tv The Five FOX News September 7, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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have been more worried about his heart, sometimes there are more important things to worry about than your ego. how's my hair? good night. hello everyone. it's 5 o'clock in new york city and this is the five. did hillary clinton and her staff intentionally obstruct justice destroying evidence in the middle of an investigation and did the fbi know about it and ignore it. bureau notes reveal an i.t. staffer deleted e-mail archives after a benghazi committee ordered all e-mails be preserved. congress will investigate. >> i don't think hillary clinton gets it. the fact of the matter is they did not look at this and the
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house of representatives also gets to look into this. of course we're going to do hearings and get to the truth of this. >> a former fbi assistant director takes issue with how james comey handled the clinton probe. he thinks comey gave the secretary a big pass. >> the fbi director is playing politics. the fbi does not take the most famous, the best law enforcement agency in the world and politicalize it. i think that's the west thiorst he cou should be ashamed of himself and this interview, this interview, why wasn't it recorded and why wasn't there a transcript? why wasn't she under oath. >> there could be more developments in the e-mails. it could be a september surprise. >> it is reasonably soon. we are quite confident about it
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now. we might put out some teasers. i don't want to promise you anything but we have to see how the formatting goes but we might put out teasers next week or the week after. >> so the story not going away. it started out with casting a pal on the fbi on friday. you heard the comments from last night saying this was nae inappropriate, this is putting shame on the fbi which is the world's most famous investigatory agency and there may start to be a bit of leaks of documents coming sooner than we anticipated. >> i'd like to be on record saying i do not support encouraging releasing more american secrets. i think -- hillary clinton should be more transparent. the fbi should not have done this on the weekend. i think that the fbi should release the entire file, just release the entire file because it's going to drip out and instead of allowing all of this
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speculation, you would imagine that james comey, who i think really cares about his integrity and his position and his reputation, probably regrets, i would hope, regrets doing this on a friday and i'm sure maybe the pr people said it will be fine. it's not fine and this is not going to end for a while but i do not think that in any the americans should be relying on julien who released documents that led to several -- we know after at least one or two people that were covert operators who ended up with their lives lost because of these types of leaks. i'm not for encouraging that. i don't see how hillary clinton gets away with this, especially the 13 different devices. that to me -- after she said i used one device for convenience and we've known that hasn't been true for a while, but 13 devices
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that they destroyed with a hammer. i think the chronology is curious. she keeps the e-mails for a long. then the department of state asks for them back. she gives some of them back. then the stories hit about the server. then the e-mails that she returned to state is not a complete list and we find out later that the rest of them were deleted. i don't see how they try to clean that up. i know that the clinton campaign is going to want everyone to move on. i just don't know how we move on until the fbi releases the entire file. >> there's a lot of problems here with it. there's the destruction of evidence, the 13 devices, the loose relationship with the truth saying one device was used, 13 were used and now this constant drip of information of e-mails showing a total disregard for the policies, procedures and then unfortunately we don't have the transparency because they didn't
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do a recording of the interview with hillary clinton and from the notes we know there was very little pushback across examination to lock down the details. >> if she thought she was abc in a line of alphabeticaalphabetic today the congressman said they used the devices on e-bay. >> you can't get them. i tried one time. >> you can't make this stuff up. it's insane how poorly this thing was managed and as dana points out we keep the -- the harder you push, the more e-mails you find. the fbi found 13,000 more e-mails that hillary clinton said weren't ever there but apparently they were. but again i guess we'll never find the 33,000 e-mails. the point being made is if the
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only way you can get it is through an leak. she knew about -- she knew c stood for classified. who is hillary clinton? you're finding out hillary clinton is someone willing to lie to the american people. she's willing to lie to the fbi as well. she has always believed -- the clintons have always believed they're above the law and this is tying up who the clintons are. if you destroy 33,000 -- destroy them. not keep them or hold them with your lawyer, not wait until they get subpoenaed, if you destroy them, you're destroying evidence. there's no question about it. if you or i did that, if the irs wanted some details of some transaction we did, we would be going to jail if we said in advance of that investigation i'm sorry, i destroyed the documents. >> right.
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>> but we're too small. when it's bigger and bigger and massive and has global implications as a presidency would, apparently it's okay. >> she used the bleach and a hammer to clean up the crime scene. great lengths by the secretary of state and her staff to avoid turning over evidence that they knew was potentially needed to further an investigation. i mean that's pretty outrageous from a prosecutor's standpoint. >> it's interesting to listen because i'm still waiting for there to be evidence of a crime. i mean fbi says there's no evidence of any crime, but you guys are upset about the weekend release, you think that the guy who was working for the server company -- >> destroying evidence. >> if she destroyed evidence there would be a charge. there's no such charge. what we see here -- i've had politicians say to me get off your butt, you're a mud raker, all you guys are doing is
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complaining when was this release inn released and why wasn't the fbi more firm with her. this is feeding hillary's thing that these people want to bring me down. so what we get is jason is now a political arm using congress as a political arm of the trump campaign. that's what's going on here. >> juan, we see so clearly now that you explained that all. greg, is this going to be significant? >> it's not just about that laws are broken, it's that in this era of cyber terror these things matter. to have somebody so ignorant about technology. she thinks that hammering your blackberry destroys information, that's look smashing your clock to freeze time. it doesn't work that way. thank god she didn't use carrier pigeons. also the idea of releasing bad news before a holiday, yeah,
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it's not illegal, but it's insulting to the american people and it's obviously an evasive strategy and it doesn't work in any other part of society. a doctor is not going to wait until christmas eve to tell you that you have cancer. that is not what you do in real life and yet somehow in politics and in media they think that we're so stupid that if you do it before labor day we'll just magically forget about everything and on tuesday everything will be different. it may not be illegally, but it's shameless and cynical and wrong. six years ago conservatives were calling for his head and his arrest for the government to do something about wikileaks and now they're cheering him on because he's trying to manipulate the election to hurt the democrats. what if the shoe were on the other foot. what he actually had trump's medical records or trump's tax
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returns, do you think there would be conservative leaders cheering him on? i think not. >> i would hope so. i would hope it would go both ways. it's information that the public should know about candidates they should get it out. james comey released a statement saying defending his timing of the release saying we don't play games, the fbi. maybe the fbi investigator's don't play games, but the timing of the release feels like game playing. >> this is in a memo to the staff saying also he felt this was a prosecutorable case. >> it's old school thinking. i don't think waiting to release things on a friday works anymore anyway. mostly because people general i think 60 or 70% of people get most of their news now -- >> the show is on saturday. that's where i get my news. >> hello. >> just then. >> from social media. they're getting it -- the reason i think some of hillary's poll
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numbers continue to go down is because it's not that people are necessarily watching our show that we appreciate everyone who is watching our show, it's that if you release something on friday, that doesn't mean it goes away and no one hears about it. all weekend long people are on their phones and it's more of an immediate response as well. it sticks in your mind more so even than television commercials, that's what the research is finding. i think this game of releasing things on friday is over anyway. retire it as a tactic. >> then again, you're playing to the fact that because we have so much information that we will forget no matter what, which is somewhat true. the tragedies that would effect us for weeks, we move on in 48 hours. >> or something else happens on the weekend or a three-day weekend a lot of things can happen like a candidate actually being draped in a prayer cloth, which happened this past saturday in detroit, if you remember that. >> i was going to say if there was something substantive in what had been released friday,
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we would have it front and center and we would still be talking about it because i don't think anybody's dump or won't remember what was released. >> i can agree. >> lying about it? >> anyway, what is illegally -- >> that's not enough. >> right. >> is it not illegally that she lied. >> i think that was the great hope that it would hamstring her campaign. >> what about the moral and ethical ethical. >> i think where the media is falling down is nobody's talking about trump actually paying a fine, actually having been found guilty of making a campaign contribution through his foundation that was in violation of the law. nobody says a word. hillary clinton low bar for trump. >> due to the word count i was keeping on you that was the second topic. >> go ahead. >> you just talked about it.
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>> we should talk about it. >> we were talking about it. >> i don't understand how he gets away with bankrupt casinos and not paying contractors, california, florida, elsewhere, new york state and nobody says a word. >> he says if hillary clinton can't release your e-mails i can't release my tax returns. >> hillary clinton is held to one standard and trump if he doesn't trip over his shoe laces everybody says you did pretty well. >> i don't think so. >> it was a $25,000 donation which was paid back and you're talking about the clinton foundation which has raised somewhere around $1.5 billion and some of it under questionable means. >> i think a lot of the appearances, but trump was found to have acted improperly. not just there but in campaign contributions and here in new york city.
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this has been going on for decades. >> have pam bondy investigate hillary. >> let's keep in mind poor palm bondy. she's not one of the state sponsors of terrorism or a country that supports sharia law. it's unbelievable. all right. back to the clinton foundation. ahead, the war over who would do a better job fighting the war on terror. that's next. please stay with us.
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♪ hillary clinton took some new shots at donald trump yesterday in their escalating feud over who will do a better job protecting america. >> when it comes to fighting isis, he has been all over the map. you would have to literally map it out. he's talked about letting syria become a free zone for isis. look at the map, donald. he's talked about sending in american ground troops, not on my watch.
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he's even talked about using nuclear weapons. he says he has a secret plan to defeat isis, but the secret is he has no plan. >> trump of course struck back today and offering new details on his counterterror strategy. >> in a trump administration our actions in the middle east will be tempered by realism. the current strategy of toppling regimes with no plan what to do the day after only produces power vacuums that are filled simply by terrorists. immediately after taking office, i will ask my generals to present to me a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy isis. unlike my opponent, my foreign policy will emphasize diplomacy, not destruction. hillary clinton's legacy in iraq, libya, syria, has produced only turmoil and suffering and death. >> and tonight there's a
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commander in chief forum, hillary clinton is going to speak first. donald trump after her. here's one thing i think is interesting and if i were donald trump i would spend the next couple of hours thinking about how he's going to connect these two dots. when he says he's going to ask the military for a plan, give me a plan within 30 days to defeat isis, but then he says i'm going to use diplomacy, i think what he should do is say i would not just use the military, i would try to find out all the tools across the federal government from a financial standpoint and a state department standpoint to bring that together because otherwise i think you might find he can run rings around him on that issue. >> it's great advice. when you try a broad based approach to destroy isis, it has multiple arms and options. whether you're going to follow the money and cut off supplies, cut off the funding that's
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coming in from oil and what they've been able to get there, go after the infrastructure. isis is actually having officers in charge, printing money, issuing passports and identification, all of that has to shut down to be able to eliminate their modes and means and operations of travel, the routes they use to do their supplies, hospitals that are supporting and taking them in when they're committing these acts of terrorism in addition to use of force on the ground, more assets on the ground to get more real time intelligence, cyber security and hitting them in that way in terms of attacking their means of operation and communications to disrupt. there's a lot of options there and one thing that i'm particularly passionate about is rules of engagement. listen, listen to the people. he says he will give them 30 days to come forward with a precise plan about how to destroy isis. one of the other things we've been hearing today, it's not just about isis. this whole war of radical jihad
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can take on a new name if you do not cut it out completely and try to strangle it by all those means necessary. >> the other thing that was strange in her clip is where she says she's taking pgs ones off the table. she says in that ground troops is not an option so basically it's continuing obama's way of disarming america, which is basically has hurt our diplomacy efforts as well. >> she said two things interesting. regarding isis she says trump's all over the map. that's because isis is all over the map. how did that happen? she says she won't be sending in ground troops, not on her watch. let me get this straight, she is not transparent to the american people, but she's more than transparent to isis, she's willing to let them know what we're not going to do. that has to stop. i listened to trump's speech. it was packed tight. it had a lot of specific which appeals to me. i like hearing all of that stuff. it makes me happy.
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the question is does it appeal these days to everyone else, to the people that either independents or young people? will they watch this forum? 65 years ago men and women understood the risks and the achievements of war and the shared experiences of combat and now the shared experience for so many people are video games and i'm not talking about our military. i'm talking about everybody else that's home that is so distracted and uneffected by the experiences outside our boarders so that when you talk about national security and you talk about defense and terrorism, it doesn't really effect them. that scares me. >> okay. >> i was going to say something about the fact that you have the military piece, which i think -- i'm sorry, i just saw you circled on there. the military support that donald trump has been able to garner and then what she was saying yesterday, which is i have all these officers, but i actually think that below the officer level, i think there is a lot of support for trump.
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>> yesterday the headlines were donald trump got 88 officers to sign on board and then like two hours later she got 95 officers, so they went back and forth. the cnn poll from yesterday, among current around former military, trump has a wide lead. he's up on her by 19 points. here's important what happened today, trump delivered that speech in philadelphia, he tested out some lines and great points. it was packed. he talked about nato. that got a lot of applause. i assume you'll see of that tonight. the military people haven't been as friendly to trump in the past so he had to bring some really favorable lines i'm thinking, i'm guessing a lot of that was tested. he talked about nato paying their fair share. five people are supporting us and supporting the vast majority of nato and then he added a five-point plan, beefing up the navy, military, air force,
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marines as well. that got a lot of applause, but he hit one line and for me it was like look at that. the whole place stood up. he said we are one nation under one got saluting one flag and he got the whole place to stand up. it was a simple line. it underscores the patriotism of trump. tonight will be interesting. >> go ahead. >> i was just going to say when i was listening to all the comments at the table and greg said i'd like to hear the specifics and you referenced a five-point plan this seems like a tailered message on point. it seems to me that he's listening perhaps or at least repeating some of these things maybe from some of the advisors that have been trying to advise
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him on foreign policy, on national security or the military, which also may start to factor in and effect people's opinion that this is someone that won't fly off the cuff but will listen and assemble people for best practices. you know what i'm saying. it's a point of concern. >> 65% of americans think trump has too little experience dealing with foreign policy. when it comes to foreign policy clinton holds a 14 point lead on who would better handle american foreign policy. when it comes to who would better deal with nuclear, people say clinton and not trump. the real issue for me -- terrorism. trump was up by five or six yesterday, but that flips back and forth. what i was going to say is the spandex thing, but i would love some details because remember at one point trump said i can't tell you my plan because then
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political opponents might use it or then it wouldn't be unpredictable and we should be unpredictable for the bad guys but he never reveals the plan. you're switching the topic. >> navy, 350 surface ships. >> you're switching the topic. this is about rebuilding the military that he has condemned and damned as incompetent. i'm amazed that anybody in the military would say u.s. military incompete incompetent. it's the greatest military on earth. he's saying he wants to put more money in the military when in fact what we're talking about is how to take on terrorist and isis and trump says i've got a plan, it will knock them out. now he's saying i'm going to tell my generals to give me a plan in 30 days. >> that was the plan. the secret plan was asking the generals for a secret plan,
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which was brilliant. >> that beats clinton by six percentage points. >> i really don't think -- whoever wins that the military can't can't dievise a plan. if we capture a terrorist, can we take them to gitmo. these decisions have to be mad made at the top before the military can deliver a plan. does it bother anybody, especially on the libertarian side, he's talking about busting through the caps which had cut back on the military budget. i'm for that. i believe that we should spend more money on the military, but libertarians, if you're leaning that direction you think there's too much waste. >> they're probably right. we went through that era of the
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expensive toilet seat from the late '70s. >> what do you think on the budget issue. >> today in philadelphia he tested it in front of a big group because people are ready to have our military beefd up, more money spent on the military. >> peace through strength. >> that was the reagan mantra and philosophy. spend more and beef up the military and don't get into the fight that hillary clinton has voted in favor of, iraq. >> you never win a war by underestimating. >> we don't have enough resources. you have to be able to fight two proposed major areas of conflict. if you had to deal with russia and china in another region and we have a commitment to resources already in the middle east, it's taxing in terms of our -- >> our military leaders do think you could cut the budget. they're talking about reductions in force. >> most americans think --
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>> if you're going to virginia to give a speech you say you're increasing the military. >> i want to hammer home a point which is you know what, you have to have the support of the american people. that's why putting troops on the ground is not popular right now, republicans or democrats and yet with donald trump it's like we're going to go in and kill their families. people don't want that. that's not what americans want. let's switch gears. it's the 15th anniversary of 9/11 approaches a new memorial controversy is growing in new york. a muslim group is offended by two words, islamic terrorists. the islamic organization of the southern tier thinks it's unfairly pointing muslims with a broad brush. the town supervisor says it's not going to happen. do we listen to this islamic group, this group of muslims who say islamic terrorism is
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offensive to them? >> why did they attack? why did these terrorists attack the world trade center? was it a political act? no. was it an act of imperialism to take territory away? no. it was an act based on ideas. where did those ideas come from? islamism. the whole goal is to take over the west, take over the world. no longer calling islamic terror islamic terror. it doesn't change anything. melanoma, you cannot call it cancer, it's still cancer. just because you're changing the language, you're not changing the truth. we know you call attention to it and you actually harm islam because you end up blurring the lines between islam and islamism and radical islam. >> the other side of this argument is that they say they would prefer they put in al qaeda. they said this was al qaeda terrorism, but i don't think there is any argument it was
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islamic. the argument is are you then encouraging bigotry against muslims by putting it in there. >> that's always the argument. >> that's the argument but i appreciate it. i think the truth is the truth. i don't think you want to do things that are intentionally provocative. >> that's the anti-obama idea though. >> what's that? >> president obama would never say islamic terrorism. >> we are not at war with islam. we are not. >> we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. >> the problem is -- so if you listen to jay johnson, the familiar theme which we have heard espoused in some of the rhetoric from president obama and from his administration is one essentially of victimhood that we need the federal government to protect you from injustices and racial targeting whether it's through the use of the doj et cetera, the fbi and getting involved at local levels
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and municipalities and police departments across the country to address and redress some of the injustices that people feel that have happened to them and then what he's saying is drawing a parallel to muslim americans, which i like the point he said, yes, law abiding american muslims that have fought and served this country and are against radical islamic terrorism and terrorists just like we are. that i think is a helpful point, but the rest of it is overbroad. it's not america the punisher. >> i didn't say against islamists. it said islamic terrorists. >> i think that is something that people who are peaceful muslims should be able to differentiate and i think they should run with it and say yeah, that was separate to us. we're not going to change that m mon meant. if there were christians that
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blew something up they would say it was christians. i think naming the enemy, we're not saying muches slims or islaa bad religion, but that did happen. they shouted as they were doing their terrible deeds that resulted in 3,000 americans dying. we have to leave it there. the taxpayer funded university undoes the work of the civil rights movement separates students by their race. an important story just ahead.
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jennifer martinez just gave herself a raise. $253 a month to be exact. by refinancing her mortgage, jennifer was able to put all that extra money back into her home-based business. month after month. helping her pursue her passion and do what she was destined to do... like a boss. buy in. quicken loans. home buy. refi. power. if you think time travel is impossible then you haven't made it to cal state l.a. where they're seg gating students based on color. apparently this new housing was triggered by insensitive remarks made by professors and students. get this, the solution to racism
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is segregation. you know who would agree with that? racist. i don't think this is the unity that we all had in mind so inclusion is seen as some kind of apiecement and the left view separatism to a grievance. conflict resolution is replaced bipolarizati bipolarization. after texpermanent of inconclusion it indulges the worst urges. it's based on the assumption that empathy cannot exist. where do we go from here? as the country splits into facti factions, it only leads in one direction. down and then apart. all right, juan. i go to you for no particular
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reason. >> i wonder why. >> yes. isn't it weird to you that progressives and racists reach similar conclusions, separation? >> i'm disheartened by it. it's all over the country so i see it out in california, connecticut here in the east but you have smaller institutions that are adopting it. oftentimes the black kids and hispanic kids from a different population because they come from poor quality high schools so they're not feeling separated so to be around their peers make it for support. the larger picture cannot be ignored which is the picture you drew, which is you are saying that segregation is a good thing. in my book segregation is never a good thing especially in a diverse society. if you want to succeed in
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america, you better know how to deal with all kinds of people because your boss my be a puerto rico woman. >> i'm your boss mamma. >> that's what i'm telling you. you never know, you might have to sit next to a white guy every day and argue with him. you never know. you got to be comfortable, right? you got to know -- you can't just say i'm only going to deal with people who are just like me. i think in fact that is con descending. i understand you want those kids to feel comfortable and give them support, you can do it for veterans and women, but separate housing? >> that's a wonderful looking tie, juan. is that a con da sending comment? >> no. >> people do seg great by choice. black fraternities and excellentcolleges. >> white fraternities. >> i can't join a sore rorty.
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>> choice is the difference here. i assume segregation is coming mandated. >> it's offered. you don't have to do but it's there. it's a state-funded school. >> i grew up in denver and that was a city to first try bussing to int great the schools. it was hard. i had to get up earlier than walking six blocks to school. that experience helped me be a lot more empathetic, i believe. i feel like we've come a long s backwards. maybe there's more work to do. >> wouldn't the solution be if you believe there's racist attacks, why don't you get the evidence and punish and not just say, look, everybody separate. >> absolutely. i think this is lazy. this is a lazy approach that is
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not making people safer, better, stronger, more fulfilled or hearing their voice and their expression of what they've gone through. have forums. have weekly meetings where everybody gathers in the community center in the dorm, et cetera, to talk about their feelings. make it more inclusive and have people assimilate and work together just like you have to do in real life every day when you walk into different buildings across the country. that's where the growth opportunity is. that's where people are going to understand each other better like we sit at this table and we all come from different background and you learn and you listen and you grow and evolve. >> sadly college isn't real life. they're trying to divorce you from what you will be facing when you're outside. >> a four-day vacation from real life -- four years. i was advanced. >> of course you were. >> four days. >> yes. i credit you on that. the chief diversity officer says they don't want to say you guys
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i've been saying this for years. they need more cheeairs in stor for husbands like me who are left standing while wives are shopping. this next story proves i'm right. a new study shows men spend three weeks of their lives waiting for their wives or girlfriends while the ladies are shopping. i'm sure men say it feels longer than just three weeks. what do you say? >> well, i don't know. i mean it sometimes a little bit creepy if you're in the dressing room and there's all these guys standing right outside allegedly
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waiting for wives and girlfriends. do you really want to bring a guy with you to go shopping? i mean, i guess maybe if they're treating you. >> you mean your husband? >> i don't have a husband right now. >> let me ask the men about this. gregory, does your wife insist you stay there while she's shopping and trying on things. >> not at all, but when i go i try to make it interesting. if i'm trying on clothes, i try to start a conversation with the person in the next dressing room. >> is that right. >> sometimes i'll make -- i'll say this is so hard to get in. >> with your foot tapping. >> sometimes i'll leave messages on the mirror with lipstick. i'll try on really really small articles of clothing just to see if the salesperson will tell me it's too small and then i will accuse them of calling me fat and try to work that into a discount. >> i would bring food into the dressing room and eat a sandwich. >> and then get a stain on it and ask for a discount.
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>> statistics say women care about price and if they get a deal they spend time browsing. men just want speed. we want to get in and out of the store. would you agree. >> the experience is if it's not while do something outside and if it's not nice i'll go. i enjoy the mall on a rainy day or something and we'll split up for a while and i'll meet you back here in an hour and then we'll go around together but i won't go into the stores. i'll stay outside and text or go on twitter or something and wait and kill time. look at some sports scores or whatever and let her do her thing. i'll go. it's a pleasant experience. >> so dana, does peter -- according to the stats, the number one complaint is long lines for checkout. can you say to peter i'm going to go check out. >> he's a great shopper. he's an enabler. if i like something he'll say
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get two. it's time well spent because then i'm happy. he's happy. this is going to go down because online shopping means that you're not going out to the stores anymore. you're buying it there and they send it to you. you get the free shipping. >> the research said woman care that you're able to buy online and return at the store. >> you know why the stores like that because if you return at the store you're likely to buy one more thing before you -- >> one more >> after you have been drinking or taking an ambien. ever shop on ambien? it's amazing. >> so we were traveling along and i wanted the little toothpaste, because at tsa, it
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has to be under 3.2 ounces. and i went on and i went to get 3.2 ounce toothpaste and i ordered toothpaste and it arrived and i had 32 tubes of it. >> oh, my god. >> let me just tell you this, the big surprise is guess what? men spend more on clothes annually than women these days. >> i knew it. >> "one more thing" up next. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424.
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all right. time now for "one more thing." >> it's book day for me. this is amber smith's new book called "danger close." she flew the kiawa warrior helicopter, and this is a really amazing story. i met her and we realized she was actually flying the helicopters that were the security for our flights that went into bagram air force base in december of 2008. so you never know when you'll have a small world experience. i'm honored to have have book. and jasper took a look at it this morning. he couldn't get enough of it. so congratulations to her. she's an accomplished women. if you are a mom or dad and you
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want your daughter to read about this epic journey she had, it's a great book. >> fantastic. and we thank her for her service. really inspirational. juan, what do you have for us today? >> you know, i'm a romantic. >> you are. >> i love wedding pictures. well, take a look at this one. it might be the best photo ever taken at yosemite national park in california. with a picture this great, he shared the photo on the internet asking for help finding the mystery couple. finely they have been identified. they came from australia to california to get mare yesterday. >> she left him for cliff. [ laughter ] >> i would be so afraid to be on the edge of that. >> eric, what do you have? >> so the iphone 7 came out
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today in california. they launched -- take a look, it's beautiful. it looks a lot like a 6 with the upgraded operating system and a second camera option. so price point stays the same, $649. but the ear buds that come with the iphone, for an additional $159, that goes away and you can get wireless air pods. those things look really cool. >> i would lose those. >> i think you get used to having something in your pocket. don't forget, apple has become almost a phone company now. something like 50% of their revenues comes from this phone. >> greg? >> time for this. "greg's disgusting news." i just want to warn everybody, this is incredibly graphic,
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horrifying video. this is the first moment that these puppies, these alaskan malamutes heard music for the first time in their lives. they had no idea what it was. people are sick to their stomachs watching this. it's disgusting. it's going into their ears. they have no idea what's going on. so they just keep moving their heads. >> they look like us when juan talks. >> that's when we hear the dog whistles. >> how cute, right? >> my turn now. so this is a photo of a 5-year-old boy bowing his head outside of his school, very touching and a lot of people love it because the mother shared the story. heather nelson said her son was running late when she noticed him standing silently in front of the doors. he had apparently heard the
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pledge of allegiance starting and stopped in his tracks to recite it outside of the stool and followed with a prayer. she said i'm very proud of him to represent god and our country. that's it for "the five." the two major party presidential nominees go to battle over national security and supporting the u.s. military. while both tout endorsements from flag officers. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. keeping you, your family, and america safe is the focus of the presidential campaign tonight. donald trump and hillary clinton will participate separately in the commander in chief forum in new york tonight. clinton was off the campaign trail today, but put out another list of military leaders said to
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