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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX News  September 3, 2016 7:00am-7:31am PDT

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the show show sounds like. >> more "fox & friends" enjoy college football today. have a great one, everyone. ♪ donald trump preparing to give a big speech in detroit today. but it's a speech resurfacing from president bill clinton about detroit that's really making waves. >> the big loser in this over the long run is going to be serious. this is an enormous opportunity for americans. detroit has 10,000 empty structurally sound houses. the mayor is trying to do an innovative urban homesteading program there. >> so bill clinton says send syrian refugees to detroit to help revive the once booming mort city. donald trump is saying we need to help jobless legal americans
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and halt bringing in refugees from terror hot spots. who's got it right? hi, everybody. i'ming dayen in for brenda buttner. this is bulls and bears. the bulls and bears, gary, jonas, john, along with gina, and danielle. welcome everybody. gary b. you say donald trump has it right? >> he does, dagen. look in the discussion of immigrants taking jobs, you know, a lot of think tanks say well, they don't take our jobs because you know, people wouldn't want to take, you know, jobs in landscaping and maintenance and, you know, maid service because they wouldn't want to get the low wages. and that's true. but in the case of detroit you're right the syrian refugees would work at ultralow wages below minimum wage to get those jobs. trump is right f we said we're just going to do it with u.s. citizens and labor like that,
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detroit would probably have to attract drive up wages to attract people to move. so in that case he does have it right. there are jobs there. the question always is, are there jobs at the price people are willing to come and i will tell you what, since, you know, hillary wants all the government backing that's a great place to put the extra money. >> begin na, the jobless rate in inner cities tends to be much higher than the national average. double digit rate. the poverty rate tends to be much higher, more than double the national rate. so why not give these jobs to americans who need them in the city? >> yeah, that's exactly right. i live in san diego, dagen, and we've taken more of the refugees than any place else in the country and as a result, we've seen many more homeless, many more of these tent cities and it is, i would say, smudging the beautiful reputation that san diego has to some degree.
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but not only that, people are really suffering. let me tell you, i'm a mother of a child with a chronic disease and when you go to hospitals now, the first thing that happens, is they put your child in isolation so that the infectious disease team can come test them and when i asked why, this takes a long time, these children are isolated. when i asked why, we have all of these refugees coming in, we don't know what foreign diseases there. mix that with the illegals and we have a costly but also inhumane problem. that's -- isolation is for prisoners not for children and if hillary is president, this is the new normal. >> danielle, who has it right? bill clinton or donald trump on moving syrian refugees to detroit? >> bill clinton has it right. this who is we are as a country. we brought in hundreds of thousands of cuban refugee, vietnamese refugees. since 9/11, we've brought in 800,000 refugees. even if it's 65,000 as hillary clinton is suggesting. that's a drop in the bucket. many of these people are doctors and lawyers.
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the notion that they will take low paying jobs has no basis in fact. detroit has 670,000 people in it, down from the peak of 2 million. detroit needs a tech face. these people can provide it. >> 90rs of recent middle eastern roaf refugees are on food stamp, 70% on cash welfare. they are relying on the government. >> yeah. and bill clinton was talking about low paying jobs. he wasn't talking about them going to work at the hospital as doctors. that argument certainly doesn't hold water. and why in the world are we talking about putting 10,000 refugees in homes in detroit when we have 50,000 vets that served our country that are homeless right now. this is preposterous. the fact that we're doing something to help the refugee crisis. i went on the united nations refugee agency website before the show, there are 65.3 million people that are displaced right now because of conflict and persecution worldwide. 21.3 mill reason refugee, 10 million are stateless, 33,972
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per day are forced out of their homes because of conflict. when you're talking about dealing with 10,000, that is 99.95% are still out there. why are we not dealing with somalian refugees, 1.1 million there, 2.7 million in afghanistan. this is a band-aid we're doing out there to show the world that we're doing something and by the way, we're spending $17,000 per refugee to get them here before they take social services. that's $170 million that we are spending on these 10,000 refugees while we leave our vets homeless. >> jonas sh. >> i don't think the refugees are besmirching the reputation of san diego. detroit is the place with low housing prices to bill clinton's point unlike san diego where the median home price is probably 20 times what it is in the detroit area. that would make sense to use a place basically a shelf its former glory to put -- if we're going to take in refugees that's the place to send them, not to san diego. as far as the overall economic
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impact, the areas that took a lot of refugees in the past, miami with cubans that came over, economies stronger than they were when the refugees came over there when the place was a burned out not so great city. you could make the case that you can improve a city and go from a decayed structure, a high unemployment area by taking in. >> can we not forget what has happened in europe gary. more than 1 million refugees let into germany and angela merkel admit she is invited terrorism into her country, whether it's sexual assaults, whether it's a pregnant woman being killed with a machete and beyond that we will concentrate all of these refugees in one area. that is essentially multiculturalism where they don't have to assem late and again that's part of the problem that created terror in europe. >> i agree with you, dagen. what i find, honest, annoying
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with all due respect to danielle and welcome to the panel is when someone falls back on the argument of that's who we are, well who -- first of all, i get the general premise. we take in immigrants and refugees. that's well and good. but when we took those millions of people in early in the century into ellis island they didn't -- they didn't say, and here are some jobs for you. no. my great grandparents had to earn their way as did all the asians that came in and all the europeans that came in and everyone else had to earn their way. it wasn't like hey, go to this city and rebuild it. or go build the highways and stuff like that. people had to earn their way. we were welcoming to them, but there's -- a whole argument of that's who we are, that drives me crazy. angela merkel now is feeling that because germany felt the same way, that they had to take them in and now they're facing
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the repercussions. >> danielle? >> okay. to rebut a couple points. number one angela merkel took a million refugees. we're talking about 65,000. the way we do our refugees more considered than the way germany vets their refugees. number two, i'm an immigrant. i have no expectation about handouts. there's no reason to expect any of these syrian refugees will feel the same way. i can see a parallel between ellis island and cuba. >> that's who we are, that's my issue. >> detroit is not a shantytown. guys we're acting like detroit is a third world country right now. the average home price in detroit has gone from 170,000 to 300,000 in 2013. part of a great revival. the president wouldn't let detroit go bankrupt, it did. wouldn't let gm go bankrupt, it did. all the talk about detroit i'm begging trump and these guys to go to detroit and realize there's a city there that is
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starting to do quite well. >> well that's where donald trump is today. gentlemen, ladies, thank you so much. cavuto on business 20 minutes from now. look at who it is. in for neil. what have you got? >> trump tackling immigration. donald vowing to defund sanctuary cities as a report shows they're ignoring government orders. time to cut them off is this disturbing new anti-american propaganda from iran as we're hearing that the administration agreed to secret exemptions for iran. is this more proof the nuke deal is a bad deal. we will debate it. >> we can't wait. up here first a massive storm slamming the east coast after bashing florida's gulf coast. it's not just creating havoc for millions in its path. and lots of holiday travelers. someone here says it's also threatening our already weak economy. next. ♪"all you need is love" plays
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♪ tresiba® ready ♪ this is a fox news alert, live from america's' leaks headquarters in washington. getting word of an earthquake hitting oklahoma, the 5.6 magnitude quake striking 10 miles northwest of pawnee which is in the northern part of the state. no word yet of any damage or casualties, but there are reports that the quake was felt from all the way from nebraska to north texas. of course we're going to bring you more details as they come in. tropical storm hermine remains a potential danger for millions of people this morning. forecasters say it could regain hurricane strength as it churns past the carolinas and moves up the atlantic coastline during this holiday weekend. this is the first hurricane to hit florida in almost 11 years wiping away beaches, buildings, sending trees crashing into homes. it caused widespread power
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outages and it's blamed for at least one death. i'm elizabeth plan -- prann in washington. back to bulls and bears. hermine lashing the east coast, high winds and heavy rains damaging homes and businesses in its way. you say that's why massive storms like this can also damage the overall economy? >> well in the long run because what happens is insured losses go up and if that pattern continues as we've seen recently with a lot of storms going on, then it becomes uninhabitable. the insurance rates they leave the companies or they raise rates so much people can't live in these areas. we're way off that, but there are certain areas of this country that are going in that direction. it's getting unaffordable to have insurance in many parts of florida. it's been ten years since they've had a hit like this, but you don't want to see a permanent change going on. in the short run it's like free money. getting a check from the insurance company, insurance company sells bonds and stocks to get that money, but it can damage the whole economy through
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the whole country about this problem. >> gary b., generally wrecking stuff is not good. >> exactly. i disagree with jonas on this. i think there are negative impacts long and short term. on the long term, the estimates from katrina, for example, was they cut the gdp growth in half. it was growing about 3.5% before katrina and 1.7% after katrina. in the short term an example of a person who owns a restaurant, owns a restaurant worth $500,000, gets a check to rebuild the restaurant for $500,000. that's to jonas' point, all well and good. the customers stop coming to the restaurant because it's not there so that person that owns the restaurant has a total decrease in revenue. that's the problem. people stop going to movies, they stop taking uber, all that stuff and that money doesn't come back. so in some cities like new orleans, you know, maybe we're going to see from the latest in the coast of florida there, a lot of that revenue and potential profit is gone forever and the long-term impact whether
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it's tornado or hurricane, has always now studies shown to be negative to the economy. >> because this is a holiday weekend, gina, this business is lost for good? >> yeah. a lot of it is. i was in alabama when the horrible tornadoes took place that killed more than 100 and i can tell you that people think that fema goes in and takes care and fixes these problems but they're very expensive. yes, but also very slow and in some ways ineffective. counter to most of the things that the federal government involves itself in, this is one place they are supposed to be but perhaps some strategic planning would be in order to predict these disasters and think a little bit more effectively about how that money can be spent on time and below budget because it is very expensive. >> john, the impact on the economy here, an economy that's barely growing in the second quarter? >> yeah. the impact is going to be negative. very smart people like jonas and
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gary have discussed this for some time. that's why the atlantic published a research report on this that covered 6712 cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes from 1950 to 2008 to measure the impact and what they came up with, was that gary b. was right, it always has a negative effect on the economy. now a smaller type hurricane or cyclone will have an effect of say a currency price, but a bigger one like a katrina will have the effect they paralleled it to say a systemic financial failure which is exactly what you saw in new orleans, the same type of economic destruction, so long-term, this is -- this is going to be very bad, from bad to very bad to the economy danielle, what do you say? >> i agree it's taken new orleans to get back to the same number of hotel rooms as it did pre-katrina. ten years is a long time in a city like that relies on tourism. it's a holiday weekend. we saw from sandy, new jersey lost $950 million in tourist
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revenue. new york city lost $1.2 billion. this is not what florida needs at this time. >> jonas, i will give you the final word. >> i'm not disagreeing with the long term point here. it's not good to have bad weather. if you think where the money comes from it's taxpayer money or insurance portfolios liquidated and people can't go to these places but as gary said gets spent somewhere else, new spending in rebuilding from insurance money. i'm not taking as positive, really bad situation like katrina, but ordinary storm leads to an insurance settlement and losses but be a short-term stimulus but bad long term. >> cashin' in over an hour from now. what do you have coming up? >> donald trump says we should choose our immigrants based on their ability to thrive and flourish here. is he right or wrong? nfl quarterback collin kaepernick refusing to stand for the national anthem again. now some are taking a stand
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against his decision. cashin' in, see you at 11:30. >> up here first, after the obama care price spike, the obama care fix, what the administration is pushing now. some say it will make everyone's health care worse. next. for those who can't imagine life without two wheels, allstate offers a genuine parts guarantee, that promises to fix your bike with original parts. talk to an allstate agent about all the things they do to keep riders riding.
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coming up an obama care fix that someone says will put all of us in a bigger fix. did you see why one of our guys says the spacex launch pad
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obama care premiums sky rocketing. insurance companies bolting, more than 2 million americans left scrambling for health coverage. now the government is proposing 14 new rules to try to fix it all. gina, you say forget fixing it.
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we need to get rid of it? >> we need to get rid of it. this is exactly what happens when the government dabbles in the human behavior. the choices we make as consumers in our daily lives. we need to let the free market flow. the problem is, that we have someone applying for the job of president who has zero understanding of free market economics and if we taught this more in our schools economic and civics more in our schools people could understand that competition works and that it is the problem when the government med ls in that. >> you have premium increases in tennessee, mississippi, kentucky, up to 62%. how are the little tweaks going to fix that? >>. >> they're not going to fix it. what we will see is very much what you see in europe, a cash medical service. what you're seeing right now in the united states compared to an insurance medical service. she may be right about the economic fallibility of these guys but politically they were spot on if you want to get something passed.
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give something free to a bunch of people and pass on the costs until late remember different administrations have to worry about it. that's what they've done. try taking something free away from a bunch of people. it's not easy to do. the costs are coming up. this is only insurance reform. we need major health care reform. i don't think we're going to rerepeal it. >> i disagree on one point. hillary clinton understands the free market based on the evidence how much she got paid from wall street on the speeches she gave. but the point is, in medical care, i'm going to say we have a free market and proven a free market can work in health care. it's in plastic surgery. a couple facts since 1992, medical care has gone up, the price of medical care, 118%. price of a physician service is 92%. inflation rate, 64%. you know what plastic surgery prices have increased during the same time, 30%. it shows that the free market works. people are able to out there and look at price and service and
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compare and contrast, they can come up with it. unfortunately, this government doesn't want it for general health care and that's a mistake. >> danielle, higher costs and less choice what people are getting. >> i understand. the thing is that we had problems with health care long before obama care. in 2012 before the main parts of the aca were put into place our per head, per capita cost on health care was 50% higher than the united kingdom which has quote/unquote socialized medicine. we have three systems here. purely government system with the va, we have the sort of new market based systems with these the exchanges and a mixture with private health care as it relates to people who have jobs and their employers pay for it. we have bankruptcy and that's an enormous problem. >> gina's point, it's our choices that are playing a role in the rising costs. our choices, had less children in the past, healthy young people to pay in the system, our choices to be fatter, our choice
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to take drugs in lieu of health care choices to make to not need expensive drugs paid for, these are reasons why it goes up more than inflation. you can't fix magically -- >> in that final word that's why the government is going to tell you what to eat. thanks, guys. thanks gina and danielle. good to see both of you ladies. spacex rocket exploding on the launch pad with facebook's $200 million satellite on it. why is one of our guys still liking it?
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predictions, john, go. >> facebook took a hit with the spacex explosion and jonas, quit trying to friend me. i'm not accepting. i think the stock is up 50% in a year. >> gary. >> dagen, based on friday's report we're not creating a lot of jobs, we are creating a lot of debt.
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american express up 30% in a year. >> jonas? >> when i was [ inaudible ] they didn't have index funds but the vanguard fund the oldest one had its 40th birthday still the best one up 10% in a year. >> younger than you. thanks for joining us. . we will end the sanctuary cities that have resulted in so many needless deaths. cities that refuse to cooperate with federal authority will not receive taxpayer dollars. >> the donald doubling down promising illegal pim grants commit -- immigrants committing crimes will be kicked out and the cities protecting them will see federal funds cut off. i'm elizabeth in for neil cavuto. a new report showing sanctuary cities across the u.s. ignoring thousands of federal requests to turn over criminal illegal immigrants. now trump saying you let them stay, we won't


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