tv Happening Now FOX News September 9, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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don't you dare, don't you do that. i love the look on his face. >> no, don't. >> i think you get away with that once. have a great weekend. martha: you too. >> and sunday we will remember together. martha: we will. have a great rest of your day, everybody. jenna: first ballots are being cast in 2016 presidential election as early voting begins in the battleground state of north carolina. we are here already. hello, everybody, i'm jenna lee. john: hard to believe. i'm john scott. the race tightening in other swing states. hillary clinton today is trying to refocus the narrative on foreign policy chops meeting today with experts and homeland security secretary michael and form e -- former cia director.
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that's why donald trump speaks before heading to florida, another key trump. john from trump towers in new york city, john. john: let's take a look at some of those polls this came out in the last 24 hours. they might give us an idea how people will vote. let's start there. 47-43 hillary clinton has a 4-point lead over donald trump right now. and that might give us some indication that people who start casting ballots now may give hillary clinton a little bit of an edge. spreading out to florida where things have changed quite dramatically, 47-47. all tied up. it was 46-45 for hillary clinton a month ago, so still pretty close to what it was. look at this, big change in ohio. donald trump now leads 46 to 45
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on the night of august 49-45 lead for hillary clinton. trump has gone up. that's a big change from a month ago when hillary clinton led by 10 points, 52-42. donald trump will be leaving for the summit in washington, d.c. where he's expected to talk about a number of things, first of all, what he believes appointing conservative as judges to the supreme court. he will also be talk about his desire to repeal the johnson amendment which bans religious organization from getting involved in political activities and then he would be talking about school choice. a topic that he unveiled yesterday at a charter school in cleveland. $20billion of federal money administered and give them to
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the state and pass them to parents about $10,000, 10,000-dollar scholarships that they can use to go to schools outside the district, private schools. this is what donald trump said he wanted to do with childhood education with children in poverty yesterday. listen. >> i want every single child in america who is today trapped in a failing school to have the freedom, the civil right to attend the school of their choice. john: so that's what he'll be talking about the summit. the goal for me and mike pence who will be joining him, first time in presidential ticket has appeared at the summit since created. energized social conservative. remember, ted cruz was talking about this up to 18 months, not energized and mitt romney stayed home in 2012. if you can get those people out
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to the poll they could help push a republican nominee over the top. that's the goal for the trump campaign, john. john: interesting to get all the nuggets of strategies. thank you very much. jenna: the race tightness in battleground states, hillary clinton may be eyeing a any kind of strategy, the democratic nominee is the latest person to be featured in blog humans of new york, posts not -- photos as well. i learned that i can't be quite so passionate, i love the waive my arms but apparently that's scary to people and i can't yell to people. this blog by the way became a national phenomena, it's just not about new york and drew a lot of attention and readers as well. why do you think hillary clinton chose now to appear on a blog and talk about the things that she did? >> well, i think you saw in the
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poll numbers that you were just revealing that the race is tightening. donald trump's numbers have start today come up. the campaign realizes that it needs to pivot, friendlier face and we have been hearing from the campaign that they'll be work to go show a positive message about why you should vote for hillary clinton than donald trump. jenna: interesting, that would be a turn from what we saw yesterday when hillary clinton made a speech in north carolina and talked about the things she didn't like about donald trump. but she's been in the public eye for 30 years, how effective do you think this change of strategy can be at this point in the campaign? >> well, you know, i think the american voters are right in the home stretch and people are just now -- many of us have been following for a long time, but many americans are really paying attention and make judgments. at the final stretch she has an opportunity to change minds. jenna: interesting.
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we will see the debate in a couple of weeks. i want to show viewers this poll. we can't help ourselves sometimes. this one was interesting in particular, look at ohio, one of the biggest items gary johnson asking what is aleppo and some saying it's a big gaffe for him. if such a mistake impacts johnson, what happens to hillary clinton and donald trump in cleveland, do you think? >> johnson does pull from hillary clinton than he does from donald trump, that was the last one that i have seen. pulling him out of the equation you see a tighter race in the end. donald trump has to win all of the swing states, ohio, florida, north carolina, and pennsylvania if he wants to get the elect electorate. hillary clinton has to only win a few of those. jenna: who does donald trump have to do to win those votes?
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>> one of the recent analysis is who are the undecided right now, edge-educated white generally, both men and women. the number with women are very low. he has to try to make it add up. he has changed tone and starting to see putting policy positions out there and sort of reaching out to say, hey, i'm not just blunder. i've got the stuff behind the talk. jenna: one has to wonder whether or not the woman's vote is really what hillary clinton is going for with some of the personal stories that she's putting out there as we see today. i want to mention quickly, we are paying a lot of attention to politics but we have to watch the economy. the stock market and the economy are two different things. you see stocks trending downward. it's a pretty big drop and one woppedders why, why is this happening and what do you think the backdrop to the economy means to this election? >> i think what is happening today one of the most dubbish members of the fed, hey, i see
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the sign that is there might be economic growth here to actually have a rate increase in the near future and got everybody worried. general general jenna: that would could be in the next couple of weeks. >> starting the say that the signs are there for rate increase, people take notice. jenna: of course, that would happen before the election, we will see. john. john: >> fox news alert. jay johnson, homeland security secretary is right now in lower manhattan at ground zero and commemorating the return of federal government officers to the trade center 15 years after the terrorist attacks of september 11, 2001. he is telling us that the terrorists did not beat us. let's listen in for a moment.
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>> fiftieth and 51st floors. fema which is also part of dhs occupies 52&53 floors, gsa occupies the 54th and 55th floors. today we mark that return. this is an uplifting occasion. to help us mark this special occasion we are joined by very, very special people. cardinal dolen and mayor de blasio and it happens to be, bill, your wedding anniversary, congratulations. [applause] >> lieutenant governor of the state of new york, mike in this building, gsa administrator. denise turner roth and if you forgive me, there are other lords to which i must way respect. my landlords. [laughter]
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>> the court authority of new york and new jersey, our other landlord, the doris corporation, chair of the corporation is here to talk to us and a host of very special people, distinguished officials, elected officials but two were not meant to be exclusive and distinguished officials. my dhs colleagues, dhs leadership, our workforce and our friends, now before proceeding i would like to have a presentation of the colors by our cbp honor guard and the singing of our national anthem by officer freddie sepulveda. please rise. honor guards, present the colors. john: action in two cities right now. that was jay johnson marking the
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federal government's return to lower manhattan. it was a ghost towb -- ghost town for years. the house is debating right now the 9/11 bill in washington hope to go get that past for the president's signature before the actual anniversary on sunday. martha: big story today new escalations on the korean peninsula. north korea bragging about weapon's test. 1.50 above made earthquake, how the international community is react to go that, as we enter the two-month sprint, we dig into last-minute strategy changes to win over crucial voters. more on that, just ahead i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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i know more about isis then the generals do. john mccain, a war hero. he's not a war hero, he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i've made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i've had tremendous success, i think... those are sacrifices? parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance
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we prepare to mark 15 years since 9/11 terror attacks on the world trade center and herric -- heroic efforts. the white house, however, is not on board. doug. >> there are a few devils in the details. the bill will give them the right to sue governments, the bill was secret pages in the report that found that saudi arabia was complicit some say in the attack. remember that 15 of the 19
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hijackers were from saudi arabia. >> the votes are very overwhelming in fairve. this bill passed unanimously in the united states senate, i think that those concerns have been taken under consideration and i think members are acting accordingly and that's why this bill will pass. >> pelosi adding yesterday that this bill will indeed pass but there are many members who oppose. former un embassador writing in the wall street journal, this is a bad bill that would open a gigantic loophole and that's an argument that president obama used last april when the senate passed the same bill by unanimous consent. he told charlie rose at the time, quoting now, if we open up the possibility that individuals in the united states can
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routinely start suing other governments, then we are also opening the united states to be sued by other countries. the bill is being debated as we speak right now. it's brought up under suspension rules. it would have 20 minutes for debate. we expect a final tally perhaps as early as the top of the hour. 9/11 families are watching and we will try to get to them and get reaction short after the vote is finalized. back to you. jenna: thank you. john: families with young children among the people stranded overnight dangling thousands of feet after a cable car malfunction. details on the efforts to save them and a beautiful memorial and thriving community now stand where there was once nothing but ash and rubble. we will take you on the tour of the new lower manhattan
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reimagined and rebuilt despite the terrorists best efforts against america. 's so hard to be a musician, but i can't imagine doing anything else. now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. i'm always hopping on the train, running all over portland. i have to go wherever the work is. trains with innovative siemens technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. i can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. i'm booked solid for weeks. it takes ingenuity to make it in the big city.
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when finished this would be a 80-story building. in any other city it would dominate the skyline but here it's actually dwarfed by one world trade. >> it's been 15 years since the terrible events of 9/11. i was in the anchor share here -- chair here focusing. >> we saw on live television as the second plane blew into the second tower of the world trade center. now, given what has been going on around the world, some of the key suspects come to mind, osama bin laden. now 15 years later i wanted to take a look at the progress made in and around ground zero since the day terrorists try to bring america to its knee.
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one world trade was the first project finish, the tallest building in the western hemisphere, symbolic 1,776 feet. this new icon on the skyline followed by several other important projects including a new transportation hub, the memorial plaza, the 9/11 museum, trade center towers, 3, 4 and 7 as well as a brand new park. >> when you come out of the subway, you don't know where you are, you see the iconic buildings of new york, the empire state building, immediately gives you a sense of direction, right. now all of the new downtown, tower one, two and three is the new iconic landmark that really lets you see how the sight is being built and orient you anywhere in the city. anybody can build a building but only very special people can work down here and work in the world trade center. people really enjoy working down here.
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they see this as a personal mission. they see this as a historic building, historic opportunity and they're very proud, people are very proud to be working at the world trade center. >> go back 15 years ago to what the terrorist were trying to do with this country. they were going to see us on our backs. >> absolutely, a dream come true. what we have been able to achieve here, what our founder and chairman has been able to do here as a true champion of not just new york city but downtown and of the nation. >> this is going to be quite a building? >> it is. tower 3 of the world trade center. it's a thousand 72 stories. it's 80 floors. it's going to be an office building. >> this will sort of complete the post 9/11 skyline?
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>> this what we wanted to do along with the architect to emphasize that this building along with tower 1, and 7 is a unique landmark of the skyland. >> when you first came down here and, you know, saw what was here, it took more than a year to clear the rubble. >> absolutely. it took a very long time, over 5,000 men and women have worked in the site since 9/11 and to have all of these people work here every day is a sense of joy and for me personally to be able to work here is also tremendous joy, you know, it's a tremendous pride and we are doing this for all of new york. >> america is coming back. >> absolutely. >> we also took a brand-new tour of the liberty park opened last month. >> it's a very special space. acre and highlight of lower manhattan.
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a place of serenity, a lot of con create and steel but there's a lot of green here. to our right here over 7,000 plantings, when we get to the living wall there's over 22,000 plantings, so really we brought life back to this great place. world trade center. >> it's a great place to view the national memorial. >> well, i call it the best-kept secret in all of world trade. when you stand at the edge, you can look down and a very special place to remember those people lost on the faithful day. these were all colleagues and friends so it's very personal to us. [sirens] >> and so many of them made the ultimate sacrifice responding to the event that happened right here. >> absolutely. the emergency workers, you know, i comment how we do our business, we don't run from a
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problem, we run to the problem, they've taught us that. when there's a challenge -- we are very proud of that, that we have been able to show the world and next generation as a legacy how to respond to these evil events. thousands of construction union workers in hot days like this and very cold days and then you have the engineers, government employees and all the private employees working on a personal level, who had a father, who had a mother, who had a loved one lost one in the faithful day. it's really been a gift of god and something that will be a small part of history and that's all we want. we don't want to be names and lights or anything, we want to know in our soul that we left the world a little better than the day we came in.
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john: they're rebuilding a new greek orthodox church to replace the one destroyed in 2001. there's also a new statute honoring american warriors. it's already becoming a place of pilgrimage. >> i see boys come with all sorts of challenges from being in war, and, you know, i almost want to -- i really start to cry because i see what they have given. they have given their all and they thank me, they thank me, please don't thank me, i thank you on behalf of the united states of america for what you've done for us, god bless you. >> then there's the incredible new transportation hub, a grand central terminal for the 21st century. >> the size of this place is what -- >> well, the size but also the beauty and i'm very proud that we've now accomplished something, functionally and
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architecturally and people are coming from all around the world to witness and enjoy it. it's something very special. coming out of the doorkness into -- darkness into light and what we spent on that day was very dark and we had to have something to bring us back to light but we could never forget and that's why the memorial is so important to us. that's a perfect expression because if you think of what people were able to do with huge members of steel that had to hold this up and really make it a piece of art, spectacular whether it be the vatican, statute of liberty, empire state building and you look at how people turned something so long into a piece of art. >> at the far end the u.s. flag. >> we can't forget her and we can't forget this wonderful country we have been gifted to
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live in. god bless us all and we are privileged to be here and we never forget that. the key to the whole thing is resiliency. you're going to have good days and not so good days but the one who finishes the race is the one succeeds. whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. if you remember that, you'll be okay. [music] >> so if vow haven't visited new york city in a while, come pay us a visit. you'll be amazed at the changes n. the next hour we will take a look at the museum in lower manhattan and why people spend so much time there. also an artist tell us about his work and tell us why he paints from the ground zero perspective. an inspiring interview. 1 p.m. eastern time.
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begins 10:00 a.m. eastern. jenna: you were on air that day when those events happened, i can't imagine the reflections for you, here we are 15 years later. can you believe that? >> specially when you go down there and see how much improvement has been made, nearly 3,000 people killed that day, i don't think this day will ever be the same. jenna: absolutely. it's nice to have you shepherd through so many on that day and have you on air sunday when we go through what we call an annual verse ri but has a different meaning. scott: america is coming back. jenna: we are glad that you're at the helm, john. john: thank you. jenna: when it comes to presidential politics and here we are taking in so many different topics, when we see
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i don't want one that's had a bunch of owners just say, show me cars with only one owner find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing it's perfect. start your used car search at john: we are seeing both hillary clinton and donald trump shift their campaign strategies. clinton was under intense scrutiny for not holding press conferences, now she's holding
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them left and right on her plane, tarmacs outside the plane, donald trump was blasted for holding vague policy positions, yesterday we saw him dig deeper on education policy in cleveland s. this a true shift for each candidate or are these sort of hail mary passes so try to win the undecided voters? let's talk about what it all means, author and fox news contributor lynn, chicago and washington bureau chief. have the two sort of, well, changed personalities? >> no, they haven't turned over new skins or new leaves. what they're trying to do, john, is what focus groups tells them are vulnerabilities and perceived particularly by undecided voters. john: are you saying this isn't honest from the heart kind of
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campaigning? >> that would be -- no, no. [laughter] >> not at all. this is addressing weaknesses. if hillary suddenly talks about herself and her feelings, she's trying to come across as less last i -- plastic and less artificial and if donald trump sticks to script, it means that he's trying to show that he's not as hillary says unfit to be president. john: linda, do you agree and if so will it work? >> will it work, i don't know. but it certainly -- what we are seeing is a competition to change story lines that aren't working for them. if i can build on what judy is saying, campaign shift from day-to-day to to do what it needs to do to have the press, the national narrative being
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more favorable to them. hillary clinton was going to get a bigger plane anyway after labor day, her press was going to be on it and this is an easy thing to fix if the biggest rap against her was that she wasn't having press conferences. now she's talking to campaign press more. donald trump, you had to know, kellyanne had to know that you cannot go through a campaign without policy. he's talking about policy. these frankly are minor fixes to major problems in the weeks left to the campaign. john: for instance, judy, we were counting the days since hillary clinton had gotten a news conference. she hasn't had one since christmas. >> 277. >> 277. >> but who is counting? [laughter] john: now that she has spoken to the press outside the plane,
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does that headline, does that clock in the lower corner of the screen, does that go away now? >> i think that goes away although the one-on-one, mini groups are really not a full-pledged press conference but providing more access and that's what counts. the issue of her plasticness, her remoteness, that's a tougher issue for her and the way her face kind of contorts when she's asked about the emails because she's been all over the map on that and she hasn't found a good answer to that a simple bumper sticker. on donald trump on the other hand, as we saw the 15 million that tune intoed the national security forum saw is still lying about his positions. i mean, and he's saying like, you know, women in the military should expect to be raped and generals are trash and barack obama is not a good -- as good a president as vladimir putin.
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he has some heavy-lifting to do too. john: we are going to have to leave the discussion. we appreciate your insides. thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. john: also a quick reminder, donald trump scheduled to speak at the value voters summit at our nation's capitol. you can catch that event live right here on fox news channel. also before all of the latest developments on do not miss on the record with britt tonight 7:00 p.m. eastern time. jenna: north korea claiming it has conducted what it says fifth and biggest nuclear test to date. south korean officials saying the blast called magnitude 5 man-made earthquake. our president condemned the test after flying home from long-week in asia.
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easier said than done. we are going to talk more about this specially since about 30,000 u.s. troops are currently stationed in south korea. john: bomb shell testimony on the -- obama administration cash payments to iran. critics accused the white house of shelling out $1.7 billion in ransom to secure the release of american hostages. according to the next guest, that number might be tip of the iceberg. >> some of that money was sent in cash and that, quote, we had to find all of the strange ways of delivering the monthly allotment. what extractly were the strange ways? did they include cash or gold, other precious metals
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$1.7 billion. the house lawmakers had a hearing investigating whether the amount of money was ransom for the release of those american prisoners. pennsylvania congressman, a republican got into a heated exchange with the state department negotiator over who made the decision to send that cash. >> who can tell us? was it a decision of the united states? >> the condition of the deal was immediate payment. we knew it had economic needs that it had to address immediately and not be addressed by the removal of broader iran sanctions. >> certainly there's other ways to make payment other than middle of the night what appears to be a drug drop. jenna: joining me now the u.s. may have shelled out more than originally thought perhaps as much as $33.6 billion. mark with the executive direct other of foundation with defense of democracy.
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mark, our viewers might have heard the number on a few different programs. we have been dealing with the $1.7 billion number. how did you arrive at 33 billion. >> the transfer of $12 billion back to iran in oil money and then senior official admitted that it was $20 billion and $1.7 billion, worst case scenario, we have green lighted in cash and in gold $33.6 billion. i think that's the worst case scenario. my estimate is more like $10 billion but a massive transfer of cash. >> jenna: when you're talking about gold, what are you talking about?
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>> when obama was in secret negotiations the iranians were transferring gold from turkey, gold bars were being flown from istanbul to tehran. they closed the loophole a year later. cash and gold are two mediums of values that anybody engaged in money laundering or terror financing or drug smuggling wants. this is the way the iranians have been compensated. jenna: there was a note in your report in your testimony yesterday that i wanted to underscore for our viewers. you were scoring the associated press that there's no precedent for the transfer of such large quantity of cash in modern american history. ta takes it to another level. just the context for the money that we are talking about. >> well, that's right. it's a huge amount of money, jenna, you know, that much money
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is very hard to track so the administration claims not the worry, all the money is going to economic development, not the fund terrorism or assad slaughter in syria, but that's ridiculous. reality during the iraq war, the united states transferred $12 billion to iraq to the united states, so the u.s. was using that money in iraq, guess what? that money actually disappeared, there were congressional investigations because we don't know what happened to the money that we were disbursing. it's ludicis and this is fueling terrorism across the region. jenna: you made recommendations of trying to solve this issue. what are they? >> to prohibit the transfer of cash and precious metals to countries that are spate sponsors of terrorism. jenna: you think that you would be an obvious thing that we would never ever do but as laws
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written now it's perfectly allowed by anyone in government? >> it seems to be. the administration can't have it both ways. they're claiming financial embargo that there was no way to transfer in an immediate to get the hostages back. if that's true and it's a financial embargo, how did all the other money get to iran and that's my thesis that a lot of money got cash and gold or the president is not telling the truth and there are other financial channels and we could send this through the financial system which is much more transparent and much per difficult for iranians to violate, the administration can be the have it both ways. jenna: a lot of questions still left on this and we will have you back to talk more about it. thank you. >> thanks, jenna. john: stranded overnight thousands of feet up in the alps, how it happened and how crews rescued dozen offense
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families stuck in the cars. sunday unscore presentation of 9/11 as we mark 15 years of terror attacks on homeland, the special with complete timeline of the attacks, no hosts or narration or commercial interruption. this sunday 9:00 p.m. eastern on fox news channel and we will be right back but grandma, we use charmin ultra soft
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early voting begins today in north carolina. who has the advantage? just 60 days out. >> no one knows, there's so much to talk about. hillary's campaign trying to show candidates the softer side, hope to go improvement dreadful numbers, can it work this time? sandra: the nfl gets in full swing this sunday but will it be about the games or protest and controversy? can we just play some football in. >> play ball. all that at the top of the hour, john. john: we are looking forward it to. see you then. >> thank you. jenna: dozens of passengers trapped after delicate rescue operation. amy has details. amy.
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>> jenna, the mayor said there was never anything fundamental to fear specially the dozens who were stuck overnight dangling 12,000 feet high over europe's largest glacier and there was huge relief, obviously to make land finally. one passenger said he had to close his eyes for a good while and try to think of something else. the caib cars connect the peak in france with italy and the ride gives a panoramic view and meca for skiers and climbers. three wires got tangled up. the company was not able to do so, so the mountain police were called in. the glacier is full and had to
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lower rescue onto an area not larger than a table, strapped passengers on individually. as one put it, it was air surgery. the people, jenna, in the lowest hanging cars were able to get down vertically, the rest had to stay overnight. some rescuers climbed into the cabins with them, others got some power bars and water. jenna: it would be nice to have champagne. thank you very much. quite a story for those folks to tell. john: that would not be a fun night, would it? everybody cuddle up. new next hour of happening now, part two of our special as we return to the sacred ground for a look at the 9/11 memorial museum and what attracts so many visitors to spend hours remembering? we will also hear more stories from the people behind the
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and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is.
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>> we'll be back here in an hour. we hope you will be too. >> absolutely. "outnumbered" starts right now. fox news alert, america. election day already begun with absentee ballot voting in the swing state of north carolina. new polls show hillary clinton's lead shrinking in key battleground states. this is "outnumbered." i'm sandra smith. here today, host of kennedy on fox business, kennedy. also from fbn, co-host of "after the bell," melissa francis is here. radio talk show host meghan mccain joins us. today's #oneluckyguy, there he is, fox news political analyst, co-host of "the five," juan williams. you are certainly outnumbered. >> i certainly am. sandra: good afternoon to you. happy friday. >> i'm the with the lucky guy part.
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