tv The Five FOX News August 29, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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to send neil a message share thoughts by facebook or twitter using the #cavutoreturns or e-mail have a great night, everyone. i think i know what you're doing. i'm greg gutfeld with kimberly guilfoyle, and the five. one took his seat, another chose to tweet. first, a backup quarterback for the 49ers sits for the national anthem. now, you figure a guy who has been riding a bench all season would want to stand just for the exercise. but he was protesting oppression, linking it to patriotism. i wonder if he'll continue to sit? >> i'll continue to sit. i'm going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. to me, this is something that has to change. and when there's significant
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change and i feel like that flag represents what it's supposed to represent and this country is representing people the way that it's supposed to, i'll stand. >> so is he right? is our country more or less oppressive than others? if america oppresses, why do so many people risk their lives coming here to be oppressed? we do know this. our flag represents a country where you don't have to stand up. that is the opposite of oppression, you dope. people died so you have that right to sit and mope. and in return, we can choose to mock or ignore the pampered athlete who seeks such attention. meanwhile, donald trump keeps tweeting. this one after another shooting death in chicago, he tweets, dwyane wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago. just what i've been saying. african-americans will vote trump. so after a mom's shot dead your first instinct is to shout, i told you so.
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is it our fault to expect more from a candidate, please? bottom line both acts of expression do nothing to unify this country. instead, they overshadow one fact -- that it took a star athlete's relative to die in chicago for that violence to once again matter. trump's tweets are infantile. and the cute qb was selfish. but they didn't kill anyone, nor will their actions save anyone either. there's a theory conspiracy going around, jesse -- >> i'm the right man to ask about that. >> yes, erica's out, so your our conspiracy guy. >> he's pursuing it. >> obama did it. >> kaepernick, did he do this -- kaepernick, did he do this to avoid getting cut because if he gets cut, it's political. >> i don't think he's smart enough to do that. he does believe this is an oppressive nation and this is the way to fight it. you don't fight injustice with disrespect. and what he did was very
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disrespectful. i wouldn't link this to trump. the tactics are the same but they're playing a different game. this guy is supposed to move the ball up and down the field. he's not supposed to be some crusader for social justice. trump is using news events to leverage for votes. i think that's okay. it wasn't smooth on twitter, but at least he's talking about it, hillary clinton isn't. you can get away with this in an individual sport like a tennis or a golf, but football's a team game. and this guy's a huge distraction. it's selfish. he better get used to sitting down on the bench because he's going to get cut. no one's going to put up with this anymore. he's a huge headache. talk about oppression, people come to this country not to be oppressed but to make a lot of money. a lot of people died fighting i oppression, nazis, communists, a lot of people would love to stand up but they're in wheelchairs. this guy is a joke. he can do whatever he wants, though, because this is a great country. >> kimberly, we're both 49er fans because we're from the bay
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area. this guy lost a lot of weight, three surgeries, no longer the double threat that he once was. do you think this has to do with his relevance as a player decreasing and now he's looking for more relevance. he's looking beyond the sport? >> you want me to dip my toe into the world of cynical. maybe because he believes he'll make a big splash for himself and might pick up some supporters that way. but he's done as a 49er. that was my home town. i was first lady of that team. i'm just very disappointed. i'm disappointed because he had the ability to be here, right, in this country with a great family, with tremendous opportunities and he could do so much with his voice and his background to be able to bring people together, to be a uniter, a positive force for change. instead he's coming off like a spoiled, ungrateful brat. other people have fought their lives and given it up and those families don't have their sons or daughters to come home to
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them at the holidays because they fought and left it on the battlefield so people like this you know what could go and refuse to like stand up for the flag. sick of him, sick of it. >> ebony, there are issues going on in san francisco between the police and civilians, so hemayb that? >> those issues aren't new to the bay area. you know. i actually don't like colin kaepernick. i'm a panthers fan. and he kind of talked some trash about my quarterbacks. i didn't like that. i love our country not because it's perfect but because she's imperfect and constantly evolving. part of that imperfection, i respect the right to constructively criticize. we get to say if we don't like the president, we get to say if we don't like what's going on with government. i see that similar to what kaepernick is saying now. tim tebow gets to kneel on that field and show his faith and honor his god and i love it and i love what colin kaepernick did in the same way. >> i don't care what he has to
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say about anything except quarterbacking. he's like when mischa barton was out there on a yacht and tweeted this sad photo of herself feeling heartbroken about -- it was one of the police shootings, she was very upset about it. the same kind of thing where she was saying black lives matter while she was out there on a yacht looking very sad. as for trump, just to bring it back to that, the huffington post said that he was peddling dangerous stereotype. the dangerous stereotype is this idea that democratic policies in the inner city help people who are poor. this is really a problem of economics. >> you thought that tweet was well done? >> i did not say that. i did not say it. i think he needs to -- once again melania should take away his twitter. >> i agree. >> that would make a lot of sense. but he did have a point, it was just not terribly tactful or eloquently put at all. >> not as bad as anthony weiner. >> you know what? you can't release policy statements on twitter. i've tried.
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they have those pesky word limits. and newt gingrich once said this about donald trump. he'll say in like two or three words which he should say something in like four or five sentences because otherwise it comes off like this. i get what he's trying to say. he's trying to reach out in an earnest way to african-american communities, to latino communities and saying, look, these cities and these officials have failed you. give me a chance. >> that was a little better, though. >> i'm available. >> his tweet didn't do that. >> no, you're not. >> his tweet didn't say that's why you're going to vote for me. >> the first two sentences are pretty good. they look like the tweet sent out by dwyane wade himself. this is horrible, this is senseless, look at the senseless crime going on in chicago, but the third sentence of the twoet, that african-americans will vote trump. you're reaching this conclusion -- >> you're forgetting about the great follow-up tweet he did an hour later. >> that he probably didn't write. >> perfect timing.
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>> but the tone was so different. there are definitely two writers there. let's talk about this crime. nykea aldridge was hit by bullets that were aimed at a livery driver. two drivers, the suspects, they were members of the gangster disciples. and they just got out two weeks ago. >> on parole. as in state prison, not county jail for smoking weed. >> this is not about oppression. this is about a problem where people who should be kept behind bars are not. they were behind bars. >> this is a huge problem. let me tell you something. they've talked about this in chicago and no one is listening and not rahm emanuel. they are letting people out that are habitual criminals, that are recidivists, that are guilty of gun violence crimes, like these guys were. they let them back out because they weren't doing the right amount of time. and the previous chicago, the captain or whatever, the superintendent said this is a problem. i'm telling you this.
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no one is listening to me. it's not doing anyone any favors by releasing the violent criminals early so they can reoffend and murder young mothers. >> you have to wonder what that process looks like. you normally go before a parole board and you need an offering of proof, that you are rehabilitated and no longer a threat to violence. these guys had nasty rap sheets, six convictions and gives the criminal justice system a bad name. >> the democrats are running interference for rahm. this is their guy. they won't rip him in public because it looks bad and he's where the bodies are buried. democratic mayors. they're all out of control. crime's up. they have to stop pointing fingers at the white man. because if you look in the mirror, it is on their home turf. if trump will make an appeal on saturday and get into the black precincts and say, what have they done for you lately? that's trouble in a swing state
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like a pennsylvania or florida. >> but can trump do that with this kind of tweet? that's the point here. >> speaking -- by the way, i have a new nimname for rahm, cdrahm. this is responding to donald trump's tweet. >> as far as what mr. trump said, i don't have a whole lot of comment on that. if you have a magic bullet to stop the violence anywhere, not just in chicago but america, then please share it with us. we'll be glad to take that information and stop in violence. >> not the best metaphor. >> no. >> but the fact is donald keeps saying he's going to fix this and fix this, but how is he going to do it? >> i know how. yeah. build a wall. you know what the problem is? because we have open borders. i know as a prosecutor that had prosecuted narcotic ibs cases and a high level of drugs coming
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in, pouring through the borders, the gangs then sell and distribute and will kill 15 people to protect four inches of space on a street corner where they sell. it's a huge problem. it keeps gangs in business. you have to cut it off right where it's feeding. that's the supply. >> you're talking about money from drugs and the other half is economic opportunity. this is a hard thing to change but one of the things that trump really understands. if you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. that's when you see people tearing apart their own part of the city because they have no investment in it, no personal investment. they have no hope for the future. the educational system has failed them. there has to be a way to get people back to work, get them invested in the future instead of behaving so hopeless. >> you're talking about supply. the demand, if we decriminalize, then there won't be illegal activity anymore because remember, you can still get drugs into prisons and prisons are surrounded by walls. the wall isn't going to stop the heroin going in.
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>> you know about drugs in prison. you know where to get the good stuff. >> exactly. where, by the way? >> i'll tell you later. >> i didn't know where you were going with that, by the way. >> a brief stint in san quentin. we don't talk about it. >> the point is none of these -- whether a presidential candidate or a media athlete, celebrity, addressed this problem which is people are killing each other. >> but you've been talking about this for how long? we've been talking about it, about the failed policies, the lack of school choice, the lack of quality education, the lack of economic infrastructure for jobs for people to get back into the workforce. these are not new problems, but they're highly prefb lebt in liberal and democratic controlled cities. where is the outrage about that? that's the point, right? i mean, why aren't they demanding something be done? instead you have the naacp saying we're not for school choice or vouchers or charter schools. >> that's exactly it. it's about schools, about opportunity. we saw the same thing in new york. i know everybody keeps belaboring the example of rudy
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giuliani, but the city was so hopeless in the '90s under dinkin and giuliani turned the it around. areas that people thought were hopelessly lost to kroim, that wasn't the case. >> you ladies and jesse and greg, you're talking about really excellent points. >> thank you. >> but the messenger also matters. that's really important. >> no one will listen to me. that's a good point. no, you're right. >> because you talk about school choice, but if the credibility is not there with the messenger, the sincerity. >> trump doesn't have street cred? more than hillary clinton. hillary's been in chappaqua too much. >> former teacher and a former prosecutor, so i have seen that. >> but that's a -- >> if you look at the police chief in dallas, i mean, he got people to apply to become police officers. >> god bless him. >> i'm not going to change anybody's mind. and i'm sorry, jesse, you don't have the street cred either. >> real men wear pink.
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>> we've got to move on. donald trump is preparing to address the controversy over his toned down approach to illegal immigration. his team says his position on the issue hasn't changed. will voters buy it? probably. technology. technology... say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more.
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♪ mr. blue sky ♪ please tell us why >> a lot of talk on the sunday shows this weekend on trump's so-called softening of his position on illegal immigration. he is planning a big speech wednesday in arizona that should clear up any confusion on where he stands on the issue now. trump's team insists the candidate has been consistent and isn't changing his immigration platform. >> the signature piece of his legislation in his campaign has always been build a wall. that has not changed. build a wall. no amnesty. no citizenship. no more sanctuary city. he wants to find a fair and humane way, and if you enforce the law and deal with those agencies that already exist to enforce the law, then we'll see what we've got. i mean, nobody bothers to enforce the law. >> the way we look at it is this is a guy that's been very consistent on no amnesty, no legalization for folks that have been coming to the country illegally. that's been the underpinning of his policy along with the building of the wall.
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>> what do i make of this issue here? everybody says, is he changing? is he diverting, pivoting, is this about the general election or is he consistent? >> i think he's being consistentish, but i want to preface that by saying a few things. >> uh-oh. >> he's given three major policy addresses in the last month, and this is going to be the fourth. he's even had time to go help louisiana flood victims. hillary clinton has taken off every other day in the first two weeks of august and now looking at her schedule no public events thursday, no public events friday, no public events saturday. are these sick days? >> she's raking in money. >> something fishy is going on. >> send watters world. >> i will investigate. with that said, the cornerstone of the policy was build a wall, the wall will be built. it's to end sanctuary cities and deport criminal illegal aliens. he took a harsh tough tone in the primary to go to the right. and -- >> that's the left. >> shifting more realistically,
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obama did the same thing, remember? i'm going to lower the sea levels in the primary. i'm going to rid the world of nuclear weapons in the primary, then you kind of move to the center and do something more realistic. >> i would use a different obama comparison. i'm against gay marriage, wink. and i think that's what trump is doing. he said he's not going to deport 11 million people. we know that. what we saw was the emotional response he got from the start when he talked about the wall and talked about the sanctuary cities. sanctuary cities is an incredibly valid, important issue. >> it is. >> and what happened is he saw the response he got and kept going. and now he's got -- he's not going to deport. he's going to try to get the criminals back, but he knows he can't do it. so now he's got to somehow pull it back. it is too late, though? can he win back people who are -- they don't buy it. they don't believe him. >> democrats come out and point out that everything he's talking about doing is already the law. he's saying he's going to create
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a deportation force. we already have i.c.e. he says he'll build a wall, we were supposed to do that for years. all they keep pointing out is that we're not following our own laws, not enforcing our own laws, we don't say anything we say we're going to do. it brings back his point to say he's going to be the law and order president and finally enforce some of these things. i don't know that it's a strong argument that we're supposed to be doing these new things and trump isn't hitting any new ground. seems like that hurts the democrats. >> barack obama has actually deported quite a bit of people. ambiguities that been a friend a foe to donald trump in this campaign cycle. i was surprised and thought he did a nice job of spinning that he's evolving narrative on his head and kellyanne was smart when she talked about all the things that are consistent. you're so smart with this, greg -- >> aw. >> he always talks about this with a place of negotiation.
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totally true. most people campaign in the primary on the far left and the far right and they have to govern from the center. >> she's bringing up a good point here and using kind of the economy and how you would conduct deals and do negotiations. you give a little here, you give a little there. you are supposed to be someone who is going to listen and understand and evolve. that's part of the learning and growing process. when you're confronted with numbers and numbers also change over time, you make adjustments. >> you think he's going to adjust on the wall? >> no. >> no. >> the wall just got ten feet taller, greg. >> is it going to be a digital wall or a virtual wall or a high-tech wall? >> no. >> no. >> the wall could be a metaphor. >> the wall will be built and it will be a beautiful, luxurious wall. >> with a nice door in the middle. >> why wasn't hillary clinton asked about her border policy, why isn't she asked about sanctuary cities, her flip-flop on drivers for illegal aliens?
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she's never asked, but trump, every time he puts forth a policy, how are you going to pay for it? it's so mean. >> they never ask the left how they pay for their programs. >> they don't care. her surrogates are the first to say she has a huge thing on her website that explains how she feels about the wall and immigration and she's just as tough as he is. >> yeah, tough hillary is down there wrapping up the illegals. >> she hasn't even been to the border, has she? >> she's been to border's, to sell some books. >> just not any press conferences. too risky. top aides of the secretary did special favors for donors to her family's foundation, but one top democratic official says it's no big deal. the latest revelations on that scandal, ahead.
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>> hillary clinton insists there is all smoke but no fire when it comes to the scandal surrounding her family's charity, but some more fire has just been found. when the crown prince of bahrain wanted face time with secretary clintoner her top aide huma abedin worked with the clinton foundation to make it happen. and now we're learning from newly released e-mails that huma also discussed getting other big clinton donors seats to an official lunch with chinese president hu jintao. the interim chairman of the dnc doesn't seem to understand what the issue is. >> the way i look at it, i've been a government official. so you know, this notion that somehow or another, someone who is a supporter, someone who is a donor, somebody who is an activist, i want access, i want to come into a room and i want to meet people, we often criminalize behavior that is normal. i don't see what the smoke is. >> greg, she doesn't see the issue. so somebody wants -- a donor
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wants access so they ask for access and give money, she doesn't see that as a problem. that's business as usual. you pay and you get access. that seems fair. >> hillary and huma turned the white house into studio 54. you have the velvet rope, the bouncer, you have to grease the palms to get in there. >> that's pretty funny. and true. >> huma, it's time. this is a big deal -- you got rid of the husband, finally, good for you. they got to start looking at this whole thing. because it's not just him, right? it's not just him. there's some weird stuff going on over there. they're mishandling classified e-mail. y was sexting faeemales. i'm not sure. because i guess my point is the anthony weiner stuff is more titillating and more interesting, but this stuff is potentially more dangerous. >> obviously, yes. >> and yet, the press chases that shiny ball. >> if this was trump that did
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this, are you kidding me? disqualified, canceled, et cetera. and why when the democrats knew they had this huge problem with the clinton foundation and the e-mails and all the above, would they let her have a full pass, a full ride to the presidency essentially and to the nomination? it's really unbelievable. >> ebony, there are so many examples here that, to me, go over the line. you look at the example of ubs. that was one of the people that was included in this. the ceo of ubs wanted access to hu jintao. he gave money to the found. hillary clinton stepped in with the swiss and negotiated a sweetheart deal. there were tax evaders that ubs was hiding. she acted on behalf of them after they gave money, they gave even more money afterwards. what more do you need? bread crumbs? >> they say follow the money. that's really kind of the guiding principle with so much corruption. hillary clinton's right, they don't have a smoking gun, per se, yet. >> oh?
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>> well, in terms of legally. >> what does that look like? >> that's the point. the appearance of impropriety is critical here. it's really bad, especially when you've been in the public life for so long. one has to wonder if isn't a case of you didn't know better. no, you knew the risks and you chose to ignore them. whatever you were gaining from, it was so worth it that this makes sense. i have so much tremendous respect for donna brazile, but the fact that she says she doesn't find any smoke isn't believable to me. she has a longstanding relationship with the clintons. she's been an adviser for bill clinton in both campaign cycles. her interest in finding the hypocrisy and the scandal here speaks for itself. >> in 2008 he knew what this would look like. it wasn't his first dance with the clintons. he knew how they raised money. he said there has to be an arm's length distance between the foundation and the state department. they signed documents that said they would do that.
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then senator kerry says you have the avoid the appearance of impropriety. they said they would. they did nothing about that. >> the clns live in the world of impropriety. >> and they love it. >> and they love it. she should have a bar code on her pantsuit. if you listen closely, you can hear bernie sanders screaming from all the way in vermont because this is what this guy ran against. i love donna brazile changing the defense. first it was someone gives you money and you do them a favor, you can't prove a quid pro quo. now it's that's how politics works! and i remember the left was so outraged when halliburton was getting contracts after cheney was ceo and he was vp. she literally is still in charge of the foundation and taking a lot of money. i just can't believe that people are paying money to sit next to joe biden. that shocks me. >> aw! he's very nice. >> very handsy. maybe that's what they're paying for. >> oh. >> you know, it's joe.
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it's only joe. he means nothing. >> how do we move on after that? president obama's former campaign manager is playing doctor along with politics. he gave donald trump a diagnosis yesterday. oh, boy, we've got thoughts about that one coming up next. she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. get back to great. this week 50% off all backpacks. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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i want to say one thing. >> we turned over everything. >> i want you to listen to me. i did not. >> i did not send classified material. >> not a single time. >> and i did not receive -- >> never. >> -- any material that was marked or designated classified. >> i never told anybody to lie. >> that's all i can say. >> these allegations are false. >> i don't know how it works digitally at all.
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♪ hello hello ♪ hola ♪ i'm at a place called vertigo ♪ >> hillary clinton and her supporters are ramping up the personal attacks on donald trump to convince voters he isn't fit to be president. the latest insult came from president obama's former campaign manager, david plouffe. >> that's a psychopath running for president. >> diagnosing people on air and i assume you don't have a degree in psychology. is that fair? >> the grandiose notion of
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self-worth, pathological lying, lack of empathy and remorse. so here -- i think he does. >> trump's campaign manager is calling out both the clinton camp and those in the mainstream media for all of the name calling. >> you see what donald trump is called by nearly everybody in clinton world including many of her supporters in the media before he gets out of bed in the morning? this man has been called everything in the book. insults routinely hurled at him. people think it's funny. they put it on their twitter feeds even though they're supposed to be objective journalists. >> does conway have a point? at least chuck todd pushed back on plouffe's psychopath allegation. mika brzezinski went on air this morning and accused trump of needing help. >> i actually think it's time to hear from somebody in the mental health community to look at this person who has been on television for months and to give us a sense of what we have going on here.
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and i'm sorry, let's just not -- let's stop pretending. we're dealing with someone who we can complete understand. >> greg, i like mika. i think she's a nice person. it's funny that when someone in our industry, the media, accusing someone else of having a big ego and not telling the truth. >> yeah. it's ironic. also, remember it was a few weeks ago that the right was doing this to hillary. remember? talking about hillary, what's wrong with her? there's something wrong with her head. i don't think she's going to be able to make it as president. it was nonstop. and it was all done as a conspiracy and everybody on the left were going, this is awful. this is bad. this is dirty. then all of a sudden it reverses it and we're going, oh, this is terrible, this is bad. you should really look at this. we're all hypocrites in this game. deserve to be booed. >> to play devil's advocate, though, george bush was called
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illiterate while palin was called a pig. romney was accused of giving someone cancer and trump a racist psychopath. if you say hillary coughs a lot, i don't know if that complete stacks up. >> you know what they were saying. >> i'm not sure that calling him crazy -- i mean, what sane person would run for president of the united states anyway. i think they're all crazy. looks terrible. i mean, you're out there 24/7. everyone is hurling everything at the world at you. and the job at the end looks like an absolute nightmare. you would have to be insane to run for president. i think they all are. >> don't you want a psychopath running for president? someone that will blackmail our enemies and play head games. >> with the killers? >> i don't want a normal guy that's like, oh, well. >> but how about maybe somebody wants to actually do something good for the country and do something for the military and do something for the economy and do something for families and for children and for quality education because, yes, it is a thankless job. but i know somebody who really
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needs the job, really wants the job because they want to sell the white house, hrc? and stay out of a jail. >> david plouffe read the clinical definition of a psychopath. grandiose notion of self-worth, someone gave a speech in front of greek columns, pathological lying. if you like your health care, you can keep it. and lack of empathy. who went golfing after an american was beheaded. his old boss actually fits the definition much more so than donald trump. >> look, i think that donald trump is a grown man and, look, he's absolutely been called nefrg the book, for sure. >> but he's calling people flames. >> he's pretty much godfather o crooked hillary. this is what trump does. >> he can take it. >> of course. he's a big boy, he's a grown man. he can dish it. of course he can take it. really that simple. >> she is crooked. >> and these names do stick.
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you think psychopath trump is going to stick? >> no, it's too long. >> demented donald? >> ooh. >> don't tell that to hillary. >> don't do that. >> you think all of this name calling, they did with this ronald reagan, he was in reckless dumb cowboy that was going to put everyone's life at risk. do you think this will work with donald trump? >> you can't turn trump's own game around on him and make it sick. that doesn't necessarily works. he's pretty good at tripping himself up. >> you say don't get in the mud with trump? >> don't wrestle in the mud because he likes it. >> you get dirty. >> great for the skin, though. >> it is good for the skin. no. i mean, it's ridiculous. there is something to this idea of people going on television and watching very closely and then giving medical diagnoses. that's where the commonality was with hillary clinton. they were saying it's ridiculous. >> you know on conservative blogs, they had arrows pointing at pillows. we're just raising questions.
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well, you know what? now he'sraising questions and we can't complain. it would be hypocritical. >> i want to get to the bottom of that pillow, though. that's a very suspicious pillow. what was it doing there? >> you're just raising questions. >> i'm just raising questions. the country's in horrible shape, we're in massive amounts of debt and we're in lots of wars and we're talking name calling. >> our military's being depleted and there's people running who don't want to help children being killed by isis. they were on our set the other day. >> i wasn't there, so i have no idea what you're talking about. what happens when you give kanye west four minutes of air time to spew whatever he wants on national tv? we'll show you next. on last night's vma awards featuring beyonce, britney, rihanna and more coming up on "the five." one year ago, alex and kristina berry were lying in this bed.
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wide awake. worrying about their bills. bills that were like monsters under the bed... for grownups. but then alex and kristina had the courage to face their fears head on. they refinanced their mortgage and began saving $284 every month. goodbye scary monsters. hello sweet dreams. buy in. quicken loans. home buy. refi. power. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one.
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"lemonade." rihanna dominated the night with four performances and britney spears made a comeback. we'll get to all that in just a minute, but first, kanye. four minutes granted to kanye west to do whatever he wanted. as you might expect, kanye was kanye, but it wasn't xheelt oco off the rails. >> later tonight, famous might lose to beyonce, but i can't be mad. i'm always wishing for beyonce to win. so you know like people come up to me, like, man, that's right, tell taylor -- bro, like, i love all y'all. that's why i called her. my role models are artist merchants, truman, ford, hughes, disney, jobs, west. >> wow. okay. >> having a little bit of a discussion here was truman
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intentional? i think it was. you have to remember kanye's mom was dr. west. she was a professor. he's really like into the history and all that jazz. i think he meant all of that. narcissism? >> then he included himself. >> of course he did because he's the greatest philosopher of all time. >> oh, rapping like a lyrical poet. what do you want me to tell you? >> i'll jump in. so it's glad that we've cut this up because i watched it in realtime and i fell asleep three times. there was all this empty space in here where he's trying to think of what he's going to say next. this proves that when you try to stop him from talking, he has a million things to say, but when they gave him the floor, he sort of stammering, he's trying to remember what he's going to say. i mean, he was boring! >> he's going to be our next president in 2020. trump is paving the way for kanye. and that's a fact. he will be running. but trying to find something intellectually gratifying at the vmas is trying to find tofu at a barbecue. that's on you. that's not your fault.
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this entire show is devoted to kids. the mind-set is for a 15-year-old girl. if you look at everybody there. so if you're 27 and you're watching this, you should watch night. >> i was. >> i was going through twitter and i'm seeing greg comment, "live on the vmas." >> i have thmentality of a 15-year-old girl. >> i watched you -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> kanye is constantly talking about beyonce. >> then he gave a shoutout to this amber rose chick that he fooled out with while kim was in the audience. can you believe that? >> i can believe it, it's just so weird. what is kind of show is this? >> i grew up with britney spears, she made her big
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comeback. let's see what happened. maybe we don't have that. here we go. ♪ >> i was rooting for britney. it was just so disappointing. she's got a live show in vegas right now. >> let's do a "five" field trip. what is is britney for? who is for britney? >> it was my birthday, my husband bought one of those velvet couches up front. but here's the thing, she didn't thing then, she doesn't sing now. nobody at the show was singing. >> everybody is talking about
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the britney comeback. she's still on top as far as i'm concerned. she never fell off. she's always on the top of the list. >> okay. there was always somebody that did a ryan lochte impression. let's see that. >> who has the best video of the year? i can't tell you that. they're all so great and so talented, i could never choose. i wouldn't tell you even if there was a gun to my head. >> greg, i think he wanted an excuse to bleach his hair. >> that was jimmy fallon in a wig. >> i think on that note "one more thing" is up next. there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it.
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time for "one nor thing." kimberly? >> big congratulations to the u.s. marine corps reserve celebrating their 100th anniversary today. it was established this day 1916 by president wilson. from world war i to the war on terror, the marine corps reserve has played an essential role in the marine corps total force by augmenting and reinforcing the active component across a full range of military operations.
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there are approximately 38,188 reserve marines and 184 reserve training centers located throughout the united states of america. marines and veterans gathered earlier this morning in times square to celebrate. we are so very proud of their service. god bless you and god bless this country. >> excellent. well done. time for something less important. "greg's happily ever after." after i said that the red hot chili peppers were the worst band on the planet, i apologized and said they were the worst band in the universe. the bass player responded, and he said that he didn't mind. said that it was great. thought our show was funny and said it was okay to have your own opinion and was very happy. i thought this was a really great example of how differences can be solved so easily, by simply agreeing with me.
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>> by complimenting you. >> he agreed that his band is terrible. i thought that was so sweet. >> the ladies love him. don't worry. >> he did say, i heard that, it's funny. i don't care. they're welcome to hate us. god bless them. god mess you, flea. >> hot off the presses just in time for back-to-school. the top ten ranked party schools in america. >> the problem is, now they're going to brake down at the university of wisconsin. soy think west virginia is right
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where they need to be. >> there you go. the little league world series, look at the victory of these guys celebrating. ended their season 24-0. they were totally undefeated. look at the kids, so happy, something positive, something to celebrate. no one checked their birth certificates and i'm sure they were great. >> new york hasn't won it since 1964. >> i'm sure you're right. >> so we lost a great one today, guys. gene wilder passed away at 83 years old, made famous for "willie wonka and the chocolate factory." and his nephew said he passed away from complications of alzheimer's. just so>> one of the west.
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willie wonka, everybody remembers that movie. >> the most terrifying movie of all time. [ overlapping speakers ] >> that's it for us. "special report" is up next. from cold war to cyber war, the fbi says someone is trying to break into state election computers. and a lot of suspicion falls on russian-backed hackers. this is "special report." welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. it appears foreign cyber criminals are going after voting data and maybe your vote. there are concerns tonight that someone has already tried to hack into the computers that run the november election. and those concerns are setting off alarm bells here in washington, and all over the country. chief intelligence cor
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