tv FOX Friends FOX News September 1, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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middle of the produce aisle. the ugly to me, this billow owe gets covered by a fan at subway after his card is declined. the belieber fan stepping in to buy him a sandwich in west hollywood. >> great. great to be with you. "fox and friends" starts right now. make it a great day everybody. > ♪ ♪ donald trump giflg praise to a huge crowd on hand in arizona. he started his day in mexico. flying out of phoenix in the morning. what a day it was in campaign 2016 for the republican nominee. >> he was all over the place. he was down in mexico and then later in the afternoon flew to arizona for that talk.
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>> a roller coaster. he wins, he'll never win. he doesn't want to win. >> i thought last night, you saw how he can win talking about the issues. that's what he did for over an hour. >> that's what everyone wants to hear. he came up with a ten-point plan to fix the immigration problem here in america. >> in about a half hour, we'll say hello. we just don't have the time right now. >> hope you had a great night. you probably fell asleep in the middle of the speech. it was a pretty long speech. >> we get up in the middle of the night. >> that's true. >> the theme of this speech. america first. watch. >> while there are many illegal immigrants in our country who are good people, this doesn't change the fact that most illegal immigrants are lower-skilled workers with less education who compete directly against vulnerable american workers. to all the politicians, donors
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and special interests, there is only one core issue in the immigration debate and that issue is the well-being of the american people. hillary clinton, for instance, talks con tantly about her fear that is families will be separated. he's not talking about the american families who have been permanently separated from their loved ones because of a preventible homicide. >> so he went through this ten-point plan in detail. in the beginning, he said he said it's not going to be my normal speech. it's a bigger crowd. a very supportive crowd. but this is a policy speech. >> i kept thinking -- i agree wuchlt the theme was, the democrats are focused on the illegals, not separating families, they're feeling sorry for the illegals that are here. he says hey, let me remind you of something. we have to put america first. what about americans? he talked a lot about the
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families that have lost their loved ones, lost their children at the hands of illegal immigrants. >> i kept thinking as i'm watching the speech. he said a lot of illegals are good people. that's great. what about the effects on -- if you flood a market with low skilled labor, what is the counter to that. i haven't seen a single person refute that. >> it costs america $113 billion a year. >> you know what the rebuttal is. you probably don't accept it. the rebuttal is, other people come to this country out of a desperate situation for a chance for an opportunity and we should be compassionate towards what they want. what donald trump is pointing out there's a cost for that. >> he addressed that in a way i have not seen him do before. they come here for legitimate reasons, they want a better life. there is a cost and the
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president's job is to look out for the well-being of america. >> i gathered he's more concerned about the illegals here doing things illegal. first of all, it's illegal to get here. and second of all, a lot are committing crime. he focused on that. his number one point was building the wall. take a listen. >> are you ready? >> are you ready? we will build a great wall along the southern border. mexico will pay for the wall. they don't know it yet. but they're going to pay for the wall. on day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. we will use the best technology, including above and belowground sensors, that's the tunnels, tunnels, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall,
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find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels. >> which the situation is getting worse. it was pointed out to me yesterday that governor perry said, let me give you an idea of what's happening at the border. 20, 30 years something, there was no 9/11. people weren't as concerned about security in the south and there weren't this type of illegal activity going on with drugs going up and down and human smuggling. therefore, we had a different view. somehow this became partisan over the last 20 years. when you want to get attention, talk about -- knowing there's isis and al qaeda trying to get here. the big story, when donald trump went south to meet the mexican president and took him up, to the surprise of many and talk to the mexican president about building a wall and having them pay for it, what would their reaction be. here's a tweet from the mexican president who said donald trump -- the mexican president
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quickly dweeted this out after donald trump left. at the beginning of the conversation with donald trump, i made clear that mexico will not pay for the wall. >> donald trump responded. last night in the speech, he said mexico is going to work with us especially after my meeting with them today. the campaign sent this information to us. they said both parties knew each other's position going into today. we didn't think it was appropriate to start negotiating during the meeting. which i understand. >> who cares, actually? if you've reached a point where you're debating who pays for the wall. the pre supposition is you're getting a wall. if you love something, you protect it. people shouldn't lock the door when they leave their kids at home? >> if you love something set them free which is a different topic. >> if you're watching, you can call in. we want you to write in. john poe did he say a, heading up the clinton campaign said that donald trump choked by not
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making the president -- mexican president, let him know that he has to pay for the wall. >> whatever. >> if trump has 68 more days like yesterday, he'll be president of the united states. talking about policy is how he wins. talking about himself is how he loses. >> the first sound bite at the top of the show, it's the last line in that sound bite, it talks about the american people who have lost their loved ones. lost their kids at the hands of illegal immigrants. so last night he had a lot of those moms, angel moms, they were wearing t-shirts with pictures of their loved ones, sons and daughters killed at the hands of illegal immigrants here in america. here's one of the moms. >> i wrote two letters to president obama after my son was killed because i started doing research and realized what a horrific problem this was in our country. i got no response from him.
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others have reached outhillary . you would think mother to mother this would mean something to her, she would reach out to us and would at least -- she has nothing to say other than how she's going to protect illegals and bring more refugees into this country. i haven't heard her once talk about what she's going to do for americans, frankly. that frightens me to the country that we're going to leave our children and grandchildren. >> her son brandon was killed. he was a police officer and was killed by a drunk driver going the wrong way on the interstate. killed him at impact. he was an i will lyllegal immig >> none of these families i noticed. this from the party who says if it saves one life, i'll do it. i'm amazed by how these people are ignored by the clinton campaign, by the obama administration. why is that? >> it actually is. i heard the counter argument was, there are a lot of horrible things going on by criminals to
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americans. why overemphasize that illegals are doing it. how does that make it worse? in the big picture, you must -- if you're inside the clinton camp and you see the polls closing, the inevitable victory and you're watching this and you have a candidate who is not electrifying on the stump like obama or her husband, how is she going to get in the news? she did a speech yesterday no one is talking about. >> criticizing him for going to mexico. >> why do you emphasize these crimes, because they're especially infuriating. they don't need to happen. they only happen because we allow our border to be porus because it benefits one party politically. it's totally unnecessary. a lot of bad things happened. these are preventible crimes. >> listen, i interviewed indicate si kate tienly's family. i looked at the rap sheet of the -- it was page after page. that guy had been deported five
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times. he's still allowed to live in this country as a sanctuary city. >> that was the emphasis yesterday. in the big picture, i wonder what this means for the polls. a question whether donald trump wanted to win. shaking up his campaign. people were leaving. not many people were coming in. he was nowhere to be found. now, nobody is questioning -- >> if he stays on message and he continues. >> sticks to the issues. heather nauert at 5:00. >> she's one of the hardest working women. >> maybe next to you, ainsley. >> no. >> all right. she anchored the 5:00 a.m. that's what we're talking b early start and it's an early start for you too this morning. ten minutes after the hour. florida bracing for impact as tropical storm hermine gains strength in the gulf. watch this. >> hurricane warnings now stretch all the way to south carolina. her mine is expected to make landfall as a category 1
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hurricane. along the panhandle of florida. we've been telling you about a second storm system that's around the hawaiian islands. that area is under a state of emergency as two major storms pummel the islands. tropical storm madeline veering past the big island with drenching rains and then there's yet another, it's called hurricane lester. it's trailing hundreds of miles behind. it's expected to weaken to a tropical storm. that's the good news. weakens by sunday. weil keep you posted on this. there are no survivors. o two planes slamming into one another midair leaving five people dead. this happened over rocky terrain near anchorage, alaska. the company that owns one of the planes runs one of the busiest places in -- it follows a deadly crash back in 2013. the romanian hacker who targeted the bush family and
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exposed hillary clinton's private e-mail server will spend at least two years behind bars. he leaked e-mails for 100 americans, including colin powe powell, the sister of president george w. bush and others. we'll watch that story throughout the day. all eyes on colin kaepernick ahead of thursday night's football game. the quarterback is expected to make his first start in nine months in the 49ers final preseason game tonight. they face the chargers as they host the salute to military night. kaepernick promising to remain seated and continue his protest of the national anthem until he sees what he considers to be, "significant change" when it comes to race relation in america. >> there's going to be a huge flag covering the field, we understand. and they're going to sing god bless america and there's going to be hundreds of military personnel on the field. >> i think everybody is --
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>> there might not be anyplace to sit. i don't know if the defense could be covered. >> they're going to love -- >> he said he's going to continue to do it. >> they might cover the bench with a flag. the video is terrifying. it's a 4-year-old actually thrown from a bridge and his mother cheers. [ bleep ]. >> the boy is okay. but wait until you hear what's coming for the mother. >> not good. with the clinton foundation under fire from all sides, our next guest, nonprofit, once received money from it. but he says it's time for the clintons to clean house. the former navy s.e.a.l. turned politician is live coming up. i have asthma...
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country and for the grand recipients. they must clean house immediately, remove the current leadership of the foundation and cut ties to the clinton family, including their daughter chelsea. eric greet ens joins us now. you received a grant for your foundation, your military foundation from the clinton foundation. what is the problem with that? >> that's right. our organization, the mission continues and other veterans organizations receive funding from the clinton global initiative and other supporters of them and the problem here is that veterans organizations and so many great charitable organization that is are doing work on the frontlines to help people depend on this system of foundation. the clintons have taken what should be a system of generosity and turned it into a system of personal greed. they've taken what should be about public service and, instead, they've create aid foundation system that served as an easy paycheck for their
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political cronies. all charitable organizations around the country who depend on this system, you know, we need to demand and get an apology from the clintons. >> you believe all nonprofits look bad when there's all these problems with the major nonprofit like the clinton foundation. an international be hee moth. >> i think that's exactly right, brian. people donate to civic organizations, philanthropic organizations because they believe they'll be doing good work on behalf of the people of the united states. when they see an organization like the clinton foundation, which was clearly a system that was set up to benefit the clintons personally, it calls into question the entire system. >> are you going to give the money back? >> so you're not going to give the grant back? >> look, the mission continues. use that money. use that money years ago. i think the burden is on the clintons. the burden is on the clintons to
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step forward and they owe an apology not just to grant recipients but to the people of the united states. because so much good work happened in this country because people are engaged in the system. look, brian, this goes to the foundations of who we are as americans. it was talked about as being a unique system in america. ben franklin talked about this. people got together. they raise money for libraries or volunteer fire departments. people are sick of corrupt career politicians who abuse these systems for their own benefit. >> clearly, you're running on not being a career politician. you spent a great deal of your time in the military. eric grooit ens, thanks very much. best of luck in your election. coming up straight ahead, donald trump doubling down on his promise to build a border wall. we will build a great wall along the southern border. mexico will pay for the wall. they don't know it yet, but they're going to pay for the wall. >> what do the voters think
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about that? we have brand new dials for you to see and we're showing off our school spirit all morning long as we get ready to kick off the college football season. yes. you're playing on our turf. i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. smoking's a monkey on my back. it was, it was always controlling your time, your actions, your money. it had me. it had me.
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welcome back. a quick look at your headlines this morning. first up, a possible game changer in the fight against alzheimer's disease. researchers say a drug can eliminate signs of the illness in brain scans. this has never happened before with any drug. after a year of doses, nearly all the toxic plaque buildup on the brain was gone in the study. the drug is unfortunately, years away from being available. we'll keep you posted on it. more americans, including
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adults are higher than ever. a new study shows that 10 million more americans are smoking marijuana. the number of people who get high every day doubled while the number who believe it's bad for you has dropped dramatically. whoa. ainsley? >> all right. thank you, tucker. donald trump laying out his long-awaited immigration speech in phoenix last night following a surprise visit down to mexico. what do the voters think about it? lee carter, pollster and partner at a company and puts it to the dial test. she joins us with the results. hi, lee. >> good to see you. >> the first one we start with is donald trump talking about building the wall. his first point of the speech last night. listen. >> we will build a great wall along the southern border. and mexico will pay for the
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wall. 100%. they don't know it yet, but they're going to pay for the wall. >> it's off the chart. it's atom. democrats not surprisingly, the wall is one of the most controversial things. republicans an a and independents a b. overall, people are glad that stayed strong on the position on the wall and immigration. this is probably the lowest point of the night when it came to democrats. but interesting to see the momentum that he got. >> a lot of republicans are saying that donald trump is doing better because he's staying on point, staying on message. but hillary clinton disagrees. she thinks he's a loose cannon. watch the dials. >> you don't build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon. you do it by putting in the slow, hard work of building relationships.
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getting countries working together, was my job every day as your secretary of state. more than a photo-op. it takes consistency and reliability and it certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home again. that is not how it works. >> you can see there, democrats off the charts an a. independents a c minus. it took a dip when she was talking about her only personal experience. republicans gave an f. didn't feel like emotion behind it. she criticized donald trump and called him dangerous. hillary clinton, other people are putting a lot of democrats -- think that the illegals needing to be focused on them and be worried about nair well-being. donald trump says hold on a minute, we need to start putting america first. look at the dials. >> we will treat everybody
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living or residing in our country with great dignity, so important. we will be fair, just and compassionate to all. but our greatest compassion must be for our american citizens. >> so this was shocking to me. one of the first times we've seen democrats go this high with donald trump. giving it a c, independents a b, and republicans an a. so surprisingly, that democrats were responding at least neut l neutrally to donald trump. what people said was he had the crowd and he had energy and enthusiasm and it seemed like he had a plan. it's what people want to hear these speeches on the hard issues, the economy, immigration, national security, they're working. it's starting to move the needle. i think that if we're going to see it play out in the polls. >> the margin of error. it's definitely getting closer and closer. >> thank you so much, lea. good to see you.
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a 4-year-old little boy thrown from a bridge and his mother, you can hear, is cheering. >> [ bleep ]. >> 4 years old. the boy is okay. wait until you hear what's now coming for the mother. plus, brand new fox polls showing the race between donald trump and hillary clinton getting tighter as we were just talking about. we'll show you the numbers. first, happy birthday to dr. phil. he's 66 years old today on september 1st. there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about
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hour. we have breaking news. it happened overnight. the race for the white house closer than ever as brand new fox polls long anticipated now show donald trump gaining critical grounds. so the question is what is hillary clinton saying about all of this? we don't actually know because she hasn't held a press conference in almost 300 days. >> we have a live report out of washington this morning with ed henry. >> good morning, guys. what's interesting about these numbers. we're about to hit the pivotal point in the race, labor day, where millions of people come back from vacation and pay a engs to the candidates. hillary clinton seeing her convention bounce start to fade a little bit. donald trump will be taking it directly to clinton on national security in the battleground of ohio. trump speaking in cincinnati at the american legion national convention where clinton spoke yesterday and charged trump is out of step with leadership in the world. except look at the new fox polls suggesting trump's message may be resonating.
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in a two-way race, they had a six-point spread. clinton had a ten-point lead in early august right after the democratic convention and trump's fight with the parents of a gold star soldier. now look at a four-way race. trump even closer. clinton 41%. trump 39. libertarian candidate gary johnson at 9% and jill steinof the green party at 4%. that is just a two-point lead for clinton. it's within the three-point margin of error. look at what may be weighing clinton down if you go deeper into the polls. 66% of registered voters told us, it is very or somewhat likely that clintons were selling influence to those who donated to the clinton foundation. 30% saying not likely or not at all selling influence. clearly, this may be why hillary clinton continues to be wary as you noted, answering questions from the press. yesterday in mexico, donald trump taking questions on the
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issue of illegal immigration. the republican national committee is keeping a tally of clinton's last news conference. 271 days. way back on december 4th. clinton is not going to care very much what the republican national convention is saying with the latest attack. look at the "wall street journal" is reporting. mounting frustration from democrats. saying clinton has to cut ties. she's more likely to respond to democrats saying they're tired of that foundation, guys. >> fascinating. low anticipated polls. thanks, ed. there's two things going on. donald trump revamped his campaign, brand new approach. doing less interviews. at the same time, you've got an investigation exposing what hillary clinton did at her last job. both things are working. the polls are closing. >> if he keeps talking about issues, they'll continue to close. >> the investigation continues on the other side. over to heather with headlines for us. >> we do. good morning, good morning
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everybody. what a terrible story about a mom who is now facing jail time. her 4-year-old son is tossed from a bridge into the water below. witnesses say that she was cheering while it happened. watch this. [ bleep ]. >> now we want you to know that that boy was wearing a life jacket and he is okay. but he fell 27 feet into this river. this happened in washington state. the water was only 8 feet deep. there were boulders all over that river as well. fortunately, that child was not hurt. police are now charging his mother and the man who threw the boy with child endangerment. as the mom of a 5-year-old, that is horrific to watch. we'll keep you posted on what happens to that mom and boyfriend. >> a top north korea an official was just executed for bad posture. vice premiere come jong young
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gin. sitting behind kim jong un. he was punished with death by firing squad. he appeared to fall asleep during a committee maerg. he was then accused of being an anti-party, anti-revolution agitator and so he was apparently executed in north korea. pentagon employees spending big money on strip clubs and casinos courtesy of you the taxpayer. there's a new inspector genal report that shows $100,000 was spent at trip clubs and a million dollars at casinos on government credit cards. the report blames that lavish spending and says it's putting our national security at risk because it left limited trave funds. no one has been held accountable. the pentagon agreed to monitor expenses more closely and report offenses in a timely manner. those are your headlines. let head out to steve and brian -- he's not here.
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to tucker. >> and ainsley. thanks for breaking up the introduction. all fans of college football. the season officially kicks off today and you know what that means. it means time for the schools to show -- >> we walked out here and our colleges are here. the producers are the best. here to tell us about the 12th annual college colors day. katherine gam monday is here from the collegiate licensing company. thank you so much. >> let's hear it for katherine, ladies and gentlemen? >> what are you bringing? >> tomorrow is college colors day. it's a great opportunity for fans across the country to show you their school spirit and to wear their school pride. the best way to kick off the school year, the new football season is to get the newest products in the marketplace. we have new shoes in the marketplace. we've got fun hats and new designs. >> okay. >> gotter advice tumblers.
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>> what a throwback. >> penn state sweater. >> not just for kids and schools, for kids who graduated from the schools, that's when you rediscover too, correct? >> absolutely. fans across the country, whether for athletes or students, alumni, kids, there's bookstores filled with products for everybody. >> these are fantastic. how much are these? how do you get them? do you order your colors? >> be honest, we want them for free. >> we'll send you some. >> katherine, our producers are so cool. they organized this. all of the cheerleaders from our schools into new york and columbia. that's where heather nauert graduated here in new york. >> this is my school from south carolina. whoo! go gamecocks. >> that's steve's school back there. kansas. tucker -- >> harvard is not -- >> let's go through real quick. let's go through a little cheer.
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and finally. >> kansas. >> jayhawks! jayhawks! jayhawks! >> good job everybody. >> katherine, you have something else to add real quick? >> fans across the country. any of your social media channels. #college colors. show us your school spirit and what you're wearing. college sorry it's raining a little bit. we'll do the best we can with that and get you a tarp. coming up straight ahead, we'll talk a little politics. >> donald trump talking tough on illegal immigration. >> other countries take your people back when they order them deported. >> how realistic is his plan? our political panel here next. plus -- >> rascal flatts, the lead
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i am going to create a new special deportation task force focused on identifying and quickly removing the most dangerous criminal, illegal immigrants in america who have evaded justice, just like hillary clinton has evaded justice, okay? maybe they'll be able to deport her. >> there he was last night in
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phoenix. donald trump going after democrats but also explaining in more detail than he has before his immigration agenda including a ten-point plan. how did he do? we have a political panel this morning on this question. u.s. hispanic chamber of commerce president and surrogate javier -- and spokeswoman rachel campos-duffy and a senior adviser to the trump campaign. javier, to you first. i thought he made an interesting point about legal immigration and about our right to choose who comes here. here's part of what trump said. >> it's our right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants that we think are the likeliest to thrive and flourish and love us. >> so you're a business guy. you wobt hire the first 100 people. you reserve the right to choose the ones you want. >> i agree. >> why shouldn't our country have the same right? >> i don't think anybody is
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advocating to hire who shows up. the vast majority of immigrants that are here came here to look for work. the vast majority of them, in fact, are working and helping this nation move forward. they're doing the kinds of jobs, frankly, that a lot of americans would not do. >> rachel, why wouldn't our immigration policy be a little more thoughtful? it was designed with an industrial economy. we no longer do. why wouldn't we say, we'll take people who are going to help us in specific ways. not just -- people who are going to help us? >> sure. talked about welcoming people who want to assimilate, love america and share our values. i think that bodes well for hispanic immigrants frankly when you compare to immigrants in other countries. when you see the problems in europe trying to assimilate their migrant population. i don't think this bodes poorly for hispanic immigrants who i think come here, work hard as javier said. >> i think people think that. i think trump said that for the first time.
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why not have a skills-based immigration? >> it's necessary. it hits close to home. we're immigrants. we came here when i was 11. my father is a ph.d.. you better believe, if that was not the case, we would have a harder time getting into this couny than we did. we were better for it. it played a big role. i believe like hiring as a businessman, we should be looking at the background but also the skill set of everyone coming in. that's common sense. that's the common sense donald trump brings into this country. >> needs to be modernized to work for this economy. i don't think anyone is arguing that. >> lots of people are arguing that. they're arguing that the main criterion do you have relatives in the united states. >> one of the things -- i liked the speech. i'm an american before i'm a hispanic. i definitely think the idea of making a system that works for americans first matters and is important. i think that was a great point that he brought up. he was unapologetic about it. he wanted to put americans first. he didn't talk specifically
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about the so-called dreamers. they are americans. they do live here. we -- he really talk about, he talked about getting rid of the executive action that obama put in place that allowed their parents to stay. i think that trump really should have talked about pushing legislation to allow them not through executive order but in through -- in the house -- >> to the congress. >> not going to lay out everything. >> he talked a lot about the wall. he's being scoffed at by the cool kids, against the wall what's the argument? >> there should never be an argument against protecting our country. we have every right to do exactly that. the fact of the matter is that the wall is one element, one thing. this country has many, many, many challenges. immigration reform at least in the eyes of my constituency, a 4.1 hispanic owned firms that
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collectively contribute over $661 billion to the american economy, listen, i'm proud to advocate on behalf of hispanic businessmen and women. we never forget the, to the point the first and foremost to the point that was made earlier, we are americans. every product we mfsh, every service we provide goes to benefit the american economy. >> you sound very reasonable this morning. i have to say. but we are out of time. no, i'm serious. that was great. >> i know. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. our next guest is the niece of rascal flatts lead singer. thanks to modern technology, she has music in her ears, it's an amazing story. you can learn how you can help girls like her. stay tuned. wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn.
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tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6. that's right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music, plus talk, sports, comedy, news, and more. your ride has never, ever, rocked like this. oh yeah, siriusxm is on for free right now. so tune in and let's ride!
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♪ ♪ i want to hear that ringtone, i like it turned up when you're blowing up my phone ♪ ♪ i want to hear you say come on over, come on over ♪ ♪ i like the sound of that that is rascal flatts' lead singer, gary levox. for his little niece lexi, unfortunately, it was a sad reality. >> she was born deaf and she received a cochlear implant. >> there she is hearing for the first time. is that right? >> that's right. >> here's lexi and her mother
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jamie. they are on a mission to help every person with hearing loss or deafness to hear music as great as rascal flatts. thank you so much for being with us. i'm sure as a mother, what was that like when she was born and you heard that news? >> so we were repeatedly told she was fine, but was not responding to loud noises so i went back into the pediatrician and i was screaming, someone help us. we were on the fast track to get a full hearing work-up and we found out very quickly that she was in fact deaf at 14 months of age. i had been singing to her and singing to her at night. never -- she would never put her head on my shoulder. she would squirm and turn and cry and i would just bawl. i would hand her to kevin, i said something is wrong. we find out she's deaf and that her hearing can be restored. never heard of that. never heard of a cochlear implant. >> right. >> four months later she's activated. she's implanted and activated. she heard birds chirping on day
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one. she made up two years of speech in her first year. we never had to sign. it's a miracle. >> lexi, i know you can hear, because when your uncle's music was playing you were bobbing your head. do you remember those early days of not being able to hear? you know what it's like when you take the cochlear implants out? >> yeah. all the time. >> you remember that? what is it like now? >> what about your hearing? >> i don't know. >> you like his music. >> you love music. so your dad, kevin, is a younger brother of gary's, right? that's so cool. i know all your friends love that music. what's your favorite song? >> "god bless the broken road." >> "i like the sound of that." >> now you started a full campaign. you're traveling to cities. giving free hearing tests. >> god is good, he's blessed us
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but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. while there are many illegal immigrants in our country who are good people, this doesn't change the fact that most illegal immigrants are lower skilled workers with less education, who compete directly against vulnerable american workers. all the politicians, donors and special interests there is only one core issue. in the immigration debate. and that issue is the well-being of the american people. hillary clinton for instance talks constantly about her fears
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that families will be separated. but she's not talking about the american families who have been permanently separated from their loved ones because of a preventable homicide. >> donald trump last night when he started the day with the mexican president. he quickly hopped back on his plane which he has. he was able to get back into phoenix for a landmark speech which went into detail on the immigration proposal. >> that's right. 6:00 phoenix time, 9:00 our time, so if you missed it, we'll have all the highlights for you. >> if you want a winning presidential message, that's it. >> we know the people that showed up love him. we know the trump people love him, they loved that speech. people from ann coulter on down said best speech i ever heard. but the question is did the undecideds, independents? >> nobody wants to vote for hillary clinton. if trump meets the sanity thresh
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hold, yeah, he's responsible for president, i think he wins. >> well, he talked about how the country is spending $113 billion a year on illegal immigrants. and the latino community, a trump supporter juan hernandez, he says he agrees with him. that illegal immigrants are getting a free ride and if you're working hard you're paying for them. >> i know a lot of people who -- a lot of mexicans who are here legally, who went through the process. they have resentment against -- because they did what they had to do to become legal citizens and yet illegals come over here and they get a free ride right now. they get to depend on the government system. and so they have that resentment's not -- the latino movement is moving for trump. and i think the american -- i think that america needs to see that. >> the question is that speech was a ten-point plan. it was extremely tough. it was a little bit different than the message he's been giving lately and different from the message that he had which was one of compromise and
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understanding with the mexican president earlier in the afternoon. >> i thought -- you're right. ten points but i felt like the themes were if you're a democrat, you're more worried about the illegals he's saying, but as i want to be the president of the united states and i am more worried about the american people. he talk about families that had been torn apart because illegal immigrants were here breaking the law and murdering individuals and families are being torn apart. we need to remember them. >> the biggest applause line is build a wall. it's also line that all the cool, sophisticated people, all the media scoff at, oh, it's so stupid, build a wall. but it makes intuitive sense to the average person. if you love someone you protect it. if you're at home, you lock the doors of your house because you love your children. >> on top of that, if you factor in we all of a sudden find that 10,000 syrian refugees are coming here, we have big hearts, we don't know who these people are, even the governors have no
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say who's coming in then we know that our tax dollars are going to illegals that are not supposed to be coming in by the utter definition of what the word illegal means. we know that 45% of all of our paychecks are going to social causes. we're wondering we would like to know it's going to americans first. >> we would like some voice in it by the way. nobody asks the average person, who should come here? this is a totally undemocratic system. it's a system entirely run by elites for their benefit and average people are understandably frustrated by it. >> what about all the technology that will be associated with this wall? listen. >> are you ready? >> yeah! >> are you ready? we will build a great wall along the southern border and mexico will pay for the wall. they don't know it yesterday, but they're going to pay for the wall. on day one we'll begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall.
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we will use the best technology including above and below ground sensors, aerial surveillance and man power to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels. >> so he talks about building the wall, so to keep other people out of the country that are trying to get in illegally. but he also talked about the people that are already in the country. he said there are 300,000 illegal immigrants that have committed crimes that are back out on the streets here. >> he said he'll crack down on them first. that's the deportation focus. meanwhile, earlier in the day, fascinating that trump took the mexican president up on the offer. who by the way his approval ratings are down. like at 30%. he met him one-on-one. they said positive things about
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things. but when it came to building the wall, did mexico agree to pay for it? no. of course not. here's a tweet from the president of mexico. at the beginning of the conversation with donald trump, i made clear that mexico will not pay for the wall. yeah. whatever. i mean, you know who built a beautiful wall with above and below sensors? president obama. because he cares about his family, i get it. i noticed that no one on "morning joe" is scoffing at that wall. >> is that show still on? >> apparently. >> i'm just saying every sophisticated person -- the wall. except when obama builds it, that's cool. >> 640 feet of the barrier exists. it's worked for israel. here's the statement from the trump campaign after the president came out with his tweet -- the president of mexico. both parties knew each other's positions going into today which didn't think it was approach to negotiate during the meeting. you need some power, as much as
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you might like donald trump, he's not the president. what do you expect to negotiate? let's start negotiating on something while i'm trailing in the polls by a few points and the election is a few months away. >> this is the first time you came face to face, i'm going to shake your hand, and say, give me a check for the wall. no, it will take some time. >> i think it's a tough sell to get mexico to pay for the wall. you basically can't do that. >> you know the deal. nafta which he says is an antiquated deal that he needs -- that needs to be reform and updated. he said by both sides. they have a v.a.t. tax in mexico. >> having a v.a.t. tax and actually paying for it are two different things. >> when we bring products into mexico we pay for the v.a.t. tax and when they come here, we do not charge a duty on any products. >> you can be for free trade and recognize it brings prosperity which it does. and also believe not every trade agreents is perfect. you can make them better.
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>>. if you give them a pseudov.a.t. tax, wouldn't that pay for the wall? >> he'll find a way to do it. >> why give away the plan earlier. >> we asked you to respond in the first hour. thank you for sending this tweet. mr. trump's speeches in mexico and arizona were the finest moments. strength, compassion, honesty. >> you're always on facebook. >> all this stuff being promised but not saying how. like trump, no explanation how it will come about. >> cat which i believe is short for something. >> katherine. >> says this. donald trump is looking like a president in waiting and hillary hides from the press, afraid of the questions that might be thrown at her. listen to this. donald trump has taken to the headlines for the right reasons for the first final in a long time. not something he said, but what he's doing. going to mexico is newsworthy.
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having that speech is newsworthy. saturday going to the black church is newsworthy. hillary clinton is in the hamptons and los angeles raising money. how much does she need? >> it's a sickness, a compulsion. that's all she's done. hillary's achievements, they are taking money from rich people. she was with paul mccartney and jon bon jovi. were you? >> i didn't check my voice mail, i was probably invited. but hillary clinton made a speech yesterday that no one talked about to the american legion. >> she spoke yesterday, criticizing donald trump for going gown to mexico. last night, he was surrounded by these women who were wearing these white t-shirts and they have pictures on them of their children who had been killed by illegal immigrants. and i had the opportunity to meet and shake hands with lot of the women at one of the town halls that donald trump had. and you look at the faces of their children and your heart just breaks. because they all said these
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deaths -- these deaths could have been prevented but they were killed by illegal aliens who are here in this country and many had long rap sheets, we deported four or five times. it's just such a sad story and donald trump said these are the people -- these illegal aliens the ones committing crimes over and over those are the ones we have to get out of our country. he said there are 300,000 still walking the streets of america. >> i didn't see any of the moms at the democratic national convention. i heard a lot about the pliekt of sir -- plight of syrian refugees. i'd hate to think they care more about the syrian refugees than about the mothers of americans murdered who were here illegally. a good point. >> that was the point. that's why he's wanting to bolster the border control. he talked about something else we don't talk about. just suspending visas from any place where there's an antiquated or inadequate screening system like for example the -- syria right now.
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where the u.n. is going through the screening process, but the syrian government has killed 400,000 people and wiped out every legitimate record. there should be something set up for people in syria to stay in their own country. >> if women can't vote in your country, you're not allowed to get a visa to come here. pretty simple, right? you'd think that hillary would be for that. >> i don't think uae would be for it. >> as a feminist -- >> let's hand it over to heather with some headlines for us. >> good morning. we see the rain out here. take a look at it in the south. things are a real mess down there. sunshine state soaked this morning as tropical storm gains strength. watch this. it is expected to make land fall as a category 1 hurricane tonight along the panhandle of florida. hurricane warnings stretch all
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the way to south carolina. so we'll keep you posted as the storm develops but we have been following another storm system. and that's in hawaii. after a state of emergency, two major storms pummel the island, tropical storm madeleine veered past but still bringing flooding and strong winds there. another one is hurricane lester, right behind it. it is expected to weaken to the tropical storm by sunday. we remember the romanian hacker known as guccifer, he will spend at least two years behind bars. marcel lehel lazar will be sentenced today for leaking e-mails from clinton and from powell and the sister of bush. do not bring an apple to this teacher on the first day of school. a college professor in pennsylvania is on a hunger strike because he was denied tenure. he goes to -- he works at lafayette college in pennsylvania. and the president there says
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it's because of nearly a decade worth of negative student reviews. but he's not getting tenure. but the professor said that's not fair and that other faculty voted for him to get the tenure. he'll teach the rest of the semester living only on water and gatorade. well, john legend is joining colin kaepernick in bashing america. the singer calling the star spangled banner weak. and then writing this on twitter, for those defending the anthem do you really truly love that song? i don't. i'm good at singing it, like one of the best. those are your headlines. >> all right. >> i do. the battle of ft. mchenry turned around the war of 1812. >> you know mod esesty is in decline. >> when your last name is legend, how do you be modest? donald trump talked about an issue -- how to make immigrants assimilate once they arrive in
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welcome back. donald trump talking about an issue you haven't heard a lot of politicians talk about. how to help or make immigrants assimilate to america once they are here in america. is that a good idea? is it possible? >> it might be through the new screening process that he talks about. let's ask kansas secretary of state kris kobach. what stood out for you? >> oh, a number of things but you hit one of the nails on the hid head right there with as simulation. i haven't heard a presidential candidate or a president talk about assimilation in our immigration system in a long time. you know, it's so important that we welcome immigrants here, but that's just the first half. you have to make people become american and that's something we should not be ashamed of. adopting our values. and the way you do that is you control the numbers for one thing. if they're just unremitting wave
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after wave with no pause there's no incentive for anyone to become american. you do the screening like donald trump talked about then make the public schools the crucible of assimilation that they used to be in the past. but they're not anymore. so he's really digging deep in this speech and it was just wonderful to hear. >> but don't you have to believe in your own culture and values in order to inculcate them into other people and don't you have to put language at the center? schools used to assimilate by teaching them english. we don't do that, why? >> that's exactly right. if you have a multiculturalism ethic that cease so strong that you're constantly repewuating -- repudiating american values how do you get the newcomers to adopt the values? we have a new person talking about it. that's an important part of the speech. >> this could be a put down but they talk about minority communities and protecting wages. for those trying to work up the system they're being blown out of the workforce by people working underneath -- under the
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wire so to speak. >> yeah. this was a really important part of this speech. he mentioned it three times, protecting the wages of american workers. if you look at every single industry, where illegal immigration has come in and sort of swamped the workforce, wages have gone through the floor. that's hotel cleaning. that's meat packing plants. there's some aspects of construction. so what you have to do if you want to protect those at the bottom of the economic ladder which includes a lot of people who are new immigrants of hispanic ethnicity and african-american citizens you have to protect them from competition so wages can go up and trump was hitting on it. i haven't heard a president talk about this in my lifetime. >> no, because it benefits the people who run everything. of course. >> of course. he thinks -- he hopes it helps him becomes president. kris kobach, thank you, appreciate the inside story. >> my pleasure. aright, straight ahead, she's barely a freshman in high
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all right. time for the math portion of the test. time for "news by the numbers." 17,000. that's how many criminal illegal aliens are being protected in the 300 sanctuary cities in america. new locations are near lexington and cincinnati. next, 10,000. that's how many syrian refugees are being settled in the u.s. we are learning california and michigan have accepted the most refugees followed by arizona, texas and illinois. almost every one of them is
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muslim. and finally, 250 million. that's how much it would cost to buy the white house. historic residence sits on 18 acres, has 16 bedrooms. pretty expensive. ainsley? >> thank you. all week long, we are show casing young stars with amazing talents. our next child prodigy is a singer who made her debut -- you probably saw her on "america's got talent." only at the age of 11. watch this. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'll never forget pretty, pretty please ♪ ♪ if you ever ever feel like you're nothing ♪ ♪ you are perfect to me >> and she joins us live at 14 years old now. the singing sensation mara justine. thank you for being with us. you're 14 years old. >> yes. >> first day of high school yesterday.
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>> yep. >> how was it? >> crazy experience, but i know it will be really cool year. >> what are your friends saying about your performance on "america's got talent" and that voice that you have? >> they're actually very supportive. they have been always supportive of me. they give me really good feedback and they're just awesome. >> you are incredible. i watched some of "america's got talent." you did the cross before you went out. >> i always do that. it makes me feel very comfortable to know that god is watching over me and that everything will be okay. >> that's so sweet. your mom said that she knew you were very special when you were a baby. >> yeah. >> that has to be good to hear. >> i love my mom so much. >> she's incredible. >> she's been through everything with me. >> so she supports you and europe -- and your voice coach. have they inspired you so much? >> definitely. my vocal coach, he sculpted my voice into what it is today. >> what are you singing today?
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>> on "america's got talent" howard stern said that is music. and he is right. she made it to the top ten on that show. congratulations. >> thank you. >> if you want to buy her album, i think we have a picture of your album. what's it called? >> it's just mara justine. >> beautiful picture. >> thank you. >> you're a special child. i wish you the best. >> i love her so much. >> welcome back any time. look at this video. this video is terrifying. a 4-year-old thrown from a bridge and his mother starts cheering. look at this. >> [ bleep ]. >> the good news is the boy is okay. but wait until you hear what's coming for the mom. and donald trump is continuing his push to appeal to the black voters. >> the democrats have taken advantage of african-americans. they take their vote, they win the election. and then they say, see you in four years.
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>> but it is working? and nfl legend burgess owens will share his thoughts on the speech last night. ♪ i had that dream again -- that i was on the icelandic game show. and everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it's like my father always told me -- "put that down. that's expensive." of course i save people an average of nearly $600, but who's gonna save me? [ voice breaking ] and that's when i realized... i'm allergic to wasabi. well, i feel better. it's been five minutes. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] ssoon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada.
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you can use whipped topping made ...but real joyful moments.. are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. ♪ reddi-wip. share the joy. this is kind of crazy. today, donald trump made a surprise trip to mexico with the president enrique pena nieto. or as he said it, nice to meet you, pinata. >> jimmy fallon was having fun that it broke during his show which tapes at 6:00. >> we want to talk more about
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the immigration speech. i know you're super excited. mr. sports fanatic. >> he played at shea stadium and he finished up with the l.a. raiders. the oakland raiders. the name of your book is "liberalism, how to turn good men into whiners, weenies and wimps." burgess, welcome back. >> i look forward to chatting about this for sure. >> when you talk about immigration that's the main topic on the show. donald trump said you should prove you want to assimilate into the country. as this been lacking? >> actually the history shows that assimilate the best are those who do really well in our country. as an african-american our focus is to bring the focus back to the race. we get hurt the worst when that's the -- >> why? >> because we're at the very bottom of the employment rung. and until -- if there's
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competition there, the black community is hit the hardest. understanding that, we need to control the borders that's important for them. >> that's basic economic, the most basic economics and i wonder why that is not clearer to people. >> well, this kind of goes back to my book. at the end of the day it's an ideology we're dealing with. we can go the route of the judeo-christian values of hard work, looking at the inside out versus the inside in, looking at with common sense. we need to get back to that in pa big way. >> i want to get your reaction this is donald trump talking about president obama and hillary clinton saying they have committed gross dereliction of duty. take a listen. >> president obama and hillary clinton have engaged in gross dereliction of duty by surrendering the safety of the
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american people to open borders. they support visa overstays. they support the release of dangerous, dangerous, dangerous criminals from detention. and they support unconstitutional executive amnesty. hillary clinton has pledged amnesty in her first 100 days and her plan will provide obamacare, social security and medicare for illegal immigrants, breaking the federal budget. >> and he wants first. your reaction? >> well, you know it's -- when you start to understand that the ideology and there's the democratic party that really is trying to transform our country and not by assimilation, not by the values that we have been brought up with and we have all grown up with. it's bringing people in that learn to become democrats. and that to me is a very devious
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approach at the heart -- at the heart to change our country, not by the way of growing and serving and learning and living our country, learning our language, but actually bringing different ideologies into our country and becoming dependent on the democratic party it's working for them. we're at the part that we're doing that. >> you talk about the southern border, the hispanic vote. something else is happening on saturday. donald trump will be addressing an all-black church in detroit. hopefully taking questions. and trying to go directly to the african-american community. is his outreach over the last three weeks in your mind working? >> i think it is. i think what's happening -- there's three segments in our community. there are the elitists, i call them the royalty black class. those are the socialists, the entertainers that will never ever understand america because they're above it all. then those who believe in the victimness is valor.
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but then the third of black americans feel the way i do, how can they take advantage of the american dream, love our country and our race and that's the connection that donald has to make at this point. >> he hasn't yet. >> well, he's in the process, it will take time. it will take black americans like myself to stand up and be bold about the fact -- we should be proud of who we are. proud and the fact that we can have very wealthy people who have done very well, who do not understand it or appreciate it. that's the american way. the way that they -- debating process. so it will be a process so it will come down to just putting the message through and seeing the results. the democratic party has given a lot of promises and the results are detroit, ferguson. wherever they have laid their place, you find out that there's
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misery. black misery in a big way. >> yeah, the fruits of it have been ugly. this title is the greatest. how to turn men into whiners and weenies and wimps. >> burgess owens. good luck. we'll talk to you know the radio. >> thank you. >> let's hand it over to heather with some headlines. >> i do. good morning, to all of you. a mother is now facing jail time after her 4-year-old son is tossed from a bridge into a river below. witnesses say that while this happened, that mom was cheering. >> [ bleep ]. >> that little boy is okay. we want you to know that. he was wearing a life jacket but he did fall 27 feet into that river in washington state. that water was eight feet deep and had boulders all over the place we're told. that child is not hurt and miss are now charging the mom and the man who threw the child over
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with child endangerment. thank goodness he's okay. everyone knows that the beach boys are about happy, summer and fun. we love them. ♪ but this is an odd twist. for the first time we have learned that the beach boys had a dark encounter with charles manson. in mike love's memoir "good vibrations" he says his cousin dennis wilson briefly lived with manson and his female followers, not knowing they would eventually be involved in a mass murder. love once tried to leave one of the wild parties one of the women stopped him. love got creeped up and high tailed it out of there. all of tim tebow's hard work is paying off. sort of, at least.
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the bridgeport blue fish now offering the former nfl contract to play in the atlantic league. not sure if he wants it, and tebow is expected to decline the offer. what an athlete. we're happy for him. nice offer. those are your headlines. see you back here really soon. guys? over to you. >> well -- >> just talking and -- >> admiring the football ring. i was watching the video. tim looks good. >> he does. we love tim tebow. >> go to the cfl and play football. that's your sport. all right, coming up next -- have the girls do it. >> if you don't want to spend labor day laboring in the kitchen, paula deen has the answer. the wounded warrior project is now getting a second chance. the new ceo is here to lay out his plan. that's next. nexium 24 hour
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gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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all right. one of the largest and arguably most successful charities wounded warrior was rocked over allegations of questionable challenges and i sat down with the ceo for an exclusive interview a few months ago. listen. >> of course the first thing i would say i'm not perfect, the organization is not perfect. we've clearly made mistakes along the way. >> but they did a lot of good things too. but there's been a lot of fallout. now big changes are coming in the brand-new ceo of the organization is announcing a brand-new plan for that very company, the wounded warrior project. joining us right now for his first interview is the new ceo and retired army general michael linnington. >> thanks for having me on. >> general, you take over this organization that's been rocked by scandal. real and perceived. why do it? >> for me it was a natural
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extension of 35 years of service. i had seen the great work that wounded warrior project had done in the past during my time, three tours in combat, and as the commander of the army district of washington and folks coming back from battle, wounded, scarred, they were in wounded warrior project gear and welcomed by the volunteers and workers. so i wanted tock a part of it. >> how do you get the trust back? >> i think you have to demonstrate excellence number one and focus on the mental health. the greatest need of the warriors that have served post 9/11. you have to be accountable and responsible. >> you're projecting a revenue loss of $185 million of that. >> that's overstating it. it's about half of that. but it's a significant loss of any dollar that the donors give to us is significant because it goes to warriors. >> all right. i want to see everybody -- i want everybody to see the changes here. we know that your dollars given to the wounded warriors matter a lot. this is a change. increase in investment in mental
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health care. >> that's the most important need. >> let's put the full screen back up. let's pop that back in, please. all right. for some reason it disappeared. >> ensure accountability. >> ensure accountability. >> transparency and trust. it's about trust. it's about trust. >> put the numbers out there and the board has to be accountable. >> we all have to be accountable. americans are very, very generous in taking care of their wounded warriors. especially this generation that has such great need and we have to demonstrate to them that we'll do it right. >> now, you want to reduce the size of the staff. why? >> well, you know, we have to focus on the warriors. that's most important. we start at the top by eliminating half of the senior executives and some middle managers. all wonderful, selfless servants that wanted to make a difference, but at the end of the day we have to focus on the programs that are most important. which include programs that get
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the warriors off the couch. fox has been involved in them, and getting them involved in other activities. >> everything you have done in your life it comes up to this. your reputation is on the line. you realize that. >> i'm not doing it alone. i have a great team around me. i have americans all around the country who have sent me notes saying how much they want to continue to contribute to the wounded warrior project and ultimately at the end of the day our warriors are the most important. that's the ones that give me feed back. >> general, great to see you again. best of luck. we're pulling for you. straight ahead, if you don't want to spend labor day laboring in the kitchen, paula deen has the answer. that's her. that's our kitchen.
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recipes that everyone is going to love is the author of that new cookbook right there called "paula deen cuts the fat" and she's here with us. congratulations. >> oh, thank you, honey. thank you. >> it made "the new york times" best seller list after a few days. >> yeah, after four days. >> you have the best hands. >> thank you. this was truly -- two or three years a labor of love, putting this together. because i was -- you know, i had -- was told i had type ii diabetes so we have to make certain changes. >> so you have cut the fat. >> yeah. can't do the same thing at 45 that you did at 25. >> we're all health conscious now. >> yes. 200 brand-new recipes. 50 of them are classics that people love so very much. but i have cut some of the calories and fat out of them so they can enjoy it more.
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and i have to tell you all, not your mama's banana pudding, i don't care if i'm in california or north carolina, south carolina, people constantly come up to me and say, i make that mama's stuff. not your mama's -- >> how do you make it? >> it's so simple. now, this is cut the fat version. we're using graham cracker crumbs rather than a homemade cookie or vanilla wafer. these are lower in calories. >> you use the full graham cracker, don't crush them. >> right. >> here, this is how easy it is to mix together. we have a sugar free pudding mix. we've got a low-calorie cream cheese. and we're going to add half a cup of milk to this. >> what kind of milk do you use? >> i use 2% milk. that's what i keep in my refrigerator. so we're going to mix this milk
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in with the creamed cheese, then we'll stir that into our pudding mix. then we have a low-cal whipped topping. normally i would use fresh whipped cream. >> okay. >> but because we have cut the fat -- yes, in that book. and like i said, i hated to mess with not your mama's banana pudding but people loved it so much that i knew for those that are trying to watch it that i had to -- >> i think it's a great idea. >> i had to do that. >> let's talk about the bacon wrapped fig. that sounds delicious. >> here it is september, figs are really coming in beautifully. i adore figs. they're so good for you. i wrapped them in the turkey bacon. >> you cut the figs, right? you cut and slice them and wrap them in bacon. >> yeah. we have a dipping sauce to go with them. >> mustard dipping sauce. >> this is the red velvet cake
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where the calories have been cut. yes. >> really? >> yes. you want a piece? >> yeah. >> can i cut? >> yes. i'm going to keep mixing up our cream cheese and milk. let me get this whipped up real quick like. >> all these can be found in paula deen's cookbook "paula deen cuts the fat." >> i have to tell you, yes, i hope that everybody will go on my website. i have designed along with me the most beautiful dishes and they're garden rooster. i love roosters and chickens. >> thank you, paula. >> ready to go with your bananas. >> easy peasy. >> thank you. have a good one. >> thank you and happy labor day. the story behind this photo will bring you to tears. coming up, you're going to hear it straight from this little boy
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a john deere 1 family tractor there nevwith quik-parkt? lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love, so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer.
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we will break the cycle of amnesty and illegal immigration. we will break the cycle. there will be no amnesty. our message to the world will be this. you cannot obtain legal status or become a citizen of the united states by illegally entering our country. that's all. this declaration alone will help stop the crisis of illegal
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crossings and illegal overstays very importantly. people will know that you can't just smuggle in, hunker down and wait to be legalized. not going to work that way. those days are over. >> and that's pretty clear as donald trump rolled out a ten-point plan, but before that, oh, he went to mexico. >> he met with the mexican president to talk about building the wall and then he flew to arizona and he gave that speech at 6:00 arizona time, 9:00 our time. we watched it, we have all the highlights for you. >> if trump wins this race and it's still possible even at 68 days out, we'll look at yesterday as the pivot point. >> do you think so? even the last few weeks he's been on point. >> it wasn't about him, it wasn't about who he's mad at. but specifically what he'll do to make the country better. if he keeps talking about that, he has the advantage. >> a different tone you had in
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mexico than in arizona, is that a problem? i watched megyn kelly's show last night with shannon bream, but you'll have a different tone with each leader as only posed to when you come -- opposed to when you come back. and the other thing to factor in he's not the president. he's the nominee. >> the theme last night seemed to be democrats care so much about the illegal aliens that are here and donald trump says, hold on a minute. what about all the americans that are here? >> while there are many illegal immigrants in our country who are good people, this doesn't change the fact that most illegal immigrants are lower skilled workers with less education, who compete directly against vulnerable american workers, to all the politicians, donors and special interests, there is only one core issue. in the immigration debate.
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and that issue is the well-being of the american people. hillary clinton for instance talks constantly about her fears that families will be separated. but she's not talking about the american families who have been permanently separated from their loved ones because of a preventable homicide. >> that's it right there. the party that for decades represented working people no longer cares about them. that's the core of his message. he's stepping in to represent america's middle class. >> he didn't step out of any message. he's been always about america first, that means everybody. blacks, whites, hispanics. he's gone out of his way to include minorities. he's brought up the ideological screening test and make sure that people will be want here and will assimilate into our country rather than the other way around. listen. >> we also have to be honest about the fact that not everyone who seeks to join our country
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will be able to successfully assimilate. sometimes it's just not going to work out. it's our right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants that we think are the likeliest to thrive and flourish and love us. another reforms involves a new screening process that includes a an ideological certification to make sure they serve our values and love our people. >> and in iraq and afghanistan, they believe in this thing called honor killing, we don't. we have let 100,000 immigrants in from those countries. should we? i have never seen anybody say anything like this in any presidential race i have covered in 25 years. >> because our country has never been this divided. >> exactly. i'll give you a great example. we have let in 10,000 syrians as of a few days ago.
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of the refugees we have let in, less than 0.1 of 1% is christian. arab muslims are likely to vote democrat, and i think they have a self-conscious policy of admitting people who are likely to vote for them. that may be in their interests, not in the country's interests. you want people to come who are going to succeed here. trump is presenting a whole different way of thinking about running the country. i think whatever his faults that's a really massive advantage. >> then the stories on colin kaepernick not even standing up and -- for the national anthem. then you have donald trump talking abouts assimilating. you have to love what the red, white and blue stands for, you have to want to be part of this country. we have done stories on the pockets, the communities. take minneapolis. i went there to do a story on the recruitment of isis and they're finding a that a lot of the kids that are growing up in some of these mosques in that
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area, they don't want tos assimilate. that's where isis is going in to recruit. you have to be want to be proud to be an american. >> and you if you don't assimilate, you don't fit in and you act out. and donald trump not so much emphasizing who will pay for the wall, but man, it was a big theme last night. >> are you ready? >> yeah! >> are you ready? we will build a great wall along the southern border. and mexico will pay for the wall. they don't know it yet, but they're going to pay for the wall. on day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. we will use the best technology including above and below ground sensors. that's the tunnels, towers, aerial surveillance and man power to supplement the wall. find and dislocate tunnels and
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keep out criminal cartels. >> exactly. barack obama loves his family so he build a wall around his house. the white house. a big wall, a beautiful wall with underground sensors. if you love the country as much as you love your family, if you're president you should. then why wouldn't you do the same for your nation? >> why wouldn't you respect the people who try to get into the country the right way. they go to college, wait for their visas to put them on the road to citizenship. you don't need a wall through the entire border. there's a thing that's called a desert. make the barrier more impenetrable and make it better. it's building on what's there. >> whatever it takes to secure the border. we don't know who are here illegally. it's a census number, its could be 20 million. we don't know. >> he said 300,000 are criminals
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that are illegal aliens, criminals and are back out on the streets. pretty scary. >> is that how you spell your name in the prompter? >> yes. the race for the white house is actually closer than ever, according to the brand-new fox news poll. it shows donald trump gaining critical ground. >> what is hillary clinton saying about this? we don't know. she has not held a press conference in nearly 300 days but does give speeches like the one yesterday. >> and ed henry is following it all live from washington. hey, ed. >> reporter: he's here. >> we're assuming. >> reporter: what's interesting, labor day is coming up and that's a key point in this campaign. millions coming back from vacation, finally paying attention to the candidates and hillary clinton is seeing her convention bounce start to fade. donald trump today will be taking it directly to her on national security in the battleground of ohio. trump's speaking at the american legion national convention where clinton spoke yesterday.
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she said that trump is out of step on america's leadership role in the world, but our new polls suggest that in fact trump's message may be resonating after a tough summer for him. look at these numbers. in a four-way race, clinton 41%. trump 39%. gary johnson the libertarian candidate, 9%. jill stein the green party candidate, 4%. so then look at what's happening in our poll among the critical swing voters the independents, trump 38%, clinton 26% and watch this. gary johnson getting 20% of independents. that is a big, big number. jill stein, 7% from the green party. we also asked a question that keeps popping up. is this year's election going to be rigged? yes for clinton, 23%. yes for trump, 5%. so pretty low numbers there chbltd -- there. the big question for clinton in terms of losing the post convention bounce, when asked about the likelihood that the
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clintons were selling influence to those who donated to the clinton foundation, very or somewhat, 66% believe she was selling influence. no or not at all, 30%. not selling influence. but what's interesting when you talk about her not having a news conference since december, the republican national committee has now put together this graphic. 271 days since the last news conference. she's obviously not going to care too much what the latest republican attack is. but when you look at the "wall street journal" and they're quoting democrats saying in private it's time for her to cut ties to the foundation, that is suggesting within her own party hillary clinton is facing new pressure to deal with this foundation issue once and for all, guys. >> it was a long awaited poll, ed and said a lot. it's amazing to see the libertarian take from the democrat, not from the republican when all four go together. >> that's big. watch what johnson is doing with independent voters who helped
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decide the elections. >> ed henry, with the second best pocket square on the show today. thanks. heather nauert, ladies and gentlemen? >> all right. good morning, everybody. we are following the weather this morning. that's one of our top stories. florida bracing for impact as the tropical storm moves closer to the coast. look at this. well, here's a live look at the rough surf in florida. it's expected to make landfall as a category 1 hurricane tonight. in the meantime, we are watching another storm and this affects hawaii. now under a state of emergency as two major storms approach the islands there. tropical storm madeleine veering past the big island, but still bringing flooding and strong winds. look at that right there. then there's the -- yet another hurricane.
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this is called lester. but the good news is that it's expected to weak on the tropical storm. we will be following these weather developments throughout the morning. remember the romanian hacker known as guccifer who targeted the bush family and exposed hillary clinton's private e-mail server? he'll spend at least two years behind bars. marcel lazar will be sentenced for leaking e-mails from 100 americans including a clinton adviser, former secretary of state powell and dorothy bush koch, the sister of george w. bush. and nice job, congressman ryan. the capitol dome will be fixed on time and under budget. 1,000 cracks and leaks were to be fixed and the rotunda is set to reopen later this month and it wasn't slated to be done until january.
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congress can do one thing right. >> that's right. straight ahead, these two just ended their lavish vacation in handcuffs and could go to prison for life. you'll never believe what they packed in their bag. >> uh-oh. and hillary clinton is pointing to a role in the takedown of osama bin laden as proof she'd make the best commander in chief. we have a fact chief. we have the man who killed bin laden walking in right now. hello, robert o'neill. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece
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i was deeply honored to be part of that small group advising the president. i brought to those discussions my experience as a senator from new york on 9/11. and my commitment to do whatever i could in whatever role i had to bring bin laden to justice. you have all seen the picture of us crowded into the smaller situation room watching the video screen.
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>> that's hillary clinton touting her role in taking out osama bin laden in a speech to veterans yesterday as proof that she would be the best commander in chief. >> does she deserve the credit? we have a little fact check this morning, we'll talk to the man who actually killed bin laden, rob o'neill. great to see you. >> thank you. good morning. >> fact check this for us, is this true? >> she was an integral part of the decision making process, and she can take credit for that. but as far as the rest of it goes, i don't believe that -- i mean, there were people that said we shouldn't do it, but who wouldn't say we found bin laden let's go after him. she was one that wanted boots on the ground, we're not seeing he's there, but this team can go in and prove he's not. she was in on that. but this is the one thing she's touting. this is the one thing she was part of that really worked. she's not taking -- you're not a great leader by saying look at how great we are, we did this. she doesn't take credit, she
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doesn't mention benghazi or the e-mails. >> or killing gadhafi. >> the famous picture that i was a part of. there's two things, the picture they don't show, she was speaking to a small room of veterans she didn't even fill. then the other picture they showed the famous one she's in of all the people that are in the famous picture, she's the one person who didn't come to see us. we met everybody else in the picture. not her. >> wow. where was she? >> she was the secretary of state. but the president, the vice president and the cabinet and secretary gates, they all managed to make time to meet us. >> yet, she's taking credit -- >> not that we were asking for it. we were the end of thousands of people from the analysts to the pilots, the air crew, everyone that found him. we were part of it. she was part of it too, we didn't need a thank you but she didn't give one either. >> it's interesting --
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>> when it's election time she says look at us. look at us. >> the latest terrorism poll and folks were asked who do you trust more to do a better job on terrorism, hillary clinton or donald trump? look at the numbers. 49% said hillary. 46% said donald trump. you would think it would be the opposite. you would think trump would be winning on terrorism. why do you think these are the results? >> it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. it could be because of by the narrative that a lot of people are saying that donald trump is too eager to use military force. because of the wars we're in, maybe some of the american people doesn't want to go back to war. we're fighting a jihad, whether we recognize it or not. people don't like it. because she's not eager enough to put boots on the ground they might think that. she has been secretary of state for a while, but she believes in president obama's policies. look at the straits of hormuz, the horrible nuke deal.
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crimea, russia is taking over. she wanted to withdraw from iraq and whether or not it was a good idea, isis was created because we withdrew too soon. people don't know what to think. >> thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> rob o'neill. >> we'll be back. new clients? let's go meet them soon. in person, we could read the room. on the phone, you're just a voice. yeah, i'm good. for fast rewards, let's book on choice. this trip could really help us grow. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ when it's time to go for business, book on and get a free night when you stay with us two times. book direct at it's built-in backup wbraid helps stop leaks by channeling them back into the core giving you the best protection at home and on-the-go tampax. power over periods.
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here's a quick look at some headlines for you. a possible game changer in the fight against alzheimer's disease. a new drug targets the toxic proteins in the brain link toed the start of the alzheimer's and it slows memory loss. that's great. and more americans including adults are higher than ever. a brand-new study shows ten million more americans since 2002 are smoking pot. and the amount of people who get high on a daily basis has
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doubled. brian? all right. thanks a lot, ainsley. all right. let's do it. the race for the white house is a knockdown, dragout fight to the finish with under 70 days left with the nominees going toe to toe until the voters make the final decision in november unless we need overtime. we're keeping score each week in the title boxing ring with the political analyst, ed rollins. who was in there with joe frazier for a while and the co-chairman of the great american pac. which is donald trump's super pac. >> i want to be constructive. i think that's my obligation to the fox audience, to be constructive. >> but i will say this. my observation, you're much more excited about donald trump than you are about mitt romney. >> no question about that. i think that trump is connecting with ordinary, blue collar voters out there. i think he's projecting real leadership and getting stronger by the day. >> but in august he gave you
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mostly heart burn. >> yes. >> round one, the topic -- immigration. >> you don't build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon. it certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults than insinuation by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home again. that is not how it works. >> president obama and hillary clinton support sanctuary cities. they support catch and release on the border. they support visa overstays. they support the release of dangerous, dangerous, dangerous criminals from detention. and they support unconstitutional executive amnesty. >> and those are the two speaking yesterday and tweeting out later hillary clinton said, trump just failed his first foreign policy test, diplomacy
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isn't as easy as it looks. but i care what ed rollins thinks. what do you think? >> i think he thought he had a great day, he stood toe to toe with the president of mexico, exchanged ideas and then his speech last night was a strong, stuff speech. her idea is why we're in the same position as eight years ago. >> the different tones didn't bother you? >> no. the marques of queensbury rules and he's throwing haymakers. >> the round two, the african-american vote. let's listen. >> the policies of hillary clinton have produced only poverty, joblessness, failing schools, broken homes and rising crime. and it's only getting worse. they don't care about you. remember that. >> from the start, donald trump has built his campaign on
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prejudice and paranoia. in just this past week, under the guise of outreach to african-americans, trump has stood up in front of largely white audiences and described black communities in such insulting and ignorant terms. >> i don't think it's insulting when you talk in terms of the crime that is occurring in the urban areas of america in trying to find solutions other than the democratic solutions that have been there for 40 years so i think he made good points there. she is again a soft touch. his audience is whites, but it's not -- he's not trying to attract just the black african-american vote. he wants to solve problems. >> and saturday he's going to the black audience that he cares. >> he wants to hear their side the story? >> round two? >> trump. >> and the focus of round three is character.
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>> hillary clinton thinks she's entitled to be president. she thinks she's above the law. so far she's proven that. but the truth is it's the opposite. her criminal conduct at home and her failed interventions overseas simply make her unfit. she is unfit to serve in the oval office. >> no one should have any illusions about what's really going on here. now trump is trying to rebrand himself as well. don't be fooled. a few words on the teleprompter won't change that. he says he wants to make america great again, but more and more it seems as though his real message seems to be make america hate again. >> the winner on character? >> i don't think he's preaching hate. i think he's talking about the facts. i mean, every american realizes what's going on in the country and again i think he wins this round. she had a good line there, but
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she's not changing any policies that obama did. he's the agent of change. >> you might hear spin from different areas but hard to imagine a stronger week than donald trump has. but saturday might be his biggest. >> you know, it's going to end up in discussion. well, he's talk about serious problems and she's out in the hamptons being with rich guys and raising lots of money. >> you have it a knockout this week. >> this was the strongest week he's had since the convention. >> all right. thanks so much. ainsley, tell us what's coming up. if you don't read it, we don't do it. >> i'll definitely read this one, it's an incredible story. a boy with autism eating lunch alone every day and this happens. a college football player changes his day and his life and his mom is brought to tears because of it. they're going to join us next, it's an interview you will only see right here on "fox & friends." look, they're friends still.
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♪ here's a shot of the morning. some brand-new campaign swag spotted at donald trump's rally last night. former new york mayor rudy giuliani and jeff sessions of alabama wearing white hats that say make mexico great again also. >> this was at a phoenix rally last night. just before trump took the stage after making historic trip down to mexico to talk about the border policy as president. >> that's a busy hat. of course they're a spinoff of the iconic make america great again hat. they're made in this country,
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right? >> right. >> i want mexico to be better than it is. i really do. >> we'll see. they do say they both -- both countries, america and mexico, want to redo the nafta agreement. so donald trump who's -- they thought he was coming of left field about nafta, both sides say we need to upgrade. >> it doesn't mean you're against trade. let's go over to heather with the headlines. >> this is quite a story here. i know this will catch your attention because it involves bikinis. check out the luscious babes, these two women busted after authorities found a whopping $30 million worth of cocaine stashed in their suitcase. they were traveling on the sea princess cruise around the world. each ticket costs $20,000, but once the ship docked in australia their lavish trip came to tend. authorities found $200,000 worth
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of drugs. back here at home, a mother is facing jail time after her 4-year-old son was tossed from a bridge into a river below. witnesses say that she was cheering. watch. >> [ bleep ]. >> we want to tell you that little boy is okay. he was wearing a life jacket, but he ended up falling 27 feet below into that river. this happened in washington state. we are told that water was eight feet deep and there were boulders all over it. the child was again not hurt, but police are now charging the man a mom and the man who threw the boy over the boat. a car plunged right into the water, you can see it right there. he forgot to use the emergency brake, he makes a mad dash to stop the car. he struggles to open the door
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before it goes into the drink. that happened at the marina there. and good things comes to those who work hard, right? not one district. they want to nix the valedictorian award because it creates an unhealthy competition. instead of honoring one or two kids with the highest gpa, it will honor the top 10% of the class. how about that? >> very impressive. >> nobody is listening. >> no, we're listening. >> i was hanging on every word. >> talk about hanging on every word. you'll love this story. 11-year-old bo paske has autism and he sits oftentimes alone at lunch. >> and that changed when wide receiver travis rudolph sat with him. >> and joining us right now is bo paske, his mother and travis rudolph.
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travis, how did you meet bo? tell us about that day? >> we visited the middle school and we were told to spread around and go introduce yourself to all the sixth graders at the lunch tables. and towards the end, i grabbed two slices of pizza and i recognized bo sitting alone. i asked him could i sit down and have lunch with him and he said, sure, why not? as soon as i sat down, he like introduced himself to me. he said, hey, my name is bo and what's your name and the conversation went from there. >> wow. you went and hit it off with bo who was sitting by himself. mom, what was it like when you saw that picture of those two together? i think this is the first time you have seen travis. >> yes this is the first time i'm meeting him. i'm pretty overwhelmed, pretty emotional. but seeing the picture for the first time, i was just overwhelmed -- overcome with emotion. and i was so grateful that i
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mean, he's a superstar here. that he would go into the crowded lunchroom where i'm sure he was being waved at and flagged down and that he would choose bo to sit with is just -- i don't even have words to express it, how grateful i am. >> as a mom, that breaks my heart. i look at that picture, and i'm sure it was hard for you before he met travis to send your child to school knowing he's eating by himself. what was that like before these two met? >> he does have some friends there. so it's not quite every day that he eats alone. but it's -- you know, middle school is hard. those are hard years. i have had a lot of anxiety about sending him to school anyway. but he doesn't seem to mind. he's really got a good spirit about it. i think it upsets me more than him. >> you're minding your own business eating lunch and one of the most famous guys sits down
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next to you. how is that? >> it's so amazing that travis rudolph came to montford and i just saw him and he said, hey, can i sit down with you. i said, sure, why not? and it -- and just like that, we were eating lunch together. and he even signed my lunchbox. >> well, so travis, you see this relationship flourishing? >> definitely. i mean, when i sat down with him, it was just like we clicked from day one type thing. it was just -- you know, just a real great conversation. he's a great person. i mean, i would love to do it all over again. >> yeah, travis, being a football player, you have the ability to change so many lives. so many young kids look up to you. how has this changed you? >> i mean, it changed a lot. i didn't recognize that it would be this big. i mean, it just became really viral. i just wanted to become aware that everybody is the same. you know, one man can make a
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difference. i'm happy to -- that this has been a big thing for everyone in the world. >> well, that's pretty nice. does this make you feel better about school? >> much better about school. in fact, yesterday in the cafeteria he was sitting at a table full of girls. he was definitely the -- everybody was cheering for him and applauding and he had a sea -- a table full of people. so that made me happy. >> bo, how has your life changed after meeting travis? >> well, it was kind of like -- it was kind of like me sitting on a rainbow. it was like i could picture it in my mind. me sitting with travis rudolph, and all my friends. >> oh. >> it happened and you even have -- you have a lunchbox to prove it. travis, best of luck this
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season. bo, thanks so much and leah, thanks for sharing the story and most of all the pictures. everyone gets to hear about the soon to be the most popular kid in school. >> thank you so much. thanks. >> thank you all. god bless you, travis, thank you for changing his life. he'll never forget that. >> i won't doubt he'll drop a pass all season. he has that karma. donald trump doubling down on his promise to build that border wall. >> we will build a great wall along the southern border. and mexico will pay for the wall. they don't know it yesterday, but they'll pay for the wall. >> he has details on the website about how they'll pay for it. what do the voters think about that? we have brand-new dials. and we show off our school spirit. we're kicking off football season. my school kicks off tonight. there's something out there.
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donald trump giving a big speech in phoenix last night, laying out the long awaited immigration positions and it followed a visit to mexico. what did the voters think of this? lee carter is a partner at maslansky & partners and she put it to the dial test. >> great to be here. >> we'll play a couple of clips and tell us what the voters thought. this is trump on the wall. >> we will build a great wall along the southern border. [ crowd chants build the wall, build the wall ] and mexico will pay for the wall. believe me. 100%.
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they don't know it yet, but they're going to pay for the wall. >> so -- >> interesting. >> so you can see there the republicans the red line, off the charts. a great speech for donald trump. gave it an "a." the independents gave it a "b," it was a dip at the end. the democrats gave it a "f." the wall is the most controversial dividing line. >> not for the wall. unless it's around the white house. interesting. here's something that donald trump said i have never heard say running for president. listen to this. >> it's our right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants that we think are the likeliest to thrive and flourish and love us. >> so you can see there again republicans gave it an "a." independents a "b." what's most surprising to me even democrats gave it a c-minus.
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most times as soon as donald trump opens his mouth, the dial goes to the floor. but they were willing to give him a pass here and willing to listen to him. you can see at the end there it tailed off. that's because the people were going back to 50. even democrats said it was a good speech last night. >> we get to decide who comes here. doesn't seem too controversial of a point. and this is donald trump saying we should sunset our visa laws. >> i believe we should sunset our visa laws so that congress is forced to periodically revise and revisit them to bring them up to date. they're archaic, they're ancient. we wouldn't put our entire federal budget on autopilot for decades so why should we do the same for the very, very complex subject of immigration? >> interesting. >> so again, you can see republicans an "a." independents a "b." democrats a "c." the whole idea that we have to overhaul and fix things, do things differencely. it resonates across the board. >> so the context you're
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providing a "c" from democrats that's as high as he'll get? >> you know whenever you know you're an opposition case the goal is to neutralize, not to win people over and he did. >> interesting. lee carter. thanks for that. >> great to be here. well, we're getting ready to kick off college football season of course. with a little bit of a "fox & friends" friendly competition. but first, we check in with martha maccallum. good morning. >> tucker, good to see you. so donald trump makes a maverick move on both sides of the border as he tries to turn the tide with just 68 days to go in the race for the white house. he's going to try to follow up on that at 9:00 a.m. with another big speech. he'll step in front of the mike with veterans issues front and center so we'll take you there live. donald trump jr., is with us this morning and general michael flynn. they'll react to the speech and tucker carlson will be here and ari fleischer. see you at the top of the hour. .
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look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. ♪ college football season officially kicks off today and tomorrow is college colors day. so wear your college colors. all morning we have been showing off our school spirit. >> yeah. >> well, now for a little friendly competition. ainsley and i are going for a quick run and then -- but first, you're here to tell us about it. >> hi, y'all. >> we just wear our colors tomorrow? >> tomorrow is college color day, to celebrate the pageantry of college sports. we're asking everyone to show your pride, wear your college colors and post across the social media channels, #college colors. >> great.
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will you hold that for me? >> let's go! >> all right. okay. we're ready. >> ready, set, go! ♪ ♪ >> i love it. davy crockett. >> not much of a run. >> i don't know where i'm supposed to be. >> that was a lot of fun. >> come on over. everyone, come on over. how amazing is it from kansas to south carolina, all the way from long island? all these cheer leaders came by
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with the college school spirit. pumped up for a new year? [ cheers and applause ] there's something about football that brings everyone together. >> have you ever been to the southern football game? >> yeah. >> we know how to do it. >> the tailgating is so fun. you can take the date to the game with you, brian. it's the ultimate -- >> i think my wife would be upset. >> most people aren't married when they go to college. >> never know. hey, listen, you had a good time? thank you for coming out. a big wave. special thanks by the way to katherine gammon for coming down from the university of south carolina. >> university of kansas, columbia and trinity. >> most important, trinity. >> back in a moment.
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>> oklahoma high school students were turned away from a usa themed football game when they tried to bring, brace yourself, american flags to the event. >> oh, it was a misunderstanding. of course. >> saying it was the metal poles attaching to the flags that posed the problem. by the way, all eyes are on the nfl tonight. colin kaepernick ahead of thursday night football, got the quarterback expected to make the first start in san diego. it is going to be a salute to the military for the san diego chargers, 200 people will be saluting the people. many in uniform on the field with the huge flag. colin kaepernick will have to sit down through all that because he does not want to sing his national anthem. he probably has a problem with "god bless america." >> guess what, tomorrow in the
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all-american concert series, twisted sister. >> congratulations to the all weather cheerleaders for coming out and the mascots for coming out. thank you. martha: donald trump is about to speak live at the top of the hour just hour after doubling down on his immigration policy. a very fiery speech in phoenix last night. leland: it's nice to be with you. i'm leland vittert in for bill hemmer. trump left little doubt about his hard-line stance on illegal immigrants. >> we'll build a great wall along the souther southern bordd
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