tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 1, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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facebook page and like it. there is so much going on beyond "on the record." so go to my page. i have a special page did i today. good night from washington. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. let's get straight to our top story, donald trump enters the no spin zone we have a lot to get to with the republican presidential nominee. he joins us on the phone from new york hot off his big meeting with president pin i can'pina nietowith mexico. diplomacy isn't as easy as it seems, is it, donald? i think she is taking a little bit of a shot at you. is there anything that you
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learned with president nieto that will help the two countries to work together better? >> well, hillary clinton is wrong. i think we had a great meeting. it was well-covered by, i guess, as much as anybody has ever been covered in one of these meetings. and, you know, i'm not even a president. i guess it was pretty unusual because as a president you get this kind of coverage. although they didn't get as much. as far as hillary is concerned. learning, how has she done in libya? how has she done in iraq? how has she done with the iran deal and all of the other things like she started that horrible iran deal that's now blowing up all over the place, one of the worst deals ever negotiated. for her to be saying that that's just a sound bite given to her by her handlers, she has got handlers. that's just a sound bite. we had an amazing day. i have been given great credit by almost everybody that's fair. i mean, the fair people give credit. the ones that or not. i know what's good and bad. in other words, eric, i will tell you if something wasn't good. you know that. you know me.
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it was a very successful day from the standpoint -- >> -- donald, can you work with him. >> oh, absolutely. >> a, build the wall. b, stop the trafficking, the drug trafficking, the human trafficking going backs and forth? >> absolutely. first of all, it was a very successful day for myself and for the united states. and hopefully for mexico, too. we can absolutely work with them. and we have to stop the drug trafficking, the human trafficking. you look at what's happening at the border, it's incredible. and the wall will get built. and, in fact, that was sort of acknowledged if you look at the statement. and he disagrees on who is going to pay for the wall. but that's a negotiation and i will tell you that the united states will not be paying for the wall. mexico will be paying for the wall. now, if i become president. now, if somebody else been becomes president, probably it will go right down the tubes like it always does with the politicians. >> i suggested on this show last night after your
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meeting with pin a nieto use mexican neighbors they will defray the cost of building the wall. someone written something up today about. so money seized from drug cartels to pay for that wall. >> there are many ways that they can pay for the wall. you have to understand that we have a massive trade deficit with mexico. a massive, beyond belief. not of china category because china is over $500 billion a year. we have real geniuses doing our negotiating, eric. we have a massive trade deficit that makes the cost of the wall pale by comparison. i have great respect for the president. i thought we got along very well. and you know, it's just really a very early session. we have to see. i think he invited me because he thinks we have a very good chance. and i guess based on the polls that we have been seeing over the last three or four days we certainly
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seem to. >> mr. trump, the state department and even, perhaps, the white house is said to be unhappy with the mexican president for maybe receiving you. what's your message to the state department and the white house? >> well, i don't get involved with that. obviously, the white house is unhappy with it, but they have to go back to, maybe spend more time negotiating the iran deal, which is looking like it's one of the great scams of all time i mean, it's now coming apart. people are learning what's going on and what went into it. that deal, i was watching today, and that deal is just a total catastrophe. and, also, it's emboldening them. when you look in the seas where you see the little boats scooting around our ships and the way they are taunting us and taunting the captain of the ship and you look at what is happening, it's horrible. they are actually taunting us. and, you know, they beat us so badly they are -- they truly feel, again, they feel emboldened by what they did
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with that deal. the thing on top of everything else got 400 billion in cash, in actual cash brought in by boxes. whoever heard of a thing like this? >> 400 million and maybe a billion 7. let's stay on last night though after your meeting with nieto, you delivered a 10 point policy statement on immigration. some hispanics were up in arms. jorge ramos probably one of the more biased journalist around had a really hard time. he was attacking you but also attacking pina nieto. what do you say to jorge ramos. >> i think jorge is a nice guy but i don't do his show. i'm sure if i did his show he would be very happy. the fact is that i can't say how it played from the president's standpoint it certainly played well from the united states. it plays very well from terms of people knowing if i'm president we're going to
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protect our people. if you look at mexican-americans how incredible they have been in this country dry. no, i have gotten very high marks on this. and, you know, we are going to have strong borders. weaver going to stop the drug flow into our country, which is destroying our youth and destroying our -- it's destroying our country. the drugs are in. it used to be certain states were having it worse than others like new hampshire, every time i'm in new hampshire, it's the number one thing on their mind. i just left ohio and drugs are like the number one thing on their mind. you look at what is happening. you look at the overdoses on a daily basis, the police departments can't hardly handle them. it's a very, very sad thing. >> we have to close up the border. the 60,500 border patrol agents endorsed me. and, which was a great honor. first time they have ever endorsed a presidential candidate they told me the wall is a very, very important factor. >> some hispanics have
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pushed back today post speech from last night. give us a reason, tell us why hispanics should vote for donald trump. >> because i'm going to bring jobs back. because we're going to have safety. you see what's going on in our cities and our inner cities. you take a look at the tremendous amount of crime that's happening. i mean, look at some of these inner cities where many, many hispanics are living. you look at the crime where people are being shot and killed just by walking down the street, their children are being killed. and they know that i will stop that so fast. and one of the things in my plan is, as you know, we're going to strengthen the border. we're going to build a wall. we're going to do more than strengthen the border. we're going to make a very strong border. we are going to get rid of the thugs and the criminals and the drug dealers and all of the bad players that are here illegally. that's what we are doing. we are getting rid of them immediately. day one, hour one. we will start the process.
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>> what about the rest? >> no, no, very simple. i think people love. this and a lot of people didn't quite understand it part of the reason they didn't understand it, eric, because we had 15,000 people there yesterday. and they were going wild. you saw that. they were loving it. they were having a lot of -- i think a lot of respect for what i was saying. but they were going wild. you heard the cheering and the standing ovations. it was actually one standing ovation. they stood all night. but they were going wild. what happens is this. we are going to strengthen the border make it really, really strong. we are going to build the wall. we are going to get rid of all of the bad players that are here the gang members, the gang leaders, the drug dealers, all of the cartel people. we are going to get them out of our country because they are causing tremendous damage and crime. and other things. and getting the drugs spread all over the place. they will be gone. after that takes place, which will be a process, and it won't go that quickly but it's going to go as quickly as any human being can do it. after that takes place,
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we're going to sit back, we're going to assess the situation. we're going to see where we are because we'll have people in the country that, you know, that have come in illegally. we're going to sit back. we're going to assess the situation. we're going to make a decision at that time. i want to see, before we do anything further, i want to see how it shapes up when we have strong, you know, i use the word impenetrable borders but how it shapes up. and i think we are getting really tremendous reviews on the plan. >> i got just a minute left and i want to ask you about this because i see you are going to detroit for african-american outreach. what do you plan to do there and what's the outreach statement. >> really just that. we're going to have an african-american outreach. first of all, i have so many african-american friends where they are doing great and making good money. they're living a good life. they have got the american dream going. but you have tremendous numbers of african-americans that have really had a hard time. i mean, beyond belief. and, you know, i read the numbers where you have so many in poverty and the
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crime is horrible and the education is terrible and they live terribly. and i say what do you have to lose? i say to them what do you have to lose? give it to me. i'm going to fix it a lot of people are agreeing with me. what do you have to lose? the democrats and the hillary clintons of the world have done a terrible job. she has been there for 35 years. she has done a terrible job. but the hillary clintons of the world have done a terrible job, eric, i say what do you have to lose? i will fix it and you know what? a lot of people are agreeing. >> we will leave it right there, mr. trump, thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you, eric, thank you very much. >> next on the rundown, reaction to our interview with donald trump. and later democrats won't admit that sanctuary cities even exist. why they could be putting security of all americans at risk. upcoming.
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story. reaction to our interview with donald trump. joining us now from washington, "washington post" reporter aaron blake along with a.b. stoddard, associate editor at real clear politics. a.b., start with you, one of the things that jumped out i wanted to ask about the deportation issue about noncriminals and he said, he clarified his stance, he said well, we're going to wait. we're going to secure the border and wait and see what we have here. >> right. you know, that's really the difference, i think, in what was -- whatever believed was trump's immigration policy and what he articulated last night. is he going to get rid of the criminals first. that's basically what the obama ha administration has been doing. and he is not going to send people who are here who entered the country illegally home by deportation. and that's the big difference. that is a backtrack from a policy that many -- made many republicans, especially up and senate seats and states obama won twice quite nervous. it's a radical plan that a would cost a lot of money.
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>> do you like this new immigration plan then? >> well, i'm not here to -- i assess politics and i'm not weighing in on any policies. i'm saying that what trump did last night wrapped in tough talk shift his policy to something more palatable to something is he trying to bring home in the republican party who has been resistant to him particularly republican women. >> what do you think, aaron, what did you hear? what did you take out of that interview? >> i think what happened here is donald trump over the last couple weeks was considering his immigration position. he certainly backed off of some of the more over the top rhetoric that his opponents have accused him of using in recent weeks. he left open the idea of what he would do with mass deportation. he even kind of seemed to say he might soften when it comes to a path to legal status or at least not deporting illegal immigrants. in the end, it's almost like he decided after all the media was talking about him softening and backing off of his position and flip
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flopping, he just decided, you know what? i'm going to stick with what i'm doing. the speech that he gave last night was very much in keeping with the kind of tone he has had on this issue for a very long time. like a.b. said though, the one key difference was he left open what he would do with noncriminal undocumented immigrants. he basically said we're going to deal with that once we have the border secure, which is a position that, by the way, much of the republican party has embraced in recent years as they have tried to push off the idea of comprehensive immigration reform. >> sure. okay, the other big issue that he starts every immigration speech with this. what are we going to do? we're going to build a wall. he clarified that again. we're going to build a wall and gave a couple of ideas, a.b., on how mexico will pay for it. do you believe him? do you buy it? >> well, again, there are going to be many factors that interfere with a plan to build the wall should he become president. but, the fact that he is
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actually trying to provide detailed proposals of how mexico could ultimately indirect way fund the wall is much more helpful than saying for the past year they are going to pay for it smart politics for him to be specific as he heads into the last 60 at as of the election on a big signature issue where, you know, of course hillary clinton in the debate would say how is he going to pay for it and i think it's smart for him to be specific. >> aaron one of the other things he has been talking about part of his 10-point plan is the illegals who jump their visas, he wants to a force that goes aggressively after that and ties that knot up. your thoughts? >> yeah, this is something that republicans have been pushing for for a while. they want basically to track the visa overstays by matching a rival records with departure records. this is something that costs money and that congress is going to have to approve. they looked at it before and
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it hasn't passed muster. among the many things is he proposing and proposed last night. i think this someone of the more palatable ideas that congress could deal with. >> quickly, i only have about 30 seconds. your thoughts on the pina nieto. i asked him about that. you can work with him? he was very, very pro-mexico. a.b., your first on that. >> well, it's interesting. the fact they got along famously when they were together but fighting famously on twitter ever since. good for trump to take a high risk trip to mexico. he didn't want to confront the president on payment for wall. is he trying to remain diplomatic and plausible to voters on the fence about it. >> very good. aaron, final thought? >> i think the wall issue is kind of cast a little bit of a shadow over the whole thing. i think the evidence of things to come is that trump has said a lot of things in his campaign and sometimes those things are going to come, you know, back to bite
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him to some degree when is he trying to look presidential and trying to move past some of that old rhetoric. got to leave it there thank you very much. up next, the far left ripping donald trump's immigration plan as not serious. trump supporters are firing back. that debate moments away. hey, jesse. who are you? i'm vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. over time, your money could multiply. hello, all of you. get organized at that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6. that's right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music,
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in the impact segment tonight. digging in to donald trump's immigration plan, in ohio today, trump put the hard sell to voters to get behind his proposals. >> last night, i outlined a bold new immigration reform to create prosperity and opportunity for all of our people, especially those who have the least. we will treat everyone with
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dignity and compassion. but our greatest compassion will be for the american citizen. reaction from the left would be swift speech is mean spirited and he doubled down on all the policies he talked about in the past. he went to mexico and while he talked like john wayne last night. acted like winy the pough when he was in mexico. he was pretty meek and quiet. he never even raised for quote who will pay for the wall itself. it tells you that he is not really serious about it. it's not really a serious proposal. >> joining us now with reaction from st. louis, missouri, he had march than, author of the conservative case from trump and from washington bud jackson, a democratic jat gist you want to decipher what trumptrump
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co-was talking about winnie the pee strategy. >> strong businessman full of bravado will do this and that and make mexico to pay. he goes down to mexico and caves like a weakling. that's what happened first thing he said standing next to the mexican president was mexico we are building a wall and the first thing he said last night was and they're going to pay for it. >> yeah, he said that once he went that's what trump does. is he a con artist. when he is mexico he says one thing and in front of voters he says other your thoughts on whether trump is winnie the pooh. >> every time he dominates the name calling starts winy the pooh. yesterday, august 31st, trump became president. the reason is because he did two things in burn day. he looked like a serious manual. a president who went down there. he spoke like a serious
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leader. hillary is hiding out. she hasn't responded to the request. and then he came and laid out a 10 point plan. i mean, no one is responding to the 10 point plan for a conservative like me. it's breathtaking how important that 10 point plan is. things like getting rid of obama's executive orders that are allowing all sorts of amnesty. that's in that plan. and even more importantly, eric, no one is saying that he is actually going to lower legal immigration and this is -- that's a big deal to historic lows in the 10 point plan and why? because he wants jobs and wages for americans. it's an awesome moment and it's going to be huge. and hillary. >> bud, you have to admit, the plan, donald trump calls it bold and new. 10-point plan, the left has been screaming for specifics, bud, now you have got them and now you don't like the specifics. >> they are not specifics. they are a bunch of false promises with no plan to back them up and how they are going to be implemented with no chance of even becoming reality. let's take the wall, for example. >> hold on can i ask you
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this. what's hillary's plan? >> yes, exactly. >> hillary's plan is a pathway to citizenship, which is going to bring. >> that's called amnesty. >> yes. and also called bringing new taxpayers on the roles, saving us money rather than costing us money. it's bringing people out of the dark and into the light. under donald trump's plan more people are going to be in the shadows. under hillary's plan they are going to come out and become productive taxpayers. >> go ahead, he had. >> they're not going to be in the shadows. you have got to read the plan. everify. >> i have read the plan. >> and if you look at that -- if you look at everify, something that you guys say you should want, that means undocumented workers will not be able to work here. guess what, if you can't get a job, and if you get get benefits, welfare and otherwise, you're going to go where? you're going to go home. by the way, we have an n. america an ahistory of this. under eisenhower we sent people back in train cars. we said it's time to go back to your home country. why? not because we don't like them.
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because we like americans first. we want americans to prosper first. >> guys, i have got to go. leave it right there. gentlemen, thank you very much. coming up, democrats are refusing to admit that sanctuary cities even exist. details of the dangerous causing for americans everywhere right after this. hey, need fast heartburn relief? try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. always has to be who sat your desk? phone now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones,
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problem segment tonight how to deal with sanctuary cities. according to vice presidential nominee tim kaine apparently they don't even exist. >> i was a mayor and i was a governor. i trust the voters of communities to hold their mayors and police departments responsible. when donald trump kind of goes after these phantom sanctuary cities and talks about how bad they are, basically what he is going after is police chiefs. and i trust police chiefs in terms of knowing what should be done to keep their communities safer and police departments and mayors a lot more than i trust donald trump. >> despite what senator kaine says there are 300 jurisdictions across the country with sanctuary city policies and that's according to the centered for immigration studies. joining success kris kobach, the secretary of state for kansas. now, chris, you are in topeka. is that a sanctuary city? >> topeka is not a sanctuary city but we have six sanctuary counties in the state of kansas.
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mr. cain needs to do his own homework on his own state. arlington, virginia is a sanctuary city. they are all over the country. and they have been around for a long time. and, you moe, i guess we should define the term. that's where some of the people on the left get confused. there are two types of sanctuary cities. don't ask, and don't tell. don't ask cities are the ones where the cities are not allowed to ask anybody his immigration status. a good example of that is los angeles, also new york city. don't tell sanctuary city is like san francisco where they don't let their police officers tell ice if they find out that they have got somebody in custody who is an illegal alien. and then we have a third kind of a sanctuary county emerging now in the last two and a half years. these are counties that won't cooperate. when ice gives them a phone call and says hey we want to take custody of that particular illegal alien you have just arrested because he has got a rap sheet a mile long and we want to deport him, and these counties are refusing to hand over what is usually a
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criminal to the authorities. the federal authorities, ice. and they are over 200 sanctuary counties in the united states, so it's a huge problem. these aren't phantoms. >> chris, who is they? you say they tell their police not to hand over. they tell their police not to contacted ice. >> yeah. >> who is they, when you speak of they? >> okay. so, sanctuary cities are usually formed by city councils. they take a formal vote and they decide to become a sanctuary city. these sanctuary counties are usually sheriff offices who are making a decision without any input from the voters. and they are doing it because the aclu is threatening to sue them. it's a completely bogus threat. that's why most of the sanctuary counties have emerged not by the vote of anybody. >> that deals with the criminal element of illegals. what about the noncriminal element of illegals? secretary of state, for example, what you are, don't you administer drivers license to everyone in the state? >> in kansas, i don't.
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but some secretaries of state do. but, yeah. in some cities, they are actually trying to give i.d. cards and some states trying to give drivers license to illegal aliens. i'm not classifying those as sanctuary policies. these sanctuary policies provide a haven of protection where, basically, if you are illegal alien criminal, you don't want to be in contact with ice. and you would love to go a jurisdiction where if the cops catch you for some infraction, you're not going to get deported. instead, you are going to be dealt with as a criminal and probably if you are a gang member and it's a low level crime, no one has been killed yet. you are probably going to be released back onto the streets. so, american citizens are literally dying because of sanctuary cities. you just go down the list. in 2008, jamiel shaw killed at the hands of an alien protected by los angeles sanctuary cities. the bologna family in 2008, in san francisco, three members central jikly shot by ramos protected by sanctuary policy. it goes on and on. >> are these criminals, let's go back to the
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criminal elements of the illegals. are they treated differently in the courts of law? >> in some states. in some states, for example, like utah has a statute that says if you are illegal alien, you are presumed not to be eligible for bail. but, in many states, because there's prison overcrowding, and the whole criminal justice system is so clogged with so many cases, what the police departments and the sheriff departments would love to do is just get this criminal out of the country. and that's what ice used to be allowed to do. and was doing much more effectively before the obama administration came in. >> kris, i have got to leave right there. thank you so much. directly ahead, donald trump ramping up offensive on hillary clinton email and foundation scandal. is it making an impact with voters? stay tuned.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. and in the personal story segment tonight, mounts attacks against hillary clinton's foundation and email controversies. donald trump hammering clinton on the campaign trail today as new problems keep developing for her on almost a daily basis. >> in this future, we will
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have an honest government that includes an honest state department, not pay-to-play. [ applause ] >> she probably didn't mention that to you yesterday. [ laughter ] government access and favors will no longer be for sale and important email records will no longer be deleted and digitally altered, which is something they just found out two days ago. bleached. bleached. expensive process. why? why? 33,000 emails, bleached through a very expensive process. you ask yourself, what's going on? >> joining us now with reaction from miami democratic strategist julian epstein and dan bongino, contributing editor at the conservative review and a former secret service agent. you know, julian, trump asks a very good question.
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33,000 emails. we are not only like separated because they were hers, privately, she says, she bleached them. trey gowdy says even god can't bring those back. >> well, this was an off the shelf technology that she used according at least to the public reports. fbi director comey had access to all of these emails. fbi director comey, republican fbi director said there was no attempt, no deliberate attempt to delete any emails there was no deliberate attempt to conceal any of the emails or the content of the emails that she received and made the conclusion that there was no legal violation there. donald trump can continue to make his case. >> there were 33,000 that she did not turn over. >> we don't have -- right. we don't have the information on those. those emails could have come from third party sources. those emails could have been deleted by her attorney. those emails could have been deleted by her attorney. >> dan, if they are so innocuous, why do you delete them to the point to, quote, where even god can't bring
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them back? >> because they are not innocuous. it's stunning to me, eric, that we have on the right, people on the right who are pro-trump and against right. but you have people like julian on the left, it doesn't matter how pathological the lies by hillary clinton get, he will go on a cable channel and defend it eric, she bought a program, whether it's off the shelf or not is irrelevant, designed specifically to wipe clean an email record. and julian thinks oh, yeah, there is no problem with that. i'm sure she was just talking about yoga, julian, you are absolutely right. >> i would suspect, dan, as a former secret service agent that you would have a little better grasp of the facts here. the fact of the matter is the republican head of the fbi, the fbi director said that there was no deliberate attempt to emails. no deliberate attempt to conceal any emails. the emails we will find more likely than not personal emails. >> we can't. that's the problem it was deliberate attempt. it was a successful attempt, in fact, julian, do you
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understand when you go to bleach and go find out that product they are bragging about the fact that they destroyed 33,000 of hillary clinton's state department emails. >> there is nothing wrong with that if they are determined to be personal emails or duplicative. >> can i use that same defense if the irs asks me for same information for tax returns two or three years ago don't worry? personal nothing to see there. >> let me explain the law to you. if you intentionally try to keep from the irs information that they don't have that's h relevant to inquiry that's obstruction of justice. if you are cleeght deleting emas personal in nature. >> taking your word for it we are supposed to take her word for it dan, jump in. >> the fbi director already said. >> dan, jump. >> in listen, julian is just making this up.
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is he just making up what the fbi director said. hillary clinton was given every opportunity -- >> -- is he is on record saying that. >> let's talk facts, julian. julian, you said you wanted the facts. i'm going to give them to you. open up your ears and take the cotton out and put them in your mouth for a second. >> we are waiting for it? >> did hillary clinton ever send information that was marked classified? the answer from the fbi director was yes. did hillary clinton turn over all emails aspirin instructed the answer was no. hillary clinton did not tell the truth. those are two facts, you know, maybe you should think about that before you talk about getting out the facts in the case. >> so, can, let me try to correct you on something. let me try to correct you, daniel, because you clearly haven't studied the record on this. what the fbi director said was in three emails there was information inside the body of the emails that could be considered classified. they weren't marked -- >> -- i thought there was none. now there was three. >> excuse me. >> now there is three. >> let me finish the point. under the law, which you should have a better grasp of, under the law, title 18,
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you have to intentionally take classified information and move it to an unclassified area. the fbi director made the determination. >> that is not true. >> the republican fbi director said there was no intention to take classified and move it to unsecured location. >> that we know of, julian, because there is 33,000 opportunities to do that that we will never know for sure. >> the fbi director had access to all of these emails and made that judgment. >> he didn't. you are spinning it, julian. >> it's on its face wrong. >> i shouldn't yell at you. i like you guys both. thank you very much. up ahead, donald trump vows to impose ideological certification for immigrants trying to come into the united states. we'll take a hard look at that vetting plan in a moment.
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in the factor follow-up segment at the present time, donald trump's vetting plan for immigrants coming to the united states of america. in phoenix last night, trump delivered the most detail to date on his strategy to better secure the country. >> we are going to suspend the issuance of visas to any place where adequate screening cannot occur. i call it extreme vetting, right? extreme vetting. i want extreme. another reform involves new screening tests for all applicants that include, and this is so important, especially if you get the right people and we will get the right people, an ideological certification to make sure that those we are admitting to our country share our values and love our people. >> and a new fox news poll shows how much the issue of security is on the minds of
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registered voters. when asked if the u.s. is safer today than before the 9/11 terror attacks, 54% say we're less safe. just 39% say we're safer. joining us now to analyze from washington sebastian gorka from the institute of world sebastian gorka from the institute of world politics and author of the best selling book "defeating jihad." dr. gorka, let's talk about this extreme vetting plan. ideological certification. help me out here. >> hugely important idea. so, eric, before i had the honor of becoming an american citizen, hi to come to america on the visa waiver program. you fill out a little green form on the plane, and one of the thing it asks you is have you ever abouten a member of the national socialist party of germany. so we're asking people right now, in 2016, if they were nazis. i get it. i get it. but why aren't we asking them if they're connected to al qaeda, to isis, to the muslim
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brotherhood? this is what donald trump is talking about. >> but, doc, i mean, yeah, i'm isis. they're likely not going to say that, right? >> right. but if you lie on a federal form, you're starting a paper trail. it's really important. you've got to make the connection. you've got to find those people who don't share the values that americans share. you've got to look at what they actually have as their guiding ideology. this is a war against a totalitarian ideology, global jihadism. you interview people. you have professionals interview them. you push them, and you find whether or not they share our values. this is part of counterterrorism. this is not just arresting people. it's identifying what values they have before they go kinetic. >> and you better have a staff to go and find out who's telling the truth and who's not. by the way, if you lie on something else, maybe you're lying on that ideological certification question too. donald trump is going to get his
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second intelligence briefing tomorrow at an undisclosed location here in new york city. we're not sure what's in it. what do you think is going to be in it? how detailed will they get? >> well, it really depends on which agency is briefing and who the individual briefer is. but i would expect updates on the domestic isis threat. so what do we have in terms of intelligence, chatter in terms of terrorist potential activity, and i am pretty sure there's going to be some information on what russia is doing. russia has now amassed 100,000 troops on the ukrainian border. so there's bound to be somebody who's looking at the european theater as well, and there could be some other things about china and so forth. but only people in the room with the clearances will get to know, eric. >> who is that, doctor? who gets -- does donald trump go alone? does he bring a small group of people? who gets that clearance? >> he gets to pick, and those people have to be vetted by the briefing agencies. for example, general flynn, i had lunch with him yesterday. he has the clearances.
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former director of the dia, is advising mr. trump. so people like general mike flynn will be in that meeting. >> generally it's just, here our are risk areas. here are hot spots, not what our strategy is to combat any of those. is that accurate? >> yes. it's filling in the candidate on the latest broad-brush intel, not about what we're going to do or the operational details of a response, but things that you wouldn't necessarily read in, you know, "the washington post" or on fox news. something that goes a little bit deeper on global trends. >> just got to watch homeland. usually you can get most of your intel briefing right from that show. dr. sebastian gorka, thank you very much. coming up, the state of the electoral map for the presidential race. we've got new info on each candidate's potential path to victory right after this.
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in the back of the book segment tonight, the state of the electoral map in the presidential race. according to the latest fox news scorecard, hillary clinton has a solid position in the electoral college. but will recent momentum in the polls for donald trump nationally soon push mr. states into his column? joining us now to analyze from charlottesville, professor larry sabado, director of the university virginia center for politics. i'm been hearing it. hillary's path is paved with gold. donald trump has a dead end. >> well, i tell you, you'd much rather be hillary clinton right now than donald trump. i will say this, though, electorally. eric, go back to 2008 at this very moment. just one month later, our economy virtually collapsed, and no one at this moment knew that it was going to happen. so what i'm saying is, you know, you're in the game. you never know what's going to
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happen. events can transform reality. but right now, the electoral college looks to be in good shape for hillary clinton. >> okay. doc, if you take mitt romney's electoral map from 2012 and you put that in donald trump's column, if you just flip ohio, florida, and either pennsylvania or michigan, trump gets to the electoral 270. he gets the 270 and wins. tell me where trump is not getting what romney got. >> all right. he's not getting -- well, i don't know for sure, but north carolina is very much in play. and if anything, clinton is a little bit ahead there. and even some republican officials that we checked with in north carolina agree with that. i think that's big because north carolina is a big electorally important state. and, look, trump is well behind in pennsylvania. he's well behind in michigan. florida is close. ohio is close. >> mm-hmm. so what would the path be? if he does get florida and ohio,
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so it's north carolina and then one of those other two. anything else out there? can he flip a state that's been typically blue for a long time? >> i don't think so unless it's in the rust belt. i mean that's been his original strategy. you look at wisconsin. you mentioned michigan, ohio, pennsylvania. >> he's only, what, four behind in the recent poll in wisconsin? >> the latest poll had him just a few behind in wisconsin. so if you get all of mitt romney's states, including north carolina, and you flip those rust belt states, pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin, and michigan, then you get to 270, yes. >> what does very to do to do that? >> well, he's going to have some luck. and by that i mean something -- >> is it luck, or is it momentum? i mean there was a point where everything was going his way, and some of these battleground states were all in his column or all very close to be in his
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column. >> by that, when i say luck, i mean big events that are not in his control, not in hillary clinton's control, that transform the way people are thinking about politics, whether it's a disaster on the international front or it's, as i suggested, some economic calamity here, and i'm sure there are things i'm not thinking of. but it has to be something big. >> you don't think his trip to mexico was big enough to move the needle? >> no. no. i think that strengthened his base. i don't know that he needed to strengthen his base all that much, but he did it. he strengthened the base. he needs to broaden his base. he's nowhere near 270 because he's nowhere near a plurality. >> dr. sabato, going to leave it right there. thank you very much, sir. before we go tonight, a reminder from bill that his upcoming book killing the rising sun hits bookshelves september 13th. get your preorders in right now. if you sign up for a premium membership, you'll get the book for free. also, don't forget this other
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one, my own best-seller, "wake up america." that's it for us tonight. thanks for watching. i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops right here because we're looking out for you. breaking tonight, new suggestions donald trump could be making the biggest gamble of his 2016 campaign. the question now, will it pay off? welcome to "the kelly file." i'm shannon bream in for megyn kelly. next wednesday, donald trump and hillary clinton will take part in a discussion that's being billed as the first joint candidate event of the general election. nbc's matt lauer will individually question them on national security, military affairs, and veterans' issues in what's being called the commander-in-chief forum. it comes at a crucial time for mr. trump as some top generals have lined up behind hillary clinton, new ones today, raising questions about his support among the milranks. what's more,
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