tv Hannity FOX News August 30, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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liquor store, mowed down by a black suspect. where was black lives matter? did you guys mobilize in san bernardino? did you guys -- >> go ahead, lauren. >> joe will be missed. good night. welcome to "hannity," and this is a fox news alert on a very busy news night in the world of politics. we're just moments away, donald trump has a big rally in the state of washington. we're going to bring that to you live once he takes to the stage. also tonight, "the washington post" first reported that republican presidential nominee donald trump is now considering a trip to mexico tomorrow morning to meet with the country's president. now, this would come ahead of donald trump's major speech on immigration tomorrow night in arizona. and fox news can confirm the decision will be made by the campaign later tonight or tomorrow morning. that's not all. we'll also monitoring the results in key congressional primary races. polls in arizona where senator
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john mccain is facing a primary challenge have just closed. we'll bring you those results as they come in. joining us now former 2016 republican presidential candidate, mike huckabee, and ari fleischer. good to see you both. marco rubio won tonight and i was very glad to see that. i think we need him back in the senate. there's still some conservatives angry over comprehensive immigration form. my take is he paid a very heavy political price on this 2016 primary on that issue. he said he made a mistake. he apologized fume russ times on this show. i think it's time for people to move on. we need him in the senate. >> absolutely. and marco rubio is one of the most gifted up and coming republican stars that we've got. he's sharp. he's articulate. the fact that he, in his first term in the senate, really tried to do something. you may not agree with what he did, but he went there because he was used to governing and seeing things done. and we absolutely ought to
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respect the fact that he apologized. he said, look, it wasn't the best thing to do. let's not waste an extraordinary talent like marco rubio. >> i think marco is still a rising star. i did think he made a mistake because he even said it wasn't the bill he wanted. >> he ran in a republican primary against the person the washington establishment was for, defeated him, and went on and set the template. >> isn't it amazing how immigration is at the forefront -- you know, elections are always about peace and prosperity, immigration, national security, protecting the homeland. >> remember, sean, i come out of the george w. bush wing when it comes to immigration. i am for a comprehensionive solution. i admire marco rubio for being one members of the senate. this remaining something that is going to be vexing for republicans. unless and until republicans get
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their arms around immigration and come out with a policy that actually works for hispanics as well as american citizens, hispanic immigrants, republicans are never going to win. >> here's the problem. republicans, they want to appease, you know, big labor. they want cheap labor. wait a minute. hang on. the democrats aring looing at immigrants -- i don't care if they're some syria, if they're from mexico or central america. they think this is a new voting base for them. >> i agree with that. >> they're playing long ball. >> i totally agree with that. >> so democrats say tomorrow, build the wall, get rid of sanctuary cities, send away criminal aliens. he's going to talk about no more anchor babies, so called citizenship if you're just born here, and i think that's more in tune with where the american electorate is. >> enforcement first definitely is in tune. let's get to the core of the issue that's tripped up donald trump recently. that's what do you do with the 11 million are here. one of the biggest mistakes is this pejorative label that says -- amnesty is now saying
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you've got cooties and there's something wrong with you. >> but that's the problem. as soon as you simplify something complex down to one word, and if you're for amnesty, i'm never going to be for you. you're a bad republican, we're never going to deal with this issue. >> here's the problem. when you have so many people that want to come into this country and other people don't respect our laws and sovereignty, and they get to stay, basically we have rewarded law-breaking, have we not in. >> it's not a game of tag. it's not as if you come home free. you touch the united states, now you're safe. that's why you need compromised legsz to figure out what to do with the 11 million. >> ari, if i could jump in a minute. >> i want to hear mike. governor huckabee, what do you want to say? >> ari, let me jump in a minute because i think sometimes a lot of republican establishment folks are missing the point. americans aren't against immigration. >> right. >> but what they want, they want to make sure that their jobs actually pay them something. they've seen stagnant wages for
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40 years. they've seen people come in, burn the american flag, and wave the flag of another country, flaunt in our faces the fact we have allowed people to come in. my experience is the immigrants who come here because they love america and want to be americans, we open our arms. we welcome them. but the people who come and they have disregard for the laws. they feel like that we owe them something, and rather than wanting to assimilate into america, they want america to assimilate to them. that's a problem. >> can i add, governor -- >> when we address it that way, it's okay. >> there's nothing you said i disagree with. every one of those words is true. but we still have a solution that remains to be found four the 11 million that are here. this is where we in the base are hurting ourselves and we just say amnesty, amnesty. you're for amnesty. no. we need a solution. >> let me ask you this. we now have 95 million americans out of the labor force, the lowest labor participation rate since the '70s. the lowest homeownership rate in 51 years. we have 12 million more americans on food stamps since obama has been president.
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8 million more in poverty. so for two reasons, the border's got to be secure. national security first and foremost. i think you need the wall. secondly, disproportionately black americans have paid the price for the 11 million illegal immigrants. they are competing for those jobs. you've had a 58% increase, black americans on food stamps and a 20% increase in obama's president citizen of black americans out of the labor force. you have more people competing for fewer jobs, driving down wages. it's hurting american citizens. >> agreed. >> so you say keep them. >> i didn't say keep them. >> you're going to send them back? >> i said a legislative compromise. many are going to need to be sent back. many are going to need to be allowed to stay. that's why you need legislation. >> if all you do is say amnesty, amnesty, what you're saying is
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either deport the 11 million, which now donald trump is walking away from, or you're saying we never want a electricityive solution. >> mike huckabee, what is the answer? ari does bring up some good points. what is the comprehensive solution if there is one? >> i think what we're missing is that a lot of americans would have a very different attitude, but not until they see the border secured. they don't trust the federal government and why should they? the federal government has been saying they're going to secure the border and they haven't done it. the real problem with immigration is not the fact that people want to come to america. i salute them for ant wanting to come here. i fault the federal government for absolutely failing to do the one job the government has, and that's secure the borders, protect our border. >> i got to run because we have trump coming up. if we secure the border first and have this debate second, would you be okay with that? >> yes, i would. but you're both not getting around to the fact of what do you do with the 11 million? you're both ignoring that point. >> the boat's taking on water.
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what do you do? >> i am for enforcement first. but i don't want it to be a excuse to never do anything with the 11 million and let them live in the shadows forever. >> americans are always told we're going to have tax increases and spending cuts. you always get the amnesty. you never get the wall built. >> you can talk about force. you can have enforcement first and -- [ overlapping voices ] >> then you have something that takes care of the 11. >> it's a good conversation. thank you both. appreciate it. we've got a two-minute warning. donald trump is speaking at a rally in washington state. when we come back, he'll take to the podiumment we'll carry that speech, and we'll get reaction from geraldo rivera and a.j. delgado. also tonight, it's been another bad day for hillary clinton. "the new york times" is now calling on clinton to cut her ties to the family foundation. also the fbi recovered about 30 e-mails from clinton's server that are related to the benghazi terror attack after she claimed she turned everything over. that and more tonight on "hannity." if a denture were to be
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this is a fox news alert. welcome back to "hannity," and we are awaiting donald trump. he's going to take the stage at a rally in washington. as a matter of fact, he's expected to be on stage right after reince priebus and rudy giuliani, about eight exact minutes from right now. see in i'm right. also tonight, fox news has learned that donald trump is now considering traveling to mexico tomorrow morning to meet with that country's president. this comes as he is about to deliver a major speech on immigration tomorrow night in arizona. joining us now is trump campaign surrogate a.j. delgado, fox news senior correspondent geraldo rivera. i bet you love that idea. >> i love the idea. mexicans are proud people. he can go there, meet with enrique pena knee et tow and say to hem, let's work out the
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difficulty with the mutual border, this 2,000-mile border. let's remember our historical relations. >> does geraldo now say i endorse donald trump tomorrow? >> is policy more important than the trip? but the trip is an important gesture. you can't minimize the -- >> no sanctuary cities. >> -- the importance of his showing the people the respect that he denied them in his initial announcement of his candidacy. >> i never bought that argument because he said drug dealers. he said rapists. he did not -- >> of course. there have been illegal immigrants that have become billionaires. >> why is this the only topic that we have that we want to kill each other? >> we doeth haboth have a reaff for donald trump. we both would like to see him succeed in life. but he cannot do it by in sulting 45 million people. >> i don't agree with that assessment. a.j., help geraldo out.
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help me out here so we don't kill each other. >> geraldo is a smart guy. he knows donald trump never insulted mexicans or mexico. there was -- as for the trip to mexico, i'm delighted to hear about this. i think this is donald trump the diplomat, the presidential mastermind, showing just how great he would be in the oval office. the fact that he'd go meet with mexico's president even after all the tension there has been. >> but a.j., here is the problem. i at one time debated right here on this program vicente fox, and i said what about illegal immigrants? he would not acknowledge the term "illegal immigrant." he said they're not illegal. they're not illegal. they're migrants. now, meanwhile, if somebody comes from central america, el salvador, nicaragua and they go to mexico, they're either put in jail or deported. yet they're lecturing us we don't take all of their citizens. kind of hypocritical. >> try being an illegal
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immigrant in mexico and see how you're treated. again i think it's great he's going down there to meet. obviously they're not going to agree on a lot, maybe there is more mr. trump can speak to him about doing more to keep migrants from coming across the border. >> the point is you're 70 days from the election. you have a substantial hunk of the american electorate, you have a couple of them. he's addressing the african-americans later in the week. he should have done that weeks if not months ago. >> he has been doing it weeks now. >> it was outside of milwaukee. >> it was far enough outside of mill walkdy, there were no black people there. >> he's going to be in detroit. >> with latinos specifically, there is mutual ground. nobody wants drug dealers and rapists crawling across the border. we want control. but you have 11 million people, the vast majority of whom have never committed a crime in their lives. we have a million here in the new york city area that you never hear about. >> you know i've been down to the border 12 times.
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i've seen this up close and personal. alter rain vehicle, helicopters, boats, horse back. i've been all the way from the rio grande to san diego. drug warehouses, tunnels dug from mexico. i've been in all of it. in texas alone in a seven-year period, 642,000 crimes committed against texans by illegals. by the way, including rape and murder, geraldo. >> you are saving the subject. >> no. it is a real problem. >> the subject is there are 11 million people here, the vast majority of whom are law-abiding other than their status. >> but you have to agree -- do ah agree we should build the wall? >> i don't care about the wall. if you want to spend the money on the wall, spend the money on the wall. [ overlapping voices ] >> we've got to take a break. we're just moments away, literally about three minutes from right now. donald trump will take the stage. he's at a rally in washington state. we'll bring that to you live coming up next.
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i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. ♪ this is a fox news alert. we're just moment as way from donald trump taking the stage. he's at atonight, "the new york times" liberal editorial board, they say hillary clinton should cut her ties with the family foundation. here with reaction, former clinton pollster, fox news contributor doug schoen, and from the washington times, charles hurt. she promised there would be no conflict of interest when she was secretary of state. now we know she sold access, doug schoen. so from my perspective, any word that she gives that she's going to cut ties is meaningless. >> well, i think she should cut ties. i think politically it's significant even if substantively. you have doubts. sean, this is a political campaign. 70 days to go. she should follow the lead of logic and of good politics.
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>> is she going to lie to us again, say she's cutting ties and then sell access as she did while secretary of state. is that what you're say something. >> i'm saying she should cut ties and win the election and then go on to be president. >> charlie, she said that before, and then she kept the ties, and then she sold access or contributors made money as a result of introductions she made. so -- >> this is the whole logical, you know, dog chasing his tail logic about the whole thing. if there was no problem, as they've insisted all along, then why do they have to step down if they're elected president? and the second thing is that of course what we're also finding out is not only were they selling access to the state department, but they didn't even abide by the rules that the obama administration placed on them in the first place. so even if they agreed to say, okay, bill clinton's going to step away, chelsea clinton is going to step away, it's still the clinton foundation. who's to say -- are you going to
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trust them not to continue to sell access to the u.s. government under the table? i don't. i don't trust any of these people. >> you look at these polls now, and you've got a number of them that show donald trump has made a lot of headway. here you can see that's, i think, rudy giuliani making it to the podium. right after rudy, donald trump will be up. you see he's up three in the l.a. times poll. you see he's now tied in ohio. one poll has him up plus one in florida. the polls have shifted dramatically. is it because of hillary's lying again? is it because of hillary selling access again? do you think it's because hillary overreached on playing the race card with donald trump last week? >> i think it's a one-point movement to five points in the real clear average -- >> no. it's actually -- >> it is. i checked. it's four points in a four-way race, and it's down about a point or two over the weends. she's still ahead in ten swing states.
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>> in a week, it's been cut in half, and now in swing states she's doing a lot better. did her playing the race card her hurt? >> i don't know if it hurt her or not because that sort of thing is very, very effective among democratic voters unfortunately, and that pretty much explains why this country is where it is right now in terms of race relations. but i think the most important thing here is you're right. they're basically tied up at the moment or within a couple of points of each other. but the bottom line is we're still in august. we haven't even had the sort of, you know, the unofficial kickoff of the general election campaign, which isn't until next week. and i swear, you know, over the next 70 days, no telling what's going to happen. but donald trump is running with the wind at his back because he's running as an outsider. hillary clinton is the insider. hillary clinton has all these terrible scandals, and if donald trump continues to remain focused, you know, i think we could be looking at a huge advantage for donald trump in a matter of weeks.
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>> you know, you actually had good advice, doug, even though you're supporting hillary, for donald trump. and your advice was he should say he's an agent of change. >> and that should be the campaign. that gets him democrats. that gets him independents. it allows him to broaden his base. charlie hurt mentioned it. we've discussed it. that's where he should go. he should tighten his message even further. >> yeah. all right. one of the things that i think at this point in time, charlie, i think we've seen donald trump on message for the last two weeks. i think hillary clinton has had her ethical issues come up once again, selling access to her office, et cetera. we now have 30 e-mails, apparently records recovered by the fbi from her server, maybe related to benghazi. we'll watch that very closely. e-mails seem to be a big issue for her. almost every other day or every other week. so if donald trump stays on message, if donald trump never mentions other people but obama and hillary and offers solutions -- >> amen.
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>> and he prepares for these debates, how -- what states do you see him winning? >> i think that he could -- this has been the threat of donald trump to both parties, the establishment of both parties all along. donald trump stands to possibly remake the map all across the country in terms of, you know, for 30 years now we've been locked in these blue states, red states, and, you know, the people sort of pick off the ones on the edges, you know, ohio, florida, they go either way. donald trump honestly, if he takes his populist message and stays on message and hillary clinton continues to have all this bad news, donald trump could be winning in places like michigan, in places like pennsylvania. that is huge. [ overlapping voices ] >> sean, to win, he needs florida. >> wait a minute. >> look, i'm not arguing here spin. if he wins pennsylvania and ohio and florida, he's got a great chance to win. the emerson poll is the only one
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to show it as close as it is. we'll see if it as an outlier or not, but charlie is right. it's a midwest strategy because he's probably going to lose colorado and virginia. >> all right. >> and one other thing is vital, though. donald trump also has to have a positive message and talking about the contributions that all these people who are not in the labor force could be making to the economy. i think that that is vitally important for his campaign. >> it's all about change. that's the key word. >> well, listen, look at the numbers. these numbers are important, and if i was donald trump, i'd mention this every day. the worst labor force participation since the 1970s, a 51-year low in terms of homeownership rate in the country. you've got the worst recovery since the '40s. you've got a doubling of our national debt. 12 million more americans on food stamps. 8 million more in poverty. the black community, hispanic community have been particularly hit hard. i think there's a lot to run on
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there, and then if you add -- >> sean, he should listen to you. he should listen to you. >> okay. i think if you -- i think his message about energy and his message about repatriated money, trillions of dollars overseas at a low rate to build manufacturing centers and factories, that works for american workers in michigan, wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania. all right, guys. got to run. rudy giuliani wrapping up. then we've got senator sessions, and then donald trump will take the stage in about five minutes from right now. and when that happens, we'll bring you that rally from washington state live. also according to reports, hillary clinton is going to extremes to prepare for the first presidential debate against donald trump. we're going to tell you what the clinton cam papaign is up to. that and more as we continue tonight right here on "hannity." ♪
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donald trump. he is expected to take the stage at a rally in washington state in about, well, three minutes. we'll bring you that live when it happens. also tonight with the first presidential debate just around the corner, fox news has learned that hillary clinton is going to very extreme measures to help prep for her matchup against donald trump. "the new york times" first reported this morning that clinton is seeking advice from psychology experts. she wants to figure out how to get under donald trump's skin, and that's not all. the clinton campaign has also spoken to the ghost writer for trump's book, the art of the deal, and has at least 25 researchers looking into trump's past. here with reaction, fox news contributor mercedes schlapp, trump campaign national finance member and co-host of wall street week on the fox business network, anthony scaramucci, as well as pollster lee carter. mercedes, this is funny to me. but hillary can't run on obama's economy because of what i just said in the last segment. hillary can't one on libya, iran, iraq, afghanistan, egypt,
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or the russian reset. so the only thing she's got is to get under donald trump's skin, and she's going to jab and poke and prod and punch and try and aggravate, irritate, upset, hurt his feelings, and show the american people that he'll bubble and fizz like al ca seltzer in water. and then she thinks she wins the presidency. is that her -- >> i'm wondering, sean, if the next person she's going to be onto the campaign is going to be an as troll jer at this point. i think it's what has worked for hillary clinton, which has been let's go after donald trump's temperament. we saw that speech last week, which was incredibly disturbing on the alt-right, and basically talking about the fact that donald trump would be dangerous or unfit to be president. this is just a big distraction for hillary clinton and because of the mere fact that she refuses to answer questions to the press. she's overly focus grouped,
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overly scripted, and still remains silent as well as secretive throughout this whole process. >> anthony, let me go to you. i think it would be a mistake to overprep donald trump. he knows how to answer questions about benghazi, national security. he's given speeches on the economy and energy independence, protecting the homeland. but i think there's a three-phase process he should use in the debate. number one, he should have good quips to go back at hillary that are funny, light-hearted but make points that she's dishonest, not trustworthy. then he's got to point out how obama and hillary and her policies have failed. and then privot to what his solutions on. i think if you focus on that and don't react to her prodding and poking and irritating you, i think he wins. >> so if you look at the campaign over the last two and a half weeks, they're building up to that, sean. so they're putting the building blocks in place, and they're also going out and making that outreach into the african-american and hispanic communities, explaining that the left-leaning policies actually
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have not helped them. if anything, they've crippled the aspiration in their neighborhoods. as he starts to bring that out, i think he'll have a very big comparison and contrast with her. what do you learn in trial advocacy your first year in law school? if you're wrong on the facts, you have to attack super hard. the approach she's taking is evidence she's behind on policy. >> lee, what i heard is they took every single debate and every moment in the debate with the 16 other candidates, anything that seemed to aggravate, agitate, upset, hurt his feelings, and they used all of that, and they're putting it together. and she's going to constantly jab. how hard would it be for donald trump to create an impenetrable shield, water like a duck's back, stand there, laugh at her quips, laugh at her attacks, stay on message? does he then just win the debate because she can't get under his skin? >> i think that if he does that, he will win because the number one concern people have about donald trump is that he is thin skinned. if he can demonstrate he can
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stay on message, that he can focus, rise above it and act diplomatic in that situation, he absolutely can win it. >> i got some breaking news. donald trump has just put up on his twitter account that, in fact, he has accepted the invitation of mexico's president to meet with him tomorrow before he gives his big speech on immigration. mercedes, good idea? >> excellent idea. i think the opportunity for donald trump to meet with the foreign leader, in this case our neighbor with the mexican president is an opportunity to talk about these real issues of immigration that face the united states and mexico. and the problem is that mexico hasn't really taken on the responsibility of helping to secure that border between the two nations. in fact, they've actually ignored it and let the u.s. handle it. so i think this is a very bold move by the campaign to go in there and for donald trump to have the opportunity to have this incredibly important discussion on immigration right on the heels of his immigration policy speech that he's giving
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tomorrow. >> i think it's a great idea too. i agree with mercedes. >> i tip my hat to jared kushner and steve bannon and kellyanne conway. his team is putting him in a position of presidentiality. >> by the way, there he is himself walking up to the podium. he is in, i believe, everett, washington, tonight. another big rally that he's had. like all these rallies, the crowds seem to get bigger and bigger and there's a crowd as big on the outside as there is on the inside for this. it's the best ticket in town. >> and he loves it, sean. >> by the way, compare that to hillary. that's an interesting side note. her crowds sometimes are 150 people, but the media only hones in on -- >> i came out of albuquerque with him. we were on the plane, going back on the plane. the kentucky fried chicken is there. i said is there anything about this you don't like? >> donald trump stepping up to the podium. we'll carry this live. ♪ >> thank you. thank you.
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washington, state of washington. great, great, great people. thank you very much. thank you. i want to thank -- i want to thank, if i could, because they work so hard. and, you know, outside right now they have over 8,000 people trying to get in, and we set the record. i don't know how old this building is, but it's not brand-new. and we set the record for attendance tonight. so i just want to thank you. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] so they're going to be pouring in as we speak unless you'd like me to come back in a half an hour and we'll start? no? no? all right. i want to thank susan hutchinson who's in the audience someplace. susan. done a great job. brian danzel. where's brian? brian is over there someplace. i want to thank don benton, senator benton. he has been amazing.
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he said, you should come here. we'll fill that place up so fast, and he was right. so i want to thank don. and doug ericson, senator ericson. i want to thank all of them. amazing. they've done an amazing job. we are going to work very hard over the next 70 days, and we're going to win this state, and we're going to win the white house. we are going to take back the white house. [ cheers and applause ] you know a republican would never come to the state of washington, and you know on television they said, i wonder why he's going to the state of washington because you know what? republicans don't win it. but we're going to win it. that's why i'm here. that's why i'm here.
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and this love affair began about three months ago when i came up here, and we had record crowds. two events, massive, massive crowds. and i said why don't the republicans win that state? i think we're going to win washington state. so that's the story. that's why i'm here. that's why i'm here. and i don't know if you saw, but poll numbers came in today that are phenomenal. we're leading in florida. we're leading in north carolina. we're leading on a national basis in some of the polls. los angeles times, we're two or three points up. we're doing really well, folks. i'll tell you what, it's all coming together. and when you see crowds like this, people fully understand why, i will tell you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. so we are going to have a great victory for the people, people.
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remember, for the people. it's going to be a victory for every citizen whose voice has not been heard, and that's a lot of people. it will be a win for the voters, not the pundits, not the journalists. [ crowd booing ] not the lobbyists. not the global special interests that take care of these politicians and get whatever they want. and they're the ones that are funding my opponent's campaign. millions and millions and millions of dollars, and they have total control over crooked hillary clinton, believe me. total control. this is going to be your victory. it's going to be your victory.
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it's going to be your victory. we're going to create the new american future our children so desperately deserve. in this new future, millions of workers on the sidelines will be returned to the workforce. they've been taken out of it. they are going to return, and they're going to return quickly, believe me. crumbling roads and bridges and airports will be replaced with the infrastructure our country needs and deserves. our infrastructure is going to hell. frankly, i hate to say it. our country is going to hell, and we're not going to let it happen.
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families trapped in welfare will be provided with jobs and opportunity. government will become lean and mean, except -- except it will have a big, fat, beautiful heart. we will have an effective government, a responsible and honest government for a change. our border will be protected. our children will be safe. people don't talk about the inner cities, but i'm talking about the inner cities. they don't talk about the inner
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cities. the democrats have taken advantage of african-americans. they take their vote. they win the election, and then they say, see you in four years. thanks a lot. not me. [ crowd booing ] we will rebuild our inner cities and provide safety and peace to all of our citizens. [ cheers and applause ] american values and culture will be cherished and celebrated once again. but to achieve this future, we must break free from the bitter failures of the past, of which there have been many, and reject the same insiders telling us the same old lies, because they're lies. and i know these people well, believe me. one area where honesty is badly needed is on the subject of
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and thank you to law enforcement and our police. thank you. millions of african-americans in this country have succeeded greatly, and their contributions to every area of our life. they have done so much. and now throughout history, we should celebrate and cherish that success. but -- but this includes tremendous, tremendous and amazing achievements in arts, science, sports, music business, et cetera. it includes millions of african-american entrepreneurs, innovators, and the millions of african-american workers in our middle class. but -- but we must also talk about those who have been left behind. the millions suffering in
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disastrous conditions in so many of our inner cities and neighborhoods afflicted by total poverty, drugs, and horrible, horrible violence that we watch every single night. every single night you turn on the news, and you see the violence, and it's horrible. no group in america has been more harmed by hillary clinton's policies and the policies of democrats who have run our inner cities for literally 50, 70, 80, 90, even 100 years. nobody has been hurt more than african-americans. there is no better evidence of the fact that hillary clinton's immigration policy, which brings in illegal immigrants and re --
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well, is that a true statement? it brings in illegal immigrants and refugees to take jobs from our hard-working african-american and hispanic citizens, and they want those jobs. instead of providing free health care and jobs to millions of refugees from around the world that we have no idea even where they come from, we should rebuild our inner cities and provide jobs to struggling americans that have been struggling for years and years. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. tonight i'm asking for the vote of every african-american and hispanic citizen in this country who wants to see a better future, who wants to see real, positive change.
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these democratic policies, the policies of hillary clinton, have produced only poverty, joblessness, failing schools, broken homes, and rising crime, and it's only getting worse. they don't care about you. remember that. now living in poverty, including 45% of children under the age of six. 58% of african american youth are not working. meanwhile, another 2 million hispanic americans have been added to the ranks of those in
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poverty since 2009. not a long time ago. in detroit, half of all its residents do not work. half. in milwaukee, where i just left, almost four in 10 african american men between ages of 24-54 do not have a job. here in washington, 65% of latino children and 60% of african american children live in low income households. chicago just had the most-violent month in 20 years. more than 2800 people have been shot in chicago since just the beginning of the year. you look at war-torn countries are safer than living in our
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inner cities by a lot. it's not close. it breaks everybody's heart. we cannot let this violence continue. we can't let it happen. it will, and must be trump admit will, include end. it will be my idea to work with state police, and federal law enforcement to dismantle the gangs and liberate our citizens from violence, poverty, and
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fear. i will appoint judges and federal prosecutors who will make this their personal mission and so many people want to do that. there is one thing which can no longer be if you keep voting for the same people, you will keep getting the same horrible results. remember that. and hillary clinton has been doing this stuff for 35 years and nothing happened. just remember. nothing's happened. to those suffering, i say what do you have to lose by voting for donald trump?
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i will fix it. i will fix it. i will fight for you as no one ever has before. they don't fight for you. they don't fight for you. let me tell you what you have to gain. jobs, opportunity, security, safety, great education, and many other things. many, many other things. thank you. this means very much and just so much to me. i believe every child in this country, in detroit, in baltimore, in chicago, has the right to live out their lives in safety and in peace.
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in the "wall street journal" today, heather mcdonald of manhattan and manhattan institute just wrote an important article about the soaring crime, and it is soaring in our inner cities and the responsibility of democratic politicians for creating this horrible problem. big article, highly respected person. the article is called black lives matter to donald trump. true. true. she writes that mr. trump's call to restore law and order recognizes the right of inner city residents to enjoy the same freedom from fear that the rest of america now really takes for granted. freedom from violence is one of
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the greatest civil rights of our time. so, too, is the issue of school choice. what a difference it will make. we will fight for the right of parents to send their kids to the school that they believe gives their kids the best shot at success. i will to the accept and neither will you, in which future of color, any color in this country are not fully included in the american dream. our whole country loses when we
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leave talented, aspiring americans on the side lines which is happening all of the time. we want to give everyone a chance to contribute their full talents to our economy and to the greatness of our country. remember, and most people don't know this, the republican party is, right? you know what i'm going to say, right? the republican party is the party of abraham lincoln. not bad. not bad. it's also the party of freedom, equality and opportunity. people have forgotten it so long now. it is the democratic party that is the party of slavery, the party of jim crow, and the party of opposition.
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once again, we will be one american nation. we will be one united people and we will have one really great future again. believe me. and the great future will be built on these three critical words. jobs, jobs, jobs. this will include a complete revitalization of our manufacturing sector which has been so badly hurt by hillary clinton's policies, so badly hurt. >> unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening and thank you for being with us.
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we'll are live 10 eastern tomorrow night for reaction to donald trump's big speech on immigration, thanks for being with us. have a great night. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> there are new clinton emails showing secretary clinton's top aide huma abedin was concerned about secretary clinton's email on a trip to russia. the result clinton just kept on using private email server. go figure, right? also tonight the fbi about to pull back the curtain on the clinton email situation. taking you inside that investigation. sean duffy is here. let's get right to radio talk show host and editor and chief of lifezette magazine. nice to see you, laura. >> nice to see you. >> hard to keep track of all these emails. >> they keep popping up. reminds me of the old billing records in the white house.
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