tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News August 26, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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know. matt's wally. there he is, and look at the cute tongue. and patricia's dog wants a puppy play date with these two guys. tried to get dogs in the studio but didn't work. here's -- >> going an hillary clinton for branding his campaign racist, doubling down on his claim that clinton is a bigot. now the tell creak nominee is responding -- democratic nominee is responding, and how hillary clinton's team really do wipe her server clean, like with a legislate or something? funny, not even close. a congressman tells fox news how far the hillary clinton campaign team went to erase her e-mails and keep them secret. >> a murder mystery in the south. who would kill two nuns who spent their entire lives helping other. today police are revealing clues. we have the news this hour, keep
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watching. i'm harris faulk any in today for shepard smith. donald trump is set to meet with hispanic leaders behind closed doors today at the trump international hotel in las vegas. they're expected to talk about immigration as critics from all platecall cal views are take trump has been sending mixed messages on the issue. trump in his campaign had called for kicking out the estimate 11 million illegal immigrants but during a town hall this week, trump said he was open to softening his plan, and he said he may allow some immigrants to stay even if they don't have -- if they do not have, i should say, criminal records, and if they pay back their taxes. then trump said this last night we're going to deport many people, many, maybe people -- >> the vast majority of the 11 million -- >> we dent to yet. we'll find out who they are. we have crime -- >> if they haven't committed a crime, is there a path to -- >> no, not a path to -- no path
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to legalization. >> talking about -- >> -- unless people leave the country, when they come back in, they've come back in then they can start paying tacks. >> so they still have to leave the country. >> that no path to legalization unless the leave the country and come back. >> trump doubled down on calling hillary clinton a bigot. he said she is, quote, totally bigoted. hillary clinton fired back today. she said trump built his campaign on, quote, her words, prejudice and paranoia. >> what i want to make clear is this. a man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark responsible sir theories -- conspiracy theories drawn from supermarket tabloids and white supremacist, white nationalist, anti-semitic groups should never run our government and command our military. >> the latest in a fierce back and forth between the presidential nominees, and for
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months trump has been hammering clinton for using that private e-mail server when she was secretary of state. you know, she deleted thousands of messages. now there's world she used a special software to wipe that server clean to try to ensure that no one could ever recover her e-mails. we'll have more on that part of our coverage in a moment. catherine herridge. first, carl cameron is live in las vegas following the trump campaign. what more do we know about this meeting with hispanic leaders? >> reporter: well, it will be here in nevada, and here in las vegas specifically. trump's over at his hotel, and it may take place that. we're not certain about that. he has left his hotel just a short while ago, and generally speaking in these types of leadership meetings he does mostly listening. so there will be hispanic leaders from near nevada and elsewhere who will be talking about and it presumably ask him directly what his position on
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the undocumented aliens in this country will be and whether they'll be deported as illegal immigrants or whether, as he said on hannity's show this week there would be a softening. last night on cnn he said there would be no path to legal status and already said there would be no path to citizenship. so, this sounds as if earlier in the week he flipped on his plan to deport all of the illegal immigrants in this country, and has now flopped, to say, well, that's not the case and there will be no path to legal status. this has been quite a serious, serious firestorm amongst conservative republicans who recognize from the very beginning of his presidential candidate, mr. trump was saying that the illegal immigrants in the country had to go, and he appeared to have vacillated on that earlier this week, but has now come back to what is presumably his original position. now, it's worth noting, harris, that many months ago, there was a big controversy about anedder toal meeting that mr. trump had
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with the "new york times" editorial board which was on background, awful the record, and they have never released the transcripts and/or tapes of the interviews but at the time it was said that trump told the "new york times" editorial board that all of his policy proposals and pronouncements were negotiatings positions and he would want to make deals. boasts about being a great dealmaker and would leave some degree of latitude to negotiate and bargain even on immigration. he adamantly denied that. "the new york times" never reef leased any transcripts to prove otherwise, and so he'll have this meeting. pool cameras, which is to say the networks identified singular camera will be allowed to take some video of othe meeting as it begins and occasionally get a little sound where trump will make a statement for the cameras and then we're moved -- removed from the room and they good about their business and we can talk to folks afterward about what was said. most hispanics like the idea
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their friends, family, et cetera, might be able to see here even if they overstayed their visas and came here illegally. whether or not that holds true is much up in the air for discussion. >> one thing that hits me is the fact this is the second such meeting in several days that donald trump has had with members of minority communities. he met with black leader as well and talk about the economics of the situations for blacks in urban areas where they are struggling economically and with crime, and now you've got this situation. just an observation. we've mon0. hillary clinton has been hitting donald trump for his association with the so-called "alt-right," the alternative right movement. >> right. which is sort of aday rifftive, many -- derivative of white supremacist groups, white nationalist groups. trump has distanced himself from those. last night he said he does not want they're support when asked directly in new hampshire by a local tv station there. said he doesn't want them as
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part of his team. having said that, those types of groups have been very favorably inclined towards mr. trump and even the likes of david duke, formerly the grand wizard of the klu klux klan said they're very -- appreciative of his position and they share a lot of the same views. to trump says, no thanks, not about that. he is meeting with african-american groups, minority groups, latinos, et cetera, and very aggressive live in his rallies, reaching tout appeal to them, recognizing you can't win just with white men as part of his constituency. he needs win and minorities and in the polls he has some difficulties there. so, in the final two and a half months he has made a commitment to work very, very hard to court them and earn their votes. >> i know he nils that closed door fundraiser and then goes on to the meeting with hispanic leaders wind chill real cover the news with carl cameron. thank you. hillary clinton's team didn't just delete thousands of e-mails from her secret server
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when she was secretary of state. they scrubbed the entire server using special soft ware according to a senior republican on the house oversight committee. south carolina congressman trey gowdy says clinton's team used a program called "bleach bit." expert said it acts like a digital shredder which permanently cram bells data. last month the feds said there was no such evidence to support criminal charges against clinton but yesterday a federal judge ruled on some 15,000 previously undisclosed e-mails the fbi recovered and turned over. the judge has given the state department until the middle of next month to review those messages and possibly release some of them as well. team fox coverage continues now with catherine herridge live in washington. tell us more about the special secret software server -- >> reporter: two sources who have read the fbi's investigative file that was sent to capitol hill now confirm to fox news that clinton's team used a technology called "bleach
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bit" to delete personal records and cyber security experts say that's can perilly scramble the data. >> i believe the fbi would give it their best shot and look for a lucky break and look for a mistake being made but it's harder for them. it's really hard to recover information that has been scrambled this way. >> reporter: using the technology the very least -- interesting -- clinton seemed to claim ignorance. >> wiped the whole server. >> i'm not -- i don't dish have no idea elm that's why we turned it 0 -- >> you were in charge. did you wipe the server. >> like with a cloth or something? >> we have asked the clinton campaign why her team used this technology called o'bleachbit ," one that presents challenges for fbi experts and after they -- and when she was asked for
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records. >> considering it's been the better part of 265 days since we have had a news conference with hillary clinton, that response gets less and less funny every time i hear it. mention the new e-mails, the 14,900 of them set to come out. when might we see them actually? >> reporter: just to recap for people, the fbi recovered these nearly 15,000 records as part of their investigation into clinton's handling of classified information and those records were given to the state department in july, and now according to a new ruling from a federal judge in florida, the department must release her records from that group that are relevant to the 2012 benghazi terrorist attacks and need to do that by september 13th. >> a total universe of documents that the fbi recovered and turned over to the state department, the state department has told judicial watch, told us, they have had positive hits for the search term "benghazi." >> reporter: we're looking at
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records sometime in mid-september and then based on a separate lawsuit. more records probably as early as the first week of october. >> it's interesting. when you look at the polling it looks like democrat supporters of hillary clinton don't care about the e-mail issue but when you look at the issue of trustworthiness, it's not the case. that's a problem for her, and this is tied to that. we'll follow the news. thank you very much. >> reporter: going to keep going. >> lefts bring in chris wallace, we had one of your d.c. cohorts on today. james rosen said we could see new e-mail every month for the next forever in the hillary clinton scandal. and that's -- it is the ultimate drip, drip, drip. my big question for you is whether i left off we catherine, this doesn't resonate among supporters of hillary clinton. why doesn't it? >> well, look. this has been going on for 15 months now, or maybe longer than that, almost a year and a half since "the new york times" broke the story in march of 2015 that
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hillary clinton had a private e-mail server. that was the first revelation of that. you have to figure over the course of the last year and a half, if you're upset about hillary clinton's e-mails and the connection to the clinton foundation, all of that has come out in this period of time as well. that you're not a clinton supporter and if you are clinton supporter, then you're not that upset about it or you're more concerned about other things. so, the question as to whether this is kind of already factored into the price of the market, if you will, if we already know people are upset, aren't going to be clinton supporters and people who are clinton supporters are not upset. ill will be interesting to see if there are new revelations. maybe there is some huge smoking gun but i think marginal pieces of information that only confirm things that people think about hillary clinton, i'm not sure it's going to change people's minds. >> interesting point. let's move on to something that is new, the quinnipiac poll shows a ten-point differential
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between hillary clinton, leading donald trump. this is a national look by quinnipiac. this caught my eye because i was drilling down see what was going on. a couple of things. hillary clinton actually -- people believe 60% in this polling that she does not have to play by the same rules as everybody else. 74% say they believe that donald trump should turn over his tax returns immediately. the assistant director or the poll said this about the entire race. he says. trump missteps gaffs -- wow, there is any light at the end of the dark and depressing chapter in american politics? he's doing the polling, chris. >> well, yeah. but look at -- how you began the show. you've began it with these two people going after each other on racist -- racism and bigot tri. labor day used to be the unofficial start of the presidential campaign.
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we're a week away and they're bring ought racism and bigotry as comments to each other. what are you going to get over the next 74 days? how much tougher and meaner and more personal can it get? and you're exactly right. it's basically on the one hand you have hillary clinton, who people don't trust, who think doesn't play by the rules, is not honest and trustworthy, does not have bigry and donald trump would people fear, whether he would be too reckless to be in the oval office, and at this point what that pollster is saying they'd rather have somebody who they don't trust but maybe fit to be president over somebody who they don't trust and don't like but who they think my -- may have be unfit to be president. >> wow. >> it's an ennobling choice. >> when when you bring race into it, my question is the politics of the narrative of division only serve those people who are trying to get something out of it. what does that do for the american public and do they both risk ostracizing themselves with
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that's right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music, plus talk, sports, comedy, news, and more. your ride has never, ever, rocked like this. oh yeah,xm is on foe right now. so tune in and let's ride! wikileaks founder julian assange is telling fox news he has information on donald trump's campaign but it's not a
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as explosive as his critics might hope. >> the problem is that some trump campaign is it's actually hard for us to publish much more controversial material than what comes out of donald trump's mouth every second day, and that's very strange reality for most of the media to be in. >> is he complaining they candidate is more interesting than what he is scooping up? assange said he machines to release significant documents linked to clinton's campaign but refused refused to elaborate. wikileaks released hacked i'm es in july that forced the democratic national committee chairwoman to step down. some staffers were -- assange has been living in ecuadorian embassy in london since 20126789 he is fighting extradition to swede wherein he faces sexual
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assault charges and he denies the accusations. >> aisle quo opportunity hacking. why is wiki getting involved. >> reporter: julian assange claimed to be champion of government ethics and said said it is important to highlight what government should do and not do. he is also bowsterred how -- bowl sirred how effect if the he locks are and when the e-mails from them democratic national committee were leaked it forced several people to resign, and assange says the more they release, the more leaked information they obtain. watch. >> hopefully that process will continue as we continue to publish and we can see a kind of cascade of information, hopefully also coming out about our republican campaign and then americans and others can be better informed about who -- is going to be in u.s. politics.
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>> reporter: assange saying it's more important to fully vet the information than to get it out in a timely manner. >> i hadn't really heard this term as such. assange says he believes hillary clinton has something called elite immunity. what is that? >> reporter: really his way of saying that he thinks she has friends in high places. he talks bottom the obama administration targeting journalists and journalistic sources, including from fox news. he also points to a certain media bias saying that some organizations are resistant to publish information that reflects badly on the democratic part, though assange claims it's clear he is trying to dig up dirt on both parties but he thinks hillary clinton has a lot of cronyistic influence, you know, cronies. watch. >> when you see that hillary clinton has not been prosecuted for more than 100 classified messages she has exchanged, including ones that bear
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classification labels, that is elite immunity. >> reporter: assange says he is not rooting for trump, saying if he had good info on him he would put it out. >> a professional hacker trying to make up the difference because the thinks mainstream media is not doing enough. interesting. thank you. much more politics straight ahead. i'll talk about the state of the race with strategists from both political parties and what both campaigns need to do between now and november. 70 or so days. stay close.
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contributor -- fox news contributor. was looking at the takeaways of the week and who won the week and who didn't. three things pop out. donald trump talking on illegal immigration, still trying to figure out where he is going there and we don't know and it's friday. and hillary clinton hounded by the shades of pay for play. coming at every angle now. we're hearing more about how they wiped the server clean and not with cloth and neither candidate is anymore likeable now than a year ago. now they're going at each other. what are your thought? >> if you think about the speech hillary clinton gave in nevada that was supposed to bev about jobs in the economy. now probably the most divisive and racially charged and vicious attack from a presidential candidate that we have seen in american history. it is largely because she has clearly concluded there's no positive rational for a candidacy other than she is not donald trump. so, is this unfortunately going to be at least on the democratic side, and it's been confirmed this week, a race almost it to e
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totally devoid of vision or issues and how things will. from from the last eight years of essentially obama-clinton rule. >> does donald trump run the risk of falling down the rabbit hole if he takes the bail of these racist commenteds and these barbs and the name-calling? does he have to step back and come strong again with the teleprompter aided speeches. >> we learn in the last three weeks and you look at the polling trajectories -- that when he does speak about issues he tends to do well. the macro dynamics of the race on issues favor his positions on the economy, on jobs. even in some aspects on immigration. but you are seeing the perilous path in a way because when he takes on immigration reform. the principles stay he same no pathway to ni ship and then you put these in policy useds and prioritize, they sometimes tend, at least in the media's eyes to contradict things he said before that complicated.
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>> if see it in people that i talk with and social media, the people are confused which way he is going now, and that's a legitimate question to ask about. tam remarks i whatnot to talk about the politics of playing the narrative of division and how tookic that is it for all americans. why is hillary doing this. >> because she had. to she had to respond and she had to be -- he -- >> cooperate take the high rode? i'm just asking. >> i think she did. i think that she had no choice but to speak to everybody, her constituents and the people on the right who are now saying that donald trump's rhetoric is unacceptable and he refuses to get out of the gutter. called donald trump the tumbleweed. he constantly changes positions depending on how the wind blows and what day. he doesn't know. his own spokesman people say depends or it's to be determined, and he then goes after hillary and calls hear bigot and i think -- >> her policies. >> her policies are -- meaning she -- >> just saying what he said.
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>> the word alone is divisive, and the word alone, bigotry, racism, we're talk about that two people who ran to be leader of the free world. the most powerful -- >> that's what we are talking about. two people who are getting into this somewhat anyway but she also said the word pie white supremacist. >> if want to quickly disavow that's not true. but have we lost the democratic convention? every speaker called donald trump a racist -- >> i didn't hear that. i was there. >> misogynies so let's not pretend he introduced the gutter aspect of this. it's unfortunate whenever he race card becomes the central part -- >> do you thick it's -- >> it's okay that one of hi advisers say that hillary should be shot? is that okay? >> introduced -- cher award donald trump to hitler. he disavowed david duke.
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>> in all fairness, hillary clinton disavowed that comment about the comparison with hitler. >> from cher when she introduce herd at a fun raider. >> has she? >> not that i know of. personally, i've said this on this network. think trump's' rhetoric on law and order is hitler like and he has become a very scary candidate and the american people need to ask themselves, because get what, wanted to vote for donald trump. i liked him in the very beginning. but what he has done is divided the country and he has brought up so much anger. we're -- our heart rate is up now. >> hillary clinton the measured presentation of it would not get you to believe the words that were coming out of her mouth, that were quite divisive. >> i thought her lange -- language and what she said as wonderful. >> the blamed donald trump for the division in american politics, which is ridiculous. if you look at every measure, every study, every eight years of barack obama we have never been more o'alreadyizeed and
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more divided and that's because that's been part of his playbook which he was used effectively. >> can i talk abouting the monday. a man who is not a politician who has dropped some verbal bombs since he became the number one candidate among the run republics and then you have a woman who has so many missteps she has rolled out her campaign more than once and had to deal with a scandal that she herself said we wouldn't be talking about, yet now we're looking at 15,000 more e-mails coming off her private server. neither one of these people are loved, not even liked. >> what's that's why donald trump had an opportunity to come out and say i have these policies and -- >> he did that. >> no, he hasn't. >> she did that to some degree yesterday, too. >> she win -- >> she went off on one tangent do you think he hays? >> no. >> talk beside issues. >> no. i think the talked about the feelings on both sides. people are angry about jobs, people are angry about
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education, debt, immigration. they're worried about terrorist attacks. but what he hasn't done is hasn't been said, here are the policies on how we're going to deal -- >> he just did. >> building a wall is not a policy. >> he spend the last week going over policy. >> i want to take our level of volume here down a little bit and talk about the brass tacks offing ins where donald trump has jumped in and i don't know if hillary clinton will follow him here. she may feel like she needs to. he is talking about jobs to at least a couple of communities and those are communicate offered color this week. talking about blacks blacks andn areas about one color and that's green, about the economy. and then meeting with hispanic leaders today. so i want to know what you think about that? i hear democrats -- and i know the rhetoric do you give credit to the other side for jumping into the deep end of the pool which is a difficult place for him to be? >> i just wants to by very clear. i'm not speaking based on rhetoric. i'm speaking as somebody who is a lawyer and who has worked on the inner city of chicago for ten years, and so based on that,
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come to this. you can now eat a pikachu burger in australia. they're kind of cute. more news after this. get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one.
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>> let's bring back our guests, tony and tamara. before we took a break and i did some headline news we were chatting about the realities of division politics and what it can do, the harm itself can do. but maybe shine some light if we listen to both candidates. it could do some good. you talked about donald trump talking to the black community. >> it's important if you look at the polls, which they don't matter. if you see that he wasn't really supposed to be where he is today. people are hurting in america, and it doesn't matter the color of your skin. that being said, race is an issue.
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we have a disproportionate number of african-american men and women behind bars in prison. we need to talk about that. we need to talk about rehabilitation. we need to talk about drugs. not just drugs in white communities but drugs in black communities. they don't manufacture cocaine in the inner city. they don't make guns in the inner city, and these are issues that are not political. they're family issues. we're talking about families here, and everybody watching has a family and a loved one who will be affected or has been affected by this. >> all right. so when you look at donald trump then opening the door on these issues, your thoughts, tony. >> the thing that's always been intriguing about donald trump is he has run probably the most unorthodox campaign of any republican party nominee -- >> no one would argue with you on that. >> when you actually listen to the substance, include do think he has been exceptionally good at doing since the convention, he does outreach in ways other candidated have not done as effectively in the past. especially when he talks about the black community, the lgbt
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community. areas of the country with constituencies that don't traditionally vote for the republican candidates and it's largely because of what we have seen today is people losing faith in the entire system of government. all the institutions of government. that's where donald trump actually has this advantage to win over people, who are not just partisan voters but want to see a major change in the disruption in the system. >> if close out the topic by saying the new quinnipiac poll that had a ten-point differential, hillary clinton leading donald j. trump nationally, many of the pickup for her has been among people of color and particularly women. not necessarily young women but women. so there's still some inroads he can make and he can do some good along the way. it's just like when he went to louisiana. you can shine the light on things. just giving examples. let's move on. meese tell me what his illegal immigration plan really is? >> i'm going by what i've been watching throughout the week and if you listen carefully and you're not just necessarily
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going toward the idea he is shifting positions, his the build can blocked or the same. no pathway no legalization. now, you always have to turn policy into specifics. he has been criticize for lacking nuance and detail. he is now sausage there are priorities. the priorities is to get rid of criminal felons, illegal aliens who have committed crime inside the country. number two enforce the immigration law, and number three to protect the bored. that's consistent. >> what is hillary clinton's illegal immigration plan? >> i think -- i don't really know. i think it's more of the same. >> amnesty. >> i think it's more of the same. >> more of the same. >> i'm not saying i don't really know in that -- >> i know -- i don't read, i don't know but i think there are certain issues she has been able to keep quiet on because she doesn't need to respond because donald trump doesn't have a solid answer, and so everybody who has been looking to donald
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trump for answers on immigration gives her -- it gives her a pass on answering questions because they -- >> you think that's a good thing? >> no, no, i'm analyzing it. i'm not defending it. jim i'm just saying the conversation started about what is donald trump's position? and so -- because it's been changing. and he is the tumbleweed, changing with the wind. >> i get that because my husband is from arizona and i love thank you. bell weed -- tumbleweeds. is she missing an opportunity by not talking about -- the average is that the system is not working the way it should be working right now. so if she has an idea to fix it, this is a missed opportunity. tamara? >> i think that -- well on her web site she had 100 something different positions and policy positions on this, and not everybody goes to the web site and reads it. don't know if you have. i skimmed it. think it's an opportunity to really talk about these issues and talk about -- i'm in favor
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of amnesty. a think a lot of people are. the polls are showing -- >> you think she is. >> yes, of course, but she is not articulating it to your question, and especially now could be the opportunity bus more and more people are against building the wall and this is her opportunity to say why. >> the reason if say that is when you and i talk about this and you and -- we're talking about issues, then, and you see there's no name-calling. it's just a way to kind of get back to the voter. i know those negative ads she is spending upwards of 40 million and the negative barbs that come from donald trump, i know these things resonate on some level in the psyche with people. they've have stickiness in them. get that. but the issues are what matters. >> in fairness i'll say something uncharacteristic, i think hillary clinton has been extraordinarily consistent on her position on immigration. she is totally pro amnesty, has already made that clear seattle have the is going to keep protect barack obama's in my mind, illegal executive order, that has circumvented the constitutional process and will
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extend it. the tell creak part has don an incredible job creating the idea that your position on immigration is a passion test. if your against helping illegals and this kind of bigots, xenophobic person, that's not true. there's nuance to the policy. >> what's the public donald trump should talk about the nuances. >> by all media accountants not to the satisfaction of people who want to consistently hold him to something he said eight months ago itch think he is not a politician who is obviously evolvings' in the idea that hey is understanding that you have to actually start put something specifics in place. he talked about it in a more humanitarian way. >> he is running out of time. then takes this into a new week is what i'm thinking. quickly, won the week, trump or clinton. >> trump. >> clinton. >> i'm shocked by that. >> the fbi just found 15,000 more e-mails that now a federal judge says the state department
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has to turn over and a lot of 0 them are on pentagon -- benghazi. >> how many times were go together to talk about benghazi -- >> good to see you both. tony, tamara. more, stay with us. before taking his team to state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs.
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hillary clinton once again defending her family's foundation and the meeting she took with donors whenwhile she was secretary of state. the she told msnbc that the money the foundation received went directly to providing services and not in her family's pocket. >> neither my husband, my daughter, nor i, have ever taken a penny of the salary from the foundation. my work as secretary of state was not influenced by any outside forces. i made policy decisions based on what i thought was right to keep americans safe and protect our interests abroad. >> a couple of days osgood the "associated press" reported more than half the people outside the government who met with the clintons are -- or mess with her while she was secretary of state
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gave money to foundation either personally or through company's are groups. that's given fuel to donald trump and other critics who accuse the clintons of having a pay to play set up. >> these are people that expect things for their donations, and when you follow it out and you see the people that left her office, you take a look at what those people, those companies, and those countries, got. believe me, you'll find out. it is plenty. >> during her interview today clinton said the foundation went, quote, above and beyond the normal legal requirements for charities. mike emanuel is live in washington, dc. if she gets elected the foundation work will continue. >> reporter: hillary clinton was confronted about if it were a republican candidate with a foundation taking foreign donations, wouldn't she be accusing that republican of a conflict of interest? she insist shed would focus on the work. even after some democrats suggested shutting the foundation now or stopping the foreign contributions now,
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clinton reiterated changes are coming. >> i appreciate that the concerns that people have expressed, and that's why i've made it clear that if i'm successful in november, we are going to be taking additional steps. but the fact is, winding down some of these programs takes time. you don't just turn on and off a switch. >> reporter: there have been calls to move the functions of the foundation to other charitable organizations to avoid any appearance of a conflict. >> i'm curious to what hillary clinton says about people who are concerned, there's some kind of conflict of interest that might get exposed related the foundation? >> reporter: that's the wore of a lot of democrats and feel the clinton campaign may have strong weeks and then another controversial revelation knocking them back. clinton tried to assure the american voters there wont bemer controversies to come. >> i have a very strong
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foundation of understanding about the foundation. not to have a play on words. that the kind of work that the foundation has done, which attracted donors from around the world, is work that went right into providing services to people. >> reporter: she insists she believes her inner circle of aides acted properly. >> i just go back to the adage in politics. when you're happy anding, you're not winning. an attacker raided a home, stabbed two nuns and left them behind to die. now a small town is trying to find answers. knowing a killer could be still somewhere out there. stay with us. s research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates... maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance.
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they were two of the sweetest, most gentle women you can imagine. our a priest is describing two nuns police found stabbed anywhere homes yesterday. happened in durant, mississippi, 60 miles north of jackson. police went to check on the sisters. when they've did no show up for work. they were nurses at a nearby medical clinic that provides medical care for people who cannot afford it. investigators found their car a mile from their home. josh thousand serrie is on the story. >> reporter: it's unclear whether the two nuns were targeted because of their ministry or victims of a robbery turned violent. the police are examing the stolen car they recovered, trying to see if there are clues but for now the attacker and the able tears and the reasons behind the shocking crime remain a history.
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>> what more do we know about their work in the remote part of mississippi. >> reporter: both nuns, very popular in this tiny community. both of them worked as news practitioners at the lexington medical clinic, a facility that serves the poorest of the poor, people who couldn't pay for their own medical care. this clinic reportedly provides a quarter of all of the medical care delivered to residents of rural homes county. sister margaret held was a part of the st. flan sis religious order which said, quote, this nun lived her ministry caring for and healing the poor, and sister paula was a measure of the sisters of naz -- nazareth, which asked everyone to pray for the nuns. the statement reads: because we are gospel women, please also pray for the perpetrators. >> wow.
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sisters stepped up. >> emotionally it's awesome to see it. >> the school called the officers a, quote, army of standin ford this important first. it's been a pleasure to be with you on this friday. "your world" is next. >> did one of the banks that was blamed for the financial crisis just warn that donald trump will cause a crisis? welcome on this friday. i'm liz clayman in for neil cavuto. this is your your young, citigroup saying to awesome win to shock the financial markets s and trigger a global growth slowdown, gary is not buying it and beyond megan and jessica. gary you say citigroup should, quote, shut up. why? >> well, it's kind of simple. we have 20 trillion in debt, deficits as
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