tv Outnumbered FOX News September 12, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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>> we'll be back in one hour. >> "outnumbered" starts now. ♪ harris: let's get this week started with a fine monday this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, host of "kennedy," fox business's "kennedy." from fbn co-host of "after the bell," melissa francis. dem strattic strategist, julie roginsky. today's #oneluckyguy, the furious, the fierce on twitter, editor of "the national review" jonah goldberg is outnumbered. melissa: he is never furious. harris: good to have you. >> clarification. rich lowery is editor of "national review." i'm the lay about that sleeps on
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the couch. senior editor. editor means like you're in charge. that is one thing i don't want to be. harris: you are on twitter. >> i am on twitter. harris: say hi to rich too, by the way. >> i will. harris: hillary clinton on hold. sidelined over a bought with pneumonia. canceling a two-day trip to california after abruptly leaving the ceremony at ground sear roy. the secretary clinton is held up by three people and appeared to be stumbling on the brink of a collapse. her doctor later in the day said she was diagnosed with pneumonia last friday. our own jennifer griffin. you've been near the clinton home near chappaqua, new york. news breaking we can confirm on fox news. bring it to us. reporter: what we can confirm, harris, "people" magazine reported that several people, several senior aides to hillary clinton were felled with a bug in recent weeks.
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they were sick. one even had to be taken to the hospital. we can confirm, some. people, some of her senior aides were sick with a bug but i'm told by campaign aides it is not related to hillary clinton's illness. that she did not catch her pneumonia from those other senior aides. what is interesting is nobody will tell us whether she received an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis of pneumonia or taken to a hospital to confirm the diagnosis. press is really being kept at bay. in fact we're not allowed close to her house. barricades set up by the secret service weeks ago for her protection. clinton, we're told is resting at home and feeling much better today. campaign communications chief jen palmieri responded to criticism from president obama's former advisor david axelrod about the secrecy surrounding clinton's health, admitting,
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quote, we could have done better yesterday but it is a fact the public knows more about hrc, hillary clinton than any nominee in history. clinton's doctor issued this statement last night. quote, secretary clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. on friday during a follow-up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. i have just examined her and she is now rehydrated and recovering nicely. video posted on social media showing aides helping her to the van as her secret service detail opened door after she left the 9/11 ceremony. my colleague rick leventhal was the first to report this. her knees appeared to buckle. she lost a show and stumbled forward toward a vehicle, cutting short a visit to the memorial. 90 minutes she emerged from her daughter chelsea's manhattan apartment noon, smiling, waving. she signed an autograph with a young supporter.
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that is before we knew she had pneumonia. she had extended coughing fit during a labor day picnic in ohio, she and her aides told us she had allergies and taking an antihistamine. it caused her to interrupt the speech and later a press briefing. [coughing] every time i think about trump i get allergic. reporter: i have spoken, harris to, several people in the national security briefing, that forum in manhattan on friday, and they say that they didn't notice anything wrong with her but that was the same day that her doctor, lisa bardoch, said she was diagnosed with pneumonia. later that night she went to the fund-raiser where barbra streisand sang. harris: you shared with us on "fox report" last night and asked her about her alger gist
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and she joked and said she was okay. jennifer griffin, thank you. donald trump real acting to news of hillary clinton's illness. the gop nominee wished his opponent a speedy recovery and can expect the results of his recent physical. >> i hope she gets well zoo. i don't know what is going an. i see what i see. the coughing fit was a week ago, i assume that was pneumonia also. something is going on. i hope she gets well and gets back on the trail and we'll be seeing her at the debate. >> so health is an issue now, right? >> i think it is an issue. in fact, this last week i took a physical and i will be releasing when the numbers come in, hopefully they're going to be good. i think they're going to be good. i feel great. when the numbers come in, i will be releasing very soon, very specific numbers. harris: so as this was breaking yesterday part of our coverage
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was to ask the question whether this would change the narrative about health records released from both these candidates. obviously it is doing that. i saw you tweet last night it sounds like donald trump is taking some good advice. >> that was this morning. i think everyone knows i'm a bit of a critic of donald trump's. that was the smartest, most disciplined thing i've seen trump do in a long time. he has a really hard time learning fundamental lesson of politics, when your opponent is thing themselves into huge amount of trouble, stay out of the way. don't muddy the storyline. the story is about hillary clinton. it's a negative story about hillary clinton. the worst thing trump could have done was overplay his hand this morning. he didn't do it. it was remarkably disciplined thing for him to do. harris: julie, as this was breaking one thing came to mind ben rhodes all those months ago talking about how they looked for friendly reporters to put certain things about the iran deal to. yesterday the nbc pool, everybody was sending out messages, we're pinned in. 90 minutes went by.
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many, many minutes went by not knowing exactly where she was, what happened. fast forward, if this were to be our president is this something we should look at? >> both these candidates are horrible with the protective pool. they both should apply protective pool in. harris: not both candidates had a medical issue like she yesterday. >> another candidate could have a medical issue today. you have a protective pool for this very reason. jonah said, this is best for donald trump. i handled this periboli. for his sake and his campaign's sake, whoever gave him the advice, kellyanne conway. takes her advice. i will be critical of hillary clinton campaign. if she was diagnosed on friday. why come out and say it? what is the big mystery? melissa: i have walking few moan right you no. i have coughed on you. >> sick since the end of de
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they have killed my microphone a lot. harris: you and i talked about the journey that you have taken. kennedy: going to see three doctors to do my job. incredibly irresponsible blaming i it on serious allergies. there are concerns with the medical team treating her or she is very irresponsible. so many questions, i'm sorry not being as sensitive as donald trump right now but i think it is incredibly important to address these things. melissa: go ahead. >> my initial joint if she was diagnosed on friday, not when she thought she had allergies which was friday. diagnosed at friday, take her at the word why not say it on friday? melissa: i don't think we should take her word because her word changed and changed and changed and changed. she had allergies. then she was dehydrated and then she had due amonia. when she made the statement of
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basket of deplorables, her speech was slurring. what is, is she okay. that is what i thought when i watched that video the first time before we saw any of this. they have changed the story again and again. if you were following it live yesterday, they changed it a zillion times. when you discourage inquiry of journalists, that is not, that is not what journalists are b we're supposed to ask continued questions. i think it is right to be suspicious. i think what is going on is worrisome. harris: access is key. if you don't have access. you kind of get shamed if you want to ask about a certain subject. melissa: you're sexist. kennedy: sexist pneumonia. harris: they were calling them conspiracy theories. one of the theories, that the coughing might have been something more serious. that actually turned out to be true. not to give credence to anything. sometimes as melissa saids we are just doing our jobs. >> yeah, look i agree with julie on this it would have been so smart to simply say, oh, she has got pneumonia. people get pneumonia. pneumonia is not symptom of the
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brain tumor that the all the conspiracy theorists say she has. harris: right. >> it is explanation. fundamental problem with hillary clinton isn't her health. it is that this story highlights the secretiveness, deception, the non-trustworthiness. like whenever there is a problem, even if there is no fire they turn on the smoke machine to make everybody think there is fire. harris: is that a sign what she would be like in the white house? >> absolutely. kennedy: why would she change. why would we assume a 68-year-old will change at this point in their life? you're absolutely right. it betrays all these things she is having biggest problem with it. it is not her health. >> who cares she got pneumonia. kennedy: incredibly secretive person who surrounds herself with sycophants one who may have a medical degree. harris: one was not with her. huma abedin been there would things gone differently? she is that person between her and rest of the world. we'll leave that aside.
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another think happening, julie. look at battleground states. there were number flips, nevada, new hampshire and clinton and trump, georgia and florida. clinton running ads in the red state of florida, they're tightening. you have that going on. you have this narrative donald trump is starting with being vigorous and energetic. how she is the opposite. if you say you have pneumonia, is that rom mat tick and give him weapons? >> i would al advise her to do this immediately, release the medical records. i said that on the couch two weeks ago when the subject came up, anybody running between president between now and eterntive, release medical records. we need the medical records. that applies to donald trump. he should do it very quickly. he should. his diet is importt. he looks overweight. do you believe him. do you believe his doctor without medical -- melissa: her health, because she has changed her story four times. >> so has male male no, he
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hasn't changed his story. hasn't said he had allergies an said he was dehydrated and said he was fine and said he had pneumonia. clanked story four times over the weekend what is wrong with her. kennedy: i'm saying we need transparency from both candidates. you're saying oh, no. melissa: everybody release the medical records. >> i don't believe him. i don't believe him. look at his doctors and medical notes. melissa: he is not passing out on the sidewalk. kennedy: quick and easy solution. harris: solutions i love. kennedy: independent medical panel. >> live on television. julie: agreed. >> most viewers on c-span ever. harris: the media couldn't get anywhere near that. we can barely get near her. after 270 days she started talking to reporters, coughing, losing her voice, interesting.
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we'll move on. hillary clinton is partially walking back comments melissa mentioned, she made this weekend calling half of donald trump's supporters a basket of deploreables. trump says the comment is the biggest mistake of the political season. is he right? seattle seahawks locked arms as players across the nation joined in colin kaepernick's national anthem protest. this happening the same day we marked 15 years september 11th. #sense matters. click "overtime" tab on fox news .com slash outnumbered. facebook live. we can't wait to see you there. tweet our handles on the scrine. just like magic.
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trump's supporters deplorables. in israeli media outlet. she said it again on friday night. backlash began in ernest. neck day she walked it back a little bit. saying in a statement, last night i was grossly general is tick. i regret saying half. that was wrong. donald trump reacting this morning on "fox & friends." listen. >> when i heard it, i thought it was not something that was within the realm of possible that she would have said it. and i said to my people, i don't believe she said it. i think you have to check it because there is no way she said this she actually did. she even really doubled up because it was said with such anger and such unbelievable anger. and i think this is the biggest mistake of the political season. melissa: jonah, to me it has to be intentional. i believe everything she said has been vetted and tested, workshopped, everything else you can possibly do to it. this is second time we heard her say it.
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this is one of those things she must be saying at fund-raisers and a lot of different places. is it some way it is working we don't see? they seem very much behind it. >> i think it is one of these things that candidates at fund-raisers, they want to pretend they're analysts and which is really stupid and shouldn't do that. she is trying to play junior pundit. barack obama got into similar problem with the bitter clinger comments with fund-raisers. that happens a lot. melissa: other time in interview. >> you keep saying it in private conversations. you forget i shouldn't say this out loud where somebody would repeat it. that said, i think donald trump is absolutely wrong this is the worst thing she has done in the campaign. i think you're right. this is debate they would like to have. last thing everybody was arguing about her emails. until the health scare. the argument turned into what percentage of donald trump supporters are racists. 50%, that is unfair? what is the right percentage. that is debate hillary clinton
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would much rather have than clinton foundation and email stuff. melissa: julie saying, attacking your opponent's supporters is not a way to get any supporters on your team when you start attacking people supporting the other guy. is that not true? >> that is not true. it jonah is absolutely right. put aside her incident from yesterday which we're talking about that, had not been the case this segment, this show and probably every other show. so now she is having this discussion, not about trump supporters who will never support her anyway. anybody offended by what she said is already supporting trump, right? he last few weeks, last few months trying to appeal to white, college educated voters saying he is not a racist, by giving speeches about how friendly he is to african-american, latino community that is what mexico trip was b that is the what the speech in detroit was b he now by bringing this up -- melissa: are you coughing over there? >> are you getting your sputu
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over here? want to see full medical examination history. melissa: all right. >> the problem for him, we're having same discussion as jonah pointed out about how many of these people are really racist. is it 50%. 45. melissa: feels like romney's 47%, does it not? i was out with a lost hillary clinton supporters who recoiled in horror. they said without prompting, my goodness this is like romney's 47%. kennedy: so es to latch on to. we were talking on the couch with such certainty, hillary clinton stick to the facts and let donald trump screw up and the white house was hers. we talked about that. very simple strategy. now the strategy has completely flipped. she has these gaffs. donald trump is now the one who is more restrained candidate and he is relying on her physical, emotional and political stumbles julie: you're assuming it was a gaffe.
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i don't think it was a gaffe. kennedy: it was a gaffe. it was completely preorchestrated. someone wrote it for her. she latched on to it. easy analogy to make in her brain but still a bad move. harris: i remember at the conventions we were there, people were talking about the fact where would some, not all, not even maybe a huge percentage, some of those bernie sanders supporters who felt thumbed by hillary clinton where would they go. if they're part of this group too, what is she doing? what is she doing. julie: but they're not. harris: some of them may be. i'm not saying large percentage. what is she thinking americans those words, those voters. kennedy: basket of deplorables like binder of women. harris: if she were president, how do you walk that back? julie: are you suggesting, she said they were sexist, homophobic, racist, xenophobic. are you suggesting some of donald trump's supporters are some of those things.
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kennedy: antiracist, what a stance. julie: interesting david duke and whole bunch of deplorables are supporting donald trump and are in ways they didn't support mitt romney. melissa: i don't think it is 45 million people. donald trump is expected to speak soon in baltimore, the campaign will hit hillary clinton hard over the deplorables comment. we'll see if he brings up her health as well live when it happens. meantime new polling shows clinton leading trump by five points but appears she is suffering from an enthusiasm gap. what that could mean with election day less than two months away. also that email scandal that won't go away. three i.t. workers who helped maintain clinton's private server when she was secretary of state ordered to appear before a house committee tomorrow. what will come of that? we'll see.
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kennedy: welcome back. this is "outnumbered." we have less than two months to go in election day, new poll shows hillary clinton leading by five nationally but with warning signs. cbc news "washington post" poll shows her ahead of donald trump with 46-41. she is dealing with enthuse a gap. 46% of trump voters are enthusiastic voting for him while 33% of hillary supporters. they also talk about turnout gap. clinton has advantage of among registered voters but her supporters are less likely to be interested in the election. this shows a possible changes in head-to-head map that reliable blue states that clinton leads in nevada and new hampshire. same poll finding trouble for trump in two red states as well n arizona he leads by one percentage point and by three in georgia. all right.
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i will go to you first, jonah goldberg. what explains this enthusiasm gap? >> fact that both candidates that we have this year the two single most unpopular candidates in american political history. harris: why are they more excited about him, voters say they're voting for him seem to be more charged by his candidacy. >> first of all, hillary clinton is a met at that fiscally dull human being. she is lady who comes up to you says, there is no eating in the library. meanwhile donald trump is exciting. he is a big middle finger to the establishment. a lot of people gung-ho about that. there is lot of populist energy on the right. what all this points to the election will come down to contest of two things. is the enthusiasm for donald trump enough to swamp the fact that he has a terrible ground game set up. or is hillary clinton ground game enough to swamp the fact she is not an exciting person? i don't know the answer to that. kennedy: look at places like nevada and new hampshire. julie, why is the map slipping this way? because most unorthodox,
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unpredictable election in our lifetime? julie: i don't think the map is slipping. the map is what the map always is for the most part. this is the panic people go into a week after labor day. john mccain in this time in 2008 was up by four. we saw how that turned out. jonah made the most salient point here. one thing to tell people you're going to go vote. another thing to actually get to the polls. and to do that you every campaign and take my word for it, i have done it, you need a ground game. you need a ground game and organization to get your voters the polls. gotv, get-out-the-vote is integral part of any campaign. field operation is key to any campaign. you can not win it on earned media. win it with paid media and with a ground game. on both those metrics, forget what your partisan has is. he has no paid media and has no money spending on it. has very weak ground game in sling states. if you're countying on rnc to get voters the poll or counting to the dnc to get voters to the
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polls you're really behind the curve. he needs to step it up. harris: 56 days, right? but first big date will be that debate coming up. kennedy: two weeks from today. harris: we don't know how long it will take her to get back into the groove of things on the cam feign trail. she has president obama kicking into gear on the campaign trail tomorrow for her. first lady michelle obama will be in northern virginia. she will have powerful, high-profile surrogates. do the math. 14 days comes out, she comes out with 32 days left until election day at the debate. her illness and word of this pneumonia, probably more importantly, anybody can get sick, the fact that no one was told, she knew at least for 48 hours. all of that really complicates how perfect she has to be on that stage on debate night now. it counts more than ever because voter turnout is the thing but 100 million people watching that is a thing too. melissa: i have said from the beginning this campaign right now, this race mirrors every race we've watched her run.
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she starts out at beginning, way ahead by insurmountable margin, like bernie sanders, like president obama. and as it gets closer and closer and closer and closer the other candidate who in the beginning had literally no chance whatsoever, like bernie sanders, who we looked, had no idea who he was day he came out, that person comes in, only question of time if they overtake them. in this case we have the variable of trump doing something totally insane but he seems to be under control, whoever handling him seems to have him under control. looks like same pattern. harris: like what jonah said, i will paraphrase, when the other guy's house is on fire you don't take out a bucket of water if you want to watch it burn. he doesn't have to get involved. melissa: bad piling up for hillary clinton. house oversight government reform committee sent to grill three i.t. workers who had to do with secretary of state's private email server including
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bryan pagliano who set up the server. jason chaffetz telling "america's newsroom" there are a lot of unanswered questions. >> this is one of the largest breaches of security in the history of the state department. we have literally tens of thousands of federal records still in question. some are so sensitive in nature, so classified, people can die if people were to read this, adversaries. so we want to know why after preservation orders, after subpoena, these documents were destroyed. who directed them? trey gowdy talks about the triggerman that did use the bleachbit and smashing blackberries. these are more private, low-level folks who took direction from somebody. melissa: so, harris, bryan pagliano had something so interesting and so valuable to say he was given all this immunity. we never heard what that was. harris: he pleaded the fifth i think 125 times in a couple of meetings. my, you know, big question in
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all of this is, and i, we know jason chaffetz, the congressman, has sat right where you're sitting there. is a lot of fire behind his words. but this just doesn't resonate. and becomes less and less about whether justice is served and all of that. it becomes this political ball going back and forth. how do you just get to the facts? >> it is very difficulty point. it is such a murky, foggy thing. people are bored with it. i'm not bored with it. to me obvious obstruction of justice. harris: voters are turned off. >> the story got complicated. a lot of media doesn't want anything to do with it. if you take the politics out of it, grant immunity to everybody, seems to me obvious this is essentially obstruction of justice where they, congress gives an order saying don't destroy anything. and then they destroy stuff. that is all you need to know here. it is outrageous. i think the whole thing is outrageous, we have this mantra, no smoking gun.
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the server is the smoking gun. harris: this late in the game after hours and hours going through documents and emails talking to her and getting her -- waiting for written answers later this month. on the record, off the record, whatever it was with the fbi. we no oath was taken, no notes then but she said this, why are we still finding out smoking gun? kennedy: here is the thing about the smoking gun. i don't think we'll go to a gun store to buy a smoking gun. we have a patchwork of gull elements slowly being pieced together. urn fortunately being down hamhandedly by members of congress not picking their battles judiciously. harris: that is why it is taking so long? >> it is taking so long in one respect. in another they're trying to rush everything before election day. in order for some of these things to make sense, it takes time. melissa: respond to what jonah said. looks like they were ordered not to destroy and then they destroyed. that is pretty simple. julie: jonah is right about everything he said.
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he is right about the other fact, you have a political season and everything that is being done on both sides viewed through the prism of politics and not through the prism of law enforcement. my question is this, let's assume hillary clinton becomes president and assume the house remains in republican hands, will they still continue to investigate this? at which point, does that become a political witch-hunt or become a credible hunt for the truth what happened? let's assume that donald trump wins, which i don't think he will, but let's assume donald trump wins, do they continue investigating this horrible miscarriage of justice in their mind or drop it which case we'll know it was done politically to hurt a presidential candidate of the opposite party? that is what people are thinking. that is the problem with house investigators. you know why i'm being a little cynical about this. you point out jason chaffetz sat on the couch next to me, i asked him specifically would you accept jim comey's findings. yes i will. he didn't.
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next day he turned around and didn't. that's why i'm a little cynical -- harris: ironically we found out the fbi said they had a lot more than he had. >> doesn't matter. he said he would accept the fbi. he never qualified it. he didn't say no qualification this happens or that happens. he was unequivocal. the question to me is, that's why i'm a little cynical about the motivations. my question if this were republican president or presidential candidate would you have a same investigation by jason chaffetz? i'm a little skeptical that would be case. melissa: director of the cia says isis is on the run losing territory and leaders but how much does that matter to a threat that seems to know no borders. how you much safer is the u.s. after 9/11. should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals,
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she walked the comments back a little bit. not real full apology. he may touch on her health after struggles with pneumonia on friday. we just learned that yesterday. we'll watch for mr. trump and take you there live as soon as it begins. harris: now this. new questions today just about how safe the united states is from the threat of another terrorist attack 15 years after 9/11. it comes amid some mixed messages about the islamic state savages. cia director brennan insists the group is on the decline, telling cbs's "face the nation, that quote, the terror group is a failing organization. >> there has been significant reversal of their battlefield successes over the last six to nine months. we have seen they have been pushed out of a number of areas inside of iraq as well as syria. a number of their leaders have been removed from the battlefield. they do not have the same type of control over territory that
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they had this time last year. harris: exhibit a, and now b. the chair of the house homeland committee, michael mccaul offer as very different take and a warning. >> i would say we're still in the highest threat environment since 9/11. >> right now? >> right now. >> for those who say they're safer, you can't say that? >> it's a different threat. i think we're safer in the sense we built an apparatus of security with airlines, with sharing intelligence and that sort of thing but in terms of the numbers, brian, the sheer numbers have gone up with plots against the united states, arrests in the united states. over 100 isis followers and thousands of investigations. harris: so, homeland security secretary jeh johnson explained it kind of like mccaul saying the two things exist. the two things exist. we're safer than we were after 9/11, that style of attack but not against the sympathizers of isis. >> no, i actually don't think
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the two statements are all that contradictory. in terms after land war in the middle east against isis we've made significant progress. in terms of problem of radical islamic terrorists around the world, self-radicalizing people, terror cells, instability in all the countries where jihadis go in to exploit the situation. things will be worries and bad for a long time. i don't like the question are we safer now than we were before because 9/11 alerted us to a problem. we were probably less safe into one year into world war ii. doesn't mean world war ii was not worth fighting. harris: good point, kennedy? kennedy: i look at a little differently. i look at before 9/11 and where we are now. are we safer from our government? how has the national security conversation gone? where are we on civil liberties those are important and ongoing discussions and my fear is especially with these two political candidates political liberties will continue to suffer in the coming years.
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harris: what is intriguing about that though, this whole conversation about how much metadata the united states government was collecting on us. navel gazing with cell phones and it didn't help catch the boston bombers. kennedy: or san bernanadino. harris: it is an excellent question, julie, whether liberty was be at steak. julie: kennedy and i are on the same page about the civil liberties. i will also say, if you read the 9/11 report, governor tom kaine, former governor of new jersey, who led the 9/11 commission, there was absence of imagination. that we couldn't imagine what this attack would look like. we couldn't fathom it. take a plane. fly it into a building right. but we couldn't imagine it. my fear are we still lacking imagination to imagine what the next attack would look like. harris: i can't imagine that, isis videos tapes all the horrible things they do.
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julie: if that is how we're anticipating they will hit us and may be something totally different. who knows. it could be anything. kennedy: go to a rock show and kill 90 people in paris. melissa: our imaginations are running wild what they could do. i think they're all absolutely accurate. i don't think we're as safe. that is not a valid comparison to say versus now and then, that is convenient thing. we've tried hard but haven't addressed the fundamental problem of this group of people that is gaining all kinds of strength that wants to blow up our way of life. and how do you battle back against that? one very first step is going and knocking out the caliphate. there are 1000 steps after that. we have a very long way to go. harris: lasting question, are we fighting the right war? cyber warfare is looming. that is one of the proposals when donald trump spoke last week. we'll move on. it has gone from sitting to kneeling and now raising fists. no letup on nfl players protesting during the national
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hour of "happening now." happy monday. >> hey, harris. we're waiting for a speech from donald trump where we're told he will make news. he is expected to attack hillary clinton over comments she made that many of his supporters belong in a basket of quote, deplorables. health is becoming a campaign issue as we learn that clinton is suffering from pneumonia but we didn't learn about that story after rick leventhal reported and video surfaced that clinton stumbled after she left the 9/11 memorial services early. cease-fire went into effect in syria at noon today, but can it hold after a weekend of more horrific violence? all that and more ahead, "happening now." harris: those images continue to be so stuff around the world. >> absolutely. harris: jon, thank you very much. >> thanks, harris. kennedy: growing controversy after several nfl players used national anthem to protest
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racial inequality on the same stay the nation marked 15 years since 9/11. kansas city chief cornerback marcus peters raising his fist in the area, similar to iconic image from the 1968 olympics as well as two patriots players during a nationally televised game raising their fist right after "the star-spangled banner." before a game in seattle, four members of the miami dolphins taking a knee. players and coaches in seattle locking their arms in a demonstration of unity. harris you were on the air last night as football was unfolding in various cities across the country. what did you see? harris: yes. i checked out the message from douglas baldwin, jr., who is the wide receiver on the seattle is seahawks, the reason his team was doing, watch our message. they have gotten everybody's attention and they're desperate for people to see that psa. okay. that is part of the story. and we do want to get to the rest. what we'll get to right now,
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donald trump just, is starting to speak. let's listen. >> in front of so many distinguished people. i have met more generals than i have ever seen in my life. [laughter]. i like them. they like me. a lost endorsements, i can tell you. my special gratitude to general ashenhurst and general harget and to each and everyone of you. thank you very much. [applause] the national national guard of the united states has defended this nation at war, kept our citizens safe at home, and rushed into danger wherever it has threatened our people. our debt to you is eternal. yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
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the national guard was sent to assist in the aid and recovery, and these are serious, serious bad days for our country. the recovery efforts at ground zero in new york city, and i was there. and i know what you went through. since 9/11, there have been 780,000 members of the national guard deployed overseas, including those with multiple deployments. right now 10,000 members of the national guard are in iraq, afghanistan, and many other countries all across the world and doing an unbelievable job. members of the national guard come from all walks of life. work at every kind of job imaginable. and juggle a thousand different challenges as they raise their kids, serve their states, and answer the call of duty for their country. i am given the honor to serve as
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your president, which i think will happen, and we'll soon find out. [cheering] we hope. and if it does happen i will pledge too give you the resources, equipment and support that you need and you're not getting. [applause] you will have a true and loyal friend in the white house. whether you vote for me or whether you vote for someone else, i will be your greatest champion. i will not let you down. i am running to be a president for all americans, and i've been especially humbled to have the support of so many of our men and women in uniform. [applause]
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all americans, you know what i mean. all across this country i've met so many incredible members of both our military and law enforcement community. there is nothing i have enjoyed more than the time i have spent with our servicemembers, police officers, and also our firefighters and paramedics. these are incredible people. they embody the goodness and decency of our country. i was thus deeply shocked and alarmed this friday to hear my opponent attack, slander,er. >>, demean, -- smear, these people that are supporting our
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campaign by the millions. our support comes from every part of america and every walk of life. we have support of cops, soldiers, carpenters, welders, the young and the old and millions of working class families who just want a better future and a good job. these were the people hillary clinton so viciously demonized. these were among the countless americans that hillary clinton called deplorable, irredeemable and un-american. nobody's heard anything like this. she called these patriotic men and women every vial name in the book. she called them racist, sexist, xenophobic, islamophobic. she called half of our supporters a basket of
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deplorables. in both the speech and in an interview. she divides people into baskets, as though they were objects, not human beings. hillary clinton made these comments at one of her high dollar fund-raisers on wall street. she and her wealthy donors all had a good laugh. you heard them. they were all laughing, good, good, solid laugh. they were laughing at the very people who paved roads, i mean, and these are the roads that she with all of her security drive on. paint the buildings. she speaks in and importantly all of the other functions. i mean if you think all functions in life, including this auditorium and its maintenance. hillary clinton is an insider
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supported by powerful insiders, attacking americans who have absolutely no political power. hillary clinton spoke with hatred and derision for the people who make this country run. she spoke with contempt for the people who thanklessly followed the rules, pay their taxes, and scratch out a living for their family, a hard-earned living too. while hillary clinton lives a sequestered life behind gates and walls and guards, she mocks and demeans hard-working americans who only want their own families to enjoy a fraction of the security enjoyed by your politicians. after months of hiding from the press, hillary clinton has revealed her true thoughts. that was her true thoughts.
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