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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  September 7, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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weapons and the path will go very quickly. this is hillary clinton's foreign policy legacy you have got it already happening. our adversaries are chomping at the bit. history shows that when america is not prepared, is when the danger is by far the greatest. we wanted to deter, avoid and prevent conflict to our unquestioned military strength. we have the greatest people in the world. we have to give them the greatest equipment. [applause] the under barack obama and
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hillary clinton, defense spending is on track to fall to the lowest level as a share of the economy since the end of world war ii. we currently have the smallest army since 1940. the navy is among the smallest it has been since 1915. that is 100 years ago. and the air force is the smallest its been since 1947. when ronald reagan left office, our navy had 592 ships. when barack obama took office, it had 285 ships. today, the navy has just 276 ships. the average air force aircraft is 27 years old. we have second generation b-52
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bombers their fathers flew the same plane as they are flying right now. this is not the united states. our army has been shrinking rapidly from 553,000 soldiers to, in 2009, to just 479,000 soldiers today. some decrease and they want to make it smaller. in 2009 our marine corps had 202,000 active marines. today it is 182,000. our ship count is below the minimum of 308 that the navy says is needed to execute its current missions at a minimal level. president obama plans to reduce the army to 450,000 troops, which would hamstring our ability to defend the united states. it takes 22 years on average to field a major new weapons system. in 2010, the united states spent
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$554 billion on non-war based defense spending. in the year, and i have to say, currently we're spending $548 billion a cut of 10% and that number is going down very rapidly, looking into the future unless i become your president. [applause] this reduction was done through what is known as sequester which you all have heard about, automatic defense budget cuts. under the budget agreement the defense took half of the cuts even though it only makes up 1/6 of the budget. so they put it all in defense. as soon as i take office i will ask congress to fully eliminate
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the defense sequester and submit a new budget to rebuild our military. it is so depleted. we will rebuild our military. [applause] this will increase certainty in the defense community as to funding and will allow military leaders to plan for our future defense needs. and most importantly, we will be defended because without defense, we don't have a country. [applause] as part of removing the defense sequester i will ask congress to fully offset the cost of increased military spending. in the process we will make government leaner and more responsive to the public. [applause] i will ask that savings being accomplished through common sense reforms that eliminate government waste and budget
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gimmicks, and that protect, absolutely protect hard-earned benefits for americans. governmentwide, improper government payments are estimated to, seed 1 exceed of $135 billion a year. estimated unpaid taxes is estimated to be $185 billion a year. we can reduce the size of federal bureaucracy through responsible workforce attrition. that is,. [applause] that is when employees retire, they can be replaced by a smaller number of new employees. that's the best way to do it. we can also stop funding programs that are not authorized in law. congress spent $320 billion last year on 256 expired laws. these are laws that are gone.
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spent all of that money. removing just 5% of that will reduce spending by almost $200 billion over a 10-year period. the military will not be exempt either. the military bureaucracy will have to be trimmed down. we have to create that strength and sometimes we have to reduce bureaucracy. it just gets in our way. [applause] early in my term i will also be requesting that all nato nations promptly pay their bills, which many are not now doing. [applause] only five nato countries including the united states, are currently meetings their minimum requirement to spend 2% of gdp on defense. they understand it, they know they have to do it, they can
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afford to do it, they have no respect for our leadership, they have no respect for our country. they will do it, they will be happy to do it. they will be happy to do it. [applause] additionally, i will be, respectfully, asking countries, such as germany, japan, south korea, saudi arabia, to pay more for the tremendous security we provide them. [applause] and they willfully understand. their economic behemoths. they're tremendously successful countries, but we're subsidizing them for billions and billions of dollars. i think they willfully understand. finally, we will have at our disposal additional revenues from unleashing american energy.
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the institute for energy research cites a short-run figure of as much as $36 billion annually from increased energy production. tremendous amounts of money. [applause] tremendous numbers jobs and tremendous amounts of money, and, your electric bills will go down. that is something nice. [applause] using these new funds, i will ask my secretary of defense to propose a new defense budget to meet the following long-term goals. we will build an active army of around 540,000. as the army's chief of staff has said he needs desperately, and really must have to protect our country. we now -- [applause]
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we now have only 31 brigade combat teams or 490,000 troops and only 1/3 of combat teams are considered combat-ready. that's not good for our country. i actually don't even like saying it because plenty of countries are watching us right now, but we'll get it shaped up very quickly. [applause] we will build a marine corps based on 36 battalion, which the heritage foundation notes is the minimum needed to deal with major contingencies. right now we only have 23. we will build a navy of 350 surface ships, and submarines as recommended by the bipartisan national defense panel. we right now only have 276 ships
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and it is not enough. and we will build an air force of at least 1200 fighter aircraft, which the heritage foundation again has shown to be needed to execute current missions. we now have 1113. not enough. we will also seek to develop a state of the art missile defense system. [applause] under obama-clinton, our ballistic missile defense capability has been degraded, at the very moment in the united states and its allies, we are facing the strongest and most heightened missile threat that we have ever, ever had. you look at iran, you look at north korea, you look at
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terrorists, we don't even know where to look. we don't know where to look but believe me, you can look all over. so we are going to do that. we need a form of shield. we want to protect our country. [applause] as these potential adversaries grow their missile programs, u.s. military facilities in asia and the middle east as well as our allies, are increasingly in range with the united states homeland and we are really absolutely, and potentially being threatened, and within two years, we will absolutely have a real threat. they will be able to reach us so easily, the way it's going right now. we propose to rebuild the key tools of missile defense starting with navy cruisers that
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are the foundation of our missile defense capabilities in europe, asia, and the middle east. the obama-clinton administration tried repeatedly to remove our cruisers from service. then refused to modernize these very old, age, aging ships. they're old. they're tired. we will start by modernizing our cruisers to provide the ballistic missile defense capability our nation needs. this will cost around $220 million per modernization as we seek to modernize a significant portion of these 22 ships. it will also mean jobs for our country. jobs for our country. [applause] and that is one of the big benefits. it is called jobs for our country which we desperately need. as we expand our navy toward the goal of 350 ships we will also
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procure additional modern destroyers that are designed to handle the missile defense mission in the coming years. accomplishing this missile rebuild and our military retooling will be a 50-state effort. every state in the union will be able to take part in rebuilding our military and developing technologies of tomorrow. in other words, the workers and the jobs will take place throughout the united states. [applause] in addition, we will improve the department of defense's cyber capabilities, a new threat, a new problem. very expensive and we're not doing very well with cyber. hillary clinton has taught us, really how vulnerable we are in cyber hacking. [applause]
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that is probably the only thing that we've learned from hillary clinton. [laughter] [applause] [cheering] which is why, one of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information. [applause] hillary clinton put her emails on a secret server, nobody knew about, except for the man that was given the fifth, remember? whatever happened to him? where is he? what happened to him? where did he go? he pled the fifth. that is the end of him. [laughter] aye yi yi.
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[cheers and applause] she put her e-mails on a secret server to cover up her pay for play scandals. nothing threatens our democracy when public officials put their office up for sale. we will also -- [applause] we will also make it a priority to develop defensive and offensive cyber capabilities that at are at our u.s. cyber command and recruit the best and brightest americans. [applause] one of my first directives after taking office will be asking that the joint chiefs of staff and all relevant federal departments, to conduct a thorough review of united states cyberdefenses and identify all
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vulnerabilities. we have to do that immediately, including to our power grid, our communication system, and all vital infrastructure. [applause] i will then ask for a plan to immediately protect those vulnerabilities, and then fix them. at the same time -- [applause] at the same time we will invest heavily in offense sieve cyber capabilities to disrupt our enemies, including terrorists who rely heavily on internet communications. [applause] isis is using the internet to recruit. isis is using the internet to intercept and do all sorts of things to our country. we have to be many steps ahead
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of them and we will be. [applause] these new investments in cybersecurity and the modernization of our military will spur substantial new job creation in the private sector and help create the jobs and technologies of tomorrow. that's what we have to do. america must be the world's dominant technological powerhouse of the 21st century and young americans, including in our inner-cities should get these new jobs through training, through education, it will happen. [applause] we must also insure that we have the best medical care, education, and support for our military servicemembers, and their families, both when they serve, and when they return to civilian life.
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[applause] our veterans are not being treated well. our veterans in many cases are being treated worse than illegal immigrants, people that come into our country illegally. our veterans are not being treated well. and by the way, hillary clinton has been doing this for 35 years. now she says she can do it. she doesn't have a clue. doesn't have a clue. [applause] our debt to our men and women in uniform is eternal, always will be. to all of those who have served this nation, i say, so strongly, that i will never ever let you down. [applause]
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we will tech those that protect us. that is very simple. we will protect those who protect us. [applause] and we will follow their example of unity. we will work across all racial and income lines to create one american nation. [applause] together we will have one great american future. our potential is unlimited. [applause] we will be one people, under one god, saluting one american flag. [cheers and applause]
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and by the way, we love our flag. [applause] america will be a prosperous, generous, and inclusive society. we will discard the failed policies and division of the past and embrace true american change to rebuild our economy, rebuild our inner cities. they need help so desperately, and rebuild our country. we will bring back our jobs, and we will not let our jobs go to
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other countries. [applause] we will make america strong again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again, greater than ever before. thank you very much, and god bless you. thank you. [applause] thank you very much. harris: donald trump speaking about his foreign policy proposals and what they would look like with regard to the u.s. military should he make it to the white house and become the next president of the united states. he is speaking with the union league in philadelphia, pennsylvania there, and we've been watching it for 25 minutes or some we had a list of his proposals, so we knew kind of down the line where he would be going. you just heard him, if you tuned
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in right now, venture from the military and talk a little bit about creating jobs in urban city areas. he wanted to make the point, we want to make america, strong, safe and great again is how he ended. kind of an arc there, from the military to the urban and back all around to his vision for america with regard to our safety and national security. this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulk faulkner. host of "kennedy," on fox business, kennedy herself. radio talk show host meghan mccain, meghan herself. republican strategist, lisa booth. today's #oneluckyguy, fox news contributor and columnist for "the washington times." charlie is going to put a hurt on us. hey, you. >> how are you? harris: you're outnumbered. >> i can't think of a better place to be to kick off the general election campaign. harris: doesn't it kind of feel, it has been intense all along, particularly after the conventions but now we're getting into it. i want to remind everybody before we go around the couch
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and talk about donald trump's u.s. military plans where we left off in tampa yesterday with hillary clinton because she fired some shots across the bow. we'll watch that and talk about his answer back. >> he says he has a secret plan to defeat isis but the secret is he has no plan. [cheering] he got into a twitter war with the president of mexico. he is tempermentally unfit and totally unqualified to be president. he is very loose in his talk about nukes. he says he doesn't care if other countries get them. doesn't know why they haven't been used already. i mean, it is so mind-boggling, when i hear these things, i say that can't be true. harris: so i imagined trump's team sitting down and putting out let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, point proposal plan. okay, that was tuesday let's get
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to hump day. how did he do today? >> the most important point on there is the first one where he says that immediately after taking office mr. trump will ask his generals to present a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy isis. what he is doing there, he did a very good job of this, he is saying that he is going to trust his generals to go after isis in a very forceful way. donald trump has impeccable timing. he is very lucky in this respect and that is, that hillary clinton is running for barack obama's third term and as such, he gets to run against her resume'. he gets to run against everything going wrong in the world today. as long as he stays there, i'm going to listen to my generals, as long as he says that he will beat her when it comes to military foreign policy and all that. harris: that is interesting too because you start there. that is exactly where president obama has had so much criticism. the questions whether he listens to the people who are the
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experts militarily. what are your thoughts? meghan: my first thought the best line talking about hillary clinton showing us how vulnerable we are to cyberterrorism. every foreign policy expert i've spoken to, this is the final frontier. this is what is coming next. this woman has shown first and foremost, if you don't follow the rules you can literally put our national security at risk and give our secrets to our enemies. i thought that was very vulnerable or very powerful, excuse me. he hasn't talked about how we pay for anything. i would like a little more policy specifics. it was actually a strong speech a lot of us are asking for him to showcases. i take comfort he would say he would listen to the generals in the first 30 days. harris: as you go down the list what he said, take a peek at that we'll come back. watch this. >> i will ask my generals to present to me a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy isis. [applause]
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this will military warfare, cyber warfare around financial wear fair and idealogical wear wear -- warfare as i laid out in my speech against radical islamic terrorism a few weeks ago. instead after apology that you saw president obama give over and over begin i will proudly promote our system of government our way of life as the best in the world just as we did with the campaign against communism during the cold war. harris: lisa, this time we could literally look, we'll sometimes get embargoed speeches from other candidates, members of congress, whatever, we can look and we knew kind of where he was going. how did he do in terms of filling the gaps? this was just on ought line. >> this is important for donald trump to do, every time
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he gives a substantive and nuanced speech he undercuts hillary clinton's strongest narrative against him, the indictment we heard her lay out. it is about his temperment and ready to be commander-in-chief. when he outlines policy proposals particularly issue of national security of such importance to the american people it helps undercut the line of attack from hillary clinton. what he did was hillary clinton's and president obama's failed foreign policy. syria, iraq, iran and tie in her failures as secretary of state and private email server and clinton foundation and taking money from foreign donations. it was a strong speech, laying out somebody stance and attacking hillary clinton. harris: talking about the islamic state savages, one point president obama taken criticism out of his own mouth said we don't have a complete strategy. he has come back, filled that in
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that it's a top priority to defeat isis but we still don't have that complete strategy. we want to a little bit about the classification rules mr. trump wants to change. enforce all laws relat handling classified information. >> one of the smartest things he can do right now tie her biggest strings in foreign policy, pulls higher than he does in double digits on foreign policy. when he talks about peace through strength, how he laid out the speech, smart thing to tie foreign policy and terrorism together for him. he is undermining her foreign policy credentials tying them to unethical server practice. this is ongoing story as we've seen. emails continue to come out. they're more problematic for her. strategically for him that is -- harris: what we learned from judge napolitano on the couch yesterday, it is not just drip, drip of emails but texture of emails is changing.
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first benghazi. take a look at him talking about the "c" markings, classification markings. donald trump. >> she can't even remember whether she has trained in the use of classified information. she said she didn't know the letter "c" means confidential or at least classified. if she can't remember such crucial events, and information, honestly she is totally unfit to be our commander-in-chief. but i have a feeling she did remember and she does know. harris: a couple of things bubble up for me out of that. for one thing if she thought she would have this vulnerability in her memory, why the heck did she delete 30,000 emails? might have helped to have the paperwork out of hand and known to printing them and giving them away, not giving them electronically? >> what does that say how much worse the material in the 30,000
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emails was. harris: or potentially could be. >> i can't think of any other reason why, to your point i can't think of any other reason why she would have deleted them all. amazing to take ones we have seen and you couldn't have orchestrated scandal that more neatly ties together all the stuff. including her health. those in the media not sure whether we should talk about, the fact they come up in emails so frequently. harris: that is interesting point. >> she brings up issue i wasn't able to remember this i wasn't able to work full hours. you couldn't have created a worse situation. meghan: julian assange on sean hannity last night. he made the point, this is fascinating, i don't know why it making more news, she herself use the "c" in the emails. she is lying or the concussion
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made her brain melt. >> when you create that level of classified information you better know there is system in place. there is in place. julian assange's point we're going to see more proof of that in the coming weeks, if not from the wikileaks trove, then from the emails going to be released by the state department. harris: it was interesting, the narrative that her husband put out that the "c" stood for phone calls coming in, we haven't heard again. i'm sure this will continue on. as we're talking about now, there could be more trouble for hillary clinton with regard to those emails. the new calls now for another investigation into whether she was involved in deleting thousands of her messages andmbr why. that is mylly, question.t by stay close. who's with me? i'm in. i'm in. i'm in. i'm in. ♪ ♪
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email practices asking a federal prosecutor to look into possible obstruction of justice by clinton or her aides which could be the case if they had anything to do with deletion of thousands of her messages. it was handled by a technology firm but congressman jason chaffetz says there may well be more into it. >> there is conference call between the management and engineer at platte river networks and the, david kendall, her lead attorney, and cheryl mills, former chief of staff and counsel. less than a week later there is work order to destroy the documents. then suddenly the documents are destroyed. now we know from the fbi there were federal records in there. we do have subpoena authority. we are going to have a series of hearings, based on information we have learned and gleaned since the fbi investigation concluded. and we have a duty and responsibility to do that. kennedy: but clinton brushed off the latest developments of course. >> do you have any concerns that emails were deleted after they were already supposed to be
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preserved? and did you ask for them to be deleted? >> no, of course not. i have no concern on either count, none. neither did the fbi. kennedy: they kind of did, and a non-indictment does not mean non-concern. charlie, i will start with you. here you have cheryl mills overseeing all of this, very curious timeline from the point where "the new york times" publishes a story talking about the server. the next day trey gowdy's select committee on benghazi asks for preservation order. then just a few weeks later, those emails are deleted. what is most problematic for you? >> well, if anybody, if a regular person had done something like that and destroyed that material after getting that, those orders, they would not have not been indicted. there would be no question about that. but you know, the clintons, they have been with us for 25 years. for 25 years they have been talking about conspiracy theories. when did we first hear about the vast right-wing conspiracy? gee, i wonder why there are
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always all these conspiracy theories around them? because they do things like this, they create these situations that raise questions about conspiracies. meghan: can i tell you my favorite. one of her employees destroyed cell phones with a hammer. what is a mafia thing like this? destroying my cell phone with a hammer there. is really, really -- this woman wants to be our president. that is crazy! kennedy: speaks to lack of sophistication. she is directing people to destroy her blackberries with hammers and her server was secure because she had secret servicemembers standing by her bedroom. meghan: can you imagine that conversation -- kennedy: i can't imagine this conversation. >> at this point we shouldn't be asking a question if she is trying to hide anything. she spent reportedly $140,000 out of her on pocket, to set up private email server. deleted tens of thousands of e-mail and used software set up
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so forensically evidence could not be recovered. her aides destroyed phones by hammer. had one phone, 13 phones, five ipads all are missing. of course she was hiding something. her and her aides, reportedly 327 times between the fbi and "judicial watch" said they could not recall anything pertaining to the setting up of the private email server and server. kennedy: of course she was hiding things. slow gas leak for that number of people to be mentally impaired and have inability to remember major facts like that. harris: how many had security clearance to look at material? meghan: that's a great question. kennedy: thumb drive that sent by u.s. postal service that never arrived. lord knows where that is. we don't know where the blackberries are and what information is on there. if james comey is to believed there is classified information on all of those devices. harris: at this point, to me, the big questions are, who else
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looked at it, what kind of clearance did they have, and when are the people potentially doing to talk. if they are not, bryan pagliano cloak of the fifth amendment over them or pleading the fifth i should say, over them, then conceivably there could be a leak somewhere. i'm shocked there hasn't been. that there is this kind of loyalty. i don't know, is there another word for it? kennedy: fear. very good. stunning new revelations about the $400 million sent to iran just as american hostages were released. two new loads of cash we're learning about now. whether that proves it was in fact ransom. ♪ hmmmmmm.....
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a plane-load of 400 million in foreign bills, remember that? that was in january. with two more such shipments, totaling another $1.3 billion. charlie your head will fall off it is shaking so hard. the white house insisted the timing was for leverage, not ransom but gop pushing two bills banning similar payments in future. treasury department downplaying revelations saying the story was reported back in january when the deal was made. all this more than a half dozen iranian ships harassed another u.s. navy vessel in the persian gulf on sunday. that came within 100 yards, that is football length of the uss fire ball. this is complicated. you don't want to get pulled into something. we're seeing so many engagement with the ships. put that aside, what about the cash? >> it is very complicated and also very simple.
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kennedy: like theoretical physics. i think, i don't know. harris: planes with cash. >> if this president believed in american exceptionalism, american leadership in the world, and iran, more importantly, iran believed this president believed that, you wouldn't have problems like this coming up, and you certainly wouldn't have deals like this being made to pay ransom like this, in cash, because it was illegal to actually do it. you know -- harris: why they call it leverage, charlie. >> and it is also why it is a, a bouquet of flowers to donald trump because it's such a disaster. harris: we go from the server in the basement of the secretary of state, to planes of cash with the current president. it is so gangsta. >> silly and utterly ridiculous is it that the obama administration claiming it isn't ransom. iran believes it isn't ran some.
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they shot it for propaganda purposes for and put it out at ran some and other bad actors believe its ransom. iran has done what? taken more americans since the payment was made. that is base level what matters here. further are sent how utterly naive president obama is in the outlook in the sense of thinking that somehow this was still a good deal with iran and continues to -- kennedy: if we are institutional ransom payers, not just iran that is going to benefit from that you have to believe other terrorist organizations including isis are looking towards this. they have already captured many americans whose families have lost their loved ones because they were told they were not allowed to make any sort of deals or ransom payments. you know what does this do for the foreign policy in the future? it's a tough issue that plagues every president one way or the another. the president has botched this so badly. to your point, charlie, if we didn't have a banking relationship with iran why couldn't we wait until we did? you talked about the side deals
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for months and months and months. perhaps there is something in there that talks about solidifying the relationship to make the payments legitimately? harris: seeks how they treat us in international waters, taunting our ships and guns at the head of our men, the sailors, so on and so forth. something in this may deal with that, we don't know. i wasn't kidding when i said gangsta. it is outside of the boundary. what is most important, meghan, in all of this i would think, the american people are thought to be stupid enough to believe anything about this. meghan: whoever can undo this fast enough whenever obama is out of office gets my vote. whoever in the senate can undo this. my grandchildren will feel ramifications of money we're giving to iran now. >> so true. harris: we'll see what happens in november. with the election nine weeks away, joe biden giving hillary clinton advice how to win back voters trust. it is all about the heart, people. show your heart. ♪
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i know more about isis then the apprgenerals do. age. john mccain, a war hero. he's not a war hero, he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i've made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i've had tremendous success, i think... those are sacrifices?
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♪ kennedy: welcome back. one of hillary clinton's most well-known supporters giving her
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some public advice how to earn back voters trust. it is vice president joe biden saying that while much of the criticism of clinton has been veiled and unspecific, she still needs to make adjustment to show voters that she truly cares. listen to uncle joe. >> my advice to hillary always is, open up, let them see your heart. she has the heart. talk about what you care about with some passion and people will see through it. and but, this is going to be, and you know it better than i do, jeff, this could be the most negative campaign in the history of modern politics. kennedy: you know that jeff. basically he is calling her heartless and dispassionate. i think expecting hillary clinton to speak from the heart, like expecting a blackberry you smack with a hammer to bleed. harris: i still love blackberries. meghan: had pleasure of meeting joe biden personally. got to talk with. he is one of those politicians i disagree with everything he stand for, but all of his policies.
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i can't help but love him, i want to have a beer with him. he can be around here anytime. hillary clinton i would not actively want to be near here. this is something you have or you don't, her wild unlikability is why she is i think at thatting. harris: this is some bizarre way of saying joe, you could have had me? you could have had the diet and all good vegetable fruitness. kennedy: he is talk about his strength and assets. he is likeable, passionate person. >> you like him because he is crazy uncle joe. hillary, let your icy heart melt a little bit people might like you. harris: let it go. >> this is problem she has long had. remember the 2008, infamous 2008 debate -- harris: liable enough? >> you're likeable enough. this is long been a problem of yours. she needs to the let icy heart
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thank you out. kennedy: if joe biden were in the race, how different would it be. >> completely different. there is, so many negatives in both, on both sides. a guy like that anybody that didn't have the negatives would be probably walking away with it. i love of the idea that perhaps maybe joe biden is kind of mocking her right there. the most damning comparison of all of course is comparing her to her husband, who was such a marvelous politician. kennedy: yeah. >> you don't get the sense she likes people particularly. kennedy: especially her husband. harris: what if she does and we have no idea. meghan: she doesn't. there is no way. harris: what if she just is not able to -- meghan: no way. no way. kennedy: do you think she completely stares at her grandchildren? meghan: she walked into the chipolte, i always say it wrong, with the sunglasses on, didn't want to talk to anyone, that is hillary clinton. if you're a candidate, doesn't matter what you're running for,
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you shake hands, meet people. she doesn't like people. kennedy: joe biden would put on visor and apron and gotten the microphone and started filling up, you're exactly right. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. stay with us.
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harris: this has been a fun hour. we're reading ahead on live chat for "outnumbered overtime." they're all over you, charlie hurt. >> thanks for having me. harris: this is going to be good. you're looking down. it is going to be good.
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you are writing your column. >> yes indeed. it is impossible to plan anything more than a few hours ahead of time with so is much news. harris: so true. facebook live, "outnumbered" fnc is our handle. "happening now" starts now.


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