in business suits. >> ivanka and me. a beautiful picture. >> more stories growing up. trump and also look behind me. there's the stage. debbie gibson is here for us. >> we will be right back. stay tuned. th grade. get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. ein street-legal form.g lexus performance get great offers at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. get up to $5,000 customer cash on select 2016 models. ends september 5th. see your lexus dealer.
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he rammed a truck into the plane in omaha, nebraska. the man was screaming someone was trying to kill him when officers chased him down. he stripped down to his boxers then stole a pickup truck. he crashes the nose of a southwest boarding passenger. the man was arrested. >> that is a nutty story. >> the price of the life saving drug epipen skyrocketing 400% as the ceo of the company gets a major salary boost from $2 million to $18 million. calls for an investigation now growing, but is any of this legal? defense attorney david schwartz is here to weigh in for us. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> not only is it legal, you
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say, you say that the company also had every right to raise the price. >> well, absolutely. there's a lot of factors here. if you look at ceo's salary, that's one thing. they have every right under the law to raise the price. this is a monopoly that they have and the monopoly is being caused by the fd any fault of their own. it's the fda that created the situation in the first place. the way to lower prices of drugs is competition. >> how did the fda create this? >> they haven't approved the generic brand and they haven't approved the competitive brands. it's just epinephrine. it costs 3 cents per dose. the issue is this company has a monopoly. other companies want to enter the marketplace. they've been quashed at every turn and it costs a lot of money to the market. >> in a way this pushes the fda to allow this to happen. >> yeah, the people should push the fda. instead of getting on the company's case, they're doing
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what they're legally allowed to do. get on the fda's case. there should be protests outside of the fda to get them to approve competitive drugs, not just in this market but other markets as well. what are they doing? >> a lot of people concerned about her salary and she had this to say on "mornings with maria." this was back in february. listen. >> epi-pens from myalin today represents less than 8%. certainly doesn't take away the importance but from a diversification, that's what our scale continues to do for us. not rely on any one product. >> so only 8% of the revenue. >> look, she has a high salary. it's the united states of america. this is a free market. it's a company. if the shareholders of that company do not like her salary, they should fire her or they should give her a lower salary. that's how we lower salary. i think ceo's salaries are out of control in general and we need to do something about t.
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it's not the government, it's the shareholders. >> they are doing something. the company is reducing the cost by the use of a savings card that will cover up to $300 of a two pack and doubling eligibility. >> a much more complicated system. we're dealing with obama care, we're dealing with drug companies, we're dealing with everything. insurance companies. what they're doing is giving a rebate which goes back in the pocket of the people rather than into the system which we could spend hours talking about, which we don't have enough time. >> david, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> appreciate it as always. the time now is six minutes until the top of the hour. stroller safety. thousands of strollers pulled from store shelves in a massive recall. what you need to know about that up next. we're not going to let that happen again. >> oops. the little league player who just unveiled an arm that will frighten even mlb batters. the roses are blooming in herbal essences
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get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models. a vehicle so versatile john deere gator xuv590i, it owns anything outdoors that ends in "ing"... hauling, exploring, off-roading and, of course, braking. thirty-two horsepower, a twelve hundred-pound payload and over a thousand different ways to configure yours. go gator. now you can own a gator xuv590i for as low as 133 dollars a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. not quite the top of the hour yet, and before you leave the house, here's what's happening for you today. rio police are charging ryan lochte with filing a false report. the olympic swimmer accused of lying about being robbed at gun point at a gas station in brazil. faces up to six months in jail.
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and 2,000 baby strollers by safety first are being recalled. look for tr 314. if you see it, contact the company for a free repair kit. in just minutes the spacex dragon to leave the launch pad. time now for the good, the bad, the ugly. a veteran with the surprise of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ >> earnest thompson visited "the u.s.s. thompson." when word got out he couldn't go, the navy showed up at his door. >> they smacked right into the tv camera. >> not going to let that happen again. >> during the little league world series shattering the
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protective cover of that lens. >> and the ugly. rescuing a skunk. >> a brave guy. grab it and run but i don't think i can out run that. >> the university of arkansas police officer pulling it off and frantically running away. >> "fox & friends" next. >> have a good weekend. >> bye. good morning to you and your family. it is friday, august 25th, 2016, i'm ainsley earhardt. brand new information about just how far hillary clinton went to hide those e-mails. >> they didn't just push the delete button, they had them deleted where even god can't reach it. plus, could the latest batch of deleted documents be about benghazi? >> i think they are. then donald trump fires back on hillary clinton's claim
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