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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  August 29, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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and thank you. amy sharp. caught a short time later. really? >> use my selfie instead. >> never know until you ask, right? >> great working with you. see you tomorrow. >> "fox & friends" starts right now. good monday morning to you and your family, august 29th, 2016. i'm ainsley earhart. chaos at one of the nation's busiest airports overnight. a loud pop sends people running for their lives. mistake down a man dressed as zorro. we are live with breaking details. can't make it up. >> dressed as zorro. >> is he a good guy or bad about guy. >> donald trump facing a firestorm from the media. this morning the trump campaign announces his plans to fight back. and collin kaepernick doubles down saying he will continue to remain seated for the national anthem. >> people are dying in vain because this country isn't
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holding their end of the bargain up as far as, you know, giving freedom and justice and liberty to everybody. it's something that's not happening. >> he sits between two gatorade jug. week one is 9/11. somehow should the nfl react? let me remind you despite all the news you heard your morning is better because you're with friends. ♪ ♪ >> it's a big birthday for those people. they are the marine reserves. >> that's right. >> 100 year celebration of the marine corps reserves and their ceremonial band is with us on the plaza. >> it's never too early, still dark out there and listening to
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beautiful music celebrating our marines. >> this is late for the marine corps. >> they've been up, run five miles, done 100 pushups. >> when you walk down green room hall, the hallway -- >> never heard it called that. like an auditorium. >> when you get down that hall you see groggy people with the coffee, even if it's bad i'll take anything, the marines are ready to go, showered. no food left. >> they're ready for lunch. >> that's what i get the feeling. a busy weekend over the weekend for hillary clinton and donald trump. not for them but their surrogates to explain their position. >> donald trump ready to reveal his immigration plan in a major speech this week. >> the mainstream media still attacking him with racist accusati accusations. >> national correspondent john roberts live outside trump tourre. hey, john. >> brian, ainsley, pete, good morning. nothing wakes you up like a military band. i was feeling sleepy until about a minute ago.
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big week for donald trump. couple major appearances coming up. wednesday in arizona a speech on illegal immigration, this was the speech they were going to consider giving last week in colorado, postponed until wednesday of this week. he will add more level of detail and clarity to some of the trial balloons the campaign has been floating over the last couple weeks about changing the policy slightly when it comes to people in this country illegally already. remember back in november donald trump talked about creating a deportation force to kick the millions of people who entered illegally out. kellyanne conway yesterday talking with mike wallace -- chris wallace rather on "fox news sunday" said the idea of softening is more an idea of approach rather than policy. here she is. >> what he has said is no legalization and no amnesty if you go back to your home country and like to come back to the united states as an immigrant, you need to apply through the many different channels that allow people to apply for citizenship or entry into the
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united states legally. now the deportation force i would like to address that. he hasn't mentioned that since last november. >> another big appearance for donald trump next saturday. this will be at the great faith ministries in detroit, michigan, at which he will take questions about issues that are important to the black community. more of the outreach toward african-american and other minority communities. now over the weekend, donald trump kind of took it on the chin with criticism about a tweet he sent out after the murder in chicago of dwyane wade's cousin saying as a result of that, african-americans are going to vote for trump. here's what his running mate mike pence had to say about that yesterday. >> donald trump is plaglay out that tweet, 140 characters, we have a choice to make in the country. we can continue with the leadership that has left us with dangerous streets in our cities, failing schools, no jobs, or we can go with someone who is committed to educational choice,
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for minority families. >> reporter: one more challenge that donald trump is laying down this morning, challenging hillary clinton to release detailed medical records saying he will do the same thing if she does and brian, ainsley and pete, i'm belying the fact that i am still a little asleep i called chris wallace mike. fire up the band again, would you? >> it's common. one of the most famous news casting duos in the history of the country. >> i don't think chris would be too upset to be compared to his dad. great man. >> thanks, john. well, listen, over the weekend i was pretty amazed when you have the horrible shooting of dwyane wade's cousin, right. >> in chicago. >> she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> pushing a stroller. horrific. >> maybe it wasn't the most -- it wasn't the most politically correct tweet. maybe he could have added a few characters in. >> only 140 characters. the next tweet he did offer
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condolences. >> are we missing the point that this woman was gunned down in the exact area that he believes should be addressed, the black on black crime that's taking place in chicago. >> of course, so the left piled on including the dnc chair -- interim chair woman donna brazil, this what is she had to say. >> as i've watched this debate, this conversation about bigotry and racism i find it misplaced. first of all, donald trump has not held an event in the black community, not gone to a black church as hillary clinton has done, he's not gone to historical black colleges. hillary clinton. he's not met with the mothers of children who have been slain and killed from violence in this country, as hillary clinton has done. >> you know, he's done a lot, though. he had the round table discussion over the weekend with african-american leaders or at the tail end of last week, i can't remember the day, but they were talking about what needs to be changed in the african-american community. so they're all going into churches and going into the black communities.
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he's also going with ben carson to detroit. ben carson is from detroit, meeting with african-american communities to find out what they can do to change that city. >> also the point that pence made well, substance matter more than form or tone or tweets. what are your policies and how do they uplift people. that's the argument that trump and pence are making. >> he has not gone into a black audience and he is on saturday. he will be at a black church and taking questions. i'm sure there will be cameras there. >> he seems to be the type, though, if there's a problem, he says, how can we address it, how can we fix it. he's trying. >> to a degree there's a little panic he's focused on a community and a group of people that always vote democrat and i think people are quick to criticize, what mitt romney, john mccain and to a degree george w. bush never addressed. >> yeah. vma awards, did you watch? >> i watched some of it. >> i watched the clip after. >> beyonce walked the red carpet with the mothers of four black individuals that were killed and
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then she also got on stage and she performed and i think we have a clip of what happened on stage. ♪ >> well, do you notice the red light, do you notice the people fall. beyonce is singing to, i guess, addressing law enforcement, how they are gunning down people of color. >> yeah. this is, of course, a political statement just as having the mothers of the black lives matters, regardless of the cases, walking the red carpet making a political point. cops can get barely cops to volunteer for concerts of hers, cops protesting where are the families of the slain police officers? why -- donald trump has met with them. why won't hillary clinton meet with them? >> right.
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>> there's other layers. >> i love beyonce, i watched that visual, called a visual album on hbo, did you see that? it was so great. it was her taking video clips of her life, went through hard times, miscarriage, her relationship witlly like her, b like they're po liz sizing the deaths of these individuals and i don't -- i'm really disappointed with that. >> mike brown, eric garner's family, trayvon martin's, one side of the story. if she could bring out the slain five of dallas those cops, that would have been interesting. talk about something else to do with race and sports. collin kaepernick, who two years ago is one of the hottest quarterbacks in the nfl, has struggled on the field. and what he did over the weekend, is going to cause more international focus on anything that he's ever done playing quarterback for the san francisco 49ers. when it was time to play the national anthem where every player stands up with up with their hand on their heart and
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helmet in the left hand and right hand over the heart, he sat and this is not the first time he did it, but he wants the attention brought to it. he sat because he doesn't like what he believes is the unfairness to our country. he doesn't like what our flag represents. >> so listen to why he says he's going to continue to do it. >> there's a lot of things that need to change. one specifically is police brutality. people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable. cops are getting paid leave for killing people. that's not right. that's not right by anyone's standards. you know, i have great respect for men and women that have fought for this country. i have family, friends that have gone and fought for this country and they fight for freedom. they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. and that's not happening. i mean, people are dying in vain because this country isn't holding their end of the bargain up.
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as far as you know, giving freedom and justice and liberty to everybody. it's something that's not happening. >> your reaction? >> well, listen, if we all sat down because we didn't like a certain aspect of this country everyone would be sitting. nothing is perfect. men and women died for this country for this flag. >> he says he's not anti-military. >> fine. say it all he wants but tell that to the guy with no legs who still finds a way to stand up and show honor and reverence to that flag. there's outrage because this is outrageous. protest but you're smearing things that flag represents for a lot of americans. >> i agree with you and disagree with what she's doing. al vitae king was talking about it on "fox & friends" i liked what she said. she said martin luther king, jr. always promoted peaceful protests. >> sure. >> that's what he's doing. he has the right to do that as an american. >> of course. i'll take that point ainsley, but build on this, if you want to make our country better start with the premise you want to be here, that you understand what
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the country is built on and then work on it there. when you don't salute the flag or respect where it came from, stand up for the country and address some of the things because of that, if you can't pledge allegiance to the country or salute the star bangled banner you don't respect the country enough to do it which makes you wonder why are you here? who's keeping you here with your $19 million contract. >> that's what i was going to say. >> he's been terble. >> we'll see if he might be sitting on the bench during the game as well. >> send us your e-mailses. friends at >> great to have you back. working around the clock. great to have you here you this morning. good morning. we start with a fox news alert from the west coast. chaos at one of the nation's busiest airports. panicked passengers running for their lives at los angeles international airport. after reports of a gunman on the loose. officials evacuating terminals forcing passengers to leave their bags behind and find ref
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f fuge, on the tarmac even, cops trying to find a suspect but it turned out to be a false alarm. a man dressed in a zorro costume with a plastic sword, he was later arrested. it's not known if the events are connected. all terminals have since been reopened and everyone was forced to go to security once again. delays will be expected all morning long so please make sure to call your carrier. the 10,000th syrian refugee set to arrive in the united states later today. this is part of that year-long resettlement program. many say it's a national security threat. others argue that refugees are thoroughly screened. well this comes as german chancellor, angela merkel is slamming european countries who refuse to let muslim refugees in. the open door policy advocate says she's not going to stop letting the refugees in and is going to fight for other countries to do the same thing. those your headlines.
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we will see you back here. >> 20 minutes or so. new evidence showing a deeper link between the clinton foundation and the state department. our next guest has a message for voters who think they can trust her, think again. >> think free speech applies to everyone. well think again. the campus confrontation after a student was banned from praying in public. wow. straight ahead. this is lulu, our newest dog.
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mom didn't want another dog. she said it's too much work. lulu's hair just floats. uhh help me! (doorbell) mom, check this out. wow. swiffer sweeper, and dusters. this is what i'm talking about. look at that. sticks to this better than it sticks to lulu. that's your hair lulu! mom, can we have another dog? (laughing) trap and lock up to 4x more dirt, dust and hair than the store brand stop cleaning. start swiffering.
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newly unearthed state department e-mails suggest even more favors to clinton foundation donors, including having lunch with vice president joe biden. >> with the featured guest being the -- for the leader of china. yet another connection between hillary's state department and her foundation. what does it actually mean for her campaign? does any of this matter to the voter? >> joining us "new york post" washington bureau chief and author of the book "clinton inc" daniel helper. ta thanks for joining us. >> great to be here. >> these new revelations, what is the most telling about these new revelations? >> there's this interesting relationship between the foundation, the clinton foundation, and the state department where the clinton foundation really asked and seems to have received various favors on behalf of donors in the service of their donors and keeping good relationships with their donors and the state
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department seems to have acted in the interest of this private foundation with financial ties to the clintons rather than in the interest of the american people and i think that's really the scandal it boiled down to just a couple sentences. >> so listen, look at some of the donors. bob mccann of ubs donated between 500 and a million dollars, judith roden from the rockefeller foundation gave up to $25 million. and you got this western union president who donated between 1 and $5 million and we find out that they got -- do we know they actually got to the meeting and one of which wanted to sit next to the vice president? >> some of them are denying it. we're not clear what favors were extracted. a corporation such as the one that we mentioned, they hire high-paid, well connected lobbyists in washington, d.c., to set up meetings for them and get them well connected and put them in touch by powerful people. donating to the clinton foundation they were able to have connections well placed,
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well connected, people able to do their bidding. what's the difference between donating the clinton foundation and hiring a high priced lobbying firm in washington, d.c. it doesn't seem like there is one difference for the corporation able to extract similar needs. >> judith rodin who gave a lot of money, upwards of $25 million to the foundation, we have an e-mail from doug ban with the foundation, to houma abedine, under hillary clinton when secretary of state and doug says to her, can we get her, meaning judith rodin, who gave so much money, at biden's table. and huma writes back i'll ask. a connection between the state department and the foundation. if you're a donor you can ask for favors. >> this is why it's scandalous. why should people who give to private charity private donation associated with government official and the family of government official have special
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government favors? >> daniel, thanks so much. you got to wonder. the latest on collin kaepernick his anthem boycott. talk about disrespect. is it? back it back in a moment.
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quick headlines starting with a fox news alert. a charter bus carrying dozens of flood recovery workers in louisiana crashing into a fire truck and two people are now dead. one of them, a fire chief. behind the wheel, an unlicensed illegal immigrant. the 37-year-old man from honduras now charged with negligent homicide. and illegal immigrants have a leisurely waterfront way to walk straight into the u.s. people can get into texas from mexico all thanks to a sandbar caused by extreme low tide in the rio grande river the border
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patrol is monitoring that area now. brian? two days after he refused to stand during the national anthem collin kaepernick isn't changing his tune. in fact, the quarterback is doubling down saying he will rise for "the star-spangled banner" when he feels the flag is representing the people the way it's supposed to. does he have a point? is this unpatriotic? here to explain this, dr. al vitae king and fox's contributor and correspondent with the conservative review, daneen burrelly. dr. king, your thoughts about collin kaepernick in 2016, doing this? >> i believe that collin has exercised his constitutional right. he didn't speak, but nonviolently and silently and expressed his concern and he had a right to do that. even his team did not require that he stand or sing. of course, i do sing the national anthem with hope and prayer that god will hear and
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make our country just better, bless or country but i'm not angry. i'm not. >> daneen do you feel that the league does not make you stand for the national anthem and if you want the country to be better that's one thing, but if you can't agree to stand for the country, is that something else? >> i find his actions to be unpatriotic, brian. there is a time and a place for someone to express their views. i find them not only to be unpatriotic but disrespectful and classless. we have the national anthem. people are standing, they're saluting. people with tears in their eyes. i've been at numerous events where they are playing the national anthem. it is a patriotic moment. it's a proud moment. it's an emotional moment. and i think he used his opportunity to exploit his personal views. he has fallen into the trap of the black lives matter wroter e to -- rhetoric, propaganda.
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his story adopted by white parents, makes over $114 million in a six-year multimillion-dollar contract playing, living out his dream, he is the absolute story of america's exceptionalism. it seems to me he should be standing up and saluting our flag, saluting our heros because he has insulted an untold number of patriots in our country. >> dr. king, carmelo anthony upset, he marched in baltimore. three huge basketball stars speak at the espys about something similar to this. but they will put their hands on their hearts and stand for the national anthem. >> i stand for the national anthem as well. however, i do want to address some of collin's concerns. he did say that america is racist. well america is not racist. there's racism in america. we have a flawed system that has failed so many americans and so
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many ethnic areas, ethnic groups. i'm not suggesting we be color-blind because if you're blind you need to see, you need glasses. however, the ethnic equality that must come, we have to know at 1726 one we're one, we have to find a way to have the conversations and i just decided not to be distracted by the offense, because, you know, i believe he could have stood too, but to find out how we can answer his concerns. >> he was put up for adoption for his 19-year-old mom. his dad left. he went to a white family in wisconsin. his parents are -- his adoptive parents are also white, but they support their adopted son's actions. >> and, you know, that's their choice. but listen he will be judged by public opinion. i saw on-line the numerous thousands of individuals burning his jersey. he has made a lot of people unhappy and this is about
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patriotism, being respectful for our country and respectful for those who have given their lives and people who are giving their lives today to keep us free and safe. >> all right. thanks so much. dr. king, just scratching the surface. he will be sitting from here on in if he doesn't get cut soon. he's going to have trouble making that roster. thanks so much. dr. king and -- >> thank you. >> daneen, good to see you. >> think free speech applies to everyone. think again. the campus confrontation after a student was banned for praying in public. that story ahead. the wedding surprise of a lifetime. ♪ he said some day i hope you get the chance to live like you were dying ♪ >> wow. that is tim mcgraw, crashing a stranger's wedding with an amazing performance. how did that happen? the marine corps ceremonial band is here. celebrating 100 years of the reserves. as we listen, first say a very
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♪ ♪ wow. we are celebrating 100 years of the marine corps reserve. hear the band here playing the marine's hymn and standing next to me is lieutenant general mcmillan. thank you for being with us and saving our country. >> thank you for having us here today. >> that gives me chills when i hear this music. what does the helm mean to you. >> so we're celebrating our 100th anniversary of the marine
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corps reserve, august 29, 1916, by president woodrow wilson and here to shout out a thank you with the reserve marines that served with honor and distinction from world war i to today. >> they give up one weekend every month, two weeks out of the summer but they are fighting on the battlefield. 85,000 reserve marines that have been activated in the war on terror. >> that's right. over the past number of years, and in particular, in oef we have deployed more than 85,000 marines, many of them have deployed multiple times. we're so proud of their service and how they've provided combat war fighting to the marine corps and in conjunction with the civilian jobs. a shout out to the employers that give us the opportunity to put our marine corps uniform back on and serve the great nation. >> how are you celebrating in times square? >> today we're having a formation with all current and former marines and getting
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everybody back together. the commandant of the marine core general miller would like us to reach out everybody who has served to say thank you for your service and bring them back into the fold so to speak. we're doing that today. >> we're covering politics, middle of an election year, you have collin kaepernick sitting out during the pledge of allegiance, and we have all these individuals that live in our country what's the message for people watching? >> everybody has their own opinion. ainsley. i'll tell you the marine corps will fight to the death to defend the right to express that opinion in this great country. >> you see people in the background. god bless america. >> thank you to your viewers for having us on today. >> well, they're watching you right now. you're welcome. >> thank you to all of you watching and supporting our armed forces. toss it to you. >> thanks to all of them for their service to our country. good morning. couple headlines to bring you right now. 141 passengers' lives put in danger by two pilots, allegedly
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trying to fly airplanes drunk. two united airlines pilots arrested at the glasgow airport in scotland after someone told officials they were acting strangely. crews immediately took them off the plane. it was bound for new jersey. the pilots will have to head to court later today. faa records show between 2010 and 2015, 64 pilots were cited for failing drug or alcohol tests in the united states alone. tense moments on the train tracks leading to an incredible rescue. a new jersey transit officer is being halediled a hero this morg after he saved a man from a speeding train. the officer went to the station after getting calls about an agitated person. when he arrived the man jumped on the tracks. pulled him to safety minutes before the commuter train passed through. the man is getting medical attention. what hero. thanks goodness he was there.
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>> a college sparking outrage after forcing a man praying on campus to leave. clemson university. clemson saying that the man was not in a designated free speech zone. really? >> you told me this was not a free speech area. can you clarify what that means? >> this is not a designated free speech area. if you -- you are more than welcome to take a look at the pollst policy. >> there are free speech areas on campus and the entire campus is not a free speech area? >> that is correct. >> the entire campus is not a free speech area? okay. better stay in college for that one. a spokesman says that people not affiliated with the school are required to register first before they come on campus. not sure what that has to do with free speech. okay. we'll look into it. >> extreme weather. the east coast on storm watch right now as multiple major storms take aim. residents stocking up on supplies as they brace for heavy
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rain and winds. two tropical depressions now forming. take a look at these. one set to turn into a tropical storm drenching north carolina as early as tomorrow, the other one taking place in the gulf heading straight to florida. listen to this story, dad gets points for this one. the country music mega star tim mcgraw bringing star power to one couple's very special day. watch this. ♪ wow. that will give you chills. the bride's father invited tim mcgraw to surprise everyone at the wedding reception in philadelphia. performing "my little girl" for the father/daughter dance. i'm going to cry now. ainsley. mcgraw didn't stop there. the singer continued performing more of his hits for the guests throughout the night. is that amazing? and those are your headlines.
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>> does the dad know tim mcgraw. >> major points for efforts. >> was he there performing already or did he fly to philadelphia from nashville? >> we don't know. >> what a nice guy. >> how sweet. >> great of him to do that. >> would be proud. >> setting the bar high for fathers everywhere. >> that's right. >> did he do it for free? i guess so, right. >> we'll investigate. >> how much would it be to get someone like tim mcgraw to come to your daughter's wedding? >> i don't know the number. >> a million dollars. >> a number to get him there. >> keep working. >> i don't have it in my pocket. all right. this may be, though, the luckiest dog of all time. >> whoa. unbelievable video the whole thing you've got to see, next. >> wow. >> a farmer who has his bank account frozen, his crime, making ice cream. that farmer joins us live with the government regulations gone wild. >> i want to sing that song "let
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it go". >> first the marine corps ceremonial band with "god bless america." ♪ ♪ [announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models.
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country and talking about that massive tax cut and also for the middle class, but the massive small business and business tax cut, or the reduction by a lot of regulations, 100% of the people i talk to, feel more strongly about the regulation. >> that was the republican nominee in des moines, iowa, over the weekend. it's welcome fuse to many like our next guest who was told by the feds to stop making ice cream even though he runs a creamery and had tens of thousands of dollars in his assets frozen. joining me farmer and owner of south mountain creamery in maryland is randy showers. thanks for joining us this morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> so if you would, you own a creamery. your assets were frozen until very recently. why did the government freeze your assets? >> the government didn't actually freeze my assets. about five years ago they seized my assets for forfeiture. they said i was structuring my
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bank deposits and they took my assets. but that really don't have anything to do with what's going on now with the department of labor. that's just a continuation of the government strong arming people that --s. >> what's happening with the department of labor now? what are the additional pieces of red tape you're facing? >> they come in the day before christmas and pretty much said that i had a complaint from a disgruntled employee and they did an investigation and thought we had done the right thing or we thought we had done the right thing but there was some gray areas and if we would cut our employees back to 40 hours, or pay overtime over 40, we would be okay and they wouldn't do anything else. but they came back in three months later telling us we had to pay these people that were over 40 hours for the last two years. cost me about $60,000. >> so $60,000 for a small business is a lot of money. you employ people, livelihoods
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that folks depend on. what does it mean to you to hear a presidential candidate say he wants to cut that red tape and help folks providing jobs? how much would that improve your ability to run a small business? >> oh, greatly improve it. i mean most of the problems we have is regulations from the government because you never know when they walk in there how much they might fine you for a little bit of nothing and people are afraid of the government and shouldn't be. they ought to be there to help us. it's not the way it turns out most of the time. they just want to fine you for some reason. >> ronald reagan said the scariest word the to hear are i'm here from the government and here to help. when they show up usually they're looking for something wrong as opposed to finding a way to help you? >> yes. this thing is so ridiculous what they came up with on why i'm not farmer anymore. we process milk and i can put chocolate powder and sugar in milk and that's fine and i put sugar in ice cream, they say
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that doesn't exempt my employees from being farm employees anymore and i have to pay them overtime. as soon as we cut our people back to 40 hours, some of those people had to get part-time jobs and don't make the kind of money they made working for me. >> i don't mean to laugh but if the government is determining whether you can put chocolate or sugar in ice cream and how long you can employ your employees as a result something has gone wrong and government wild. thank you very much for joining us this morning and for fighting back. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> all right. up next, donald trump facing yet another firestorm from the media as race becomes the number one issue on the campaign trail. how should trump respond? former presidential candidate herman cain live at the top of the hour. presidential campaigns help raise millions of dollars and it's time you got your cut. the ceo of the penny hoarder is here with how you can make money off of politics. ♪ before taking his team to state for the first time...
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gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs.
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and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. [ clock titime. ] you only have so much. that's why we want to make sure you won't have to wait on hold. and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all we should fit into your life. not the other way around.
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well, if you were looking for a which to earn some extra money, then take advantage of this election season. our next guest says that there are plenty of creative ways to turn politics into pennies. here to explain, kyle taylor, the ceo of the penny hoarder which offers creative ways to earn money. >> thanks for having me. >> tell us about yourself and how you started it up at. >> sure. i was in between college and working on the campaigns. broke, with a lot of student loan debt. and i started writing about what i was doing to pay off this
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debt. and that penny hoarder was born. >> what is the penny hoarder? >> we are one of the largest finance websites, more than 12 million readers. we have practical tips on how to make money every day. >> how long ago did you start it? >> six years ago. >> very successful. tell us some tips with how we can make extra money. you say election day freebies. what do you mean? >> there are a lot of strauptdzs and retailers -- restaurants and retailers will give you free things for being a voter. boston market gave out free males and chick-fil-a participated. ben & jerry's it's cream. and it's probably worth holding on to the i voted sticker. >> just on the day that you vote? >> you can. if you have a favorite retailer sign up now. because some will give you freebies for pledging to vote and we'll have those on the penny hoarder as it gets choser.
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>> and shake shack and krispy kreme. you say be an election judge. what do you mean? >> you know the poll workers that help you out, so the election assistance commission says that 40% of the precincts had a hard time finding election judges. if you want to make extra money, sign up to be a poll worker. they earn between $100 to $300 for the day. >> wow. >> considered a paid volunteer position. but -- >> that will pay a few bills though. what's a canvass organizer? >> so a lot of interest groups hire canvassers to get out voters. so usually you have a voter roll. they know which voters they want to turn out. groups like working america or the democratic campaign congressional hearing are hiring canvassers right now. $12 to $15 an hour, it's a short term job until election day. >> go small election themed small businesses. what do you mean? >> yes, so obviously rallies
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have been a huge part of this election year season and there are a lot of people that are making money at these rallies. so if you sign up to be a vendor with your local city, you can sell t-shirts or campaign memorabilia. in fact, i was listening on the public radio and a gentleman has gone to 14 donald trump rallies in a row and he makes 200 bucks a day. >> doing what? >> selling t-shirts. >> easy enough. thanks so much. well, donald trump facing yet another firestorm from the media as race becomes the number within issue on the campaign trail now. are they playing fair with the trump campaign? former presidential candidate herman cain is going to weigh in on that in the next hour. this may the luckiest dog of all time. watch. the unbelievable video that you have to see. we'll talk about it coming up next. whether it's connecting one of the world's most innovative campuses.
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or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink.
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we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ]
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many men aren't aware their health insurance may cover cialis. contact your health plan for the latest information. well, good monday morning to you and your family. august 29th, 20016. i'm ainsley earhardt. donald trump donald trump facing yet another firestorm who say he's backing down on his plan to deport immigrants and today they announce their plans to fight back. we are live on the campaign trail. and beyonce gets political at the vmas as her dancers get shot during the performance. was this the right message to send? herman cain will join us in moments to react. they say cats have nine lives but what about a dog? that is the luckiest dog of all
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time. wow, pretty good. >> wow. >> thankfully there was a bump in the road. >> so to speak. absolutely. and if you have a dog, get a leash, especially if you're going to a race. mornings are better with "friends." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> this is another song that colin kaepernick wouldn't salute. it's "new york new york."
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you know -- >> i love this city so much. so cool to see the marine corps reserves celebrating 100 years out on our plaza. >> 100 years. that's the ceremonial band. everyone loves the marine corps. >> look at how fit they are, brian. >> doesn't surprise me. after they get through paris island that's what happens. >> a lot of push-ups. >> we're privileged to have them there, seeing them in the halls. on a morning show they're more than ready to go before us. >> right. they get up the same time as you do, except they have showered and done push-ups by the time you get into work. >> the other reason i was yelling orders to you. >> great to have you here. steve is on vacation. great to have you, pete. donald trump is set to reveal his immigration plan in a major speech this week. >> but the mainstream media is
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attacking him with racist accusation. >> here is john roberts with more outside the donald trump tower. that's his gig. hey, john. >> reporter: tomorrow morning i'll be outsize his -- outside his house in beverly hills. bicoastal this week. its the last week of the summer, but it's big one for donald trump. he's got the big speech on immigration. this were -- this is the one they were going to give last week in arizona. wednesday is the big day for that he's going to clarify and articulate in greater details his plans to combat illegal immigration and in particular what to do about the millions upon millions of people who entered the country illegally over decades. he said he wants to get the bad ones out, and the rest we'll figure out what to about them. that's caused consternation that he's talking about amnesty in the way that ronald reagan did.
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his campaign said, no. this is anything but amnesty. listen to what reince priebus said yesterday. >> you won't have a pathway to citizenship with donald trump. that's off the table. there's no method by which someone is here illegally and is going to jump the line as hillary clinton wants to do. >> reporter: as many people are hitting the beach on labor day weekend, donald trump is going to be in detroit at the great faith ministries. he's going to be asking questions and giving an address on issues that are important to the african-american community. after some criticism he's going into the inner city to talk about the issues he's talking about on the campaign trail and taking heat for the tweet he sent out in the wake of the death of the cousin of dwyane wade. this is what i'm talking about. people thought he should have issued a tweet about condolences. listen to what kellyanne conway
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told our chris wallace yesterday. >> i was pleased that the next tweet expressed the condolences to the wade family. about the death of his cousin. but that horrifying example of a woman who had just signed up her children for school, pushing a baby stroller, that is a nonpartisan issue that should sicken us all. >> reporter: and a big ad buy this week by the donald trump campaign highlighting the economy, $10 million now in nine battle ground states. an increase from 4 the previous week. >> thank you, john. >> thank you. >> well, race seems to be the number one issue on the campaign trail. or at least one of the hot button issues and people are wondering is the media treating both of them fairly. let's bring in radio talk show host and he was a presidential candidate himself, mr. herman cain. nice to see you this morning. >> thank you. glad to be with you. >> well, we appreciate you being here. is the media treating both of these candidates fairly? >> absolutely not. all you have to do is look at
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the facts that there are two perceptions of race relations in america and the media they only play to one. you have race relations through the lens of the liberal media and through the experience that people have every day. that's the big difference that the liberal media does not make a distinction of. my experience with people i'm around every day does not say we have a divisive, negative race relationship in america. i went to the grocery store yesterday and white people were taking pictures with me. what kind of divisive, negative situation is that? so i don't see race relations the way the liberal media does it through the lens of the media. it's two perceptions, they don't distinguish between the two. >> they go after his tone, his -- the way he articulates these things as opposed to the policies he's talking about which have failed the inner cities controlled by democrats for decades.
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whether it's education, or policing. how does he get through the tone to the actual substance? >> the reason they attack his tone is because they can't a attack his content. this has all the democrats and hillary upset. donald trump is taking his message about how the democrats have deceived them for decades directly to the black community. they are livid. donald trump will get criticized if he doesn't go and talk to black people. he's going to get criticized if he goes. he's going to tell them the truth, like the things you referred to. donald trump tells the truth. hillary clinton ignores the truth. all you have to do is look at the statistics you referred to and the black community has not benefited from liberal democrat policies in decades. he is simply telling them the truth and some of them are understanding it. >> well, a view called herman cain on sunday night, he's got voice mail and everything stopped in the household because
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the vmas was on. one of things that stuck out with us, beyonce did a mock dance scene where african-american dancers were getting shot and the light turned red as if cops assassinate black people at a dizzying rate. what's your response? >> beyonce and her producers are entertainers. >> very powerful. >> very powerful. this is while talking about in terms of through the lens of the liberal media. so they are utilizing the liberal media to send the wrong perception about what this is about. go back to the democratic convention. they had to muzzle the slain black men on stage, that's fine. where were the wives and the husbands of the slain officers who were targeted? they didn't present a balanced view. so all of beyonce around her producers did they fed into this liberal lens that i'm talking
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about. and it doesn't represent what people experience every day. >> well, clearly the white community has to listen to the black community because we can sit on this couch and say what our -- our own opinions but we're not living in a black community. how can race relations improve here in america? what does the excite community need to do to listen to the black community? >> first, ainsley, understand that there's a difference between a problems in the inner city where you have a lot of big concentration of blacks who are poor without jobs and without hope, versus the rest of black america. they're not one homogeneous group. that's the first mistake that a lot of a people make. what donald trump is talking about we have to address those issues because they're so far behind the rest of america and determine some targeted approaches. not more pandering, not more handouts but real economic opportunity. when we lost a lot of jobs in
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this country write is something that we all are aware of, except the democrats want to shift the subject and not talking about it, we have less jobs than we had seven years ago, you have even less in the black community. when you talk about more people on food stamps you have more people on food stamps in the black community. this is what trump is saying we have to address. you address it with economic prosperity not economic stagnation which is what hillary who is obama 3.0 wants to bring to america. >> she wants to be his third term, but on saturday, critics will be silenced because donald trump will be going to a black church in detroit. so we'll see how that goes. he's going to take questions. meanwhile t other major story which seems to be everyone's fourth and fifth story is the clinton foundation and the link
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to what the state department was doing during her reign as secretary of state. executives from ubs, rockefeller foundation and western union were big donors and asked for access to the chinese president who was in town for a luncheon. what does this tell you? >> it tells me that the clinton campaign is desperate. brian, you have heard me talk about three tactics that the democrats use and liberals and clinton is using them on steroids -- shift the subject. they don't want to talk about the e-mail and they want to shift the subject to attacking donald trump. they want to ignore the facts in the black community and for the first quarter this year we had an anemic, 1.1 gdp growth. they have called donald trump a racist he's not. they have called him a bigot. he's not. then her campaign manager recently called her -- i don't even what he called her, but it doesn't make any sense. >> we'll look forward to seeing you. the trump campaign is utilizing
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you. they'll have you out with vice president nominee mike pence this week. >> yes. >> who will also join us on "fox & friends." >> we'll be following you. >> he's doing a big rally and i'll be there. >> now it got even bigger. >> mike pence going to join us tomorrow at 8:30, i believe. >> he'll be in georgia today. >> all right, speaking of someone else who is joining us, heather. >> good morning, everybody. hope you had a great weekend. graept to see you this -- great to see you this morning. chaos at one of the nation's busiest airports overnight. panicked passengers running for their lives at los angeles international airport after reports of a gunman on the loose inside that airport. well, the terminals had to be evacuated and that forced travelers to ditch their bags. coming sweeping the airport with their guns drawn, but it all turned out to be a false alarm. there was a guy dressed in a zorro costume with a plastic sword. he was arrested but it's not known if that was related to the possible shooting. listen.
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>> because there was a man in a dark clothing out here and they -- they got scared. they explained to me crazy stuff happens in the airports. things like that. but then two or three minutes after they approached me it was over. >> well, all terminals have been reopened but delays are expected throughout the morning. another "fox & friends," a charter bus carrying dozens of flood workers crashing. two people died. an unlicensed illegal immigrant was behind the wheel. >> well, that bus slammed into the fire truck at the scene of an earlier bus accident. the 37-year-old man from honduras charged with negligent homicide. one lucky dog narrowly escaping death on a dirt track.
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wow. that dog walking straight on to the racetrack in bolivia just around the corner a speeding rally car but it miraculously hit the bump in the road. the lucky canine survived without a scratch. >> happened to be a hill right behind that dog. it looked like the car intentionally jumped over the dog. >> they were told they weren't allowed to fly the american flag on their fire engines and now a big update you're going to love. i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. by the time i was 30, i said "that's it, i'm a smoker for life." i wanted to be a non-smoker and i did it thanks to chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior,
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donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one. a john deere 1 family tractor there nevwith quik-parkt?
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all right. over the weekend it will be easy to get caught up in donald trump's tweets other things involving the immigration plan, but the other major story is what's going on and what's not go wong the clinton foundation. there were some people on manifest that visited hillary clinton, but no proof that anything happened or was coordinated between the foundation and the state department. until this weekend. >> some there are big donors to
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the clinton foundation. you have bob mccann with ubs. judith rhoden with rockefeller foundation and then western union. the three people donated millions of dollars, a lot of money to the foundation. then people were writing huma abedin who worked for the state department under hillary clinton, asking for favors. there was a big luncheon with the chinese president and all three of them were asking to sit at the table with joe biden and have special access to the president of china. >> the democrats are saying this isn't pay to play. the payment is the access, is the ability to say i sat next to joe biden, i sat next to hillary clinton. this is what i told her, this is what she promised me. we have no other idea what the other e-mails are. what batch is this? are these ones that were bleached, not bleached? we're ripping this information out. this is a tiny scrap, yet a very direct scrap that says foundation to state department,
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that's how many -- >> well, is the government up for sale? can you buy the government? >> here's the thing. if you put us in the area of which people we want to interact with, we can network with, we're going to meet them. you get me to the book party, i'm going to meet some people. you didn't do anything directly for you, but you put me in there. >> at a foundation event, by the way, one of those you might immediameet is a lebanese billionaire. he has ties to hezbollah. >> been giving money with ties to hezbollah. he's not able to get a visa to come here to the u.s. he tried to get a visa, they said no. >> i believe he was pulled off a plane. he was on a no fly list. meanwhile, straight ahead, we change gears again. >> that's right. colin kaepernick doubles down, the niners quarterback saying, he'll continue to remain seated for the national anthem this
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season and this fan has a message for him burning his jersey. you probably have seen that. >> looks like he'll play for the team this year. >> i think he worked out this morning. wow, look at his muscles. i like his t-shirt. she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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time now for your "news by the numbers." first, one. that is how many howard johnson restaurants will soon be left. it is the end of an era for the iconic roadside chain. the second to last location is shutting down this month. next, 30. that's how many hours some amazon workers are now working. the online retailer experimenting with a shorter workweek. employees have have the same benefits but less pay.
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last, $3 million. that's how much rolling stone front man mick jagger is promising to pay a ballerina carrying his eighth child. she's due in december. >> she won't turn completely around though. 25 minutes after the hour. outrage after colin kaepernick sits out the national anthem to protest what he calls american oppression of blacks. now furious fans reacting like this. >> -- died every single day defending that flag that you refuse to stand for. i won't stand that for. so here's your jersey. you should never play another game in the nfl again. >> well, that video, a former 49ers fan -- well, probably still a 49ers fan, but not a kaepernick fan burning the nfl star's jersey. one of many going viral. he joins us now. the life long niners fan, nate
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hashic. you're a niners fan, presumably a kaepernick fan before all of this. what's your response to this? what drove you to do that? >> i was just very disappointed. i mean, you know, it's the national stage. unfortunately there's tons and tons of children who look up to him, watching these videos. and, you know, i just felt compelled to, you know, battle that other side. you know, without the future generation, you know, of soldiers coming up. who's going to protect our country? so it was -- i felt moved into it. >> so the other thing to keep in mind, he said i want to clarify. i'm not anti-military. i'm disappointed in the country. in the '60s, kareem abdul-jabbar and wilt chamberlain and others would stand up to the unequal society in which america was in.
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do you equate the two? >> i'm sorry? >> do you equate what jim brown, kareem abdul-jabbar, muhammad ali did in the '60s to what colin kaepernick is doing now? >> no. i don't believe so. i mean, i wasn't alive then so i don't know the history behind it, nor was i there for it. but, you know -- >> but i know -- part of the reason you're passionate about this, is your family. a lot of people are frustrated about this because that flags represents service in the military. do you have a personal tie to -- you clearly do. what's your personal tie to this flag? >> yeah, i have a ton of family members from my cousins to, you know, my grandfather served in world war ii. i had an uncle at vietnam. i had another uncle who retired after 20 some years in the military. so you know i'd hate to believe that they did that for the
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reason for people to disrespect the flag and the national anthem. everybody is entitled to their opinion, but at the same time, you know you can still respect the nation that gives you the allotted freedoms to be the professional athlete. >> here is colin kaepernick not backing down. listen. >> i'll continue to sit. i'm going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. to me this is something that has to change and when there's significant change and i feel that flag represents what it's supposed to represent and this country is representing people the way that it's supposed to, i'll stand. >> final thought, nate? >> my guess is he's going to be sitting a while. and not for the reasons that he just stated. i just -- you know, i think his career is coming to an end and this was a last ditch effort to stay in the news. that's my opinion. >> people will blame it on the
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statements, but he's led the 49ers to the super bowl and he's been terrible since. nate, thank you. >> thank you. it happened again, pilots busted for being drunk behind the controls. how the airport realized they were unfit to fly just minutes before takeoff. the u.s. open kicks off today. up next the youngest champ in history, tracy austin joins us not only to play tennis, but offer her predictions for the big tournament in new york city. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler
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♪ ♪ somewhere in america, colin kaepernick is sitting. it's so unpatriotic. we couldn't be more pleased to see the marine corps reserve -- >> 100th anniversary of the marine corps. i think it's getting larger.
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>> i think another bus pulled up. >> started in the beginning of the show, with just like 20 and now we have 40. >> that's what you're supposed to do. grow the show. >> you think of they serve one weekend a month, but 85,000 reserve marines have been activated in the war on terror. >> a lot of special roles overseas. >> like the national guard like you and the marines -- >> indeed. >> coming up on the 15 year mark since 9/11. >> let's go over to heather who has some headlines for us. >> i certainly do. good morning. good morning, everybody, i hope you had great weekend. listen to this -- did i just say y'all? i did. wow, ainsley, you're having an effect on me. good morning. a couple of news headlines to bring you right now. 141 passengers' lives put in danger by two pilots allegedly trying to fly drunk. two united airlines pilots arrested in scotland at the glasgow airport.
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this happened over the weekend after someone told officials that they were acting strangely. well, crews took them off the plane. they'll be in court later on today. faa records show between 2010 and 2016, 64 pilots were cited for failing drug and alcohol tests in the united states alone. debate or bust? the libertarian presidential candidate gary johnson saying that if he doesn't make it to the debate stage, he -- for his run, he is done. and here's what he had to say on "fox news sunday." >> winning the election, yes. i would say game over. winning the election. but the presidential debate commission has identified five polls we're at 10% flat. >> well, johnson needs to be at 15%. that's the threshold on those polls in order to join hillary clinton and donald trump on the stage next month for the first debate. he says he's still optimistic. he's got five points to go.
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a victory for old glory. well, a fire department ordered to remove the flags from their fire trucks can fly them once again. arlington fire department were forced to take them down when the fire department called it a distraction. that sparked outrage nationwide and among you the viewers. the department can hang smaller flags on the back of their trucks that are used most often. and a couple of mad liberals are trolling trump. t michael moore was caught sneaking on the tarmac and he snapped a few pictures to prove it. quote billmaher runs on and grabs trump's tax returns and then posted this, mission accomplished. maybe they can get hillary
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clinton to give a press conference if they're going after donald trump like that. let's go outside to some tennis. >> yeah. we have a special star. the u.s. open tennis championships begin today and the fox business channel has partnered with the tennis channel during this tournament. >> in 1979, at the age of only 16 years old our next guest became the youngest u.s. open champ in history. a title that remains today. >> two-time u.s. open champ and tennis hall of famer tracy austin joins us on the plaza. thanks for being here. >> great to be here. >> do you know when i was in second grade i had to do my first book report and i did it on you. i got a book about your line. you were only 16, so you weren't that much older than me. >> that's exciting. did you get a good grade? >> i'm sure. >> all right. all right. of course. >> if you're at 16, a sophomore in high school winning the u.s. open, what was it like? >> luckily i didn't recognize
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what a big deal it was going to be. i was so focused on trying to compete. i was facing chris evert in the finals. when i beat martina navratilova in the finals. i knew it was a big deal. >> we had chris evert on yesterday, she didn't show up because of that. >> are you all friends? ? >> we are. we have so much in common, we both have three boys. lifestyle, very similar. >> and the tennis thing is in common too. let's talk about your tournament predictions. is it going to be the same guys and the same women in the finals? >> i think so. i won't go out on a limb. i think it will be novak jacko vich and maybe andy murray can come for. for serena williams she had a shoulder injury and lost early
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in the olympics. but there are four women who have an opportunity to win number one. >> you weren't playing, they got a brand-new stadium now. plus they have a roof on it. >> roof. >> probably it won't rain at all. >> what is it like about playing in new york that's different? >> i think it's the crowds. particularly the night matches. the crowds are very knowledgeable, they're very loud. and at wimbledon, they sit with their hands -- golf clap. >> we're going to compete, aren't we? can you show us the basics so we have an hour to get it down first. >> not enough time, brian. >> who's coming in? brian? brian, come on. >> both going in. >> how much time do we have? >> okay. so we're going to try to serve. >> first show us the fundamentals. >> so you'll toss it up, nice, loose arms. the biggest mistake everybody wants to make is they want to
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hit it hard, and they tighten up the muscles. >> brian likes to tighten up his muscles. >> want to try it? you want me to go? okay. nice and loose. >> brian, go. good job. >> all right. that's it. ainsley, you want to try it? >> that was pro. >> how do you do this? >> that's it. perfect.l. perfect. >> here we go. >> that's better. all right. i love it. >> next hour we'll be doing t s this, we'll be doing a competition as well. see who can crank it up the most. >> we're going to work on its. >> i need a lot of help. >> come on. >> brand-new evidence shows a deeper link between the clinton foundation and the state department and the next guest says there's more than enough proof to prosecute that problem. and this -- >> florida congressman ron desantis he weighs in next. and she's tearing up the ring in boxing and she's only
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8-year-old. >> this is a lightweight fighter. she is a heavyweight. we're hunting for childhood prodigies and we're starting it off with brie. >> way to go, brie! if you've gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies... try clarispray. from the makers of claritin. clarispray provides 24-hour, prescription strength relief from sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion. return to the world. try clarispray today. bp is pioneering drone technology to monitor refinery operations, so our engineers can spot potential problems from any angle. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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or keeping a hotel's guests cuttinconnected.i to 35,000 never bfans...tisfied. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. i just met tracy austin and i have a u.s. open tennis ball. i'm going to read some headlines, i guess. >> good job. >> it's not illegal to fly drones. the new faa drone rules allows certified commercial pilots to fly them weighing up to 55 pounds during the daytime. plus this, do you snore?
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[ snoring ] i'm not sure how they got a video of brian sleeping, but new research says it may be because of traffic. the study shows people who live close to busy roads are more likely to be snorers and engine fumes could be to blame. interesting. all right. thanks. it's the strongest evidence of pay to play yet. newly released e-mail show the direct evidence between the clinton foundation and hillary clinton's state department. >> now calls are growing louder and louder for a special investigation. >> the favors done, and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately. >> so could congress get involved when lawmakers return in september? >> all right, joining us right now to discuss is florida
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republican ron desantis. how big of a deal is this? people are saying these republicans are out for blood with hillary clinton no matter what she does. but how significant is it that abc and the a.p. are leading a lot of this investigation? >> well, i think the evidence is very significant, brian. if you look, of the nonstate actors that she met with while at the state department, the majority of those people were major donors to the clinton foundation. then you look at some of the actions that the state department took while she was secretary of state that further the interests of those donors. so at a minimum, you have enough evidence to launch a criminal investigation and yes, under these circumstances you absolutely need to have that done by a special counsel. there's no way around that. i would also add when you see how she didn't turn over all of her work related e-mails which she lied about, and then the e-mails she didn't turn over the
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attorneys used bleach bit, that was a conscienceneousness of gu. you don't use that if you're trying to erase yoga e-mails. >> good point. let's look at the most information that was just released. you have bob mccann with ubs and judith rhodes and heckman earth with western union. they were writing to huma abedin saying he wants to sit next to influential people. and then this man applied for the u.s. embassy for a visa and he was denied that and yet he's giving money to the clinton foundation. >> and people who were clinton foundation donors are applying for loans through the state department and those loans were
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approved very expeditiously. normally it would take six months to a year. i think that shows that the clinton foundation was really acting as the gatekeeper for the state department. you try to meet with secretary clinton may not have luck. but the way to do it was to go through the foundation. and that -- not only is that not right, but that violates the agreement she signed with president obama saying she was going to keep the foundation at arm's length while she was secretary of state. >> sure. well, we see from the e-mails it wasn't at arm's length. you have raised money for campaigns and you have donors who want to meet with you. what does it mean to give money to the foundation that's tied to a secretary of state, what are the implications on policy or is this just the way washington works? >> well, as you know, she was not an elected official as secretary of state. that's a cabinet position so she knows not -- she's not raising money for campaigns.
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that's fully disclosed when a congressman raises money and there's not a congressman that 80 or 90 of the meetings are with donors. it's usually constituents who come to visit. people who have problems with veterans benefits, social security. i think there's a big difference there and i think another difference was this was money effectively going to the clinton family. because the way that foundation is run it serves as the slush fund for bill and hillary and chelsea and so it's not that the money was even going for the campaign. it was really going to them personally in some respects. >> just unbelievable. if you want to know what the clinton white house, if the '90s weren't enough of an indicator -- i'm sorry, i got a fly harassing me. i thought ainsley would knock that away earlier. now we see what it was like at the state department. >> no question. the idea that after seeing years and years of this type of controversy always surrounding the clintons that if she's elected president we'll somehow have four scandal free years is
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is a pipe dream. i think there's more that's coming out with the e-mails and more before the election. >> yeah. wikileaks says so. >> thank you. >> they're looking for a special prosecutor. ken starr is available. >> he would be first on the list. she's tearing up the boxing ring, she's only 8 years old. we kick it off with brie mathis. look at her. but first on this day in 1986 steve winwood was tearing up the charts with "higher love." sfx: rocket blasting off (dong) (ding) (ding) (ding) (ding) (ding) (ding) sfx: (countdown) 3, 2, 1
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(ding) (ding) (ding) rocket
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at just 8 years old, brie mathis can beat you to the punch, literally. >> while the boxing prodigy is taking the country by storm look at that video.
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and here she is showing off her moves. did you see the video? >> yeah. we're featuring great prodigies like you, brie. here she is with her trainer derrick felder. thank you for joining us. >> you're welcome. >> you're so cute. >> derrick, when did you discover something special about this guy? >> well, we had a boxing camp over the summer, in this past winter. when her brother brought her in, i wasn't going to take her. she was a year younger than the age requirement. i said, you have to meet her and see how she interacts with the boys, you'll love her. bring her on down. she came in and she excelled. like she's an amazing athlete, a quick learner. she surpassed all the boys. she was the only girl in the camp at this time. >> are you loving boxing? why did you choose boxing? some might choose softball.
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why do you like it? >> i like it. >> there's a good reason to do it. >> a good feeling. >> and you're good at it. >> is it possible to get in the ring? can you step in there, brie? you have your mitts there. hands up. step inside. >> brie, are you scared of the boys? >> no. >> you're tough. do you beat the boys? yeah. step on in. >> come on over. >> derrick -- >> all right, hands up, let's go. jab. good. >> wow. >> jab. good. right hand. one, two, three. one, two, three, four. after that, come back where the right hand. right hand. good. >> very good. >> good, jab. that's it. again. right hand, faster. >> wow. good, again. good. hands up. hands up.
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jab. jab. >> that is amazing. >> good. good. always keep those hands up. >> brie, high five. is it okay -- >> when you punch do you punch with the knuckles? is that the key? what do you do? >> punch with my -- >> with what? >> my knuckles. >> oh, with your knuckles. >> what's your next step? >> her next step is to keep her aggressive. we'll run another camp. she'll be obviously in it. we'll get them signed up to start competing. she'll be completing locally first and then regionally and then hopefully nationally. >> looking forward to fighting somebody else? >> guess what her goal is, brian. the olympics. right? we'll be watching you one day. good job. >> thank you very much. >> proud of you, brie. >> check it out. >> guess who's going to be here in a moment? america's mayor, another fighter, rudy giuliani at the top of the hour. then what? >> you know i love barbra streisand, but she says she'll
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leave america if donald trump wins. what if canada doesn't want her? she has another country in mind.
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which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most. good monday morning to you and your family. august 19 will 29th, 2016. i'm ainsley earhardt. a loud pop sends people running for their lives as the police take a man dressed as zorro. we're live at the airport with breaking details. >> sometimes you just want to dress like zorro. donald trump facing yet another media firestorm who claimed he's backing down on his plan to deport illegal immigrants. this morning, the trump campaign announces its plans to fight back. we are live on the trail with the latest on that. beyonce gets political at the vmas as her dancers get shot during one of her performances so to speak.
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was this really the right message to send? i'm going to ask the mayor who loves t loves the vmas and he can't get enough of being a music critic. no matter what's bad or what's good, you can count on one thing. your mornings are better with "friends." ♪ >> we are making tracy austin earn her spot. >> i know. >> she's hit 5,000 serves this morning. >> two-time u.s. open champion. here to salute the kickoff of the u.s. open. unbelievable. >> but you know the big news is opening up, we have a great partnership between the fox business network and the golf channel and they'll get us
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excited. >> they played each other all those years ago, we had chris evert on over the weekend. and tracy is here. now let's hand it over to heather who has the headlines. >> i do. good morning, everybody. i hope you're off to a great day already. chaos at one of the nationest -- nation's busiest airports at los angeles international airport, reports of a gun man on the loose. passengers were forced to leave their bags, and cops sweeping the airport with guns drawn. trying to find the suspect, but it turned out to be false alarm. there was a guy who was dressed in a zorro costume with a plastic sword. he was arrested but it's not known if these events are connected or not. all terminals have since reopen and everyone forced to go through security once again. delays are expected at l.a.x. all morning long.
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so call your carrier before you head out. an intense manhunt is under way at this hour for three escaped prisoners. look at these men. one of them is a convicted murderer. they haven't been seen since saturday and they climbed over two razor wire fences. this outside of northwest louisiana prison. police say that the trio did not have guns when they got out, but they should be considered arm and dangerous. bye-bye barbara. legendary singer and actress barbra streisand telling an australian reporter she's moving down under if donald trump wins in november. listen. >> i need to come into your country if you'll let me in or canada. >> there you go. well, you can add her to this growing list of celebs who are out of here if donald trump makes it to the white house. including cher and whoopi goldberg. that's always the case, these celebrities say they'll move if some republican is elected and they never do. >> right. >> those are your headlines. >> been a while since a republican has been elected
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though. >> put their money where their mouth is. >> thanks, heather. meanwhile, rudy giuliani is live in a matter of moments and donald trump is ready to set the record straight on immigration. specifically deportation. >> that's right. what can we expect? >> fox news's john roberts is live outside of trump tower. thank you for joining us. >> reporter: hey, good morning. we don't know the city, potentially it could be along the border that donald trump will clarify and go to the greater length and detail what his plans are for the millions of millions of people who are currently in this country who entered illegally. he's been talking about deporting the bad ones but the rest can maybe stay. oh, my goodness he's talking about amnesty. donald trump specifically saying this is not amnesty. nobody who stays gets to have a path to citizenship unless they
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leave the country and come back. in what about this idea of a deportation force that he talked about back in november that would round up all the people who were here illegally and ship them out obvious tf the country? watch this exchange between chris wallace and kellyanne conway. >> he said on the campaign and he said it on the debate stage, i'm going to set up a deportation force and all 11 million people who came in illegally have to go. do they or do they? >> well, the softening is more of an approach than it is policy. >> reporter: the softening is more approach than policy. he hit hard on the economic front with a brand-new ad of $10 million hammering hillary clinton for her economic policies. this is up in nine states including ohio, pennsylvania, north carolina, florida,new hampshire, virginia, colorado and nevada. this is his biggest ad buy to date. one other thing that donald trump is doing on saturday he's going to be appearing at a black
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church in detroit to talk about his plans for fixing the inner cities. this comes immediately after donna brazile who took over the dnc from debbie wasserman schultz criticized him for outreach to african americans but never appearing in a black church. a big week for donald trump even though it's the last week of summer. >> nobody cares that labor day hasn't happened yet. you're going to be working straight through. thank you. we have rudy giuliani here on the curvy couch with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> so let's talk first about the immigration. he's going to have the big speech rolled out this week. what can we expect? >> what we can expect clear things for sure, he's going to build a wall. it will be a technological as well as a physical wall. >> we hear 35 feet fall with technology. >> with technology that can detect people five to six miles away. with technology that can talk
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about digging under the water. plenty of technology can present that. a wall not unlike the wall that was built in israel which prime minister netanyahu has told me is the most effective thing in securing their border they have done in about ten years. >> if wall is not a defeat. it's the immigration policy that some say he's softening on. is he not going to deport, a pathway to legalization? people are wondering at this point? >> that's the part he has to redesign and decide. it will be pretty much the same thing as he always said. first of all, he's going to increase significantly the number of border patrol. increase the number of immigration agents. for a specific purpose. stop them at the border and arrest those who are here illegally. since there are 11 million, 12 million, 13, 14, 15 million, we don't know, i don't know how many illegal are here, he's going to start in the right way. he'll go after the most dangerous criminals first. then the less dangerous criminals second.
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and by the time we get there, then we'll see what our population is of noncriminal illegal immigrants. i think that's the point at which he has to decide are there some that have to be sent back because they're on welfare, they're not producing, because they're not -- are they questionable? are they some that would have some kind of status? well short of the legalization and path to citizenship, i don't know the answer to that. that's the debate. i don't know if you can decide that until you get down to that number. the big objection that the republicans had about this, we want to do this in two stages. stage number one, get control of the border, number two, get rid of the criminals and then number three we have a country much calmer, a lot safer and in which we can make more rational decisions about what to do about how many remains. it's your guess or mine. >> i thought it was admirable
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for him to say i'm going to take on -- i want to try to get the african-american community to realize that i want their vote. no one has asked for it. bush, mccain, romney have not done an effective job of going after it. he started that two weeks ago and people listening, other people -- there's been blow back. the here's donna brazile saying i'm not buying this new outreach and hillary is really a friend to this community. >> as i watch this debate, about bigotry and racism, i find it misplaced. first of all, donald trump has not held an event in the black community. he's not gone to the black church as hillary clinton has done. he has not gone tone the historical -- to the historical black colleges or met with the children of the parents slain and killed as hillary clinton has done. >> is that true? >> first of all, he's going to a black church. it will be more than one. that'll be the first. it takes time to build up those relationships.
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after all, the republican party hasn't had them for 20, 30, 40 years so it's not your natural constituency. you don't see hillary clinton going to alabama or mississippi. in fact, she wouldn't meet with the mothers of the slain police officers. >> yes. >> or the mothers whose children were slain by illegal immigrants who are -- people who had committed crimes in the united states. she hasn't even talked about them or dealt with them. she's kept away from them. in fact, she has been hiding all summer. i think it's a little hypocri hypocritical that the republicans aren't making outreach to the african-american communities. whether they like it or not, he is. of course it will begin first by laying the groundwork which he did in the speeches. he did some of the speeches in the deep south where people would say you shouldn't be saying that in the deep south 20
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or 30 years ago, but thank goodness you can do that now and educating white audiences on the idea there's an outreach to the black community. white community. we're all one. in and of itself, it's a big contribution that no other republican has made before. they should say, we oppose donald trump on other things but we applaud thing for something that republicans don't do for 20 or 30 years. but they're a bunch of hypocrites. >> i want to talk about the war on cops. last night the vma awards beyonce she walks the red carpet with the mothers of black men that were killed by police, and then this performance that you see here. her dancers were circling around her and they fell to the ground, red lights underneath them. that was supposed to symbolize cops killing black individuals. >> you know. you're asking the wrong person because i had five uncles who were police officers. two cousins who were, one who died in the line of duty. i ran the largest and best
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police department in the world, the new york city police department. i saved more black lives than any of those people you saw on stage by reducing crime and particularly homicide by 75%. >> so does that offend you -- >> of which maybe 4,000 or 5,000 were african-american young people who are alive today because of the policies i put in effect that weren't in effect for 35 years. if you're going to do that, then you should symbolize why the police are in the neighborhoods and what are you going to go about it? to me it's a much better education and a much better job and what the heck have you done in baltimore. i was sick when i saw them sitting in baltimore after the police situation and saying, nobody has done anything for this community in 50 years. well, that is a heck of a thing, because they have been in charge for 50 years. they have failed the community. i didn't fail harlem.
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i turned harlem around. i didn't fail bedford stuyvesant, i turned it around. flash back to 25 years before i was mayor, and one was a place where crime was rampant and no national stores and now there's a thriving community in harlem. >> and beyonce is an extremely popular and powerful performer. >> it's a shame. >> stick around, because we booked you for two. an even deeper link between the clinton foundation and the state department. along with a big announcement on trump ads. and the wedding surprise of a lifetime. ♪ that is tim mcgraw crashing a stranger's wedding. (announcer vo) who says your desk phone
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different story and this weekend really blew this story up. rudy giuliani is still with us. mr. mayor, you spent a lot of time in lit gating things like this. the clinton foundation and what they did, the links with the state department what's there? >> let me give you an example of the quid pro quo. western union has a big thing with the irs over the name of the swiss bank accounts, it's been going on for a couple of years and ubs makes the 60 thousand that adollars contribu she flies to geneva and she intervenes which the ubs people said is unusual. ubs has to only give up 4,000 name, then they get a $1.2 million speaking fee for bill clinton and as a prosecutor i have a bribery case. i can give you another very good one, even more dangerous. uranium to russia.
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the people who benefited from that weren't just the russians. they were three of bill clinton's friends who had invested an enormous amount of money in the clinton foundation, clinton speaking fees. they made millions if not hundreds of millions on the deal. because they were behind that deal in the sale to russia and then russia got 20% of our uranium. that is both a bribe and to me a gross violation of our national security. that's a straightout pride. i can put ten of these together and back in the old days like i did to wall street and to white collar criminals and the mafia and the colombian drug cartels i could do a great rico case here. the rico enterprise, the clinton foundation, it is a crooked enterprise from top to bottom. and go to the record in haiti. when they say we do good work,
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do you know who they hire? their own people. >> and real quick, you came here with a message, something's changing. you're actually going to do ads. the trump camp is doing ads to the tune of $10 million? >> yes. right in the -- what we call the battleground states. remember she spent $200 million and donald trump has so far spent zero in ads, we are ahead in some national polls. we're tied and behind in some. in the battleground states we're ahead, tied or within striking distance. spending no money. until now. >> is that a mistake? >> no, you want to strike when the iron is hot and this is the time to do it. i mean, the reality is people haven't made up their minds solidly yesterday. i think in a way, you hold back, you hold back, you hold back. and it's like a horse coming from behind and i like donald trump coming from behind. like being in the position we're in. i think these ads are going to make the difference. really more than anything else
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it's just appearances. >> $10 million -- >> the excitement that it creates. she can't draw a crowd like he does. >> going to be rolling out in the battleground states. when we come back we'll talk about colin kaepernick with burgess owens. an nfl great. card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? wheyou wantve somto protect it.e, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. therthat can be serious,ere. even fatal to infants.
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quick headlines now. we start with the fox news alert. you have a charter bus carrying dozens of workers in louisiana crashing into a fire truck. killed two people. one of them a fire chief. an unlicensed illegal individual was driving that. he's charged with negligent homicide. and the maker of epipen is now offering a generic version of the life-saving allergy drug that will cost 300 bucks for a
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two-pack. what's half of what the brand name goes for. it's hitting shelves in the next two weeks. well, this morning, 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick refusing to back down after sparking a firestorm of controversy refusing to stand for the national anthem. >> i'll continue to sit. i'm going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. to me, this something that has to change and when there's significant change and i feel like that flag represents what it's supposed to represent in this country and -- and this country is representing people the way it's supposed to i'd stand. >> here to weigh in on this is former super bowl champion burgess owens. >> good morning. looking forward to talking with you. >> seem with me. what's your response to colin kaepernick, what he did? >> well, i think that america needs -- this is a wake-up call. this is more than the nfl. we're at a point in our country, the freest in mankind and we
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fail to teach our kids, young people, anything about the history. they're ignorant about the country and totally unappreciative of the freedoms that have been gained by the people who paid the price for them. what the young man doesn't understand the first martyr of freedom in our country is a black man. he doesn't understand the tuskegee airmen and he can sit and be ignorant. we're at a reality crisis. it's about marxism, ati atheism the american values and looking at each other from inside to out. we need to get back to teaching our young people about what our country is all about and appreciating the freedoms that we have because of that. >> when you used to stand for the national anthem and you played back in the '70s, what did it mean to you?
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>> i remember distinctly standing and doing something i really enjoyed and loved doing and knowing that this country allowed me to do this. let me say this also it's very important. if this young man wants to be part of the answer, turn off b.e.t. black entertainment television is not a black owned company. it's owned by liberal democrats who for the last 15 years, anti-white and anti-police and anti-american, anti-family liberal filth. if you want to understand what the common denominator are his statements and beyonce go to the white liberal bullies and cowards who use our race as breeders for democratic votes. if we understand that they have had an opportunity for 15 years to give a positive message and they decided not to, here we are today black misery abounds in the country that's as free as the history of mankind. >> what he has done is divisive.
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he has people part of the military, young kids that look up to him. what's the message to the young kids listening this morning? >> my message, this is a teaching moment. consequences for those who turn it into the racist -- liberal racist and american men, sit down our kids and explain that our values and principles come first. more important they understand that and personally i would not do anything that this young man does in supporting him in anything i do. i will boycott everything he does because in my mind it's time for america to stand up for our free enterprise system and then let the folks know if you're going to step in the political arena, educate yourself. learn about our country. learn about how the freedom of $100 million contract that the athletes paid the price for this young man to be here today. >> great perspective, thank you, burgess owens. >> thank you, ainsley.
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think free speech applies to everyone in america? think again. a student was banned from praying in public. coming up next. and as we learn more about hillary clinton's scandals, major women's magazines are focused on how she uses emojis. is that what women need to know before they go to the polls before they vote? my goodness. ♪
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performing "my little girl." >> and the singer continued to perform more of his hits for the guests throughout the night. how unbelievable is that? >> so cool. >> invite him over. i want to get the back story. got to be -- >> was there a relationship, are they friends with the dad? >> did he fly from nashville to philly, was he already there? >> and what about the hat? >> did he do it for free or did the dad shell out millions? >> do you know who has all the answers to that? heather nauert. >> tell us. >> i don't have all the answers, because i was wondering the same thing you are. >> brian is saving his pennies because he has two girls. >> pete has none. you have one. >> i want my daughter to marry one of the boys so you can pay for the wedding. >> all right. >> we'll keep you abreast. >> good morning. now that you have all that done about our love lives and all that kind of stuff i'll bring
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you some headlines. 141 passengers' lives put in danger by two pilots allegedly trying to fly drunk. two united airlines pilots arrested in scotland at the glasgow airport over the weekend after someone said they were acting strangely. the plane was bound for connecticut. faa records by the way show between 2010 and 2015, 64 pilots were cited for failing drug or alcohol tests in the united states alone. tense moments on the train tracks leading to the incredible rescue. a new jersey transits officer hailed a hero after saving a man from the speeding train with seconds to spare. he responded to the call about an agitated person. when he got there, the man actually jumped on to the tracks. >> he says, i just want to die, i just want to die. i said, no, i'm not going to let you die. i looked to my right, i saw the
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train coming. you know what, i'm going to try one more time. i pulled him again. that's when he came with. >> oh, goodness, what a hero. he pulled that man to safety just moments before that commuter train passed through. that man now getting medical help. we're praying for him. that's a tough one. well, college sparking outrage after forcing a man who was praying on campus to leave that campus. this happened at clemson university. saying that the man was not in a get this designated free speech zone. listen to this. >> i was told this was not a free speech area. can you clarify what that means? >> this is not a designated free speech area. you're more than welcome to look at the facilities -- >> you mean there are free speech areas on campus and that the entire campus is not a free speech area? >> that is correct. >> okay. that happened in a clemson university in south carolina. they say that forms of prayer they consider to be a form of
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solicitation and people -- what? not affiliated with the school are required to register before they come on campus? what's going on down there? what's going on down there? let's ask your husband about it. one lucky dog narrowly escaping death on a dirt track. watch this. the dog walking straight on to the racetrack. this happened in bolivia. a speeding rally car miraculously hit a bump in the road and jumped over the dog and he didn't have a scratch. >> i think that was a set-up. >> you think so? >> like that prayer story. i can be praying for you right now. i don't have to be vocal about it. >> if you look -- you could get in trouble. >> this is not a free speech zone. >> i hope it's a free speech
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zone or we'll have trouble with the rest of the show. popular women's magazines are taking a stab at politics and their new leading lady -- hillary clinton. >> well, "vanity fair" five shockingly relatable hillary clinton e-mails emerge in the latest. how hillary clinton first discovered emojis. >> hard hitting. cosmo, you can turn to cosmo if you want to learn about how hillary clinton is nopg lower -- no longer a pumpkin spice latte kind of girl. >> and "elle" magazine says this. hillary clinton pins brunch foods, snapshots from the trail. cyndi lauper themed needlepoint. >> what? cosmo writes 16 heart letters to hillary clinton from girls who want to see a woman in the white house. >> a lot of hard hitting stuff. joining us from l.a. to weigh in, comedian heather mcdonald. heather, come on, this is just hard hitting journalism, isn't it? >> i mean, it's really very insipid. it's unfair to the readers. like i want know -- i buy the magazines because i want to hear
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some juicy stuff. if you're going to write articles about hillary and you want them to be positive, give me some juicy scoop. let's take about how she stayed married to a guy who cheated on her. nobody can get her done, she's a teflon woman. if you find a positive angle make it history. who cares about the pumpkin latte. is she selena gomez? like who cares? >> here's the weird thing, heather, there's a lot of famous people that sell magazines like donald trump brings ratings to shows. hillary clinton doesn't sell magazines. she doesn't ratings. she was on jimmy kimmel. she tanked the ratings. what are they doing to get this woman? >> every woman is going to want to know about our first female presidential candidate, and instead of really getting into some interesting topics they are
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underestimating the reader to think that we will think it's cute that she doesn't know what an emoji is. i think that's kind of scary like, really, you don't know the name of the emoji? come on, grand what, i know you're the grandma, you could be running our country possibly. find out what the words really mean if you're into pinterest. isn't this cute? no, it's not cute. like lame. >> i love low the philadelphia enquirer, they were saying how great that hillary clinton looked in the all-white pant suit. i loved that suit, but then they talked about melania trump's fashion. come on, she looks amazing. that dress sold out immediately. >> right. and the dress looks beautiful and on anyone, you know, it's a great dress. a great fitting dress. of course she's stunning. white is a great color to wear for anybody. providing that donald's spray
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tan didn't get on melania's sleeve, which it didn't, she was flawless. no one got a mark on her that's biased and ridiculous. that someone would say that. >> some do the who wore it better? kim jong un or hillary clinton, who wore it better? >> you have ivanka an international model and you have melania, who is a supermodel. if you want to do shameless sales for your magazine you would think you might have to lean right during this election specifically. but that doesn't seem like it's happening. >> no, it's not happening at all. and, you know, they are two -- they are two interesting women that you could find interesting facts about and of course explore their beauty and fashion tips. but that's the deal. i have been reading these magazines since 9. they would do some political articles and they would article
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lean towards the democrats because quite frankly there's more female democrats in office than republicans. but this one it's just so hard, just trying to find, you know, ridiculous things that can be seen as cute or positive. instead of really delving into the subject. >> i want to hear about policy, i want to hear about what they're running on. i want to hear about their families. i don't care if they like spice lattes or emojis. >> that's where we're doing. what is a pumpkin latte spice person and why isn't she like that anymore? >> i guess she said she didn't like it anymore. they took it from like a q&a and because she found out there were a lot of calories on it. then she said -- so now she's going to go for a skinny pumpkin spice. come on! like, you know, oh, she's switching to soy, guess who's lactose intolerant before she
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entered the white house? your girl hill. come on. >> thank you, heather. >> well done. >> you read the women's magazines so we don't have to. we appreciate it. >> exactly. i love them. >> all right. that makes one of us. all right, thank you. hey, let me tell you what's coming up next. a fox news alert. that's what it is. chaos in the nation's busiest airport overnight. a loud pop sends people running for their lives as police take down a man dressed as zorro. i'm not making up that. we have the details. and the youngest american champ ever. she's on the plaza and here to help us face off. who has the better serve? >> not me.
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we have some quick headlines for you. a teenage fugitive did not like the mug shot that police were posting on facebook, so she asked them to use a different one. the girl said, can you use this photo, please. thank you, yours truly, amy sharp. she was caught a short time later. and the u.s. has some pint sized champions there they are. >> there it is! they did it. they did it. >> yes. the new york team winning the little league world series against south korea. they celebrated their 2-1 victory in front of 22,000 people in williamsport, pennsylvania. it's first time a u.s. team has won in five years. >> there you have it. all right. a fox news alert. we have been following all morning, massive delays after chaos breaks out at one of the busiest airports in america.
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>> it just happened at jfk. panicked passengers running on the loose in l.a.x. and it was a false alarm. we have the latest developments. the whole world turns on its head at l.a.x. last night, right? >> reporter: right. panic spreading so quickly through the airport, understandably so. you get reports of an active shooter inside so you assume the worst. we want to show you what the scene looked like. for most not knowing where to go. it was around 8:45 last night. authorities say multiple 911 calls reporting gunfire came in from three different terminals. 4, 7, 8. passengers in terminal 4 even self-evacuating on the car mack and l.a. police officers made their way on with guns. it wasn't until 9:30 and the lapd said it was just loud noises, and adding to the confusion was this video that's now gone viral. it shows a man dressed in a
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zorro costume waving around a plastic sword. we have learned he's a hollywood boulevard street performer. he was detained as the chaos was spreading and he spoke to cameras right after. >> somebody called and said there was a man in a dark clothing out here and they -- they got scared. they explained to me crazy stuff happens in the airports and stuff like that two or three minutes after they approached me it was over. >> reporter: 27 flights diverted two cancelled, a 30-minute ground stop here at l.a.x. while all of that happening. i asked the police where the loud noises came from, the people thought were gun fire. that is still under investigation this morning. reporting live here at the los angeles international airport, we'll send it back to you on the east coast. >> clearly l.a.x. and jfk have the same issue -- an overreaction to something that didn't happen and no
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coordination. >> then you add zorro on top. >> right. zorro would think would help. it would be good to see a superhero in the middle but it wasn't. >> not always. here's what's straight ahead. the youngest u.s. open champ is here. tracy austin is here to help me out. >> who has the best serve? we'll find out, but first, let's check in with martha to see what's coming up at the top of the hour. as the football season gets under way, a quarterback sits out the national anthem. the latest development on that. and donald trump has a big moment this week. so he'll talk to the nation and redefine his stance on immigration. what to expect. huckabee is here, sununu is here and dante stallworth will talk about kaepernick after we see you in moments. what if one sit-up
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[ clock titime. ] you only have so much. that's why we want to make sure you won't have to wait on hold. and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all we should fit into your life. not the other way around.
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we are back now live on the fox news and fox business network two-time u.s. open champion tracy austin. tray tracy is about to give us some tips before we go with the crew. sean hannity is back there. >> and maria bartiromo is playing herself. >> we're doing a simulcast right now. so we have a special guest, sean hannity was down the hallway. >> the number one recruit in the country. >> you know his daughter is 25th in the country. >> wow! >> you have two children that play. >> yeah. my son is going to play -- >> say hello people. >> hello, people. >> you have the sunglasses on. >> you have been working -- >> you can't throw it up high enough for me. i like to get into it.
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>> show us how it's done. >> hannity budget. >> all right. hannity budget, what does that mean? >> you have the big budget. >> they won't let me do this show outside in the summertime and have barbecues. >> why is he here so early in the morning? >> i'm actually involved in a movie and i'm doing my role today. >> what movie is it? >> it's called "let there be light" with kevin sorbo. >> we heard about it over the weekend. >> when you said you're involved in the movie what does that mean? >> i'm financing the movie. and i'm in it. i'm in it. >> you're the star. >> i don't me about the star. i have a very minor role. >> i think you should take on tracy austin. >> by the way, we have to have fox business network take on "fox & friends." and pete hegseth, the college hoop player and sean hannity
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will represent fox news. >> i need to practice. okay. >> let's get in the cage. >> okay, brian who goes first? sean goes first. >> tracy, give us some basics real quick. >> sean has it done. >> sean is first. >> no, maria's going first. >> here we go. >> just a couple. toss it up nice and thinly and hit the heck out of it like you're mad at somebody. yes. yes. all right. >> one more. >> maria wants to do another one. very focused. excellent. rocket speed, i like it. sean? >> all right. i like to throw it higher. >> okay. >> because i can torque -- like this. >> higher netting at the top. >> okay.
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>> one more, one more. >> good one. >> that was not a good one. >> one more. there we go. 21 miles an hour. >> all right. >> here we go. all right. >> come on out. >> toss it up nice and gently and -- >> you got it. >> it's tough in heels. all right. good job. how much, brian? >> that was 31 miles an hour. here we go with the second. 38. >> want to go -- >> all right. 85. if you've gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies... try clarispray. from the makers of claritin. clarispray provides 24-hour,
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brian, who do we have tomorrow? >> mike pence is here. >> my first grader is going to the first day of school. i love you buddy, have a great first day. a lot of kids going to school for first time. that's a cool guy pose. i don't know where he got that. >> did you pack his lunch? martha: panic and chaos after there were reports of shots fired at lax. people were running for cover as you think they would as police came in with rifles. the f.a.a. issued a full grounds stop. a lot of reaction. and in the end it turned out to be nothing but a false alarm. police say loud noises in the terminal prompted those initial reports. then you have the domino effect. the terminal


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